Power Point Presentation As An Assignment To Improve Language Fluency in A Tertiary Level Class Room of Engineers
Power Point Presentation As An Assignment To Improve Language Fluency in A Tertiary Level Class Room of Engineers
Power Point Presentation As An Assignment To Improve Language Fluency in A Tertiary Level Class Room of Engineers
Lecturer in National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research (NITER),
Department of English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
English language speaking ability is a must for the tertiary level students in Bangladesh and it is one of the key
competencies that they are going to need for a lifetime as after this level they are going to enter into the realm of
employment. This paper aims to show a view of how to improve the speaking skills of English language in tertiary level
taking repeated power point presentation as an assignment to improve their fluency in English language. It is
experimental in nature that involves 280 students who are the subject of this research. This research will provide a needs
analysis sheet that was given to the students before starting the class to understand the needs of the students and after
Original Article
the end of the class as an assessment tool a survey was run and some of the students were selected for an interview so
that the response will be cross checked to demonstrate to what extent power point presentation have benefited the
students after practicing the above activity for a certain time. As the students’ common reply in the needs analysis sheet
was that they want to be a good communicator who have proper fluency while speaking to keep the communication on
going, for that reason one activity which was power point presentation was chosen to make them benefited. The survey
analysis data sheet and also the suggestion list from the students’ part that illustrate the feelings of the students from
which the idea whether the activity practiced by the students for a certain time was effective or not has been recognized.
The result is good, not altogether flawless, but it can be used while planning any activity for other groups.
Received: Jan 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb 18, 2019; Published: Mar 04, 2019; Paper Id.: IJELAPR20194
English is surely not our mother tongue, but unofficially it has taken the status of second language in our
country, so no doubt that we need it for our education and employment. In Bangladesh the medium of instruction
in tertiary level is in English, though Bangladeshi students study English as a second language from class one to
class twelve. When Bangladeshi mainstream students come to Tertiary level they had a different mindset towards
language education especially English. They want to speak in English and have a good command over all the four
skills of this particular language as this is quite mandatory for them to achieve the skills mentioned above for their
employability. Tertiary level students of Bangladesh have a different expectation from the courses they are offered,
after studying English for 12 years in primary, secondary and higher secondary level when they come to the
tertiary level they think that they can achieve the skills of this language overnight. In a public university context in
Bangladesh, where students come to study who are different in their backgrounds, some of them have come from
small towns, some are from villages and some are from well reputed schools and colleges of Dhaka city, so
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consequently they are different in their efficiency level, learning styles and so on. Besides that, these students are different
in their learning styles some of them are very slow learners and some are very quick perceiver, some are visual learners
and some are auditory learners so we definitely can say that a large number of varieties actually existing among these
students. In a language classroom of tertiary level if the students are given opportunity to perform individually by giving
power point presentation in a repeated manner then what will be the outcome of this practice and how will they feel about
and to what extent this practice will be useful for the tertiary level engineering students who have just entered into this
level. In Bangladesh the classrooms are filled with students of different qualities so the outcome will be different
undoubtedly but this survey will show us to what extent these students agree with the idea that power point presentation is
useful for them and to what extent it is not and what are the other things that we can add with this. This power point
presentation is an assignment that can serve as a tool for the assessment of the students speaking ability. The researcher
wanted to develop new activities for the students in a language classroom and for that reason attempted an action research
by taking power point presentation as a tool to improve language fluency in a semester of 12 weeks. This research aims to
see the output of making the students active by giving them the assignment of making power point presentation. Being
active in a language classroom is a great challenge for the students now a day so if the above activity keeps the students
active for a while then the barriers on the way of speaking fluently in English will disappear soon. The researcher has
developed two hypotheses to conduct the research:
• Repeated practice of one activity (power point presentation) for a while promotes active language learning.
• Power point presentation increases speaking fluency by assuring the students' participation.
Purpose of My Research
The purpose of my research is to find out to what extent the students are able to achieve the confidence of
speaking fluently and how far they think that power point presentation is effective for them and can bring the best out of
them through repeated practice.
Power point presentation can definitely be one of the activities that are performed in an ESL classroom of
engineers to make the students speak without any hesitation. Students who know the grammar part of the English language
but hesitate to imply the knowledge can find this activity useful, on the contrary those who already have the skill of
presenting something in power point can find it boring. The objective of the researcher was to find out the number of
students who find it useful and who find it not quite useful and explore their suggestions to improve the quality of their
The students who were the subject of my research were the students whom the researcher taught for the one year,
so there were no students who were from outside this particular group of students. Sometimes it was very difficult to raise
the interest of these students to fill up the questionnaire, but there were many students who were so very eager and helpful
to learn the output of the research.
An English language teacher who will adopt an eclectic approach to make the students comfortable and
performance oriented is needed for a language classroom. No doubt that there are many activities prescribed for the
students to practice in the classroom to get what they required, but most of the cases, it becomes the responsibility of the
teachers to select the activities for the students as their facilitator. It’s not a myth right now that instead of following a
particular text book some particular activities are designed to benefit the students. In a language classroom the use of
technology has become a must and the importance of visual aids is also appreciated by both teachers and students. There
are many researchers who have already proved the benefit of using visual aids in a language classroom. If the students
want to put the emphasis on the productive skill like speaking, then they need to use audio visual aids like power point
presentation, describing pictures, doing pair works and so on. It has been proved that language teaching and learning needs
innovation and as the field is dynamic in its nature, so researchers attempted many research works on the existing activities
to suggest some credible practices for the students based on their research experience. These students who were taught
English for 12 years but not in a very active manner can be involved in anactive work like giving power point presentation
so that this process can be called as ‘acquisition’ (Ellis, 2003)by Krashen, because the spontaneous involvement of
students is ensured through the repetition of one activity in an ESL classroom. In Krashen’s “input hypothesis”
(Ellis, 2003) he emphasized that if students are given comprehensible input in their process of learning then they can
involve themselves more successfully than the usual (Zerin & Khan, 2017) When the teachers use various audio-visual
materials in the classroom then the students feel motivated and they can put more concentration in the language classroom
because use of audio-visual materials can help them relate the classroom with real life situations that they encounter every
day. In this research the students were free to choose the topic of their own interest and while giving presentation they were
not evaluated for couple of classes but they were given suggestion to make the imposition of the mistakes low.
According to Harmer, Students who came from different backgrounds and who are different in their types while
learning, some students learn by reading, some learn through observation while some learn while listening and some are
kinesthetic learner (Harmer, 1983) these students find it motivational while they present an interesting topic appreciated by
the classmates. When peer motivation is ensured then the learning process gets accelerated as Harmer mentioned
instrumental, integrative, regulative and intrinsic motivation which are capable of determining the degree of effort that
learners can make while learning a second language (Zerin & Khan, 2017). While the speaker is actively present in the
whole classroom situation by delivering presentation and the other learners are active through listening to the speaker and
exploring the interesting topics on which the speaker has made the presentation. It is necessary to develop an appropriate
syllabus, appropriate method and appropriate tasks with materials (Bailey & Nunan, 2005). So, if students are provided
with appropriate syllabus with some materials that surely arouses their interest can make them confident enough to initiate
speaking in any particular society or situation. The report of British Council where (Kachru, 1996) says that the number of
users of English as a second language has probably outnumbered those who speak it as a first language, speakers of
English as a second language, and approximately 750 million people are believed to use English as a foreign language
(Rahman, Rahman, & Begum). No doubt that the ability of speaking in English plays a significant role in every situation
where English is the tool of communication, realizing that role researchers like (Goh, 2007) suggested many different
methods of speaking in a target language by shaping different tasks like designing and selecting the syllabus and materials
and lastly assessing the students. This paper wanted to do the same by selecting one activity for repeated practice.
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Participants and the Area of Research
To conduct my research, I have chosen 205 students from 1st year classroom of tertiary level who are going to be
engineers in near future. All my students participated spontaneously and answered all the questions I asked them through a
I have made a questionnaire filled with 38 questions for my survey. The questionnaire included different questions
about the expectation of the students, their prior education, their confidence level and finally what they have got from the
classes that they have attended so far. There were two comprehensive questions that wanted to know their suggestion and
reaction. About 20 students were selected for an interview so that the answers could be cross checked.
Data Entry
All The data of my survey have been prepared by using MS OFFICE XP and MS Word.
Students were asked different questions in the questionnaire they were provided with. Those questions were set to
realize their improvement level and get feedback from them so that further assignments could be designed to make them
benefited. There were 38 questions and among them 2 were open ended questions and the rest were yes/no questions.
They were asked 3 questions about their opinion about English language learning, 5 about their previous education, and
finally 12 questions were asked to assess their current status after doing so many language classes. This assessment will
help to make any possible changes if needed.
These students were asked different questions, the questions that were asked to know their opinion before starting
the classes or choosing any particular activity to do in the classroom are given below with the response percentage:
Questions Yes No
1. Do you like to communicate in English? 92% 8%
2. Do you feel uncomfortable while speaking? 60% 40%
Do you think primary and secondary level education in Bangladesh do
3. 30% 70%
justice to English language learners?
About 92% students said that they were willing to communicate in English and the rest of the students 8%, who
expressed their unwillingness are those who in their personal interview said that the reasons behind the unwillingness were
the fear, anxiety, less confidence and so many other things. The students who said that they like to communicate in English
were actually those who know the importance of English in their academic life and can feel the urgency of knowing
English to get employment. They, 60% students confessed that they are not capable enough to communicate in English
fluently for their discomfort but they want to and according to them,70% students, the primary and secondary education
have not been able to do justice with the students of all backgrounds in Bangladesh.
These students were then asked questions about their previous education and the response of them is given below:
Questions Yes No
Did your feel demotivated to speak in English because of the teaching practices in your
4. 82% 20%
school and college level?
5. Do you like the method of English teaching in our primary and secondary level? 64% 36%
6. Did your English teacher in school used to give lecture in the classroom in English? 44% 56%
Do you think the other three skills of English except speaking were given more
7. 64% 36%
importance in your primary and secondary education?
Do you hold your English teachers in school responsible for developing your anxiety
8. 49% 51%
speaking in English?
About 82% Students were very clear that they feel demotivated just because of the teaching practices in their
school and college level. In their personal interview the students expressed their unwillingness in attending a classroom
that is based on identifying grammatical problems and then solve those problems, consequently they were given no or less
opportunity to practice speaking only 60% students like the methods that were used to teach them English language and the
rest of them did not, those who liked the methods were from the very privileged school and colleges of Bangladesh as they
said in their interview. The use of target language in the classroom is very important in an ESL or EFL classroom but the
survey says that only 44% students agreed that the language used for giving lecture in the classroom was English though
some of them agreed that they like the methods of teaching. About 64% students said that among the 4 skills of a particular
language the three of them except speaking were given importance. In a language classroom there could be so many
problems but 49% students think that the teachers were responsible for their anxiety, fear and discomfort while speaking.
There were 12 questions (from 9 to) that were asked to evaluate their current status after conducting 25 classes of
English language and each class was of 2 hours and 30 minutes. Students gave power point presentation in about 16-18
classes. The questions with the student’s response are given below:
Questions Yes No
9. Are you afraid of speaking now? 40% 60%
Do you now think more practice can make you overcome your
10. 95% 5%
affective filters (anxiety, fear)?
Did you feel the urge of letting people know of what you have
11. 63% 37%
Did the repeated activity of making a presentation for English lab on
12. 73% 27%
the topics that you liked has made you efficient in English?
Do you think presentation improved your efficiency in using the
13. 75% 25%
appropriate grammar where necessary?
Do you think motivation was necessary for learning a particular
14. 87% 13%
Do you think other activities could improve your conversational skills
15. 92% 8%
in English if they were practiced in the classroom?
Did the different topics presented by different presenters made you put
16. 91% 9%
more concentration in the classroom?
Do you think your need has motivated you to initiate the attempt of
17. 80% 20%
giving a presentation in English in the classroom?
Did you find preparing presentation for 5-6 classes is sometimes
18. 60% 40%
Do you think it is possible to achieve the communicative competence
19. 69% 31%
through giving ample number of presentations in the classroom?
Do you think you understand your fellow students and can identify the
20. 77% 23%
problems in their speaking skills?
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After the class the students were asked whether they were still afraid of speaking or not and the good news was
that 60% students said ‘NO’ where at the very beginning of the class 60% students were uncomfortable while speaking or
unwilling to initiate speaking. As the students were not given a proper opportunity to practice speaking in the classroom
the above activity (power point presentation) was chosen to provide them enough number of opportunities to practice and
the result is really overwhelming because 95% students are now thinking that more practice can help them overcome their
affective filters like anxiety, fear, discomfort and so on. They feel like letting people know of what they have prepared,
only few of them are still unwilling to feel the same they are of 37%. After attending so many classes for such a long time
now they are feeling that this repetition of one activity for such a long time has made them 73% reach their goal. Besides
that, they, 75% students, think that this practice has made them use appropriate grammar as they were already acquainted
with the grammar of the English language because they learned English as a compulsory subject in their primary,
secondary and higher secondary levels. These students who disliked the methods of teaching English in their classroom
think that motivation was necessary for them to learn a foreign language, for that reason they were given opportunity to
choose their own topic of interest so that they feel interested to let everyone know of what they prepared. In the answer of
question 16 their interest was clear that want to know what others are preparing and also want to make them know of what
they have prepared because 91% students said that watching people presenting different topics have made them put more
concentration in the classroom. Certain things were very clear from their answer, one of them is that they want to learn to
use English language but don’t want to just solve the grammatical problems which ultimately will not give them anything
other than some structural knowledge. They want to learn the language English that can help them in their academic
writing as the medium of writing in tertiary level in Bangladesh is in English. Peer observation is important for getting an
appropriate feedback and the survey result says that 77% students are capable of identifying the problems of their fellow
students and can give them feedback.
Each and every activity practiced in the ESL or EFL classroom will not bring the same result from every student
as they have come from different backgrounds. Power point presentation as an assignment might not get equal appreciation
from every student of the class and their response clearly shows that because 60% students found it monotonous sometimes
but 40 % students did not find it boring at all. In their personal interview the students who said that they sometimes find it
boring were those from privileged backgrounds who already were capable of speaking while they came into the class for
the first time so they expected something new to be designed for them but as it was a mixed classroom of all backgrounds
students so it was important to take decision for the students who were large in number. Here the number of students who
are now not afraid of speaking is 60%, and 73% think that they have gained a certain level of efficiency in speaking.
As the goal of the researcher was to check the achievement of language fluency of the students to a certain level
by creating an active classroom where they have to participate. ‘Repeated practice of one activity (power point
presentation) for a while promotes active language learning’ this was the first hypothesis behind this study. Among
these tertiary levels some had knowledge about power point presentation and some did not but participation in the
classroom was mandatory for these students. All the students’ performance was not similar in the initial classes and the
response rate was very poor, because 60% students before starting this activity said that they are feeling uncomfortable
while speaking. With the active participation of students’ class was started and there was no escape from participation
however the performance was. Later, at the end of the classes the number of uncomfortable students came down from 60%
to 40 %, which surely confirms the first hypothesis of this study. Though active participation of every individual student
was ensured but the performance was not as equal as expected from them because according to the theory of multiple
intelligence theory of Harmer (2003), every individual learner is different in his or her learning style and use of visual aids
and involvement in kinesthetic process can bring success in the students’ ways of learning (Zerin & Khan, 2017). students
who were uncomfortable at the beginning now among them 77% students understand the flaws of their classmates which
means they participated in the activity and 69% students have agreed that they have acquired communicative competence
these confirms the second hypothesis ‘Power point presentation increases speaking fluency by assuring the students
participation’ of this study. These students are engineers and they need English for a specific purpose so instead of
practicing many activities in the classroom giving emphasis on one particular activity can be more fruitful as the above
study tries to prove.
The first problem of this study is that students who never put any emphasis on this one particular skill of a
language suddenly after 12 years study of that language they had to practice actively a skill they always heard about but
was never practiced by them this feeling automatically raised the level of their affective filters. Other problem was that this
classroom should be equipped will facilities like electricity, laptop and projector and sometimes it becomes a problem to
ensure all the facilities together. Sometimes repetition of one activity becomes monotonous for the students.
In total Students found this activity quite interesting as they were given opportunity to choose their own topic of
presentation and those who are fond of using technology they found it more interesting because they could let others know
about their own capabilities and students observing their classmates get motivated to work on their own and enhancing
their ability of speaking so through this peer motivation can also be ensured.
Survey of the Output and Future Prospects of English Lab
3. Do you think the activities mentioned above can bring the best out of every student in your classroom?
4. Did all the students participated spontaneously in the activities performed in the classroom?
5. Do you think speaking was the tough skill among the four language skills?
6. Have you been able to solve the problems that you faced at the initial classes?
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7. Do you think more practice can make you overcome your affective filters (anxiety, fear)?
Did the repeated activity of making a presentation for English lab on the topics that you liked has made
you efficient in English?
9. Did you find memorization helpful?
10. Do you think presentation improved your efficiency in using the appropriate grammar where necessary?
Did your teachers motivated you to learn English or they were the fear factors in your school and
college level?
12. Do you think motivation was necessary for learning a particular language?
13. Did you feel the urge of letting people know of what you have prepared?
Do you think other activities could improve your conversational skills in English if they were practiced
in the classroom?
Did the different topics presented by different presenters made you put more concentration in the
Do you think your need has motivated you to initiate the attempt of giving a presentation in English in
the classroom?
17. Did you find preparing presentation for 5-6 classes is monotonous/boring?
Do you think it is possible to achieve the communicative competence through giving ample number of
presentations in the classroom?
Do you think your English teacher in school and colleges could do something to make your English
20. Was there any difference in your confidence level from presentation 1 to presentation 6?
21. Were you interrupted while giving a presentation in the first 3-4 classes?
22. Do you like to communicate in English?
23. Were the classes fulfilling the criteria of communicative classes?
Do you think communicative language syllabus helped you develop your English in your primary and
secondary education level?
Do you think you understand your fellow students and can identify the problems in their speaking
26. Do you like the method of English teaching in our primary and secondary level?
27. Did you know that there are four language skills for every language?
Do you find any difference among the English classes that you attended in your school and college
Do you think that your anxiety in attending English classes was developed in your primary and
secondary level?
30. Did your English teacher in school used to give lecture in the classroom in English?
31. Did your teacher in college used to give lecture in English?
Do you think the other three skills of English except speaking were given more importance in your
primary and secondary education?
Do you hold your English teachers in school responsible for developing your anxiety while speaking in
34. Are you afraid of speaking?
35. Do you feel uncomfortable while speaking?
Do you think primary and secondary level education in Bangladesh do justice to English language
37. Do you have any suggestion about the activities that you think should be practiced in the lab class?
What will be your suggestion for the teachers and learners of English in primary and secondary levels in
1. Bailey, K. M., & Nunan, D. (2005). Practical English language teaching: speaking.
2. Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching: Oxford University Press.
3. Goh, C. C. M. (2007). Teaching speaking in the language classroom: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Singapore.
4. Al Hosni, S. S. (2013). Mobile Learning: Enhancing Learning Through Cell Phones (Doctoral dissertation, Doctoral Thesis.
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7. Kachru, B. B. (1996). Opening borders with world Englishes: Theory in the classroom. On JALT96 orders, 10.
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9. Zerin, S., & Khan, S. A. (2017). Poster-A visual stimulus for active learning. GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences
(JLSS), 3(1).
Author's Details
I am Fahmeda Zarin and have been working as lecturer in National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research
(NITER) for three years. I completed my B. A and M. A from department of English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
my area of interest is in Applied Linguistics and ELT as I did my M. A in ELT.