Creating Remotely Accessible "Virtual Networks" On A Single PC To Teach Computer Networking and Operating Systems

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Creating Remotely Accessible “Virtual Networks”

on a Single PC to Teach Computer Networking

and Operating Systems
Mark Stockman
University of Cincinnati
2220 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45209
(513) 556-4227
[email protected]

ABSTRACT this virtual system technology can actually, on a single screen, run
Instruction in the area of computer networking (specifically multiple server and/or client operating systems simultaneously
systems administration) can be cumbersome and ineffective; and then configure them to interact just as they would if each operating
is almost always is an expensive prospect when it comes to system were installed on separate computers connected through a
instructional and lab facilities. Problems arise both in the physical network [7].
classroom and the lab when trying to recreate a true computing Remoting technologies, such as VNC (virtual network computing)
environment. Two solutions spelled out in this paper, virtual and Microsoft’s remote desktop, enable a user to control a remote
machines and remoting technology, have been implemented to operating system through any other computer on a network, even
help solve these problems encountered in the delivery of via a wide area network connection such as the Internet [8, 9]. An
instruction. instructor using a remoting solution will bypass any software or
configuration conflicts on the classroom computer by displaying
Categories and Subject Descriptors networking demonstrations created on the faculty member’s
desktop computer; pulling the desktop computer’s display through
K.3.2 [Computing Milieux]: Computers and Education –
the campus network, into the classroom, and onto the projection
Computer and Information Science Education.

General Terms This combination of virtual machines and remoting technology

Management, Performance, Experimentation, Human Factors, gives the networking faculty member a portable solution for
Standardization. instruction both in the classroom and the lab. This paper lays out
the specifics of using these technologies in tandem to improve the
instruction of a networking curriculum while also eliminating
Keywords some of the costs and inefficiencies involved with providing
Virtual Machines, Virtual Network, Networking Lab, Systems facilities specifically for these courses alone.
Administration Instruction, Remoting Technology, Remote
Administration. 2. CLASSROOM DELIVERY
The base level for instruction of systems administration and
1. INTRODUCTION networking courses involves taking screenshots of administration
Virtual system/machine technologies, which allow users to run tools (adding users to a domain for example) and placing them
multiple operating systems simultaneously on one computer while into a slide presentation. While this can give students a general
enabling “virtual network” communication among them, enhance idea of the tools required, more can be done to help with
both lecture and lab components of networking and other instruction. Simulations and animated screen captures are the next
computer-related classes. Software such as Virtual PC and level of instruction for demonstrating administration tools, both of
VMware can be used to create multiple independent operating which however cannot give the instructor the flexibility to change
systems which can be run entirely from a single computer. Users of the discussion or show connections to other parts of the system or
network while the concept is being covered. The best scenario for
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for instruction is to actually demonstrate the tools used in network
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are administration.
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that Demonstration of specialized software is not something new to
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
computer based instruction, but where networking is different is
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
that the key to demonstrating networking concepts is to show how
CITC4'03, October 16-18, 2003, Lafayette, Indiana, USA. one system is affected by another. In the past, demonstrating
Copyright 2003 ACM 1-58113-770-2/03/0010...$5.00. networking concepts has meant physically connecting multiple
computers to the projector and each other then switching the

display between each of them. Most institutions do not have the specified by the user upon its creation and can be changed; this
resources to implement such a multi-system instruction space for memory will only be taken from the main operating system when
one class or series of classes, and even if they do, it can be quite that virtual system is activated. There can be as many virtual
awkward and time consuming for the professor to setup before machines activated as local resources permit (RAM and CPU
class then manipulate during demonstrations. speed), and as many virtual machines installed as the local hard
An emerging technology has provided a solution to this problem drive space permits.
in the form of utilizing virtual machines. Using software such as While virtual machine technology helps the networking professor
Virtual PC or VMware allows the instructor to show multiple solve the problem of displaying multiple operating systems on a
operating systems on one computer simultaneously. A single screen, the fact that the instructor needs to have access to
dual/multiple-boot computer can also allow for multiple operating and configure each of these virtual machines on the classroom
systems on a single computer, but the problem with the multiple- computer continues. To keep systems up and running, university
boot solution is that only one of those operating systems can be technical support staff often implement tight control of classroom
run at once, changing operating systems means shutting down the computers. This situation combined with a “just-in-time” mode of
currently active one. Virtual machines, on the other hand, run class preparation by faculty can create an atmosphere where the
simultaneously in windows of the main operating system and can faculty member does not regularly have unique software, like
be configured to act as if they are independent systems physically virtual machine technology, installed or configured properly and
connected on the same network (see Figure 1). Each virtual in time for the start of class. Even if faculty/staff cooperation
system operates just as if the physical computer were cloned and exists, because a virtual machine cannot be simply copied from
put on the same physical network as the main system. Any one computer to another because of its dependence on a single set
operating system that supports the hardware on the physical of hardware resources, physical access to the classroom by the
computer can now be installed as an image within the virtual faculty member to prepare his/her demonstrations is necessary and
machine software. With this software implemented, interactions can often be a hurdle because of other courses scheduled in the
among systems can now accurately and easily be demonstrated in classroom.
the classroom through a single computer interface over the To relieve these classroom computer problems, many faculty rely
projection system. on using their own notebook computers for preparation and in-
class demonstrations. These instructors simply bring their own
computers, on which they created the virtual machine
demonstrations for that day’s lecture into the classroom and plug
into the video project unit. This certainly can be a workable
solution for instructors, but again there are a few nagging
problems. While not completely prohibitive, the weight of even a
notebook computer can be an unneeded additional weight to the
instructor’s already full attaché or book bag. The second, and
more convincing problem, is that notebook computers still do not
provide the reliability, expandability, and cost-effective higher-
end hardware which can be particularly important for a virtual
system application. Because each active virtual machine is sharing
the hardware resources of the actual computer system on which
they are housed, demonstrating a multiple system network can be
slow or impossible on a computer without a sufficient amount of
memory, cpu capacity, and hard drive space.
Utilizing a VNC (virtual network computing) or remote desktop
solution rather than a notebook computer can be a better fit for
many faculty. By setting up a remote connection to one’s desktop
Figure 1. Virtual Machines running simultaneously. computer, the instructor can use the computer already in the
classroom, then login to his/her own system and display the
demonstration to students just as if they were all crowded into
Each virtual system is stored as a single file located on the main
his/her office watching the computer screen. VNC or remote
operating system, taking two gigabytes or more of physical hard
desktop pulls the display through the network and onto the
drive space, this makes backup of a virtual machine image as easy
classroom computer then sends back the keystrokes and mouse
as putting a copy of the file in another location. The file size
movements to the desktop computer. Since the demonstrations
expands as information/data is placed on the virtual system; while
were created on the desktop machine, technical incompatibilities
inside the virtual system a user can access the local floppy and cd-
with the classroom computer system are reduced if not eliminated.
rom drives (or a virtual cd-rom drive pointing to an iso cd image
The remoting solution even spans differing operating systems; the
file) of the computer system and its virtual hard drive. Additional
classroom computer could be a Linux or Macintosh operating
virtual hard drives can be added enabling instruction of redundant
system while the instructor’s desktop computer is a WindowsXP
hard disk systems. When a virtual system is booted (activated) it
system. See Figure 2 for a screenshot of a remote connection to a
shares the local hardware resources with the main operating
Windows XP computer using a Macintosh client.
system and any other virtual system that is activated at the
moment. The amount of RAM used by each virtual system is

Remoting provides a completely portable solution, requiring only technologies, though the VNC has some snooping vulnerabilities.
a computer connected to the Internet (with a relatively high-speed What this means to the user is that it is plausible that someone
connection) to operate. Even if the computer from which the could plant a device on the network and see the moving screen
instructor is using to log into the desktop computer is light when image of the remote system as the professor is connected to it.
it comes to hardware resources, all processing is being done on This vulnerability however does not permit the hacker to take
the desktop computer thereby negating any limitations of the control over the remote system, only spy on the actions being
taken as if they were looking over the instructor’s shoulder while
the preparation or demonstration is being performed. This threat is
generally inconsequential for many instructors since the work
being done while connected remotely is not of a highly private
nature. If this is a concern, there are methods of circumventing
these security flaws through any form of data tunneling such as
SSH [3].
Using the combination of virtual machine and remoting
technologies a professor can now prepare for lecture then deliver
those demonstrations from a single machine accessed from
anywhere. Virtual machines allow for displaying multiple
operating systems interacting on a single screen, while remoting
provides access to the physical machine on which those virtual
machines reside. The instructor no longer has to rely on the
technical support staff quite as heavily using these technologies;
no longer has to worry about system incompatibilities among their
home, office, and classroom computers; no longer has to worry
about carrying sometimes unreliable media such as floppy disks;
Figure 2. Remoting into a Windows XP computer from a and no longer has to obtain and carry a laptop computer around
Macintosh. with them. Having used this solution for nearly a year now, the
classroom computer. Not only does a remote solution help with author can say that it has been an invaluable resource in both class
the presentation of the material to the students, but a faculty preparation and delivery.
member can also prepare these demonstrations from home or any
system with an internet connection. While historically remoting 3. THE NETWORKING/COMPUTER LAB
technologies have had a reputation of producing lag in the Virtual machine and remoting technologies can extend from the
responsiveness of the interaction, current high-speed internet classroom for faculty member to the networking lab for students.
connections make accessing systems through a remote connection A goal of the computer networking lab is to recreate the real-
just as useable as actually sitting down to the computer itself. world business environment as closely as possible so students can
interact with technologies just as they would in a work setting.
Remote desktop is a service built into the WindowsXP operating Traditional lab methodologies for networking generally involve a
system and VNC (client and server) is a free downloadable completely simulated environment or the necessity of multiple
software ( which can run on any number computers in the lab setting. Both scenarios present problems
of operating systems without cost. While the server side to creating a computing environment which accurately emulates the
Microsoft’s solution can only be setup in a Windows true business network in scope or depth.
environment, their remote desktop client can be run from a
number of non-Windows computers; these clients can be Networking simulations do not enable full operating system
downloaded from Descriptions for functionality, allowing the student to only point and click on
setup of each of these solutions, remote desktop and VNC, can be objects enabled by the simulation. This method does not allow for
found on their websites [8, 9]. While both are relatively easy to any student thinking beyond the scope of the specific task at hand.
configure and use, another hurdle can exist when accessing one’s This level of instruction cannot present the student with much
desktop computer from off campus. In this situation, it may be semblance of what they will encounter on a true business network
necessary to have the ability to login to the campus network using where every decision and click of the mouse will affect a number
a VPN (virtual private network) connection before being able to of other subsystems and services. Learning this domino affect is
connect with the desktop system. Instructions on downloading the crucial when it comes to configuring and troubleshooting a
necessary software and obtaining the proper credentials to log into network.
the campus network in order to access one’s computer using a Allowing students to work on true operating systems in a lab
remoting technology can be obtained by contacting one’s solves the problem of interactions among subsystems in a
technical support staff or visiting their website. network, but in this model problems arise in scope and practicality
Remoting may seem ripe for security holes in a technical sense; of efficient university computer usage. Often a networking lab is
one is actually opening the door for a hacker to access the desktop set up with a pair of computers being used to test certain
computer system. Both VNC and Microsoft’s remote desktop scenarios, with sometimes two students per computer. First of all,
require a valid user authentication, which is encrypted, thereby this only allows for performing labs where two systems are
making the access as secure as the username/password communicating, which is fine in some instances but generally we
combination. This authentication is relatively secure using both would like to show students how a handful of systems with

differing operating systems or configurations might interact. The only one or two hours with the systems. Many or most students do
other hang-up with this setup is that each student is sometimes not have the hardware or software requirements at home to
actually performing only a few hands-on activities per lab since recreate the lab environment on their own to further study the
they must share and often just watch as other students work. Not skills and concepts.
many institutions provide the funds necessary to provide even one Providing students with a remoting solution into their virtual
computer per student in a lab, let alone five. These networking systems enables them to work on labs at a distance or, like the
systems are generally only useable for these specific classes as instructor, from any computer with a high-speed internet
well since students are regularly changing the system settings and connection. Students can obtain a mastery of the subject matter in
using operating systems and software only relevant to their their own time by going back to work on the exact virtual
classes. machines used in lab. While the author has already implemented
Because of the limitations of simulations and networking labs, virtual machine technology in his lab, this remoting extension will
most instructors will use a combination of the two alternatives. be established in the fall quarter of 2003. This form of
Still, it lacks in providing a truly realistic atmosphere for students accessibility to systems can be particularly of interest to those
wishing to become network administrators. who teach on a non-residential campus or are seeking distance-
Now, however, an instructor can use the virtual machine software learning capabilities, which in the past were difficult at best.
to create networking lab modules that can be run entirely from a
single computer system as if it were multiple systems 4. CONCLUSION
communicating over a network, providing the necessary scope of As is spelled out in this paper, the rich combination of virtual
a computer network. Students can, on a single monitor, run machine technology with a remoting solution creates a synergy for
multiple server and/or client operating systems simultaneously teaching networking coursework that cannot ordinarily be
then configure them to interact just as they would if each obtained. In a discipline that can be hard to accurately impart real-
operating system were installed on separate computers connected world skills to students, these tools can get technical educators a
through a physical network. This virtual system approach to step closer to the goal.
teaching networking allows students to perform all lab functions Others have used forms of both technologies with similar
without the hassle and expense of buying and configuring separate outcomes. The Connectix web site points to Vernon College using
computers with varying operating systems (Linux, Windows, the virtual machine technology for instruction of networking and
etc.). Because lab activities are performed completely on these operating systems concepts in their labs [6]. Corporate technical
operating system “images” and not the main operating system on trainers also use virtual machines regularly in their instructional
which the computer is booted, there is also a reduced risk of the techniques, but generally they demonstrate the systems from a
students harming the computer and making it inoperable for local system, not via remote technologies. Research has found a
others. The worst case scenario while using a virtual machine few others in networking education performing varying forms of
solution is that the student corrupts his or her own operating virtual networking lab components on a smaller scale and not
system image, in which case either a new virtual system can be specifically using this virtual system/remoting solution [1, 2].
installed by the student or a backup virtual system can be restored. Sloan has created something quite similar to what is presented
Having such a backup copy of a “fresh” virtual operating system here using VNC for a remoting solution and mentioning the
that can be quickly copied down to the physical computer system possible use of virtual machines primarily for lab use [5]. The
for this use can be very helpful, particularly if the lab does not extent, however, to which the author has implemented the full
specifically cover or have time for operating system installation. virtual system/remoting solution for a three course sequence of
Using the virtual machine technology allows students in multiple systems administration classes both in the classroom and lab was
sections of various classes to use the same physical computer not found in the literature.
system as is being used for other courses, negating the need for an The specific technology chosen for virtual machines and remoting
individual lab for systems administration or operating systems depends on the needs of the instructor, class, and college. While
courses. The Linux, Windows, or systems integration courses can Virtual PC and VMware are nearly identical in their functionality,
all deliver labs from the same physical computer systems. At the there are added features for each that the other does not currently
end of the quarter/semester, the students’ virtual machine images provide. Virtual PC version 5 includes a built-in VNC server
can simply be deleted from the main computer system in component to each virtual system installed, automatically
preparation for the following quarter/semester. If the systems in ensuring a remoting capability to the virtual systems. VMware
the lab contain identical hardware, base images can be created, version 4 allows for the emulation of multiple network interface
backed up, then easily redistributed to the systems for use in cards (NIC) while Virtual PC can only utilize a single card. This
classes for which the installation of the operating system is not multiple NIC feature could be of use in advanced labs such as
necessary. setting up a server cluster or network gateway configurations [7].
Like the instructor, students often encounter the problem of access An additional fact to consider when deciding between the two
to the networking based computer lab and its unique operating virtual machine technologies is that Microsoft recently purchased
systems and configuration. Even using virtual machine the company that distributes Virtual PC thereby throwing its
technologies, students can be “doubled up” in lab, sharing a future pricing structure and support into some uncertainty [4]. The
computer to perform the tasks involved in systems administration. question of using VNC, Microsoft’s remote desktop, or a few
Again, students sometimes end up never having performed these other technologies such as Microsoft’s terminal services or Citrix
tasks themselves. Student access to these systems can also be Metaframe (both server based products) is also a question which
limited to their defined lab period during the week giving them

needs to be answered based on the specific needs of the instructor, Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition,
course, and college. June 2001.
[3] Making VNC More Secure using SSH. VNC Website.
The author is studying the feasibility a clustered server
[4] Microsoft Acquires Connectix Virtual Machine
environment connected to a storage area network to centralize
Technology. Connectix Website, February 2003.
administration of such a virtual machine/remoting system. This
solution would provide a central access point for students and
instructors to remote into and access their virtual machines [5] Sloan, J. A Remotely Accessible Networking Laboratory.
whether they are in or outside of the lab environment. Details for The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Volume 18
this system, particularly its scalability, are still being investigated. Issue 2, December 2002.
Such a centralized environment of delivered virtual systems could [6] Success Stories: Virtual PC for Student Training.
prove useful across the technical curricula beyond just networking Connectix Website.
[7] Turvey, S. Almost as Good as Being There: Virtual PC vs.
VMware. Technology & Business Magazine Austrailia,
6. REFERENCES April 2003.
[1] Fabrega, L., Massaguer, J., Jove, T., and Merida, D. A [8] Remote Desktop in WindowsXP. Microsoft Website.
Virtual Network Laboratory for Learning IP Networking.
From the Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science [9] VNC Documentation. Real VNC Website.
Education, June 2002.
[2] Liu, S., Marti, W., and Zhao, W. Virtual Networking Lab
(VNL): Its Concepts and Implementation. From the
Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for


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