Introducing The Sorush Cancer Treatment Protocol (SCTP)

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Open Access Journal of Cancer Research & Clinical Practice

Volume 2 Issue 1
Research Article
Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment Protocol (SCTP)
Niknamian Sa*, Zaminpira Sb, Seneff Sc, Seyfried TNd, Agostino DDe and Gonzalez MJf
Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, Certified Member of Federal Health Professionals, USA Army Forces and Board
Member of Weston A Price Foundation in Washington DC, USA
PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of Beirut, Lebanon and Ambassador of European Association for Cancer Research, United Kingdom,
Certified ember of Royall Society of Biology (RSB), UK
Senior Research Scientist and Faculty Member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, USA
Professor of Biology and Genetics, Boston College, Morrissey of College of Arts and Sciences. USA
Research Scientist, Inst. Human and Machine Cognition, Associate Professor, College of Medicine Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology,
University of South Florida, USA
University of Puerto Rico Rio, Health, faculty member. Puerto Rico Rio

Article Info Abstract

Article History: This research introduces Sorush Cancer Treatment Ptotocol (SCTP) based on successful
Received: 17 April, 2019
Accepted: 26 April, 2019 cancer treatment methodology which has done by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira and Dr. Sorush
Published: 30 April, 2019 Niknamian in 54 cancer patients in Violet Cancer Institute (VCI), Combining Specific
Ketogenic Diet (SKD) - which has 80% saturated fat, 15% Protein with the lowest glutamine
Corresponding author: Sorush and 5% complex-high fiber carbohydrate- and intravenous ozone therapy which has had
Niknamian, Professor of Cell and
Molecular Biology and Biomedicine,
marvelous results in the treatment of several cancers in human models. The aim of this
Certified Member of Federal Health protocol is to weaken and starve cancer cells, decreasing acidity, increasing the immune
Professionals, USA Army Forces and system response, decreasing the possibility of metastasis and decreasing the cachexia
Board Member of Weston A Price
without any serious side effects in cancer patients. This protocol introduces mega vitamins
Foundation in Washington DC, USA;
E-mail: [email protected] and minerals plus several supplements based on some tried and true protocols mainly the
Budwig and Bill Henderson Protocol (BHP) with serious revisions. The BHP incorporates
principal components of the Budwig Diet which was developed in the early 1950s by
German chemist Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003). Budwig’s theory is based upon the work
of Otto Warburg (1883-1970). Warburg was an earlier Nobel Prize Laureate (1931) for the
discovery of the nature and action of the respiratory enzyme, the first of the so-called yellow
enzymes, or flavoproteins. Warburg’s scientific efforts produced a large body of work and
publications in highly respected journals such as Science (1928, 1956). According to
Budwig, Warburg theorized that cellular respiration, like many chemical reactions, was
dependent upon substrate availability, specifically a sulphydryl group and an unknown
saturated fatty acid, which he failed to identify. According to Dr. S. Zaminpira and Dr. S.
Niknamian, Cancer is an Evolutionary Metabolic disease (EMHC) and the main cause of
cancer is the Butterfly Effect inside normal cells as a result of increasing the amounts of
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).

Keywords: SCTP; SKD; BHP; Budwig Protocol; EMHC; ROS; Ozone Therapy; HBO2T
Copyright: © 2019 Niknamian S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

molecule, such as glucose, is partly oxidized. The electrons lost

Introduction from the oxidized organic molecules are transferred via NADH or
Evolutionary Metabolic Hypothesis of Cancer (EMHC) NADPH to a different organic molecule or to a different part of
the same molecule, which thereby becomes more reduced. At the
The first living cells on Earth are thought to have arisen more than
end of the fermentation process, one or more of the organic
3.5 × 109 years ago, when the Earth was not more than about 109
molecules produced are excreted into the medium as metabolic
years old. The environment lacked oxygen but was presumably
waste products. Others, such as pyruvate, are retained by the cell
rich in geochemically produced organic molecules, and some of
for biosynthesis. The excreted end-products are different in
the earliest metabolic pathways for producing ATP may have
different organisms, but they tend to be organic acids. Among the
resembled present-day forms of fermentation. In the process of
most important of such products in bacterial cells are lactic acid
fermentation, ATP is made by a phosphorylation event that
which also accumulates in anaerobic mammalian glycolysis, and
harnesses the energy released when a hydrogen-rich organic
Pubtexto Publishers | 1 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, and succinic acids [1]. the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids
The first cell on the earth before the entrance of the bacteria did and lipoproteins. In fungi, O3 inhibits cell growth at certain stages.
contain nucleus and used the fermentation process to produce ATP With viruses, the O3 damages the viral capsid and upsets the
for its energy. Then an aerobic proteo-bacterium enters the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with
eukaryote either as a prey or a parasite and manages to avoid peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make
digestion. It then became an endosymbiont. As we observe, the them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to
fermentation process used the glucose or even glutamine to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces
produce ATP, but the aerobic process used the glucose, fat and them with healthy cells [9]. Ozone therapy causes an increase in
protein to produce more ATP than the previous one. The symbio- the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of
genesis of the mitochondria is based on the natural selection of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate which leads to an increase in the amount
Charles Darwin. Based on Otto Warburg Hypothesis, in nearly all of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the Krebs cycle
cancer cells, the mitochondrion is shut down or are defected and by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating
the cancer cell do not use its mitochondrion to produce ATP [2]. production of ATP. It also causes a significant reduction in NADH
This process of adaptation is based on Lamarckian Hypothesis of and helps to oxidize cytochrome C. There is a stimulation of
Evolution and the normal cells goes back to the most primitive production of enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and
time of evolution to protect itself from apoptosis and uses the cell-wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, catalase and
fermentation process like the first living cells 1.5 billion years ago. superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyline, a vasodilator, is
Therefore, cancer is an evolutionary metabolic disease which uses also induced by O3 [10]. Ozone administered at a concentration of
glucose as the main food to produce ATP and Lactic Acid. The between 30 and 55 μg/cc causes the greatest increase in the
prime cause of cancer is the abundance of Reactive Oxygen production of interferon and the greatest output of tumor necrosis
Species produced by mitochondria that is a threat to the living factor and interleukin-2. The production of interleukin-2 launches
normal cell and causes mitochondrial damage mainly in its cristae an entire cascade of subsequent immunological reactions [11].
[3]. Ozone exposure induces a significant mean decrement in vital
capacity. It significantly increases mean airway resistance and
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
specific airway resistance but does not change dynamic or static
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) involves administration of pulmonary compliance or viscous or elastic work. It also
100% oxygen at elevated pressure (greater than sea level, or 1 significantly reduces maximal transpulmonary pressure. And
ATA) in a closed chamber [190]. further more significantly increases respiratory rate and decreased
tidal volume [12-20].
Ozone Therapy and Its Mechanism of Action
Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many
Materials and Methods
decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with The Basis for the SCTP
minimal side effects. Medical O3, used to disinfect and treat The dietary suggestions, restrictions and supplements of the SATP
disease, has been around for over 150 years. Used to treat address the processes Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira and Dr. Sorush
infections, wounds and multiple diseases, O3's effectiveness has Niknamian believe lead to the development of a variety of cancers.
been well-documented. It has been used to disinfect drinking They include (1) lack of oxygen to the cells, (2) a weak immune
water before the turn of the last century. Ozone was known to treat system, (3) excessive acidity, and (4) toxicity in the body as a
as many as 114 diseases [4]. Ozone therapy has been in use since result of accumulation of tobacco, alcohol and asbestos. (5) High
the 1800s and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first amounts of ROS in cells. (6) Lack of nutritional ketosis [S.
O3 generator in the US, later forming the Tesla Ozone Company Zaminpira, S. Niknamian, EC Cancer, ECRONICON, 2017]
[5]. During the first world war (1914-18) doctors familiar with
O3's antibacterial properties, and with few other medical resources The Supplemental Components of the SCTP
available to them applied it topically to infected wounds and Chlorella, Bee Pollen and Ascorbic Acid: Strengthening the
discovered O3 not only remedied infection, but also had Immune System and Countering Acidity: Chlorella vulgaris is a
hemodynamic and anti-inflammatory properties [6]. In the late green microalgae mainly used as medical treatment in Japan.
1980s, reports had emerged that German physicians were Alternatively, it has a big potential for biofuel production or as
successfully treating HIV patients with 03-AHT (Auto-hemo- food additive. The proteins content of C. Vulgaris varies from 42
therapy). There was then no pharmaceutical treatment for HIV and to 58% of its biomass dry weight [21-25]. These proteins are
a pandemic was feared, so Canadian authorities authorized the considered as having a good nutritional quality compared to the
study to test safety and efficacy of 03-AHT in AIDS patients. standard profile for human nutrition of the World Health
Ozone had shown promise in in vitro testing. Ozone was seen Organisation and Food and Agricultural Organisation, as the algae
effective at disinfecting extracorporeal blood samples of HIV; synthesise essential and non-essential amino-acids [26]. The algae
unfortunately for AIDS patients, 03-AHT proved to be an in vivo also contains lipids (5-40% of the dry mass) [27],
ineffective treatment [7,8]. Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of
Pubtexto Publishers | 2 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

carbohydrates (12-55% dry weight) [28,29] and pigments with of supplementation with Chlorella vulgaris, some nutrient and
among others chlorophyll, reaching 1-2 % of the dry weight bioactive green microalgae with proven antioxidant capacity, on
[30,31]. C. vulgaris contains also some minerals the burden of oxidative stress in Iranian smokers. Thirty-eight
and vitamins important for the human nutrition [32]. C. vulgaris is smokers (mean age: 37.11 +/- 1.69 years; females: 18.4%) were
marketed as dietary supplement, additive [33,34], as colourant or administered C. vulgaris extract (3600 mg/day) for a period of 6
food emulsion [35]. They are all in the form of capsules, extracts, weeks. Fasted serum samples collected at baseline and after the
tablets or powder [36,37]. The most part is today consumed in completion of study were analyzed for the concentrations of
Japan as a medical treatment [38,39]. Indeed C. vulgaris has vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, and malonedialdehyde (MDA)
demonstrated some antitumor and immune-modulating as well as activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione
characteristics [40-44]. However despite its high nutritious protein peroxidase, and catalase. Total antioxidant capacity of serum was
content and it’s potentially health benefits, the incorporation of C. also determined by the ability of serum to inhibit the formation of
vulgaris in some food products are not yet widely used. The main ferryl myoglobin radical species. Six-week supplementation with
reason remains its dark green colour and its smell being close to C. vulgaris extract in smokers was associated with marked
the one of a fish, which are not today well accepted in food [45]. elevation of all assessed serum antioxidant measures (p < 0.001)
and significant reduction of MDA levels (p = 0.002). After gender
Kubatka P. et al. in 2015 mentioned that there has been
segregation, a similar pattern of changes was observed for both
considerable interest in both clinical and preclinical research about
male and female subjects apart from lack of significant change in
the role of phytochemicals in the reduction of risk for cancer in
serum vitamin E status in females. Although the magnitude of
humans. The aim of this study was to determine the antineoplastic
change in serum vitamin E was significantly greater in males
effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa in experimental breast cancer
compared to females (p = 0.014), there was no significant change
in vivo and in vitro. In this experiment, the antineoplastic effects
in the magnitude of changes for other assessed parameters
of C. pyrenoidosa in the chemoprevention of N-Methyl-N-
between the genders. Supplementation with C. vulgaris extract
nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis in female rats were
significantly improves antioxidant status and attenuates lipid
evaluated. Chlorella powder was administered through diet at
peroxidation in chronic cigarette smokers. Hence, C. vulgaris
concentrations of 0.3% and 3%. The experiment was terminated
might prevent the disease burden and mortality rate associated
14 wk after carcinogen administration. At autopsy, mammary
with smoking.
tumors were removed and prepared for histopathological and
immunohistochemical analysis. In vitro cytotoxicity assay, Emey Suhana MOHD AZAMAI et al. in 2009 showed that
parameters of apoptosis, and proliferation after chlorella treatment Chlorella vulgaris (CV) has been reported to have antioxidant and
in human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells were carried out. anticancer properties. We evaluated the effect of CV on apoptotic
Basic parameters of experimental carcinogenesis, mechanism of regulator protein expression in liver cancer-induced rats. Male
action (biomarkers of apoptosis, proliferation, and angiogenesis), Wistar rats (200~250 g) were divided into eight groups: control
chosen metabolic variables, and side effects after long-term group (normal diet), CDE group (choline deficient diet
chlorella treatment in animals were assessed. Chlorella at higher supplemented with ethionine in drinking water to induce
concentration suppressed tumor frequency by 61% (P < 0.02) and hepatocarcinogenesis), CV groups with three different doses of
lengthened tumor latency by 12.5 d (P < 0.02) in comparison with CV (50, 150, and 300 mg/kg body weight), and CDE groups
the controls. Immunohistochemical analysis of rat tumor cells treated with different doses of CV (50, 150, and 300 mg/kg body
showed caspase-7 expression increase by 73.5% (P < 0.001) and weight). Rats were sacrificed at various weeks and liver tissues
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 expression decrease were embedded in paraffin blocks for immunohistochemistry
by 19% (P = 0.07) after chlorella treatment. In a parallel in vitro studies. CV, at increasing doses, decreased the expression of anti-
study, chlorella significantly decreased survival of MCF-7 cells in apoptotic protein, Bcl-2, but increased the expression of pro-
a dose-dependent manner. In chlorella-treated MCF-7 cells, a apoptotic protein, caspase 8, in CDE rats, which was correlated
significant increase in cells having sub-G0/G1 DNA content and with decreased hepatoctyes proliferation and increased apoptosis
significant increase of early apoptotic and late apoptotic/necrotic as determined by bromodeoxy-uridine (BrdU) labeling and
cells after annexin V/PI staining assay were found. Decreases in terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick-end
mitochondrial membrane potential and increasing reactive oxygen labeling (TUNEL) assay, respectively. Our study shows that CV
species generation were observed in the chlorella-treated MCF-7 has definite chemopreventive effect by inducing apoptosis via
cells. This study is the first report on the antineoplastic effects of decreasing the expression of Bcl-2 and increasing the expression
C. pyrenoidosa in experimental breast cancer in vivo and in vitro. of caspase 8 in hepatocarcinogenesis-induced rats.
Tammie J. McQuistan et al. in 2012 concluded that recent pilot
Panahi Y. et al in 2013 showed that smoking is among the
studies found natural chlorophyll (Chl) to inhibit carcinogen
established yet modifiable risk factors for cancers, cardiovascular
uptake and tumorigenesis in rodent and fish models, and to alter
diseases, and pulmonary disorders. Oxidative stress has been
uptake and biodistribution of trace 14Caflatoxin B1 in human
proposed as a key mechanism mediating the deleterious
volunteers. The present study extends these promising findings,
consequences of smoking. The present study evaluated the effect
Pubtexto Publishers | 3 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

using a dose-dose matrix design to examine Chl-mediated effects burn wound healing process. [Katarzyna Komosinska-Vassev et
on dibenzo ( def,p) chrysene (DBC)induced DNA adduct al. 2015] In adults, 20-40g is applied therapeutically every day. If
formation, tumor incidence, tumor multiplicity, and changes in a teaspoon is 7,5g of pollen, it can be concluded that one dose is
gene regulation in the trout. The dose-dose matrix design 3–5 tea spoons of this product for adults and 1-2 teaspoons for
employed an initial 12,360 rainbow trout, which were treated with children. Pollen is usually taken 3 times a day before eating. The
0–4000 ppm dietary Chl along with 0 – 225 ppm DBC for up to 4 time of treatment is 1–3 months, but it can be repeated 2-4 times a
weeks. Dietary DBC was found to induce dose-responsive year. The most appropriate period for treatment is between winter
changes in gene expression that were abolished by Chl co- and spring and between summer and autumn. Generally, a smaller
treatment, whereas Chl alone had no effect on the same genes. Chl dose of pollen is used in the combination therapy, alongside other
co-treatment provided a dose-responsive reduction in total DBC- medicaments and in chronic diseases [46].
DNA adducts without altering relative adduct intensities along the Chlorophyll is abundant in Chlorella Vulgaris and it has many
chromatographic profile. In animals receiving DBC alone, liver anticancer benefits. All green plants also contain chlorophyll, the
tumor incidence (as logit) and tumor multiplicity were linear in light-collecting molecule. Chlorophyll and its derivatives are very
DBC dose (as log) up to their maximum effect dose, and declined effective at binding polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
thereafter. Chl co-treatment substantially inhibited incidence and (carcinogens largely from incomplete combustion of fuels),
multiplicity at DBC doses up to their maximum-effect dose. These heterocyclic amines (generated when grilling foods), aflatoxin (a
results show that Chl concentrations encountered in Chl-rich green toxin from molds in foods which causes liver cancer), and other
vegetables can provide substantial cancer chemo-protection, and hydrophobic molecules. The chlorophyll-carcinogen complex is
suggest that they do so by reducing carcinogen bioavailability. much harder for the body to absorb, so most of it is swept out with
However, at DBC doses above the optima, Chl co-treatments the feces. The chemo-protective effect of chlorophyll and its
failed to inhibit tumor incidence and significantly enhanced derivatives has been tested in laboratory cell cultures and animals
multiplicity. This finding questions the human relevance of [47,48]. There is so much compelling evidence for anti-
chemoprevention studies carried out at high carcinogen doses that carcinogenic effects of chlorophyll that a prospective randomized
are not proven to lie within a linear, or at least monotonic, endpoint controlled trial is being conducted in Qidong, China to see if
dose-response range. The results of the present study demonstrate chlorophyllin can reduce the amount of liver cancer cases, which
that increasing dietary doses of Chl-enriched spinach extract arise from aflatoxin exposure in their foods (corn, peanuts, soy
provide increasing and potent protection against initial DBC- sauce, and fermented soy beans). A 55% reduction in aflatoxin-
initiated tumor response in two target organs, that protection by DNA adducts were found in the group that took 100 mg of
the extract was moderately reduced compared with equivalent chlorophyll in three times a day [49]. It was supposed that the
doses of CHL or purified Chl, and that protection occurred in the chlorophyllin bound up aflatoxins, but there were chlorophyllin
absence of demonstrable changes in gene expression patterns. We derivatives also detected in the sera (which had a green tint to it)
also determined that the protective efficacy of dietary Chl co- of the volunteers who took the supplement, indicating a possible
exposure was strongly dependent on the concentration of DBC in role in the body besides binding carcinogens in the gut [50].
the diet, with good protection in both target organs at low Supplementation with Chlorella early in the morning in fasting
carcinogen dose and tumor response but apparent enhancement in state benefits cancer patients by improving the blood PH and
liver tumor response at high carcinogen doses and tumor responses increasing the absorption of vitamins and minerals. There have
not encountered in human populations. These findings emphasize been many studies which approves the supplementation with
the necessity in the design of cancer chemoprevention studies to Chlorella. Chlorella gets its name from the high amount of
select carcinogen doses within a known linear or monotonic dose- chlorophyll it possesses. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per
response range. In the absence of this information, results derived gram than any other plant. Chlorophyll is one of the greatest food
at high carcinogen doses and high tumor responses may be substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems,
irrelevant for human intervention. such as the liver and the blood.
Bee Pollen is increasing the immune system response and
Nutrient Mixture plus Specific Ketogenic Diet:
increasing the blood PH as well as it has a complete dosage of
enzymes and anti-parasitic effects. Bee pollen is a valuable Weakening Cancer Cells and Preventing Metastasis
apitherapeutic product greatly appreciated by the natural medicine The SCTP advocates the use of a nutrient mixture of vitamin C,
because of its potential medical and nutritional applications. It the essential amino acid l-lysine and the non-essential amino acid
demonstrates a series of actions such as antifungal, antimicrobial, L-proline. The therapeutic use of this combination was initially
antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective, anticancer described by Dr. Mathias Rath and Dr. Linus Pauling in the 1990s
immune-stimulating, and local analgesic. Its radical scavenging [51,52] and is purported to counter the mechanisms that lead to the
potential has also been reported. Beneficial properties of bee metastasis of cancer [53]. Green tea was added to the nutrient
pollen and the validity for their therapeutic use in various mixture as it was found to improve the effect [53,54]. In
pathological condition have been discussed in this study and with Henderson’s book, Cancer-Free (2007), Henderson makes the
the currently known mechanisms, by which bee pollen modulates claim that this nutrient mixture will slow down or completely stop
Pubtexto Publishers | 4 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

the spread of the cancer [1]. The Dr. Rath Research Institute in consumed for energy. Therefore, ketosis is sometimes referred to
California conducts research on patho-mechanisms including as the body's fat burning mode [89].
cancer, and on the beneficial effects of micronutrients in various
Ketogenic Diet
chronic diseases. They have published over two dozen studies
from 2004 to 2009 related to the use of the nutrient mixture for Ketogenic diet is a kind of regime which uses high fat content and
cancer. These studies were performed on human cancer cell lines low carbohydrate. This diet changes the metabolic state into the
and mice models. Cancers studied include skin cancer, condition called Ketosis. After several days, fat becomes your
liposarcoma, glioma, osteosarcoma, testicular cancer, melanoma, body’s primary energy source which causes an increase in the
lung, renal adenocarcinoma, cervical, mesothelioma, bladder, levels of compounds which is called ketones in the blood [90]. In
fibrosarcoma, ovarian, mammary, breast, pancreatic, prostate, general, a ketogenic diet used for weight loss is about 60-75% of
colon, Ewing’s sarcoma and lymphoma [55-80]. The primary calories as fat, with 15-30% of calories from protein and 5-10% of
focus of these studies has been to assess the ability of this nutrient calories from carbs. However, when a ketogenic diet is being used
mixture to inhibit the expression of enzymes known as matrix therapeutically for the treatment of cancer, the fat content may be
metalloproteinases (MMPs). MMPs have been found to be up- significantly higher that is up to 90% of calories, and the protein
regulated in nearly every type of human cancer and are correlated content lower [91].
with advanced stage, invasive and metastatic cancers [81]. The There are several other mechanisms that may explain how a
studies conducted by the Rath Institute showed a dose dependent ketogenic diet can aid in cancer treatment. Firstly, eliminating
inhibition of MMP expression [55-80]. Conversely, the only carbs can quickly lower calorie intake, reducing the energy
independent study testing this nutrient mixture’s effect on cancer available to the cells in your body. In turn, this may slow down
is a German study involving of an animal model of neuroblastoma. tumor growth and the cancer’s progression. Insulin is an anabolic
Results suggested that this nutrient mixture was ineffective when hormone. That means when it is present in the blood, it makes the
tested on mice with induced tumors and spontaneous liver growth of cancer cells. Therefore, lower insulin or blood glucose,
metastases. A greater amount of objective, independent review of may slow tumor growth [92,93]. Cancer cells cannot use ketones
this nutrient mixture would help provide a basis for more firm as fuel. Research shows that ketones may reduce tumor size and
conclusions to be drawn. Studies involving independent growth [94].
components of the mixture do exist. Demeule, Brossard, Page, Researchers have tested the ketogenic diet as an alternative cancer
Gingras and Beliveau (2000) published a study confirming the use treatment for more than 50 years and most of these studies were
of green tea polyphenols to inhibit MMP activity in rat and human done in animals. A large number of these animal studies have
tissue, with catechins epigallocatechin gallate and epicatechin demonstrated that ketogenic diet can reduce tumor growth and
gallate showing the greatest level of MMP inhibition [82]. improve survival rates [95-98]. One 22-day study in mice looked
at the differences between the effects of ketogenic and other diets
Ketosis in treatment of cancer. Interestingly, the researchers found that
Ketosis is a metabolic condition in which ketone bodies are the 60% of mice on a ketogenic diet survived. This increased to 100%
supply of energy in the blood. In contrast to a condition of in mice that got a ketone supplement in addition to the ketogenic
glycolysis, in which blood glucose provides most of the energy. In diet. However, none of the mice survived on a regular diet or better
nutritional process of ketosis, the serum concentration of ketone told a diet contained carbohydrates [99]. Another study in mice
bodies goes over 0.5 mM in blood and with low and stable levels tested a ketogenic diet with or without oxygen therapy [100]. The
of insulin and blood glucose [83,84]. It is almost always result is obvious. A ketogenic diet increased survival time by 56%.
generalized with hyperketonemia, that is, an elevated level of This number increased to 78% when combined with oxygen
ketone bodies in the blood throughout the body. Ketone bodies are therapy. These results prove that cancer cells starve in the lack of
formed by ketogenesis when liver glycogen stores are depleted or glucose and in high amounts of oxygen in blood [101].
from metabolising medium-chain triglycerides [85]. The main Presently, limited researches do seem to show that a ketogenic diet
ketone bodies used for energy are acetoacetate and β- may reduce tumor size and rate of progression in certain cancers.
hydroxybutyrate [86], and the levels of ketone bodies are One of the few documented published case studies was performed
regulated mainly by insulin and glucagon [87]. Most cells in the on a 65-year-old woman with brain cancer. Following surgery, she
body can use both glucose and ketone bodies for fuel, and during received a ketogenic diet. Meanwhile, the tumor’s progression
ketosis, free fatty acids and glucose synthesis which is called slowed. But, 10 weeks after returning to a normal diet, she
gluconeogenesis, fuel the remainder. Longer-term ketosis may be experienced a significant increase in tumor growth [102].
the result of staying on a very low-carbohydrate diet, and Similar case reports examined the reactions to a ketogenic diet in
deliberately induced ketosis serves as a medical intervention for two young girls who were undergoing treatment for advanced
various conditions, such as intractable epilepsy, and the various brain cancer. Researchers observed that glucose uptake was
types of diabetes [88]. In glycolysis, high levels of the hormone decreased in the tumors of both patients. One of the girls reported
insulin promote the storage of body fat and block release of fat that her quality of life had improved and remained on the diet for
from adipose tissues, but in ketosis, fat reserves are released and 12 months. During that time her cancer showed no further
Pubtexto Publishers | 5 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

progression [103]. One study monitored tumor growth in response formation and to drive cellular respiration [105]. Diets lacking
to a high-carb versus a ketogenic diet in 27 patients with cancer of these fatty acids offered limited substrate for reactions and
the digestive tract. Tumor growth increased by 32.2% in patients resulted in an oxygen poor environment, impeding cellular
who received the high-carb diet, but decreased by 24.3% in the metabolism. Flaxseed oil, which contains 18-20% LA, 58-60%
patients on the ketogenic diet [104]. In another study, three out of LNA and lesser amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fat
five patients on a ketogenic diet combined with radiation or [116], is a key component of Budwig’s diet. It was Budwig’s
chemotherapy experienced complete treatment. More interesting, theory that when the highly unsaturated fatty acids of flaxseed oil
the other two participants found the disease progressed after they interacted with sulphydryl groups from cottage cheese, the stored
stopped the ketogenic diet [102-104]. energy in the fatty acids would be released remedying the oxygen
In conclusion, the ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate, high poor environment [105]. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis have
fat diet. For cancer treatment, fat intake may be as high as 90% of evolved since Budwig’s time. In the last twenty years, acceptance
total calorie intake. There are also some mechanisms that suggest has grown for endogenous mechanisms of carcinogenesis
a ketogenic diet may help prevent the development of cancer in including oxygen free radicals (OFR). OFR’s arise from the
the first place. As a matter of fact, it may reduce several of the cellular oxygen reduction reactions and are highly reactive. They
main risk factors for cancer. A few small studies and researches in attack cell components such as lipids, damage DNA damage and
humans suggest that a ketogenic diet may help slow the induce mutations [117,118].
progression of cancer. But, more research is needed. Beyond The sulphydryl groups, cysteine and methionine, in cottage
lowering blood sugar, the ketogenic diets may also help treat cheese, were described by Budwig as substances that facilitated
cancer via other mechanisms. These include lowering calories, the mobilization of fat by increasing solubility [119]. Through her
reducing insulin and increasing ketones. In animals, the ketogenic experiments using paper chromatography Budwig found that
diet seems to be a promising alternative treatment for cancer. blending sulphydryl containing cottage cheese with flaxseed oil
Ketogenic diet can lower blood sugar levels which in turn helps would improve the solubility of the flaxseed oil, a reaction that did
reduce tumor growth and even starve cancer cells of energy they not occur with the saturated fats derived from pork fat. She
use to respire. reasoned that the sulphydryl groups in the amino acids, hydrogen
bonded with the unsaturated fatty acids, forming a lipoprotein
Cottage Cheese and Flax Oil Mixture (Budwig Diet)
[105]. Lipoproteins are the building blocks of the phospholipid
Budwig’s theory is based upon the work of Otto Warburg (1883– bilayer, or as Budwig called them - the external skin of the cell
1970) [105]. Warburg was an earlier Nobel Prize Laureate (1931) [120-132]. The proper function of cellular membranes is vital as it
for the discovery of the nature and action of the respiratory mediates the flow of materials in and out of the cell. Budwig felt
enzyme [106], the first of the so-called yellow enzymes, or the combination of these two substances (i.e., cottage cheese and
flavoproteins [107]. Warburg’s scientific efforts produced a large flaxseed oil) was important because the bond created by the
body of work and publications in highly respected journals such opposing charges generated the electromotor force‖ of a
as Science (1928, 1956) [108-110]. According to Budwig, lipoprotein [105], which she claimed provided the only path for
Warburg theorized that cellular respiration, like many chemical fast and focused transport of electrons in biological systems [105].
reactions, was dependent upon substrate availability, specifically It was not until 1978 that Peter Mitchell received a Nobel Prize for
a sulphydryl group and an unknown saturated fatty acid, which he his work on energy production in mitochondria [121-125,132]. In
failed to identify [105]. Budwig, although supportive of SCTP, the cottage cheese is organic and high fat and the amount
Warburg’s work, believed he was looking for the wrong fatty acid. is 2/3 Cup (mixed with flaxseed oil). The flaxseed oil is cold press
From 1949 to 1952, Budwig and colleague H.P. Kaufmann and 6 Tablespoons (mixed with cottage cheese). The inclusion of
developed new paper chromatography techniques to identify and this supplement in the SCTP is part of the megavitamin trend
quantify fatty acids, the success of which she says initiated popularized in the seventies. The multivitamin/mineral
widespread research into blood lipids [111-122]. Budwig supplement is a combination including 65 vitamins, minerals,
describes how in 1953 she applied these techniques to blood essential fatty acids, amino acids, anti-oxidants, digestive
samples of healthy and sick individuals, documenting the enzymes, herbs and superfoods [133].
differences in fatty acid profiles [112], making her one of the first
Medical Ozone Therapy Applied in SCTP
scientists to question the health implications of fat consumption
[20]. Modifying the type of dietary fat became the foundation for Medical ozone is produced in varying concentrations in SCTP.
the development of the Budwig Diet [113]. The modification and The quantity of ozone in comparison with the quantity of oxygen
reduction of dietary fats in the prevention and treatment of in the gas stream is called percent concentration. It is measured in
cardiovascular disease and cancer has featured prominently in the micro grams (ug) of ozone per milliliter (or cc) of the mixture.
last 50 years of dietary research [114,115].
A liter of oxygen weights 1.4 grams. Therefore; 0.5% x 1.4 gm =
Budwig believed that patients with cancer required highly 7 ug/cc, 1.0% x 1.4 gm = 14 ug/cc, 1.5 x 1.4 gm = 21 ug/cc, 2.0%
unsaturated fatty acids, specifically linoleic acid (LA) and x 1.4 gm = 28 ug/cc, 2.5% x 1.4 gm = 35 ug/cc, 3.0% x 1.4 gm =
linolenic acid (LNA) to act as raw materials for cell membrane
Pubtexto Publishers | 6 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

42 ug/cc, 3.5% x 1.4 gm = 49 ug/cc, 4.0% x 1.4 gm = 56 ug/cc, the cancer risk and future heart disease.
4.5% x 1.4gm = 63 ug/cc, 5.0% x 1.4 gm = 70 ug/cc. HBO2D is done on all cancer patients 3x/week plus ozone
therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) involves
5% or 70 ug/cc is considered to be the upper limit of the
administration of 100% oxygen at elevated pressure (greater than
concentration for the internal use of medical ozone. The medical
internal ozone therapy in SCTP begins with the lowest sea level, or 1 ATA). HBO2T increases plasma oxygen saturation
concentration in the first week and continues till the upper limit which facilitates oxygen delivery to the tissue independent of
concentration. The dosage will go higher every week. hemoglobin O2 saturation [190]. The potential benefit of using
HBO2T to combat the cancer-promoting effects of tumor
Combination of the Specific Keto-Diet (SKD), hypoxia is clear. HBO2T alone has been shown to inhibit tumor
Intravenous Ozone Therapy (IOT) and Hyperbaric growth, reduce tumor blood vessel density, and induce the
Oxygen Therapy (HBO2T) preferential expression of anti-cancer genes in rat models of
mammary tumors. Additionally, radiation and many
In a research by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira nad Dr. Sorush
chemotherapy drugs work by producing free radicals within the
Niknamian in 2017, they have done the treatment based on the
tumors, leading to cell death. HBO2T enhances tumor-cell
special model of ketogenic diet and ozone therapy on the 54
production of reactive oxygen species which contributes to the
cancer patients, including; Liver cancer, Colorectal cancer,
synergistic effects of HBO2T as an adjuvant treatment to
kidney cancer, brain metastatic tumors, breast cancer, lung
standard care. Indeed, HBO2T enhances the efficacy of both
cancer. This was a double blind controlled study which has done
radiation and chemotherapy in animal models. In normal tissues,
at the Violet Cancer Institute (VCI) in Iran/Tehran. 10 patients
decreased oxygen availability inhibits mitochondrial production
with the liver cancer, 5 patients with the kidney cancer, 11 with
of ATP, stimulating an up-regulation of glycolytic enzymes to
brain metastatic tumors, 18 patients with the breast cancer
meet energy needs by substrate level phosphorylation production
tumors, 5 patients with the lung cancer and 5 patients with
of ATP. Thus, the cellular response to tumor hypoxia is mediated
colorectal cancer. The methodology of this study was based on 5
by several of the same pathways that are overly active in cancer
days of water fasting to make the normal cells go to the
cells with mitochondrial damage and high rates of aerobic
catabolism state, after 5 days we started the specific Keto-Diet
glycolysis. This suggests that the ketogenic diet and HBO2T
(SKD) the 80 percent saturated fat including MCT and animal
could target several overlapping pathways and tumorigenic
and coconut saturated fats. 15 percent protein powder with the
behaviors of cancer cells.
lowest glutamine which we have produced at the Violet
laboratory, and 5 percent complex carbohydrates with the highest Dietary Restrictions of SCTP
fiber. After 3 months of this study the average results of the
The SCTP prohibits dairy products (with the exception of cottage
reduction in cancer tumors by MRI device were: 45 Percent
cheese), gluten, sugar, processed food, alcohol, vegetable oils,
decrease in tumor size in lung cancer tumors, 25 percent decrease
margarine, fruit juices and inorganic meat. Links between cancer
in tumor size in colorectal cancer tumors. 75 percent decrease in
and diet have been investigated [135,136-138].
tumor size in breast cancer tumors. 62 percent decrease in tumor
size in liver cancer tumors. 54 percent decrease in tumor size in Inorganic Meat
kidney cancer tumors. 87 percent decrease in tumor size in brain
Conclusions about cancer risk and the consumption of meat are
cancer tumors [134].
difficult to make given the state of current evidence. In a case
Specific Keto-Diet used by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira and Dr.
control study from Uruguay (2009), 846 cases and 846 controls
Sorush Niknamian contains 80% fat in the form of animal and
were followed estimating meat consumption and lung cancer risk.
herbal saturated fat (Butter, Tallow and coconut oil), 15% protein
Total meat consumption of red meat and processed meat are
and 5% complex-high fiber carbohydrate. The source of
reported to be associated with an increased risk of cancer, while
carbohydrate used in this protocol is mainly vegetables with high
total intake of white meat, poultry and fish did not increase risk
sulfur compounds.
[139]. Intake of red meat also appears to be associated with an
The fats used by the patients were only organic saturated fats.
increased risk of breast cancer [140,141] although the variables
Organic cow butter, organic cow tallow and coconut oil. Medium
controlled in studies vary widely such as menopausal status and
Chain Triglyceride (MCT) in this research is not used and they
cooking practices, making it difficult to draw definitive
used extra virgin coconut oil.
conclusions [142,143]. The intake of saturated fat, found in higher
Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12-carbon
amounts in animal products, has been linked to breast cancer
Lauric-Acid. When lauric-acid is digested, it forms a substance
[144]. Colon cancer risk has also been correlated with intakes of
called monolaurin. Both lauric-acid and monolaurin can kill
red meat, pan fried meat and processed meat mutagens [145]. Fish
harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. Lauric-acid in
and specifically the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, has been
extra virgin coconut oil has the protective effect against cancer
associated with a lowered cancer risk, and more specifically,
and heart disease. This important and beneficial compound can
decreased mortality from prostate cancer [140-145].
be found in human milk that is beneficial to infants in reducing
Pubtexto Publishers | 7 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

Dairy products due to their high amounts of lactose is prohibited I both esophageal adenocarcinoma [158] and breast cancer [159-
cancer patients when ketogenic diet is introduced in SCTP. There 161]. High sugar intake is associated with weight gain and obesity.
are hypotheses about the risks of milk and milk product A 2008 study reported that - an estimated 33,966 new cancers (4%
consumption associated with an increase in growth of all estimated cancers) in males and 50,535 (7% of all estimated
hormone/insulin like growth factor-1 that is triggered by the cancers) in females diagnosed in 2007, or 6% of all cancers, may
ingestion of milk protein [146]. The recent publication from the be potentially attributable to obesity [162]. Without the impact of
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition rising obesity rates, incidence rates might have declined (instead
reported an association between high dairy intake, high serum of remaining stable) from 1988–1994 to 2001–2004 for uterus,
concentrations of IGF-1 and an increased risk for prostate cancer breast and certain other cancers [158]. The following, by the
[147]. Conflicting evidence exists regarding the role of dairy in World Cancer Research Fund and The American Institute for
the development of colorectal cancer. It has been reported that Cancer Research, is a list of mechanisms by which obesity can
high dairy intakes during childhood resulted in a near tripling in increase cancer risk as reported in their publication - Food,
the odds of developing colorectal cancer in adulthood [148]. Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A
Conversely, two recent studies suggest that a higher intake of dairy Global Perspective: Obesity causes an elevation of insulin and
products is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer [149,150]. leptin levels, which can promote the growth of cancer. Elevated
High calcium intake has also been correlated with a lower risk of leptin levels are associated with colorectal and prostate cancer.
colorectal cancer [151]. Fortified milk and milk products are also Insulin resistance is increased, causing the pancreas to compensate
a source of vitamin D, which has been associated with a reduced by increasing insulin production. Hyperinsulinaemia is correlated
risk of cancer [149-151]. The BHP recommends a supplement with an increased risk of cancers of the colon and endometrium,
containing 40 µg/1600 IU of vitamin D [33], four times the current and possibly of the pancreas and kidney. Higher levels of body fat
daily recommended intake of vitamin D. increase the level of estradiol in men and women and may also
raise testosterone levels in women. Increased levels of these sex
steroid hormones are strongly associated with endometrial cancer
Gluten, found in a variety of grains including wheat, does contain and postmenopausal breast cancer and may increase risks for
several proteins that are known causes of respiratory and food colon and other cancers. Adipose tissue promotes inflammatory
allergies as well as contact hypersensitivity, in certain individuals factors in the body. Obese individuals have higher concentrations
[152], but this reaction is not associated with an increased risk of of interleukin-6, C-reactive protein and tumour necrosis factor.
cancer. Celiac disease is described as a small intestine mucosal Leptin, which again is raised in cases of obesity, also functions as
disorder that is gluten dependent and often characterized by an inflammatory cytokine. Chronic inflammation can increase
nutrient malabsorption, diarrhea and weight loss [153]. A known one’s risk of cancer [40].
complication of celiac disease is the development of bowel There is also a potential link between sugar and cancer involving
cancers [41]. A 2009 article reported that if celiac disease was first the effect of sugar on the immune system. It has been reported that
diagnosed later in life, lymphoma was detected more often than in the daily ingestion of 75-100 g of simple sugars, including
cases of early diagnosis, the possible culprit being duration of glucose, sucrose, fructose and honey has been found to induce a
exposure to gluten [154]. The same study also postulated that fifty percent drop in the activity of white blood cells for two to
those with celiac disease may actually be at a lower risk of gastric five hours [164]. The immune system plays a central role in the
and colon cancers than previously thought due the celiac elimination of altered and unhealthy cells, including cancer cells
characteristic symptoms of impaired absorption and quick [156-162].
excretion of fat, fat soluble substances, hydrocarbons and other
potentially carcinogenic substances [153,154]. In the general
population however, an increased risk of cancer from gluten Alcohol intake has been associated with an increased risk for
ingestion has not been established. certain cancers including breast, rectal and pancreatic cancers
[163,164]. There is conflicting data on the effect of alcohol
Sugar and Processed Foods
consumption and prostate cancer. While heavy drinking, 50 g or
Foods high in sugar can replace nutrient dense foods, delivering more per day, has been positively associated with prostate cancer
more calories and fewer nutrients. Poor nutrition can lead to [165], 36 g or more per day has been shown to decrease the risk
numerous health consequences including anemia, delayed of benign prostatic hyperplasia [166], a marker for prostate cancer
immune response and prolonged wound healing. Foods with a risk. A 2009 study evaluated lifetime alcohol exposure and its link
high glycemic index have been linked to insulin resistance, which to cancer risk in men and concluded that moderate and high
has been correlated with an increased risk for pancreatic cancer alcohol consumption increased risk for cancers of the esophagus,
[155,156]. In a 2009 cohort study intended to assess this risk, those stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, lung and prostate. Cancer
with the highest intake of fructose and glucose were found to be association was strongest for beer and to a lesser extent spirits
at higher risk for pancreatic cancer [157]. Positive associations [167]. Red wine, on the other hand, may offer some protective
have also been made between diets with a high glycemic load and benefits against a number of degenerative diseases. In a study
Pubtexto Publishers | 8 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

looking at the effect of alcohol on breast density, a strong test our study. After 6 months of this research all the patients cured
intermediate marker for breast cancer risk, red wine showed a completely without any serious side effects. This protocol is based
consistent inverse association, unlike other types of alcohol [168]. on Otto Warburg, Dr. Johanna Budwig and Bill Henderson
The protective mechanism associated with red wine is often Protocol (BHP) with a serious revision.
attributed to red wine’s content of resveratrol [169]. A recent study As a large component of his six component diet, Bill Henderson
suggested that the benefits of red wine include, but are not limited suggests cottage cheese and flaxseed oil recommended by Dr.
to resveratrol, but may also involve its red pigments [170]. Johanna Budwig in the 1950s. While it is known that the essential
fatty acids found in flaxseed oil, as well as methionine and
Industrial Vegetable Oils and Margarine
cysteine, are important in human health, with modern
Increased consumption of processed vegetable oils and margarine advancements to our understanding in areas of human physiology,
has led to an epidemic of harmful structural changes in cell lipid metabolism and lipoproteins, Budwig’s fervent belief in
membranes. Although it is true that vegetable oils can lower Total these combined substances as cure for cancer appears overly
and LDL cholesterol levels, they also lower HDL which is a simplistic. Although Budwig lived until 2003, and was actively
negative effect. Vegetable oils change the structure of the cell lecturing until the late 1990s, there does not appear to have been
membrane which results in an increase in the Reactive Oxygen any attempts to test her theories using modern technology or
Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) in human different source materials, such as fish oil. The combination of
cells. This increase may be one of the prime drivers behind the lysine, proline, ascorbic acid and green tea extract has been
transformation of normal cells into cancer cells. The steep increase studied by The Dr. Rath Research Institute and based on their
in consumption of these harmful products is likely to be one of the published work, has shown this nutrient mixture to be a promising
leading causes of the current epidemic of heart disease and cancer. anti-cancer proliferation agent [105-132].
Increasing the cancer incidence and consumption of margarine The specific Keto-Diet of this protocol is 80% saturated fat, 15%
and vegetable oils is highly discussed in Fat & Cholesterol Myths Protein and 5% complex-high fiber carbohydrates which has had
and Obesity & Cholesterol Myths by Sorush Niknamian and marvelous effects in cancer patients. The VCI Protein Powder
Somayeh Zaminpira. with the lowest glutamine is a good source of protein taken by the
patients to reduce the incidence of Cachexia in cancer patients.
Discussion All vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin E and Folate should
SCTP is a protocol introduced by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira nad Dr. be natural since these two vitamins in the synthetic form may
Sorush Niknamian as the treatment for cancer with the lowest side increase the probability of many types of cancer incidences. Dairy,
effects. There has been many researches done by the cancer sugar, fruit juice, vegetable oil and margarine is prohibited in this
scientists to figure out which diet and what supplements can be protocol due to high glucose contents. Supplementation with 5000
used in the treatment of cancer. We have studied over 700 mg of fish oil is needed due to reaching the amounts of DHA and
researches and reviews and done a controlled research in the EPA mentioned in (Table 1).
Violet Cancer Institute (VCI) on 54 seriously ill cancer patients to
Table 1: Supplemental nutrient intake recommended in the Bill Henderson Protocol compared to Institute of Medicine’s DRIs.

Nutrient Total daily amount advised Daily recommended Daily recommended Tolerable upper
in the BHP [1] (pp. 57–59) intake (male 51–70 y) [7] intake (female 51–70 y) intake level (adults
[7] 19–70 y) [99
3030 µg/10000 IU 900 µg or2970 IU 700 µg or 2310 IU
Vitamin A 3000 µ g/day

5000 mg 90 mg 75 mg
Vitamin C 2000 mg/day

7000 IU 10 µg or 400 IU 10 µg or 400 IU

Vitamin D 50 µ g/day
120 µg 120 µg 90 µg
Vitamin K2 ND
800 IU/536 mg 15 mg 15 mg
Vitamin E 1000 mg/day

Thiamin 300 mg 1.2 mg 1.1 mg ND

Riboflavin 100 mg 1.3 mg 1.1 mg ND
Niacin 500 mg 16 mg 14 mg
35 mg/day
Vitamin B6 220 mg 1.7 mg 1.5 mg
100 mg/day

Pubtexto Publishers | 9 J Cancer Res Clin Pract

Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

Folate 800 µg 400 µg 400 µg

1000 µg /day
Vitamin B12 1000 µg 2.4 µg 2.4 µg ND
Biotin 600 µg 30 µg 30 µg ND
Pantothenic acid 300 mg 5 mg 5 mg ND
Iodine 200 µg 150 µg 150 µg
1100 µ g/day
Magnesium 1000 mg 420 mg 320 mg 350 mg/day
Zinc 40 mg 11 mg 8 mg
40 mg
Selenium 400 µg 55 µg 55 µg
400 µ g/day
Copper 4000 µg 900 µg 900 µg
10000 µ g/day
Manganese 11 mg 2.3 mg 1.8 mg
11 mg/day
Chromium 400 µg 30 µg 20 µg
Molybdenum 200 µg 45 µg 45 mg
2000 µ g/day
Potassium 200 mg 4.7g 4.7 g
Choline 200 mg 550 mg 425 mg
3.5 g/day
Vanadium 0.300 mg ND ND
1.8 mg/day
Boron 2 mg ND ND
20 mg
Quercetin 100 mg ND ND ND
N-acetyl cysteine 1200 mg ND ND ND
Trace mineral complex 50 mg ND ND ND
Inositol 200 mg ND ND ND
Silica 52 mg ND ND ND
Rutin 20 mg ND ND ND
Hesperidin 20 mg ND ND ND
Beta Carotene 15000 IU ND ND ND
Tocotrienols 40 mg ND ND ND
Coenzyme Q10 100 mg ND ND ND
Alpha lipoic acid 20 mg ND ND ND
Lutein 12 mg ND ND ND
Lycopene 6 mg ND ND ND
EPA(eicosapentaenoicacid) 200 mg ND ND ND
DHA(docosahexaenoicacid) 300 mg ND ND ND
Fish Oil (Mercury Free) 5000 mg 1600 mg 1100 mg ND
Gamma linolenic acid 100 mg ND ND ND
Pancreatin 100 mg ND ND ND
Lipase 20 mg ND ND ND
Cellulase 20 mg ND ND ND
Maltase 20 mg ND ND ND
Protease 20 mg ND ND ND
Amylase 20 mg ND ND ND

Supplementation with probiotic is a must in cancer patients to utilize (A). They may bind to adhesion sites, preventing pathogen
increase the rate of vitamins and mineral absorption including attachment by reducing the surface area available for pathogen
vitamin B12. Probiotics are defined as microorganisms that are colonization (B). Signaling of immune cells by probiotics may
believed to provide health benefits when consumed. The term result in the secretion of cytokines, targeting the pathogen for
probiotic is currently used to name ingested microorganisms destruction (C). Finally, probiotics may attack pathogenic
associated with benefits for humans and animals. [Hill C. et al. organisms by releasing bacteriocins, killing them directly (D).
2014] Probiotics may compete against pathogens for the same Motevaseli et al. in 2017 showed that Probiotics are defined as live
essential nutrients, leaving less available for the pathogen to bacteria and yeasts that exert beneficial effects for health. Among
Pubtexto Publishers | 10 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

their various effects, anti-cancer properties have been highlighted and around the size of possible effect [184,185]. Probiotic
in recent years. Such effects include suppression of the growth of treatment has been studied as a means of addressing disorders
microbiota implicated in the production of mutagens and associated with vitamin deficiencies including those of vitamin K,
carcinogens, alteration in carcinogen metabolism and protection folic acid, and vitamin B12 to increase their absorption [186-188].
of DNA from oxidative damage as well as regulation of immune Probiotics should be taken two times a day with meal. Also we
system. We performed a computerized search of the recommend eating fermented foods for absorbing vitamin K2
MEDLINE/PUBMED databases with key words: cancer, including: Kimchee, Miso and Natto. Consumption of any non-
probiotics, lactobacilli, metastasis and invasion. Cell line studies fermented soy is prohibited in the SCTP. There have been many
as well as animal models and human studies have shown the studies relating the consumption of soy beans and increasing the
therapeutic effects of probiotics in reduction of invasion and rates of several cancers which is highly discussed in the book The
metastasis in cancer cells. These results support the beneficial Effect of Nutrition in Evolution of Cancer written by Dr. Somayeh
effects of probiotics both in vitro and in vivo. However, pre- Zaminpiraa and Dr. Sorush Niknamian in 2017.
clinical or clinical studies are not enough to decide about their In addition to all above, one important antioxidants which has
application [171]. been shown to be effective in inducing apoptosis and inhibit
Yu AQ et al. in 2016 mentioned that the human gut microbiota has proliferation of cancer cells relative to normal cells. Alpha Lipoic
a significant effect on many aspects of human physiology such as Acid (ALA) and ahould be taken with NAC. The antioxidant
metabolism, nutrient absorption, and immune function. Imbalance alpha-lipoic acid (APA) is a naturally occurring compound that
of the microbiota has been implicated in many disorders including has been shown to possess promising anti-cancer activity because
inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, asthma, psychiatric of its ability to preferentially induce apoptosis and inhibit
illnesses, and cancers. As a kind of functional foods, probiotics proliferation of cancer cells relative to normal cells. Mantovani
have been shown to play a protective role against cancer used alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) at a dosage of 300mg/day and N-
development in animal models. Clinical application of probiotics acetyl-cysteine at 1800 mg/day [89]. Their data showed long term
indicated that some probiotic strains could diminish the incidence combined maintenance therapy with rIL2+ medroxyprogesterone
of postoperative inflammation in cancer patients. Chemotherapy acetate (MPA)+ antioxidant agents is feasible, has a very low
or radiotherapy-related diarrhea was relieved in patients who were toxicity, and results in the improvement of clinical outcome [134].
administered oral probiotics. The present review summarizes the The antioxidants N-Acetylcysteine and ALA markedly reduced
up-to-date studies on probiotic effects and the underlying the effect of the hormone on tumor necrosis factor-induced
mechanisms related to cancer. At present, it is commonly accepted caspase activation, attest- ing to the involvement of reactive
that most commercial probiotic products are generally safe and oxygen species (ROS) in the cross-talk between the hormone and
can improve the health of the host. By modulating intestinal the cytokine [135]. Mantovani, et al. (2003) tested the ability of
microbiota and immune response, some strains of probiotics can different antioxidant agents, used alone or in combination, to
be used as an adjuvant for cancer prevention or/and treatment reduce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and to increase
[172]. the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity [136]. The study
Some strains of LAB may modulate inflammatory and included fifty-six advanced stage cancer patients who were mainly
hypersensitivity responses, an observation thought to be at least in stage III (12.5%) and stage IV (82.1%). Single antioxidants were
part due to the regulation of cytokine function [173-176]. Clinical effective in reducing the ROS levels. The results of ALA use in
studies are assessing whether they can prevent recurrences of human cancer chemotherapy and as a chemo-preventive agent by
inflammatory bowel disease in adults, as well as affect milk a significant inhibition of the formation of the depurating adducts
allergies [177]. How probiotics may influence the immune system have been reviewed in light of ALA future inclusion into
remains unclear [178]. Probiotics are being studied for their chemotherapeutic protocols [137-139].
potential to influence inflammatory bowel disease. There is some Consumption of 500 ml of vegetable juicing is important by
evidence to support their use in conjunction with standard cancer patients to improve the acidity, absorption of mineral
medications in treating ulcerative colitis and no evidence of their magnesium and improving the blood electrolyte. In addition to the
efficacy in treating Crohn's disease [179-181]. specific keto-diet and nutritional supplements mentioned in the
A live formulation of lyophilized Bifidobacterium breve, materials and methods, we highly propose intravenous ozone
Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus therapy once per week starting with the lowest dosage and
acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, increase it every week to the maximum dosage to reduce any side
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus (VSL3) effects or allergic reactions. In addition to ozone therapy, with
has shown effectiveness in the small clinical trials, some of which suggest hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) tow times per week.
were not randomized nor double-blinded, that had been done as of There are several studies proven the benefits of HBOT in
2015; more high-quality clinical trials are needed to determine combination with Ketogenic Diet in the treatment of cancer in
safety and effectiveness [182,183]. Probiotics are under study for animal and human models.
their potential to affect irritable bowel syndrome, although Angela Poff et al. in 2013 mentioned that abnormal cancer
uncertainty remains around which type of probiotic works best, metabolism creates a glycolytic-dependency which can be
Pubtexto Publishers | 11 J Cancer Res Clin Pract
Citation: Niknamian S, Zaminpira S, Seneff S, Seyfried TN, Agostino DD, Gonzalez MJ (2019). Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment
Protocol (SCTP). J Cancer Res Clin Pract 2(1): 110

exploited by lowering glucose availability to the tumor. The combination with oxygen, increasing the blood flow and uplifting
ketogenic diet (KD) is a low carbohydrate, high fat diet which the immune system response. Ozone therapy is the safest cancer
decreases blood glucose and elevates blood ketones and has been treatment therapy which does not have any serious side effects in
shown to slow cancer progression in animals and humans. human models [190-196].
Abnormal tumor vasculature creates hypoxic pockets which
promote cancer progression and further increase the glycolytic-
dependency of cancers. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) Cancer is an evolutionary metabolic disease which has introduced
saturates tumors with oxygen, reversing the cancer promoting as EMHC hypothesis in 2017 by Drs. Somayeh Zaminpira and
effects of tumor hypoxia. Since these non-toxic therapies exploit Sorush Niknamian. Based on this hypothesis, the prime cause of
overlapping metabolic deficiencies of cancer, we tested their cancer is increasing the amounts of Reactive Oxygen Species
combined effects on cancer progression in a natural model of (ROS) and through the Butterfly Effect, normal eukaryotic cells
metastatic disease. We used the firefly luciferase-tagged VM-M3 become cancer cells. For finding the most effective cancer
mouse model of metastatic cancer to compare tumor progression treatment without serious side effects, we have studied the
and survival in mice fed standard or KD ad libitum with or without protocols and clinical researches from 1928-2017. The Sorush
HBO2T (2.5 ATM absolute, 90 min, 3x/week). Tumor growth was Cancer Treatment Protocol (SCTP) is introduced by the authors of
monitored by in vivo bioluminescent imaging. KD alone this paper which is basically uses Specific Ketogenic Diet (SKD),
significantly decreased blood glucose, slowed tumor growth, and intravenous ozone therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
increased mean survival time by 56.7% in mice with systemic and consumption of nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals
metastatic cancer. While HBO2T alone did not influence cancer and superfoods which is highly effective in the treatment of almost
progression, combining the KD with HBO2T elicited a significant all cancers. Water fasting and SKD weakens cancer cells and force
decrease in blood glucose, tumor growth rate, and 77.9% increase them to starvation mode. Intravenous ozone therapy in
in mean survival time compared to controls. KD and HBO2T combination with HBOT saturates cancer cells with oxygen,
produce significant anti-cancer effects when combined in a natural countering acidity, stimulating the immune system response and
model of systemic metastatic cancer. Our evidence suggests that increasing the amounts of ROS in cancer cells to force them to
these therapies should be further investigated as potential non- apoptosis mode without any side effects in normal cells. The most
toxic treatments or adjuvant therapies to standard care for patients effective vitamins, minerals and superfoods in the treatment of
with systemic metastatic disease [189]. cancer is mentioned in (Tables 1-2). Consumption of Cottage
Table 2: Specific doses for supplements suggested in the SCTP. cheese with flaxseed oil has been used by the Budwig and Bill
Henderson Protocols (BP and BHP) with good outcomes.
Daily advantage herbal Daily dose suggested in Although BP and BHP have some restrictions, we have revised
Chlorella Vulgaris 8000 mg (Early in the and completed the nutritional supplementation based on tried and
morning in the fasting state true researches in introducing SCTP. This protocol has been used
with water) on 54 seriously ill cancer patients with several types of cancer with
Turmeric 500 mg (Three times per day
the 100% positive results and no side effects in 6 months. SKD
with meal)
L-Taurine 400 mg mentioned in this protocol is 80% saturated fat (including animal
Bee Pollen 5000 mg mixed with VCI fat and coconut oil without the usage of MCTs) and consumption
protein powder of industrialized vegetable oils and margarines are completely
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 2000 mg prohibited due to the increased possibility of cancer incidence and
Green tea extract 500 mg 30 minutes before inflammation.
Panax Gingeng 100 mg with breakfast Acknowledgement
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 300 mg/Day
We would like to thank Sally Fallon Morell the President of
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