Chapter I: Introduction (Day 1) Social Psychology (Allport) : A Person Influences A Group and Vice Versa
Chapter I: Introduction (Day 1) Social Psychology (Allport) : A Person Influences A Group and Vice Versa
Chapter I: Introduction (Day 1) Social Psychology (Allport) : A Person Influences A Group and Vice Versa
Course Description:
Studies the classical and contemporary theories and research in social psychology with
emphasis on the Philippine situation.
Course Objectives:
The course aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of students of the influence
of the social environment on their and on other’s behavior and how these influences affect one’s
views and perspectives as a member of the community, and as a social studies teacher.
1. Enhanced their knowledge of concepts and theories in social psychology that are relevant in
the teaching of social studies.
2. Analyzed the socio-psychological related issues and concerns in the context of their social
systems and how these impact on their values and attitudes as members of their community, and
the teaching of social studies in the elementary level.
3. Gained new insights toward deeper appreciation and valuing of their individuality and social
being-ness thus making themselves mature and socially responsive members of society, and
hopefully transmit these to their students.
5. Applied these knowledge and insights in their present personal lives as well as in their careers
as teaching professionals.
Course Outline:
branch of psychology which represents an attempt to understand and explain how the thought,
feeling and behavior of individuals are influenced by actual, imagined, or implied presence of
others; due to interpersonal and non-social factors.
People behave according to the probability of success: People are friendly users
Internal Needs Determine Behavior: behaviors are explained through internal needs and
situations arouse these needs
Unconscious Mind: Innate Death Instincts
Desires: Sex & Aggression
Person perception
refers to the process by which we come to know about other’s temporary state (e.g., emotion,
intention, desires, etc) and enduring disposition (e. g., beliefs, traits, ability, etc)
Susceptible to errors
Affects the perceived person’s behavior (e. g., Rosenthal Effect, Pygmalion Effect)
a. Impression Formation refers to the process involved when one interprets various
sources of information about another and arriving at an over-all judgment of the person’s
b. Attribution the process by which people use information to make inferences about the
causes of behavior
B. First Impression
- Refers to the process involved when one interprets various sources of information about
another, and arriving at an over-all judgment of the person’s character (e.g., Celebrities,
Politicians, Acquaintances)
Based on:
2. Non-verbal Cues given more weight than what people claim they do (e.g. Silence, fidgety,
smirks, etc)
a. Form a triad
b. Discuss, Generate and List down Examples for Each of the Following Non-Verbal
Behavior and Their Corresponding Meanings
c. Facilitator Collates Output and Presents in Plenary Discussion
6. Touch
7. Paralanguage pitch, loudness, inflections, pauses, etc
8. Personal Space intimate, casual/personal, public/social, etc
2. Averaging Principle:
2.b Asch Gestalt Model – impression depends on weights given to each trait;
altruism (From a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate the person in terms of….?)
Inconsistent behaviors are not emphasized (seen as exceptions due to the person’s
manipulations) eg: Halo Effect, Forked-tail Effect
4. Positivity Bias – perceptions are most of the time positive; focus on the good things
B. Cognitive
1. Meaning & Context e.g., A student in a bikini (in the beach versus in the
That which draws attention e.g.: those who are either attentive or disruptive
Salience of Negativity Negative behavior easily overshadows positive
Impressions are based on the consistency of the person’s behavior with the pre-
existing information in our minds (usually based on self-referencing)
Anger it is higher when one perceives the situation to be within a person’s control
(if the situation is not within one’s control; we say: “What can we do?”)
2. Heiders’ Naïve Psychology based on the idea that every person has a general
understanding of human behavior
a) Every person has the need to form a coherent understanding of his world (attempts at
finding an explanation for events that take place)
b) Every person has a need to control his environment (possessing explanations leads to
the ability to predict w/c in turn leads to control)
Internal causes of events in one’s life are found inside the person; excludes
environmental or social factors
External causes of events in one’s life are found outside the person; excludes
traits/characteristics of a person
Stable Unstable
Traits Effort
Ability Mood
Task difficulty
Social history
3. Causal Schema
B. Attribution Error
1. Actor–Observer Effect
The tendency for actors to attribute their actions to situational requirements whereas,
observers tend to attribute the same actions to stable personal dispositions
e.g. tripping because of an obstacle you tripped because you are careless
e.g., Parent Child
Due to:
a. We possess more information about ourselves and we overgeneralize the limited
information that we have about others
b. Our perception of ourselves is focused on the external environment
2. Salience Effect
People and behavior that are perceptually salient are seen to be more causally central and
influential in general (these are people who are commonly noticed because of
positions, popularity/notoriety, status, etc)
Attitude is learned evaluative response directed at a specific “target” (objects, persons, places,
etc.) which is relatively enduring; influences behavior in generally a motivating matter
1. Characteristics of An Attitude
I: Learning Theories
“Tabula Rasa”
A. Classical Conditioning developed through associations that are established
(e.g., strangers are bad; spinsters are grouchy)
C. Modeling and Observational Learning (e.g. Parents’ view regarding other social classes)
existing attitudes become the materials which other attitudes are built on
the formation of new attitudes take into account their consistency with existing ones
e.g., I have friends who are prostitutes therefore, I see other prostitutes not to be necessarily bad
1. Cognitive consists of all thoughts the person has about the target
Involves facts, knowledge and beliefs about the target (e.g. Snakes have slimy skin.
They bite and they can kill)
“Facts may change but attitudes can persist.”(e.g. Folk Belief/Superstition: Paglilihi)
“An attitude can persist long after the fact that produced it has been forgotten.”
(e.g., Hitler, the “Japs”)
4. 4 Function of Attitudes
a. Communicator/Source
Based on:
a) Expertise/Authority on the matter
professional track record (e.g. Officers of PAMET for Safeguard)
experience (e.g. Loren Legarda of Ariel)
arguments based on facts is more persuasive (e.g. PAMET laboratory results; Pond’s)
multiple sources advocate the same position (e.g. Magic Sarap; Ginisa Mix)
b) Trustworthiness
does not have any personal interests; when the communicator does not profit anything
by advocating a position (arguing against one’s interests leads to higher
persuasiveness) e.g., Princess Diana campaigning against Land Mines
refers to members of a group which we consider our ideal (e.g. Tita Tita & Barbara Tengco)
Sleeper Effect
as time lapses, the communicator becomes increasingly dissociated from the message
the message is remembered but the communicator is forgotten
e.g. myths, slogans, principles (“Credit is good, but we need cash”; “Learn the 3 R’s”;
“Better be late than never”)
b. Content of Communication
A. Discrepancy the greater the discrepancy between new information and existing attitudes,
the greater potential pressure to change
e.g. Vanity vs. Simple Lifestyle; Poverty vs. Abundance (by Religious Crusaders;
Note: High level of discrepancy results to Source Derogation in order to maintain one’s
consistency (a possible response) e.g., Meat lovers vs. Vegetarianism; Smoking vs. Health
The chances of achieving change is lower when the target knows he has a lot to give up (can
be over powered by what is to gain)
B. Motive Arousal
2. Fear Arousal the process of producing attitude change by arousing fear among the
e.g., Martial Law’s Philippine Constabulary (PC); Showing gruesome effects of: Lung
However, arousing too much fear may lead to defensive avoidance (a possible
C. Strong Arguments
may be in the form of Repetitions; Repetition is effective only when varied to avoid tedium
Effective only when the amount of information content is voluminous (i.e. the target does not
scrutinize the content of the communication and “automatically” approves of it)
eg: Buying an Insurance Policy; Registering in the Internet (Terms & Conditions)
c. Situational Factors
- the target’s knowledge of the communicator’s strong position leads to lower chances of change
refers to the target’s prior knowledge of the communicator’s intent to persuade without
necessarily knowing the latter’s position
C. Distraction
distracting the target’s attraction from the issue may enable the persuasive message to get
through (e.g. Abu Sayyaf vs. Peso Devaluation)
d. Target
1. Commitment refers to the degree to which an individual is involved in his position which
creates pressure on him to defend his issues:
Sources of Commitment:
a. Behavior
a person’s behavior reflects his attitude;
a person stands by his decisions and actions
e.g., buying a new car; changing religious affiliations
b. Public Commitment
a person stands by his decision to avoid going against what has been publicly
sworn/promised (word of honor)
e.g., commitment rituals: oath-taking, public confessions, commitment trees, etc.
c. Free Choice
a person stands by his decision when it was made without any coercion
e.g., voting on an issue; public & individual consultation
d. Direct Experience
a person can stand by his position because of his personal experiences
e.g., The girl who slapped you will always be evil for you
2. Issue Involvement
♣ non-involvement in one’s issue (apathy) affects the person’s image and Social
Note: When the outcome matters to the person, arguments are processed carefully; when
they do not, the target focuses more on communicator characteristics
3. Response Involvement
♣ the person will involve himself in an issue when is response to an issue will entail public
scrutiny and results to either social approval or disapproval
e.g., Teachers’ involvement in the Implementation of School Policies
It involves the exercise of social power by a person or group to change the attitudes or
behavior of others in a particular direction (Cialdini & Goldstein, 2004)
1. Conformity takes place when people maintain or change their behavior to be consistent
with group standards or because others are doing it
2. Compliance occurs when people do what they are asked to do even though they prefer not
3. Obedience happens when people follow a direct command usually from someone
perceived to be a legitimate authority
2. Topic Relevance
♣ group members tend to exert more pressure to conform when the topic is considered to be
3. Social Support
♣ social support for the person decreases conformity; any dissenting opinion against the
group decreases conformity (e.g. authoritarian rule)
4. Collectivist & Individualist Cultures
♣ conformity is prescribed within the in-groups of a collective culture
5. Current Self-awareness
♣ activities that involve private self-awareness (ie: refers to the temporary state of being
aware of hidden private self-aspects such as personal opinions, thoughts, etc.) lead the
person to act according to personal standards and reduces conformity (e.g. secret
balloting vs. viva voce)
6. Self Presentation
♣ conformity depends on what impression one is trying to protect
7. Desire for Personal Control (DPC)
♣ high desire for personal control lowers conformity
Both physical pain & Social Rejection activates the anterior cingulated cortex (Eisenberger et al., 2003)
being ostracized leads to impairment in reasoning, logic, and self-regulation (Baumeister et. al., 2002)
ostracizing depletes one’s resources and causes stress, making it more difficult to engage in
self-regulation (Ciarocco, 2001)
B. Compliance
C. Obedience
1. Prejudice
refers to the negative attitudes towards a group (e.g. resentment)
a negative evaluation of a group or an individual based mainly on the person (s)’ group
does not necessarily lead to action
can either be implicit (non conscious, latent) or explicit (conscious but may not
necessarily be expressed)
2. Discrimination
♣ the behavior expression of prejudice (e.g. physical attack, jokes, rejection)
♣ a negative action toward members of a specific social group
3. Stereotype
♣ beliefs about people that put them into categories and do not allow for individual
variation (i.e. every member is similar to each other and homogenous)
1. Prejudice 3. Segregation
2. Discrimination 4. Annihilation
Theories on Prejudice
A. Leaning Theory
1. Socialization refers to the process wherein we are introduced to the ways of living
(e.g. culture) of our group or society
Ethnic identity (e.g. individual’s sense of personal identification with a particular
ethnic group)
Agencies of Socialization: family, school, church, media
Social Dominance Theory proposes that in all societies, groups can be organized
in a hierarchy of power with at least one group being dominant over all others.
(Pratto, 1996; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999)
Strict and punitive disciplinarians develop a strong need to conform to authority
figures, social conventions and order. Thus a sensitivity to anything that threatens
the social order and diversity in the social world is dangerous and threatening.
Outgroups are seen as threats.
Cold and unaffectionate parenting leads to tough-mindedness which views the world
as a ruthless competitive jungle where the strong win and the weak lose. This
worldview activates a desire for group dominance, power and superiority.
3. Realistic Group Conflict theory that intergroup conflict develops from competition for
limited resources (Franzoi, 2006)
Especially true when there is competition over scarce resources
The in-group feels that the out-group frustrates the satisfaction of its need
- Assumption: People strive for a positive self-concept and derive this sense of self-esteem
from their social identity (e.g. I am proud to be a member of this group)
- A kind of social competition in which members try to boost the status of their group as a
way of boosting their own self-esteem; thus, members engage in activities that benefit
their group
Prosocial Behavior
refers to a voluntary behavior that is carried out to benefit another person (Batson & Powell, 2003)
Theories on Altruism
a. Kin Selection helping blood relatives increase the odds that one’s genes will be
transmitted to subsequent generations (Zahavi,2003)
Benefit for the recipient must be high and cost to the helper must be relatively low
“Cheaters” who do not reciprocate are identified (Brown & Moore, 2000)
2. Social Norms
1) Reciprocity
this norm prescribes that people should be paid back for whatever they give us; helping those
who help us (Brown & Moore 2000, Gouldner, 1960)
“What is the term used in our language that express this concept”
People experience a feeling of discomfort (e.g. embarrassment) when they receive but cannot
give something back in return
3) Social Justice
this norm stipulates that people should only help when they believe that others deserve help
3. Motivational Theory
Is Altruism (or empathy) not egoistic since it also involves reduction of the unpleasant feeling
experienced during empathy?
b. Information Dependence occurs when the situation is vague and people depend on
others for a definition of reality e.g. when others are not showing any pertinent
reactions (such as being unconcerned, calmness, disinterest)
2. Diffusion of Responsibility refers to the belief that the presence of other people in a
situation makes one less personally responsible
3. Emotional Arousal and Cost-Reward Assessment assumes that emotional arousal takes
place during emergency situations and the unpleasant feelings need to be decreased
Altruism among modern day heroes does not usually involve this assessment
May explain behavior of ordinary bystanders during emergency situations (Franzoi, 2006)
Community (def.) – refers to people bound either by geography or by network links (webs of
communication) sharing common ties and interacting with one another (Hutchison, 1999)
1. Geographic Area
2. Social Interaction
3. Common Ties
B. Changing Aspects:
1. Electronic Communication
2. Physical Mobility
3. Communities of Interest (e.g., Professional, LGBT, Disabilities, Racial, Ethnic)
1. Social Exchange Theory – the act of exchange refers to the process of getting something one
needs or desires from others by offering them something they need or desire (Lesser & Pope, 2011)
An exchange takes place only if both parties feel it will benefit them or, at least, not hurt
In the relationship, one has power when one controls the resources that someone else
needs; thus, the need for power-balancing strategies (e.g., find alternatives, finding
something that one controls that is valuable to the “powerful” party, forming
coalitions/alliances, depriving the powerful)
2. Social Networks – comprised of people, groups, orgs. or other social units that are connected
and interact to help meet their individual needs
3. Social Cohesion – refers to the strength of ties between members of the community;
reciprocity and fair exchange foster cohesion; unequal distribution of power (& resources)
threaten cohesion
4. Social Exclusion – describes situations in which individuals or groups of people are excluded
from participation in the life of the community (e.g., mental institutions, home for the aged)
1. Production-Distribution-Consumption
2. Socialization
3. Social Control
4. Social Participation
5. Mutual Support
Traditionally been defined as a social unit of those related through marriage, birth, or
adoption who reside together in officially sanctioned relationships and who engage in
economic cooperation, socially approved sexual relations, reproduction and child rearing
(Gough, 1984 in Andersen & Taylor, 2009).
2. Philippine Constitution
Article II. Section 12. Declaration of Principles and State Policies: The State recognizes the
sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social
Rearing of the Youth for Civic Efficiency and Development of Moral Character:
2. Right of State to interfere with education of children. - ...The state, however, has the
power reasonably to regulate all schools, their teachers and pupils; to require that all
children of proper age attend school, that teachers shall be of good moral character and
patriotic disposition, that certain studies plainly essential to good citizenship must be
taught, and that nothing be taught which is manifestly inimical to public welfare.
1. A basic social institution. - is the family which provides the basic social unit of the
State. The family is the very heart of society, men’s system of living together in this
world. It comes into being in response to human needs and inclinations that are deeply
rooted in the nature of men.
2. The community’s first socializing agency. – The family is, in fact, the community’s
first socializing agency and the source of its strength and stability. It is here that the child
learns obedience, cooperation, and respect for the rights of others; and it is here also that
the parents have constant occasions to rise above selfishness in responding to the needs of
their children.
2201: The conjugal community is established upon the consent of the spouses. Marriage
and the family are ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and
education of children
2202: A man and a woman united in marriage, together with the children, form a family.
It should be considered the normal reference point by which the different forms of family
relationship are to be evaluated.
Sociological Approaches:
1. Conflict Theory – conflict and change in society is natural and inevitable; Marxist
2. Social Exchange Theory – emphasizes that individuals attempt to make choices that they
expect will maximize their benefits and/or minimize their costs
3. Symbolic Interactionism – assumes that human behavior is guided by the meanings that
people ascribe to social situations; meanings arise and are derived from social interaction;
meanings are modified in an interaction process; the tool people use to develop and
modify “meanings” is symbolic language.
6. Feminist – asserts that gender is basic to all social structures and organization;
emphasizes that experiences of women are different from those of men; may be
considered as an extension of the other approaches wand has a particular value.
1. Membership
a. Family of Orientation – the family a person is born into, or the family of birth; the
family that orients the person
2. Structure
a. Nuclear – the smallest group of individuals that can legitimately be called a family, is
generally composed of a mother, a father, and any children
b. Extended – consists of two or more adult generations of the same family whose
members share economic resources and live in a common household
3. Authority Structure
a. Patriarchal – the oldest man living in the household has authority over the rest of the
family members
b. Matriarchal – the oldest woman living in the household has authority over the rest of
the family members
5. Discipline Styles
Exercise 9- Group Work (2-3 members): Alternative Forms of the Filipino Family (Day
Lesser, J. G. & Pope, D. S. (2011). Human behavior and the social environment: Theory and
practice. MA: Allyn & Bacon
Myers, D. G.(2005). Social psychology. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Smith, E. R. & Mackie, D. Social psychology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.