18chesapeake - 20190415
18chesapeake - 20190415
18chesapeake - 20190415
1 GAME COMPONENTS 2 10 Operating Rounds 7
10.1 Routes 8
2 INTRODUCTION 2 10.2 Start of Operating Round/Private Company
2.1 Introduction to These Rules 2 Revenue 8
2.2 18xx Overview 2 10.3 Lay or Upgrade Track 8
2.3 18Chesapeake Overview 2 10.4 Place a Station Marker 9
10.5 Run Trains 9
10.6 Distribute Earnings 9
4 OVERVIEW 2 10.7 Purchase Trains 9
10.8 Emergency Money Raising 10
10.9 End of Operating Round/Export Train 10
7.1 Private Companies 3
7.2 Public Companies 4 13 TWO-PLAYER VARIANT 11
7.3 Company President 4 13.1 Setup 11
13.2 Additional Rules for Company Floatation 11
13.3 Additional Rules for Non-President Purchases 11
9 STOCK ROUNDS 5 13.3 Additional Rule for Ending the Stock Round 11
9.1 Private Company Auction 5
9.2 Certificate Limit 6
9.3 Selling Stock 6 15 CREDITS 11
9.4 Change of Presidency 6
16 INDEX 12
9.5 Buying Stock 6
9.6 Company Floatation 7 17 TILE UPGRADE CHART 12
9.7 Stock Price Movement Example 7
9.8 Ending the Stock Round 7
18Chesapeake – Rules v0.5 April 30, 2019
Many 18xx games are named for a particular year that is ● $800 for 3 players
historically significant to the game. For example, the title of ● $600 for 4 players
the first 18xx game was 1829 and refers to the early British ● $480 for 5 players
railways. Other titles reflect a geographical region rather
● $400 for 6 players
than a year. 18Chesapeake is a game about railroads in the
area of Chesapeake Bay while the title 18AL refers to 19th Randomize and select one company from the eight public
century railroading in Alabama. companies to associate with Cornelius Vanderbilt’s private
company P6 (see Section 7.1)..
18xx are games of stock investments and railroad
operations. Players act as investors to found railroad Determine seating order and initial priority deal at random
companies, buy and sell stock, and build their investment or by mutual agreement. The game starts with the private
portfolios in hopes of collecting dividends and benefiting company auction (see Section 9.3, Private Company
from rising stock values. The public railroad companies that Auction).
are founded develop the map by building track and railroad 4 OVERVIEW
stations, buying and operating trains, and managing their
18xx games have a rhythm. There will always be one stock round
followed by one to three operating rounds. The number of
At the end of the game, the winner is the player with the
operating rounds depends on which phase the game is in. At first,
highest net worth in their investment portfolio and cash
there is only one operating round; in the middle phases there will
be two operating rounds; and in the late part of the game there
will be three operating rounds.
In a stock round, the players act as investors to sell stock, use their
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personal funds to buy stock and start new public companies. separately in the following sections. The term “company”
In an operating round, the players act as company presidents to used generally means public company.
control the operations of the companies that are in play. During an
7.1 Private Companies
operating round, each company will in turn have the opportunity
to build track and stations, operate their trains, pay dividends to Private companies are
shareholders or retain the earnings in the company treasury, and small companies that are
buy new trains. entirely owned by one
player. Typically, they
The game proceeds in a series of alternating stock rounds
represent early companies
and sets of operating rounds, beginning with a stock round.
and most pay a small,
During stock rounds, players auction private companies
recurring revenue to the
and buy and sell shares in public companies. During
operating rounds, private companies earn revenues and
public companies lay track, place station markers, operate Additionally, most private companies are represented on the map
trains to earn revenues, and may purchase more trains. by “controlling” certain locations that prevent public companies
There are one, two, or three operating rounds between from building track in those locations. Such blocking of hexes
stock rounds depending on the phase when the set of occurs only when the private company is owned by a player.
operating rounds started. The game starts in Phase 2, During the game, the public companies can buy these private
reflecting the fact that the first train is a 2-train. The game companies from the players. While this provides cash to the player
proceeds through Phases 3, 4, 5, 6, and D as new types of that can be used to make additional investments, it also removes
trains are purchased. See Sections 10.6, Purchasing Trains, useful funds from the company treasury.
and Section 8, Phases, for details. When owned by a public company, some private companies confer
a special ability to their company-owners, such as the ability to
5 THE MAP build additional track in a specific controlled location or place a
The map shows cities and terrain that were connected by station token in a particular location.
the first United States railroads. A hex grid is superimposed Private companies are sold to players at the beginning of the game
on the map. Coordinates are printed on the edges for in an auction in which players take turns placing bids on the
reference purposes and remote play. Large circles or solid private companies. As your experience with the game increases,
black dots represent large and small cities respectively. you will be able to identify possible synergies between the private
Regions beyond the edge of the map are represented by red companies and one or more public companies that can be used to
areas called “red off-board areas.” There are also gray hexes guide your strategy during play.
on the map which cannot be built upon. Later in the game, private companies will close and are removed
from play. Their revenue and special abilities are no longer
The stock market is used to track the current market value of stock
The game includes six private companies, listed in Table 1.
shares for each of the public companies. Commonly, the actions of
The face value, revenue, and the hexes they block while
the companies themselves determines when the value of a
owned by a player are shown. Tiles may not be laid in those
company’s shares will rise and fall during the game. When a
hexes while the corresponding company is owned by a
company pays dividends to shareholders, the value of the shares
player, but this restriction is removed when the private
increase. Conversely, when a company does not pay a dividend or
company is owned by a public company or is closed.
has no revenue, the value of the shares decrease.
Private Companies
The actions of the players as investors will also affect the value of
shares. When a player sells stock, the value of that company’s Face Blocks
Name Revenue
shares decreases. Buying stock does not affect the value of the Value Hex(es)
shares, but when a company’s stock is “all sold”, the value will Delaware and Raritan
$20 $5 K3
continue to increase at the end of the stock round. These game Canal
mechanics are abstractions intended to represent both
supply-and-demand as well as investor confidence. $40 $10 H2 & I3
The stock market records the current value of public
Baltimore and
companies, by the position of the company‘s share price $50 $10 F4 & G5
Susquehanna Railroad
marker on the stock market. The stock price is the value of
each share in the company, i.e. one tenth of the total value. Chesapeake and Ohio
$80 $15 D2
A revenue chart is also provided. The revenues of
companies can be tracked here as a play aid to note the Baltimore and Ohio
$100 $0 None
amount each company last earned. One token is provided
to track the revenue of each of the companies. This track Cornelius Vanderbilt $200 $30 None
should be updated after each company runs. These private companies are each represented by a single
7 CORPORATE ENTITIES certificate and are always completely owned by a single
player or a company. The private companies pay a fixed
There are two classes of corporate entities called private revenue, printed on the certificate, to their owners at the
companies and public companies. They are described
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start of each operating round. If owned by a player, the 7.2 Public Companies
certificate counts towards the number of certificates owned
by that player. Public companies
have the common
During its operating turn, a private company may be characteristic of
bought by a public company for any mutually agreed having ten shares of
amount between half and double its face value (inclusive) in stock that are bought
Phases 3 and 4 (game phases are further explained in
and sold by players.
Section 8). A company that owns a private company may
These companies
not sell it.
create routes, build
All private companies are removed compulsorily at the start stations, and operate
of Phase 5. trains.
The private companies have the following special abilities. Generally speaking,
they are a means to an end goal of winning the game. Companies
P1 Delaware and Raritan Canal. Blocks hex K3. No special
are tools manipulated by players to enrich themselves.
While it is typically advisable to operate good companies that make
P2 Columbia-Philadelphia Railroad. Blocks hexes H2 and plenty of money for shareholders, not every company needs to be a
I3 while owned by a player. The owning company may lay good company for its investors to profit. Not every decision you
two connected tiles in hexes H2 and I3. Only #8 and #9 make must benefit the company or its shareholders. This is the age
track tiles may be used (one of each or two of the same). If of Robber Barons, a time of get rich schemes. History is full of
any tiles are played in these hexes other than by using this phony railroad companies that never got past raising (and
special ability, the ability is forfeit. These tiles may be stealing) capital.
placed, even if the owning company does not have a route Public companies have a “corporate charter” which is a game mat
to the hexes and are in addition to the company’s tile upon which the company’s assets are placed. Assets include the
placement action. company treasury, which is separate from a player’s treasury, as
P3 Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad. Blocks hexes F4 well as available railroad station tokens and train cards that are
and G5 while owned by a player. The owning company owned by the company. The company treasury funds its operations.
may lay two connected tiles in hexes F4 and G5. Only #8 There are up to eight public companies in the game. Public
and #9 tiles may be used (one of each or two of the same). If companies are formed when 60% of their stock has been
any tiles are played in these hexes, this power is forfeit. purchased from the IPO (see Section 9.2, Buying Stock).
These tiles may be placed, even if the owning company Public companies all function identically. Each has a
does not have a route to the hexes and are in addition to the president's certificate, worth 20%, or two shares, and eight
company’s tile placement action. ordinary certificates each worth 10%, or one share.
P4 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Blocks hex D2 while The public company’s charter is not a share certificate,
owned by a player. The owning company may place a #57 merely a convenient place to put its assets.
(straight city) tile in hex D2. The company does not need to
have a route to this hex. The tile placed counts as the 7.3 Company President
company’s tile lay action and the company must pay the The president of a public company is the current owner of the most
terrain cost. The company may then immediately place a shares in a company. The president controls all of the operations of
station token in hex D2 free of charge. The token used must the company with complete autonomy. Every decision from laying
be the next available cheapest station. track to managing the revenue is left to the president’s discretion.
P5 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. During game setup, place However, the president is personally financially liable for the
one share of the Baltimore and Ohio public company with operational health of the company. If a company’s treasury lacks
this certificate. The player purchasing this private company the funds for a mandatory purchase, the company president must
takes both the private company and the B&O share. This contribute the money needed, or declare bankruptcy in the process.
private company has no other special ability. This leads to managing a healthy balance between withholding
revenue in the company in order to fund train purchases and
P6 Cornelius Vanderbilt. During game setup, select a
paying out dividends (and you’re probably the biggest shareholder
random president’s certificate and place it with this
so you want as many dividends as possible).
certificate. The player purchasing this private company
The presidency can change if another player owns more shares
takes both the private company and the randomly selected
than the current president. It’s always best to be the president of
president’s certificate of a public company. Upon purchase,
healthy companies with strong futures.
the purchaser immediately sets the par value of the public
company. This private company closes when this associated The president is always the player with the most shares,
public company buys its first train. This private company although another player could own the same number of
has no other special ability and may not be purchased by a shares as the president. If another player owns more than
company. the current president, they swap two of their ordinary
certificates for the president's certificate. The president
makes all decisions on behalf of the public company.
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The game starts in Phase 2. ● Companies may own no more than two trains.
During Phase 2: ● There are an unlimited number of D-trains.
● Yellow track is available. 9 STOCK ROUNDS
● There is only one operating round between stock Each player begins the game with the same amount of money.
rounds. Players buy and sell stock in the various public companies in play
● Track cannot be built on private company hexes. and control the destinies of the companies. A player’s money is
● Red off-board areas count the lowest value. always kept separate from the money controlled by companies and
is used to purchase shares of stock. The real-world concepts of “buy
● Companies may own no more than four trains.
low and sell high” and “long term investments” are also true in
Phase 3 starts on the purchase of the first 3-train. 18xx games.
During Phase 3:
A stock round consists of a series of turns, starting with the
● Yellow and green track is available. holder of the priority deal card and proceeding clockwise.
● There are now two operating rounds between The game begins with the auction of the private companies.
stock rounds (determined at the point the stock On each turn thereafter, the player may:
round ends. ● Sell any number of certificates subject to the
● Companies may buy private companies from constraints set out below
players. Track may be built on private company ● Buy one certificate
hexes if the associated private company has been If the player does both of these actions on a turn, the order
purchased by a company. is always to sell then buy.
● Red off-board areas count the second value. A player doing neither is deemed to pass. The stock round
● Companies may own no more than four trains. ends only when all players pass consecutively. Thus, a
Phase 4 starts on the purchase of the first 4-train. player buying or selling (or during the private company
During Phase 4: auction, placing a bid) is guaranteed another turn in the
current round. A player that passes will have another turn if
● At the start of Phase 4, 2-trains rust and are
another player takes an action.
eliminated without compensation.
All stock transactions in a stock round are done between a
● Yellow and green track is available.
player and the bank—players may never buy stock directly
● Red off-board areas count the second value. from one another.
● Companies may own no more than three trains.
9.1 Private Company Auction
Phase 5 starts on the purchase of the first 5-train.
The private company auction takes place only at the start
During Phase 5:
of the game. During this part of the game, the private
● At the start of Phase 5, private companies are company certificates are auctioned.
removed from play.
Starting with the player with the priority deal card (first
● Yellow, green, and brown track is available. player) and proceeding clockwise, each player in turn takes
● There are now three operating rounds between one of the following actions:
stock rounds (determined at the point the stock ● Purchase the cheapest private company for the
round ends. price printed on the certificate (“face value”)
● Red off board areas count the third value. ● Place a bid on one of the higher value private
● Companies may own no more than two trains. companies
Phase 6 starts on the purchase of the first 6-train. ● Pass
During Phase 6: When placing a bid, the minimum bid is $5 above the face
● At the start of Phase 6, 3-trains rust and are value of the certificate or $5 above the previous highest bid,
eliminated without compensation. whichever is greater. All bids must be a multiple of $5. The
currently winning bidder sets aside the bid from their
● Yellow, green, and brown track is available.
starting capital; this money cannot be used to bid on any
● D-trains become available. other item until the ownership of the bid item is resolved.
● Red off-board areas count the third value. When a private company is purchased for its face value, the
● Companies may own no more than two trains. normal action sequence is paused if the next company or
Phase D starts on the purchase of the first D-train. companies have bids.
During Phase D: If only one bid has been placed, that player takes the private
● At the start of Phase D, 4-trains rust and are company, paying their bid to the bank.
eliminated without compensation. If two or more bids have been placed, the item is auctioned
● Yellow, green, brown, and gray track is available. between those players who have placed bids. Starting with
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the player holding the lowest bid and proceeding in order
of increasing bids, each player must raise the current bid by When a player sells shares, the company’s stock price drops
at least $5, bidding in multiples of $5, or pass (exiting the down one row per share sold if possible—if the marker is
auction). The auction ends when all players except one have already at the bottom of the chart (“on the ledge”), it does
passed. The winning bidder pays their bid to the bank and not move. If the marker moves to a space on the stock
receives the private company. Losing bidders have their bid market which is already occupied by other share price
money returned to them. markers, it is placed at the bottom of the stack. If the
The private company auction then continues with the marker remains on its original space, it retains its relative
player to the left of the player who purchased the first item position in the stack. The player receives the original price
remaining on offer (for face value) regardless of whether for each of the shares sold. If the player sells shares in more
this triggered an auction or who won the auction(s). than one company in a single turn, they decide in which
The private company auction ends when all private order to sell them. This will decide the order of companies
company certificates have been purchased and the player whose share price markers drop to the same space.
that won the P6 Cornelius Vanderbilt private company sets Shares may be sold one at a time or in blocks of multiple
the par value. If all players pass in turn before this happens, shares. In either case, the player receives from the bank the
conduct one operating round in which all private current stock price for each share sold. Thus, selling shares
companies pay their revenue to their player owners and one at a time often results in the player receiving less
then resume the private company auction. money than selling in one block since each sale depresses
In the event that all players pass in turn order with none of the stock price until it reaches a ledge of the stock market.
the private companies having been purchased, the private 9.4 Change of Presidency
company auction is immediately restaged with the
If as a result of selling shares, the holding of a public
Delaware and Raritan Canal reduced in cost by $5. This
company president drops below that of another player
may be repeated several times, until the start player is
(who must own at least 20% of the company), that other
obliged to accept the Delaware and Raritan Canal at no cost.
player becomes the new president. If there is more than
Once the private company auction is complete, proceed to one eligible player, the new president is the player with the
the first share round. Give the priority deal card to the largest holding—or, in the case of a tie, the tying player
player to the left of the last player to purchase a certificate closest to the outgoing president’s left in a clockwise
for face value. direction. The outgoing president exchanges their
9.2 Certificate Limit president's certificate for two ordinary 10% shares of the
affected company belonging to the new president. This
The certificate limit is the maximum number of share
exchange is made before resolving the rest of the sale.
certificates that a player may own. Each private company
and public company share certificate counts toward this 9.5 Buying Stock
total. A president's certificate of a public company only A player may either buy a 10% share of a company that
counts as one certificate. Shares of companies in the yellow already has a par value or a 20% president’s certificate of a
spaces on the stock market do not count toward the company that does not yet have an established par value. A
certificate limit. player that purchases a 20% share must select the par value
The certificate limit is as follows: ($70, $80, $95) and pay twice this amount to the bank for
● 20 for 2 players the president’s certificate. The par value is the price that
players will pay for shares of that company from the IPO.
● 20 for 3 players
Place one of the company’s markers in the par value box to
● 16 for 4 players mark the par value. Also place one of the company’s
● 13 for 5 players markers on the stock chart in the corresponding box with a
● 11 for 6 players red outline to mark the company’s share price. If the
selected space is already occupied, the new marker goes at
No player may own more than 60% of a public company.
the bottom of the stack.
9.3 Selling Stock Note that the par value for the company that is associated with the
To sell stock, the player transfers any number of share P6 Cornelius Vanderbilt private company is set by the player that
certificates from their holdings into the bank pool, subject bought it immediately upon purchase.
to the following constraints: To buy a single share of stock, the player whose turn it is
● Private companies may never be sold to the bank transfers one 10% certificate from the IPO or the bank pool
pool into their own holdings. The president's certificate of the
public company must already be owned by a player. The
● Shares may not be sold in the first stock round
purchasing player must not already own 60% or more of
● There may never be more than 50% of the shares that public company’s stock, and may not have sold stock in
of any company in the bank pool that public company earlier in the same stock round. Only
● President’s certificates may never end up in the one certificate may be bought per stock round turn. Pay the
bank pool par value if the share is purchased from the IPO and the
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current stock price if the share is purchased from the bank 9.6 Company Floatation
pool. Buying stock does not cause the current stock price to
Once 60% of the shares from the IPO are sold, the company
change. If, as a result of a share purchase, the player’s
“floats” and will operate in the next operating round. Upon
holding exceeds that of the current president, they become
floatation, give the company ten times the par value in
the new president, exchanging the president's certificate for
starting capital from the bank. The president receives the
two of their 10% shares.
company’s charter and places the station markers on the
A player at the certificate limit may not buy stock. If a respective spaces on it. The home station marker will be
player holds more certificates than the certificate limit, then placed when the company operates for the first time.
the player must sell shares in excess of the limit at the first
available opportunity. 9.7 Stock Price Movement Example
Name Stations Color
Baltimore and Ohio
3 H6 Blue
Camden & Amboy
2 J6 Orange
Chesapeake and Ohio
4 G13 Light Blue
Lehigh Valley Railroad 2 J2 Yellow
Norfolk and Western Example. C&O’s stock price marker ends the stock round in the
3 C13 Brown
Railway yellow area (1). Throughout the next operating rounds, it’s value
Pennsylvania Railroad 4 F2 Green increases as it pays out dividends (2). A player that was previously
at their certificate limit because the “yellow” share did not count,
Pittsburgh and Lake
3 A3 Black now must count it and is forced to sell a share at the first available
Erie Railroad
opportunity (usually their next action in a stock round). This sale
Strasburg Rail Road 2 H4 Red may put a company’s stock price marker back in the yellow area
(3), thus reducing the number of shares that need to be sold because
shares of that company do not count towards the certificate limit.
10 Operating Rounds
There are one, two, or three operating rounds between
stock rounds depending on the game phase when the set of
operating rounds begins. In each operating round, every
private company and floated public company operates
once. The private companies operate first by paying their
revenues to their owners. Then the public companies
operate in descending order of stock price. If the stock
values of two or more public companies are equal, then the
one whose share price marker is furthest to the right
operates first. If their share price markers are on the same
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space on the stock market, the one on top operates first. quantity of plain yellow track (tile numbers 7, 8 and 9) is
When a company operates, it performs the following intended to be sufficient for most games; if it runs out,
activities: more should be constructed. The tile mix for all other track
● Optionally buy private companies (anytime during is intended to limit play. If a vital tile is in play, then it must
turn) first be upgraded in order to free it.
● Optionally lay or upgrade track When laying a yellow tile, it must be placed on and aligned
with one of the pale green hexes on the map. While there is
● Optionally place one station marker
no track in a company’s home hex, the company may lay
● Run train(s), if any, to establish earnings any suitable city tile there and may not lay a tile anywhere
● Distribute earnings, if any else. Otherwise, the track on the tile must extend a route of
● Buy train(s), usually optionally but sometimes the company. Track laid may not run off the hex grid or
compulsorily into the blank side of a red or gray area. If the hex is labeled
with a sum of money (representing difficult terrain) the
Most of these actions are optional, but if done, they must
company must immediately pay that sum to the bank.
occur in this order, except that private companies may be
bought anytime during the operating turn. If the map hex is marked with:
In addition, in Phases 3 and 4, a company may buy one or ● A large open circle, representing a large city, then
more private companies at any point during its turn for any so must the tile. (A) in the image below.
mutually agreed amount between half and double its face ● A lettered city, “DC” or “OO”, then so must the tile.
value (inclusive). A company that owns a private company (B) in the image below.
may not sell it. ● A dot representing a small city, then a tile with a
At the end of each operating round, the round marker is bar must be used. (C) in the image below.
moved, following the arrows, to the next space. While they ● Two dots representing two small cities, then a tile
are available, a 2/3/4 train is exported. with two tracks and two bars must be used. (D) in
The steps briefly described above are explained in more the image below.
detail in the following sections. ● No dot or open circle, then plain track (i.e. track
10.1 Routes without a city) must be used. (E) in the image below.
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the tile has one or more station markers on it, those are Example. N&W has two 2-trains and one 3-train. It is Phase 3.
replaced on the new tile. There is never a charge for This is a lot of trains to run on such a small track network. In this
upgrading track. case, to maximize its earnings, it runs each of its trains from its
The board already contains two hexes on which yellow home station: two to the West Virginia Coal and one to the
track is printed (Baltimore and Philadelphia). These hexes northwest., It could increase the earnings if it also had a route to
should be treated as though a yellow tile has been placed the small city to the northwest, but it does not have a route there
there already; yellow tiles may not be built there, but such due to the B&O’s station marker that blocks it.
hexes may be upgraded. Thus, the runs are:
Track may not be placed on hexes shown as belonging to a ● 2-train: $30 (home) + $50 (West Virginia Coal)
private company that is owned by a player. Once the ● 2-train: $30 (home) + $50 (West Virginia Coal)
respective company is owned by a company or closed, ● 3-train: $30 (home) + $20 (large city to the northwest)
these hexes can be built upon following the normal rules. The total earnings are the sum of these runs: $210. N&W may
10.4 Place a Station Marker choose to withhold these earnings (stock marker moves left) or pay
out to the shareholders $21 per share (stock marker moves right).
A public company may place one of its station markers
Dividends to shares in the bank pool are paid into the company’s
each operating round on a vacant city space which is part of
a route of the company. One space on each public
company’s home hex is reserved for that company and any
company must leave a space free if that company has not
yet operated. Once placed, station markers may never be
moved. Each public company has two, three, or four station
markers as shown on the company charter. Placing the
second marker costs $40 and subsequent markers, if
available, $60 and $80.
When a company operates for the first time, the president
places its home station marker on the spot labeled with the
company’s logo (or appropriate city space if a tile has
already been laid there). This placement is in addition to
the single station marker that can be placed per operating 10.6 Distribute Earnings
A public company may withhold all of its earnings or pay
10.5 Run Trains them to shareholders as dividends. If the company keeps all
If the company has one or more trains, it runs them to of its earnings, or if the earnings are zero, its share price
establish earnings. Each train runs on a separate route. marker is moved one space to the left on the stock market,
These routes may not share any track segments, but they or one space down if the current space is marked with a
may meet or cross at cities or red off-board areas. downwards-pointing arrow. If paid out to the shareholders,
10% of the dividend is paid to the holder of each share.
The route may include no more cities (large or small) and
Payments for shares in the bank pool go to the company,
red off-board areas than the number of the train, but must
while payments for shares in the IPO are lost. If the share
include at least two. It follows that a 2-train must visit
price marker is already at the bottom left, it does not move.
exactly two. D-trains may visit any number of cities on a
If the company pays the shareholders, the share price
marker is moved one space to the right, or up if the current
The value of a route is equal to the sum of the values of the space is marked with an upwards-pointing arrow. If the
cities or red off-board areas it passes through and reaches. share price marker is already at the top right, it does not
The value of a city is the number printed in the small circle, move. In any case, if the share price marker moves to a
and ranges from $10 to $100. The value of a red off-board space which is already occupied, the share price marker
area is one of the numbers printed in the rectangle; the goes to the bottom of the stack.
lowest value in Phase 2, the second value in Phases 3 and 4,
the third value in Phase 5, and the fourth value in Phases 6 10.7 Purchase Trains
and D (see Section 8, Game Phases). Public companies require trains in order to earn revenue.
The earnings of a company are the sum of the values of the Purchasing better and better trains represents the inexorable
routes run by its trains. The highest legal earnings march of technology and progress. As newer trains enter service,
announced by any player must be declared, but players are older trains often become obsolete and are removed from the game,
not obliged to announce earnings higher than those requiring companies to keep up with the pace of the game. This is
declared by the president. referred to as the “train rush” as it is desirable to purchase new
trains that “rust” the older trains of your competitors.
As technology advances, the game progresses through different
phases wherein rules may change slightly. For example, as the
game advances, cities can grow larger and have a greater revenue
potential represented by allowing players to upgrade the city tiles
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18Chesapeake – Rules v0.5 April 30, 2019
to show greater rail access and higher revenues. train. A train bought from another company with
If a company has fewer trains than the current limit, it may president’s contributions cannot be bought for more than
purchase a train. The train may be from another company, face value. A company that buys a train aided by
with its president’s consent. The price is any amount, at emergency money raising necessarily ends the operating
least $1 and not exceeding the active company’s treasury. round with no money in its treasury. A company cannot be
The train may be any from the bank pool, or the cheapest required to buy a train from another company, regardless
new train in the bank (or, in Phase 6, a 6-train and D-train of the price at which it is offered.
are both simultaneously available until the second 6-train is If emergency money raising is triggered and there are
bought from the bank); the price paid must be the face trains available in the bank and/or the bank pool, the
value. cheapest option must be purchased. If emergency money
Train Roster raising is used to buy a train from another company, the
train can be bought for up to its face value.
Train Cost Quantity Rusts
During emergency money raising, if the president does not
2 $80 7 - have enough money to donate to buy the train, the
3 $180 6 - president must sell shares to raise the additional funds. The
president may choose which shares to sell in which order,
4 $300 5 2
but must stop selling once they have sufficient money to
5 $500 3 - fund the train. Normal share selling rules apply.
6 $630 2 3 The presidency of the currently operating company may
D $900 ($700*) Unlimited 4 not be transferred to another player during emergency
money raising. If shares are sold such that the presidency of
*Upgrade price, see below a different company transfers to a new president, this
Trains only get into the bank pool when companies discard happens immediately, before any train purchases are
excess trains when the train limit falls. A company may buy completed. If the company is still unable to buy a train after
multiple trains each operating round if it has the room and the president has contributed all possible funds and sold all
cash, but the effects of each train purchase apply shares that can be legally sold and no other company is
immediately after each is bought. A company currently willing to sell one of its trains to the company for an
below its train limit may purchase a train even if this agreeable price, then the player is declared bankrupt and
triggers a phase change that causes the company to be over the game is immediately ended.
the limit. Conversely, if the company currently has as many
trains as the current limit, it may not buy a new train even if 10.9 End of Operating Round/Export Train
this would trigger a phase change to bring it within limit. If At the end of each set of operating rounds, a 2-train, 3-train,
the purchase of a train lowers the train limit, companies or 4-train is exported. Remove the topmost train from the
with too many trains discard the excess into the bank pool
stack of available trains from the bank from the game. If a
without compensation. If more than one company has
new rank of trains is exported, this triggers a phase change
excess trains, they decide which to discard in operating
and the game enters the new phase immediately. Do not
export permanent trains (5-train/6-train/D-train).
A company with a route containing at least two revenue
locations and without a train must acquire a train during 11 ENDING THE GAME
the train-buying step of its operations. The company may The game end is triggered when the bank runs out of
buy any available train it can afford with its treasury. If the money (“bank breaks”). If this happens during an operating
company does not have enough money in its treasury to round, complete the current set of operating rounds and
buy any train from the bank or bank pool and does not buy end the game. If the bank breaks during a stock round,
a train from another company, then money must be complete the stock round and complete one set of
contributed through emergency money raising (see operating rounds.
Section 10.8, Emergency Money Raising).
Once the bank runs out of money, issue players IOUs from
In Phase 6 or Phase D, a company may trade in a train to the bank as necessary. Each player’s total wealth is the value
the bank pool to buy a D-train for $700. The trade-in is of their stock, at current market prices, private companies
executed simultaneously such that a company that is at face value (if the game ends before Phase 5), plus their
already at the train limit is allowed to conduct the trade. cash on hand. Company assets, including treasury and
5-trains and 6-trains that are traded in are available from trains, count for nothing. The richest player wins.
the bank pool for their face value.
10.8 Emergency Money Raising
Players should attempt to speed play as much as possible.
A company president can only contribute funds to finance a Determining which share to buy, and which tile(s) to lay
train purchase if the company does not own a train, but should preferably be done during other players’ turns. All
does have a route (containing at least two revenue personal and corporate assets are public knowledge, and
locations), and does not have enough money to buy a new must be disclosed to any player on request. Assets should be
train from the bank or bank pool. The president cannot kept neatly so that the need for explicit requests is
contribute more money than is required to buy the selected
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18Chesapeake – Rules v0.5 April 30, 2019
auction of private companies, 9.1 station markers, placing, 10.3 on routes, 10.1
track, placing, 10.3 trains running to, 10.5
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (P5), 7.1 trains, exporting, 10.9 values of, 8
Baltimore and Susquehanna trains, purchasing, 10.7–10.8 routes, 10.1
Railroad (P3), 7.1 trains, running, 10.5
bank pool, shares in setup, 3
buying, 9.5 par prices, 9.5 starting capital, 3
and dividends, 10.6 phases, 8 station markers, 10.4
limit on, 9.3 stock market
bank pool, trains in, 10.7–10.8 overview of, 6
presidents, company yellow area, 9.2, 9.7
certificate limits, 9.2 overview of, 7.3 stock price changes
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (P4), 7.1 changes in, 9.4 earnings distributions, 10.6
Columbia-Philadelphia Railroad priority deal, assigning example of, 9.7
(P2), 7.1
private auction, 9.1 sales, 9.3
Cornelius Vanderbilt (P6), 3, 7.1
setup, 3 sold-out companies, 9.8
stock round end, 9.8 stock price definition, 6
Delaware and Raritan Canal (P1), 7.1
private companies stock rounds, 9
dividends, 10.6
overview of, 7.1 buying stock, 9.5
auction of, 9.1 ending, 9.8
closure of, 8 first, 9.1
calculating, 10.5
operating, 10.2 selling stock, 9.3
distributing, 10.6
public companies buying, 10
emergency money raising, 10.8
public companies track
end of game, 11
overview of, 7.2 building and upgrading, 10.3
floating, 9.6 pre-printed, 5, 10.3
IPO shares
operating order, 10 trains
buying, 9.5
ownership limits, 9.2, 9.5 exporting, 10.9
and dividends, 10.6
presidents of, 7.3, 9.4 purchasing, 10.7–10.8
and floating companies, 9.6
privates, buying, 7.1 running, 10.5
and “sold out” status, 9.8
starting new, 9.5 rusting of, 10.7
two-player variant, 13
operating rounds, 10
red off-board areas
earnings, distributing, 10.6
overview of, 5 withholding earnings, 10.6
end of, 10.9
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