TSU Thesis TeacherKit Chapter 3
TSU Thesis TeacherKit Chapter 3
TSU Thesis TeacherKit Chapter 3
This chapter shows the methods and techniques used in the study, the population
and samples, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure and processing and the
Research Design
This study used the experimental research design with random assignment or
placement. According to Kesler (2015) the experimental design is the primary approach
used to investigate causal (cause-effect) relationship and to study the relationship between
group which will then be compared to the performance of a control group. The
experimental research was deemed suitable for this study because it will test the cause-
effect relationship between the performance of the experimental group in the pre-designed
test and the application. Furthermore, assignment of samples in the group were done
randomly and that initial test were conducted to ensure that the experimental and control
group has the same baseline knowledge in the learning concepts presented.
Research Locale
The study was conducted in Tarlac State University, Lucinda Campus. The locale
was chosen primarily because the researchers were currently enrolled as students in the
said university and that selection and samples will be more convenient given the time
Sampling Design
Probability sampling was conducted to determine the samples which will be the
experimental and the control group. Two sections were chosen and were initially tested
using the research instrument to determine if they have the same level of baseline
knowledge of the Geometry concepts. Once the pre-test results were compared the
researcher used the toss coin method to determine the group that will comprise the
Automatic inclusion was also utilized to determine the number of samples in each
group. This sampling technique was used to allow all the students in each class as samples
in the study.
group and twenty-five (25) students were selected in the control group.
Table 1
Distribution of Samples
Research Instrument
Two research instruments were developed by the researcher to gather pertinent data
that will be used establish answers to the problems presented in the first chapter.
The first instrument is a twenty-item option-type test which will determine the
students’ level of knowledge regarding selected geometry concepts. The test covers
concepts such as spatial figures, surface area and volume. A draft test consisting of 40-
items was originally constructed and was used as an item pool. The draft test was then
administered to a group of students which are not included in the experimental or control
group for a dry-run. This was conducted to increase the validity of the test. After the initial
implementation of the draft test item, scores were collated and was item analyzed using the
UL 27% method. Items that are deemed “poor” were removed until the draft test was
reduced into a twenty-item test which are comprised of test items that are deemed “very
good” and “above very good”. This final form of the draft test was used as the test
instrument that will be utilized to determine the knowledge of the students in the selected
geometry concepts.
format. This instrument was used to determine the problems that the students encountered
while using the TeacherKit application. The researchers constructed a draft questionnaire
then consulted their adviser for the revision. The questionnaire was submitted to the
researchers’ adviser for comments and suggestions as the basis for improving the items in
the questionnaire.
The researchers first secured the permission of the Dean of the College of Education
to conduct the study. Having secured the permission, the researchers personally facilitated
the administration of the pre-test. The scores in the pre-test was then coded and collated to
After two weeks the same test was administrated to the same groups to determine
the post-test result. During the post-test, the questionnaires pertaining the difficulty in using
the application was also administered to the experimental group to determine the difficulty
they have encountered in using the application. The scores of the samples during the post-
test as well as the responses of the samples in the experimental group on the questionnaire
was then collated and coded in a data processing software for statistical treatment and
Statistical Treatment
To determine the level of performance of the students during the pre-test and post-
test frequency counts and percentages was used. The table below was used to describe the
level of performance:
Table 2
Level of Performance
baseline knowledge between the experimental and control group. This test was utilized to
reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference
between the baseline knowledge of the geometry concept presented in the test between the
experimental and control group. The this will be conducted with a 5% degree of freedom
Additionally, it was also used to determine the difference between the mean
performance of the experimental and control group during the post-test or after the
intervention was facilitated. This statistical test was used to reject or fail to reject the null
hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference between the mean post-test
performance of the experimental and control group. The test was also conducted using a
5% degree of freedom and with an assumption that both groups have equal variances.
̅𝑥̅̅1̅ − ̅̅̅̅
𝑡= 1 1
𝑠𝑝 √ +
𝑛1 𝑛2
performance of the experimental group a paired-sample t-test was utilized. This statistical
test will determine the mean gain thus measuring the effectiveness of the application. This
test will be used to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis which states that there is no
significant difference between the mean pre-test score and the mean post-test score of the
𝑠𝑥̅ =
𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = sample mean of the differences
𝑛 = sample size