May 17
May 17
May 17
Over the summer break, if you find any of the
Scott Foresman books I sent in the ‘homework
Joselyn helps organize the classroom by sorting
folders’, please swing by the school and drop
them off in the office for me. Thank you so much
FYI and I hope you have enjoyed them!
I will be sending home everyone’s end-of-the-
year journal next week in a big, white, three-ring
folder. The children are so excited about getting DATES TO REMEMBER
to take them home. Please sit down with your May 20 – Class Party/Celebration (after lunch)
child and look through it – they are extremely 21 – Last day of school
proud!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
June 15 – ‘1st Day School Supplies’ orders due
Don’t forget about keeping an adequate amount August 6 – Meet the Teacher (TENTATIVE)
of money in your child’s lunch account for the August 8 – First day of school
remainder of the year. Mrs. Vickie, our CNP
manager has sent home a few reminders on ONE LAST THING
accounts considered ‘low’. If there is money left I hope you have enjoyed reading our classroom
in your child’s account, it will automatically roll newsletters and keeping up with things going on
over to next year, even if you transfer to another in our classroom! I appreciate everything you
school within ACS. Thank you! have done to make this year so successful. I have
become very attached to your children and love
Your child’s kindergarten checklist will be sent each of them dearly. I am sad to see them go but
home Tuesday in their Friday Folder. You do not excited to reflect upon their progress through this
have to sign or return anything – it is your copy year. As of right now, I’ll be in the same room
to keep!! There will also be some information next year…would love to see you; no
regarding your child’s DIBELS and STAR test appointment necessary! J
scores from this past testing period. If you have
any questions, please let me know.
There are several articles on our classroom blog
that I’ve not ‘assigned’ as a parent reading this
year; everything from in-depth research articles
on reading and writing to interesting ‘parenting’
articles I have read since becoming a mother.
These articles, plus new ones, will remain on our Prince and Carter Mae explore paint center.