Session Plan: Basic Competencies (18 Hours)
Session Plan: Basic Competencies (18 Hours)
Session Plan: Basic Competencies (18 Hours)
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable skills and attitudes of Organic Agriculture Production NC II in accordance with standards. It covers core competencies
such as: raise organic chicken, produce organic vegetable, produce organic fertilizer and produce organic concoctions and extracts. It also has two (2) elective competencies: raise
organic hogs and raise organic small ruminants.
(18 hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment Approach References/ Resources Nominal
Texts /Materials Duration
1. Participate in 1.1. Participating in 1.1.1. Obtain and convey workplace Group Demonstration
workplace workplace information. discussion Observations Training PC/laptop 4 hours
communication communication 1.1.2. Complete relevant work Interaction Interviews/questioning Manual
related documents. projector,
1.1.3. Participate in workplace
meeting and discussion.
2. Work in a team 2.1. Working in a team 2.1.1. Describe and identify team role
environment environment and responsibility. Discussion Demonstration CBLM 4 hours
2.1.2. Describe work as a team Interaction Observations
member. Interviews/questioning
3. Practice career 3.1. Practicing career 3.1.1. Integrate personal objectives
professionalism professionalism with organizational goals. Discussion Demonstration CBLM 5 hours
3.1.2. Sets and meet work priorities. Interaction Observations
3.1.3. Maintain professional growth Interviews/questioning
and development.
4. Practice 4.1. Practicing 4.1.1. Identify hazards and risks. Demonstration
occupational occupational 4.1.2. Evaluate hazards and risks. Discussion Observations PC/laptop
health and health and safety 4.1.3. Control hazards and risks. Plant tour Interviews 5 hours
safety procedures 4.1.4. Maintain occupational health Symposium Social
procedures and safety awareness.
(64 Hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment Approach References/ Resources/ Nominal
Texts Materials Duration
1. Apply safety 1.1 Applying safety 1.1.1. Determine areas of concern for Self-paced/ Oral/written Training PC/laptop 20 hours
measures in farm measures in farm safety measures. modular Practical Manual and
operation operation 1.1.2. Apply appropriate safety Lecture Demonstration
Social media
measures. Interaction Observations
1.1.3. Safe keep/maintain/dispose Practical/ Interviews
tools, materials and outfit. demonstration
2. Use farm tools 2.1. Using farm tools 2.1.1. Prepare and use farm tools. Self-paced/ Oral/written exam Manual 20 hours
and equipment and equipment 2.1.2. Prepare and operate farm modular Practical
equipment. Lecture Demonstration
2.1.3. Perform preventive Interaction Observations
maintenance Practical/ Interviews
procedure/maintenance. demonstration
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment Approach References/ Resources Nominal
Texts /Materials Duration
(54 HOURS)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment Approach References/ Resources Nominal
Texts /Materials Duration
1. Raise Organic 1.1. Raising Organic Lecture Direct observation (24 Hours)
Hog Hog 1.1.1. Choose/select healthy Demonstration Oral questioning CBLM PC/laptop 4 hours
domestic hogs Field Written examination
1.1.2. Determine suitable hog house demonstration Interview Social
7 hours
requirements. Workshop media
1.1.3. Feed hogs Video presentation 6 hours
1.1.4. Manage health and growth of Fieldwork
hogs. Practical 4 hours
1.1.5. Finish hogs demonstration
3 hours
2. Raise Organic 2.1. Raising Organic Actual Direct observation (30 hours)
Small Small Ruminants 2.1.1. Choose/select healthy demonstration and Oral questions 2 hours
Ruminants (Goat) breeders Lecture/discussion Written examination
(Goat) 2.1.2. Determine suitable small Video presentation Demonstration 4 hours
ruminant cage (housing) Field practicum Interview
requirements. 6 hours
2.1.3. Install cage (housing)
2.1.4. Feed small ruminants. 6 hours
2.1.5. Manage health, growth and
breeding of small ruminants. 10 hours
2.1.6. Harvest (finish) ruminants
2 hours