Phosphoric: Diammonium Phosphate Fertilizer From
Phosphoric: Diammonium Phosphate Fertilizer From
Phosphoric: Diammonium Phosphate Fertilizer From
A process for making diammonium phosphate fertilizer from ammonia and wet-process
phosphoric acid was developed on a pilot plant scale. Acid containing about 24%
phosphorus pentoxide was ammoniated to a pH of about 5. The resultant precipitate,
which consisted principally of iron and aluminum phosphates, was separated from the
solution by filtration. The filtrate and additional ammonia were fed to a continuous vac-
uum crystallizer to produce diammonium phosphate. The crystals were centrifuged, mixed
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with filter cake, and dried to produce a granular fertilizer containing 18% nitrogen and
47% phosphorus pentoxide. Alternatively, the crystals and filter cake may be dried
separately to produce fertilizer materials of about 20-48-0 and 9-40-0 grades,
respectively. Potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate or concentrated superphosphate
may be mixed with the crystals and filter cake to produce a variety of grades of granular
fertilizers such as 18-18-18 or 9-27-27. A major portion of the work was concerned
with the development of satisfactory conditions for the precipitation step and for crystal-
lizing diammonium phosphate in the system ammonia-phosphoric acid-sulfuric acid-
J. Agric. Food Chem. 1955.3:43-48.
and diammonium monium phosphate from electric furnace The capacity of the pilot plant was
phosphates are attractive for fer- phosphoric acid. By crystallizing diam- about 1 ton per 24 hours. A flow dia-
tilizer use because of their favorable monium phosphate from acidic mother gram of the process is shown in Figure 1.
physical properties and high concen- liquor (mole ratio ammonium-phos-
tration of plant food, and because they phoric acid about 1.6; pH about 6.0), Raw Materials
provide an economical method for fixing they were able to eliminate any need for
ammonia in solid form. In the latter recovering ammonia from the crystallizer The wet-process acid used in the ex-
connection, diammonium phosphate is vapors. The process was carried out perimental work was made in a pilot
the more attractive because it fixes satisfactorily in an atmospheric saturator plant from uncalcined Florida phosphate
twice as much ammonia per unit of and in a vacuum crystallizer. Attempts rock. Typical compositions of the rock
phosphorus pentoxide. Greenhouse tests to substitute impure wet-process acid for and the acid made from it are as follows:
by Maclntire and coworkers (4) showed electric furnace acid were unsuccessful
diammonium phosphate to be an effec- in both types of equipment (<?). The Composition, Weight %
tive fertilizer and comparable to mono- impurities in the wet-process acid pre- p 2o5 so3 F Fe2 O,
ammonium phosphate as a source of cipitated in an unfilterable form and Rock 32.6 3.8 1 .4
nitrogen and phosphorus pentoxide. A caused eventual gelling of the solution. Acid 24.3 2.58 2.06 1.23
recent review of agronomic data (6) In the present work, innovations were
shows that monoammonium phosphate developed for separating and handling Arid
and diammonium phosphate are par- the impurities in wet-process acid to over- Ah Os CaO Insoluble H oO
ticularly suited for use on alkaline soils come their interference with the process. Rock 1.8 47.3 6.0 0.5
and on acid soils when their residual The work resulted in the development of Acid 1.29 0.26 59.4
acidity is neutralized with limestone. a process that consists in ammoniating
Monoammonium phosphate fertilizer wet-process acid, filtering off the result- Precipitation
has been made commercially in Canada ant precipitate, and feeding the filtrate
since 1931 and in the United States since and additional ammonia to a continuous The reaction of wet-process acid with
1946 from ammonia and wet-process vacuum crystallizer. Diammonium ammonia causes the precipitation of most
phosphoric acid by a process described phosphate is crystallized from acidic of the iron and aluminum and part of
by Atwell (7). That process is unattrac- mother liquor, as in the process de- the fluorine. The precipitate contains
tive for production of diammonium phos- scribed by Thompson, and separated by complex orthophosphates of iron, alumi-
phate because of the high vapor pressure centrifuging. The damp crystals from num, and ammonia. Exploratory work
of ammonia over diammonium phosphate the centrifuge are mixed with the filter showed that precipitation of the impuri-
solutions, which can result in excessive cake, which contains a significant pro- ties under the conditions that exist in the
loss of ammonia at the temperatures portion of the phosphorus and some ni- crystallizer always resulted in materials
encountered. trogen, and then are dried in a rotary that could not be separated readily from
Thompson and coworkers (S) have dryer. The mixture of crystals and filter the mother liquor by settling, filtration,
described a process for making diam- cake granulates on drying, so that the par- or centrifuging. Therefore, it appeared
Present address, F. S. Royster Guano ticle size of the product can be controlled desirable to precipitate those materials
Co., Mulberry, Fla. without regard for the size of the crystals. in a separate operation before crystal-
were used in the laboratory tests of the from natural turbulence. Filtering tests Rate of Ammoniation. The effect of
effects of variables. Batch precipitation rate of batch ammoniation, expressed as
were made in replicate with a test-leaf
was used in the pilot plant tests. In vacuum filter. The data are shown in pounds of ammonia per hour per cubic
the pilot plant, gaseous ammonia was Table II. foot of acid, is shown in Figure 3. This
added through an open-end pipe to a With batch ammoniation the precipi- variable was not fully investigated in con-
batch of wet-process acid contained in a tation of iron and aluminum leveled off tinuous ammoniation, although a few
cylindrical, cone-bottom tank without at about 97% by the time pH 4.5 was points obtained for the latter do not de-
viate much from the curve in Figure 3.
agitator until the pH reached 5.0. The reached. Data on that point were not
conditions were selected on the basis of obtained for continuous ammoniation. Although increase in ammoniation rate
caused a decrease in filtering rate, favor-
laboratory tests of the effect of variables In the case of batch ammoniation there
discussed later. The batch was then fil- was a progressive decrease in filtering able filtering rates were obtained at all
tered in a rotary vacuum filter. Typical rate with increase in pH from 4.5 to 6.0, ammoniation rates below 15 pounds of
data are shown in Table I. whereas continuous ammoniation did not ammonia per hour per cubic foot. A
Effect of Degree of Ammoniation. follow this trend, but a maximum filtering rate of 5 to 10 pounds of ammonia was
tests were made rate was obtained at pH 5.5. used in most of the pilot plant work.
Variables Laboratory
in which wet-process phos- Acid Concentration. The effect of Choice of a specific rate would be deter-
phoric acid was ammoniated to various
pH values, using batch or continuous
ammoniation, to determine the effect of Table I. Pilot Plant Data on Precipitation and Filtration
degree of ammoniation on the degree of
Initial temperature of wet-process acid, 0 F. 150
precipitation and on the filtering rate. Size of batch, gal. 75
Batchwise ammoniation tests were made Ammonia rate, lb. NH3/(hr.)(cu. ft.) 5
in a beaker in which 3 liters of acid were Temperature at time of heavy precipitation, F.
ammoniated by introducing gaseous am- Terminal pH 5.0
Filtering rate, gal. filtrate/(hr.)(sq."ft. submerged) 1006
monia through a glass tube until the de-
Wash water rate, lb./lb. slurry 0.18
sired pH was reached. The continuous Ratio of wet filter cake to filtrate, by weight 0.234
ammoniation tests were made in a 3-
liter wide-mouthed flask provided with a Composition of Materials, Weight %
side-outlet tube. Ammonia and wet- P 2O5 N H3 S03 F Fe20s A/2O3 CaO . O
process phosphoric acid were introduced Phosphoric acid 24.3 2.58 2.06 1 .23 1.29 0.26 59.4
separately through two glass tubes located Slurry to filter 25.1 9.2 2.67 2.13 1.27 1.33 0.27 48.5
near the bottom of the flask. The Filtrate plus wash 21.3 8.3 2.55 1.03 Trace Trace Trace 57.8
Filter cake 20.0= 5.3 0.88 5.00 5.58 5.58 1.17 50.0
slurry left the flask continuously through °
the side outlet, and the first 9 liters were Boiling.
discarded before making filtering tests to
Eimco Corp. rotary vacuum
filter, 18-inch diameter by 12 inches; monofilament poly-
ethylene cloth; vacuum, 10 to 14 inches Hg; filtering temperature, 180° F.
ensure that steady-state conditions had c
About 50% of P2O5 was water-soluble.
been reached. No mechanical agitation
Liquefied filter cake was metered into Drying gas rate, lb./lb. material (dry basis) 4.3
the tank through an orifice. The mix- Retention time, min. 20
Screen analysis6, %
ture overflowed through a pipe which + 4 mesh 0.5
led into a rotary dryer, 1 foot in diameter —
4 +35 mesh 81.4
by 8 feet long. Typical data from the
35 mesh 18.1
dryer operation are shown in Table VI. Composition of Product, Weight %
The mixture of crystals and filter cake in P2P3
the production ratio—about 2 pounds of Total Available W.S. N S03 F Fe203 A/2Os CaO H2Q
crystals to 1
pound of wet cake—formed 47.1 47.0 42.6 18.0 4.9 3.9 2.3 2.4 0.5 0.7
agglomerates in the feed end of the “
Natural gas, cocurrent; 1-foot diameter by 8 feet long; 12 flights extending to within
dryer, which resulted in a granular prod- 2 feet of feed end; speed, 25 r.p.m.; slope, 2%.
uct in the 6- to 20-mesh range and per- 6
Includes crushed oversize, amounting to 25%.
mitted the use of relatively high gas
velocities without loss of product. No
loss of ammonia was detected by analysis
of the material as long as the temperature of associated impurities caused some mental work, since less standardization
of the material remained below 200° F. agglomeration of the crystals during has occurred in the western phosphate
and the inlet gas temperatures did not drying, ‘ The analysis was about 20% industry and less is known concerning
exceed 550° F. nitrogen and 48% phosphorus pentoxide. rock composition. Laboratory tests with
a commercially produced wet-process
acid made from western rock indicated
Materials of Construction
that no special problems would be in-
All of the equipment in the pilot plant volved when such acid is used in the
was made from stainless steel, with the process.
exception of the dryer, which was made The phosphorus pentoxide in the
from aluminum. Corrosion tests run product is practically all citrate-soluble
in the laboratory showed, however, that and around 90%. of it is water-soluble, as
plain carbon steel should be suitable as a determined by official methods of analy-
material for plant construction for the sis.
crystallizer, centrifuge, and dryer. The Bag-storage tests were made according
filter should be constructed of austenitic
stainless steel (300 series) to permit
periodic washing of the cloth with phos-
phoric acid. The results of corrosion Table VII. Corrosion Rates in
tests using a slurry of mother liquor and Diammonium Phosphate Mother
Figure 4. Pilot plant vacuum crys- crystals are shown in Table VII. That Liquor"
tallizer part of the plant required to handle phos- Corrosion
phoric acid—namely, the acid storage Rafe,
It may be desirable in certain in- tanks and the ammoniator—should be Material Mils/Year
stances to produce crystals without ad- made from A.I.S.I. Type 316 or 317 A.I.S.I. Type 304 stainless steel 0,05
mixture of filter cake—for example, to stainless steel. Rubber-lined steel is an A.I.S.I. Type 430 stainless steel 0.02
alternative for construction of storage A.I.S.I. Type 410 steel 0.08
make fertilizers that are completely 0.80
tanks. A.I.S.I. Type 502 steel
water-soluble. In such cases the filter Mild steel 0.20
cake, produced as a by-product, should Duriron Nil
be useful as a phosphatic supplement in Everdur 1010 1.5
the preparation of mixed fertilizers. <*
Laboratory tests, 1 month’s duration,
Drying tests made with filter cake gave Estimates indicate that the production nonaerated, 140“ F.
results that were comparable to those of diammonium phosphate from am-
obtained with mixtures of filter cake and monia and wet-process phosphoric acid
Table VIII. Requirements for
crystals in terms of temperatures and gas should be attractive economically. The
rates per pound of water removed. As Diammonium Phosphate Fertilizer
principal requirements of the process are from Ammonia and Wet-Process
in the case of the mixture, the material shown in Table VIII.
granulated in the dryer, and there was The composition of the phosphoric
negligible dust loading of the exit gases. acid will affect the proportion of filter Requirement
The dried cake contained about 9% cake in the product as well as the filter per Ton of
Item Product
nitrogen and 40% phosphorus pentoxide, requirements. The acid used in the ex-
about 90% of which was citrate-soluble perimental work was slightly less pure Phosphoric acid (100%
H3PO. basis) 0.64 ton
and 50% was water-soluble. It could be than most commercially produced acid Ammonia 0.22 ton
readily reduced to powder by crushing. made from Florida rock. Therefore, it Steam, for evaporation 1.00 ton
Drying tests made with unmixed crystals is probable that phosphoric acid pro- Cooling water, to baro-
metric condenser 12.70 tons
showed that the maximum allowable duced from the usual grades of Florida
Heat, to dryer 716,000 B.t.u.
inlet gas temperature was about 400° F. rock would be satisfactory in the process. Electric power, miscel-
as compared with about 550° F. allow- The use of acid made from western rock laneous 30 kw.-hr.
able for the mixture. The few per cent should be preceded by some experi-
Literature Cited
(1) Atwell, James, Ind. Eng. Chem., 41
1318-24 (1949).
(2) Beeson, K. C., Ibid., 29, 705-8 (1937).
(3) Chernova, K. S., and Korzh, E. V.,
in “Solubilities of Organic and
Plant for making diammonium phosphate fertilizer from wet-process phosphoric Inorganic Compounds,” supple-
acid mental ed., p. 397, Van Nostrand.
New York, 1952.
(4) Maclntire, W. H., Winterberg, S.
to a method described previously (5). phosphate with common fertilizer mate- H., Clements, L. B., and Sterges.
The results showed that the granular rials has been discussed in an earlier A. J., Agron. J., 42, No. 9, 442-6
product made from mixtures of crystals paper from this laboratory (7). Al- (1950).
and filter cake remained free flowing after though the early work indicated that the (5) Miller, Philip, Lanaeus, G. A., Sae-
6 months in five-ply plain paper bags. compatibility with ammonium nitrate man, XV. C., and Dokken, . N.,
No loss of ammonia in long-term bag was limited to nitrogen-phosphorus Ind. Eng. Chem., 38, 709-18 (1946).
storage could be detected by chemical pentoxide ratios below 0.75, that point (6) Pierre, W. H., and Norman, A. G.,
“Soil and Fertilizer Phosphorus in
analysis, nor could the odor of ammonia was found to be erroneous. Beeson (2)
be detected over the material. The has discussed the reaction between di- Crop Nutrition,” p. 236, Academic
Press, New York, 1953.
product that was tested was 88% minus ammonium phosphate and limestone in
(7) Thompson, H. L., Miller, Philip,
6 plus 35 mesh and 12% minus 35 plus the presence of considerable moisture, Dole, F. H., and Kaplan, Abra-
60 mesh. The moisture was 0.7% on which results in loss of ammonia. It is ham, Ind. Eng. Chem., 41, 485-94
bagging. planned to make tests of the storage (1949).
The addition of other fertilizer mate- properties of several representative mix- (8) Thompson, H. L., Miller, Philip,
rials such as ammonium nitrate, potas- tures containing common fertilizer mate- Johnson, R. M., McCamy, I. XV.,
sium chloride, or concentrated super- rials and diammonium phosphate made and Hoffmeister, George, Ibid.,
42, 2176-82 (1950).
phosphate during the mixing of the di- from wet-process acid.
ammonium phosphate crystals and filter Received for review September 17, 1954. Ac-
cake offers attractive possibilities of cepted December 6, 1954. Presented before the-
Acknowledgment Division of Fertilizer and Soil Chemistry, Sym-
making granular high-analvsis fertilizers on Fertilizer Technology, at the 126th
such as 18-18-18, 15-30-15, and 9-27-27. The authors acknowledge the sub- Meeting of the American Chemical So-
The compatibility of pure diammonium stantial contributions to the over-all ciety, New York, 1954.
Flame Photometric Determination and E. L. WOOD
FLAME PHOTOMETER offers a sodium, and phosphate. Several other magnesium, and others) and an anion
rapid and inexpensive method for investigators have studied the flame exchange resin is used to remove inter-
the determination of the potassium con- photometric determination of potassium fering sulfate and phosphate anions.
tent of fertilizers and for this reason sev- and observed that various anions affect
eral studies have been made on the ap- the intensity of the potassium line (7, 2,
plicability of flame photometric methods. 6, 8). Reagents and Apparatus
Schall and Hagelberg (7) adapted the This paper describes a procedure used
official gravimetric procedure of the successfully in the Missouri Agricultural Ammonium carbonate, analytical re-
Association of Official Agricultural Chem- Experiment Station laboratories, in agent, 1.5A4 solution.
ists to flame determination, and re- which basic ammonium carbonate is Methyl red indicator, 0.2 gram of the
ported on the interference of magnesium, used to remove the cations (calcium, indicator per 100 ml. of 95% alcohol.