NUST Journal of Engineering Science (NJES) PDF
NUST Journal of Engineering Science (NJES) PDF
NUST Journal of Engineering Science (NJES) PDF
First International
Symposium on Automotive and
Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Dr Mushtaq Khan
Dr Syed Husain Imran Jaffery
November 26-27
ISBN: 978-969-8535-35-3
Paper ID Paper Title
CZM based Strength Prediction for Scarf Adhesive Joints with Varying 63
Bondline Angle
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Sector H-12,
Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan.
Abstract— In an internal combustion engine, At the end of 20th century, developed countries of the
further improvements in the design and development world realized that deposits of different fuels which run
phase is difficult therefore different companies intend their cars are not inexhaustible. In addition to that, wastes
to bring changes in other aspects like lubricant, coming out of the cars in the form of emissions are
lubricating system, cooling system, fuel and fuel polluting the environment to an alarming extend.
system. The temperature of engine is monitored Since then, automotive industry is taking
indirectly by temperature sensor, but this revolutionary steps to increase the efficiency of internal
temperature is of cooling water in engine. To combustion engines. Researchers from different countries
improve the performance of engine a new technique have investigated that thermodynamic inefficiencies and
for measuring the real time temperature profile of a mechanical losses are main contributors towards the
liner under fired engine condition is proposed. To energy losses. Comparatively, thermodynamic losses are
study the temperature profile eighteen more significant than mechanical losses but still
thermocouples are mounted on three radial and tremendous amount of improvement in terms of
transverse locations. Signal conditioning unit is used efficiencies can be achieved by focusing on the
to transfer data to the computer for monitoring mechanical losses in the different parts of the vehicle.
temperature profile along the length of liner. The Mechanical losses are mainly due to the friction which
profile depicted the trend of temperature variation comes into play when two bodies interact with each
within the cylinder. The temperature of cylinder liner other. High values of friction can result in decreased
corresponds to the different speed and load of the efficiencies and wearing out of engine components.
engine. As the current trend in car engine development is to
create smaller engines with higher specific power outputs
Index Terms—Temperature mapping, Diesel to meet the demands of both lower emissions and
engine, temperature profiles, Cylinder liner. customer satisfaction, the thermal loads in engines are
increasing [1].
Now a days the current trend in the advancement and
I. INTRODUCTION development in Automotive is to build a smaller and
The power required by the car for motion comes from lighter engine with extensive output in order to meet the
engine which converts different forms of energy into customer demands and to have a less emissions in the
kinetic energy and supply it to wheels. In the early stages engine. But due to this reason, the thermal loads &
of the development of cars, fossil fuels such as diesel and thermal losses in an IC engines are increasing gradually.
gasoline were used as a source of energy. With the To enhance the overall durability & the performance
passage of time, electric power started to be used in of a diesel engine, Temperature of a cylinder liner is an
special category of vehicles known as electric vehicles. important factor which needs to be optimized [2]. In this
After the commercialization and overwhelming research, an attempt is made to measure and investigate
acceptance, the number of cars on road keeps on the temperature profile at the cylinder liner of a water
multiplying. Due to which prices of fuels also started to cool diesel engine. This project is aimed to study the
rise. trend of temperature profiles on cylinder liner surface of
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
timing. Some specifications of the engine are shown in coolant manifolds from head as per manual instructions.
Table 1. Next task was to remove the cylinder liner from the
engine block. For this, piston along with the connecting
Table 1: Engine Specifications
rod at position 6 was removed then cylinder liner was
pulled out of the bore with the help of SST liner puller.
Engine Model HINO EC100 To mount the thermocouples on the surface of
cylinder iner, marking was carried out first. The aim was
Type Diesel, four stroke, Vertical, Six to cover the length of the liner as well as the sides. So the
cylinder liner sides were categorized for the sake of ease
Cylinder, Inline, Valve in head, as per the orientation of the engine ie thrust side, back
Water Cooled side, pump side and front side. Each side except the front
one was marked and drilled so that the thermocouples
Bore & Stroke 97 mm x 113mm could be inserted in. The detailed figures are shown in
Table II.
Piston displacement 5.01 Liter Table 2: Machining Specifications
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
C. Data Acquisition System displays a graph showing the real time data being
The Data Acquisition System (DAQ) used for the project acquired on the chart.
is based on National Instruments software and hardware.
The software used for the programming is LabView The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all
(Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering physical Channels on devices and modules installed in
the system. For this program the physical channels to be
Workbench). DAQ hardware acts as a source of
selected were the channels of SCXI 1303 which were
interfacing the instruments with a computer. It has connected to the 18 Thermocouples. Order of selecting
analog to digital convertors that converts the analog solely depends upon the orientation of thermocouples.
signal coming from the sensors to the digitized form so These 18 numeric indicators display the current
that it can be read by computer. Many data acquisition temperature reading of the respective thermocouple.
devices also have other functions ie digital to analog Indicators are placed as representation of actual
conversions (DACs), digital input and output signals, thermocouple’s position with respect to Top Dead Center
counter, timers etc. (TDC) and Bottom Dead Center (BDC).
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Figure 9: Temperature profiles for 1000 engine speed at 25% load at Pump side
Figure 10: Temperature profiles for 1000 engine speed at 25% load at Thrust side
Figure 11: Temperature profiles for 1000 engine speed at 25% load at flywheel side
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Abstract- A large quantity of natural gas is flared in transfer to the plant area by its natural pressure for
combination with the exploration of crude oil at separation to make the mixture useful. Firstly, the flow
Nashpa Oil and Gas Field, Pakistan. This flaring gas is injected to three phase high pressure separator,
expends huge amount of energy and causes ecological which separates the mixture of the three phase
deprivation and illness. The main centre for industrial separator. The gas pressure is 1100 PSI and this gas is
development and economics activities is oil and gas injected to dehydration plant to make gas for useful
sector. purpose. The gas is shifted to SNGPL (Sui Northern
Gas Pipeline Limited) piping network after
The main purpose of this study is to develop the design
dehydration plant. Water is sent to pit after separation
of experiment techniques, one factor at a time. two
of crude oil mixture. The crude oil of high pressure
factors at a time, three factors at a time etc to recover
separator ,which has pressure of about 300-450 PSI is
large quantity of flared gas within the compressor
injected in three phase medium pressure separator. The
existing system. For analysis the data of gas and
crude of medium pressure separator is shifted to low
compressor are collected from a number of sources
pressure separator and finally the crude is sent to crude
and meaningful information extraction. In addition, to
oil storage tanks. Gas of medium pressure separator
recover low pressure gas five factors are selected for
with the pressure of 300-450 PSI is injected in medium
the compressor performance.
pressure compressor. To increase the pressure of
In this research, a new approach is applied on a gas medium pressure to 1100 PSI the gas is passed through
flaring to find the outlay effect method that carefully compressor. After compressor the gas is passed
reduce the negative environmental effects, modify the through dehydration plant for useful purpose. The gas
existing system and to increase the economic benefits. which is transferred to low pressure separator from
medium pressure separator has low pressure (125-200
Key words- Oil and Gas Company, Natural Gas PSI) is flared due to its low pressure. Within the
Flaring, Factors Analysis, Environmental, existing system, it wants to recover the low pressure
Economics gas that is being flared. The minimization of flaring
I. INTRODUCTION gas or waste gas is really environmental challenge by
which oil and gas industry is facing. Hence, this
The oil and gas sector of Pakistan is a key sector in process reduces negative ecological impacts, conserve
nation’s economy. The two key components of energy energy and natural assets, which are safe and sound for
is oil and gas and both contributing around 80% to 83 employees, consumer and communities. Flares are
% share to 70 million TOE (ton of oil equivalent) of indispensible safety tools for the clean and cost
energy requirement in the country. The oil and gas effective removal of combustible gases. Flares have
industry is growing quickly, and the oil and gas well been operating in chemical plants, refineries, steel
drilling activities in the country are going beyond the mills and other industries for over sixty years. Purpose
average. The mixture of flow of crude oil, gas and of flare flow activity is crucial in establishing the
water is produced by oil wells. This mixture flow is recovery system design capability. For projects
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
economics evaluating the average flare gas is flaring of gas is declined by 19% since 2005, which is
significant step.The objective of this research is to led by gas flaring reduction in Russia and Nigeria (the
develop a methodology to eliminate carbon emission only two countries with the highest level of gas
and recover flared gas to useable gas by analyzing flaring). A combination of these work in literature
some factors of interest such as suction pressure, shows obvious absence of work, which has been aim
temperature, specific gravity, RPM, and compression to assess the inequality between the flaring activities of
ratio. major oil and gas companies in Nigeria and the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW variation between gas flared and produced. Odigure
and Abdul Kareem (2010) worked on the economic
In oil and gas industries, the surplus natural gas is benefit of natural gas consumption in Nigeria and this
burnt in open air. However, this leads to emission of case of study is based on processing of food industry
hazardous gases. The flaring gas creates hazards for [3]. Their work concentrate on the measurement of
worker and nearby residents. Hence, it is important heat radiation from flaring of gas and the benefits of
measure in natural gas facilities and at drilling replacement usual fuel and energy types, e.g.,
operations. in petroleum industries the flaring systems automotive gas oil (low pour fuel oil, automotive gas
are deployed. Flaring of pure methane (CH4) produces oil diesel and electricity) with natural in economic
carbon monoxide (CO). In addition, Nitrogen present term by using mathematical principles in calculation
in the air is oxidised during the combustion process with the food processing industry case study in
and form Nitrogen oxides, which is called NOx. Nigeria. Results revealed that about 30% on low pour
Emission of flare gas adversely affect the environment, fuel oil, 69% on diesel and 69% on electricity saved by
human health, lives stock plants and animals. company and if conventional energy and fuel is
Consequences to that region depends upon on the substituted with natural gas it go round million of
duration, magnitude and frequency. These gases dollars in five years. Onwukwe (2009) worked on gas
contribute to global warming. If the natural gas consist liquid technology in Nigeria [4] and explained the
of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) than emission includes view of gas to liquid (GTL) conversion technology is
sulphur dioxide, carbonyl sulphide (COS) and carbon the choice for sustainable natural gas utilization. In
disulphide (CS2), among others their research, they found that this technology will
oxidised during the combustion process and form make possibility of the chemical conversion of natural
Nitrogen oxides, which is called NOx. Emission of gas into (clean diesel, light oils, Naphtha, Kerosene) as
flare gas adversely affect the environment, human a marketable liquid product. Results revealed that
health, lives stock plants and animals. Consequences to conversion will contribute to the exclusion of flared
that region depends upon on the duration, magnitude gas and minimize the country overdependence
and frequency. These gases contribute to global imported refined petroleum products. Hang, Blasing,
warming. If the natural gas consist of hydrogen and Kimberly (2007) worked on monthly carbon
sulphide (H2S) than emission includes sulphur dioxide, emission from natural flaring gas and cement
carbonyl sulphide (COS) and carbon disulphide (CS2), manufacturing in the United States [5]. They
among others [1].Flaring of gas has been identifying as established that the carbon emission and all fossil fuel
an environmental hazard and economic waste. emission amounted to 10% it has no persistent and
Perinenet literature sources are available in the oil and clear annual model. Akpan (2009) performed a study
gas domain highlighting various issues. A case in on flared gas to show that large quantities of gases are
point, Erwin, Zhizhin, Pack, Bough,Tuttle, Elvidge, used in chemical industries [6]. The method to control
Ziskin Ghosh (2009) Conducted a fifteen years the natural gas of the nation is to encourage the
record of global natural flaring of gas derived from establishment of gas based petrochemical complexes
satellite [2]. They concluded that the flaring of gas that can consume huge quantity of volume needed to
efficiency as the volume of flare gas per barrel of eliminate gas flaring. It also suggested that Nigeria can
crude oil produced and it is stable from last fifteen make sound foreign exchanges earnings on long term
years and its ranges from 140 to 170 billion cubic by properly control the natural gas by establishing
meters (BCM). In addition, they found that the global petrochemical gas industries. Nigeria has made
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
TABLE III: Two Factor are Changed Four factors at a time: In this secnario, four factors are
changed at a time while holding other factors constant.
All factors are changed within its range.
TABLE V: Four Factors are Changed
TABLE IV: Three Factors are Changed All factors at a time: All factors are changed at a time
with respect to their ranges in this section. The flow of
gas for each experiment is also given table VI..
TABLE VI: All Factors are Changed
In Table VI factors suction pressure, temperature, when suction pressure and temperature is set on
specific gravity, RPM and compression ratio are 135PSI and 1320 F, respectively while gas flow
changed at all factor at a time method. In this method, decreased to 2.82 million. Finally, when suction
the value of all factors are changed in each experiment. pressure and temperature is reached to 150 PSI and
For each experiment the flow of gas calculation is 1400 F than the flow of gas decreased than the gas
shown in table VI. flow reached to 2.34 million.the flow of gas is
constantly decreasing when both factors are changed to
their respective ranges. In Table III the value of each
Figure 1 depicts relation between suction pressure and factor is given which shows that suction pressure and
gas flow. The graph shows that suction pressure is temperature is changed and other factors are held
changed against gas flow while keeping other factors constant and figure 2 depicts relation between suction
constant. The gas flow in this graph starts from 2.6 pressure, temperature and gas flow. In figure 2 the
mmcfd (million cubic feet per day) and is reached to flow of gas is continuously decreasing and a straight
2.85 mmcfd. Initially, suction pressure is set on 125 graph is shown from higher gas flow to lower gas
PSI, temperature 130 0F, specific gravity 0.65, RPM flow.
950 and compression ratio 2.90 for first stage. For
Fig 3 depicts relation between suction pressure,
second stage, 2.85 compression ratio and 2.60 mmcfd
temperature and specific gravity vs gas flow. In this
(million cubic feet per day) gas flow is achieved. In
figure, three factors are changed at a time while
next step, the suction pressure is set on 130 PSI and all
holding other factors constant. Initially, when the three
other factors are held constant, the gas flow achieved
factors suction pressure, temperature and temperature
through this set of experiment is 2.65mmcf. Further,
are set at 130 PSI, 132 F and 0.66 than 2.25 mmcfd of
the value of pressure is changed to 135PSI 2.70
gas flow is achived. In next step, the value of suction
million gas flow is achived. Finally, the suction
pressure, temperature, and specific gravity are
pressure is set on 150 PSI the gas flow achived is 2.85
changed to 135 PSI, 1340 F and 0.67 respectively.
million. This figure 1 shows a straight graph which
reveals that the flow of gas continuously increasing.
Gas Flow against Suction Pressure Gas Flow against Suction Pressure and Temperature
Gas flow
Gas Flow
2.75 2.5
Gas Flow
2.65 3
2.55 1
Gas Flow
The gas flow reached to 2.34 million in this is increasing. Initially, when the suction pressure,
experiment. Five experiments are performed in the temperature, specific gravity and RPM are set at 130
three factors at a time method. In the final step, the PSI,1320F, 0.66 and 1000 than 2.4 million gas flow is
value of suction preesure changed to 150 PSI, achived. Next, four factors changed again and and kept
temperature 1400 F and specific gravity to 0.70, the the value of suction pressure 135 PSI, temperature
flow of gas is reached to 2.61 million. Hence, three 1340 F, specific gravity 0.67 and RPM 1030. In this
factors are changed at time the flow of gas is start from case, the flow of gas reached to 2.54 million. Further
2.34 million and reached to 2.61million. The value of change in factors is increasing the gas flow and finally
each factor is shown in table IV and the gas flow set the suction pressure, temperature, specific gravity,
achived through each set of experiment is also shown . and RPM at 150 PSI, 1400 F, 0.70 and 1120 so in this
In each case the gas flow is continuously increasing. scenario the flow of gas is reached to three million.
Hence, it concluded that by changing the factors to its The flow is smoothly increasing in this set of
respective ranges and increasing the number of factors experiments. Hence, it is concluded that increasing the
will result in an increased gas flow. Figure 3 dipicts number of factors is increasing the gas flow and
that the gas flow is contionously increasing (i.e., operation is running smoothly. Table V summarizies
revealing that when the three factors are changed results for this scenario.
within the range the gas flow is increasing).
Fig. 5 represents relation between all factors at a time
(suction pressure, temperature, specific gravity, RPM
and compression ratio) against gas flow. Flow of gas is
calculated by changing all the factor according to their
respective ranges. When suction pressure, temperature,
specific gravity, RPM and compression ratio set
initially at 130 PSI, 1320 F, 0.66, 1030 and 2.85/2.80,
than the gas flow reached to 2.5million. Further
Gas Flow against Suction Pressure, Temperature and Specific gravity
increasing all factors values is increasing the gas flow.
Finally, when all factors value changed to 150 PSI,
1400 F, 0.70, 1120 and 2.70/2.75 , than three million
Gas Flow of gas flow is achived. The value of all factors are
2.5 Gas Flow
Gas Flow
2.45 shown in table VI and the gas flow in each case is
2.4 shown in table 5. From the graph (see Fig. 5) it is clear
2.5 that the gas flow is increasing smoothly. In Fig 5 the
Gas Flow
gas flow in each case is increasing, a straight line
graph is made between all factors and gas flow. Hence,
Gas Flow
2.3 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 this is the best case to recover huge amount of gas by
2.4 Suction Pressure
2.25 changing all factors at a time.
2.3 130 132 134 136 138 140 142
2.25 Temperature
0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.7 0.71
Specific Gravity
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Gas Flow against Suction Pressure, Temperature, Specific gravity and Gas Flow against Suction Pressure, Temperature, Specific gravity,
RPM RPM and Compression ratio
3 3.1
Gas FlowGas Flow
2.5 3
Gas Flow
980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 2.8 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.7 0.71
RPM 2.5 Specific Gravity
Fig. 4: Suction pressure, temperature, specific gravity 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140
and RPM are changed and gas flow is shown. (Four RPM
Factors) 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95
Compression Ratio
Investment in oil and gas exploration and production Fig. 5: Suction pressure, temperature, specific gravity,
produce significant economic gain and other benefits RPM, compression ratio, vs gas flow (All factors
such as energy increased. The main factors which changed)
determine future oil and gas production are prices,
geology and the available technology for exploration
and recovery. The total economic benefit of recovery ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS
of gas in Nashpa Oil and Gas Field is $ 2.16 million
per year. This figure represents huge economy of a Oil and gas industry, refinery and petrochemical
single oil and gas field. The calculation is is under. plants, based on type of manufactured products and
waste materials. Chemicals and industrial processes
Three million gas is recovered through modified also produce pollution. As a result, these contaminants
system. might polluting weather, soil, air and it causes serious
damage to humans and environment. Table VII and
The price of 1 million cubic feet per day = $2,000
table VIII showcontaminants quantity of flare gas of
Per day income = 2014 and 2015. By comparison of both tables it
concluded that by the recovery of flare gas the affect
Three million gas recovered = 3 * 2000 = $6,000 of contaminant gases is reduced.
Monthly income = $6,000 * 30 = $18,0000 TABLE VII: Contaminant Quantity PER µG/M3 of
Yearly income = $18,0000* 12 = $216,0000 Flare Gas of Nashpa Oil and Gas Field 2014
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Abstract— Rubber forming has become an expensive try-outs to establish the necessary process,
important tool to manufacture high precision and part and tooling designs. Establishment of process
complex tube parts, but as the part complexity and goes back to 1939 when Grey et al. [1] investigated
the choice of metal increases the calculations manufacturing of seamless copper fittings with T
required to accurately determine the final shape protrusions using a combination of internal pressure
become increasingly complex. The accuracy of the and axial load. The hydroforming process got fame
final shape of the product depends upon the after his work and researchers carried on further
different parameters, like material properties i.e. research on this topic to make complex shapes. As the
Young’s modulus, elongation before rupture, part complexity increases, experience and design rules
plastic properties of material, coefficient of friction may be limited in assisting engineers and designers.
between the die and work piece. Furthermore, there is not an extensively available
mathematical or numerical model for prediction of
In the current research tubes of AISI SS304 have final shapes and deformations yet for hydroforming
been hydroformed into bulge shape without axial technology. Hence, in order to reduce development
feeding mechanism. Urethane rubber instead of time, effort and cost,
hydraulic oil has been used to internally pressurize
the surface. Material properties for tubular SS304 computer aided engineering (CAE) tools need to be
were extracted from already published literature, used effectively [2].
which was further used to carry out successful
The finite element method (FEM) has been proven to
simulation of the process in ABAQUS Standard
be a useful tool in the past for conventional metal
and to analytically calculate several geometric
forming processes to obtain reliable and precise
parameters. Detailed simulation results have been
information about the process, geometry and material
presented and tube wall thinning along the
parameters [3]. Now a days use of FEM for tube
periphery has been observed. Comparison between
hydroforming process simulations has become a
analytical and simulation results show close
standard development tool after numerical
investigations and experimental validations conducted
Keywords-Tube Hydroforming; Bulge Shape; by many researchers since the early 1990’s [4] and
Numerical Simulation; rubber mandrel application of current commercial FEM software, such
VII. INTRODUCTION AUTOFORM and DEFORM into tube hydroforming
As compared to stamping process, the tube process was performed and presented successfully [5].
hydroforming process is relatively complex, The feasibility of forming a specific part can be
development of a new hydroforming shape requires predicted by analyzing thinning, thickening, stress and
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
strain distribution on a deformed tube. The effects of In this work, the bulge hydroforming of SS304 was
different parameters can be investigated by varying accomplished without axial feeding under different
important dimensions or loading conditions on loading and boundary conditions. Axial feeding is a
common parts. Hence generic rules can be established parameter which involved complex tooling and
for future problems [3]. Kang showed that axial feed control. Less axial feed results in failure of wall, while
has an important influence in order to obtain sound greater axial feed results in wrinkling. Getting the
products [6], he also showed that poor lubrication desired results without axial feed can save cost of
often results in premature failure, due to excessive tooling and can simplify the production process. The
local thinning. Bandar Alzahrani, Gracious Ngaile and FEA analysis of tube hydroforming process for current
Chen Yang [7] established a model based on case was carried out using ABAQUS/StandardTM
equilibrium conditions, yielding criteria, geometrical software package because it provides detailed material
relationships, and a volume constancy condition. The modeling and is relatively more accurate at high
system of equations was derived and solved for strains. The aim of this research was to verify the
various process parameters. They validated their model accuracy and use of ABAQUS/StandardTM for the
using finite element analysis and experiments. The tube hydroforming under different conditions by
model has the ability to predict process parameters comparing the experimental data with the simulation
such as stresses, strains, internal pressure, geometry results, and see the effect of friction on various
variables, and thinning rate distribution. M. Saboori, parameters like material forming, corner filling, wall [8] conducted free expansion testing of AISI SS thickness and final geometry of the finished product.
304 to calculate it more accurate 3D formability.
Tube hydroforming parts have various common
II. Experimentation
features like bulging, protrusion, and local expansions
[9]. Material properties were found essentially Two piece split die made from AISI 1060 steel was
affecting these tube hydroforming process output used during experimentation. The die was
features [10, 11]. A number of friction tests were manufactured by initially cutting metal blocks on
developed to determine the coefficient of friction [5], a DK7740 Wire EDM shown in Fig. 1, followed by
new analytical model to determine the friction surface grinding. Cavity was machined into the split
coefficient in the forming zone was proposed [12]. die by using automatic control die sinking EDM Neuar
Limb [13] reported the effect of lubrication on the M30 shown in Fig. 2.
bulge shape. Purit Thanakijkasem, [14] used
technique of Bright Annealing (BA) to enhance the
formability of SS 304 in tube hydroforming process.
Yeong-Maw Hwang and Yi-Kai Lin [15] proposed a
mathematical model considering an ellipsoidal surface
for tube hydroforming to analyze the plastic
deformation behavior of a tube during hydraulic bulge
forming. To verify the validity of their model, FEM
code DEFORM was used to simulate the forming
process. The effects of various forming conditions,
such as the strain-hardening exponent, the initial tube
length, etc., upon the forming pressures were
discussed. Abed Alaswad and Abdul Ghani Olabi [16]
Figure 3. DK7740 Wire EDM
performed finite element study using LS DYNA code
to investigate the effect of geometrical factors, bulge
height, stress distribution and thickness variation were
studied for the hydroformed part. B. Yang, et. al. [17]
used LS DYNA code to simulate bulge shape tube
hydroforming process and investigated the effect of
lading path on formation of bulge shape and wall
thickness distribution.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Table 3:
Compositi Comp. C Cr Fe Mn Ni Si
on of
0.0 20 66. 2 10. 1
Wt. %
8 3 5
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the tube Final assembly of die, tube and depiction of applied
hydroforming process internal pressure is shown in Fig. 8. Die and tube were
assembled together in the assembly mode using
displace instance command. The contact was defined as
frictional contact of frictional coefficient 0.1. A 4-node
bilinear axisymmetric quadrilateral, reduced
integration, hourglass control element type CAX4R
was selected and the tube was freely meshed to 400
elements and 603 nodes. The die was constrained to be
rigid, and the tube was fixed from one end. Different
values of internal pressures were applied during
experimentation. It was observed that for better
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
forming of tube and acceptable corner filling internal was also observed by doing several experiments that
pressure of 50 MPa should be applied. Generalized there must not be sharp corners in the die. As shown in
depiction of results obtained from simulation after Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b) that both tubes have failed due
successful compilation of results has been depicted in to excessive internal pressures, but instead of failing
Fig. 9. from bulge due to excessive thinning of wall the failure
occurred at sharp corners.
As discussed earlier that AISI SS304 tubes were
successfully hydroformed into desired bulge shape. Fig.
11 (a) shows initial shape and size of tube before
hydroforming and Fig. 11 (b) shows the finals shape
and geometry of hydroformed tube. It can be observed
from this figure that reduction in length of tube occurs
when the material flows into the die cavity.
To get a deep insight of the process, a successfully This study was utilized to calculate the analytical
hydroformed tube was sectioned and was compared values of hoop and longitudinal stress and strain and
with the results obtained from simulation. The the analytical results obtained have been compared
comparison has been showed in Fig. 12. Internal with the ones obtained from numerical simulation in
bulge shape of 10mm has been formed while the
tube forms within 16mm.Outer radii of 3mm are Table 2. The values obtained from these different
also fully formed in experimentation and methods are close to each other within 10% error.
Table 2: Comparison of Results
Analytical Numerical
Parameter Calculatio Simulation
Table 2: s n
R 3mm R 3mm Compariso
n of
and Hoop
10mm16mm Stress
Numerical 8.75E+08 8.12E+08
Strain 4.17E-03 3.12E-03
(a) (b)
nal Stress 4.13E+08 4.91E+08
nal Strain 1.97E-03 2.08-03
Stress 7.58E+08 6.67E-03
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Figure 1 depicts the autonomy spectrum in the teleoperation system requires some autonomy to
automotive development. As seen, the classical minimize such effects, whereas, the later one is
approach was limited to manual control by human independent of the communication factor after
driver. Later, some safety measures were paying the cost of increased autonomy.
introduced to avoid accidents as per standards
enforced by SAE. These safety measures were
then combined in the form of a sub-system named TABLE III. COMPARISON OF RELIABILITY
as “driver assistance system” to avoid REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMOTIVE SUBSYSTEMS
compromises on the vehicle’s stability. One such Subsystem t r (µs) Reliabilit Comments
example is that of an active yaw control or y
dynamic stability control system which aids the requirem
driver in case of over-steering and limits the ents
vehicle to skid out of the road. Other examples Antilock < 2x104 high Fail-safe
include Anti-lock brake system (ABS), Collision Brake design
avoidance system (CAS) and the automatic cruise System
control systems (CCS) to assist human drivers. A Engine 10-100 high Robust
comparison of their reliability requirements is Manageme control
listed in Table 3. nt
In some cases, driving a ground vehicle is not Air Bag 104 Very DSP based
possible, so a remote driver uses the real-time high switching
communication and control to send commands to Navigation 104 moderate Reliable
the remote vehicle and receive video from the System sensor in
vehicle to carry on driving task [13]. Because of case of GPS
man-in-the-loop operation of a teleoperated outages
ground vehicle, less number of sensors is required.
However, some autonomous features e.g. auto-
In teleoperation applications, a master station
STOP and collision-avoidance task are
drives a slave robot at a distance. The acceleration
implemented on-board in order to handle the
and brake commands are sent via a wireless
communication link failure scenario in which case,
network, while the streaming video is used to take
the vehicle stops immediately [8]. In fully
control decision in real-time. The test-bench setup
autonomous vehicles, all sensing and actuation is
of a networked control ground vehicle “NECS-
done on-board and it increases the system
Car” is shown in fig.4.
complexity [14]. Real time handling of multi-
sensor data and implementation of
computationally efficient fusion and decision
making algorithms require sufficient embedded
power and high performance computing platforms Fig. 4. Bilateral teleoperation schematic
[15]. On the other hand, creating intelligent
automotive systems can be utilized in automated Comparing the hardware and software
urban transport systems, automated highway complexity of an autonomous vehicle, let’s take
driving systems and finally the driverless car the example of Stanley. It used 6 Pentium M
technology as demonstrated by Vis-Lab, Google computers, a Gigabit Ethernet switch, Brake,
and other companies. Throttle, Gear Shifter and steering controller,
This setup is developed and maintained at IMU/GPS sensors, actuators and various
GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France [8, 16]. While interfacing devices [17]. It consumes about 500 W
comparing remotely teleoperated vehicles with to power up this autonomous vehicle. On the
fully-autonomous ones, one major difference is the software side, the operating system is Linux with
dependency of former on the communication six main functional groups: Sensor interface,
factor. Due to un-deterministic behavior as seen in perception, control, vehicle interface, and user
the presence of delay and packet losses, the interface. This architecture exchanges information
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
with in different modules to cooperate for which ensures fuel savings as compared to manual
autonomous sensing and actuation. On the other control.
hand, if it was developed as a teleoperated vehicle 3) Environment
where driving commands were being sent based on The impact of using computer control for
video received from the car mounted cameras, far critical engine sub-systems results in precise
less computing was required. timing during engine’s intake-injection-
combustion-exhaust cycle. This result in complete
XIII. IMPACT OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE burning of fuel which minimizes the residual gases
TECHNOLOGY and smoke expelled into the environment.
The automotive manufacturers used the recent 4) Weight reduction
technologies for ensuring safety, comfort and Considerable weight saving is achieved with
entertainment in compact aerodynamically profiled embedded electronics as drive-by-wire system
cars. Following features are important for removes mechanical links and related accessories
discussion in order to understand the impact of [18]. Due to embedded network, considerable
autonomous vehicle technology on men and weight savings is achieved in terms of decreased
society. volume of cables and wires.
1) Safety 5) Reliability
The purpose of increasing autonomy is to Embedded architectures use fail safe strategy
improve safety of the system. Each year, more for communication of critical information. This
than 1.3 million people die in road accidents. ensures reliable operation [5]. Also, since
About 90% of these accidents are due to human mechanical parts are lesser in number, less wear
error. In driver assisted systems, some functions and tear results in longer down time and mean
are implemented to work autonomously e.g. ABS time between failures (MTBF).
in case of skidding, Airbag deployment after 6) Social Issues
collision detection and interrupted injection of fuel Considering the socio-economic benefits of this
if engine management system detects a broken technology, it is evident that autonomous vehicles
ignition plug which may lead to engine fire will allow improved safety, better fuel economy,
otherwise [10]. efficient traffic flow and considerable savings in
Longitudinal Controllers: The longitudinal time and maintenance. A considerable decrease in
control functions to control the vehicle’s number of accidents and lives lost due to them
speed and assist in parking, cruise control have been reported after the implementation of
and pre-crash break. Full autonomous autonomous safety features in automotive [19].
system requires an integration of lateral and However, social aspects are often neglected
longitudinal controllers. when technologies are implemented. It seems that
Lateral Controllers: These control the if autonomous cars will be commonly used in
lateral dynamics of the vehicle e.g. Land urban areas, no licensing requirement will exist as
departure warning system (LDWS) and humans will not be driving the vehicle. Another
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKA) are important aspect of driver-less vehicles is who to
installed in vehicles to keep the vehicle in blame in case of an accident? Human drivers can
the chosen lane and avoid sideswipe violate the signals and can do over-speeding but
crashes. Parallel Parking Assistance System autonomous cars could not. It may be very
(PPA) was first used in 2003 by Toyota to difficult for traffic police to determine whose fault
assist drivers to park in by using a rear is there in case of a crash [20]. In such cases,
camera display on dashboard screen. standardization of safety measures in all
2) Fuel Consumption autonomous cars would also be mandatory. The
The embedded systems in automotive are investigators will require not only the “black-
designed to work in an optimized manner. boxes” of each vehicle but also the video from
Electronic fuel injection (EFI) systems are used for nearby surveillance cameras to precisely find a
controlled injection into combustion chamber clue instead of relying on eye-witness only.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
in SMART-1 spacecraft developed by Swedish (JasPar), about 100 car makers and suppliers
space agency, redundant CAN buses are used joined hand to standardize automotive network
which are designed such that they are resistant to technology, middleware and software architecture
radiations effect as desired for space operation. In for automotive control system. This initiative in
addition to embedded networks, a CAN gateway is 2004 resulted in development of ISO 26262
used to inter-connect vehicles for vehicle to guidelines which is a functional safety standard.
vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infra-structure (V2I) These standards emphasize on model based
communication as shown in fig. 6. design, component based and virtual platform for
software development.
It is required to work for reduction in the
number of ECUs in next generation automotive
and this can only be possible if low power, low
cost but reliable and high performance computing
platforms is used in automotive electronics [25].
One solution to this requirement is by using
graphics processing units (GPUs) to address the
real time data handling, processing and
communication. GPUs are high performance
systems where single GPU can be used to replace
all ECUs in the present day automotive
architecture. These GPUs are found suitable
processing units for multiple applications e.g.
Yearly increase in automotive software
Fig. 7. general purpose processing, real fast, soft real-time
complexity shown by million lines of code of and hard real time. However, since GPUs are
automotive software additional processing units controlled by device
drivers which vary due to different vendors and
XVI. HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN driver version, it is important to consider real time
AUTOMOTIVE ENVIRONMENT application constraints while using them for
As stated earlier, the increased autonomy comes critical applications [26].
with a cost and that is complexity. Figure 7 XVII. CONCLUSION
describes how this complexity is increasing yearly
in an exponential manner. It shows that during The paper describes in detail the development
2004 to 2013, the number has increased from 5 history of automotive embedded systems with
million to about 150 million lines of software code emphasis on the autonomous driving vehicles and
in automotive embedded systems due to increased their impact on society. It has been emphasized
autonomy and added number of ECUs. Because it that in order to lower the accident fatalities, the
is believed that in full-autonomous mode, software role of self-driving vehicles is obligatory,
drives the car, so the number of software lines will however, in addition to socio-economic benefits to
increase even more [25]. Due to large number of society, legal and social impact of these systems
ECUs, cost is increasing. Also, due to insufficient must be considered before integration in our
space, these units are difficult to package and place society.
inside the automotive. Non-standardization of REFERENCES
hardware and software results in multiple different
architectures in each brand.
[1] C. D. Anderson and J. Anderson, Electric
In 2003, automotive giants agreed to combine
and hybrid cars: A history: McFarland,
efforts in standardization under one umbrella for
future ECU software. It was named AUTOSTAR
(Automotive Open System Architecture). In [2] M. Bertoluzzo, P. Bolognesi, O. Bruno, G.
another consortium based in Japan named Japan Buja, A. Landi, and A. Zuccollo, "Drive-
Automotive Software Platform Architecture by-wire systems for ground vehicles," in
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Muhammad Ijaz Afzal1, Shahid Ikramullah Butt1, Mushtaq Khan1 and Syed Hussain Imran Jaffery1
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Sector H-12, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Abstract— The TIG welding is most commonly technique is used for the optimization of these
used welding technique in the world. In this parameters for the maximization of output i.e.
research work, the optimization of the welding tensile strength. The 5mm thickness High
process input parameters with Full Factorial Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steel sheet is used in
approach is applied to steel structures of 5mm this experiment. In this work, the Minitab
thickness with TIG welding Process. These input software package is used for Design of
variables/parameters were optimized by using
design of experiments technique in Minitab
software. ANOVA is applied for the optimization of K. M Eazhil, S.Mahendran, S.Ganesh
TIG welding input parameters. In this work, the Kumar [5] optimized TIG welding on 6063
tensile strength was maximized using TIG welding aluminum alloy using Taguchi method for the
input process parameters current, voltage, speed and maximization of mechanical properties.
shielding gas. It was found that current and voltage
A.Sivasankaran [6] optimized TIG welding for
have major contribution towards the tensile
maximizing weld strength of aluminum 8011 using
Taguchi method. S.Akella, B. Ramesh Kumar [7]
Index Terms—TIG Welding, Tensile Strength, did work for the optimization of weld process
Full Factorial, ANOVA, Optimization parameters with Taguchi approach for the
transverse distortion control applied to MS
structures of 3 mm thickness with TIG weld
The TIG welding is complex phenomenon process. Vedprakash Singh, Vijay Patel [8]
and a number of factors and variables effect the discussed about the application of Full-factorial,
output of the process [1]. The four basic variables ANOVA and Regression analysis to analyze the
involved in any welding process are current, effect of process parameters (current, groove angle,
voltage, speed of welding and shielding gas. In welding speed) on welding distortion for SS304
this research work, the effect of these four input under GTAW welding process. C Prabaharan, P
parameters is studied on the output variable. The Venkatachalam, K Suresh Kumar, K Lenin [9]
output variable selected is tensile strength of the optimized the welding parameters in the gas
welded test piece. The design of experiments tungsten arc welding of an Inconel 825 alloy.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Enough data must be available before For the optimal welding parameters, a full
planning of every experiment, so that science in factorial model is used in which 4 factors/input
any phenomenon can be understood. First trial variables, two levels of each factor are included and
and error approach is adopted to design in this way it becomes 16 experimentation
experiments. parameters. The high and low settings of these four
input variables are shown in table 1. The Minitab
In this approach, some experiments are software package is used for Design of Experiments
performed by trial and error method to get some and all these values are put in the model. The model
understanding of the phenomenon. The input designed 16 experiments with different input
variables of every experiment are noted and variable combinations as shown in Table 2.
response to those variables is also noted.
Sometimes these experiments do not give positive
result and we have to conduct other experiments
by changing some input variables. Therefore a
number of experiments are performed to reach to
conclusion and to understand the problem
phenomenon in a better way.
Design of experiments is a well-planned and
much better approach than the trial and error
approach to obtain good prediction about the input
parameters. First of all, the factors which are
important for explaining the process variation are
sorted out by previous experience. Then,
understanding is developed as how these factors
will interact in the process to find out the optimal
process performance.
The factorial design of experiments is used to
study simultaneous effect of several parameters on a
process. Varying different factor levels
simultaneously rather than one factor at a time,
saves considerable time and resources in terms of
cost, and at the same time interaction between
different factors can be studies. The screening is
done to reduce the input variables that affect the
quality of product and to focus only on few III. RESPONSE VARIABLE
important variables. Two level full and fractional The output variables or parameters from the
factorial design of experiment approach is used for process are termed as response variable. Following
screening the important variables/factors that affect response variable is critical and need to be
the process response measures. The useful evaluated with respect to integrity of the HSLA
information is gathered at relatively small runs per steel.
input variable and indication is given about the
main tendencies to guide for further experiments
and optimum settings.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Tensile Strength: Maximum weld strength measured alloying elements of base metal. Table 4 shows the
on the tensile sample (MPa). chemical composition of filler wire selected (H08).
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Muhammad Usman Qadir1, Izhar Ul Haq1, Shahzad Anwar1, Kamran Shah1, Ashfaq Khan2
Institute of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
[email protected], [email protected]
systems have been developed which are dedicated These manufacturing systems can be upgraded to
manufacturing systems (DMS), flexible introduce a variety of products, thus increasing the
manufacturing systems (FMS) and reconfigurable lifecycle of manufacturing system.
manufacturing systems (RMS) [5].
DMS are generally equipped with fixed
automation and tooling. The economic objective of
such systems are to produce a specific part (or
product) in high capacity with no (or very limited)
variety and desired quality. These systems are
profitable and cost effective in stable market when
the demand of the product exceeds its supply. But
they are unable to respond to the dynamic market
scenarios. FMS on the other hand are designed to
produce variety of products in predictable market
conditions. These systems (FMS) are generally
equipped with fixed hardware and programmable Fig. 1. Mapping of manufacturing systems in
software. The economic objective of FMS is to capacity-functionality coordinates
produce different kinds of parts within a specific
part family with reduced changeover time at In literature most of the research for RMS is
desired quality. However, they have achieved very related to justification for RMS [6], scheduling
limited success because of high equipment cost architecture [1], design strategies [2], layout
(since in most of the cases they include more selection & optimization [8] and capacity
functionality than needed), low throughput and management [9]. However, little efforts are
complex design [6] reported in the literature to make virtual
In order to address the limitations of DMS and engineering as a key enabler for RMS. Also the
FMS by responding rapidly to variation in market time constraints for RMS while switching from
demands Koran et al. [7] proposed a new paradigm one product to another is a key issue as well. The
of manufacturing system called as Reconfigurable rest of the paper is organized as following. Section
Manufacturing Systems (RMS). RMS allows not II describes the traditional engineering approach to
only the production of variety of parts but offers RMS and presents problem statement. In section
customized flexibility. Functionality in RMS can III a novel approach based on virtual engineering
be increased or decreased by adding or removing is discussed while conclusion and future work is
hardware/software modules and new technologies presented in section IV.
can be easily integrated into these systems, II. TRADITIONAL ENGINEERING APPROACH TO
therefore they are not subjected to obsolescence. MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS
The comparison of DMS, FMS and RMS in
capacity-functionality coordinates is shown in fig. The design and build of RMS is one of key
1. It is evident that DMS have high capacity but areas in the product lifecycle. Design and build of
limited functionality. FMS have high but fixed these systems involve geographically distributed
functionality with low capacity. While RMS lie engineering teams of end-user (i.e. production
between DMS and FMS. The capacity as well as companies) and its supply chain partners (i.e.
functionality in RMS can adjusted (increased or machine builders and control vendors) [10].
decreased) in response to fluctuating market Machine builders, also known as Original
demands. Key features of RMS distinguishing it Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), are the Tier-1
from DMS and FMS includes modulatory, suppliers to the end-users. They are responsible for
integrability, convertibility, flexibility, mechanical design, electrical design, control
diagnosability and customization. design, building, testing, and installation of
production machines for the end-users. Machine
RMS have the ability to address the dynamic
builder may also sub-contract certain parts of a
market requirement of accommodating changes in
machine to various component builder or system
6 to 9 months (as product lifecycle has shortened).
designers. The control vendors are the Tier-2
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
suppliers and fulfil control hardware/software validation to be carried out during commissioning
requirements for the end-user [11]. Collectively phase. As a result the planned production ramp-up
all these partners are responsible for the is seldom achieved in time and typically results in
implementation and lifecycle support of the increased lead time and costly delays. Another
automated systems as product and production weakness in the existing approach is that it does
requirements changes [10]. not enable supply chain partners, in particular the
end user to initially design, build and reconfigure
Due to short product life cycle the requirements
the manufacturing system based on previous
of the dynamic market changes frequently. All
system commonalities. This is despite the fact that
new business requirements (e.g. design and
every new project contains about 70%
manufacture of a new powertrains) are planned by
commonality with previous projects. Also, in the
end user’s “planning and business office” in the
existing approach, when the market demand
form of “new business case” for development of
changes the system is reconfigured accordingly.
new RMS or upgradation of existing one. In
The existing reconfiguration process for a
response to new business case, the end user’s
manufacturing system, when switching from
“planning and feasibility” team contacts supply
product A to B is shown in fig. 3. During
chain partners to start simultaneous engineering
reconfiguration the manufacturing system is
(SE) with end user domain experts. The product
required to be shut down for significantly high
design and process requirements are provided by
period due to lack of virtual integration between
end user’s expert to machine builder and
mechanical and control system design. This
component suppliers. The final design of RMS is
ultimately results in costly delays within
completed by machine builders subjected to the
production ramp-up period. In order to address the
approval of end user’s engineering teams. The
current mentioned limitations, a new engineering
design activities of machine builders than take
approach based on integration of virtual
place sequentially, beginning with mechanical
engineering with RMS is proposed focusing on
engineering followed by electrical and control
component based automation. The aim of the
engineering. As a result the design activities for
proposed approach is to visualize the design and
machine hardware and control system remains
verify RMS before actual build to reduce lead time
isolated from one another and overall verification
and to achieve the planned production ramp-up
can only be carried out during final commissioning
time. In addition this research also addresses the
after physical build. Figure 2 presents the
issue of reconfiguration when switching from one
conventional design process for RMS.
product to another and enables end user domain
The engineering process described above is typical experts to design, build, reconfigure and verify the
for most of the manufacturing industries and in manufacturing system based on previous
particular for automotive industries. However, this commonalities without physical build. This paper
mentioned approach has fundamental limitations. also proposes virtual integration between
These limitations are mostly caused by study and mechanical hardware and control system of RMS
SE phase. Currently, the impact of these during reconfiguration. This can enable
limitations is realized after installation, verification of reconfigured mechanical layout and
commissioning and launch phase. During planning control system virtually thus reducing physical
and SE phase the designed processes are entirely shutdown period of RMS resulting in economic
based on the expertise and knowledge of end benefits.
user’s engineering team. As a result inadequate
planning may be performed by domain experts
during this phase. This is due to fact that that there
is no common representation or visualization of
RMS throughout the lifecycle. In addition, within
the existing approach only 20% to 30% testing and
validation is achievable during planning phase,
thus typically leaving 70% to 80% testing and
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
This paper also proposes virtual integration virtually, the manufacturing system can be shut
between machine hardware and control system of down for a shorter period and reconfigured
manufacturing system during reconfiguration. This quickly.
can enable verification of reconfigured mechanical
layout and control system virtually thus reducing
physical shutdown period of RMS. In the existing
approach, during mechanical reconfiguration the
manufacturing system is physically shutdown. The
mechanical layout is than changed, optimized and
validated. According to the most optimum layout
control system is designed. The control system is
than integrated with mechanical hardware and
further its testing is performed. This
reconfiguration period is significantly high and Fig. 5. Proposed reconfiguration process for
most of the time results in costly delays. Through RMS.
integration of virtual engineering, the
reconfiguration period can be reduced. To support the proposed approach, software
“Virtual Universe Pro” [12] is used in this research
due to its various functionalities provided for
virtual engineering of the RMS. The software
supports virtual engineering to a great extent and
consists of number of modules. Mechanical
models can be designed based on CAD drawings.
The control logic for these mechanical models can
be designed and tested. A pre-defined library of
validated manufacturing mechanisms can be
developed. New mechanisms can also be designed
and added to the library. The control logic can be
designed in ladder logic, sequential flow charts
(SFC) and functional block diagrams (FBD).
Virtual universe pro also offers integration with
number of PLC’s including Siemens S7-1200 and
Fig. 4. Proposed design process for RMS. S7-200 etc. in order to integrate machine hardware
with virtually built models. In addition, using this
application control behaviors can also be
The proposed approach for reconfiguration of generated.
RMS is presented in fig. 5. Initially, the IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
manufacturing system is designed and build for the
production of product “A”. At later stages market Rapidly changing global business plan are
demand changes gradually from product “A” to norms within all manufacturing sector. To
product “B”. The manufacturer can then redesign facilitate and accommodate unforeseen business
the manufacturing system through reconfiguration changes within manufacturing industry, the
to produce product “B”. This reconfiguration is concept of RMS has evolved. In this paper, virtual
performed virtually to design and optimize engineering is identified as one of the key enabling
machine layout along with development and technologies for future manufacturing systems
verification of control logic. During this virtual (RMS). In response, a new proactive engineering
reconfiguration the manufacturing system can approach has been introduced to quickly design,
continue to produce product “A” resulting in build and reconfigure RMS. Most prominent
economic benefits to manufacturer. Once the aspect of the proposed approach is to better
mechanical and control system design is verified provide lifecycle support and to reduce lead time
by strengthening the virtual engineering approach.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
The paper also addresses the issue of high 8. M. R. Abdi, "Selection of a layout
reconfiguration period of RMS. Further, the configuration for reconfigurable
proposed approach will be tested on industrial manufacturing systems using the AHP,"
testbed in order to demonstrate key benefits of the ISAHP, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005.
virtual engineering to industry and academia.
9. A. M. Deifand W. ElMaraghy,
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Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Simulation of Turbulent Flow over a Single and Tandem NACA 0012 Airfoils
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Sector H-12, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
The results were validated with the experimental data
of Abbott et al [7] and Charles L. Ladson [8]. The
results obtained using simulations were in conformity
Fig. 15. Graph showing the variation of Drag with the results of experimental data. Fig. 18 and Fig.
coefficient with number of cells. 19 show the comparison between the results of
simulation and experimental data.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Fig. 23. Contours of velocity for distance of 0.5 m. [3] J. Mohd-Yusof, "Combined immersed-
boundary/B-spline methods for simulations of
flow in complex geometries," 1997.
Fig. 24. Contours of velocity for distance of 1 m. [6] G. Iaccarino and R. Verzicco, "Immersed
boundary technique for turbulent flow
simulations," Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol.
56, pp. 331-347, 2003.
This paper investigates the flow past a single and two-
in-tandem airfoils. We have seen that the lift
coefficient increases with the increase in angle of
attack while the drag coefficient varies in a parabolic
manner. The effects of vortex shedding are significant
at high angle of attack. The stall angle has been found
to be 17° in case of single airfoil. We have also seen
that the lift and drag decrease with the increase in
distance between two airfoils. The results obtained
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
1 School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), National University of Sciences and Technology
(NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea
Abstract—Inspired by the energy harvesting eel, a point of view, experimental evidence has supported the
flexible flag behind a D-shape half cylinder in a assertion that an appropriate synchronization of
uniform viscous flow was simulated by using the positioning a flag in the wake of a bluff body can be
immersed boundary method. The downstream flag advantageous by increasing the hydrodynamic
was strongly influenced by the vortices shed from resistance due to fluid-structure interaction, thereby,
the upstream cylinder during vortex-vortex and introducing significant energy harvesting [1-5].
Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the hydrodynamic
vortex-body interactions. The flexible flag was
interactions of a flag in the wake of a bluff body has
subjected to passive flapping to optimize geometric not yet well understood, and a more detailed
and flow parameters, which were subsequently understanding of the mechanisms would be desirable.
used in an actively flapping flag. In this study,
dependence of bending energy of the passively Interaction of vortices and a flexible flag in wake
flapping flexible flag on various parameters, i.e., of a bluff body is a common occurrence in various
natural phenomena, e.g. stationing of a fish behind a
length of the flag, diameter of the D-shape half
sea-plants, and sea-stones etc. The application of
cylinder, streamwise gap between the cylinder and flapping wings to extract energy from uniform flows
the flag, and bending coefficient of the flexible flag was first proposed by McKinney and De Laurier [6].
was examined in detail. Constructive and Both experiments and theoretical investigations
destructive vortex interaction modes and, discovered that a foil submerged in the free surface
unidirectional and bidirectional bending were could be propelled by using the energy from the on-
found that explained the variations in the bending coming waves [7-10]. Allen et al. [1] examined the
energy on the downstream flag. response of a piezoelectric membrane to vortex
shedding behind a bluff body for harvesting flow-
Keywords—Immersed boundary method, fluid energy. Tang et al. [11] analytically studied the
structure interaction, energy harvesting eel, immersed response of a flutter-mill for electricity generation.
boundary method These bio-inspired energy converters are
environmentally friendly in terms of noise generation
thus reducing impact on the navigation of aquatic
1. INTRODUCTION animals. These oscillatory devices are not only
Limited availability and the environmental impact structurally robust, but also they sweep a rectangular
of fossil fuels motivate the development of renewable cross section of flow. The swept area for a single
energy sources. Considerable efforts are focused on device can thus be wide and shallow, allowing large
use of renewable energy from natural resources such systems to be installed in shallow water. Subsequently,
as flowing water, rain, tides, wind, sunlight,
geothermal heat and biomass. From a hydrodynamic
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
layer causes suction zone in front of the downstream distance for maximum energy harvesting (L/D=1.75,
flag. Beal et. al. [15] reported the suction zone for S/D=1.75) while optimal bending rigidity is γ=0.06.
𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷<2.0⁄ that reveals its dependence on 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄ ratio
by the action of increased shear resistance. The suction
region generates an extra force on the flag which is
higher for 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄=1.75, and 𝛾𝛾=0.06 shown by the
absence of the vorticies in-front of the flag. While for
the other cases (Fig. 5), presence of the vortices in We examined the dynamics of energy harvesting
front of the flag causes lesser effect of the suction zone
flexible flag behind a half cylinder undergoing passive
resulting in the lower bending energy.
flapping modes subjected to a uniform viscous flow by
The second map (Fig. 2b) showed the relation between using the immersed boundary method. Analysis was
the length and the gap. Details are shown in the tail carried out under different conditions by varying
position evolution, the power spectra and the vorticity 𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷⁄, 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄, and 𝛾𝛾. For passive flapping, an
contours (Fig. 6, 7 & 8). The tail position evolution increase in bending stiffness for 0.04≤ 𝛾𝛾 ≤0.08 and
shows the lowest energy region at 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄=1.25 and the length ratio of the flag (1.5≤ 𝐿𝐿/𝐷𝐷 ≤1.9) cause an
𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷⁄=1.75 (Fig. 7a) that corresponds to the lowest increase in the bending energy. Increase in bending
dominant frequency (𝑓𝑓=0.15). As the energy is stiffness is accompanied by an increase in the flag
increased at 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄=1.5 and 𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷⁄=1.25 (Fig. 7c), it is deformation, and the dominant flapping frequency also
accompanied by a slight increase in the dominant is increased. Constructive mode is observed for the
frequency to 𝑓𝑓=0.18. The bending energy is increased optimal bending energy region when the streamwise
at 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄=2.0 and 𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷⁄=2.0 (Fig. 7d). It is distance is increased. Also, unidirectional curvature is
accompanied by a small increase in the dominant attributed to the lower bending energy while the
frequency to 𝑓𝑓=0.20. For the highest energy point at bidirectional curvature is attributed to the higher
bending energy. By analyzing the passive flapping, we
𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄=1.75 and 𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷⁄=1.75 (Fig. 7b), it has the
obtained the optimal length of the flag, gap distance
highest dominant frequency of 𝑓𝑓=0.22. The tail
between the flag, D-cylinder, and the bending rigidity.
position evolution shows two interesting findings. One
The flag-in-fluid system suggested a mechanism by
is the frequency of the tail on the left side of Fig. 8 that
which advantages may be gained via the vortex-
is complementing the power spectrum (Fig. 7). At the
flexible body interactions in the energy harvesting eel.
optimal location (Fig. 8b), there appear seven peaks in
30 seconds, while for the other lower energy cases,
there are six peaks in 30 seconds. Other observation is
the flag deformation shape, for the length ratio of the REFERENCES
flag 𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷⁄<1.75, unidirectional curvature deformation [1] J.J. Allen and A. J. Smits, 2001, “Energy
of the flag is observed (Fig. 8a & c). For the length harvesting eel”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol.
ratio >1.75, there exists bidirectional curvature 15(3–4), pp. pp. 629–640, 2001.
deformation (Fig. 8b & d). The [2] A. Barrero-Gil, G. Alonso and A. Sanz-Andres,
unidirectional/constrained deformation is attributed to “Energy harvesting from transverse galloping”,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 329(14), pp.
the lower bending energy. The bending rigidity and the
2873–2883, 2010.
gap is same but length is different causes jump from
[3] M. M. Bernitsas, K. Raghavan, Y. Ben-Simon and
the unidirectional to the bidirectional curvature E. M. H. Garcia, “VIVACE (Vortex Induced Vibration
deformation (figure 8a, b) which shows that the Aquatic Clean Energy): a new concept in generation of
curvature change is function of the length of the flag. clean and renewable energy from fluid flow”, J.
At the same bending rigidity, the shorter flag length Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng., vol. 130, pp. 041101,
causes constrained motion, as the shorter flag length 2008.
results in the less effective area for exertion of the [4] Z. Peng, and Q. Zhu, “Energy harvesting through
viscous forces by the fluid, while as the length is flow-induced oscillations of a foil”, Phys. Fluids, vol.
increased to L/D=1.75 provides the sufficient surface 21, pp. 123602, 2009.
area of the flag to exert more viscous forces on the flag [5] K. Singh, S. Michelin and E. De Langre, “The
to cause the bidirectional curvature flapping. This map effect of non-uniform damping on flutter in axial flow
(figure 2b) gives the optimal length and the gap and energy harvesting strategies”, Proc. R. Soc. A, vol.
468, pp. 3620–3635, 2012.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
CZM based Strength Prediction for Scarf Adhesive Joints with Varying
Bondline Angle
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, National University
of Sciences and Technology, H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract — In this research, an investigation of Several type of joints configurations are used to test the
the effects of triaxial stress state in the adhesive experimental joint strengths including double cantilever
layer of scarf joints on the failure prediction was beam (DCB), single lap joint and double lap joint. The
carried out. Three types of scarf joints with zero, stress state in the bondline changes with the changing
9.5 and 26.5 angle bondline were manufactured loads and joint type. Triaxial stress becomes important,
using steel adherends and a structural epoxy especially in case of adhesives with hydrostatic stress
adhesive FM73-M. The joints were tested to failure dependence. Using the finite element analysis, Wahab
under tensile loading. A finite element based model et al [1] showed that the triaxial stress state changes
of the joints was used to predict the failure along the bondline of single lap and butt adhesive
strength. The model consisted of continuum as well joints. Scarf adhesive joints were selected for study of
as cohesive zone elements. The cohesive zone failure under different values of stress triaxiality as the
elements were used to represent the adhesive layer state of stress triaxiality remains same along the
in the scarf joint and are capable of bondline in a scarf adhesive joint [2]. Based on the low
phenomenological modeling of damage and failure. cycle fatigue data, a damage law was defined and its
Using the same set of cohesive zone model parameters were calibrated as functions of stress levels
parameters, the strength of the scarf joints was and triaxiality.
predicted. The finite element modeling showed that The damage and failure in adhesive joints has been
the middle of the adhesive layer had higher damage predicted by using cohesive zone modeling (CZM) [3-
than the edges of the bondline. The predicted 5]. Mubashar et al [6] used a cohesive zone model
strength of the joints was in good agreement with based approach to predict the failure strength and
the experimental results for zero and 26.5 bondline damage propagation in single lap adhesive joints that
joints while lower failure load was observed for 9.5 were conditioned at 50C in water. A bilinear cohesive
bondline joints. zone model was used with moisture concentration and
moisture history dependence. The predicted results,
Keywords— Scarf Joint; Cohesive Zone Model; based on the generic methodology used for simulations,
Stress Triaxiality; Adhesive Joints were in good agreement with experimental failure
results of the joints. The strength of single and double
lap adhesive joints subjected to moist environments
I. INTRODUCTION was also predicted by Liljedahl et al [7]. The joints
used aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced plastic
Prediction of failure and joint strength is a topic of (CFRP) composite adherends. The cohesive zone
great interest because of the increasing use of structural parameters were determined by using mixed mode
adhesive joints in automotive and aerospace sectors. flexure test specimens. Good agreement with
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Jasim Arif Ali1, Syed Zohaib Ali Naqvi1, Rehan Afzal1, Tufail Ahmed Memon1, Muhammad Fahad1, Maqssod
Ahmed Khan1
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi,
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
D. DESKTOP PRINTERS distribute the load on all the shafts. This is shown in Fig.
Desktop printers like Prusai3, Ultimaker, and 2
Makerbot etc. all are Cartesian co-ordinate printers. The
Following are the most important components of the
success of desktop printers is due to their high quality as
X-Y axes assembly;
compared to their costs. Some of these printers like
Repraps are self replicating as many of their parts are Steel rods
made of plastic and can easily be 3D printed. Timing pulleys and Belts
Reprap forum provides all the basic information needed
for making a desktop 3-D printer. 1) Timing Pulleys
FDM technology has become so powerful that The timing pulleys are also manufactured in NED
researchers at MIT have achieved glass printing through university of Engineering and technology(UET). The
a nozzle [8] plus the advancements made in the diameter of the pulleys is fifteen millimeters with a pitch
development of different filaments have opened up gates of two and half millimeter as shown in Fig. 3. Our first
for 3D printed electronics board as well [9]. material choice was Aluminum as it is light weight and
has good strength to weight ratio, but the aluminum
In Pakistan 3DP is not as common as in other available could not withstand cutting forces and was
countries. Pakistan does not have any 3D printer fracturing, therefore we chose Brass for manufacturing
manufacturing firm. The common misconception the pulleys that can easily bear the cutting forces and is
prevailing in Pakistan is that 3D printing is expensive also corrosion resistant.
and time consuming which is untrue. In the following
study an attempt has been made to modify certain The pulleys are manufactured in three Steps
components of a desktop 3D printer and make a low cost Steps of Manufacturing
3D printer in Pakistan with all the possible resources
available in the country.
The methodology we adopted for fabricating the
machine is discussed in this section. Fabrication of
major components is also discussed in detail.
A. Frame
The construction of the frame is inspired from
Ultimaker as showm in Figure.1, however few changes
are made to minimize the cost. The frame is erected out
of steel conduits which are welded to form a cubic
structure. Brackets are used to hold motors and rods.
Ball bearings are tight fit into brackets. These brackets
are fixed with nuts and bolts on the conduits.
B. X- Y Axes Assembly
The X-Y axes are controlled using NEMA17 Stepper Grooves were cut into a Brass rod of diameter
motors coupled with Steel rods that are mounted with 15mm and length of 150mm
timing pulleys and belts in order to make the nozzle Another brass rod was used to make the top and
move in the desired direction. Also a slider facilitates the bottom flanges of the pulley so that the belt may
smooth motion of the nozzle and helps to equally not slip.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
2) Sliders
The slider facilitates the smooth movement of the
nozzle. Its function is to grip the timing belt and move
with it. The material of slider is Aluminum. They are
fitted with LM8UU bearing for smooth linear movement
on the surface of the steel rod. While on the other face of
the slider an eight millimeter diameter hole is drilled to
hold the extruder assembly as per the design (see Fig. 6).
On the top surface of the slider a Carbon Steel plate is
screwed, this plate has grooves with the same pitch as
the belt for gripping the belt.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
C. Extruder
The cold end of extruder is made up of Aluminum. It
has an adjustable bearing assembly as shown in Fig. 7.
The bearing could be adjusted such that the filament
could be driven properly into the nozzle. A stepper
motor with a knurled bush provides the necessary grip to
push the filament forward. The cold end of extruder is
manufactured completely in Pakistan, at NED University
of engineering and technology, manufacturing lab while
the hot end (consisting of heat sink, 0.4mm nozzle, and
40 watt heater) is imported from China.
The cold end of extruder assembly is divided into two
separate sub assemblies
1. The motor assembly
2. The adjustable bearing assembly
Steps of Manufacturing
1) The motor assembly
Aluminum block was faced according to the
dimensions of the design. Steps of manufacturing of motor assembly are given
A 15 mm hole was drilled into the front face of below :
the block for LM8UU bearing. A rectangular block of Aluminum was faced to
Another hole of 8mm diameter (visible in the required dimensions by using an end mill cutter.
Then the center hole was drilled.
side view of the block in Fig. 6) was drilled.
After that four M3 holes were drilled as per the
Grooves were cut into a Steel plate of 2.5 mm given dimensions.
pitch for gripping the belt. Then a 3mm hole was drilled in the two small
rectangular blocks using a drill press.
Motor was then mounted on the plate.
2) The adjustable bearing assembly
Steps of manufacturing of adjustable bearing assembly
are given below:
The Aluminum block is milled to form a U-shaped
plate, with holes on the top right corner to fit into
the motor assembly.
Another separate Aluminum plate was used to
mount the bearing with a threaded bush in the
center so that the bearing rests on the plate and
inner ring of the bearing does not move.
A slot was then cut on the top side of the bearing
This bearing plate slides into the U shaped housing
and the slot was screwed into a hole and can be
adjusted by loosening the screw slightly.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
The two assemblies are then screwed together using 7 GT2.5 Pulleys 8 4,000
M3 socket head screws.
Total price 15,480
D. Electronics
We have used RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield
(RAMPS) for our 3D printer. It is commonly used
electronics board for desktop 3D printers. It uses an
Arduino board which serves as a brain of printer, Pololu TABLE III. COST OF EXTRUDER’S COMPONENTS
drivers DRV8825 are used for driving motors and ATX Serial Component Quantity Total cost
power supply is used. no. in PKR
VIII. COSTING 1 Hot end 1 800
The manufacturing of complete printer costs 25,182 assembly
Pakistani Rupees (PKR). Most of the things were
fabricated in Pakistan. The price breakdown of major 2 Cold end 1 800
components is discussed in this section. Costs of assembly
individual components are mentioned in the separate
Total price 1,600
tables, fabrication as well as raw material’s costs are
taken into account while documenting.
Serial Component Quantity Total cost TABLE IV. COST OF ELECTRONICS
no. in PKR
Serial Component Quantity Total cost
1 Steel conduits 12 1000 no. in PKR
2 Steel brackets 8 500 1 RAMPS 1 4,600
2 Stepper motors 4 1,200
3 Aluminum 1 500 3 ATX power 1 600
bed supply
Total price 2,000 Total price 6,400
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Waseem Arshad1, Muhammad Adnan Hanif1, Muhammad Usman Bhutta1 and Usman Abdullah1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), National
University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract— Some products for automotive industries quantities from one to thousands [2]. Green sand molding
are difficult to manufacture using the conventional is the least expensive among all the molding techniques
metal casting processes. In such situation different as sand is replenished after each batch [3] and chances of
methods are combined to form a hybrid casting hot tearing of the casting are low [4]. In sand casting
process. The hybrid casting process is a technique in there is a limit to complexity of design [5] and it has poor
which different casting process are combined to get a dimensional accuracy as the size of the casting increases.
cast product. Therefore, the hybrid casting technique Also, surface finish is poor as compared to other
gives advantage over conventional casting process. In techniques [6].
this work we discuss the hybrid casting process Permanent mold casting process is the process in
where sand mold is combined with permanent mold which pouring is done under gravity in a permanent mold
before pouring. This hybrid casting process is used to [7] which is made after machining grey or nodular iron
cast wheel hubs to get better properties. Sand Molds [8]. Permanent mold casting is suitable for a broad
are made from green sand while cores are made variety of shapes [9]. Permanent mold temperature is
using NaSi sand. As we combine permanent mold raised using a flame and mold is filled with molten metal
with sand mold to get the hybrid mold casting [10]. Good dimensional accuracy and surface finish are
process it enables a broader range of products to the main advantage of permanent mold casting [11].
have a superior surface finish and lesser porosity Today most of the wheel hubs are made from ductile
when facing with a thick section products. The iron. With elongation of more than 18% and high
hybrid casting process gave close tolerance than the strength up to 1000 MPa provides the opportunity to
traditional casting process, better surface finish on choose ductile iron. Ductile iron has cost savings benefit
the permanent mold side and lower porosity as over malleable iron and steel [12] [13]. The metallic
compared to the conventional casting process. charge used for making ductile iron generally consists of
steel scrap, pig iron and ductile iron scrap [14].
Index Terms—Hybrid casting, automotive, wheel Sometime carbides are formed in ductile iron due to the
hubs. following reasons [15]:
XI. INTRODUCTION Elements in the charge that promote carbide
In a casting manufacturing process molten metal is 1. Unnecessary Magnesium
transferred into a mold which has the desired/anticipated 2. The cooling rate is high
shape and after solidification the metal gets the shape of 3. Melt having Low C.E
the mold cavity [1]. Most of the castings are made from 4. Bad or no inoculation
sand casting process. Approximately all casting alloys
Carbon, Carbon equivalent, Manganese, Magnesium,
can be sand cast. Sand casting is widely used for metals
Silicon, Aluminum and Phosphorous are the important
that have high melting temperatures such as nickel, steel
elements that should be controlled wisely [16].
and titanium. Its adaptability allows the casting ranging
in dimensions from small to very large and in fabrication,
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Cross section was cut to get hardness and samples taken from the permanent mold side shows that
microstructure samples at different points. The last microstructure is predominantly carbidic as shown in
poured hub was sectioned through their casting gate figure 7. The nodule count is higher in the permanent
locations to produce longitudinal cross section, as shown mold side as compared to sand mold.
in Figure 5. Cross section was subjected to Brinell
hardness (HB) testing. The results of the hardness testing, TABLE 3. WHEEL HUB HARDNESS
given in Table 3, revealed that hub generally exhibited
variation in hardness values at the locations tested. The Section Hardness (BHN)
results show that cross section cast in permanent mold position
has high hardness as compared to sand mold.
Sand mold
1 171
2 181
3 171
4 190
Permanent Mold
5 441
6 294
7 341
8 441
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
In this work the hybrid mold casting process is [13] Jones, J. and B.G. Corbett Jr, Restraining
developed in which sand mold and permanent molds are mechanical joint gasket for ductile iron pipe, 2008,
combined to improve the quality of the wheel hubs. The Google Patents
hardness of the cross section, taken from the wheel hubs,
shows that permanent mold side has a much higher [14] Karsay, S.I., Ductile iron production1967:
hardness as compared to sand mold side. This is Quebec Iron and Titanium Corporation.
concluded because the microstructure of the permanent
mold is predominantly carbidic, which give rise to [15] A. Javaid, J.T., M. Sahoo and K.G. Davis, AFS
hardness. Moreover, the surface finish on the permanent Transactions. Vol. First Edition 1999. 107.
mold side is good as compared to sand mold side. In sand
mold side microstructure is predominantly ferritic- [16] Hughes, I.C., BCIRA, International Centre for
pearlitic due to which sand mold side has more ductility. Cast Metals Technology, Great Britain1990.
Dimensional control is easy on the permanent mold side.
[1] Callister, Materials Science and Engineering. 2007
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Department of Energy System Engineering, Centre for Advance Studies in Energy, National University of Sciences
and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract—Energy Demand of the world is increasing basic human needs and Thermal storage can prove
exponentially. Transportation sector holds the major helpful in this regard as it will store the excess heat
share in this energy demand. During summer inside the car and thus reduce cooling load[3]. Among
conditions in countries like Pakistan, cars utilize all the thermal heat storage Latent Heat Thermal Energy
more fuel due to use of car air conditioning unit. Storage (LHTES) using Phase Change Materials (PCM)
Thermal storage can prove to be helpful in reducing is useful as it provides heat at constant temperature
this cooling demand by storing extra heat inside the during discharge time and store a lot of heat during
car and reducing car temperature and thus reducing charge time at constant temperature.[4]
cooling load of the car. This paper presents a
comparative study between two phase change This paper focuses on a comparative study of PCM Wax
materials; nitrate salts and wax for energy storage and Nitrate Salt as a thermal storage to enhance its
for cooling purpose of automobiles. A comparison operational capability. Comparison is performed
between their thermal storage capacities, their between their charge and discharge time using
charge and discharge time is made using CFD tool COMSOL Multiphysics as a CFD tool for this
like COMSOL. comparative study and results of this comparison are
discussed below.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
results of comparison of wax and sodium salt, i.e., TABLE II. COMPUTATIONAL DOMAIN DIMENSION
sodium nitrate are presented.
Tubes [mm]
A. Phase change materials
Diameter 100
Length 1500
Two phase change materials, i.e., wax and sodium
nitrate were selected for comparison. The required Thickness 10
properties of both materials are presented in Table 1
below. Cylinder [mm]
Diameter 500
Length 1500
Ratio of specific 1 1 1
C. Mesh Structure
COMSOL Multiphysics has been selected for the
simulation of heat transfer in fluid. It uses a finite
element discretization over an unstructured grid. Free tetrahedral meshing is used to create an
unstructured mesh with tetrahedral elements for the three
dimensional models of both phase change materials.
Geometry selected for simulation consists of three tubes High mesh density was in regions where gradients of
which are placed in a large cylinder. Tubes contain temperature were expected to be higher based on the
vegetable oil at 300oC while phase change material is physics of the problem. Statistics of the generated
present in a large cylinder at 25oC. Dimensions of meshes for both cases are shown in table 3 while Figure
computational domain selected for simulation are 2 depicts the mesh structure.
presented in Table 2 and Figure 1.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
TABLE III. MESH STATISTICS 300o C. With time, heat is being stored in a phase change
Property Value material. Table 4 shows the conditions that are defined
in this case.
Minimum element quality 0.08798
Average element quality 0.6563
Boundary Patch Equation
Tetrahedral elements 58988 Condition
Triangular elements 11404 Initial values All patches T=To=25o C
Edge elements 1610 Temperature Tubes T=To=300o C
Vertex elements 56
Temperature Inlet and outlet of T=To=25o C
Number of elements 58988 2 large cylinder
Element volume ratio 0.00076 Symmetry External surface of -n.(-
Mesh volume 0.2895 m^3 large cylinder
Average growth rate 1.916 Case II: In this case vegetable oil is at room
temperature, 25o C while phase change materials are at
300oC transfer their restored heat to vegetable oil
retaining previous state. Table 5 shows the conditions
that are defined in this case.
D. Boundary Conditions
Governing equations which define the physics of this
problem are given below;
Heat transfer with phase change analysis has been
performed in two directions. Phase change material T
experiences change in state while in second direction it cp c p u.T .(k T ) Q Qvh W p
retains its previous state.
k k phase1 (1 ) k phase 2
Case I: Phase change materials, i.e., wax and sodium
salt is maintained at room temperature of 25o C while
vegetable oil which is flowing through the tubes is at
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
c p c p. phase1 (1 )c p. phase 2 L
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Salman Sagheer Warsi1, Syed Husain Imran Jaffery1, Mushtaq Khan1, Riaz Ahmad1, Sohail Akram1
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), National University of Sciences and Technology
(NUST), Sector H-12, 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan
[email protected]
Abstract— Recent researches in machining have [6], energy savings through enhanced utilization of
revealed that electricity consumption of machine tools cutting tools [7]. Two important aspects in the
accounts for 90% of their environmental impact. environmental analysis of the machining operations are
Therefore, minimization of energy consumption will the modelling of the energy consumption during
yield both environmental and economic gains. The machining and optimisation of machining operation.
research work presented here focuses on the analysis Modelling of energy consumption is currently being
of energy consumption in the machining of aluminium investigated at machine tool level, component level and
alloy Al-6061 T6, which is one of the widely used system level [8].
materials in manufacturing industry. Full factorial Mechanistic models are developed by applying well
experimental plan was developed and performed for understood physical principles [9]. The mechanistic
orthogonal machining of Al-6061 T6 to investigate the modeling of the energy consumption was initially done
effect of machining parameters (cutting speed and by using exergy framework [10] and [11]. The
feed) on the energy consumption and energy efficiency proposed framework aimed at explaining the power
of the machining process. All the experiments were consumption ( ) in machining, as a function idle power
performed by unused inserts, therefore, tool wear ( ) of machine and a product of specific process
effect was not considered for power calculations. The energy ( ) and process rate ( ). The exergy framework
analysis of the results revealed a strong correlation model was modified by dividing the total power
between the energy consumption and the machining consumed in machining in to three parts namely; the
parameters (feed and speed). The Material Removal constant power, the power to drive spindle and
Rate (MRR) also showed good correlation with worktable during cutting and the power to
different cutting parameters and power consumption of accelerate/decelerate the spindle [12]. The above
the machine tool. mentioned two approaches were blended and altered to
present a more detailed energy consumption model
Key words— Cutting parameters, Energy [13]. Total energy in a single pass turning operation
consumption, Energy efficiency, Full factorial was modelled using the approach similar to the
experiments, Orthogonal Machining traditional machining cost modelling [14]. Energy
consumption was related with the G and M codes used
in the CNC programming[15]. This methodology was
Despite many recent developments in furthered by incorporating the machinability of
manufacturing technology, machining holds a workpiece in the energy model[16].
prominent place as the most widely used production A machine tool is a complex system that is
process [1] and reduction in environmental impact of susceptible to losses which can’t be explained through
machining processes is expected to yield considerable well-defined mechanical theories. In order to overcome
gains for the betterment of environment. Therefore, these complications, empirical modelling of energy and
various efforts can be found in literature to explore the efficiency of machine tools was also explored by the
numerous perspective of machining such as; researchers. Model for efficiency of a vertical milling
environmentally conscious process planning [2], machine tool was statistically developed through
evaluation of energy consumption data of machine tool response surface methodology [17]. The relationship
[3], energy efficient controls of machine tool [4], between material removal rate (MRR) and specific
standardized energy consumption measurement [5], energy consumption (SEC) was statistically modelled
evaluation of combined efficiency of a machine shop using response surface methodology [18]. A mixed
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
energy modeling approach was proposed in [19] that TABLE 1. Full factorial design of experiments
comprised of mechanistic and empirical modeling. The
impact of depth of cut on specific energy consumption
Parameters Level Level Level Level
was statistically modelled in [20]. Specific energy
consumption as a function of material removal rate 1 2 3 4
during turning operations was empirically modeled Feed (mm/rev) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
The trend towards sustainability and environment Cutting Speed 250 500 750 1000
has also influenced the optimisation studies and (m/min)
sustainable objectives like energy/power minimisation
and minimisation/elimination of cutting fluid can be
found to be incorporated in these studies. Therefore, Electric power was measured and logged through
another emerging approach towards minimization of Yokogawa Power Analyzer CW 240, which was
energy consumption in the machining processes is installed at the main bus of the machine. First power
through optimization of cutting conditions. Design of measurements were made during the air cut which
experiment (DOE) techniques like Taguchi methods didn’t involve material removal (denoted as Pair) and
and Response Surface methods (RSM) along with other then the power was measured during the actual
multi-objective optimization methods like grey machining operation (denoted as Pactual). The difference
relational analysis (GRA), composite desirability of two powers provided the power specifically required
function analysis have often been used in optimization to remove material (denoted as Pcut). This cutting
of machining parameters (speed, feed and depth of cut) power was divided by material removal rate (MRR) to
to minimize energy and power consumption in a obtain specific cutting energy (SCE). Similarly, total
machining process. specific energy (TSE) was evaluated by dividing the
The present research analyses the energy actual power by material removal rate. Finally,
consumption during the orthogonal machining of efficiency of the machining operation was defined as
aluminum alloy Al-6061 T6 at high cutting speed of the ratio of SCE and TSE.
1000 m/min and feed rates up to 0.4 mm/rev. The effect
of machine parameter settings on efficiency of the
machining process has also been analyzed and Specific cutting energy and total specific energy
optimum machining conditions have also been were computed and their relationship with the cutting
proposed. parameters were established.
XVI. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS A. Energy Consumption Trends in Machining
Orthogonal machining was performed in this study Total specific energy (TSE) and specific cutting
and for this purpose Al-6061 T6 pipes of 200 mm energy (SCE) were analyzed for different cutting
diameter having wall thickness of 4mm were used as conditions and specific efficiency of the machining
the workpiece. Sandvik cutting tool SCACL 1616 K process was evaluated. Fig. shows the trends followed
09-S with uncoated inserts of CMW 09 T3 04-H13A by TSE, SCE and ηs, when cutting speed was gradually
was used. In order to simulate orthogonal cutting, increased while maintaining the feed at a constant
cutting tool was fed in perpendicular direction to the value. The specific efficiency ( s) of the machining
workpiece and the length of the cutting edge was process greatly improved while working at higher
greater than the wall thickness of the workpiece. Full cutting speeds as the contribution of the productive
factorial experimental plan was used to explore the SCE towards TSE gradually increased. It has been
energy consumption pattern during the machining at observed that milling at high speeds reduced energy
varied cutting speed and feed. Table 1 shows the range consumption if subjected to the appropriate cutting load
of cutting parameters. Initially 16 experiments were [22]. In orthogonal machining, depth of cut was fixed
done based on these conditions. The results obtained so the cutting load was gradually increased by
were analyzed and were further refined by performing increasing the feed rate. For this purpose, cutting speed
additional experiments. In total 70 different cutting was fixed at a high value of 1000 m/min and feed rate
conditions were tested and the results were analyzed. was gradually increased from 0.1 mm/rev to 0.4
mm/rev as shown in Fig..
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Fig. 1. Energy consumption trends and specific 1000 0.4 27.32 0.52 0.69
efficiency of machining process (feed fixed)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Following conclusions can be made from analysis of
energy consumption trend:
Fig. 4. Effects of Cutting Feed on Cutting Power 1. Energy minimization was not achieved by just
and SCE rotating the workpiece at higher speeds,
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (SAME)
ISBN: 978-969-8535-35-3