CIS16-2009 - Guidelines For Works at Confined Areas in Construction Site

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CIS 16 : 2009
CIS 20 : 2013

Descriptors: Duties and responsibilities, HIRARC, entry permit system, works associated with working at confined areas

© Copyright 2017
© Copyright


Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia
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© Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia 2017

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Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Data Pengkatalogan-dalam-Penerbitan


Committee representation v

Foreword vi

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Purpose 1
1.3 Scope and application 1
1.4 Normative refererence 1
1.5 Definitions 2


2.1 Types of confined spaces 4
2.2 Unusual conditions 5


3.1 Types of Hazards 6
3.2 Hazard identifications 8
3.3 Risk Assessment 8
3.4 Determining Control 9


4.1 Entry Permit System 9
4.2 Lock out - Tag out Provision 11
4.3 Blanking Off Procedures 12
4.4 Ventilation and Purging 12
4.5 Atmosphering Testing 12
4.6 Training 14
4.7 Safety Provisions and Equipment for Confined Space Work 15
4.8 Hot Work 17
4.9 Emergency Response and Rescue 18
4.10 Record Keeping 18


A Hazard Identification Checklist for Confined Space 20
B Confined Space Hazards and Effects 23
C Sample of Risk Assessment for Confined Space 29
D Summary of Procedure for Confined Space 31
E Sample of Permit to Work for Confined Space 32

Acknowledgement 36

This Construction Industry Standard (CIS) was managed and developed by the Construction Industry
Development Board Malaysia with the assistance of the Technical Committee on Occupational Safety and
Health in Construction which comprises representatives from the following organizations:-

Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia

IJM Corporation Sdn Bhd
Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat
Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Dalam Industri Pembinaan
KLIA Training Sdn Bhd
Master Builders Association Malaysia
Malay Contractors Association of Malaysia
Malaysian Society of Occupational Safety and Health
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia
Real Estate and Housing Developers Association
Social Security Organization
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia

This Construction Industry Standards (CIS) hereby referenced as CIS 16:2009 was developed as
guidelines on construction activities at night by the Technical Committee on Occupational Safety and
Health in Construction with the assistance of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia
which acted as a moderator and facilitator for the technical committee throughout the development
process of this standard.

While this CIS 16:2009 on Guidelines for Working at Confined Areas in Construction Sites adopts several
components with reference to Occupational Safety and Health Act and Regulations (OSHA), 1994 (Act
514), Factory and Machinery Act (FMA), 1967 (ACT 139), local and international Code of Practices and
Safe Working Procedures, it is also dependent on new or updated information and developments
concerning this subject area made available through this Technical Committee.

This Guideline provides guidance to persons working in the general construction industry on ways to
eliminate or, if that is not possible, minimise the risk of working in confined areas.

Compliance with this Construction Industry Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal

1.1 Introduction
This document may be cited as the Guidelines on Working in Confined Areas in Construction Sites.

1.2 Purpose
This guideline is intended to cover safe work practice and procedures to protect employees in a
place of work from the hazards of entry and working in confined spaces at the construction sites.

1.3 Scope and Application

This guideline applies to the Main Contractor, Employer, Sub Contractor and all construction site
administrative personnel who manage and enter a confined space at construction sites, but it does
not apply to underground mining or to work in a space at other than atmospheric pressure.

For the purpose of this guideline, a person whose upper body and/or head is/are within a
confined space is considered to have entered the confined space. Examples of confined spaces are
as follows:

i) Storage tanks, tankers, boilers, silos and other tank-like compartment usually having
a manhole for entry;

ii) Open-topped spaces of more than 1.5 metres in depth such as pits or degreasers,
which are not subject to adequate natural ventilation; and

iii) Pipes, sewers, tunnels, shafts, and ducts, and similar structures.

1.4 Normative Reference

These guidelines should also be read in conjunction with other relevant Act, Code of Practice or
Guidelines that may provide more detailed information in certain areas. These include, but are
not limited to:

1. Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994) and its Regulations

2. Factories and Machinery Act (1967 amended 2006) and its Regulations.

3. Code of Practice for Safe Working in a Confined Space, Department Of Occupational

Safety And Health Malaysia (2001).
1.5 Definitions
For the purpose of this Guideline:

Act – the Act refers to The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery
Act 1967 and Regulations made under these Acts.

Acceptable Entry conditions means the conditions that must exist in a confined space to allow
entry and to ensure that employees involved with a confined space entry can safely enter into and
work within the space.

Authorised Entrant means an employee who is authorized by the contractor to enter a confined

Authorised Gas Tester (AGT) means a competent person authorized in writing by an contractor
or occupier to carry out atmosphere test.

Confined Space at construction site means a space which enclosed or partially enclosed space

i) is not primarily designed or intended for human occupancy

ii) has a restricted entrance or exit by way of location, size or means
iii) can represent a risk for the safety and health of anyone who enters, due to one or more of
the following factors
a. its design, construction, location or atmosphere
b. the materials or substances in it
c. work activities being carried out in it, or the
d. mechanical, process and safety hazards present
iv) is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy.

Confined Space Programme means the contractor's overall program for controlling and, where
appropriate, for protecting his employees from confined space hazard and for regulating
employee entry into confined space.

Claustrophobia (from Latin claustrum "a shut in place") is the fear of having no escape, and being
closed in. It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder and often results in panic attack.
Claustrophobia is typically thought to have two key symptoms: fear of restriction and fear of

Contaminant means any dust, fume, vapour, gas or other substance, the presence of which can
be harmful to health.

Designated Person means a person who possesses specialized abilities in a specific area and is
assigned by the employer to perform a specific task in that area. (i.e. confine space associated

Engulfment means the surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely divided
solid substance that can be aspirated to cause death by filling or plugging the respirator system
or that can exert enough force on the body to cause death by strangulation, constriction, or
Entry Supervisor means the person appointed by the contractor who is responsible for
determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a confined space where entry is planned,
for authorized entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry.

Ergonomics problem can be caused by both work-associated and non-work associated

conditions can either individually, or by both interacting with each other. The main risk for
Ergonomic problems like Repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are the frequent
repetitive motion tasks, awkward posture, vibrations, forceful movements, stress at workplace,
poor workplace setup.

Explosive (Flammable) Range means the range of flammable vapour-air or gas-air mixture
between the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and Upper Explosive Limit (UEL).

Forced Ventilation means the use of mechanical devices, such as fans or air movers (venturis),
to produce a safe atmosphere within a confined space.

Hazardous Atmosphere means an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death,
incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a confined
space), injury or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:

i) Oxygen content is below 20.8 % or above 23.5 % by volume (at sea level);

ii) Accumulation of flammable or explosive gas greater than 10 % of its LEL;

iii) Accumulation of toxic gas equal to or exceeding its permissible exposure limit
(PEL); and

iv) Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health.

Hot Work means welding, thermal, oxygen cutting, heating, ignition and other fire-producing or
spark-producing operation or any process that can be a source of ignition when flammable
material is present or can be a fire hazard irregardless of the presence of flammable material in
the workplace.

LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) means the minimum concentration of gas in air which must be
present before it is capable of being explosively ignited by an ignition source.

Leptospirosis (also known as Weil's disease, canicola fever, canefield fever) is a relatively rare
bacterial infection in humans. The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing
water that has been contaminated by animal urine (rats, cats, dogs, etc) to come in contact with
unhealed breaks in the skin, eyes or with the mucous membranes.

Permit System means the contractor's written procedures for preparing and issuing permits for
entry and for returning the confined space to service following termination of entry.

Permit to Work (hereinafter referred to as "Permit") means the written or printed document
that is provided by the contractor to allow and control entry into a confined space.

Purging means the method by which the contaminants are displaced from a confined space.

Stand-by Person means. an individual stationed outside one or more confined spaces who
monitors the authorized entrants and who performs all stand-by person's duties assigned In the
contractor's confined space programme.
UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) means the maximum concentration of gas that can be present in air
if an explosion is to occur.

Zoonotic means diseases caused by infectious agents that can be transmitted between (or are
shared by) animals and humans.


2.1 Types of confined spaces

2.1.1 Vaults
Vault is an underground structure that serves to cover a space. The restricted nature of
vaults and their frequently below grade location can create an assortment of safety and
health problems.

2.1.2 Manholes
Manholes are commonplace throughout the construction site. As means of entry into and
exit from vaults, tanks, pits, and so forth, manholes perform a necessary function.
However, these confined spaces may present serious hazards, which could cause injuries
and fatalities.

2.1.3 Pipe Assemblies

One of the most frequently unrecognized types of confined spaces encountered
throughout the construction site is the pipe assembly (see Figure 1). The generally
restricted dimensions of the pipe provide little room for the workers to move about and
gain any degree of comfort while performing their tasks.

2.1.4 Ventilation Ducts

Ventilation ducts and pipe runs are very common at the construction site. Ventilation
ducts may require that workers enter them to cut out access holes, install essential parts
of the duct, etc. Depending on where these ducts are located, oxygen deficiency could

2.1.5 Tanks
Tanks are another type of confined space commonly found in construction: They are used
for a variety of purposes, including the storage of water, chemicals, etc. Tanks require
entry for cleaning and repairs. Oxygen deficient atmospheres, along with toxic and
explosive atmospheres created by the substances stored in the tanks, present hazards to

2.1.6 Sumps
Sumps are commonplace. They are used as collection places for water and other liquids.
Workers entering sumps may encounter an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Sumps are
often poorly illuminated. Inadequate lighting may create an accident situation.
2.1.7 Sub-basement in a building
Sub-basement is one or more floors of a building that are either completely or partially
below the ground floor. In construction activities, sub-basement is considered as a
confined space due to its closed structure which causes the air inside a sub-basement to
be trapped. Thus, accumulate hazardous air pollutants that may endanger the personnel
entering the SUb-basement if there are no proper safety precautions taken.

2.1.8 Lift Shaft

A lift shaft is defined as a vertical shaft in a building to permit the passage of a lift/ elevator
from floor to floor. It is an enclosed structure and provides limited space for workers to
conduct tasks.

2.2 Unusual Conditions

2.2.1 Confined Space within a Confined Space

This situation appears as tanks within pits, pipe assemblies or vessels within pits, etc. In
this situation, not only do the potential hazards associated with the outer confined space
require testing, monitoring, and control, but those of the inner space also require similar

A good example of a confined space within a confined space is a vessel with a nitrogen
purge inside a filtering water access pit.

2.2.2 Hazards in One Space Entering Another Space

During an examination of confined spaces in construction, one often encounters
situations which are not always easy to evaluate or control. For instance, a room or area,
which classifies as a confined space may be relatively safe for work. However, access
passages from other areas outside or adjacent to the room could, at some point, allow the
transfer of hazardous agents into the "safe" one.

One such instance would be a pipe coming through a wall into a containment room.
Welding fumes and other toxic materials generated in one room may easily travel through
the pipe into another area, causing it to change from a safe to an unsafe workplace. A
serious problem with a situation such as this is that workers working in the "safe" area
are not aware of the hazards leaking into their area. Thus, they are not prepared to take
action to avoid or control it.

It is recommended that contractors identify and record confined space work areas at their
Fatalities and injuries constantly occur among construction workers who, during the course of
their works, are required to enter confined spaces. These hazards must be identified prior to a
confined space entry so that the appropriate controls can be applied.

3.1 Types of Hazard

3.1.1 Atmospheric Hazards

Atmospheric hazards include things such as oxygen deficiencies, dusts, chemical vapours,
welding 'fumes, fogs and mists that can interfere with the body's ability to transport and
utilize oxygen, or that have negative toxicological effects on the human body. These
hazards can be fatal as they create a limited window in which to perform a rescue. The
general rule is that after four minutes without oxygen, a person in a confined space will
likely suffer asphyxia resulting in either brain damage or death.

The most common atmospheric hazards associated with confined spaces are:

(i) Oxygen Deficiency

(ii) Oxygen Displacement

(iii) Flammable, combustible or explosive atmospheres

(iv) Toxic Gases

The explosive range for common gases and vapours are listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Explosive Range for common gases and vapours.

Lower Explosive Upper Explosive

Limit (%) Limit (%)

Acetone 2.6 12.8

Ammonia 16.0 25.0
Benzene 1.3 7.1
Ethyl Alcohol 3.3 19.0
Gasoline 1.4 7.6
Hexane 1.1 7.5
Hvdroqen Sulfide 4.0 44.0
Methane 5.0 15.0
Methyl Alcohol 7.3 36.0
Propane 2.4 9.5
Toluene 1.2 7.1
Xylene 1.1 7.0
3.1.2 Physical Hazards

Physical hazards often present a greater danger inside an enclosed space than they do
outside. Examples of those hazards are described below.

(a) Noise and vibration

An enclosed environment can amplify noise. Excessive noise can damage hearing
and prevent communication. It can affect workers' ability to hear alarms, warning
shouts, or orders to evacuate

(b) Temperature extremes

Ask site project managers if workers could encounter dangerous temperatures.

For example, heat stress can be a hazard when working around boilers, hot pipe
or tanks, or structures heated by the sun. Protective clothing can also add to heat

(c) Cramped work spaces

Cramped work spaces restrict movement and can make using tools and
equipment difficult and dangerous.

(d) Poor access or exit

Confined space openings are generally small and not well-located. This can make
entry and exit difficult and can interfere with rescue.

(e) Rotating or moving equipment

Before entry, identify any moving or rotating equipment (such as conveyors,

mixers, augers, etc.) which could become activated by stored pressure, accidental
contact, or gravity action. Check with plant personnel on lockout and tagging
procedures, and review drawings, plans, and specifications.

(f) Electrical hazards

Any exposed conductors or energized equipment should be identified before

entry. The presence of water in confined spaces may pose an additional
electrocution hazard where electrical circuits, equipment, and tools are used.

(g) Engulfment due to uncontrolled movement of liquids and solids

Liquids, sludge, fine solids, and other material may not be completely removed
from confined spaces and may present an engulfment or drowning hazard. Use
inspection ports and dipsticks, and check with plant personnel to evaluate such

(h) Slick or wet surfaces

Workers can be severely injured from a slip or fall on oily, wet, or moist surfaces.
(i) Lighting

Confined spaces generally have poor lighting. Workers often need temporary
lighting. In potentially explosive atmospheres, use lighting designed for such

3.1.3 Biological Hazard

Workers working in a confined space may be exposed to biological hazards. There may
be a risk of exposure to zoonotic diseases from animal living in confined spaces or
leptospirosis, tetanus and gastroenteritis.

3.1.4 Psychological Hazard

Anyone or combination of the above hazards when working in a confined space can
induce psychological factors such as stress and claustrophobia and ergonomics

3.2 Hazard Identification

Hazard identification for a confined space should be done by a competent person who is familiar
with the potential hazards of a confined space as described in the previous section. It is done to
identify the controls necessary to manage the hazards which are likely or unlikely to happen. A
hazard identification checklist can be used for this purpose, please refer to Annex A.

A hazard assessment is generally required for each confined space. But if there are two or more
similar confined spaces containing the same hazards then only a single assessment document is

A preliminary hazard identification will provide the basis for a further risk assessment as
described in the following section.

3.3 Risk Assessment

The risk assessment must take into account:

(a) the hazards that may exist in the confined space;

(b) the hazards that may develop while work is performed inside the confined space; and

(c) general safety hazards in the confined space.

To perform a risk assessment, it is necessary to anticipate potential hazards. Often, the hazards
of working in confined spaces are not recognized until it's too late. For more detailed examples of
confined space risk assessment, please refer to Annex B and C.
3.4 Determining Control
The steps in determining control for the hazards and risk that have been identified are as
illustrated in the Summary of Procedure for Confined Space Entry (Annex 0). The determination
of controls can be done by referring to the Section 4: Safe Work Practices and Procedures. The
control selection will ideally follow the typical hierarchy of control where preference for control
is given in the following order:

 elimination of the hazard (e.g. clean-up, purging, etc)

 substitution (e.g. use of remote control cameras instead of people in hazardous


 engineering controls at the source (e.g. ventilation, etc)

 administrative controls (e.g. signage, barriers, limiting access to the confined space,
continuous monitoring, etc)

 personal protection equipment (e.g. respiratory equipment)


By developing and implementing safe work procedures, contractors can ensure that all workers
involved in confined space entry work are trained and competent to follow standardized
methods, reducing the risk of injury or death. These procedures will include emergency response
plans and rescue procedures to be followed in the event of an accident or other emergency in a
confined space.

4.1 Entry Permit System

A contractor must ensure that a worker who is required or permitted to enter a confined space
complies with the safe work practices and procedures respecting work in such a space. A pre-
entry briefing should be conducted for all employees who will enter the confined space.
Employees will be informed of the hazard and safety conditions of the particular job.

The entry permit must also be completed and signed by an entry supervisor and be readily
available at the site of the confined space before a worker enters that confined space. It must
contain the following information:

(a) Location of the confined space

(b) Names of each worker who will enter the confined space, the reason for their entry and
the work that they will do

(c) Time during which the entry permit is valid. Entry permits will display the issue date and
time of the permit and have an expiration time that will be valid for only one shift. Each
shift shall have the permit updated.

(d) Safe work procedures for entering, being in, and leaving the confined space
(e) Complete isolation list–blanking and/or disconnecting

 electrical lock-out

 mechanical lock-out

 any other applicable information

(f) Special clothing and equipment - personal protective equipment and clothing

 full body harness, lifeline, and retrieval system

 special tools for hazardous location work

(g) Atmospheric test readings - explosive levels and/or flammability levels

 oxygen levels – deficiency or enrichment

 toxic substances

 others, as necessary

(h) Atmospheric monitoring, including type, while work is being performed

(i) Trained personnel, with a complete understanding of the hazard

(j) Standby workers must be named on the permit

(k) Signed authorization by the supervisor (competent person) for work to be done

(l) First aid provisions, emergency response and rescue procedures in place

(m) Isolation of confined space - erect barriers, post warning signs

Because of the diversity of work in confined spaces, it is not possible to have an entry permit that
covers every situation. Assess each work situation and design a specific entry permit to cover it.

The contractor must review and revise the confined space entry permit whenever the work
activity changes or circumstances at the workplace change in a way that poses a risk to the safety
and health of a worker. The contractor must also inform workers, who may be affected by the
change to an entry permit, of the change.

The contractor or owner must take all practical and reasonable steps to prevent any person, other
than a worker who is required or permitted to do so, from entering a confined space at the
workplace. Only a medically fit person shall be allowed to enter confined space as per the
requirement of the Code of Practice for Safe Working in a Confined Space, Department Of
Occupational Safety And Health Malaysia (2001).

Examples of the various types of work permits include:

(a) Hot work permit – where heat used or generated in work process is of sufficient intensity
to cause an explosion or fire

(b) Cold work permit – where hazards from toxic gases, fumes, dusts, mists, fogs, corrosive
substances, biological agents exist or may exist

(c) Safety work permit – for work that involves steam, air, water, electricity

(d) Entry permit – for entering into confined spaces

See an example of an entry permit in Annex E.

4.2 Lockout – Tagout Provisions

Lockout - Tagout means the disconnection, blocking or bleeding of all sources of energy that may
create a motion or action by any part of a machine and its auxiliary equipment (see Figure 2). It
refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard workers from the unexpected
energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during
service or maintenance activities. This requires that a designated individual turns off and
disconnects the machinery or equipment from its energy source(s) before performing service or
maintenance and that the authorized employee(s) either lock or tag the energy-isolating
device(s) to prevent the release of hazardous energy and take steps to verify that the energy has
been isolated effectively.

Before a worker undertakes confined space entry work/activities, the contractor or contractor
shall ensure that all of the systems, that are part of the confined space, are disconnected from the
power source at the disconnect box and that the controls are locked out, tagged out, and remain
locked out, to prevent accidental start-up. Systems include electrical, mechanical, steam,
compressed (pneumatic) gas, hydraulic, gravity, wind, and radiation devices.

An contractor must develop and implement safe work procedures for the service, testing, repair
and adjustment of a machine when:

(a) the manufacturer's specifications require the machine to remain operative when it is
serviced, tested, repaired or adjusted

(b) there are no manufacturer's specifications and it is not reasonably practicable to lock out
the machinery when it is serviced, tested, repaired or adjusted

Figure 2. Use of lockout - tagout provision.

4.3 Blanking Off Procedures
The contractor must ensure all lines and systems that may allow hazardous materials to enter a
confined work space are blanked off. Material used in the construction of the blank must take the
line pressure and corrosion properties into consideration.

Where it is impractical to employ blanks or blinds, as in welded piping systems, develop and
implement safe work procedures that ensure equivalent protection for all workers exposed to the

4.4 Ventilation and Purging

Before entering a confined space, it would be necessary to ensure the atmosphere in the confined
space is clear of hazardous substances. This can be achieved in a number of ways.

(a) Ventilation – a method of forcing air into a confined space near the bottom using a
mechanical device. A competent person must continuously monitor the atmosphere and
re-test after ventilating the space for an appropriate time and before any worker enters
(See figure 3).

(b) Purging – a method of removing contaminants from a confined space by using liquids
(water) or by non-flammable gases (carbon dioxide or nitrogen).

(c) Inert – refers to the process of introducing a substance, usually a gas, to make the
contaminants non-reactive.

Figure 3. A worker ventilating a manhole.

4.5 Atmospheric Testing

Before entering any confined space, it is important to use appropriate monitoring equipment,
determine the frequency of tests and inspections needed to protect workers from exposure to any
identified hazard (e.g. atmosphere – explosive gases, oxygen levels, toxic gases) and ensure the
tests and inspections are completed as appropriate.
Representative sampling should take into account the presence of stratified atmospheres and
pockets of contaminated air within the confined space (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Monitoring the confined space at varying levels.

Continuous monitoring is required:

(a) when performing hot work in a confined space that contains or is likely to contain an
explosive or flammable gas or vapour;

(b) when the atmosphere in the confined space has been rendered inert; or

(c) as set out in the confined space entry permit

Whenever there is a doubt on the content of other airborne hazards, then workers entering
confined spaces must wear approved pressure-demand, supplied air breathing apparatus, and
use continuous monitoring equipment for explosive atmospheres. The atmosphere should not be
more than 10 per cent of the lower explosive limit. Do not permit entry if concentrations of
flammables or explosives cannot be reduced to less than 10 per cent of the lower explosive limit

Even though a continuous monitor may have data logging capability, results must still be recorded
at adequate intervals as determined in the entry permit. This ensures that workers are constantly
alert to the levels that they are encountering such as fluctuations and unusual build-up of
atmospheric hazards.

Only workers who have received training and assigned to use monitoring equipment will carry
out such monitoring. The training mentioned must include instrument calibration, equipment
maintenance, and proper interpretation of instrument readings and warning signals.
All monitoring equipment must be serviced, maintained and calibrated to ensure it is working
properly before each use. Maintain service logbooks for each piece of confined entry monitoring
and testing equipment. An example is found in Annex F.

4.6 Training

4.6.1 General Training Requirements

Confined space work requires an effective training program that will provide awareness
of safe work procedures. Provide the training to all individuals who supervise workers
(entry supervisor), perform the work (entrant, authorized gas tester), or those assigned
as standby (stand-by person) or rescue persons.

Training shall be provided to every affected employee:

(a) before the employee is first assigned duties;

(b) before there is a change in assigned duties; and

(c) whenever there is a change in confined space operations that presents a hazard
which an employee has not previously been trained for.

An effective training program should cover the following:

(a) safe work practices and procedures for working in the confined space including;

 personal protective and safety equipment;

 communication procedures - standby worker/worker/emergency;

 procedures for isolating, mechanical and electrical lock out, blanking,

disconnecting pipes, lines and sources of energy; and

 emergency response and rescue procedures.

(b) recognizing the hazards associated with working in the confined space; and

(c) the content and control measures outlined in the required entry permit.

The contractor must evaluate worker competency to determine the need for re-training
and upgrading. This should be done periodically, based upon employee evaluation and
changes in the workplace.
4.6.2 Specific Training Requirements

Training is required for persons involved in confined space and shall include but not be
limited to the following categories of persons:

a) Authorized Gas Tester (AGT)

b) Entry Supervisor

c) Authorized Entrant and

d) Stand by Person

The training for these four categories of persons working in confined space shall be
conducted by training providers who are authorized by the DOSH. The detailed
requirements for competency evaluation and for refresher training for the Authorized
Entrant and Standby Person can be found in the 'Garis Panduan Latihan Pekerja,
Pendaftaran Pusat Pengajar dan Pengendalian Kursus Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Di Ruang Terkurung 2008 (ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1), issued by the DOSH. In
addition, the Authorized Gas Tester and the Entry Supervisor must be registered with the

4.7 Safety Provisions and Equipment for Confined Space Work

A worker entering a confined space shall be equipped with all safety apparatus, testing and
monitoring equipment relative to the hazard/risk assessment for that confined space such as
those described below.

(a) Supplied air breathing apparatus

(b) Air line respirator

(c) Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) – (see Figure 5).

(d) Full body harness with lifeline – (see Figure 6)

(e) Hoist/retrieval system (two-way tripod hoists, three-way tripod hoists, Davit arm hoists,
self-retracting line with winch, etc.)

Figure 5. Example of breathing apparatus.

Figure 5. Example of breathing apparatus.

Figure 6. A worker with a full body harness.

4.8 Hot Work
Hot work is work that could produce a source of ignition, such as a spark or open flame. Examples
of hot work include welding, cutting, grinding and the use of non-explosion proof electrical

To perform hot work in the presence of a combustible dust or mist, ensure that the space is
ventilated or purged to reduce the combustible dust or mist airborne concentration to a level
below that which may create a hazard of explosion.

If ventilation or purging cannot reduce the risk of explosion hazard, the space must be rendered
inert by adding an inert gas and be continuously monitored to ensure the atmosphere remains
inert. Workers must wear adequate respiratory protective equipment.

If hot work is necessary in a confined space with a flammable atmosphere the safest method to
reduce the risk of explosion is to clean and eliminate all flammable liquids, vapour, and solid
material (scaling) in the confined space before entry is permitted. Cleaning should be preformed
by a professional team with experience in dealing with flammable materials and confined spaces.
Absorbent materials can be used to remove any liquid that can not be drained from tanks.

In addition, to perform hot work in the presence of explosive or flammable gas or vapour, ensure

(a) the space is purged and continuously ventilated to maintain an atmosphere of less than
5% of the LEL;

(b) the space is purged and continuously ventilated to maintain an Oxygen concentration of
not less than 20.8% and not more than 23%.

(c) The atmosphere in the confined space is continuously monitored

(d) The entry permit includes adequate provision for hot work and details the appropriate
measures to be taken (see figure 7); and

(e) An alarm system and exit procedure are in place to provide adequate warning and allow
safe escape if the levels in (a) and (b) above are exceeded. It is good practice to
incorporate a safety factor that provides for adequate warning should the levels be

Note that the ventilation air should not create an additional hazard due to recirculation of
contaminants, improper arrangement of the inlet duct, or by the substitution of anything other
than fresh air (approximately 20.8% Oxygen). The use of forced ventilation can expand the limits
of flammability and increase the hazards of fire and explosion.

Alternately the space must be rendered safe by inerting with an inert gas and continuously
monitoring the atmosphere, particularly with regard to Oxygen concentration. Workers must
wear adequate respiratory protective equipment and equipment be made available to allow
persons outside the confined space to locate and rescue them, if necessary.
Figure 7. Provisions for Hot Work in confined space.

4.9 Emergency Response and Rescue

The contractor must ensure that there are adequate on-site emergency response and rescue
procedures that are ready for immediate implementation in order to effectively remove a worker
who has been overcome in the confined space.

For confined space entry, the contractor must designate one or more standby persons, who are
qualified in first aid, trained in confined space work and emergency response and rescue

The contractor shall provide standby person and authorised entrant in the confined space with
suitable communication system.

The contractor must ensure that the rescue equipment identified in the entry permit is readily
available to affect a rescue in the confined space, appropriate for entry into the confined space
and inspected by a trained person as often as is necessary to ensure that it is in good working

4.10 Record Keeping

Records shall be kept as evidence that precautions are practiced for example, hazard assessments,
entry permits, training of entrants, standby and first-aid persons, training and certification of
authorized gas tester, etc.

These records shall be maintained at the construction site office throughout the duration of the
construction until handover of the project to the owner.
1. Code of Practice for Confined Space Entry Work, Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Workplace Safety and Health New Zealand (2006).

2. Code of Practice for Safe Working In A Confined Space, Department of Occupational Safety
and Health, Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia, 2001.

3. Confined Spaces Guideline, Occupational Health and Safety Branch, Ministry of Labour,
Ontario, Canada (2006).

4. Factories and Machinery Act 1967.

5. IACS Confined Space Safe Practice No. 27, April 2007.

6. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.

7. Safe Working in A Confined Space, Worksafe Australia National Standard AS 2865–1995.

8. Garis Panduan Latihan Pekerja, Pendaftaran Pusat Pengajar dan Pengendalian Kursus
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Di Ruang Terkurung (ISBN 978–983–2014–59–1),
Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia, 2008.

Hazard Identification Checklist for Confined Spaces

(If there is a Yes response, please describe in the space after the question)



☐ ☐ Is the space intended to be or is likely to be entered by any persons any reasons?

☐ ☐ Does the space have a limited or restricted means of entry and exit for personnel?

☐ ☐ ☐ Is the space intended to be at normal atmosphere pressure while any person is in the space?

☐ ☐ ☐ Is the space likely to contain or once contained:

 An atmosphere that has a harmful level of any contaminant (e.g. fumes, vapour, gas, steam, mist or explosive gas) or

 An atmosphere that does not have a safe oxygen level (e.g. too low or too high) or

 Any stored substance that could cause engulfment (e.g. sand, garnet, grit, blast, grain)?


☐ ☐ Is there a risk of the atmospheric pressure within the space changing to an unsafe level?

☐ ☐ Are there toxic, flammable, or oxygen-diluting gases / vapours present?

- Hydrogen sulphide

- Carbon monoxide

- Methane

- Carbon dioxide

- Other (list) ______________________________________________________________


Once inside the space, is there a risk of any harmful contaminant or process entering the space or being created from inside? (e.g. Fumes, gas
☐ ☐ ☐
leak, sewer, ducts, oil, or fuel)

☐ ☐ ☐ Are any of the processes occurring inside or adjacent to the space likely to cause any oxygen deficiency?

If ventilation is required, is the air intake for the ventilation system located in an area that is free of combustible dusts and vapours and toxic
☐ ☐ ☐


☐ ☐ Could there be insufficient lighting?

☐ ☐ ☐ Are there any possible hazards associated with the lighting in the space? (e.g. an explosive atmosphere)

☐ ☐ Are there conductors or energized equipment in the space?

☐ ☐ If electrical equipment is to be used inside the space, is there water in the space?

☐ ☐ Is it possible to disconnect (lock-out / tag-out) electrical equipment where possible?


☐ ☐ Is there a risk of falls, debris or slipping hazards inside the confined space?

☐ ☐ Are there lines under pressure?

☐ ☐ ☐ Has mechanical equipment been blocked, chocked, and disengaged where necessary?

☐ ☐ Is heat stress possible inside the confined space?


☐ ☐ Is noise a hazard that will be encountered inside the confined space?

☐ ☐ ☐ Is there an engulfment hazard?

☐ ☐ ☐ Is there an entrapment hazard?


☐ ☐ ☐ Is there a risk of biological hazards inside the confined space?



Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

1. Explosive Before entering a confined space, tests Use a combustible gas Explosion, burns, 1. Methane (natural gas)
Atmosphere for presence of an explosive atmosphere detector. Monitor multiple injuries, CH4 sources: gas line leaks,
must be done. It should be noted that explosive gases by using death decaying matter. May be found
air-borne dust from grain, fine ground equipment that can detect adjacent to land fill sites, backed
metals or other materials can form an the lower explosive limit up or sluggish sewers.
explosive atmosphere. Explosive gases (LEL) and upper explosive
may displace oxygen. Note: Oxygen limit (UEL).Residuals may 2. Gasoline and other solvents:
enrichment or deficiency can cause have to be disturbed to storage tanks and adjacent areas,
error in combustible gas detector allow the release of sewer systems proximity to
readings. explosive gases. pipelines, accidental spills. May
have definite odour.
2. Acceptable breathing air contains Oxygen detection monitor. Could result in Oxygen (02) deficiency can occur
a) Oxygen between 20.8 per cent and 23 per cent slowing down of' when it is displaced by other gases,
Deficiency oxygen. Deficiency is when the air pulse rate, or by biological or chemical
contains less than 20.8 per cent of disorientation, reactions, such as rusting or burning.
oxygen by volume and is therefore a unconsciousness, and
hazardous atmosphere. death.
2. Enrichment means an atmosphere Oxygen detection meter. This creates an Enrichment may occur through the
b) Oxygen where the oxygen content is greater Note: Some equipment is Explosive atmosphere improper blanking of oxygen lines,
Enrichment than 23 per cent by volume. Oxygen not capable of detecting and increases rates of leaking fuel gas welding equipment
enrichment can cause an error in oxygen enrichment. chemical reactions. or ventilation with oxygen instead of
explosive meter readings. If the oxygen air
content cannot be reduced to less than
23 %, do not allow entry.

Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

3. Toxic Gases, To create and maintain a safe Monitors: specific testers Can cause euphoria, 1. Carbon monoxide (CO) is
Vapour environment, appropriate detection must be used for specific disorientation, colourless, odourless, tasteless and
equipment must be used to determine toxic gases, ex: H2S drowsiness, extremely poisonous. The most
the presence of toxic gases. monitoring. It may be headaches, weakness, common sources of CO are poorly
necessary to disturb injury, disability and adjusted and maintained
residue or sludge to allow death. combustion devices.
release of toxic gases and
vapours 2. Carbon dioxide (C02) is odourless.
It is a heavy gas that concentrates
at lowest levels. It displaces
oxygen and does not diffuse or mix
readily with air.
3. Nitrogen dioxide (N02): a pungent,
acrid odour, a product of gasoline
and diesel engines.
4. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a
deadly gas commonly found in
sewers and manure pits. It is
produced by decomposing organic
matter. It has a typical rotten egg
odour, but high levels can shut
down the sense of smell.
4. Fumes, Dusts, These hazards can often be seen. Use specific monitors or Explosion, disability, 1. Fumes: from asphalt, welding, acid
Mists, Fogs testers for each fume, dust, injury, burns, fumes from washing processes.
mist or fog. irritation, poisoning
and death 2. Dust: grain dust, sandblasting
3. Mist: spraying applications
5. Smoke Smoke is a combination of gases, Can be seen. Use All effects of gases, Result of combustion, ex: burning
vapours, fumes and dusts appropriate detection and dusts, vapours, mists, materials, smoke from welding
monitoring equipment to fumes
determine presence of
toxic agents.

Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

6. Biological Agents Biological agents are found in a variety Testing for presence of Ill health, disease, 1. Bacterial and viral infections.
of locations. Take extreme care when biological agents is very disorders, irritation
working near health care facilities or difficult. If you know the and death.
industrial processes using biological type of agent, then
agents. Conscientious personal hygiene perform the specific
is essential. testing.


1. Entry/Exit Openings that are small, narrow or Visual identification of Injury, disability, and 1. Exits at height that could cause
(Access/Egress) otherwise difficult to negotiate can be a obstructions that could death falls
serious hazard. When using self interfere with normal
movement or emergency 2. Constricted openings
contained breathing apparatus,
openings must be of a size to allow rescue. 3. Angled openings
worker with equipment properly worn
4. Exits into traffic and machinery
to pass through. Access openings less
than 700 millimeters (28 inches) are 5. Exits at deep depths
not recommended.
2. Ventilation Lack of adequate ventilation may cause Monitoring (anemometer, Explosion, disease, Improper ventilation can result in:
Systems a build-up of contaminants. Ventilation smoke tubes for air irritation, injury,
1. Oxygen level variations,
systems can introduce hazards into the movement). Toxic disability and death
work area, ex: carbon monoxide (CO) monitors may also be 2. Build up of toxic gases, vapours,
fumes. necessary to ensure good dusts, mists, fumes smoke.
quality air.
3. Introduction of biological agents,
toxic gases, explosive gases.
3. Machinery/ Make sure equipment is immobilized Visual and function testing Injury, disability and Drive belts, augers, paddles, scrapers,
Mechanical (de-energized) so that it will not be a death agitators and pumps
Equipment hazard to workers.
4. Piping/Distribution Contents of pipes and supply lines, if Monitoring, visual Chemical poisoning, Steam lines, liquid distribution lines,
Systems allowed to enter a confined space can drowning, burns, feed mills and cement plants
create a life threatening situation for injury, disability,
workers. death

Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

5. Residual 1. Residual corrosive or toxic chemicals. Monitoring Injury, disability, Storage tanks, digesters, liquid
Chemicals/materials Ensure all lines, valves, and meters death, explosion distribution systems, augers.
(I) are completely drained and properly
5. Residual 1. Material that may be adhered to Visual, monitoring Engulfment, 1. Silos, grain hoppers, fertilizer
Chemicals/materials surfaces/walls of enclosures may suffocation – storage.
(II) collapse. drowning, injury,
disability, death. 2. Sand, grains (ex: flax)
2. Loose granular material that may
3. Build up of hydrogen sulphide
engulf worker.
3. Material that may encapsulate/trap
4. Flooding in underground facilities.
other toxic/explosive materials.
4. Flooding by liquids.
6. Electrical Unguarded Electrical equipment. Take Testing conducted only Electrical shock, 1. Underground electrical vaults and
extreme caution when using conductive by qualified personnel burns, injury, electrical distribution systems.
material around electrical surfaces (ex: disability and death
metal ladders, lifelines, steel bars) 2. Motor control centers.

7. Poor Visibility Poor lighting, obstructions, work Visual Injury, disability and Improper/inadequate lighting, poor
process and procedure, fog/mist due to death design of confined space, work
high humidity. process.
8. Physical Obstacles This would include obstacles that Visual Inability to remove Cross bracing, baffle plates, piping.
impede movement and performance of injured worker,
work and rescue procedures. contusions,
abrasions, fractures,
disability, injury,
9. Walking/Working Surfaces that are irregular in shape, Visual Injury, disability, and 1. Lift stations, aqueducts, dams
Surfaces sloped, angled, elevated, slippery, or death
2. Work areas that require toe
obstructed are slip and fall hazards. Work
boards to prevent objects from
areas may require toe boards to prevent
falling on workers below.
objects from falling on workers below.

Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

10. Temperature Temperature extremes have definite Thermometer, heat 1. Frost bite, loss of 1. Working in freezers, extreme cold
Extremes health and safety hazards, as well as stress, wet bulb globe co-ordination, climate conditions.
having a limiting effect on the ability of a thermometer (WBGT) hypothermia,
2. Working in boilers, super-heated
worker to perform tasks adequately. disability, death.
areas (cooling towers), and areas
2. Heat exhaustion, with steam/heat distribution pipes.
heat stress,
11. Humidity High humidity can aggravate several Hygrometer Such conditions can 1. Boiler rooms
conditions: cause slips, falls,
2. Digesters
physical discomfort,
1. Visibility
heat exhaustion, 3. Freezers
2. Can cause all types of surfaces to affect performance of
become slippery. tasks.
3. Accelerates heat loss.
4. Increases chill effect.
12. Noise If sound levels exceed 80 decibels, then Sound level meters Distraction, stress, Sources include operating equipment,
work practices shall conform to disorientation, such as jack hammers, pumps,
requirements of current regulations communication grinders, other work procedures.
respecting hearing conservation and problems, hearing
noise control in workplaces. loss.
13. Vibration Whole body vibration can affect and place Vibration meter White finger disease, Jack hammers, impact
stress on multiple body parts/organs. disorientation, hammers/drills, and shakers.
vertigo, circulation
and nervous system
14. a) Non-Ionizing 1. Non-Ionizing radiation - ultraviolet light, 1. Non-ionizing – specific 1. Non-ionizing Ultraviolet and infrared light sources.
Radiation infrared light components or sunlight. light meters. topical burns.

Hazard Explanatory Notes Methods of Test Effects of Hazard Examples

14. b) Ionizing 2. Ionizing radiation. Radioactive 2. Ionizing – Geiger Ionizing – deep body 1. X-ray equipment
Radiation materials (uranium) Types: Alpha, Beta, counters, passive burns, radiation
2. level or density gauges in
Gamma dosimeters sickness, sterility,
manufacturing processes
15. Hazardous Rats, pigeons, mice and other vermin and Visual Respiratory disease, rats, pigeons, bats, mice
Animals their by-products (excrement). Snakes, injury, e.g.
other poisonous animals leptospirosis


1. The type of work undertaken can Monitoring, visual, pre job Injury, disability, 1. Welding (hot work)
create additional hazards. Consider planning, work permit death
2. Sand blasting
and plan for the hazards created by system.
the work process. 3. Bonding operations
2. Hot work, where the heat used or 4. Grinding
generated by the work process may
5. Using solvents
cause an explosion.
6. Spray painting
3. Cold work, a situation where toxic
substances or other hazards may exist.

1. Phobias Some workers are not suitable for work Medical interview Injury, disability, 1. Claustrophobia
in confined spaces. As a result of these screening death
2. Fear of heights
factors they can cause injuries to
themselves or others.
2. Mental & Physical All workers must be mentally and Visual, medical Injury, disability, 1. Intoxication (alcohol, drug abuse)
Condition physically capable of performing the examination (pre death
2. Impairment (prescription
work. employment, annuals)


Likelihood Severity Risk

Work Process Hazard Group Hazards Effect (Consequences)
A (A X B)
1) Manhole Cleaning Atmosphere Oxygen Deficiency Slowing down of pulse rate, disorientation,
3 3 9
unconsciousness, and death
Poisonous Gases / Can cause euphoria, disorientation,
Vapour / Fumes drowsiness, headaches, weakness, injury, 2 3 6
disability and death.
Biological Contact with bacteria Can cause mild fever, diarrhea, other
1 2 2
/ disease contagious diseases
Bitten by animal / Can cause infection, severe injury, and death
1 3 3
poisonous animal
2) Welding Work Atmosphere Oxygen deficiency Slowing down of pulse rate, disorientation,
3 3 9
Inside Deep unconsciousness, and death
Toxic Gases / Fumes Can cause euphoria, disorientation,
drowsiness, headaches, weakness, injury, 2 3 6
disability and death.
Explosion / Fire Explosion, burns, multiple injuries, death 2 3 6


Likelihood Rating 1 Unlikely

2 Likely
3 Highly likely
Severity Rating 1 Minor Injury
2 Severe Injury
3 Fatal / Death



1 2 3

1 RR = 1 RR = 2 RR = 3

2 RR = 2 RR = 4 RR = 6

3 RR = 3 RR = 6 RR = 9


for work

Can work Is atmosphere

be done NO Isolate parts, Clearing and Is atmosphere NO Safe for entry? NO Ventilate to
Hazard Identification/ Evaluate
without entry materials and purging if explosive or e.g safe oxygen dilute unsafe
risk assessment atmosphere
to confined services necessary oxygen-enriched? level, no toxic atmosphere
space? YES gasses

Issue personal YES

protective clothing Test
and equipment atmosphere

Must work NO Ventilate if practicable

YES continue? Authority to enter or (to maintain
work in confined environment)
YES Is atmosphere NO
safe for entry?
Entry to confined
Ventilate using space Select issue appropriate
approved breathing appratus NO
Prohibit entry Test/monitor Is breathing
during work atmosphere regularly apparatus to
be used?

Is atmosphere
still safe NO Evacuate confined Must work YES
for current space continue?
entry situation?

Perform work Work completed/ NO

from outside suspended

Approve for return to



1. (a) Location of Work: ____________________________________________

(b) Authorized Entrants: ________________________________________
(c) Contractor: ___________________________________________________

2. (a) Description of Work to be undertaken:

Possible Hazards:
Initiator of Request: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________________________
Entry Date: ______________________________________________ Time: _________________________________________



The items ticked below have been isolated or made safe:
☐ Pipelines (Water, Steam, Gas, etc)
☐ Mechanical/Electrical drives
☐ Sludge/Deposits/Waste
☐ Harmful materials
☐ Electrical services
☐ Warning notices, locks or tags have been fixed to means of isolation

Entry Supervisor: __________________________________________________________


The atmosphere has been tested to ensure no oxygen deficiency or excess and for the following
contaminants: (Fill in details and results of tests)
( Oxygen ) ______________________________ (Acceptable if content between 20.8% to 23.5%)
( Gas ) ______________________________ (Flammable / explosive gas not more than 10% of its LEL)
( Toxic gas ) ______________________________ (Toxic gas should be s its PEL)
( Others ) ______________________________

Continuous monitoring of the atmosphere required / not required*. (*Delete as appropriate)

Continuous ventilation required / not required *. (*Delete as appropriate)

The conditions are safe for entry under the conditions ticked below:
☐ With a supplied-air respiratory protective device.
☐ With an air purifying (non-air-supplied) respiratory protective equipment.
☐ Without a respiratory protective device.

Testing time: __________________ Date: ____________________ Authorized Gas Tester: _________________________



The following PPE ticked below shall be worn:
☐ Supplied-air respirators
☐ Air purifying respiratory protective devices.
☐ Safety belt, harness and/or safety line or life line/rescue line
☐ Eye protectors
☐ Hand protection
☐ Feet protection
☐ Protective clothing
☐ Hearing protectors
☐ Safety helmets

Entry Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________

4. USE OF CHEMICAL AGENTS (Details to be completed)

No chemical agents other than those listed below to be taken into the confined space:
(a) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Entry Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________

The precautions ticked below must be observed:
☐ Area clean and free of all readily combustible materials within 15 meters.
☐ All drains within 15 meters covered with wet fireproof blanket.
☐ Appropriate fire extinguishers on site near source of ignition.
☐ A water hose run to job site and tested/left running.
☐ All sparks for work more than 2 meters above ground contained completely by use of a
suitable enclosure that shall be inspected before commencing work.
☐ Welding machine/gas cylinders located ________________________________ (not within 8 meters of
any drains)
☐ Welding machine earthed directly to equipment being welded as close to welding point as
☐ Power leads not draped across pipelines or access ways.
☐ Electrical trace on pipes isolated.
☐ Hot work permissible/not permissible* inside the space. (*Delete as appropriate)

Hot Work Permit Issuer: ________________________________________________________


Stand-by persons are _________________________________________________________________ (identify)
Rescue and emergency procedure are understood and have been posted.

Stand-by person: _________________________________________________________________



Precautions ticked below have been implemented:
☐ Warning notices/barricades are in position.
☐ Smoking has been precluded in confined space.
☐ Special precautions (indicate) ______________________________________________________________________

Entry Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________

8. AUTHORIZATION (To be completed)

The confined space described above is in my opinion in a safe condition for the work to be done,
provided that the precautions above are fully observed.

Responsible person ________________________ Time ___________________________ Date _________________________

Valid until ___________________________________ Time ___________________________ Date _________________________

I/We understand the procedure required for entry and work in the confined space and the
precautions measures and equipment to be used.
Signed _______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Time ________________________
_______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Time ________________________
_______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Time ________________________

All persons have left confined space and further entry should not be permitted unless a new entry
permitis signed.

Project Owner: __________________________________________________________________


All persons/equipment* have been withdrawn, the work has been completed/suspended* and any
plantlmachinery* is deemed fitlnot fit* for use. (*delete as appropriate)

The following observation(s) of unsatisfactory aspects of the operation in the confined space are
noted for attention prior to undertaking similar operations. (attached separate sheet if necessary)

Entry Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________


I accept the work as defined in Section 2 of this Permit has been completed.

Entry Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________


Gas Monitoring Equipment Log

1. Make: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Model number: _____________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________
3. Type of monitor: _______________________________________________________
4. Date of purchase: ______________________________________________________
5. Date calibrated: ____________________________________ Calibrated by: ___________________________________



The committee which developed this Construction Industry Standard consists of the following

Ir M Ramuseren (Chairman) Construction Industry Development Board

Encik Nazri Bin Zakaria (Secretary) Construction Industry Development Board
Encik Hari Sundar R Hari Dass Construction Industry Development Board
Encik Ahmad Nazmi Mohamed Ali IJM Corporation Berhad
Supretendent Zakaria Bin Muhd Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat
Encik Sahrul Azizi Bin Sulaiman Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
Encik Syahrul Nizam Bin Sharuddinn Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
Encik Mohd. No'aman Noorashidi Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Dalam Industri
Encik Agas Edmund Ianggu KLIA Premier Holdings Sdn Bhd
Encik Foo Check Lee/Encik Koh Mee Leow Master Builders Association Malaysia
Ir Hj Jamaludin Non Malay Contractors Association of Malaysia
Puan Hajjah Maimunah Binti Hj. Khalid Malaysian Society of Occupational Safety and
Haji Mohd Esa Bin Haji Baruji National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Ar Ng Chin Heng Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
Encik Ruslan Bin Anuar Real Estate and Housing Developer Association
Encik Harun Bin Bakar Social Security Organization
Ir. K Gunasagaran The Institutes of Engineers, Malaysia

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