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सिसिल-५, 20740903

g]kfn ljB"t k|flws/)f

k|fljlws ;]jf, l;len ;d'x, l;len pk;d'x, tx-5, ;"k/efOh/ kbsf]
v"Nnf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd
1= lnlvt k/LIffsf] ljifo, k')f{f°, k/LIff k|)ffnL, k|Zg;+Vof, c+sef/ / ;do lgDgfg";f/ x"g]% .

plQ)f{f° k|Zg k|lt k|Zg

kq ljifo k')f{f+° k/LIff k|)ffnL ;do
;+Vof c+sef/
cfwf/e't v)* -s_
j:t"ut jx" 20 2
;fdfGo !fg cfwf/e't ;fdfGo !fg
k|yd 100 40 a}slNks 45 ldg]^
/ ;]jf v)* -v_
k|Zg 30 2
;DaGwL ;]jf ;DaGwL
ljifout %f]^f] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zg 10 5 2 #)^f
låtLo ;]jf ;DjGwL 100 40
k|Zg nfdf] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zg 5 10 30 ldg]^

2= k|ydkqsf] v)* s ;a} ;d"xsf] nflu Pp^} x"g]% . k|ydkqsf] v)* s ;dfKt ePkl% Ps} l;l^é
v)* v sf] k/LIff x"g% ] . k|ydkqsf] v)* v / låtLokqsf] kf&\oqmd Pp^} x"g]% .
3= a:t"ut k|Zgdf k|To]s k|Zgsf rf/ j^f ;DefJo pQ/ lbOg] % . h; dWo] Pp^f ;xL pQ/ n]Vg"
kg]{% . unt pQ/ afkt k|lt unt pQ/ 20 k|ltztsf b/n] c+s #^fOg]% .
4= k|ydkq / låtLokqsf] k/LIff km/s km/s x"g% ] .
5= k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL efiff x"g%
] .
6= ;fdfGotM k|To]s OsfO{af^ k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ . k|To]s OsfO{{sf] c+sef/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x"g%
] . nfdf]
pQ/ lbg"kg{] k|Zg Ps} jf v)* v)* u/L -b"O jf ;f] eGbf a(L_ ;f]Wg ;lsg]% .

v)* -s_ cfwf/e't ;fdfGo !fg -k|fljlws ;]jf, tx–5 sf ;a} ;d'xsf nflu_M
1 g]kfnsf] e'uf]nM w/ftnLo :j?ksf] lsl;d / ljz]iftf, gbLgfnf, tfntn}of / vlgh kbfy{, /fhg}lts
ljefhg -;+#,k|b]z tyf :yfgLo tx_
2 g]kfn ljB"t k|flws/)f ;DalGw hfgsf/LM :yfkgf, g]kfn ljB"t k|flws/)fsf Joj;fo÷lgb{]zgfnox?,
k|flws/)fsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/, ;+rfns ;ldlt
3 blIf)f PlzofnL If]qLo ;xof]u ;+u&g (SAARC) af/] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L
4 /fli^«o dxTjsf ;d;fdlos #^gf tyf gljgtd ultljlwx? .
5 ;fdfGo ul)flto cEof;M cg"kft, leGg, k|ltzt, cf}ift, c+sul)flto ts{, gfkmf–gf]S;fg, >])fLqmd .
6 ljB"t rf]/L lgoGq)f P]g, 2058 cg";f/ ljB"t rf]/L dflgg] cj:yf, ljB"t rf]/L lgoGq)f lgodfjnL,
2059 cg";f/ ljB"t cfk'lt{ aGb ug{ ;Sg], k'gM h*fg ug{] cj:yf / k"/:sf/ Joj:yf .
7 ljB"t ljt/)f ljlgodfjnL, 2069 sf] ljB"t nfO{g Pj+ ld^/ h*fg ;DaGwL Joj:yf / ld^/ hf¤r
tyf ld^/ l/l*é ;DaGwL Joj:yf .

k|ydkq v)* v / låtLokqsf] kf&\oqmd -l;len ;d'x_

1 DRAWING (2x2=4)
1.1 Drafting techniques, development of plan and preparation of drawing. Section of
Hydropower structures
1.2 Objectives and role of working drawing and its relationship with detail estimating and
1.3 The comparative parameters of tender drawing and working drawing.
1.4 Preparation of large- scale construction details in plan and section. Importance of such
details in terms of accuracy of estimation, Bill of Quantities and Construction
1.5 Tracing of topographical maps and drawings, of construction schedule and presentation
of maps and drawings with required features, accuracy and standard.
सिसिल-५, 20740903

2. SURVEYING (2x2=4, 1x5 =5)

2.1. General: Classifications, Principle of surveying, Selection of suitable method, Scales,
plans and maps, Entry into survey field books and level books
2.2. Accuracy, errors and the methods of adjustments in surveying.
2.3. Levelling : Methods of levelling, Levelling instruments and accessories, Principles of
2.4. Theodolite and Traverse surveying: Basic difference between different theodolites,
Temporary adjustments of theodolites, Fundamental lines and desired relations,
Tacheometry: stadia method, Trigonometrical levelling, Checks in closed traverse
2.5. Contouring: Characteristics of contour lines, Method of locating contours, Contour
2.6. Setting Out: Small buildings, Simple curve
2.7. General concept of survey for power house and tunneling.

3. CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (2x2=4, 1x5 =5)

3.1 Stone: Formation and availability of stones in Nepal, Methods of laying and
construction with various stones
3.2 Cement: Different cements: Ingredients, properties and manufacture, Storage and
transport, Admixtures
3.3 Clay and Clay Products: Brick: type, manufacture, laying, bonds
3.4 Paints and Varnishes: Type and selection, Preparation techniques, Uses
3.5 Bitumen: Type, Selection and Use.
3.6 General knowledge of types of conductors, fittings, insulators, insulator protective
fittings and line insulator materials.
4.1. Mechanics of Materials: Internal effects of loading, Ultimate strength and working
stress of materials
4.2. Mechanics of Beams: Relation between shear force and bending moment Thrust, shear
and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate beams under various types of
4.3. Simple Strut Theory

5. HYDRAULICS (2x2=4, 1x5 =5)

5.1. General
5.1.1. Properties of fluid: mass, weight, specific weight, density, specific volume,
specific gravity, viscosity
5.1.2. Pressure and Pascal's law
5.1.3. Hydro-Kinematics and Hydro-Dynamics : Energy of flowing liquid: elevation
energy, Kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy
5.2. Measurement of Discharge: Weirs and notches and Discharge formulas
5.3. Flows: Characteristics of pipe flow and open channel flow

6. GEOTECHNICAL (3x2=6, 1x10=10)

6.1. General concept of geology. Geological investigation.
6.2. Classification of rocks (soil) and their significance.
6.3. Classification of soil, soil-water relation and their significance.
6.4. General concept of consolidation and compaction, and their distinguishing
6.5. Factors affecting soil compaction.
सिसिल-५, 20740903

6.6. Methods of soil compaction for preparing foundation. Foundation treatments.

6.7. Concept of optimum moisture content, its significance and methods to control moisture
6.8. Active and passive earth pressures, their definition and general understanding. Concept
of surcharge load.
6.9. Bearing capacity, safe bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity of foundation.
6.10. Types of foundation and their application.
6.11. Soil exploration, its need and procedure.
6.12. General concept of diversion structure.
6.13. General concept about stability of structure, the destabilizing and stabilizing factors.

7. STRUCTURAL DESIGN (2x2=4, 1x5=5, 1x10=10)

7.1. R.C. Sections in Bending: Under reinforced, over reinforced and balanced sections:
Analysis of single and double reinforced rectangular sections
7.2. Shear and Bond for R.C. Sections: Shear resistance of a R.C. section, Types of Shear
reinforcement and their design, Determination of anchorage length
7.3. Axially Loaded R.C. Columns: Short and long columns, Design of a rectangular
column section
7.4. Design of R.C. Structures: Singly and doubly reinforced rectangular beams, Simple
one-way and two-way slabs, Axially loaded short and long columns
7.5. Understanding of steel structures and their simple design with criteria and the
7.6. General mechanical features of the transmission lines.
7.7. General precautions to be taken during the design and construction process.
7.8. Span length of transmission line.
7.9. Concept of line supports- poles and towers and their basic design.
7.10. Construction and manufacture of poles and towers.
7.11. Live- metal clearance and effect of other materials in proximity.
7.12. General concept about stability of structure and the destabilizing and stabilizing


8.1. Foundations: Subsoil exploration, Type and suitability of different foundations:
Shallow, deep, Shoring and dewatering, Design of simple brick or stone masonry
8.2. Walls: Type of walls and their functions, Choosing wall thickness, Height to length
relation, Use of scaffolding
8.3. Damp Proofing: Source of Dampness, Remedial measures to pr-went dampness
8.4. Concrete Technology: Constituents of cement concrete, Grading of aggregates,
Concrete mixes, Water cement ratio, Factors affecting strength of concrete, Form work,
8.5. Wood work:Frame and shutters of door and window, Timber construction of upper
floors, Design and construction of stairs
8.6. Flooring and Finishing: Floor finishes : brick, concrete, flagstone and Plastering

9. ESTIMATING AND COSTING (2x2=4, 1x5=5, 1x10=10)

9.1. Various methods of measurements and estimating quantities of civil works. Different
units in, which the various quantities are expressed.
9.2. Bases and considerations in preparing analysis of rates for civil works.
9.3. Development of unit rates and factors affecting the unit rates.
9.4. Preparing analysis of rates for civil works with related to hydropower projects.
9.5. Methods of cost estimating. Preparation of project cost estimate.

सिसिल-५, 20740903

9.6. Objectives and importance of specification for different types of work. Techniques of
preparing specifications for different types of works.
9.7. Preparation of Bill of Quantities. Its functions and measurement techniques. Its


10.1. Organization: Need for organization, Responsibilities of a civil overseer, Relation
between Owner, Contractor and Engineer
10.2. Site Management: Preparation of site plan, Organizing labor, Measures to improve
labor efficiency, Accident prevention
10.3. Contract Procedure: Contracts, Departmental works and day-work, Types of contracts,
Tender and tender notice, Earnest money and security deposit, Preparation before
inviting tender, Agreement, Conditions of contract and Construction supervision
10.4. Accounts: Administrative approval and technical sanction, Familiarity with standard
account keeping formats used in governmental organizations, Muster roll, Measurement
Book, Running Bill, Final Bill, and Project Completion report
10.5. Planning and Control: Construction schedule, Equipment and materials schedule,
Construction stages and operations, Bar chart, CPM and PERT.
10.6. Safety measures and programs in excavation, drilling, blasting, tower erection, cable
stringing and underground works.

11. HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES (3x2=6, 1x10=10)

11.1. Headwork structures (Dams, Spillways), types and components.
11.2. General concept of design parameters of headwork structure. Computation of
waterpower potential.
11.3. Hydropower plants, type and components.
11.4. General concept of design parameters of hydropower plants.
11.5. Understanding of power station, substation, penstocks, turbine, surge tank, the draft
tube, the tail race and energy dissipaters.
11.6. Causes of failures of dams (general knowledge).
11.7. General understanding of surface hydrology.
11.8. General functions of hydraulic structures. (Dams, spillways, intake, canal, tunnel.
11.9. Design and layout of form works (scaffolding).
11.10. Protective structures, types and functions.
11.11. River training works, types, functions and layouts.


12.1. Types of electrical towers and transmission lines.
12.2. Design parameters of transmission towers.
12.3. Design parameters of transmission lines.
12.4. General understanding of power station, substation,

13. DISTRIBUTION (2x2=4, 1x5 =5)

13.1. General knowledge of types and categories of distribution (transmission) cables with
reference to distribution.
13.2. General knowledge about technical problems, such as, power loss, leakage and cases of
13.3. Knowledge of general internal wiring and connections.
13.4. General acquaintance with the social problems and issues in reference with distribution
13.5. Techniques of connection of single circuits with single phase, 3- phase power supply
13.6. Installation of a rigid PVC conduit (pipe or holder pipe) on masonry surface.

सिसिल-५, 20740903

13.7. Mounting of fixtures such as wall plugs, boxes and blocks on wall surfaces.
13.8. Safety precautions.


14.1. General knowledge of Nepal Electricity Authority, its organizational structure and
function of various business groups
14.2. General knowledge of various power plants of Nepal, their types, salient features, and
their geographical locations
14.3. General knowledge on Nepalese power transmission system, voltage levels and line
lengths, export-import links for power exchange with India.

b|i^JoM kf&\oqmddf /flvPsf ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod / ljlgodx? k/LIff x"g" eGbf 3 dlxgf cuf*L ;Dd
;+zf]wg jf vf/]h eO{ To;sf] ;§f xfn k|rngdf /x]sfnfO{ ;f]xL cg"?k kf&\oqmddf ;dfj]z
ePsf] dflgg] % .

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