Multi Sensor Write Up Paper

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Abstract: This paper deals with the design Keywords: Raspberry Pi, IOT, Wi-Fi,
and implementation of Raspberry Pi based automation, USB camera, IOT.
IOT concept it means the internet of things.
In this present generation, everything is I. INTRODUCTION
going on the internet itself. So in this
project, we concentrate totally on the present An embedded system is a special-purpose
generation life how they can get security to system in which the computer is completely
their home or office and control the devices encapsulated by or dedicated to the device
by using the Android app just by using the or system it controls. Unlike a general-
internet in their smartphones. The main purpose computer, such as a personal
security is provided by the camera module computer, an embedded system performs
which captures the images and uploads into one or a few pre-defined tasks, usually with
the internet and also stores the same images very specific requirements. Since the system
in the RaspberryPi module SD card. is dedicated to specific tasks, design
RaspberryPi acts like a small minicomputer engineers can optimize it, reducing the size
it is totally a Linux platform. By just and cost of the product. Embedded systems
connecting mouse and keyboard we can are often mass-produced, benefiting from
operate as minicomputer where we can play economies of scale. Personal digital
games, play videos etc. just like our personal assistants (PDAs) or handheld computers are
laptop work. And also the WI-FI module is generally considered embedded devices
used in this project to control the devices because of the nature of their hardware
from remote locations by getting the status design, even though they are more
of the devices into smartphone android app expandable in software terms.
everything is going on the internet itself our
day to day life. The future generation will
work on the internet itself by sitting in one
place we can do anything on the internet.
and subsequently, a reply SMS which
triggers an alarm/buzzer in the remote house
making others aware of the possible

If necessary, users can be alerted with text

A custom-made Raspberry Pi will be fitted messages (SMS) for rapid reaction to special
at each power points or switchboards. It will events or error conditions. In these messages
act as the control for all electrical appliances are included, that brings up the client ina
(lighting, fans, air conditioners, etc.). This browser with the data and the controls
board will have a Wireless connection that necessary to begin dealing with the event.
connects to an Internet hub. This Internet All transactions such as control signals are
hub will be connected to the internet via handled reliably through the use of
LAN or Wi-Fi (Depends upon the choice of enterprise integration patterns. Security is
the user). The user just has to login into the based on industrial strength proven
specified webpage during the time of protocols including SSL. These devices can
initialization and in case there is a need to include doors, lights, surveillance systems,
change the automation settings. and consumer electronics.


The security of one's belongings when a In the proposed system design and
person leaves his/her house is always a implementation of Secure Home
concern with the increasing number of Automation using Raspberry Pi for mobile
incidents of theft, robbery, etc. Many devices that leverage mobile technology to
automated systems have been developed provide essential security to our homes and
which informs the owner in a remote associated control operations. The proposed
location about any intrusion or attempt to home security solution hinges on our novel
intrude in human use. However, this paper integration of cameras and motion detectors
looks into the development of an ANDROID into a web application. Raspberry Pi
application which interprets the message a operates and controls motion detectors and
mobile device receives on possible intrusion video cameras for remote sensing and
surveillance, streams live video and records temperature sensor, and a PIR sensor. Fire
it for future playback, and finally manages sensor is in turn connected to the buzzer and
operations on home appliances, such as water pump. The soil moisture sensor is also
turning ON/OFF a television or microwave. connected to the water pump. The motion
The home automation system works by sensor is connected to the camera to capture
using the internet as the master and an image and live video streaming. Light is
Raspberry Pi as a hardware tool. A custom- connected to capture the clear image at
made Raspberry Pi will be fitted at each night. The temperature sensor is connected
power points or switchboards. It will act as to a Raspberry-Pi which in turn is connected
the control for all electrical appliances to the motor to draw the curtain. Raspberry-
(lighting, fans, air conditioners, etc.).The Pi is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or
web-page will be coded in such a way that it LAN which can be accessed by the user
provides complete control to the user over through a web interface.
the automation process such as timing and
conditions for the automation process. IV.HARDWARE SYSTEM
Specifically, Raspberry Pi makes the
Raspberry Pi: The Raspberry Pi 3
following contribution (a) operates the
demonstrate B has particularly worked with
cameras and motion sensors, which is also
the Broadcom BCM2837 System-On-
used for security purpose (b) operation of
Chip(SoC) incorporates four superior ARM
home appliances.
Cortex-A53 process centers running
at1.2GHz with 32Kb Level one and 512Kb
Level a couple of reserve memory, a Video
Core IV illustrations processor, and is
associated with a 1GB LPDDR2 memory
module on the back of the board. It also
alternatives 40-pins broadly useful info
yields (GPIO) and enhanced property with
Fig: Automation Section Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and
BCM43143 Wi-Fi on board. The framework
Raspberry-Pi is connected to various sensors
handling is colossal with 1.2GHz clock
such as a fire sensor, a soil moisture sensor,
speed and 1GB RAM Raspberry Pi can play Temperature Sensor: The LM35 is a
out every single propelled process. precision integrated-circuit temperature
device with an output voltage linearly
proportional to the Celsius temperature.

Fig4.2: Temperature LM35

Fig: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
• Calibrated directly in ˚Celsius (Centigrade)
USB Camera: A camera is an optical • Specified operating temperature: -55°C to
instrument that can be secured 150°C
straightforwardly through records pictures
Gas sensor: They are utilized as a part of
and it is transmitted to another territory or
gas spillage recognizing supplies in family
both. The term camera starts from the
and industry, are appropriate for
obscure (Latin for "dull chamber"), these
distinguishing of LPG, I-butane, propane,
photos may be still photographs or moving
methane, liquor, Hydrogen, smoke. The
pictures, for instance, chronicles or movies
surface protection of the sensor Rs is
an early instrument for envisioning pictures.
acquired through affected voltage flag yield
It is created from the camera obscure. The
of the heap protection RL which
working of the human eye is on a very basic
arrangement wound. The connection
level the same as the working of the
between them is depicted:
advanced camera.

Fig: USB camera

Fig: Gas sensor

LDR: The action reverse shows that when devices from anywhere in the world and can
the light is turned on, the assurance of the control them also via cell phone, web, etc.
LDR falls, empowering current to
experience it. This is an instance of a light RESULTS
sensor circuit: When the light level is low
the assurance of the LDR is high. ThingSpeak provides very good tool for
IoT based projects for Arduino. By using
ThingSpeak site, we can monitor our data
over the Internet from anywhere, and we can
also control our system over the Internet,
using the Channels and webpages provided
Fig: LDR
by ThingSpeak. ThingSpeak ‘Collects’ the
internet of things: data from the sensors, ‘Analyze and

What is the Internet of Things? visualize’ the data and ‘Acts’ by triggering
a reaction. Here we are explaining
IoT is the most trending and important topic about how to send Data to ThingSpeak
nowadays. The concept is, devices of a server by using ESP8266 WIFI Module.
surrounding get the capabilities to
communicate with each other, with the Raspberry Pi collects and extracts the data in
Internet and can take decision smartly based Temperature, LDR and Gas Sensor and then
on that communication. Isn’t it exciting? For send it to Monitor GUI and ThingSpeak
example: How about devices of your home server. ThingSpeak displays the Data in
can communicate with each other via a black form of Graph as below
box technology and can take the decision
when they have to switch on and off devices
smartly. Like you entered the room and
lights, fans get automatically switch on / off
depending on the intensity of light and
temperature of the room. You don’t even
have to touch switches. “SMART”. Even
more, you can check the status of your home
are set up with the module GPRS enabled
the embedded system and data is transmitted
from bins another central server. It will store
all necessary data like a record of bin level
history, what percentage times GPRS signal
of the vehicles collect the rubbish etc.

1) Additionally, some application for

Smartphone is going to be developed
that is beneficial for voters to the
municipal workplace.
2) Once all such a technology integrated
along a brand new method of waste
management system emerges. This may
VII. CONCLUSION facilitate to scale back the number of
Developed a comprehensive solution that garbage into own and helps to take care
provides user-friendly home automation and of the clean atmosphere
security application for homes. We
accomplished this through the integration of
Cheap, off-the-shelf, widely available
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