Uttarakhand MHP
Uttarakhand MHP
Uttarakhand MHP
Small, Mini, Micro and Pico Hydro Power Plant: Scope, Challenges
&Deployment in Indian Context
Dr. S.K.Dave1 , Ashokkumar A. Parmar 2 , Darshak K. Parmar3
Applied Mechanics Department, B. &B. Institute of Technology, V. V. Nagar
Electrical Department, B. &B. Institute of Technology, V. V. Nagar
Applied Mechanics Department,, B. &B. Institute of Technology, V. V. Nagar
Abstract — As per present power crisis small hydro, non-conventional plants may be planned to work during peak
demand. Small hydro is one of the best options for rural electrification which can offer considerable financial benefits to
the individual as well as communities served. It is an attractive alternative to diesel technologies in rural and remote
areas of developing countries as a means of achieving rural electrification . With the advancement of technology it is
possible to harness hydroelectric power efficiently with heads as low as 2 meters. An approach by which multiple micro
scale hydro generating units can be planned over a catchment area consisting of several potential installatio n sites so as
to extract the maximum possible energy per unit investment cost. As a cheap, renewable source of energy with negligible
environmental impacts, small, mini, micro & Pico hydro power technologies have an important role to play in future
energy supply, particularly in developing countries.
Integrated generation and distribution for rural area on fuel availability, small hydro capacity on run -off the river shall
improve the availability and reduce energy cost. The maximum water level below the fal ls, during the record flood is
used as a reference to find standard project flood protection equipment. The purpose of the paper is to develop an
understanding about the various technologies used in the field to study performance o f small, mini, micro, pico Hydel
schemes. This study facilitates to take effective measures for reducing the cost which are also given. Usually small hydro
units up to 5 MW are expected to require minimum amount of field assembly and installation work. While machine
having capacity from 5 MW to 25 MW may have slow speed, large diameter and with split generator stator that require
final winding assembly in the field.
Keywords- Non- Conventional energy, Mini-Hydro Generation System, Small-scale hydropower, turbine, run-of-river,
Renewable Energy, Economic Assessment of Small Hydro Power
The bulk of our energy co mes fro m coal, oil, and natural gas exhaustible resources that create pollution when
burned and contribute to global warming. Renewable energy (RE) is non -polluting energy that co mes fro m inexhaustible
resources, such as wind, sunshine, and falling water. Due to increasing global interest on conservation of environment,
distributed generation of power is gaining attention. They do not encounter the problems of population displacement and
can improve overall energy p icture of the world. These are the clean, pollution free, eco -friendly energy sources. The
hydroelectric power is the principal source of electric power in some 30 countries, and provides about one fifth of the
world 's annual electrical supply. Its power stations include some of the largest artificial structures in the world.
Figure below shows classification of hydro power p lant on the basis of different aspect is done. Here we also
introduce comparison of hydro power technology with other renewab le and potential of different types of hydro power
plant is introduced.
a.) Cl assification accordi ng to the avail ability of head:
1) Lo w head power p lants (<10m) 2) Med iu m head power p lants (10-50m)
3) High head power plants (>50m)
b.) Cl assification accordi ng to the nature of load:
1) Base load power plants 2) Peak load power plants
c.) Classification according to the quantity of water avail able:
1) Run-off river plant without poundage. 2) Run-off river plant with pond age.
3) Storage type plants. 4) Pu mp storage plants. 5) M ini and micro -hydel plants.
d.) Cl assification based on the power devel opment by the pl ant:
1) Large hydro plant. (>100MW) 2) Med iu m hydro plant. (15-100MW)
3) Small hydro plant. (1-15MW) 4) M ini hydro plant. (>100KW)
5) M icro hydro plant. (5-100KW) 6) Pico hydro plant. (>5KW)
e.) Classification based on the purpose:
1) Single Purpose 2) Mu lti-Purpose
litt le or no water is stored. Power, P, is the energy converted over time or the rate of work being done. The Power, P,
which can be extracted fro m a water flow; is: P =ηQ Hρg
Where; η is the efficiency of the system, Q is the total volu metric flo w, H is the head, ρ is the water density, and g is the
gravitational constant
2.1 COMPONENTS & WORKING OF S MALL HYDRO: “M ini-hydro” means which can apply to sites ranging
fro m a tiny scheme to electrify a single home, to a few hundred kilowatts for selling into the National Grid. Small -scale
hydropower is one of the most cost-effective and reliable energy technologies to be considered for p roviding clean
electricity generation. The key advantages of small hydro are:
High efficiency (70 - 90%), by far the best of all energy technologies.
High capacity factor (typically >50%)
High level of predictability, varying with annual rainfall patterns
Slow rate of change; the output power varies only gradually fro m day to day (not fro m minute to minute).
A good correlation with demand i.e. output is maximu m in winter
It is a long-lasting and robust technology; systems can readily be engineered to last for 50 years or mo re.
Storage schemes Hydropower p lants with reservoir. (1,528 MW)Manic-5, Québec, Canada
Small hydro is in most cases “run-of-river”; in other words any dam or barrage is quite small, usually just a weir, and
litt le or no water is stored. Therefore run-of-river installations do not have the same kinds of adverse effect on the local
environment as large-scale hydro. Fig.3 presents the forms of hydro power project exist in India.In practice, sites that are
suitable for small-scale hydro schemes vary greatly. They include mountainous locations where there are fast-flowing
mountain streams and lowland areas with wide rivers. In some cases development would involve the refurbishment of a
historic water power site. In others it would require an entirely new construction. This section illustrates the fo ur most
common layouts for a mini hydro scheme.
To develop a small hydropower plant, there are a lot of considerations to be taken which are:
1) Hydrology and site survey 2) Measurement of head 3) Measurement of flo w
4) Civil work co mponents
Weir and intake Channels Settling Basin
Sp illways Forebay tank Penstock
5) Select ion of turbine
Impu lse turbines Reaction turbines
6) Drive systems 7) Electrical power
Fig.4: Selection turbine for small Hydro power Scheme (Courtesy: International Journal of Thermal Technologies Vol.1, No.1 (Dec. 2011))
A variation on the canal-and-penstock layout for mediu m and h igh-head schemes is to use only a penstock, and o mit the
use of a canal. Th is would be applicable where the terrain would make canal construction difficult, or in an
environmentally-sensitive location where the scheme needs to be hidden and a buried penstock is the only acceptable
For lo w head schemes, there are two typical layouts. Where the project is a redevelopment of an old scheme, there will
often be a canal still in existence drawing water to an o ld power house or watermill. It may make sense to re -use this
canal, although in some cases this may have been sized for a lower flow than would be cost-effective for a new scheme.
In this case, a barrage development may be possible on the same site. With a barrage develop ment, the turbine(s) are
constructed as part of the weir o r immed iately adjacent to it, so that almost no approach canal or pipe-work is required.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is giving financial subsidy, both in public and private sector to set up SHP
projects. In order to imp rove quality and reliability of projects, it has been made mandatory to get the project tested for its
performance by an independent agency and achieving 80% of the envisaged energy generation before the subsidy is
released. In order to ensure project quality/performance, the ministry has been insisting to adhere to IEC/ International
standards for equip ment and civil works. The subsidy available fro m the M inistry is linked to use of equip ment
manufactured to IEC or other prescribed international standards. The equipment in the project is required to confirm to
the following IEC standards.
REFERENCES AND CODES :[27] Recently the Min istry has given an assignment to AHEC, IIT Roorkee to revisit the
existing standards and come out with standards/manuals/guidelines for improving reliab ility and quality of s mall hydro
power projects in the country.
IEEE Std 1020 - IEEE guide for control of small hydro electric power plants
IEEE Std 1010 - IEEE guide for control of hydroelectric power p lants
IEEE Std 60545:1976 - Guide for co mmissioning operation and maintenance of Hydraulic Turb ines
IEC 61116:1992 - Electro mechanical guide for s mall hydroelectric installations
IEEE std 1046 - IEEE application guide for distributed digital control and monitoring for power p lants
IEEE std. 1249 - IEEE gu ide for co mputer–based control for power plant automation
IEEE std. C 37101 - IEEE guide for generator ground protection
IEEE std. C 5012 - IEEE standard for salient pole 50 Hz and 60 Hz synchronous generator and generator /
motors for hydraulic turbine application rated 5 M VA and above
IEEE std 4214 - IEEE guide for preparation of excitation system specificat ion
ANSI/ IEEE std 242:1996 - IEEE reco mmended practice for protection and coordination of industrial and
commercial power systems
ANSI/ IEEE std C 372-1987 - IEEE standard electrical power systems device function numbers
ANSI/ IEEE std C 37.95 : 1974 - (R1980) IEEE guide for protective relay ing of utility
ANSI/ IEEE std C 37.102:1987 - IEEE guide for generator protection
MASON, CR - Art & science of protective relay ing 1956
Table 2: State wise identified sites and installed projects with capacity in MW.
Looking specifically at s mall hydropower development, the following barriers can be identified :
Policy and regulatory framework: unclear or nonexistence of policies and regulations that govern the development
of (s mall) hydropower. In some countries hydropower developments under a certain threshold arenot regulated at
all, while in other countries it might be part of a broader regulatory framework for rural electrification in general.
Generic frameworks often lack clarity on a nu mber o f hydropower specific issues like access to water and water
infra-structure and the associated payments.
Financing: hydropower develop ments are faced, even more than other sources of renewable energy, with high up -
front costs and low O&M costs, something most available financing models do not favour. Nearly all of the new
developments on the continent are relying in one form or the other on donor financing. Development of alternative
financing models, including tapping into alternative funding sources, is needed to facilitate s mall hydro
Capacity to plan, build and operate hydropower plants : national and reg ional knowledge and awareness on the
potential of s mall hydro in rural electrificat ion is missing or very min i-mal. Th is includes knowledge at political,
government and regulatory entities, as well as knowledge on local production of parts and components.
Data on hydro resources: linked to the limited knowledge about the technology is the lack of proper resourc e data
on water availability and flow on which hydro developments can be based.
3.2 Scopes / Potential:
The total hydroelectric power potential in the country is assessed at about 150,000 MW, equivalent to 84,000 MW at
60% load factor. The potential of s mall hydro power projects is estimated at about 15,000 MW.
Of this, 4,861 potential sites with an aggregate capacity of 12,841 MW have been identified. The Indian small
hydropower develop ment programme received a new dimension and tempo after the liberalization of the economy and
invitation private sector for investment in power. The p rivate sector was attracted by these projects due to their s mall
adoptable capacity matching with their captive requirements or even as affordable investment opportunities [8], [9]. In
line with Govern ment o f India policy, some states announced their policy for invit ing private sector to set up SHP
projects and announced buy back rate for purchase of power fro m renewab le energy projects.
4.1 PICO HYDRO POWER IN INDIA[8],[9],[10]: A 1 kW Pico hydro provides 24 kWh of 220 V, 50 Hz A C power
per day in Karnataka for last 4year and all available equip ment can be u sed by farmers who have access to quality power.
The hydro systems have impacted the lives of the villagers as it provides an uninterrupted power supply and fulfils their
electricity requirements positively. A number of installat ions have been made in remo te locations which have no grid
connectivity. Equip ment includes lights, TV, grinder -mixer and household items. So me of the v illagers run s mall
businesses on the power generated fro m the power plant as an inco me generating activ ity .(http://mnre.gov.in/file-
manager/akshay-urja/january-february-2012/ EN/39.pdf)The Un ion ministry of new and renewab le energy (M NRE)
declared a financial aid to the tune of Rs 110,000 to establish 'Pico hydroelectric power pro jects' to promote hydroelectric
power projects of 5 kW and below in Kerala.(http://www.sustainabilityoutlook.in/news/india-financial-aid-p ico-hydro-
THIRUVA NANTHAPURAM: To pro mote hydroelectric power pro jects of 5 kW and below in Kerala, the Un ion
ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) has announced a financial assistance to the tune of Rs 110,000 for setting
up 'Pico hydroelectric power projects' in the state.
The Energy Management Centre, Kerala, is the nodal agency for identifying potential investors for setting up the Pico
hydroelectric projects in the state. According to centre director Dharesan Unnithan, Idukki and Wayanad districts have
been identified as highly potential areas for setting up the projects. The scheme can be implemented in other d istricts as
well, except Alappuzha. Financial assistance would be given to 50 projects on a first -come-first-served basis.
(http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/thiruvananthapuram/Rs -1-10-lakh-central-aid-for-50-pico-hydro-
projects/articleshow/17748207.cms )
4.2MICRO HYDRO POWER IN INDIA [8],[9],[10]: In the State of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Renewable Energy
Develop ment Agency (UREDA) is constructing MHPs for remote village electrification as well as for grid feeding. So
far 44 MHPs of composite capacity 4.29 MW have been commissioned and more than 300 Villages & Hamlets have
been electrified through these projects. Earlier the projects were constructing on turn -key basis but from year 2005, Govt.
of Uttarakhand has decided to construct MHPs for village electrification on community participation. For construction
of MHPs, tripartite Agreements have been signed between UREDA, Alternate Hydro Energy Center (AHEC), IIT,
Roorkee and Concern User Energy Co mmittee (UEC). As per tripartite Agreement AHEC, IIT, Roorkee is prov iding
technical specialized services for construction of MHPs, preparation of DPR etc. and UREDA is providing its services
for monitoring, funding and guidance to UECs.
The Ghatta is a traditional waterwheel with a vertical axis used extensively in the Himalayan region. The water
generally hits the waterwheel fro m above while the axis of the waterwheel is vertical. The turbine (waterwheel) is made
out of wood to enable simp le build ing and repair techniques to be used. As a consequence of this design the tra ditional
waterwheel have very low efficiency and power output (maximu m 12 kW).
4.3 MINI HYDRO POWER IN INDIA[8],[9],[10]: 5 s mall hydro power pro jects of Uttarakhand Viz Lacch iwala micro
hydro project, Ramgaarh laghu jal v idyut pariyojna, Niti micro hydel project, Khairana (ramgarh) micro hydro pro ject
and Malari micro hydro power pro ject.
Lacchi wala is a v illage situated on the foothills of Mussoorie. It is alongside NH 74 and is 20 km fro m Dehradun
towards Harid war. Song is the river that provides all ir rigation facilit ies to the farmers. Apart fro m irrigation facility it
also acts as a source of hydro-electric power. The v illage has a capacity of 200 v illagers. The hydro power has a capacity
of 7.5kW but runs at capacity of 5 kW.
Ramg aarh project is situated on the banks of the tributary of river Kosi Ramgaarh. Its location is 30 km down towards
Hal dwani on Almo ra- Haldwan i National Highway. The total capacity of the pro ject is 5kW (1kW x 5). It was
established during the year 2006-07 under UREDA. The pro ject has been benefiting 10 families of the village Dopakhi
(Bargal). It is a mu ltipurpose project with electricity generation capacity as well as facility of flour mill (Punchakki) and
Dhan machine.
Nit i Micro Hydel Scheme has been identified on the stream Ghat gadera in Chamoli district of the hilly region of
Uttarakhand. The project is well connected by metalled road upto Gamashali and up to 200 met res foot track upto Niti.
The diversion/intake site is about 0.75 km fro m Niti v illage. The powerpotential availab le with the project is 25kW (1 x
Khairna is a village situated on the foothills of Almora. It is alongside of NH 87 and is 20 km fro m Bh imtal towards
Almora. Ramgaarh is the river that provides irrigation facilit ies to the farmers. Apart fro m irrigation facility it also acts as
a source of hydro-electric power. The village population is about 400 in numbers. The micro hydro power plant is setup
by UREDA, as an in itiat ive to provide electricity to the area. It was established in the year 1990. Th e micro hydro power
has three turbines two of them in operation.
Malari is a village in hilly area, which do not have much of power requirement due to being undeveloped, since it is
situated in a remote area. The village is cut of fro m the Ganges plain by the Garhwal range of greater Himalaya wh ich
comes under the great Himalayas. The 50kW plant (2 x 25kW) has now become the life line of village as it caters to the
need of 90 families of the village and a border outpost establishment of Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) force. The
power plant taps water fro m a local rivulet called Malari gaarh, though most of the time and only 25kW electricity can be
produced due to paucity of water. 50kW is being produced only in the month of June, Ju ly and August. The powe r plant
has to be stopped in the month of January, February due to freezing of water. Due to electrification of village the living
conditions in the village has improved and the Government have succeeded to check migrating population fro m the
4.4 SMALL HYDRO POWER IN INDIA [8], [9], [22]: The Indian Renewable Energy Develop ment Agency (IREDA)
started financing private sector SHP projects. Consequent to the ESMAP study, in 1993-94, the World Ban k offered a
line of cred it worth US$ 70 million to IREDA to be utilized to support SHP pro jects on irrigation dams and canals for a
target capacity of 100 MW.
The credit line moved successfully and IREDA could sanction 33 SHP pro jects with an aggregate capacity 113 MW by
the year 2000. Fo llo wing this World Ban k offered a second line of credit wo rth US$ 110 million to IREDA, Today the
SHP programme in India is essentially private investment driven. 133 p rivate sector SHP pro jects of about 605 MW
capacity have been setup. Private sector entrepreneurs are finding attractive business opportunities in s mall hydro and
state governments also feels that the private part icipation may be necessary for tapping the full potential of rivers and
canals for power generation. The Govern ment of India announced the Electricity A ct in 2003, Electricity Policy in 2005
and Tariff Po licy in 2006 to create a conducive atmosphere for investments in the power sector.
Hydropower plants range in size fro m small systems for a ho me or village to large projects producing electricity for
utilit ies. The sizes of hydropower plants with design & application aspects comparison are described below in table 2.
Pico Upto 5 kW <0.1 m3 /s <0.05m Remote areas away fro m grid, 1 – 2 houses. 0-5
Say examp le of Uttarakhand have an immense scope of development of micro hydropower pro jects as large number of
river ulets runs along its land but following data shows performance and evaluation.
Table 3: Performance of Hydro power Scheme in Uttarkhand (Courtesy: http://www.slideshare.net/search/)
Sr. No. Name of the Project Utilizati on Factor Plant outage factor
1 Lacchiwala Micro Hydro Project 0.66 0.37
2 Ramgaarh Laghu Jal Vidut Pariyojna 0.80 0.33
3 Nit i M icro Hydel Project 0.88 0.08
4 Khairana (Ramgrah) M icro Hydro Project 0.80 0.30
5 Malari M icro Hydro Power Project 0.54 0.65
Moreover most of the villages are situated along these rivulets only and at many places there is even more than one, these
are the lifeline o f the v illages. The local people call them gaarh and these gaarhs can be proved as the energy boosters of
the villages.
The major problems faced by these projects due to which the plant outage factor is elevating are-:
1. Paucity of water.
2. Breaching of conduits.
3. Very high flo w during rainy seasons.
4. Silt and muddy water during periods of high discharges.
5. Freezing of water.
6. Problem of fragile ice.
7. Non availab ility or inaccessible grids to tap up surplus energy produced.
8. Wear and tear of conveyor belt.
9. Large time lapsed in repair and replacement of parts due to remoteness of power plants.
Following remedial measures are suggested to minimize the plant outage factor.-:
1. Connecting two or more gaarh where available.
2. Lin ing of conduits, as it will also reduce losses as well as breeching will be checked.
3. Making proper arrangement for d isposing surplus water during high discharge.
4. Installation of filters.
5. The frag ile ice can be avoided by building up turbulence where its deposition creates problem. For eg. put ribs
inside the penstock.
6. Foam method may also be used as in other countries to deal with ice.
7. Extending grids to the micro hydropower plants where surplus energy is produced.
[1]. Micro-Hydro Design Manual, A.Harvey et al., IT Publicat ions Ltd, London 1993.A comprehensive technical
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[2]. An international hydropower industry guide as compiled by The International Journal of Hydropower and Dams
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[3]. The James & James database of Renewable Energy Suppliers and Services, holding the details of nearly12,000
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[8]. Ministry of power, Govern ment of India 2010 (www.powermin.n ic.in )
[9]. Central Electricity Authority, New Delh i (www.cea.n ic.in )
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[14]. A. Williams, “Pico hydro for cost-effective lighting,” Boiling Point Magazine, pp. 14-16, May 2007.
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