Workshop Technology Lesson Plan (Rev.2)

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Doc #
HITEC University ME101-02
Date of Issue 16 Feb 2018

Course Code ME-101

Lesson Plan
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DEPARTMENT: Mechanical Engineering

COURSE CODE-COURSE NAME: ME-101 – Workshop Technology CR: 0-2

This course is specially designed to introduce students to the areas of mechanical workshop. Students are given
an introduction to workshop technology, i.e. machine tools, processes, machining operations, welding, forging,
milling etc. Emphasis would be on basic concepts of workshop technology with new trends. It will bring
workshop methodology up to date and also includes protocols for the application of these techniques.


Text Material:
1. Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Processes and Workshop Technology by Rajender Singh
2. Lecture notes and handouts
Reference Material:
1. Workshop Technology by O. P. Khanna
2. Workshop Technology by W. A. J. Chapman
3. Internet website and Google search


The CLOs designed in this course will target upon the following PLOs;
1. PLO-1: Engineering knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to
the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems.
3. PLO-4: Investigation: An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze, interpret data
and synthesis of information for complex problems.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe different machines, equipment and processes related to various mechanical workshops. (C-1)
2. Identify correct and safe usage of machine components, tools and their associated operations. (P-1)
3. Show development of complex parts by utilizing machines from different shops to solve practical
engineering problems. (P-2)

Workshop technology is most widely utilized area of mechanical engineering in daily life, production,
manufacturing and process industry. It is a basic and integral part of every industry ranging from automobile to
aircraft or even spacecraft industry. Workshop technology and its advanced trends are backbone of every
factory as a maintenance and production facility. In fact every area of mechanical, aerospace, industrial and
other engineering fields require this facility for manufacturing and fabrication of equipment, machines and
complex parts. This course serve as a base to core mechanical engineering courses.
Doc #
HITEC University ME101-02
Date of Issue 16 Feb 2018

Course Code ME-101

Lesson Plan
Page # 2 of 3

Instruction 25%
Discussion 15%
Practical/Tutorial 60%

Module Experiments References Number of


Introduction to Workshop Technology

 Introduction of shops and safety precautions Lecture Notes
I and Handouts,
 Introduction to measuring tools 3
Lab Manual,
 Steel Ruler, Inside and Outside Calipers
Text Book
 Vernier Calipers and Screw Gauges (Relevant Topics)
 Try Square and Scribers
Introduction to Fitting shop Lecture Notes
 Marking and Holding and Handouts,
II  Cutting and Striking Lab Manual, 4
 Filing and Finishing Text Book
 Drilling and Taping (Relevant Topics)
Introduction to Machine Shop
 Lathe Machine and its parts Lecture Notes
 Facing, Turning and Taper Turning and Handouts,
III  Grooving/Necking and Parting Lab Manual, 5
 Threading, Knurling and Boring Text Book
 Milling Machine, its parts and operations (Relevant Topics)
 Shaper Machine, its parts and operations
Introduction to Welding Shop
 Joining and Cutting guidelines Lecture Notes
 Types of welding and welding joints and Handouts,
IV  Welding Equipment Lab Manual, 4
 Metal Arc Welding Text Book
 Oxy-Acetylene Welding (Relevant Topics)
 Spot Welding

Lectures, light discussions, tutorials, lab lectures, experiments, queries and problem solving practices.
Doc #
HITEC University ME101-02
Date of Issue 16 Feb 2018

Course Code ME-101

Lesson Plan
Page # 3 of 3


CLO Teaching Assessment Learning Domain PLOs to

Module No.
No. Methodology Methodology with Level target
Lectures + C-1 PLO-1
I + II + III + IV 1 Mid Term + Quiz
Lectures + Practical Lab Viva + P-1 PLO-2
I + II + IV 2
Assignments Final Viva
Exercises + Lab Viva + P-2 PLO-4
II +III + IV 3
Experiments Final Viva


 Identification (Marks: 04)

Below Average (0-1) Average (2-3) Above Average (3-4)
Hardly able to identify key Moderately able to identify key Affectively able to identify key
components of the apparatus for a components of the apparatus for a components of the apparatus for a
certain task. certain task. certain task.

 Procedure (Marks: 06)

Below Average (0-2) Average (2-4) Above Average (4-6)
Hardly able to operate the Moderately able to operate the Affectively able to operate the
apparatus correctly and safely; apparatus correctly and safely; apparatus correctly and safely;
Unable to perform a certain task. Partially able to perform a certain Able to perform a certain task.

Evaluation will be done on following criteria:
Lab Viva 10%
Quiz 05%
Mid Term 25%
Project 15%
Final Viva 45%
Total 100%

HITEC-MED-LP-ME101- Name Engr. Saad Arif

Document Code Written By
02 Date 16-02-2018
Name Dr. Farhan Ausaf
Course Code ME-101 Reviewed By
Date 16-02-2018
Name Dr. S. Kamran Afaq
Course Title Workshop Technology Approved By
Date 16-02-2018

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