This document provides conversions between metric and imperial units for dimensions, mass, force, area, volume, temperature, and prefixes used in the metric system. It lists equivalents for length, area, mass and weight, force, temperature, solid wire weight, and stress measurements between the metric and imperial systems. Standard prefixes like kilo, milli, and micro are also defined with their multiplying factors.
This document provides conversions between metric and imperial units for dimensions, mass, force, area, volume, temperature, and prefixes used in the metric system. It lists equivalents for length, area, mass and weight, force, temperature, solid wire weight, and stress measurements between the metric and imperial systems. Standard prefixes like kilo, milli, and micro are also defined with their multiplying factors.
This document provides conversions between metric and imperial units for dimensions, mass, force, area, volume, temperature, and prefixes used in the metric system. It lists equivalents for length, area, mass and weight, force, temperature, solid wire weight, and stress measurements between the metric and imperial systems. Standard prefixes like kilo, milli, and micro are also defined with their multiplying factors.
This document provides conversions between metric and imperial units for dimensions, mass, force, area, volume, temperature, and prefixes used in the metric system. It lists equivalents for length, area, mass and weight, force, temperature, solid wire weight, and stress measurements between the metric and imperial systems. Standard prefixes like kilo, milli, and micro are also defined with their multiplying factors.
Length pounds x 0.45359 = kg (kilograms) pounds (force) x 4.448 = N
mils x 0.0254 = mm (millimeters) tons (2000 lb) x 0.907185 = t (newtons) inches x 25.4 = mm (metric tones) mass (in kg) x 9.8066 = N feet x 0.3048 = m (meters) (weight at or near sea level) miles x 1.609344 = km (kilometers) Mass per unit length Force per unit area Area lb/1000 ft. x 1.48816 = kg/km 2 circular mils x 0.0005067 =mm (kilograms per kilometer) (stress, pressure, tensile strength, (square millimeters) lb/mi x 0.28185 = kg/km etc.) 2 sq. in x 645.16 = mm 2 sq. ft. x 0.092903 = m Solid wire weight 2 lbf/in = (psi) x 6.895 = kPa (square meters) (kilopascals) 2 2 sq. yd. x 0.836127 = m mm x 8.89 = kg/km (for copper) 2 2 2 lbf/in x 0.006895 = MPa sq. mi. x 2.58999 = km mm x 2.70 = kg/km (for aluminum) (square kilometers) 2 mm x 7.83 = kg/km (for steel) (megapascals) 2 N/mm = MPa Volume Temperature Conversion 3 cu. in. x 16.387 = cm Note (cubic centimeters) °F to °C: °C = (°F minus 32) x 5 /9 Kilopascals are used generally for 3 cu. ft. x 0.028317 = m fluid pressures. Megapascals are (cubic meters) °C to °F: °F = (°C x 9 /5) plus 32 used generally for stresses in gallons x 4.54609 = L (liters) materials, i.e. for tensile stress, U.S. gal. x 3.7854 = L (liters) modulus of elasticity, etc.
SI Prefixes
Multiplying factor Prefix Symbol
12 1 000 000 000 000 = 10 tera T 9 1 000 000 000 = 10 giga G 6 1 000 000 = 10 mega M 3 1 000 = 10 kilo k 2 100 = 10 hecto h 1 10 = 0 deca da -1 0.1 = 10 deci d -2 0.01 = 10 centi c -3 0.001 = 10 milli m -6 0.000 001 = 10 micro µ -9 0.000 000 001 = 10 nano n -12 0.000 000 000 001 = 10 pico p -15 0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10 femto f -18 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10 atto a
ISO 19901-5-2016 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries. Specific Requirements For Offshore Structures. Weight Control During Engineering and Construction PDF