Labnig Draft BDRRMP

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Prepared by

The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council of

Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Assisted by:

Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP)

Philippine Geographical Society (PGS)

UNICEF Philippines
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Camarines Norte
Municipality of Paracale





WHEREAS, Republic Act 10121, otherwise known as the “Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010,” has provided for a new organizational structure
of existing Local Disaster Coordinating Councils (LDCCs) from provincial to barangay
level as local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (DRRMCs) as well as
changes in duties and functions;

WHEREAS, there is a need to create or constitute the BDRRMC of this barangay

which is now a sub-committee under the Barangay Development Council performing
frontline tasks in every barangay aimed at providing policy response and operational efforts
to any types of disaster or emergency in accordance with the vision and mandate of
Republic Act No. 10121;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 10121 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) also provides for critical function of the BDRRMC as the counterpart of Local Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Office at the barangay level responsible for direction,
development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk reduction management
programs within the barangay;

NOW THEREFORE, I, GREGORIO D. SALEN, Punong Barangay of Labnig,

Paracale, Camarines Norte, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1.Composition. The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Committee (BDRRMC) of this barangay is hereby created/constituted to be composed of the
following, to wit:

Chairman : Gregorio D. SalenPunong Barangay

Members : Ariel D.Obog Barangay Kagawad
: Cesar M.Villaspin Barangay Kagawad
: Feleciano Garamay Barangay Kagawad
: Ma.Belinda S. IbisPrincipal – MECS
: Raul D.Obog Chief – Barangay Police
: Salve Y.Moya Barangay Day Care Worker
: Benny Rivera Barangay Health Worker
:Lorenzo Nano NGO representative
: Maricel D.Rivera NGO representative
:Dalmacio Laraya NGO representative
: Jolina S. Garamay Youth representative

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Section 2.Functions. The committee shall perform the following duties and responsibilities,
to wit:

a) Formulate the Annual Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan and
ensure its inclusion in the Barangay Development Plan;
b) Conduct disaster risk reduction and management orientations and trainings;
c) Establish a Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operation Center;
d) Conduct damage assessment and needs analysis after calamity;
e) Submit report to MDRRMC on the extent of damage brought about by the calamity
based on the assessment conducted and the action taken/recommendation thereof
for their information and action;
f) Perform other duties and functions required for functionality in pursuance of
Republic Act No. 10121.

Section 3.Secretariat. The Barangay Secretary shall provide secretariat services to the
committee and to be able to provide such appropriate services to the committee, the
Barangay Secretary may enlist the assistance of other members of the committee to assist
him in his functions.

Section 4.Meetings. To effectively undertake the performance of its duties and functions, the
BDRRMC shall meet at least once every quarter or as often necessary or upon the directive
of the BDC chairperson.
The exact date and venue of the meeting shall be at the discretion of the BDRRMC

Section 5.Funding. The Barangay Government shall provide annually the five percent (5%)
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF), formerly known as
Calamity Fund, pursuant to Republic Act No. 10121 which shall be planned and appropriated
by the BDRRMC, subject to the approval of BDC, for disaster preparedness, mitigation,
prevention, response and rehabilitation and other related programs and projects and
activities as well as for administrative requirements of the BDRRMC to ensure and sustain
its functionality, taking into consideration the limitation under Section 21 of RA 10121.

Section 6.Application of the Relevant Laws and Issuances. All provisions in Republic Act
10121, its implementing rules and regulations, and other issuances related to the Local
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils and local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office at the barangay level shall be applied and shall form part of this order.

Section 7.Effectivity. This order shall take effect immediately.

ISSUED this ________, 2017 at Barangay Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte,



Punong Barangay

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Camarines Norte
Municipality of Paracale
Barangay Labnig


Greeting of Peace !

I am pleased to present the 2017 State of Barangay Report which contains the
performance of Barangay Labnig along the 5 performance areas namely
;Governance ;Administration; Social Service ; Economic Development and
Environmental Management.

This report shall serve as the basis in the formulation of programs, projects and
activities that are responsive to the needs of our constituens,it will serve as
reference in crafting the Barangay Agenda as embodied in the Barangay
Development Plan ,

This report also aims to strengthen the partnership of the Barangay with the higher
local Government Units LGU’s National Government Agencies NGA’s,Non
Governmental Organizations NGO’s and stakeholders as it presents a vivid picture of
the development condition of the Barangay .Above all ,it aims to increase awareness
of the residents on the state of the Barangay ,so that they become more involved
and participative in Barangay affairs.

Lastly,en behalf of the officialdom of our barangay ,may I congratulate and thank the
Department of Interior and Local Government DILG in coming up with the
Barangay Performance Management System BGPMS which will pave the way for
the establishment of the state of governance of the barangay,

May the Almighty God bless Us!

Punong Barangay

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Existing DRRM-CCA related Policies/ Guidelines/


* Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Training

* Barangay Roll out of CCDRRM

* Womens and Child Protection Training

*First Aid and Basic life Support Training Emergency & Rescue Responder

*Drrm Planning workshop and Early Warning System Siminar

*DRRM Drill

* Enhancement of P3DM

*DRRMC Rewiew and Plan Enchancement Meeting

*Collaborative Planning in reographic Information System Effective on DRR


*Barangay Roll Out Multi Sectoral Training on Child Centered Disaster

Risk Reduction and Management and Integration to local Plans.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Table of Contents
Existing MOUs (DRRM related)
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Definition of Terms
Executive Summary
1. Barangay Profile
1.1 Population and Social Services
1.2 Local Economy
1.3 Infrastructure and Physical Database
1.4 Environmental Management and Natural Resources
2. Institutional (LDRRMC and LDRRMO Structure)
3. Risk Profile
3.1 Hazard Identification
3.2 Exposure to Hazards
3.2.1 Bagyo
3.2.2 Storm Surge
3.3 Vulnerabilities and Capacities
Message from the Punong Barangay
Existing DRRM-CCA related Policies/Guidelines/Resolutions
4. Thematic Area Plan
4.1 Thematic Area 1: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
4.2 Thematic Area 2: Disaster Preparedness
4.3 Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response
4.4 Thematic Area 4: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
4.5 Summary of Cost Requirement
5. Annexes
5.1 DRRM-CCA Related Trainings Conducted
5.2 Contingency Plans
5.3 Directory
6. References

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Acronyms and Abbreviations

BDC Barangay Development Council

BDCC Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council
BDRRMC Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
BHW Barangay Health Worker
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CDP Center for Disaster Preparedness
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
DRRM-CCA Disaster Risk Reduction and Management-Climate Change Adaptation
LDRRMC Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
LDRRMO Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
LGU Local Government Unit
NGO Non-Government Organization
P3DM Participatory 3-Dimensional Mapping
PAR Philippine Area of Responsibility
PGS Philippine Geographical Society
PO Peoples Organization
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
BNS Barangay Nurtition Scholar
DCW Day Care Worker
BCPC Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
BADAC Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Definition of Terms (Section 3 of DRRM Act or RA


a combination of all strengths and resources available within a

Capacity community, society or organization that can reduce the level of
risk, or effects of a disaster.

Civil Society non-state actors whose aims are neither to generate profits nor to
Organizations or seek governing power. CSOs unite people to advance shared
CSOs goals and interests.

a change in climate that can' be identified by changes in the mean

and/or variability of its properties and that persists for an extended
Climate Change
period typically decades or longer, whether due to natural
variability or as a result of human activity.

a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at
Disaster Risk
risk communities are actively engaged in the identification,
Reduction and
analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in
Management or
order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.

a management process that analyzes specific potential events or

Contingency emerging situations that might threaten society or the environment
Planning and establishes arrangements in advance to enable timely,
effective and appropriate responses to such events and situations.

a serious disruption of the functiomng of a community or a

society mvolving widespread human, material, economic or
Disaster environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of
the affected community or society to cope using its own

the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and

related disasters. Mitigation measures encompass engineering
Disaster Mitigation
techniques and hazard-resistant constr uction as well as impr
oved environmental policies and public awareness.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

the knowledge and capacities developed by governments,

Disaster professional response and recovery organizations, communities
Preparedness and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover
from, the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or

the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related

Disaster Prevention

the provision of emergency services and public assistance during

or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce
Disaster Response
health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic
subsistence needs of the people affected.

the potential disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihood,

Disaster Risk assets and services, which could occur to a particular community
or a society over some specified future time period.

the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through

systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of
Disaster Risk
disasters, mcluding through reduced exposures to hazards,
lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management
of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for
adverse events.

the systematic proce ss of using administra tive directives,

Disaster Risk orga nizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement
Reduction and strategies, policies and improved coping capacities in order to
Management lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of

the set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely

and meaningful warning infor m ation to enable individ uals, com
Early Warning
m unities and organizations threatened by a hazard to prepare
and to act appropriately and in sufficient time to reduce the
possibility of harm or loss.

unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger, demanding

immediate action.

the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience

hazard events of different magnitudes.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition

that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property
damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage.

the process undertaken by public authorities to identify, evaluate

and decide on different options for the use of land, including
consideration of long-term economic, social and environmental
Land-Use Planning
objectives and the implications for different communities and
interest groups, and the subsequent formulation and promulgation
of plans that describe the permitted or acceptable uses.

structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the

adverse impact of natural hazards, environmental degradation,
and technological hazards and to ensure the ability of at-risk com
m unities to address vulnerabilities aimed at minimizing the impact
of disasters. Such measures include, but are not limited to,
hazard-resistant construction and engineering works, the
formulation and implementation of plans, programs, projects and
activities, awareness raising, knowledge management, policies on
land-use and resource management, as well as the enforcement
of comprehensive land-use planning, building and safety
standards, and legislation

National Disaster the document to be formulated and implemented by the Office

Risk Reduction and of Civil Defense (OCD) that sets out goals and specific
Management Plan objectives for reducing disaster risks together with related
or NDRRMP actions to accomplish these objectives.

pre-disaster actions and measures being undertaken within the

context of disaster risk reduction and management and are based
on sound risk analysis as well as pre-disaster activities to avert or
Preparedness minimize loss of life and property such as, but not limited to,
community organizing, training, planning, equipping, stockpiling,
hazard mapping, insuring of assets, and public information and
education initiatives.

measures that ensure the ability of affected communities/areas to

restore their normal level of functioning by rebuilding livelihood
and damaged infrastructures and increasing the communities'
organizational capacity.

the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards

to resist, absorb, accommodate and recover from the effects of a
hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the
preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures
and functions.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

any concerted effort by two (2) or more agencies, public or

private, to provide assistance or intervention during or
Response immediately after a disaster to meet the life preservation and
basic subsistence needs of those people affected and in the
restoration of essential public activities and facilities.

the combination of the probability of an event and its negative


a methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by

analyzing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of
Risk Assessment vulnerability that together could potentially harm exposed people,
property, services, livelihood and the environment on which they

the process of formally or informally shifting the financial

consequences of particular risks from one party to another
whereby a household, community, enterprise or state authority will
Risk Transfer
obtain resources from the other party after a disaster occurs, in
exchange for ongoing or compensatory social or financial benefits
provided to that other party.

a condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to

property, disruption of means of livelihoods, roads and normal
State of Calamity
way of life of people in the affected areas as a result of the
occurrence of natural or human-induced hazard.

development that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

the char acteristics and circumstances of a community, system or

asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard.

Vulnerable and those that face higher exposure to disaster risk and poverty
Marginalized including, but not limited to, women, children, elderly, differently-
Groups abled people, and ethnic minorities.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Executive Summary

Sang-ayon sa Republic Act 10121 o ang “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act of 2010”, ang bawat pamahalaang lokal ay inaatasan na magkaroon ng
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (LDRRMC). Ang LDRRMC ang
siyang magtatalaga ng direksyon, debelopment, implementasyon at koordinasyon ng
pangkabuuang programa ukol sadisaster risk reduction and management sa kanilang

Napagkasunduan ng lokal na pamahalaan ng Brgy. Labnig, Paracale na buuin ang kanilang

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (BDRRMC) at ipatupad ang
kanilang Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program alinsunod sa mandato ng RA
10121. Susundin nito ang pambansang balangkas sa DRRM (Figure___) na magsisilbing
pangunahing gabay sa kanilang pagpapatupad ng mga gawaing pang-DRRM.

Disaster Preparedness Disaster Response

Strengthen Capacities of Provide life preservation and meet
communities to anticipate, cope the basic subsistence needs of
and recover the negative affected population during or
impacts of disaster. immediately after a disaster.



Disaster Prevention & Disaster Rehabilitation & Recovery

Mitigation Restore and improve facilities,
Avoid hazards and mitigate their livelihood and living conditions and
potential impacts by reducing organizational capacities of the
vulnerabilities and exposure and affected communities, and reduce
enhancing capabilities of disaster risk in accordance with the
communities. “Building Back Better” Principle.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

1. Barangay Profile

Geographical Location

Ang Brgy. Labnig ay isa sa 27 barangay na bumubuo sa bayan ng Paracale, Camarines

Norte. Ito ay isang coastal barangay na matatagpuan sa 122.89”N at 14.25”E at
napapaligiran sa hilaga ng Malaguit Bay; sa silangan ng Brgy. Bacal; sa timog ng Brgy.
Mangkasay; at sa kanluran ng Brgy. Malaguit. Ito ay may 2 ½ kilometro ang layo mula sa
Poblacion at mahigit-kumulang 12 kilometro ang layo mula sa national road na mas kilala
bilang Maharlika Highway. Ang Brgy. Labnig ay may kabuuang sukat na 596 hektarya at
binubuo ng tatlong purok: Purok 1;Purok 2; at Purok 3.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

River System

Ang mga pangunahing ilogna matatagpuan sa barangay ay ang Paracale River at Malaguit
River. Ang mga ito ay tumatawid sa mga barangay ng Palanas, Poblacion Norte, Poblacion
Sur, Tugos, Bagumbayan, Malaguit, Labnig, Tawig, Talusan, Mangkasay, Calaburnay,
Pinagbyaran Malaki at Dagang. Ilan pa sa mga ilog na matatagpuan sa barangay ay
kinabibilangang ng Magsimalo River, Batobalani River at ilan pang mga tributaries. Ang mga
nasabing river systems ay ginagamit ng mga mamayan para sa kanilang pangangailangang
domestic, komersyal, pang-industriya, agricultural, kanal, at ara sa transportasyon.

Climate and Wind Conditions

Ang Brgy. Labnig ay kabilang sa mga napapaloob sa Second Type na klasipikasyon ng

klima na umiiral sa Pilipinas. Ito ay nailalarawan sa pamamagitan ng pagkakaroon ng
walang natatanging dry seasonat may pronounced maximum na pagulan mula Nobyembre
hangang Disyembre. Ang kondisyong tag-ulan ay nabibilang sa kategoryang ‘A’ (wet). Sa
ilalim ng kategoryang ito, ang lugar ay nakararanas ng pagulan sa kabuuan ng taon at
mayroong hindi hihigit sa 1 ½ dry month.

Sangayon sa PAGASA at Daet Radar Stationang bilis ng hangin na nararanasan ng

barangay at ng natitirang bahagi ng Paracale ay nasa 1.70 kilometro bawat oras sa panahon
ng buwan ng buwan ng Disyembre at 3.90 kilometro bawat oras samga buwan ng Abril,
Mayo, Hunyo, Agosto, at Setyembre. Ito ay karaniwang tumatakbo sa direksyon ng Hilagang
Silangan saTimog Kanluran.

1.1 Population and Social Services

Sang-ayon sa datos ng mga Barangay Health Workers (BHW) sa barangay, mayroong

kabuuang 124 na households sa Labnig. Ang bawat household ay may average na 2
hanggang 11 na miyembro. Noong November 2017,ang populasyon ng barangay ay
umaabot sa 687, na binubuo ng 340 na lalaki at 347 na babae ..

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Table 1: Population by Purok


50 32 42 124
MALE 141 99 100 340
FEMALE 110 105 132 347
TOTAL 251 204 232 687

1.2 Local Economic

Noong unang panahon ,ang baryong nabuo sa katimugang bahagi ng Malaguit
malapit sa tabing dagat ,na ma sukat na humigit kumulang sa limang daang ektarya.

Sa ilalaim ng pamamahala ng mga kastila ang kalsada ay isinaayos mula sa Barangay

Labnig hanggang Matango Vinzons, kung kaya’t nahikayat ang mga taong manirahan dito.
Nilinang nila ang mga lupain at sila ay nagtanim ng maraming puno ng niyog at palay at iba
pa, at ang iba naman ay nahikayat sa pangingisda at pagmimina.Sa kasalukuyan ang
Barangay Labnig ay may kabuuang populasyong 687 at ang pangunahing hanapbuhay dito
ay ang pangingisda, pagsasaka, pagmimina

1.3 Infrastructure and Physical base

 Social infrastructure (churches, health centers, schools)
 Economic support infrastructure (road, water system, power)
 Administrative support infrastructure (brgy hall,bgy. Police Outpost, Day Care Center,
covered court

1.4 Environmental Management and Natural Resources

 Natural Resources (maraming puno ng niyog at mga bungang kahoy tulad ng manga, santol
at iba pa, sa mga pananim naman ay maraming uri ng gulay tulad ng ampalaya, talong,
sitaw, okra, sili at marami pang iba at sa mga hayop naman ay marami rin ang nag-aalaga ng
mga baboy, kalabaw, baka at iba pang mga hayop, sa yamang dagat ay marami kaming
nahuhuling isda, alimango at iba pang uri ng lamang dagat
 Sa sistema ng basura, ang mga dahon at mga sanga ng mga punong kahoy ay ibinabaon
ganun din ang mga hindi nabubulok na basura.
 Sa kasalukuyan ang pagmimina dito ay may exploration na isinasagawa at may ilang minero
na nagtratrabaho dito.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

2. Institutional (LDRRMC and LDRRMO structure)

Ayon sa RA 10121, ang Barangay Disaster Coordinating Councils (BDCC) ay

papalitan na ng BDRRMC na siyang magiging pangunahing konseho na
responsable sa DRRM sa lebel ng barangay. Sang-ayon sa Seksyon 12 ng RA
10121, ang BDRRMC “shall be responsible for setting the direction,
development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk management
programs within their territorial jurisdiction.”Sa parehong batas, ang konseho na
ito ay pangungunahan ng Punong Barangay, kasama ang iba’t -ibang komite at
kabibilangan din ng hindi bababa sa dalawang Civil Society Organization (CSO)
ng mga pinaka-marginalized at mga bulnerableng sektor sa barangay. Ang
BDRRMC ay magiging regular na miyembro ng Barangay Development Council

Ayon sa Seksyon 4 ng RA 10121, ang mga sumusunod ang ilan sa mga angunahing
gawain ng konseho:

a. Approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the LDRRMPs and annually review,
test and develop the pan consistent with other national and local planning programs;
b. Ensurethe integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local
development plans, programs and budgets as strategy in sustainable development and
poverty reduction;
c. Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local residents. If
necessary; and
d. Convene the local council as provided by the Act and these Rules.

Punong Barangay

Member Member
Civil Society Representative of
Barangay Kagawad
Organizations the Congressman

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Upang isagawa ang mga plano, ang BDRRMC ay kinakailangan na magkaroon ng iba’t-
ibang komite na siyang mangunguna sa pagpapatupad ng mga Gawain ng konseho.

Punong Barangay

Disaster Operation

Preparedness/ Emergency
Mitigation Response

Security Rescue

Supply Medical

Transportation Evacuation

Communication Relief

Warning Damage control

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Table 2: Barangay DRRM Committees

Committee Tasks & Functions Chairperson Members

Security  Secure all entrances and exits and allows only Rudy Rivera Raul Obog
aauthorized persons to enter the community Rizal Adante
premises in times of emergency.
 Ensures the safety of building, residential
occupants, documents, equipment and other
properties from undesirable elements.
Search and  Ensures that the community is cleared of Domingo Raul Obog
Rescue casualties during actual emergencies Balutan Enrique
 Extricates person who get trapped or injured Marmolejo
during emergencies and administers the
necessary first aid care
 Sees to it that first aid kits are stationed in
strategic places and ready for use at all times.
 * Participate in first aid and rescue trainings to
enhance knowledge and skills in responding to
Medical  *Conducts basic first aid and cardio- Feleciano Merlyn
pulmonaryresuscitation Garamay Clacio
 * Organizesa medical team for the search and Benny
rescue Rivera
Transportation  Ensures ready availability of vehicles and Lenroll Rizal
facilitatestransport of injured victims to the Tagalogon Adante
nearest hospital or medical facility. Samuel
 Coordinates with appropriate agencies for Reambillo
vehicle in the event of actual emergencies
 Maintains easy flow of traffic to facilitate smooth
operations during emergencies
 *Coordinates with law enforcers on security and
traffic matters
Communication  *Provide information to the public of any Domingo All Brgy
forecasted calamity and their immediate Balutan Official
response to it All Brgy
 *Activates the warning system and calls the Purok
appropriate agencies for assistance whenever Leader
emergency strikes
 *Ensures that all constituents of the community
understand warning signals.
 Maintains inventory of personnel, their
addresses, contact numbers and
otherinformation for immediate reference.
 *Posts near telephone units, phone numbers of
fire and police departments, rescue groups,
private and public hospitals and others for easy

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Evacuation  Organize the evacuees for evacuation, mobilize Cesar Necelito

and placement of evacuees to evacuation Villaspin Saynes
center. Noli Gadil
 Identifies and designates primary and alternate
evacuation areas
 *Ensure the safe and orderly movement of
people in the community to the designated
evacuation area.
 Take charge in the evacuation/salvaging of all
equipment, documents and other properties of
the evacuation center i.e. school during
 Sees to it that the center equipment, documents
and other properties are properly tagged with
identification labels according to evacuation

Relief  Undertake the orderly distribution of relief goods Rogelio Joseph

Operations and other life support equipments. Oana Obog
Damage  Monitors and evaluates damages after a Gregorio Ariel Obog
Assessment disaster strikes D.Salen Cesar
 Require s damage report from the barangay for Villaspin
proper consolidation.
 Submits report to the higher level
Supply &  Organize, prepare and mobilize resources for Rogelio Joseph
Logistics relief, clearing, rescue and other operations. Oana Obog
Warning &  Responsible for the activation of early warning Domingo All Brgy
Monitoring system ( device & signal) Balutan
 Regularly monitor the status of the disaster
situation and ensure that all the committees are
doing their tasks and above all ensure that
vulnerable sectors especially the children are
safe and well taken care of.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

3. Risk Profile

3.1 Bulnerabilidad at kapasidad (Vulnerabilities and capacities)

Upang mas maging mahusay ang pag-aaral ng mga bantang panganib at risk (o risgo) sa
barangay Labnig, nagsagawa ng Participatory 3-Dimensional Mapping (P3DM) sa barangay
noong 2015. Ang P3DM activity ay buhat sa koordinasyon ng lokal na pamahalaan, Center
for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), UP Department of Gegraphy at UNICEF, at nilahukan ng
iba’t-ibang sektor sa barangay. Nagkaroon ng pag-uupdate sa P3DMap noong taong2017
na pinangunahan ngPhilippine Geographical Soceity (PGS), CDP, UNICEF at
BarangayCouncil ng Labnig.


Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Sa nabuong mapa ng barangay, inilapat ng mga kalahok ang mga sumusunod na bantang
panganib sa mapa:

1. Bagyo
2. Baha
3. Storm Surge
4. Landslide

Ayon sa mga kalahok, ang buong barangay ng Labnig ay maaaring maharap sa mga
bantang panganib na ito. Sumasang-ayon ito sa mga mapa ng bantang panganib mula sa
datos ng Project NOAH at PHIVOLCS (seksyon hanggang Ang mga lugar
na mas mababa sa 10 metro naman ay inilagay sa mapa upang ipakita ang mga mababang
lugar na maaaring abutin ng pagbaha, storm surge o tsunami (figure x).

Isang nakakabahalang sitwasyon sa maraming komunidad sa Pilipinas sa harap ng bantang

panganib ay ang mga iba’t ibang salik ng bulnerabilidad. Ang bulnerabilidad ay tumutukoy sa
mga katangian ng tao, komunidad at ng buong lipunan na nagsisilbing kahinaan sa harap ng
bantang panganib. Kung kaya naman, sa literatura ng pag-aaral ng kalamidad, ang
pagkakaroon ng mga kapansanan at pisikal na kakanyahan ng tao (halimbawa pagiging
matanda, bata, PWD, atbp.) ay direktang dahilan upang ang isang tao ay higit na
maapektuhan ng bantang panganib. Gayundin, ang kahirapan at iba pang problemang
panlipunan ay dahilan upang mas maapektuhan ang maraming tao sa panahon ng
kalamidad. Halimbawa, ang kahirapan ay nagdudulot ng malnourishment sa mga bata at
kawalan ng maayos na bahay, na sya namang dahilan upang mas maging apektado sila ng

Bunsod ng nagawang P3DM sa barangay, natukoy ng mga lumahok ang mga bulnerableng
sektor gayundin ang mga kapasidad na mayroon sa Labnig. Partikular sa mga mga natukoy
na bulnerable ang mga sektor na base sa kanilang karanasan ng kalamidad ay kailangang
tutukan at bigyan ng tulong. Sa kabilang banda, ang mga natukoy na kapasidad ang mga
itinuturing ng mga taga-Labnig na maaaring magbigay ng agarang tulong sa oras ng
kalamidad. Ang mga ito ay nakatala sa Table 3 at Table 4.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Table 3; Vulnerable population per purok


0 – 5 Years Old 30 21 23 74
6-17 Years Old 109 75 99 283
PWD 5 1 0 6
Senior Citizen 15 25 12 52
Pregnant 1 1 0 2
Solo Parent 7 4 3 14
OSY 8 0 1 9
4Ps 20 16 19 55
Malnourished 1 2 0 3

Table 4; Capacity count per purok


Brgy. Officials 3 2 3 8
Tanod 2 5 3 10
Midwife 0 0 0 0
Motor 24 20 4 48
2-way Radio 4 0 1 5
Boat 5 5 8 18
Solar Panel 0 2 0 2
Professionals 1 4 2 7
Purok Leaders 1 1 1 3

Base rin sa nakolektang datos ng mga health workers ng barangay Labnig, makikita sa
mapa at sa nabuong Barangay Disaster Database (Annex) na maraming mga myembro ng
komunidad at pamilya ang maituturing na bulnerable at mas lantad sa mga bantang
panganib. Makikita sa figure x ang mga maliliit na pushpin na hugis bilog na representasyon
ng mga myembro ng pamilya o komunidad na may pisikal na limitasyon dahil sa pagiging
bata, matanda, buntis at pagkakaroon ng kapansanan.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Ipinapakita din ng mapa ang kaugnayan ng mga bulnerabilidad na ito sa mga bantang
panganib at kung ano ang implikasyon nito sa pangkalahatang kalagayan ng barangay sa
harap ng bantang panganib. Sa scale o lebel ng pamilya (household scale), ang isang
mahirap na pamilya na nakatira sa bahay na yari sa light materials (kulay pula na pushpin)
at may mga myembro na matanda, malnourished na bata, at buntis (maliliit na pushpin na
iba’t iba ang kulay sa mapa) ay masasabing mas mahina sa harap ng panganib. At kung ang
mga pamilya at kabahayan na ito ay nasa lokasyon na kung saan ay naaapektuhan ng mga
bantang panganib tulad ng pagbaha (halimbawa tabing ilog), storm surge (halimbawa tabing
dagat), atbp., sila ay maituturing na nahaharap sa mas matinding epekto ng kalamidad.
Importante rin na ikonsedera ang mga kabuhayan ng tao na madalas ay apektado ng mga
bantang panganib at may direktang epekto sa bilis o tagal ng pagbangon mula sa

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Bukod sa pagtukoy sa pisikal na bulnerabildad ng mga tao, mahalaga rin na Makita ang iba
pang aspeto ng kanilang pagiging lantad sa mga bantang panganib, tulad ng pag-analisa sa
mga kabahayan na kanilang tinitirahan. Ang mga construction materials na ginamit sa mga
bahay ay nagbibigay rin ng kalantaran sa mga mapanirang dulot ng kalamidad, halimbawa,
ang mga bahay na gawa sa light materials ay mas delikado kumpara sa mga konkretong
bahay lalo na kung bagyo at storm surge ang paguusapan. Sa Labnig, 105 (69% sa
kabuuan) ang bilang ng mga kabahayan na gawa sa light materials. Base sa nagawang
P3DM, natukoy ang kalahatan ng mga kabahayan sa barangay (Table 5

Table 5; House type count per purok

CONCRETE 15 12 10 37
TOTAL 50 32 42 124

3.2 Pagtukoy ng mga bantang panganib (hazard identification)

Ang barangay Labnig ay maaaring maapektuhan ng iba’t-ibang bantang. Ang mga ito ay
maaaring kabilang sa mga bantang panganib na dulot ng klima at panahon (climate-related
hazards), mula sa mga prosesong heolohikal (geologic hazards), dulot ng tao, o maaring
mula sa kapaligiran. Nakalista sa TABLE 6 ang iba’t ibang bantang panganib na mayroon
sa barangay.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Table 3Mga bantang panganib sa Barangay Labnig

Uri ng Bantang Panganib Mga Bantang Panganib

 Bagyo (kasama ang malakas na hangin at sobrang
Dulot ng klima o panahon  Storm Surge
 Baha
 La Niña (Sobrang pag-ulan na tuloy-tuloy)
 El Niño (Pangmatagalang tag-init
 Lindol
Dulot ng prosesong heolohikal  Tsunami
 Pagbaba ng lupa (land subsidence)
Dulot ng tao Sunog
Mula sa kapaligiran Dengue

Ang mga bantang panganib sa barangay ay bunga ng iba’t ibang salik tulad ng (1) lokasyon
ng barangay, (2) natural na mga proseso, (3) nagbabagong klima, at mga (4) gawain ng tao.
Ang unang dalawang dahilan na nabanggit ay nagpapahiwatig na dati o matagal ng
nangyayari ang mga bantang panganib na ito sa barangay at mga katabing lugar bago pa
man ang pagkakaroon ng komunidad at paglaki ng populasyon ng barangay. Katunayan,
ang mga iba’t ibang lugar sa Pilipinas ay hindi ligtas sa mga nabanggit na iba’t ibang
bantang panganib. Sa kabilang banda, ang pagbabagong klima at mga gawain ng tao na
may direktang epekto sa katangian ng mga bantang panganib ay maaaring tukuyin na
pangunahing dahilan ng paglakas o pagtindi ng epekto ng mga bantang panganib.

Anuman ang mga dahilan ng pagkakaroon ng mga bantang panganib na ito, ang mahalaga
ay mapanghandaan ang mga ito sa pamamagitan ng pagkolekta ng mga impormasyon na
magagamit sa mahusay at epektibong pagpaplano. Ang susunod na bahagi ay nakatuon sa
presentasyon at paglalarawan ng mga iba’t ibang bantang panganib base sa mga hazard
maps mula sa gobyerno at mga impormasyon na mula sa mapa na ginawa ng mga tao sa

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

3.3 Pagkalantad sa mga bantang panganib (exposure to hazards)

Ang Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (Project NOAH) ng Department of

Science and Technology(DOST) ay nagsagawa ng pagmamapa ng mga pangunahing
bantang panganib na nakakaapekto sa maraming lugar sa bansa. Kabilang sa mga
panganib na ito ay ang (1) pagbabaha, (2) storm surge at (3) paguho ng lupa. Maaaring
bisitahin ang website na para karagdagang impormasyon sa
Project NOAH.

Kung titingnan ang mga datos, ilan sa mga bantang panganib na nararanasan sa Brgy.
Labnig ang bagyo, pagbaha, storm surge at landslide.

3.3.1 Bagyo
May average na 20 bagyo ang nararanasan sa loob ng Philippine Area of Responsibility
(PAR) at lima ditto ay maaring ituring na mapanira sa mga tuntunin ng lakas, saklaw ng
coverage, at nasira na mga buhay at ari-arian. Ang mga weather disturbancesna ito ay
maaaring lubos na makaapekto sa lokalidad kung ikukunsidera ang kahinaan ng komunidad
sa tropical depression, tropical storm, at bagyo depende sa kategorya ng klima at kondisyon
ng panahon.

Bilang bansa na ang heograpiya ay matatagpuan sa loob ng Pacific Ring of Fire atPacific
region kung saan ang mga bayo ay karaniwang nagsisimula sa isang mababang presyon ng
lugar kung saan ay maaaring bumuo sa isang depression o isang bagyo. Nakatala sa Table
7 ang ilan sa mga mapanirang weather disturbances na nakaapekto sa populasyon,
imprastruktura, at ekonomiya ng Bicol Region, kabilang sa lalawigan ng Camarines Norte,
Bayan ng Paracale at Barangay Labnig.

Table 7 Weather Disturbances/Typhoon Events: 43 Typhoons 1998-2011

Affected Effects on Housing/Properties/Livelihood

Event Population
Date Residential Gov’t Building Livelihood & Agriculture
Death Injury Partially Totally Partially Totally Farmers Fishermen Animals Crops
ITCZ 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0
Typho 100% of 1
on 1995 3 10 residential (elem 100% 100% 71
Rosing houses school)

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

3.3.2 Pagbabaha

Ayon sa datos ng Project NOAH tungkol sa pagbabaha, ang Labnig ay maaaring

maapektuhan ng 3 antas o taas ng baha: (1) matingkad na asul na ibig sabihin ay lampas
1.5 meter na pagbaha, (2) asul para sa 0.5 hanggang 1.5 metro na pagbaha, at mapusyaw
na dilaw para sa hindi lalampas na 0.5 metro na pagbaha.

Kung susuriin sa mapa ng pagbabaha( Map__), ang timog-kanlurang bahagi ng barangay

aymaaaring maapektuhan ng pagbaha na higit sa 1.5 metro. Mas mababa naman sa 0.5
metro na pagbaha ang pwedeng makaapekto sa gitnang bahagi ng barangay. Ganunpaman,
ang mga pangunahing institusyong pang publiko tulad ng barangay hall at eskwelahan
kasama na ang mga pangunahing kalsada ay hindi apektado ng mga pagbaha. Iilan lamang
din sa kabahayan ang maaaring maapektuhan ng pagbaha na may taas na lampas sa 0.5

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Mapa 1: 100-year flood map o senaryo ng pagbaha saLabnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Kung pagbabasehan ang topograpiya at mga anyong lupa at tubig ng barangay at ng mga
karatig lugar nito, ang pagbabaha sa lugar ay maaaring idulot ng (1) malakas na ulan, (2)
pag-apaw ng tubig mula sa kalapit na ilog dala ng ulan sa kabundukan na syang supply ng
tubig sa ilog, (3) at pagpasok ng tubig mula sa dagat dahil sa high-tide. Ang senaryo kung
saan magsasabay-sabay ang 3 dahilan ng pagbaha na ito ay maaaring mababa subalit hindi
imposibleng mangayari.

Ayon sa Project NOAH, ang senaryo na ito ng pagbaha sa Barangay Labnig ay may tsansa
na 1% lamang kada-taon. Ito ay maaaring mangyari lamang kung may malakas na pag-ulan
na dulot ng bagyo o La Nina na magpapabaha sa lugar na dadagdagan pa ng pag-apaw ng
ilog at pagpasok ng tubig alat. Bagama’t napakababa ng tsansa na ito, inaasahang magiging
mas madalas ito sa mga susunod na panahon dahil sa epekto ng pagbabagong klima
(climate change) na syang magpapatindi ng pag-ulan. Base sa pag-aaral ng PAGASA
noong 2011, kung hindi magbabago ang kasalukuyang takbo ng pagbabago ng panahon,
mas dadami ang mga araw na may matinding ulan at init (extreme precipitation and heat) na
lagpas sa kinasanayan (reference).

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Sang ayon sa isinagawang P3DM sa barangay, mayroong 10 kabahayan at 54 katao

kabuuang populasyon ng barangay) ang apektado sa pagbaha sa barangay. Ang summary
ng mga apektadong populasyon ay nakatala sa Table 8

Table 4: Population by

HOUSEHOLD 7 0 3 10
MALE 24 0 6 30
FEMALE 13 0 11 24
TOTAL 37 0 17 54

CONCRETE 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 6 1 3 10

0 – 5 Years Old 2 0 12 14
6-17 Years Old 18 0 7 25
PWD 0 0 0 0
Senior Citizen 0 0 0 0
Pregnant 0 0 0 0
Solo Parent 1 0 0 1
OSY 8 0 1 9
4Ps 3 0 1 4
Malnourished 1 2 0 3

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

3.3.3 Storm surge

Base sa nabuong mapa ng storm surge mula sa datos ng Project NOAH, malaking bahagi
ngbarangay ng Labnig ay maituturing na exposed o lantad sa panganib ng storm surge lalo
na sa panahon ng bagyo kung saan napakalakas ng pwersa ng hangin. Ang storm surge ay
maihahalintulad sa Tsunami. Ang kaibahan lamang sa storm surge ay ang hangin ang
pangunahing pwersa na magdadala ng tubig sa kalupaan sa halip na lindol na sya namang
dahilan ng Tsunami. Ang senaryo na pinapakita sa mapa ay tinatawag na Advisory 4 kung
saan ang inaasahang taas ng storm surge ay 5 metro o higit pa. Ang Advisory 1 hanggang 3
ay mas mababang taas ng storm surge.

Mapa 2: Advisory 4 storm-surge map o senaryo ng storm surge saLabnig, Paracale,

Camarines Norte

Mahalaga na maunawaan na ang storm surge ay bunga ng malakas na hangin na madalas

nararanasan sa panahon ng bagyo. Ang Bagyong Yolanda na naranasan sa kabisayaan ng
2013 ay nagdala ng storm surge na higit sa 5 metro o katumbas ng 2 palapag na gusali
(Lagmay, 2014). Ang mga kabahayan sa tabing dagat ang higit na apektado sapagkat mas
malakas ang pinagsamang pwersa ng hangin at tubig kapag mas malapit sa tabing dagat.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Napakadelikado rin ng mga lugar na malapit sa palayan sa bandang norte ng barangay

sapagkat maaaring pasukin ito ng tubig dagat. Kung titingnan ang mas malaking mapa, ang
palayan ay konektado sa kalapit na ilog sa bandang silangan.

Malaking bahagi ng barangay ang maapektuhan sa bantang panganib ng storm surge

(Mapa sa Taas____). Base sa P3DM ng barangay,124 kabahayan, 124 household ng
kabuuang household sa barangay) at 687 katao ng kabuuang populasyon sa barangay) ang
maapektuhan kung makakaranas ng storm surge na 5 metro ang barangay. Ang kabuuan ng
datos ng mga apektadong populasyon sa storm surge ay makikita sa Table

Table 51: Population exposed to storm surge per purok

HOUSEHOLD 50 42 32 124
MALE 141 99 100 340
FEMALE 110 105 132 347
TOTAL 261 204 232 687

Table 12 Household s exposed to storm surge per purok

CONCRETE 15 12 10 37
TOTAL 50 32 42 124

Table 13; Vulnerable sectors exposed to storm surge per purok

0 – 5 Years Old 30 21 23 74
6-17 Years Old 109 75 99 283
PWD 5 1 0 6
Senior Citizen 15 25 12 52
Pregnant 1 1 0 2
Solo Parent 7 4 3 14
OSY 8 0 1 9
4Ps 20 16 19 55
Malnourished 1 2 0 3

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

3.3.4 Landslide

Kung ikokonsidera ang topograpiya ng barangay, gayundin ang klase ng lupa nito at mga
gawain ng tao tulad ng pagmimina, maipapaliwanag kung bakit may mga bahagi sa
barangay na masasabing exposed sa landslide (Map ___). Gayunpaman, ang mga natukoy
na landslide-prone area sa barangay – at batay na rin sa mga karanasan ng mga taga-
barangay – ang mga ito ay hindi naman direktang nakakapekto sa mga kabahayan sa
barangay. Bagkus, mga agricultural at ilang bahagi sa kabundukan _____

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

4.1 Thematic Area: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation


1. Reduce vulnerability and exposure of communities to all hazards

2. Enhance capacities of Barangays to reduce their own risks and cope with the impacts of all hazards
3. Capacitate concerned member agencies for effective implementation of DRR plans and programs.

Table 4.1: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plans


Submit Health
Constructi BDRRMF +
Construction of Health Submit request resolutio Center DOH, MLGU,
on 3 Million other
Center resolution to DOH n 1st Complet BLGU
Ongoing sources
Quarter ed
Submit request
resolutio Follow- Other
Identify School Site resolution to DepEd Follow-up BLGU, MLGU 1 Million
n 1st up Agencies
and Prov’l Gov’t
BDRRMP prepared
Prepare BDRRMP Update Update Update BLGU, CDP BDRRMF
and approved
Construct CR Follow-
Submit resolution to 100%
 Day Care Center BLGU Completio 25,000.00
resolutio Affected HH Fund
 Household Request MLGU n
Risk and
Vulnerabilities &
BLGU & 6,000 (2,000
Conduct Risk Assessment Capacities Update Update Update BDRRMF
Volunteers annual)
Conducted (through

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

P3DM) every 6
Conducted capability
Conduct Re-echo
Conduct Capability building Re-echo
Training Training WEVOY 5,000.00 BDRRMF
Building  First aid Trainings
s s
 Rescue

4.2 Thematic Area: Disaster Preparedness


1. Increase the level of awareness of the community to the threats and impacts of all hazards, risks and vulnerabilities
2. Equip the community with the necessary skills to cope with the negative impacts of disasters
3. Increase the capacity of institutions
4. Develop and implement a comprehensive disaster preparedness policies, plans, and systems
5. Strengthen partnership among all key players and stakeholders
Table 4.2: Disaster Preparedness Plans


Water Safety Training
(Community)3 days 33,000.00
100 BLGU,
Trainings and Seminars training 10,000.00 BDRRMF
Proper waste
segregation and

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Proper hog raising
Procurement of DRR (10) life jackets
Equipment (10) rain coats
 EW Devices (10) cap lamp 100
BLGU 30,000.00 external
 Life-saving 50m rescue rope %
equipment (2) transistor radios
 Emergency vehicle rechargeable
EWS, tarpaulins
P3DM Pocket Map 100 CDP,PGS,UN CDP, PGS,
Stockpiling of relief goods 100
Relief Goods prepared BDRRMC 15,000.00 BDRRMF
and emergency supply %
Quarterly water testing Water tested quarterly Sanitary
Inspector/ DSWD
Feeding program
conducted for 100
Feeding program BLGU 10,000.00
malnourished children %
every six months
Concreting of Bgy. Road Tabas-Labnig MLGU MLGU
*Electrical installation
Improvement of Evacuation *Installation of water
center system
*Completion of EC

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

4.3 Thematic Area: Disaster Response


1. Decrease the number of preventable deaths and injuries

2. Provide basic subsistence needs of affected population
3. Immediately restore basic services.
Table 4:3Disaster Response Plans


Activation of Operation Operation Center
In case of disaster BDRRMC
Center Officer and
All affected families
Relief Distribution received relief In case of disaster BDRRMF
Designate or BDRRMC/
Search and Rescue Activate Search In case of disaster Search and
and Rescue Team Rescue Team
RDANA Immediately After Disaster
Team Committee

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

4.4 Thematic Area: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery


1. To restore people's means of livelihood and continuity of economic activities and business
2. To restore shelter and other buildings/installations
3. To reconstruct infrastructure and other public utilities
Table 4.4: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery Plans


Assisted affected
families (food,
DANA Per disaster BLGU
Conduct bayanihan
 Pruning of
trees &
Clearing Operation Per disaster BLGU
of waste
Conduct Bayanihan
 Street lights
 Drainage Fr.30% of
Repair of Public Facilities Per disaster BLGU
canal BDRRMF
 Water
Conduct Bayanihan
Assistance to affected Fr 30% of
 Distribution Per disaster BLGU
families BDRRMF
of light

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

materials to

3.4 DRRM-CCA Related Trainings conducted


Activity Date Participants Government
Agency/ NGO

3.5 Contingency Plans


3.6 Directory

3.7 References

JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) (2015). The disaster risk reduction and management capacity enhancement project.Office of
Civil Defense, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

Lagmay, AMF (2014). Devastating Storm Surges of Typhoon Yolanda.


Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
Brgy. Labnig, Paracale, Camarines Norte

Landsea, C., Goldenberg, S. (2012). “A: Basic Definitions”. In Dorst, Neal.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). 4.5. Atlantic Oceanographic and
Meteorological Laboratory. pp. A11: What is the ‘eye’?.

PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.) (2017).

PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.)(2011). Climate Change Scenarios in the
Philippines.PAGASA. Diliman, Quezon City.

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).Location of faults and earthquakes. Maps and database provided by
PHIVOLCS, Diliman, Quezon City.


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