Coupled Effects Between Damage and Permeability With A View To Discrete Modelling
Coupled Effects Between Damage and Permeability With A View To Discrete Modelling
Coupled Effects Between Damage and Permeability With A View To Discrete Modelling
Many authors have looked for predictive models of porous media permeability based
on the pore size distribution of the material. Pioneering work by Kozeny [1] related
the permeability to the porosity, to the tortuosity and to an average pore size and later
on Katz & Thompson [2] predicted the permeability from the electrical conductivity
of the porous material through a critical pores radius. There are also several studies in
which the pore size distribution was modeled, e.g. with a bimodal [3] or multimodal
distribution [4], and then entered into some capillary bundle model. Recently, models
for the calculation of the intrinsic permeability derived directly from the experimental
PSD, without any idealization have been also discussed [5]. Here, we shall follow this
approach which requires (i) to transform the pore size distribution into a hydraulic
network, and (ii) to solve the equations governing fluid flow once the hydraulic
network has been set.
As far as the porous network in the material is concerned, we shall use here a
description that is consistent with the Pore Size Distribution (PSD) characterization
technique used for this study, mercury intrusion. The pore network is not defined in
the material space, e.g. with a distribution of pores connected to each other following
a topological distribution characterised e.g. by microtomography, but rather following
a stochastic hierarchical bundle model. The technique yields a pore network, which
mimics the porous space measured experimentally.
Usually, analyses are restricted to the intrinsic permeability of the material and to the
evolution of the apparent permeability, with respect to the pressure gradient. Here,
the model is capable to provide estimates of the apparent permeability directly from
the pore size distribution and from the properties of the fluid. The intrinsic
permeability and the evolution of the apparent permeability with mean pressure are
provided by combining Darcy’s law [6], which represents the flow in the porous
media at the macroscale and a combination of Poiseuille [7] and Knudsen laws [8],
which represent respectively viscous flow and diffusion flow at the microscale. For
typical gases, the contributions of laminar flow and of Knudsen diffusion are of the
same order for pores of diameter in the range of a few hundred of nanometers [9].
Comparisons with experimental data on mortar specimens show that the model can
reproduce the intrinsic permeability and its evolution when the material is subjected
to mechanical damage, provided the pore size distributions are available at each level
of damage. For a given pore size distribution, the evolution of the apparent
permeability is also obtained, for several gases, and compares quite well with
experiments. The model provides also the condition of permeation of mixture of two
gases. Knudsen effect being different for each species, selective permeation is
obtained and preliminary comparisons with experiments are provided.
We consider here that the microstructure of the porous material consists in cylindrical
pores of different lengths and diameters. Assuming that the porous space has been
characterized in term of PSD by mercury intrusion technique, we may link, for each
pore size, the pore length to the pore volume fraction.
A simple assembling technique consists in distributing all the pores of a given size (or
interval of size) in parallel and in a regular manner, assuming that all pores have an
identical length corresponding to the cubic root of the total porous volume times the
tortuosity. Predictions of permeability based on such parallel assembly of pores have
been discussed in [5], and it was observed that tuning parameters were required in
order to obtain relevant results in term of apparent and intrinsic permeability. Large
pores drive the permeability and since the model assumes that they cannot be
connected to smaller ones, their effect on permeability has to be moderated.
We thus developed a different approach where the different pores sizes are organized
randomly within the material and are randomly connected to each other, while
satisfying the PSD description under the condition that a given pore may only be
connected to a smaller one.
Let Vt be the total porous volume, characterized by mercury intrusion, which may be
organized according to the PSD into a series of volumes ܸ of mean diameter ݀ .
Hence, we discretize the PSD into a finite set of pore diameters, ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ ǥ ݊. We
may now relate, for each pore size, the total pore length ܮ to the pore diameter ݀
and to the pore volume fraction ܸ assuming that pores are cylindrical:
ͶǤ ܸ
ܮ ൌ (1)
ߨǤ ݀ ଶ
This pore length is then cut into small segments of random length ¨Li (see Figure
1.a). Their assembly is performed from larger pores to smaller pores. Each pore
segment either creates a new assembling site (on which subsequent segment will be
connected) or is connected to an existing one of larger or equal size on an existing
assembling site (Figure 1.b). We then define the average pore length ܮ and a critical
length ܮ as
As soon as the sum of all pore segment lengths reaches the critical length on one
assembling site, further segments cannot be added anymore and the permeability of
the resulting capillary is estimated and added to the global permeability.
This random process is performed until the overall permeability does not change by
adding a new assembled capillary (with some specified tolerance). This criterion is
used to speed up the process: there is a huge amount of pore segments of very small
diameter but they do not contribute so much to the global permeability, which is
mostly driven by larger pores. As soon as this criterion is reached, the remaining
porosity is organized according to a parallel capillary bundle, each capillary being of
the same diameter. Their contribution is also taken into account in the global
In the hierarchical assembly forming the porous network, the random function that
decides if the current pore segment should be connected to an existing site or will
create a new site is weighted by the following exponential function:
݂ሺݔሻ ൌ ሺെ ሻ (3)
where x is the index of the current pore segment dealt with, ܣand ܤare parameters.
ܤcontrols the pore diameter from which new pore segments may be connected to
existing assembling sites. If the index x is lower than B, the current pore segment is
forced to create a new site. From the PSD in (Figure 2.a), the parameter B is chosen
in such a way it assures that the first 10000 low-pressure pore segments are forced to
create a new assembling site. Upon damage, if meaningful information appear in the
low-pressure part of the PSD, the number of pore segments characterized under low
pressure will increase and then they will be taken into account when x>B.
Parameter A controls the pore diameter from which new pore increments have almost
no chance to create a new assembling site. Therefore, it controls indirectly the time at
which the stochastic assembling of pore segments will start to be in parallel
deterministically. Since the transition between a random assembly and a deterministic
assembly is also driven by a criterion on the global permeability, the influence of
parameter A is not determinant if this last criterion is met first (which is the case in
our calculations).
where (ܲଵ ǡ ܲଶ ) are the upstream and downstream pressures respectively, ܳ௩ is the
volume of fluid estimated at the outlet pressure and ߤ is the fluid dynamic viscosity.
This classical expression relies on the assumption of laminar flow [7].
ܰ ͳ
ߣ ͳ ܴܶ (5)
ܰ ൌ ൌ൬ ൰
݀ ݀ ߨ ξʹ ݀ଶ ܰ௩ ܲ
where (ߣ, ݀ ,ܲ ) are the average free path, the molecule diameter and the average
pressure of the considered gas respectively, and (ܰ௩ ) is the Avogadro’s number.
When the Knudsen number is greater than one, the interaction between the walls of
the pore and the gas, at the molecular level, are dominant and the fluid flow is quite
different from Poiseuille’s flow. The volume of fluid per unit time passing in the pore
ߨ ݀ଷ ͺ ܴ ܶ οܲ
ܳ ൌ ඨሺ ሻ (6)
ͳʹ ܮ ߨ ܲ ܯଶ
ܭ οܲ ܲ
ܳ௩ ൌ ܵ (7)
ߤ ܮ ܲଶ
The apparent permeability has been measured by applying a pressure gradient and
measuring the radial gas flow through the sample (see e.g.[11]):
ܳ ߤ ܲ ሺܴଶ ሻ
ܭ ൌ ଵ (8)
ߨ݄ ሺܲଶ െ ଶ
ܲଶ ሻ
where ܳ is the gas volumetric flow, (݄ǡ ܴଶ ǡ ܴଵ ) are the sample height, outer and inner
diameters respectively and ሺܲ ǡ ܲଶ ) are the gas upstream and downstream pressure
respectively. Typically ܲଶ is the atmospheric pressure. In order to derive the intrinsic
permeability from experimental data, the approach of Klinkenberg [10] is applied:
ߚ (9)
ܭ ൌ ܭ ሺͳ ሻ
where ߚ is the coefficient of Klinkenberg, ܭ is the intrinsic permeability and ܲ is
the mean pressure.
After complete unloading, the middle part of the sample (15mm over 40mm) is cut
out in order to characterize the PSD. The PSD measurements has been performed by
mercury intrusion (Micromeritics–AutoPore IV). Figure 3 shows the evolution of
pore size distribution of different samples subjected to different mechanical damage
(from 0 to 12%). Initially, a peak at 150nm is observed with no porosity higher than
1000nm. As damage increases, a slight shift of the PSD is observed between 1000nm
and 3000nm. Moreover new porosity is created around 10000nm. This new porosity
leads to the increase of the intrinsic permeability of two orders of magnitude.
ones whatever the state of damage. Note that no tortuosity parameter has been
introduced in the model (tortuosity equals 1).
Fig. 5. Comparison between the model and the experimental results of apparent
permeabilities for N2 and He.
The model has been compared with experiments on mortar subjected to compression.
The theoretical model captures experimental trends very consistently. In addition, the
same model is also capable of predicting the permeability of the material to a
different gas, without any adjustment of the parameters.
This theoretical model can be extended to several cases, among which the
permeability to a mixture of gases is a first step. According to Poiseuille flow, the
separation of gases upon permeation through a porous material cannot occur. By
separation, we mean that the composition of the mixture measured upstream, before
entering the porous material, and downstream is not the same. Because Knudsen
effect depends on the molecular sizes of each species, separation will occur and will
depend on the relative amount of species. Hence, a deviation from the linear variation
of the downstream molar fractions with the change of composition of the mixture
upstream, obtained according to Poiseuille flow, is to be expected.
The experimental set-up has been modified in order to accommodate the case of a
mixture of two gases and the analysis of the composition of the mixture upstream and
downstream has been added. Figure 6 shows the case of He/CH4 mixture considered
as a test case. On the horizontal axis is plotted the molar fraction of He on the
upstream face of the specimen. On the vertical axis are plotted the molar fraction of
each gas downstream. Deviation from straight lines is due to Knudsen effect and
show that the porous material separates the gas components.
Financial supports from the European Research Council through the ERC advanced
grant Failflow (27769), and from the French Région Aquitaine through the grant
CEPAGE (20121105002) are gratefully acknowledged. F. Khaddour is grateful to the
Syrian Ministry of Higher Education for its support (13153/4/W).
Recent Experimental Results about the Basic Creep of Concretes andD New
Approach to Model It
Pierre Rossi
- To stop considering that the total strain under creep loading can be
considered as the sum of the strain related to self-drying shrinkage and
the strain related to basic creep. This decomposition has no physical
- To stop considering that the basic creep in tension is identical to the
basic creep in compression.
- To take into account the volume effects related to the basic creep in
A new way to model basic creep of concrete is then proposed in the frame
of finite elements method. This approach which is more physically relevant than
those existing today is presented below.
Taking into account what is proposed concerning the physical origin of the
basic creep of concrete, it is possible to identify the main assumptions of a
numerical model physically based. Thus, such a model should (not exhaustive
The criterion for the crack creation is very simple: the interface element
opens when the normal tensile stress at the centre of the interface element
reaches a critical value (probabilized through a Weibull distribution function
[10]). This means that the rigidity of the interface element becomes equal to zero
(perfect brittle behaviour). As mentioned above, the value of this critical value
depends on the total volume of the two volumetric elements interfaced by the
considered interface element. The criterion of crack creation is schematically
presented in the Figure 1.
Remark. It is very important to introduce a random distribution of the
Young modulus to generate local tensile stresses (and so cracks) when the
compressive behaviour of a specimen is concerned. The random distribution of
the Young modulus depending of the size of the element mesh is a log-normal
one [11].
From the above model, it is necessary to introduce strains versus time
evolution in relation with the cracking process to describe basic creep of
concrete in the frame of the physical mechanism proposed in chapter II. So, an
extension of the probabilistic explicit cracking model is presented in the
Strains versus time evolution generated by the cracking process. From the
cracking model presented above, it is important to take into account the self-
drying shrinkage generated by this cracking and so to model the strain versus
time induced by this mechanism. Two types of approaches are considered and
actually in development to model the effect of this self-drying shrinkage:
These two strategies have for consequence, in complement to the fact that
a global strain versus time is generated during the creep loading, to induce a
stress redistribution around the (static) cracks. This redistribution allows the
creation of new cracks during the creep loading and, by this way, allows the
evolution of this global strain.
The experimental evidence related to the fact that the basic creep in
tension is different of the basic creep in compression is taken into account by the
cracking model itself.
The strategy to quantify the additional strain versus time law or the Young
modulus versus time law in function of the mesh size is presented in chapter IV.
- If, as mentioned above, the basic creep of a given concrete is mainly
linked to that of its matrix through the water/binder ratio, it is
necessary, for each type of test (compressive and bending creep tests),
to test various concrete with different water/binder ratios and different
volumes of binder.
- In a fairly comprehensive experimental study related to the compressive
basic creep of normal concrete [7], it was clearly shown that this basic
creep is a mechanical characteristic for which the dispersion is
relatively large. It therefore seems necessary to develop a probabilistic
approach to model the basic creep behaviour rather than a deterministic
one as usually done. To do this, it is imperative, for each type of basic
creep test above mentioned and for each type of concrete, to perform
enough tests to get enough experimental data for this probabilistic
From these experimental tests, the mechanical parameters of the model are
obtain through the use of an inverse approach. It means that the tests have to be
simulate with the model. The parameters values of the cracking model being
known [8 to 11], the additional strain versus time law or the Young modulus
versus time law are obtained by fitting the tests results.
The dispersion related to the creep tests are considered as the consequence
of the dispersion related to the cracking process. So, for each type of test and for
a given meshing of the specimen, several simulations are performed. To get the
additional strain versus time law or the Young modulus versus time law in
function of the mesh size, different meshing of the specimens has to be
This paper proposes a new numerical model for analysing basic creep
behaviour of concrete structures. This model is based on experimental evidences
which led to the proposal concerning the predominant physical mechanism at the
origin of the basic creep of concretes. This paper proposes also an experimental
strategy to quantify the mechanical parameters of the numerical model proposed.
The originality of the paper is based on the overall consistency of the
approach (which integrates a proposal of the main physical mechanism of basic
creep of concrete, a numerical model taking into account this physical
mechanism and an experimental strategy to quantify the mechanical parameters
of the model).
The next paper will present quantitative comparisons between the
proposed model and experimental results (this work is in progress).
B. A. Schrefler
Recent advances in the application of the three fluids model for concrete will be
discussed where creep matters such as in repair problems. As known, this model
considers concrete as composed of a deformable solid matrix with pores filled by
dry air, capillary water and water vapor. The interaction of the constituents as well
as phase change is taken into account. It will also be shown that the same material
free balance equations can successfully be adopted for the simulation of tumor
growth and drug delivery. In this case the solid phase is the extracellular matrix
and the three fluids are formed by the healthy cells, the tumor cells and the
interstitial fluid which transports the chemical species (therapeutic agents). The
extracellular matrix is an elasto-visco-plastic porous solid of the Perzyna type.
Applications for both forms of the general model will be shown.
In the last couple of decades we have developed two major three fluid flow
models in deforming porous solids. The first is our three fluids model for concrete
which has been developed from the late nineties on and extended to many
applications in concrete technology, such as concrete under high temperatures
(Gawin et al. 1999, 2006 c), leaching in isothermal and non-isothermal conditions
(Gawin et al. 2008 a,b, 2009), Alkali-Aggregate Reactions (Pesavento et al.
2012), young concrete and repair problems (Gawin et al, 2006 a,b, Sciumè et al.
2013 a), and recently also freezing/thawing (Koniorczyk et al. 2015). It considers
concrete as formed by a deformable solid matrix the pores of which are filled with
dry air, water vapour and liquid water. The interactions between all the
constituents are duly taken into account. The second one is our recently developed
tumor growth model which considers tumors as comprised of different
compartments: the extracellular matrix as deformable porous solid, the pores of
which are filled with healthy cells, tumor cells, both living and necrotic, and the
interstitial fluid which carries nutrients, therapeutic agents, and waste products
(Sciumè et al. 2012 a, 2013c, 2014 a-c, Bao et al. 2014). The
vasculature/neovasculature is a separate compartment with only mass exchange
with the other compartments. The cells are treated as adhesive fluids. Both models
are hence de facto three fluid flow models in a deforming porous medium. The
same set of material free balance equations apply to these apparently completely
different problems, governing the structure of the code for numerical solution.
This insight allowed us to build the second model in very short time starting from
the concrete model even if the constitutive behavior and evolution laws differ
substantially. Both models are implemented in the code CAST3M (2003) of the
French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and are easily accessible. In the
following we show the balance equations for both cases to convince the reader of
the analogy, and a recent application for each of the two cases.
∂ (ε s ρ s )
( )
l → Hs
+ ∇ ⋅ ε s ρ s vs = M
∂ (ε l ρ l )
( )
l → Hs l →Wg
+ ∇ ⋅ ε l ρ l vl = − M − M
∂ ε g ρ g ωWg ) +∇⋅ ε
( ) ( )
l →Wg
ρ gωWg v g + ∇ ⋅ ε g ρ gωWg uWg = M
∂ ε g ρ gω Ag ) +∇⋅ ε
( g
) ( )
ρ gω Ag v g + ∇ ⋅ ε g ρ gω Ag u Ag = 0
l → Hs l →Wg
where M is the chemically combined water, M the vaporized water, g
indicates the gaseous phase, mixture of dry air and water, İ the volume fraction, Ȧ
the mass fraction, v the phase velocity, u the relative velocity and ȡ the density.
Finally the linear momentum balance equation is
§ ∂t eff
∂p s ·
∇ ⋅¨ − 1¸ = 0
¨ ∂t ∂t ¸¹
where t eff is the effective stress and p s the solid pressure (Gawin et al. 2007).
These balance equations have to be supplemented with appropriate constitutive
equations and evolution laws for which the reader is referred to the relevant
papers in the References.
As typical application of the model we show the results of the numerical
simulation of cracking of a massive concrete beam. The analyzed test is a large
beam specimen built for ConCrack (2011): the international Benchmark for
Control of Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Structures (Figure 1). This
benchmark has been organized within the French national project CEOS
(Comportement et Evaluation des Ouvrages Speciaux vis-à-vis de la fissuration et
du retrait) dedicated to the analysis of the behavior of special large specimens
concerning cracking and shrinkage.
Here one of the experiments of the benchmark program and its numerical
simulation are presented. The test is divided in two phases. During the first 48
hours after casting, the structure is thermally isolated and protected from drying.
Then after two days the isolation and the formwork are removed and the structure
is conserved during two months in the open environment. During the two phases
of the test the longitudinal strains of the structure are globally restrained by two
metallic struts. After two months the structure is loaded by a static bending test.
For more details on the analyzed test see the reference web page of the benchmark
( The mesh of concrete is made of 3D elements (Figure 1,
left). Truss elements rigidly linked with the concrete 3D mesh are used to model
the struts. The local damage model of Mazars (1986) has been used. This
approach allows predicting cracking in mode I (De Sa et al. 2008, and De Sa and
Benboudjema 2012) which is the case here, since cracking is induced by
shrinkage restraint. The model is regularized in tension with the introduction of a
characteristic length, lc, related to the size of each finite element (Rots, 1988, and
Cervera and Chiumenti, 2006) to overcome the possible mesh dependency. The
model for concrete at early age is that of Sciumè et al. (2013 a).
The boundary conditions are assumed to be of convective type for both heat and
mass exchange, see (Simoni and Schrefler, 2014) for details. For the material
parameters see Sciumè et al. (2012 b).
During the first and second phase the longitudinal displacements of the specimen
have been globally restrained by the two metallic struts. Therefore during
hydration the thermal extension of the concrete has been restrained and so in this
phase the concrete cross-section was compressed. After the hydration it is the
shrinkage of the beam that has been contrasted. The position of the displacement
measurement points are depicted in Figure 2 and the deformed configuration and
the damage at day 60 in Figure 3. The solution is not symmetric due to the non-
symmetric solar irradiation: this has been experimentally measured by the
benchmark organizers and taken into account in the modeling process.
Figure 4. Relative displacement between the point C and D (left). Axial force
in the two metallic struts that restrain shrinkage (right). Reprinted from
Simoni and Schrefler (2014), Copyright (2014), with permission from
After two months a static four point bending test has been carried out until
rupture. Compression has been applied by eight jacks and live controlled by a
pressure sensor with an independent data registration system. The load is applied
with increments of 50 kN and each loading step is kept during 20 min. The
comparison between the experimental and numerical crack pattern and the force
versus displacement diagram are shown in Figure 5. The comparison in Figures 4
and 5 with experimental results shows that the adopted approach is able to
simulate such complicated multi-field fracture phenomena in realistic engineering
structures. For more results concerning hydration and thermal field the reader is
referred to the website of ConCrack (2011) and the final report.
From review papers of numerical models for tumor growth such as Roose et al.
(2007), Deisboeck et al. (2011) and Sciumè et al. (2013 c), it appears clearly that
in the realm of a continuum approach a vast majority of models describe the
malignant mass (TC), the host cells (HC) and the interstitial fluid (IF) as
homogeneous, viscous fluids and employ reaction-diffusion-advection equations
for predicting the distribution and transport of nutrients. The Extracellular matrix
(ECM) is absent in almost all the models.
In our model the tumor is comprised of the following phases: i) tumor cells (TC),
which partition into living cells (LTC) and necrotic cells (NTC); ii) healthy cells
(HC); iii) extracellular matrix (ECM); and iv) interstitial fluid (IF); see Sciumè et
al. (2012 a, 2013c, 2014 a-c). The ECM is a porous solid, while all other phases
are fluids. The tumor cells may become necrotic upon exposure to low nutrient
concentrations or excessive mechanical pressure. The IF is a mixture of water and
biomolecules, such as nutrients, oxygen, therapeutic agents and waste products. In
the following mass and momentum balance equations, Į denotes a generic phase, t
the tumor cells (TC), h the healthy cells (HC), s the solid phase (ECM), and l the
interstitial fluid (IF).
The balance equations are listed below to show the analogy with the concrete
model. For the full development the reader is referred to Sciumè et al. (2013 b,
and 2014 a-c).
The mass balance equations of the solid s is
∂ (1 − ε )
+ ∇ ⋅ ª¬(1 − ε ) v s º¼ = 0
where vs is the solid phase velocity.
The mass balance equations of the tumor cell phase t, the host cell phase h and
interstitial fluid l are respectively
∂ (ε S t ) § k t k ts a · 1 l →t
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ε S t v s ) − ∇ ⋅ ¨ rel t 1 − t t ∇p t ¸ = M
∂t ¨ μ ∇p ¸ ρ growth
© + ¹
∂ (ε S )
h § k h k hs a ·
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ε S h v s ) − ∇ ⋅ ¨ rel h 1 − h h ∇p h ¸ = 0
∂t ¨ μ ∇p ¸
© + ¹
∂ (ε S )
§k kl ls
· 1 l →t
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ε S l v s ) − ∇ ⋅ ¨ rel l ∇pl ¸ = − M
∂t © μ ¹ ρ growth
where aĮ is the adhesion (al =0), μ is the dynamic viscosity, k rel α
is the relative
permeability which takes care of the presence of the other two fluid phases
(Sciumè et al. 2014 a), k α s is the absolute permeability, pĮ is the pressure and ȡ is
l →t
the common density; M is the rate of growth term. The linear momentum
balance equations of the fluid phases have here already been introduced to show
the difference between cells and IF.
Assuming that: i) there is no diffusion of either necrotic or living cells; ii) there is
no exchange of necrotic cells with other phases; the mass conservation equation
for the necrotic portion of the tumor cells phase reads
∂ ε t ρω N t ) + ∇ ⋅ ε ρω v − ε r
t Nt
) t t Nt
ε Nt ρ Nt
where ω N t = is the mass fraction of necrotic cells in the tumor cells phase
ε tρt
t, ε t r Nt the rate of generation of necrotic cells and vt the velocity of the tumor
cells phase.
The mass balance equation of the nutrient species in the interstitial fluid is
( )
∂ ε S lcg
( )
gl →t
− ∇ ⋅ ε S l Deffgl ∇c g = − M
where Deffgl is the effective diffusion coefficient depending on the available pore
gl →t
space, (Sciumè et al., 2014 a) and M is the nutrient consumption rate which
depends on the local nutrient availability. Finally the linear momentum balance
equation of the solid phase in rate form reads as
§ ∂t eff
∂p s ·
∇⋅¨ − 1¸ = 0
¨ ∂t ∂t ¸
© ¹
where t eff is the effective stress tensor in the solid and 1 is the unit tensor. The
interaction between solid and the fluids, inclusive of the cell populations, has been
accounted for through the effective stress principle (Gray and Schrefler, 2007).
Clearly these balance equations have to be completed with the appropriate
constitutive equations which can be found in Sciumè et al. (2013 b, 2014 a-c).
Figure 6. Skin structure and geometry of the modeled case. Reprinted from
Sciumè et al. (2014 c), Copyright (2014), with permission from IOP
We show here as application the evolution of a melanoma during the avascular
stage. Cutaneous melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It arises in
the melanocytes, the specialized melanin producing cells, which are scattered
along the epidermis-dermis border, Figure 6 . It is recalled that the outer structure
of the skin has a layered structure where three compartments can be evidenced:
the epidermis, an outer epithelium of stratified cells; the dermis, an intermediate
cushion of vascularized connective tissue; and the hypodermis, the lowermost
layer made of loose tissue and adipose cells. The dermis is separated from the
epidermis by the basement membrane or basal laminae, a tough sheet of ECM, see
Figure 6. The following example deals with the evolution of a melanoma during
the avascular stage (Sciumè et al. 2014 c). Figure 7 shows the melanoma after two
weeks of growth and a qualitative comparison with a clinical observed case of
Chung et al. (2010).
Three fluid flow models in deforming porous media have several applications
ranging from geo-material mechanics such as concrete, to reservoir engineering
such as water, gas and oil flowing in a deforming formation, and to mechanics in
medicine such as tumor growth models. Two of such applications have been
shown. With a general framework in place it is relatively easy to pass from one
application to another in a different field. However a good aptitude to out of the
box thinking is needed as well as collaboration with experts of the fields
Acknowledgment: the author wishes to thank Paolo Decuzzi, Mauro Ferrari,
Dariusz Gawin, William G. Gray, Francesco Pesavento, Raffaella Santagiuliana,
Giuseppe Sciumè, and Luciano Simoni for their precious collaboration.
Bao, G., Bazilevs, Y., Chung, J-H., Decuzzi, P., Espinosa, H. D., Ferrari, M., Gao,
H., Hossain, S. S., T. J. R. Hughes, T. J. R., R. D. Kamm, R. D., Liu, W.
K., Marsden, A., and Schrefler, B. (2014). “USNCTAM perspectives on
mechanics in medicine.” J Royal Soc Interface, 11, 20140301.
Cast3M (2003) FE code developed by the French Atomic Agency (CEA), France.
Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M. (2006). “Mesh objective tensile cracking via a local
continuum damage model and a crack tracking technique.” Comp.
Methods Appl. Mech. Engng., 196, 304–320.
Chung, L. S., Man, Y-G. and Lupton, G. P. (2010). “WT-1 expression in a
spectrum of melanocytic lesions: Implication for differential diagnosis.”
Journal of Cancer, 1, 120.
ConCrack. (2011).” International benchmark for control of cracking in R.C.
Structures.” <>.
De Sa, C., Benboudjema, F., Thiery, M., and Sicard, J. (2008). “Analysis of
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M. Vandamme
Creep is not observed for cementitious materials only: most materials creep,
in particular materials very relevant for civil engineering applications, namely clay
or wood. Although each of those materials possesses its own specific features, some
analogies between their respective creep behaviors can be drawn. From these analogies,
we can try to obtain meaningful pieces of information on the physical processes at stake
during creep. After having introduced the topic, I present a few of those analogies and
discuss briefly what can be learned from them.
Cementitious materials creep, i.e., slowly deform under the application of a
sustained load. Most materials also do, some of which are relevant for civil engineering
applications, e.g., clay, wood, or rock.
In terms of microstructure, cement, clay, and wood, exhibit several common
features (for a description of the multiscale structure of each material, see Constan-
tinides and Ulm (2004), Bobko and Ulm (2008), and Rafsanjani et al. (2012), respec-
tively): 1) they are heterogeneous, 2) they are multiscale, 3) they are porous, 4) their
porosity spans several orders of magnitude down to micropores (i.e., to pores with a
diameter smaller than 2 nm). However, a feature that significantly distinguishes cement
from clay or wood is that, in cement, the microstructure continuously evolves over time
because of hydration, while, in absence of any external solicitation, the microstructure
of clay or wood does not evolve with time.
At the scale of the nanometric building blocks of which they are made, cemen-
titious materials and clay-based materials exhibit strikingly similar features. Indeed,
C-S-H (i.e., calcium silicate hydrate) is made of Ca-O sheets covalently bonded with
silicate chains, which form stacks of parallel solid layers separated by a few layers of
water molecules. Clays are phyllosilicates made of stacks of layers combining silicate
tetahedra with aluminum octahedra: Again, those parallel solid layers are separated by
a few layers of water. Therefore, both C-S-H and clay are microporous layered sys-
tems at the nanometric scale. In contrast, at this same scale, wood is very different, as
the main layer (namely S2) of the cell wall is composed of stiff cellulose microfibrils
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decreases over time. Therefore, according to the microprestress theory, a concrete that
would be fully hydrated should creep differently if creep testing is performed 1 year af-
ter pouring or 10 years after pouring. To the best of my knowledge, for clays, the age of
the tested sample is never taken into account, even though soil scientists not only work
with geologically old intact samples, but also with recompacted samples obtained by
consolidating a clay slurry directly in the lab.
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For the modeling of the creep behavior of clays, one approach which has been
particularly successful is the isotache approach (Šuklje, 1957; Leroueil, 2006), which
postulates that the strain rate ε̇ at a given time is only a function of the state of the
material (characterized by its actual strain ε) and of the stress σ to which the material
is submitted, i.e.:
ε̇ = R(ε, σ) (1)
where R is a function. For clays, such approach has been verified experimentally and
proves to be very useful: Indeed, the creep of clays is known to be nonlinear with
respect to the applied stress, so that, in contrast to cementitious materials, linear vis-
coelasticity (and thus the principle of superposition) is not relevant.
Interestingly, an equivalent approach has been proposed for cementitious mate-
rials, which is called the incremental model or “equivalent time method” (Acker et al.,
1989) and starts by postulating the exact same relation as Eq. (1). An appealing feature
of those 2 approaches for clay or cement-based materials is that the strain rate does not
depend per se on the full loading history, but only depends on the actual state of the
material (i.e., actual stress and strains), which, at least from a physical point of view,
makes sense. Note that linear viscoelasticity and isotache approach are not antagonistic
models: the isotache approach can also be used for linear viscoelastic materials.
Given the success of the isotache approach in the modeling of creep for clay
materials, revisiting the “equivalent time method” to the light of the isotache approach
could be of interest for the cement science community. In the same spirit, one could
imagine modeling the creep of concrete by starting from an isotache-type model of the
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Although each type of materials possesses its own unique features, here we have
shown that some phenomenology observed on cementitious materials is not specific to
them but can be observed for clay or for wood, e.g., a logarithmic long-term creep, a
sensitivity of the mechanical properties to water, or the Pickett effect. Assuming that,
when the same phenomenology is observed for various types of materials, the under-
lying physical mechanisms are the same, we infer that: 1) The logarithmic feature of
long-term creep of cement is not due to the hydration process per se or to any chemical
specificity of C-S-H, since such feature is also observed with clay and 2) the Pickett
effect is not due to the layered structure of the C-S-H or to its specific chemistry, since
it is observed over a wide variety of materials.
When aiming at modeling the effect of water on mechanical properties, making
use of the water content as the parameter to describe the hydric state of the material
may have some advantages. Also, we observe that the “equivalent time method” for
cementitious materials is equivalent to the isotache approach for clays, which has been
proposed more than 50 years ago and is still of great value today for the soil science
I thank P. Acker for his constructive feedback on the manuscript.
Acker, P., Lau, M. Y., & Collet, F. (1989). “Comportement différé du béton: validation
expérimentale de la méthode du temps équivalent.” Bulletin de Liaison Des
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Zhang, Q. (2014). Creep properties of cementitious materials: effect of water and mi-
crostructure. An approach by microindentation, Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris-
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Folker H. Wittmann1
Aedificat Institute Freiburg, D-79100 Freiburg, Schlierbergstr. 80; and Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). E-mail:
There are few properties of concrete, which have been presented and
discussed in such a contradictory way as creep and shrinkage. For quite some time
creep was characterized by a simple creep number that means the elastic deformation
was multiplied by a factor of 2 to 3 to obtain a so-called total deformation. Shrinkage
was given as a basic value, which depends on the environmental humidity and a
factor, which takes the dimensions of the structural element into consideration. In the
meantime the complex nature of creep and shrinkage was widely realized and more
sophisticated models for prediction of creep and shrinkage in real structures were
developed. In this way material properties can be described more precisely and
hopefully some disasters which happened in the past due to underestimation of
shrinkage and creep can be avoided in the future. There are fundamentals, which are
of interest for scientists exclusively and there are fundamentals, which may be helpful
for practitioners.
In the meantime several codes for prediction of creep and shrinkage were
published and they are permanently further checked and refined. Model B3, based on
several precursors, was first published as a RILEM Draft Recommendation in 1995
(RILEM Draft Recommendation, 1995). Statistical aspects and the sensitivity as well
as the theoretical basis were further outlined in two follow-up papers (Bazant, Z. P.,
and Baweja, S., 1995(1)) and (Bazant, Z. P., and Baweja, S., 1995(2)). Another code
was prepared by ACI committee 209 (ACI committee 209, 1992). And a third
alternative is the CEB-FIP Model Code (CEB-FIP Model Code, 1990). In fact there
exist still more models all with different advantages and shortcomings. All codes are
critically checked, compared, and improved on the basis of ever growing databases
(see for example: Akthem Al-Manaseer, and Armando Prado, 2015). At the moment
the most comprehensive database is probably the NU-ITI database (Bazant, Z.P., and
G.-H. Li, 2007).
Scatter plots of measured versus predicted values of shrinkage of concrete are
shown for instance in Bazant Z. P., and Baveja S., 1995(1). Prediction models predict
the average value reasonably well. The average value as measured on many different
types of concrete is not necessarily of primary interest. The type and amount of
cement, the water-cement ratio, and the type of aggregates is not taken into
consideration adequately. If we consider for instance in the scatter plots of the models
a predicted shrinkage value of 0.4·10-3 the measured values may vary between 0.2
and 0.6·10-3. Because of this enormous scatter the value for long term prediction is
limited in practice. If, however, some characteristic properties of the material, which
can be deduced from fundamental mechanisms of creep and shrinkage of concrete,
are taken into consideration in addition, this will be helpful to obtain more realistic
results by applying predictive models. It has already been suggested by several
authors that short-time tests followed by extrapolation will be necessary to reduce the
enormous scatter of data obtained from the different prediction models (see for
example: Bazant, Z. P., and Li, G.-H., 2008). Results of short-time tests, however,
should be evaluated carefully and understood on the basis of real mechanisms of
creep and shrinkage. Then and then only the prediction will be based on a more solid
basis and predictions will become more reliable.
In this contribution dominant mechanisms of shrinkage and creep shall be
briefly presented. On the basis of real mechanisms it will be possible to predict the
influence of a number of parameters on creep and shrinkage. This may help to make
predictions of model codes even more reliable. Because of obvious limitations of
time and space a selected number of examples can be presented only.
Fresh concrete behaves in the first few hours like a mixture of fine and coarse
particles mixed with water. During this early phase the volume of the mix is reduced
by evaporation and in particular by dissolution of cement in water. Both evaporation
and the dissolution shrinkage lead to an early volume reduction of the fresh mix,
which in most cases leads to a vertical movement of the top surface (Beltzung F., and
Wittmann, F. H., 2001). Dissolution shrinkage may be of particular interest for the
technology of steel pipes filled with concrete for instance. But it can also create
problems when the fresh concrete is placed in complex formwork.
If evaporation of water continues the water film on the surface will be
replaced by menisci between the particles near the surface. A capillary pressure pc
will be created in the water under these menisci:
ൌ (1)
ı in equ.(1) stands for the surface energy, ș for the wetting angle and r
represents the average radius of the menisci. The capillary shrinkage of fresh concrete
under the drying surface is shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen that initially the capillary
shrinkage follows the evolution of the capillary pressure but after few hours capillary
pressure collapses and capillary shrinkage approaches a final value. At this moment
the aqueous system in the mix becomes unstable and the remaining water moves into
the spaces between the particles (Wittmann, F. H., 1976). By the way this sudden
transition can be visually observed easily on the surface of concrete.
In Figure 2 two spherical particles are shown which are connected by a thin
water layer. We may consider fresh concrete to be built up by many of these elements
forming a three-dimensional network. The free water layer between the solid particles
can be characterized by two Radii R1 and R2 as shown in Fig. 2. From this geometry
follows a capillary pressure Pc in the water:
ଵ ଵ
ܲ ൌ ߪܿߠݏሺ ሻ (2)
ோభ ோమ
If water evaporates from this system both radii R1 and R2 decrease and as a
consequence the capillary pressure Pc increases. As capillary pressure increases, the
surface of contact between the liquid and the solid particles decreases. It can be
shown that under these conditions the attractive force Fa between the two particles
remains practically constant (Schubert H., 1972). The green strength of the young
concrete also remains constant. That clearly shows that other mechanisms than
capillary pressure must be at the origin of drying shrinkage. We will discuss most
important mechanisms in the following section.
Figure 3. (left) Thin glass plate separated from the quartz support by disjoining
pressure of water; (right) Distance from the free end of the thin glass plate from
the support as function of RH. The adsorption and desorption branches are
Rel. Humidity
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