Btech Automation UT
Btech Automation UT
Btech Automation UT
Section-A Section-C
1. Attempt all parts. Define the following. (10x2=20) Attempt any two questions. (2x15=30)
a) Transfer line 3. Attempt the following
b) Coordinate measuring machine a) What are the different ways of controlling point to point motion
c) Machine vision system independently?
d) Robots b) All robots have some essential basic components, what are those
e) Assembly operation components?
f) Adaptive control
g) Computed torque control 4. Attempt the following
h) Kinematic chains a) What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? How is it useful in
i) Robot vision advancement in robotics?
j) Homogeneous transformation b) Describe the principal motivation for using industrial robots in
machine loading and unloading.
5. Attempt the following
2. Attempt any five parts : (5×10=50) a) Explain the working principle of automated storage and retrieval
a) How automation affect quality? Support your answer with suitable system.
example. b) What are the basic premises for the selection of material handling
b) Differentiate between hard automation and flexible automation. system suitable for different layout?
c) What do you understand by assembly line? Compare multi-station
assembly machine and single stage assembly machine
d) Define different types of sensors. How do photoelectric sensors