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List of Appendices

List of Figures

The proponents dedicate this study to their family and guardians for

being their inspiration, always support us, guide and to their endless love.

To our friends that always there no matter what, in our ups and downs

problem that we face, to always encourage, advice and help us.

For our instructors that never failed to remind us and gave an advice

for this study.


First and foremost the proponents offer sincerest gratitude to the faculty and

staff of College of Engineering, Technology and Computing, of course to our capstone

project coordinator Nestor L. Dandang, MIM, MBA for reminding and guidance about this

project and to the project adviser Sambai A. Ali whose encouragement and helping hands

to the proponents.

I wish to thank my beloved father (Kunay Kidso Lawi), guardians (Mr. & Mrs.

Amamag-id) and of course my sisters for their supports, financial support, encouraging,

gave words of wisdom/advice me for this project/study and to their endless love.

Thank you to my siblings (Jahara, Akier Kem, Al-kahir, Al-Hassamer, Jade

Mallea, Juhaira, Ahron and Jannah) for supporting and staying beside me and appreciate

all their trust, effort and love. To my relatives and friends thank you for their support.

I also thank my parents Abdulrahman S. Talib and Fatima T. Talib for giving birth

to me at the first place and those sacrifices and supports, spiritually throughout my life.

Last but not the least to almighty Allah for an answered prayers, guide and for

gave strength to the proponents.

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