Writ of Habeas Corpus - Reviewer
Writ of Habeas Corpus - Reviewer
Writ of Habeas Corpus - Reviewer
Grant of Writ of Habeas Corpus
Sec. 17 also penalizes the following: Record of writ, fees and costs
a. Persons who knowingly a. Record - The proceedings upon
recommits, imprisons, or causes to be a writ of habeas corpus shall be
committed or imprisoned, for the same recorded by the clerk of the court, and
offense or pretended offense, any upon the final disposition of such
person who has been set to liberty; proceedings the court or judge shall
b. Persons who knowingly aid or make such order as to costs as the
assist therein. case requires.
b. Fees - The fees of officers and
Penalty: witnesses shall be included in the costs
a. Forfeiture - Such persons shall taxed, but no officer or person shall
forfeit to the party aggrieved the sum have the right to demand payment in
advance of any fees to which he is
entitled by virtue of the proceedings. SECTION 20
c. Costs - Jurisdiction
1. When a person confined under
color of proceedings in a A. For a petition for habeas
criminal case is discharged, corpus involving a child
the costs shall be taxed
against the Republic of the 1. Family court
Philippines, and paid out of its However, the petition may also be
Treasury; filed before the regular court
2. When a person in custody by when:
virtue or under color of a. in the absence of the presiding
proceedings in a civil case is judge of the Family Court, provided,
discharged, the costs shall be however, that the regular court shall
taxed against him, or against refer the case to the Family Court as
the person who signed the soon as its presiding judge returns to
application for the writ, or duty;
both, as the court shall direct. b. in places where there are no
Family Courts.
Habeas Corpus as a Post-
Conviction Remedy The writ issued by the Family
Court or the regular court shall
Habeas corpus as a post-conviction be enforceable in the judicial
remedy may be allowed when, as a region where they belong.
consequence of a judicial proceeding,
any of the following exceptional “judicial region”
circumstances are present: The enumeration of judicial
a. There has been a deprivation of regions in the country are
a constitutional right resulting in the enumerated in Section 13 of BP
restraint of the person; 129 (The Judiciary
b. The court has no jurisdiction to Reorganization Act of 1980).
impose the sentence; or
c. The imposed penalty has been For example, in the case of
excessive, thus voiding the sentence Tujan Milante vs. Cada
as to such excess. Deapera, where the writ was
issued by the family court of
A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC Caloocan City but the child was
RULE ON CUSTODY OF MINORS found in Quezon City.
IN RELATION TO CUSTODY OF Section 13. Creation of
MINORS Regional Trial Courts. – There
are hereby created thirteen
Effectivity date: May 15, 2003 Regional Trial Courts, one for
each of the following judicial
SECTION 1 regions:
Applicability xxx
The National Capital Judicial
This rule shall apply to petitions for Region, consisting of the cities
custody of minors and writs of habeas of Manila, Quezon, Pasay,
corpus in relation thereto. Caloocan and Mandaluyong,
and the municipalities of
The Rules of Court shall apply Navotas, Malabon, San Juan,
suppletorily. Makati, Pasig, Pateros, Taguig,
Marikina, Parañaque, Las Piñas, petitions for habeas corpus where
Muntinlupa, and Valenzuela. the custody of minors is at issue.