Form 1 New Connection PDF
Form 1 New Connection PDF
Form 1 New Connection PDF
. (Wholly owned Government of Karnataka Undertaking)
Type of the activities for which the power supply required {Refer Annexure-I}
For Organization/ Corporate Applicants only
Name of the Organization
I I I I I11 I I
Address for Communication
I I I I 11
Name of the Authorized Signatory
Designation of the Authorized Signatory
Complete Address of location where power supply is required
House /Flat /Shop /Plot No. Floor I I I I 1
Street Name Cross Main
Area/ Location City
Pin I I I Mobile/ Landline
Email I I
Name of the Nominee(Optional)
Desired load (KWjHP) In caseof additional load, desiredload (KWjHP)
This requisition is for o A new Service IDA sub-service from existing service
In case of sub-service/ additional load Existing R.R.No.
C I TYPE OF OWNERSHIP (please tick (l/) on the appropriate box)
Own I I
Leased/ Rental I Co-owned Proprietorship I Public Company
Private Company I I Partnership Trust
D I PROOF OF OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED (please tick (V) on the appropriate box)
Sale Deed I Katha Sanctioned Plan 11Power of Attorney
Latest Rent paid I Lease Deed Licensefrom Localauthority Partnership Deed
Memorandum & Articles of Association and Certificate of incorporation I NOC from PDO
Name of the Licensed Electrical Contractor I I I
Address of the LEC
If LECisdifferent from the onementionedherein,samemaybroughtto the knowledgeof BESCOM
I/We hereby declare that the information provided herein are true
and to the best of my/our knowledge and I/We agree with the
licensee to take a power supply for the-above mentioned purposes in Affix Recent
accordance with KERC Conditions of Supply & Supply Code as Passport Size
amended from time to time generally and speclflcallv bound by the Photograph of
provisions of Clause 43 of Conditions of Supply, 2006. Applicant
Place Applicant's Signature
Application should be filled up in Block letters only and tick the boxeswherever necessary
5. The filled in requisition form should be submitted to the AEEof the Sub Division
7. .
The application Registration / Re-registration cum Processing fees payable by the Applicant for
registration purpose is asfollows (Clause30.01) :
8. List of Documents to be submitted (please tick (1/) on the appropriate box) Refer Annexure-II
Registration Power
sanction Charges. payment
(AET) (Field officer)
/Intimation (Consumer)
Submission of wiring
Issueof R.R Executionof work -Work Order
~ diagram, Completion
No. (Fieldofficer) ~
(AET) report Agreement
Servicing of
16. Indicative Maximum time limit (Clause3, Duty 01 Licenseeto Supply Electricity on request):
Releaseof Power Supply where service is Within one month of receipt of application
feasible from existing network
Releaseof supply where Network Expansion/ LTsupply : 45 days
Enhancement required for providing connection 11kV HTsupply : 60 days
33kV HTsupply : 90 days
EHTsupply : 180 days
IP sets Within 30 days after attaining seniority (The
number of new connections shall be limited to
the target fixed for the year)
Sub Category Applicable to
LT-l Installations serviced under Bhagyajyothiand Kutirajyothi (BJ/KJ)Schemes
LT-2(a) LT-2a(i) Applicable to lighting/combined lighting, heating and motive Power installations of residential housesand also to
Applicable to areascoming under such houseswhere a portion is used by the occupant for (a) Handloom weaving (b) Silk rearing and reeling and
Bruhat BangaloreMahanagara artisans using motors up to 200 watts (c) Consultancy in (i) Engineering (ii) Architecture (iii) Medicine (iv)
Palike (BBMP),Municipal Astrology (v) Legalmatters (vi) Income tax (vii) Chartered Accountants{d) Job typing (e) Tailoring (f) Post Office (g)
Corporation and all Urban Local Gold smithy (h) Chawki rearing (i) Paying guests/Home stay guests (j) personal Computers (k) Dhobis (I) Hand
Bodies operated printing press(m) Beauty Parlours(n) Water Supply installations, Lift which is independently serviced for
bonafide use of residential complexes/residence, (0) Farm Housesand yard lighting limiting to 120 Watts. Also
applicable to the installations of (i) Hospitals, Dispensaries,Health Centers run by State /Central Govt. and local
bodies. (ii) Houses,schools and Hostels meant for handicapped, aged destitute and orphans (iii) Rehabilitation
1- --ICentres run by charitable institutions, AIDS and drug addicts Rehabilitation Centres (iv) Railway staff Quarters
LT-2a(ii)Applicable to Areas with single meter(v) fire service stations. It is also applicable to the installations of (a)·Temples, Mosques,
under Village Panchayats Churches, Gurudwaras, Ashrams, Mutts and religious/Charitable institutions (b) Hospitals, Dispensaries and
Health Centres run by Charitable institutions including X-ray units (c) Jails and Prisons (d) Schools, Colleges,
Educational institutions run by State/Central Govt.,/Local Bodies (e) Seminaries (f) Hostels run by the
Government, Educational Institutions, Cultural, Scientific and Charitable Institutions (g) Guest Houses/Travelers
Bungalows run in Government buildings or by State/Central Govt./Religious/Charitable institutions (h) Public
libraries (i) Silk rearing (j) Museums (k) Installations of Historical Monuments of Archaeology Departments(l)
PublicTelephone Booths without STD/ISD/FAXfacility run by handicapped people (m) Sulabh/ Nirmal Souchalayas
(n) ViswaShedshaving Lighting Loadsonly.
LT-2(b) LT-2b(i) Applicable to the installations of Private Professional and other Private Educational Institutions including aided,
Private and Professional unaided institutions, Nursing Homes and Private Hospitals having only lighting or combined lighting & heating,
Educational Institutions in BBMP and motive power. '
Areas, Municipal Corporation and
all areas under urban Local
Private & Professional
Educational Institutions in Areas
under Village Panchayats
SuI) Category Applicable to
LT-3 LT-3(i) Applicable to Commercial Lighting, Heating and Motive Power installations of Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, X Ray
Applicable in areas coming under units, Shops, Stores, Hotels/Restaurants/Boarding and Lodging Homes, Bars, Private guest Houses, Mess, Clubs,
BBMP, Municipal Corporation Kalyan Mantaps / Choultry, permanent Cinemas/ Semi Permanent Cinemas, Theatres, Petrol Bunks, Petrol, Diesel
and all areas under urban local and oil Storage Plants, Service Stations/ Garages, Banks, Telephone Exchanges. T.V. Stations, Microwave Stations,
bodies All India Radio, Dish Antenna, Public Telephone Booths/ STD, lSD, FAX Communication Centers, Stud Farms, Race
Course, Ice Cream Parlours, Computer Centres, Photo Studio / colour Laboratory, Xerox Copiers, Railway
Installation excepting Railway workshop, KSRTC Bus Stations excepting Workshop, All offices, Police Stations,
Applicable in areas under village
Commercial Complexes, Lifts of Commercial Complexes, Battery Charging units, Tvre Vulcanizing Centres, Post
Offices, Bakery shops, Beauty Parlours, Stadiums other than those maintained by Govt. and Local Bodies. It is also
applicable to water supply pumps and street lights not covered under LT 6, Cyber cafes, Internet surfing cafes, Call
centers, Information Technology (IT) enabled services, LT. based medical transcription centers, Private Hostels
not covered under LT-2 (a), Paying guests accommodation provided in an independent / exclusive premises.
LT-4 LT-4 (a) (a) Agricultural Pump Sets including Sprinklers, (b) Pump sets used in (i) Nurseries of forest and Horticultural
Applicable to I.P. Sets Up to and Departments (ii) Grass Farms and Gardens (iii) Plantations other than Coffee, Tea, Rubber and Private Horticulture
inclusive of 10 HP Nurseries
LT-4 (b)
Applicable to IP sets above 10 HP
LT-4 (c)(i)
Applicable to Private
Horticultural Nurseries, Coffee,
Tea and Rubber plantations of
sanctioned load up to and
inclusive of 10 HP.
LT-4 (c)(ii)
Applicable to Private
Horticultural Nurseries, Coffee,
Tea and Rubber plantations of
sanctioned load above 10 HP.
Sub Category Applicable to
LT-S LT-S(a) Heating & Motive power (including lighting) installations of industrial Units, Workshops, Poultry Farms,Sugarcane
LT Industries: Applicable to Crushers, Coffee Pulping, Cardamom drying, Mushroom raising installations, Flour, Huller & Rice Mills, Wet
BangaloreMetropolitan Area & Grinders, Milk dairies, Ironing, Dry Cleaners and Laundries having washing, Drying, Ironing etc., Tailoring-shop,
Municipal Corporation Bulk Ice Cream and Ice manufacturing Units, Coffee Roasting and Grinding Works, Cold Storage Plants, Bakery
Product Mfg. Units, KSRTCworkshops/Depots, Railway workshops, Drug manufacturing units and Testing
laboratories, Printing Presses,Garment manufacturing units, Bulk Milk vending Booths, Swimming Pools of local
Bodies, Tyre retreading units, Stone crushers, Stone cutting, Chilly Grinders, Phova Mills, pulverizing M'ills,
1---------------1 Decorticators, Iron & Red-Oxidecrushing units, crematoriums, hatcheries, Tissue culture, Saw Mills, Toy/wood
LT-S(b) industries, Viswa Shedswith mixed load sanctioned under Viswa Scheme,Cinematic activiti'essuch as Processing,
LT Industries: Applicable to all Printing, Developing, Recording theatres, Dubbing Theatres and film studios, Agarbathi manufacturing unit.,
areasother than those covered Water supply installations of KIADB& industrial units, Gem & Diamon,dcutting Units, Floriculture, Green House,
under LT-S(a) Biotech Labs., Hybrid seed processing units. Information Technology industries engaged in development of
hardware & Software as certified by the IT & BTDepartment of GOK/GOI,Silk filature units, Aqua Culture, Prawn
Culture, Brick manufacturing units, Silk/ Cotton colour dying, Stadiums maintained by Govt. and local bodies, Fire
service stations, Gold / Silverornament manufacturing units, Effluent treatment plants, Drainagewater treatment
plants, LPG bottling plants and petroleum pipeline projects, Piggery farms, Analytical Lab. for analysis of ore
metals, Satellite communication centers, Mineral water processing plants / drinking water bottling plants and
sodafountain units.
LT-6 LT-6(a) Water supply and sewerage pumping installations and also Applicable to Water purifying plants maintained by
Water Supply Govt. & Urban local bodies/ Gram Panchayathsfor supplying pure drinking water to residential areas. Public
Street lights/ Park. lights of village Panchayat, Town Panchayat, 'fown Municipalities, City Municipalities /
Corporations / State and Central Govt. / APMC,Traffic signals,survei1lanceca'Tlarasat traffice locations belonging
1-- ---1to Government Departments, subways, water fountains of local bodies. Also applicable to Streetlights of
LT-6(b) residential Campus of universities, other educational institutions, housing colonies approved by local
Public Lighting bodies/development authority, religious institutions, organizations run on charitable basis,industrial area / estate 0
and notified areas, also applicable to water supply installations in residential Layouts, Street lights along with
signal lights including the gateman's shed with associatedequipment provided at the Railwaylevel crossing.
SI.No Name of the document LTl LTZ LT3 LT4 LTS LT6 LT7
No objection certificate
(NOC) from horticultural
Registered gift deed Registered gift deed department {only for LT-4 (c)) Registered gift deed Registered gift deed
Registered lease deed and Registered lease deed and Registered lease deed and Registered lease deed and
Indemnity Bond (sincethe Indemnity Bond (sincethe Indemnity Bond (sincethe Indemnity Bond (sincethe
Applicant is not the owner of the Applicant is not the owner of Applicant is not the owner of the Applicant is not the owner of
premises) the premises) premises) the premises)
In thisAgreement, unlessthe context otherwiserequires:
a. "Act" shallmean the ElectricityAct, 2003or such other enactment governing the
supplyand useof electrical energy as may be in force from time to time.
b. "Conditions of Supply" sholl mean the "Conditions of Supply of Electricity of
Distribution Licensee in the State of Karnataka" approved by the Karnataka
ElectricityRegulatoryCommissionand as amended from time to time.
c. "Commission"meansthe Karnataka ElectricityRegulatoryCommission.
d. "Street" includes any way, road, lane, square, court, alley, passage or open
space, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which the public have a right of way,
and also the roadway and footway over any public bridge or causeway:
a. The Licensee shall supply electrical energy to the aforesaid premises of the
Consumer from its distributing main for the purpose at low tension as specified in the
"Conditions of Supply" under classificationof supply and the Consumershall take from
the Licensee,electricity required for the purpose herein above recited at the single
point of supply up to a maximum extent of __ KW/ HP,being the load sanctioned.
The energy so supplied shall be utilizedwithin the premisesmentioned hereto, for the
bonafide useof the Consumer.
b. Electricalenergy supplied to the premisesshallnot be utilizedby the Consumerin
any manner prejudicial to the Licensee and all usage must be according to such
method or methods approved by the Licensee.Theuseof power must be confined to
such places as shallhave been previouslyapproved in writing by the Licensee.In case
prejudicial use of power is detected, the Consumer shall pay penal charges in
accordance with the provisionsof the "Conditions of Supply" as in force from time to
time. Besides,for dishonestabstraction / use/ consumptionof electricity or interference
with the metering equipment or accessories,the Consumer shall also be liable for
prosecution under the Act and any other law for the time being in force, and the
installationshallbe liable for disconnection.
c. The Consumer shall permit the Licensee, free of cost. to erect posts, distribution
lines, structures. equipments, cables and other apparatus necessary for .the supply of
electrical energy under this Agreement over the land belonging to, or in the possession
of, the Consumer.
d. The Consumer agrees to take supply under any conditions of restrictions of load
and time that may be fixed by the Licensee.from time to time and to pay fixed charges
under this Agreement in full notwithstanding such restrictions.
e. The supply is liable to be restricted, staggered or cut off altogether, as the case
may be, if the power position or any other emergency warrants such a course of
action. The Licensee reserves the right to periodical shutdown, as and when required,
tor the purposes of routine maintenance after giving reasonable intimation to the
f. From the date o'f commencement of supply as defined in the "Condi1ions of Supplv'" "
until termination of agreement, the Consumer shall make payment to the Licensee for
the electricity supplied during the prescribed billing period at the rates specified in the
Licensee's tariff from time to time and applicable to the class of power supply
irrespective of the installation being in service or under disconnection.
g. Subject to the provisions of the Act. the "Conditions of Supply" and any other law
for the time being in force, the supply under this Agreement is valid initially for a period
of two years from the date of commencement of supply and shall stand automatically
<::.> renewed from year to year thereafter, until terminated by either of the parties.
However, in case of TEMPORARYPOWERSUPPLY,the period of agreement shall be for
a period of days/weeks/months which period may be
extended by the Licensee at the request of the Consumer. The power supply shall be
disconnected after the expiration of the stipulated period unless a requisition is
received for extension of the period, and such further deposit as may be demanded
by the Licensee is paid by the Consumer before the expiry date.
h.Without prejudice to the rights and liabilities of the parties in respect of any matter
antecedent to termination, either party to this Agreement may terminate this
Agreement by giving three months prior notice in writing.
i. The Licensee shall not be liable to pay any damages or compensation in connection
with lossof life or property arising, occurring or resulting from the use of power.
j. The industrial/ I.P. Set Consumer shall obtain written permission from the Licensee for
any changes to be made in the equipment, machinery or motors installed by him at
the time of servicing though his sanctioned load does not exceed due to such change.
k.In case of street light installations, the maintenance of lamps and fixtures shall be
carried out by the Consumer himself/herself/itself.
I. Where the Consumer is required to obtain a license or permit or 'No objection
certificate' for running his Industrial/ commercial concern or lift irrigation scheme and
the License or permit is suspended or cancelled, or the validity of the 'No objection
certificate' issued by the competent authority to lift water has expired, the Licensee
shall have the right to discontinue power supply during the period when the License or
permit is cancelled or suspended or the validity of the No Objection Certificate issued
by the competent authority has expired,
The energy supplied shall be measured and registered by a meter or meters in or upon
the said premises to be provided, fixed and kept in proper order by the Licensee.
The procedure for billing when the meter is not provided or is faulty shall be regulated
as per the relevant provisions of the Act and the "Conditions of Supply".
Fromthe date thisAgreement comes into force, the Consumershallbe bound by, and
shall pay the Licensee,fixed charges,energy charges, and additional securitydeposit
in accordance with the tariffs approved by the Commissionand the "Conditions of
SLIPply" of the Licenseefrom time to time for the appropriate classof Consumers.The
Consumershall pay t~e Licer.seethe tax on electricity charg-esas determined by the
Government of i<arnataka from"timeto time. In case even after disconnection, if the
dues remain unpaid, then the Licensee shall be entitled to take recourse to the
provisionsstipulated in the "Conditionsof Supply" and other lawsfor the time being in
force to recover the arrears.
TheLicenseeshallhave accessto the premisesat any time for inspection,if there isany
reason to suspect breach of the provision of this Agreement, the Act and the
"Conditionsof Supply".
In all matters not herein specifically provided for, the provisions of the Act, the
"Conditions of Supply" and other laws for the time being in force sholl apply.
In witness whereof, the Licensee through its duly authorized representative and the
Consumer have executed this Agreement on the day month and year first above
Witnesses: Witnesses:
(1 ) .. (1) .
(Signature) (Signature)
Name .. Name .
Address . Address .
(Ifthe intending Consumerisnot the owner of the premises)
To: From
....................... Engineer,