Site Preparation Guide: Systemdocumentation Cellcube FB 200
Site Preparation Guide: Systemdocumentation Cellcube FB 200
Site Preparation Guide: Systemdocumentation Cellcube FB 200
Vanadium redox flow energy storage system CellCube
Date: 2013-11-15
1. General information .............................................................................. 6
1.1. Scope of validity ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. CellCube area of application .................................................................................................. 6
1.3. References ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Time frame and procedure of the installation .......................................................................... 7
3. Foundation .......................................................................................... 11
3.1. Foundation requirement ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1. Inclination ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.2. Curvature of the fountadion plate ......................................................................................... 12
3.1.3. Evenness / Uneveness of the foundation plate ..................................................................... 12
3.1.4. Roughness ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.5. Surface load ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Completion of the foundation ................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1. Armoring .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2. Anchoring and container connections ................................................................................... 15
3.3. Execution example ............................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1. General information for completion....................................................................................... 16
3.4. Maintenance area ................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.1. Staircase and landing ........................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Installation option ................................................................................................................. 17
List of figures
Figure 1: View of the CellCube FB 200 with different storage
capacities, CAD figures ................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: CellCube FB 200-1600 after commissioning/start-up ............................................. 10
Figure 3: CellCube FB 200-400 at customer's installation site. The
exterior cladding carries graphic designs for
marketing purposes ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Permissible inclination of the foundation plate. The
maximum values represent the maximum initial
values prior to installation. ............................................................................. 11
Figure 5: maximum permitted curvature oft he foundation plate at
installation of a CellCube FB 200-800 along the
longitudinal axis ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 6: Surface load at the foundation plate of a CellCube FB
200-800 ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Extraction of the casing-planning of a CellCube FB 200-
800 ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 8: Extraction of the armoring-planning of a CellCube FB
200-800 ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: sketch of a CellCube FB 200-800 and necessary
anchoring-points for high windspeeds............................................................ 15
Abbildung 10: Setup of the casing and placing of the armoring
inside the foundation plate. Earthing rods for the
connection of the foundation earthing with the
storage system are guided through the plate. ................................................ 15
Figure 11: Service space surrounding the foundation plate of a
CellCube FB 200-800. Ensure that a lorry has
access on at least one side ........................................................................... 16
Figure 12: Cluster set-up of 5x FB 200-800 .......................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Cluster-Aufstellung von 5x FB 200-1600 ............................................................. 17
Figure 14: Position of the grounding points at the foundation plate
(FB 200-800) ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15: Assembly variations for lightning arresters using the
example of the CellCube FB 200-1600 .......................................................... 20
Figure 16: Foundation plate at installation site with electrical feed
lines ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17: Rear of the energy storage system. Power unit and
energy unit The main connection with an NH fused
circuit breaker and overvoltage protection is located
on the rear of the energy unit ......................................................................... 21
Figure 18: View of the energy storage system with the customer
terminal box on the bottom container ............................................................. 22
1. General information
1.1. Scope of validity
This "Site preparation guide" is intended for the owner/user of the Cellcube FB
200. It contains a summarising overview of all measures to be planned or taken
into account by the customer when installing a CellCube energy storage system.
Assembly and commissioning/start-up of the energy storage system as well as
malfunction rectification and maintenance can exclusively be carried out by
Cellstrom GmbH or its authorised partners. Technical descriptions or instructions
for installation and malfunction rectification are not included in this site
preparation guide.
These instructions are valid for the CellCube storage systems FB 200-400, FB
200-800 and FB 200-1600 for the serial-no. Range 1xx05xxxxx (eg. 1800500113)
Other uses not intended by the manufacturer are not permitted. Only operate this
product within the specified limits.
The Cellcube FB 200 energy storage system was developed according to the
current state of the art and complies with the requirements of the EC guidelines.
Its conformity is confirmed by the CE mark. The process for obtaining the CE
conformity declaration was supervised by the technical control board TÜV-Süd,
1.3. References
Technische Informationen über den Energiespeicher CellCube FB 200 sind dem
Abschnitt 04 der Anlagendokumentation zu entnehmen (Verweis auf Abschnitt
04, „Technische Spezifikation CellCube FB 200“ )
The "Site preparation guide" is part of the system documentation listed in chapter
10, "System documentation". Some sections make reference to other chapters of
this document or other sections of the system documentation. The following
phrasing is used for this:
See chapter x (chapter of the "Site preparation guide") or
see section y (section of the system documentation)
The system documentation is located on the switch cabinet door in the CellCube
power unit.
For technical information about the energy storage system CellCube FB 200,
refer to section 04 of the system documentation (see section 04, "Technical
Specifications, CellCube FB 200")
The energy storage system CellCube FB 200 is available in different types. The
following figure displays the different types with different energy capacities:
400kWh, 800kWh or 1600kWh.
Figure 1: View of the CellCube FB 200 with different storage capacities, CAD
When choosing the installation site, take into account the required space and
the accessibility and access routes as well as the geographical environmental
and climate influences.
Ensure that the Cellstrom Service lorry (small lorry) can approach the
installation site.
The standard colour of the energy and power unit is RAL 9010. Anthracite-
coloured corners made of coated sheet steel are contained in the standard scope
of delivery. (as shown in figure 2). The stairs are made from galvanised steel
unless otherwise specified.
The position of the stairs is chosen by the customer, as either the standard
version or the mirror-inverted option.
3. Foundation
3.1. Foundation requirement
The following requirements must be fullfilled at any time under all conditions.
3.1.1. Inclination
It is not always obligatory to construct a deep foundation to avoid an inclination in
the foundation. As a certain inclination of foundation and the energy storage
system is permissible, the customer may not have to construct a deep
foundation, depending on the ground and the results of the geological survey.
3.1.4. Roughness
The roughness depth of the foundation plate should amount <0.5cm (3/16‘‘).
3.2.1. Armoring
The armoring-planning contains the informations regarding to armoring and the
necessary materials. The armoring simultaneously acts as foundation earthing
The power unit and the energy unit must be mechanically connected at the
container corners.
Abbildung 10: Setup of the casing and placing of the armoring inside the foundation
plate. Earthing rods for the connection of the foundation earthing with the storage
system are guided through the plate.
Cellstrom and its authorized service-partners, reserves the right to inspect the
foundation prior to installing the CellCube and refuse installation if the
requirements are not adhered to and crucial operational safety requirements are
Plan a service space for maintenance work all around the CellCube. Ideally the
surrounding space would be 2m wide.
Earthing of the low voltage control unit inside the energy storage
An equipotential bonding busbar inside the low voltage control unit (at the
backend of the accessible power unit) allows to maintain the gronding. The
busbar is connected to main access point and furtheron connects the the
control cabinet with the external terminal box on the outer backside oft he
energy storage unit
Figure 14: Position of the grounding points at the foundation plate (FB 200-800)
Exterior lightning protection mainly consists of the flat, earthed container walls,
which conduct lightning towards the ground.
Due to the temperature and climate management system installed on the roof of
the power unit and the control and connection lines routed on the exterior, there
is a risk of a direct lightning strike into these components impacting the CellCube.
One or more lightning rods are used as exterior lightning arresters. The lightning
arresters of a lightning protection system serve to determine the possible strike
points and avoid uncontrolled strikes into different points.
In general, ensure that no persons are in the vicinity of the CellCube energy
storage system during a thunderstorm.
A lightning rod is installed on the passive heat exchanger system and the
conductor is guided along the housing to the ground. The protection area of
this version only includes the passive heat exchanging system. A lightning
strike into the ventilator motors, control and supply lines is prevented. A
lightning strike into the housing of the energy storage system remains
Figure 15: Assembly variations for lightning arresters using the example of the
CellCube FB 200-1600
Ensure that the lightning protection always complies with the locally valid
regulations. The lightning protection is the responsibility of the owner/user.
5. Electrical connection
Feeding lines for electrical connections (power, communication, signalling) must
be placed at one face side oft he foundation plate. The feed lines should be
placed regarding to the system documentation „07 Casing and armoring planning
FB 200-xxx“ and „08 Foundation specification FB 200-xxx“.
Figure 16: Foundation plate at installation site with electrical feed lines
The electrical interface for the grid connection 200kVA AC, 400V is located on
the rear of the storage system below the power unit. The switch cabinet is the
connection point of the energy storage system with the owner/user / customer
grid. It is equipped with an NH fused circuit breaker for all-pole disconnection of
the storage system. Connect the storage system to a 400VAC, TN-S grid.
Figure 17: Rear of the energy storage system. Power unit and energy unit The
main connection with an NH fused circuit breaker and overvoltage protection is
located on the rear of the energy unit
Figure 18: View of the energy storage system with the customer terminal box
on the bottom container
The energy storage system FB is designed as TN-S grid on the connection side
according to DIN VDE 0100-100:2009-06.
Ensure that prior to the installation of the storage system the basic legal
conditions for mains parallel operation are clarified in each country and
that the required safety devices are available.
6. Communication connection
For control and maintenance purposes, the CellCube FB 200 is equipped with
several, physically separated interfaces. This measure is intended to fulfil the
customer's safety requirements as well as possible. There is a distinction
between the following communication interfaces:
To confirm the Emergency Stop, press the "Goto Standby" button on the
Graphical User Interface on the storage system touch screen.
IT contact partner
Access permission for installation area (business hours,
outside of business hours) for the Cellstrom service
Permission to take photographs given to the Cellstrom
service technicians for the purpose of documenting the
The customer has had a geological survey carried out and
the foundation construction has been checked
The foundation has been constructed and measured
according to the requirements of the Site Preparation
The foundation earthing connection has been installed and
measured (see earthing protocol, appendix)
Access routes and accessibility of the installation site for
the lorry and crane have been clarified
Provision of a crane for unloading and
setting up containers and accessories. (Duration of the
service as agreed)
Provision of an aerial platform or a forklift truck with a
workman's basket. (Duration of the service as agreed)
Provision of a connection via optical fibre for External
Operations Interface
Clearing possible questions concerning the "Remote
Interface Guide"
Definition of IP addresses by the customer for
communication devices in the energy storage system
Confirmation of the Cellstrom installation plan by the