Site Preparation Guide: Systemdocumentation Cellcube FB 200

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

02 Site preparation guide

CellCube FB 200

Vanadium redox flow energy storage system CellCube

For further information, please contact

your designated sales representative

Date: 2013-11-15

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

1. General information .............................................................................. 6
1.1. Scope of validity ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. CellCube area of application .................................................................................................. 6
1.3. References ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Time frame and procedure of the installation .......................................................................... 7

2. Planning for installation site ................................................................ 8

2.1. Details tob e clarified before the installation ........................................................................... 8
2.2. Required space ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Installation in different climate and temperature zones ........................................................... 9
2.4. Access and access roads oft he installation site ..................................................................... 9
2.4.1. Indoor installation ................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2. Outdoor installation ................................................................................................................ 9
2.5. Earthquake and flooding areas ............................................................................................. 10

3. Foundation .......................................................................................... 11
3.1. Foundation requirement ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1. Inclination ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.2. Curvature of the fountadion plate ......................................................................................... 12
3.1.3. Evenness / Uneveness of the foundation plate ..................................................................... 12
3.1.4. Roughness ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.5. Surface load ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Completion of the foundation ................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1. Armoring .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2. Anchoring and container connections ................................................................................... 15
3.3. Execution example ............................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1. General information for completion....................................................................................... 16
3.4. Maintenance area ................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.1. Staircase and landing ........................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Installation option ................................................................................................................. 17

4. Earthing and lightning protection ...................................................... 18

4.1. Foundation earthing connection ........................................................................................... 18
4.2. Earthing conecpt of the energy storage system .................................................................... 18
4.3. Lightning protection and lightning conductors ....................................................................... 19
4.3.1. General information about lightning protection ..................................................................... 19
4.3.2. Internal lightning protection .................................................................................................. 19
4.3.3. External lightning protection requirements ............................................................................ 19
4.3.4. External lightning protection on CellCube FB 200 ................................................................ 20

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

5. Electrical connection .......................................................................... 21

6. Communication connection ............................................................... 23

6.1. Overview of communication interfaces ................................................................................. 23
6.2. Safety interfaces .................................................................................................................. 23
6.2.1. Fire alarm system provided by the customer ........................................................................ 23
6.2.2. External hardware emergency stop ...................................................................................... 23
6.3. Hardware Setup für EOI und Service-Zugang (MA) .............................................................. 23

7. Filling the storage tank with electrolyte ............................................ 24

7.1. Filling from the articulated lorry ............................................................................................ 24
7.2. Filling from unloaded IBCs ................................................................................................... 24

8. Initial charging of the storage system and

commissioning / start-up ................................................................... 25

9. Disassembly and Disposal ................................................................. 26

10. System documentation....................................................................... 27
APPENDIX 1 - Check list for preparing the installation .............................. 28

APPENDIX 2 – Documentation of grounding system .................................. 30

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

List of figures
Figure 1: View of the CellCube FB 200 with different storage
capacities, CAD figures ................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: CellCube FB 200-1600 after commissioning/start-up ............................................. 10
Figure 3: CellCube FB 200-400 at customer's installation site. The
exterior cladding carries graphic designs for
marketing purposes ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Permissible inclination of the foundation plate. The
maximum values represent the maximum initial
values prior to installation. ............................................................................. 11
Figure 5: maximum permitted curvature oft he foundation plate at
installation of a CellCube FB 200-800 along the
longitudinal axis ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 6: Surface load at the foundation plate of a CellCube FB
200-800 ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Extraction of the casing-planning of a CellCube FB 200-
800 ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 8: Extraction of the armoring-planning of a CellCube FB
200-800 ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: sketch of a CellCube FB 200-800 and necessary
anchoring-points for high windspeeds............................................................ 15
Abbildung 10: Setup of the casing and placing of the armoring
inside the foundation plate. Earthing rods for the
connection of the foundation earthing with the
storage system are guided through the plate. ................................................ 15
Figure 11: Service space surrounding the foundation plate of a
CellCube FB 200-800. Ensure that a lorry has
access on at least one side ........................................................................... 16
Figure 12: Cluster set-up of 5x FB 200-800 .......................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Cluster-Aufstellung von 5x FB 200-1600 ............................................................. 17
Figure 14: Position of the grounding points at the foundation plate
(FB 200-800) ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15: Assembly variations for lightning arresters using the
example of the CellCube FB 200-1600 .......................................................... 20
Figure 16: Foundation plate at installation site with electrical feed
lines ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17: Rear of the energy storage system. Power unit and
energy unit The main connection with an NH fused
circuit breaker and overvoltage protection is located
on the rear of the energy unit ......................................................................... 21
Figure 18: View of the energy storage system with the customer
terminal box on the bottom container ............................................................. 22

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

1. General information
1.1. Scope of validity
This "Site preparation guide" is intended for the owner/user of the Cellcube FB
200. It contains a summarising overview of all measures to be planned or taken
into account by the customer when installing a CellCube energy storage system.
Assembly and commissioning/start-up of the energy storage system as well as
malfunction rectification and maintenance can exclusively be carried out by
Cellstrom GmbH or its authorised partners. Technical descriptions or instructions
for installation and malfunction rectification are not included in this site
preparation guide.
These instructions are valid for the CellCube storage systems FB 200-400, FB
200-800 and FB 200-1600 for the serial-no. Range 1xx05xxxxx (eg. 1800500113)

1.2. CellCube area of application

The Cellcube FB 200 system in versions FB 200-400, FB 200-800 and FB 200-
1600 is a stationary energy storage systen and is exclusively intended for storing
electrical energy and supplying reactive power.

Other uses not intended by the manufacturer are not permitted. Only operate this
product within the specified limits.
The Cellcube FB 200 energy storage system was developed according to the
current state of the art and complies with the requirements of the EC guidelines.
Its conformity is confirmed by the CE mark. The process for obtaining the CE
conformity declaration was supervised by the technical control board TÜV-Süd,

Only use Cellstrom-approved products.

1.3. References
Technische Informationen über den Energiespeicher CellCube FB 200 sind dem
Abschnitt 04 der Anlagendokumentation zu entnehmen (Verweis auf Abschnitt
04, „Technische Spezifikation CellCube FB 200“ )
The "Site preparation guide" is part of the system documentation listed in chapter
10, "System documentation". Some sections make reference to other chapters of
this document or other sections of the system documentation. The following
phrasing is used for this:
See chapter x (chapter of the "Site preparation guide") or
see section y (section of the system documentation)
The system documentation is located on the switch cabinet door in the CellCube
power unit.
For technical information about the energy storage system CellCube FB 200,
refer to section 04 of the system documentation (see section 04, "Technical
Specifications, CellCube FB 200")

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

1.4. Time frame and procedure of the installation

Depending on the specific agreements made in the scope of the contract
negotiations and the scope of services provided by GILDEMEISTER energy
solutions, the time window of an installation may vary. In general, the following
procedures take place
 Delivery of components (energy unit, power unit, electrolyte, stairs and
landing platform, accessories)
 Inspection of foundation for adherence to specifications and approval for
 Inspection of proof of foundation earthing connection
 Assembly of energy and power unit
 Earthing connection of CellCube units among each other and with the
foundation earthing connection
 Establishing of the electrical connection by a qualified electrical engineer
 Filling of the energy storage system
 Initial charging of the energy storage system
 Connection of the communication interfaces
 Commissioning/start-up procedure
 Transfer and acceptance

In general, a Cellcube FB 200 can be installed and commissioned/started-up in 7-

14 days, depending on the weather and other environmental influences.
Cellstrom GmbH reserves the right to postpone the installation time due to
exceptional weather influences.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

2. Planning for installation site

The energy storage system CellCube FB 200 is available in different types. The
following figure displays the different types with different energy capacities:
400kWh, 800kWh or 1600kWh.

Figure 1: View of the CellCube FB 200 with different storage capacities, CAD

When choosing the installation site, take into account the required space and
the accessibility and access routes as well as the geographical environmental
and climate influences.

2.1. Details tob e clarified before the installation

The following details must be clarified before the installation can begin.

 If parts of the transport route or the unloading of the CellCube may

impede or block public traffic due to the location of the installation site,
inform the local authorities in time.

 Ensure that the Cellstrom Service lorry (small lorry) can approach the
installation site.

 Is it necessary for the Cellstrom service personnel to obtain

photography and access permissions for the installation site?

 Ensure that the CellCube is connected with a 400VAC grid by a trained

and authorised expert.

 Ensure that an auxiliary power supply is available during installation

work (lighting, pumps for filling the tank with electrolyte). Clear details
with the Cellstrom service centre.

2.2. Required space

Plan at least the following minimum installation spaces for installing the
CellCube energy storage system. Ideally use the casing and armoring

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

planning fort he foundation baseplate oft he designated FB 200-xxx, provided

by GILDEMEISTER energy solutions

Table 1.: minimum dimensions of foundation plate

Fundaation FB 200-400 FB 200-800 FB 200-1600
Minimum Length 6.25m 12.50m 12.50m
dimensions, 20 ½ ft 41ft 41ft
foundation plate Width 3.00m 3.00m 5.50m
10ft 10ft 18ft

2.3. Installation in different climate and temperature zones

Different temperature management systems are available for the CellCube FB
200 for installation in different climate zones. To select the correct temperature
management system consult GILDEMEISTER during configuration of the

2.4. Access and access roads oft he installation site

Ensure that there are access roads and shunting areas for lorries (articulated
lorries), at least within crane range. The containers are unloaded by means of a
crane, designed for a load of at least 20,000 kg (44.093 lbs) across the lifting
distance to be covered.

2.4.1. Indoor installation

Energy storage systems of the type CellCube FB 200-400, FB 200-800, FB 200-
1600 are perfectly adapted for outdoor installation due to their weather-proof
housing as well as their integrated temperature and climate management system.
Indoor installations are in principle possible.

2.4.2. Outdoor installation

CellCube energy storage systems can be installed outdoors, as their
weatherproof housing as well as the integrated temperature and climate
management system permits assembly and installation in all climate zones.


The standard colour of the energy and power unit is RAL 9010. Anthracite-
coloured corners made of coated sheet steel are contained in the standard scope
of delivery. (as shown in figure 2). The stairs are made from galvanised steel
unless otherwise specified.

The position of the stairs is chosen by the customer, as either the standard
version or the mirror-inverted option.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

Figure 2: CellCube FB 200-1600 after commissioning/start-up

Additional exterior cladding

An additional exterior cladding for display and promotion purposes can be

installed on the CellCube. For this purpose, a substructure is used to place a
graphics film in the corresponding graphics frame. The exterior cladding is
designed for a wind speed of 116 km/h (wind zone 2, inland, according to DIN

Figure 3: CellCube FB 200-400 at customer's

installation site. The exterior cladding carries
graphic designs for marketing purposes

2.5. Earthquake and flooding areas

When selecting the installation site, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure

that there is neither an earthquake nor a flooding risk for the energy storage

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

3. Foundation
3.1. Foundation requirement
The following requirements must be fullfilled at any time under all conditions.

3.1.1. Inclination
It is not always obligatory to construct a deep foundation to avoid an inclination in
the foundation. As a certain inclination of foundation and the energy storage
system is permissible, the customer may not have to construct a deep
foundation, depending on the ground and the results of the geological survey.

Figure 4: Permissible inclination of the foundation plate. The maximum values

represent the maximum initial values prior to installation.

Table 2.: Maximum values for inclination prior to installation

Installationsbeginn FB 200-400 FB 200-800 FB 200-1600
Inclination along longitudinal +/- 0.5cm +/- 1.0cm +/- 1.0cm
+/- 3/16‘‘ +/- 3/8‘‘ +/- 3/8‘‘
Inclination along +/- 0.5cm +/- 0.5cm +/- 1.0cm
transversal axis
+/- 3/16‘‘ +/- 3/16‘‘ +/- 3/8‘‘

Table 3.: Maximum values for inclination during operational life-time

Lebensdauer-Ende FB 200-400 FB 200-800 FB 200-1600
Inclination along longitudinal +/- 2.5cm +/- 5.0cm +/- 5.0cm
+/- 1.0‘‘ +/- 2.0‘‘ +/- 2.0‘‘
Inclination along +/- 2.5cm +/- 2.5cm +/- 5.0cm
transversal axis
+/- 1.0‘‘ +/- 1.0‘‘ +/- 2.0‘‘

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

Maximum permitted values for inclination of the foundation plate prior to

installation and the maximum values during operation until end of life-time are
The maximum value during operation is allowed to exceed the initial maximum
values fort he inclination by a factor of five (x5). For example: maximum value +/-
5cm (2.0‘‘) in longitudinal axis at a CellCube FB 200-800

3.1.2. Curvature of the fountadion plate

Accumulation of water underneeth the storage tank container of the CellCube

must be prevented. To enable the drainage of water, only a negative curvature oft
he base plate is permitted. The value of the curvature is allowed to vary within
20% during lifetime. Curvature values are measured regarding to top-point in the
center of the baseplate (see also figure 5).

Table 4.: Maximum values for curvature prior to installation

at installation FB 200-400 FB 200-800 FB 200-1600
Curvature along any axis - 0.25cm - 0.5cm - 0.5cm
- 1/10‘‘ - 1/5‘‘ - 1/5‘‘

Figure 5: maximum permitted curvature oft he foundation plate at installation of a

CellCube FB 200-800 along the longitudinal axis

3.1.3. Evenness / Uneveness of the foundation plate

The eveness of the foundation plate refers to a height difference between two
arbitrary measurement points on the foundation plate. It is equal at all CellCube
storages and amounts +/- 0.5cm (+/- 3/16‘‘). This means, that a height difference
between two points must not exceed 1.0cm or 3/8‘‘ within the plane. This value
should stay constant during the entire lifetime

3.1.4. Roughness
The roughness depth of the foundation plate should amount <0.5cm (3/16‘‘).

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

3.1.5. Surface load

When building up the foundation, consider the selection of a proper concrete.
Loads are displayed in the corresponding foundation specification FB 200-xxx.
The weights of all CellCube parts can be taken from chapter 04 of the system
documentation („04 technical specifications“)

Figure 6: Surface load at the foundation plate of a CellCube FB 200-800

3.2. Completion of the foundation

The execution planning for a standard soil is provided by GILDEMEISTER energy

solutions. Please refer to the documents „Casing- and armoring-planning for
CellCube FB 200-xxx“ and to „Foundation specification FB 200-xxx“ for CellCube
types FB 200-400, FB 200-800 and FB 200-1600.

It is the customer's responsibility to prove that the ground conditions in the

installation site match the presumed ground conditions in the above mentioned
documents and that these documents are applicable to installation site
conditions. Cellstrom GmbH does not assume liability for the foundation creation.

In case of a cohesive ground, construct the foundation plate according to the

depth of frost penetration.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

Figure 7: Extraction of the casing-planning of a CellCube FB 200-800

3.2.1. Armoring
The armoring-planning contains the informations regarding to armoring and the
necessary materials. The armoring simultaneously acts as foundation earthing

Figure 8: Extraction of the armoring-planning of a CellCube FB 200-800

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

3.2.2. Anchoring and container connections

Regarding to DIN EN 1991-1-4 the statical anchoring even of a filled CellCube FB

200 is necessary. For this reason, a different number of eart-anchors is placed
after installation of the storage system. The drillings in the foundation plate for the
anchoring is done by Cellstrom or one of its authorized service-partners.
Maximum windspeeds for installation-sites can be taken from DIN EN 1991-1-4.

Figure 9: sketch of a CellCube FB 200-800 and necessary anchoring-points for high


The power unit and the energy unit must be mechanically connected at the
container corners.

3.3. Execution example

Abbildung 10: Setup of the casing and placing of the armoring inside the foundation
plate. Earthing rods for the connection of the foundation earthing with the storage
system are guided through the plate.

Take special note of the requirements of foundation completion, so that the

specifications for roughness, flatness and inclination can be adhered to.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

3.3.1. General information for completion

Cellstrom and its authorized service-partners, reserves the right to inspect the
foundation prior to installing the CellCube and refuse installation if the
requirements are not adhered to and crucial operational safety requirements are

3.4. Maintenance area

Plan a service space for maintenance work all around the CellCube. Ideally the
surrounding space would be 2m wide.

Figure 11: Service space surrounding the foundation plate of a CellCube FB

200-800. Ensure that a lorry has access on at least one side

3.4.1. Staircase and landing

The staircase and landing provides accssability to the upper power container. For
a picture of a typical staircase refer to figure 2.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

3.5. Installation option

Consult Cellstrom for help in determining the ideal installation option. Depending
on the number of CellCubes and the cluster connection, different options are

Figure 12: Cluster set-up of 5x FB 200-800

The following picture shows different installation options of a FB 1000-8000

storage system with 1MW nominal power and 8MWh energy capacity. To realize
such a storage cluster, the five basic modules FB 200-1600 can be connected

Figure 13: Cluster-Aufstellung von 5x FB 200-1600

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

4. Earthing and lightning protection

4.1. Foundation earthing connection
Set up the foundation earthing connection according to the valid standards,
taking into account local regulations. It ensures that the CellCube energy storage
system is connected with sufficient earthing potential. For the earthing device
documentation, refer to the appendix of this site preparation guide It is the
customer's responsibility to present this documentation, at the latest once the
storage system has been completely set up and transferred.

4.2. Earthing conecpt of the energy storage system

Earthing inside the energy storage

All touchable and non touchable metal components inside the accessible
power unit, the maintenance unit (in configuration as FB 200-800) and ontop
of storage tank surface of the energy unit are connected with ground-potential.
The connection of this components is directly done with the container housing
and/or the low voltage control cabinet inside the power unit

Earthing of the low voltage control unit inside the energy storage
An equipotential bonding busbar inside the low voltage control unit (at the
backend of the accessible power unit) allows to maintain the gronding. The
busbar is connected to main access point and furtheron connects the the
control cabinet with the external terminal box on the outer backside oft he
energy storage unit

Earthing connection on the terminal box

The customer must provide a standardised earthing connection in the immediate
vicinity of the terminal box. This can be maintained by the grounding wire oft he
main connection of the TN-S system. The earthing is connected according to the
local safety regulations. Ensure that this is carried out by an authorised electrical
Earthing of the housing on the foundation earthing connection
Earthing points are located in the customer terminal box and at least on the
container corners of the storage tank container, to connect the container housing
of the energy storage system with the foundation earthing or the grounding wire
oft he main connection. Connect the storage tank containers with the foundation
earthing connection, at least on the four corners.
The Cellstrom service technician establishes a proper earthing connection
between the power unit and the energy unit. Local electrical companies will
provide information about local conditions and regulations.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

Figure 14: Position of the grounding points at the foundation plate (FB 200-800)

4.3. Lightning protection and lightning conductors

4.3.1. General information about lightning protection

Uncontrolled lightning strikes in undesired locations due to non-existent or

improper planning of the lightning protection devices can cause severe damage
to the object to the protected.
This chapter describes and documents the procedure for arranging the lighting
current arresters and planning the protection areas of CellCube energy storage

4.3.2. Internal lightning protection

The CellCube is equipped with an internal lightning protection device in form of

grid-bound lightning arresters. This is located in the terminal box on the rear side
of the main terminals of the 200 kVA connection (see figure 17).
This overvoltage conductor of lightning protection class 1 prevents grid-bound
overvoltage from causing uncontrolled damage to the control system of the
CellCube energy storage system. The internal lightning protection is installed as
a standard.

4.3.3. External lightning protection requirements

Exterior lightning protection mainly consists of the flat, earthed container walls,
which conduct lightning towards the ground.

Due to the temperature and climate management system installed on the roof of
the power unit and the control and connection lines routed on the exterior, there
is a risk of a direct lightning strike into these components impacting the CellCube.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

One or more lightning rods are used as exterior lightning arresters. The lightning
arresters of a lightning protection system serve to determine the possible strike
points and avoid uncontrolled strikes into different points.

4.3.4. External lightning protection on CellCube FB 200

If required due to special local and regional conditions, it is possible to install an

external lightning protection device on the CellCube. The lightning arresters of
the external lightning protection serve to prevent a direct lightning strike into the
constructions on top of the CellCube (temperature and climate management
system) from causing severe damage.


In general, ensure that no persons are in the vicinity of the CellCube energy
storage system during a thunderstorm.

Possible ligthning arresters on the CellCube

A lightning rod is installed on the passive heat exchanger system and the
conductor is guided along the housing to the ground. The protection area of
this version only includes the passive heat exchanging system. A lightning
strike into the ventilator motors, control and supply lines is prevented. A
lightning strike into the housing of the energy storage system remains

Figure 15: Assembly variations for lightning arresters using the example of the
CellCube FB 200-1600

Ensure that the lightning protection always complies with the locally valid
regulations. The lightning protection is the responsibility of the owner/user.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

5. Electrical connection
Feeding lines for electrical connections (power, communication, signalling) must
be placed at one face side oft he foundation plate. The feed lines should be
placed regarding to the system documentation „07 Casing and armoring planning
FB 200-xxx“ and „08 Foundation specification FB 200-xxx“.

Figure 16: Foundation plate at installation site with electrical feed lines

The electrical interface for the grid connection 200kVA AC, 400V is located on
the rear of the storage system below the power unit. The switch cabinet is the
connection point of the energy storage system with the owner/user / customer
grid. It is equipped with an NH fused circuit breaker for all-pole disconnection of
the storage system. Connect the storage system to a 400VAC, TN-S grid.

Figure 17: Rear of the energy storage system. Power unit and energy unit The
main connection with an NH fused circuit breaker and overvoltage protection is
located on the rear of the energy unit

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

It is the customer's responsibility to install suitable disconnection and fuse

triggering mechanisms on the grid connection point (for example with medium
Ensure that a standardised connection is established and the electro-technical
acceptance is carried out by an authorised electrical company.

Figure 18: View of the energy storage system with the customer terminal box
on the bottom container

The energy storage system FB is designed as TN-S grid on the connection side
according to DIN VDE 0100-100:2009-06.

Ensure that prior to the installation of the storage system the basic legal
conditions for mains parallel operation are clarified in each country and
that the required safety devices are available.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

6. Communication connection
For control and maintenance purposes, the CellCube FB 200 is equipped with
several, physically separated interfaces. This measure is intended to fulfil the
customer's safety requirements as well as possible. There is a distinction
between the following communication interfaces:

6.1. Overview of communication interfaces

Table 5.: Overview of communication interfaces

Designation Purpose Protocol Connection
External Operations Remote control of Modbus TCP/IP Optical fibre
Interface (EOI) the CellCube

Service access (MA) Remote Tunneling Optical fibre with

maintenance protocols (VPN) DSL modem
Local monitoring Local parameter Modbus TCP/IP Optical fibre /
display display Ethernet

6.2. Safety interfaces

6.2.1. Fire alarm system provided by the customer
As an option, it is possible to install a customer-provided fire alarm system in the
energy storage system in addition to the other protective measures after
consultations with Cellstrom. All connections must be provided by the customer.

6.2.2. External hardware emergency stop

Optionally an externally triggered, hardware-guided "Emergency Stop" option can

be installed after consultation with Cellstrom. With this option, Emergency Stop
terminals in the terminal box can be used to stop the storage system, similarly to
the Emergency Stop button on site.

To confirm the Emergency Stop, press the "Goto Standby" button on the
Graphical User Interface on the storage system touch screen.

6.3. Hardware Setup für EOI und Service-Zugang (MA)

Please refert to chapter 03 of the system documentation „Remote interface guide.“

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7. Filling the storage tank with electrolyte

After the power and energy units have been set up and the electrical connection
of the energy storage systen has been established, the storage is filled with
electrolyte. Ensure that the storage is only filled by Cellstrom service technicians
and authorised personnel.
The electrolyte is delivered directly to the installation site in so-called IBCs
(Intermediate Bulk Container) with a capacity of 1m³. During filling, the IBCs are
filled into the positive and the negative storage tank.

7.1. Filling from the articulated lorry

An efficient method, especially for filling large storage systems in a short time, is
filling directly from the articulated lorry. This method also ensures that the IBCs
do not have to be unloaded from the lorry by means of a forklift truck.

7.2. Filling from unloaded IBCs

If, e.g. a CellCube FB 200 is to be filled and direct access to the site is not
possible for an articulated lorry, the IBCs can be positioned directly next to the
CellCube FB 200 by means of a forklift truck for filling, or they can be unloaded
on the installation site by means of a crane like the power and energy units.
However, filling according to this method takes longer than filling directly from the
lorry, but will be completed within 1-2 working days.
Local legal regulations can influence the filling / fuelling procedure of the

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8. Initial charging of the storage system and

commissioning / start-up
Before charging the storage system for the first time, the electrolyte has to be
formed. This means separating the electrolyte mixture (III/IV)-vanadium from the
original IBCs. The duration of this formation step varies depending on the
electrolyte quantity (FB 200-1600 approx. 24 h, FB 200-800, approx. 12 h; FB
200-400 approx. 6 h) and is approximately equivalent to charging of a "virtual
charge level" = -50% to 0% charge level.
Afterwards the storage systems has a charge level of 0% and can be charged to
100 %.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

9. Disassembly and Disposal

Ensure that disassembly and disposal are only carried out by qualified personnel.
The discharged electrolyte is pumped into IBC containers and can then by
recycled or chemically disposed of. Discharge is achieved by mixing positive and
negative electrolyte.
The tanks and the fluid system still contain electrolyte residue after being drained.
For this reason, they have to be chemically disposed of in a proper manner. The
safety data sheets for the chemicals can be found in the customer documentation
The electrical and electronic components are regarded as waste
electronic equipment. For this reason, dispose of them according
to the nationally valid regulations. Likewise two small lead-acid
batteries are located in the electronic components. Dispose of
these batteries separately as spent batteries.
The steel frame can be recycled as scrap metal.

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

10. System documentation

Some sections of this user manual make reference to other sections in the
system documentation. The system documentation contains the following
sections, each of which is an individual document.

Table 6.: System documentation FB 200

Abs. Dokumentenname (Deutsch) (English)
00 Übersichtsliste erweiterte Overview of extended list of
Anlagendokumentation documents
01 Benutzerhandbuch FB 200 User manual
02 Anleitung für Vorbereitung Aufstellungsort Site preparation guide
03 Anleitung für Fernsteuer-Schnittstellen Remote interface guide
04 Technische Spezifikation Technical specification
05 Kuppelschalter Coupling device
06 Netzverhalten und Oberschwingungen Grid-performance and harmonics
07 Schalungs- und Ausführungsplanung Casing and armoring planning for
Fundamentplatte foundation baseplate
08 Fundament Spezifikation Foundation specification
09 Inbetriebnahme Dokumentation: Commissioning documentation
 091 Prüfprotokoll Auslieferung  Inspection protocol
 092 Inbetriebnahme Bericht  Commissioning report
 093 Übergabe und Abnahme Protokoll  Handover & Approval
 094 Endabnahme-Nachweis  Final Approval certificate
 095 CE-Konformitätserklärung  CE-conformity
 096 Statik-Nachweis Treppe  Structural Analysis landing
10 Sicherheitsdatenblatt VEL Safety data sheet electrolyte
11 Sicherheitsdatenblatt Kühlmittel Safety data sheet coolant
12 Sicherheitsdatenblatt Grundöl Safety data sheet base oil
1x Eventuelle Erweiterung laut 00 Possible extension as in 00

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Site Preparation Guide, CellCube FB 200

APPENDIX 1 - Check list for preparing the installation

Information to be filled in by the customer / coordinator OK Remarks

Selection of important contact persons for installation and

Coordinator for installation,

commissioning/start-up, transfer, acceptance

Facility Management contact partner 

Electrical installation contact partner 

IT contact partner 

Access permission for installation area (business hours,

outside of business hours) for the Cellstrom service
Permission to take photographs given to the Cellstrom
service technicians for the purpose of documenting the 

The customer has had a geological survey carried out and
the foundation construction has been checked
The foundation has been constructed and measured
according to the requirements of the Site Preparation 

The foundation earthing connection has been installed and

measured (see earthing protocol, appendix)

Access routes and accessibility of the installation site for

the lorry and crane have been clarified

Provision of a crane for unloading and
setting up containers and accessories. (Duration of the 
service as agreed)

Provision of an aerial platform or a forklift truck with a

workman's basket. (Duration of the service as agreed)

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Provision of electrical auxiliary supply (2x32 A CEE, three

phases, 1x230V cable reel) for the duration of the 

Connection of the Cellcube established by a trained

electrical engineer

Provision of a connection via optical fibre for service access 

Provision of a connection via optical fibre for External

Operations Interface

Clearing possible questions concerning the "Remote

Interface Guide"

Definition of IP addresses by the customer for

communication devices in the energy storage system

Confirmation of the Cellstrom installation plan by the


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APPENDIX 2 – Documentation of grounding system

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