Lawlinguists-Glossary ENG PDF
Lawlinguists-Glossary ENG PDF
Lawlinguists-Glossary ENG PDF
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Users’ note
Where the legal concept does not exist in one or more of the three legal systems,
the glossary states the term that most closely reflects the English legal concept
and highlights the lack of full affinity between the term and the English legal
concept by adding the symbol “ * ”.
EX. agency
it mandato*
Finally, where there is no close legal concept in one or more of the three legal
systems but a consolidated translation exists in legal usage, this translation has
been stated (and written in Italics).Where not even a consolidated literal
translation exists, we will provide a brief explanation.
EX. secretary
it secretario
[email protected]
Nota sobre el uso
Este glosario ha sido realizado por el equipo de abogados corporativos de
Lawlinguists para ayudar a los profesionales del derecho que ejerecen en
español, francés o italiano a entender los contratos y otros documentos legales
en inglés. Por eso, los términos ingleses han sido traducidos de acuerdo con
criterios exclusivamente jurídicos y no lingüísticos o etimológicos.
En consecuencia, la traducción de cada término en inglés refleja el concepto
legal más próximo (en español, francés o italiano) en vez del lingüístico.
EJ. agency
es mandato*, comisión*
Por último, cuando no existe un concepto jurídico cercano en uno o más de los
tres sistemas jurídicos, pero existe una traducción consolidada en el uso
jurídico, se usa esta traducción (escrita en itálico). Cuando no existe una
traducción literal suficientemente arraigada se recurrirá a una perífrasis.
EX. secretary
es secretario
[email protected]
Notes d'utilisation
Ce glossaire a été créé par une équiped’avocat d'affaires de LawLinguists afin
d’aider les professionnels du droit de langue espagnole, française etitalienne à
comprendre les contrats et les documents juridiques anglaises. Pour cette
raison - contrairement à autres outils de traduction juridique actuellement en
usage - la meilleure traduction anglaise de chaque mot dans le glossaire a été
recherché tout en suivant une critère exclusivement juridique et non pas une
approche linguistique ou étymologique.
En conséquence, dans le glossaire chaque mot anglais n'est pas suivie par les
mots (en espagnol, français etitalien) linguistiquement les plus proches, mais
par les mots qui identifient (respectivement dans le système juridique espagnol,
français etitalien) le concept juridique correspondant.
EX. agency
fr mandat*
[email protected]
Note d’uso
Questo glossario è stato realizzato da un team di avvocati d’affari di
LawLinguists per aiutare i professionisti del diritto di lingua spagnola, francese
e italiana a comprendere contratti e documenti giuridici inglesi.
Per questo motivo - diversamente da altri supporti alla traduzione legale
attualmente in uso - per individuare la migliore traduzione di ciascun vocabolo
inglese presentato nel glossario non si è adottato un approccio né linguistico né
etimologico ma si è adottato un criterio esclusivamente giuridico.
Di conseguenza, ogni vocabolo inglese presentato nel glossario non viene
seguito dai vocaboli (di lingua spagnola, francese e italiana) linguisticamente
più prossimi, ma da quelli che individuano (rispettivamente nel sistema
giuridico spagnolo, francese e italiano) il concetto giuridico corrispondente.
ES. agency
it mandato*
[email protected]
abandonment (noun)
[voluntary relinquishment of a good while waiving any right to the same – general
es abandono
fr abandon
it abbandono, derelizione
abuse (noun)
[misuse of a right, faculty or any other similar prerogative – general doctrine]
es abuso
fr abus
it abuso
es abuso de poder
fr abus de pouvoir
it abuso di potere
acceptance (noun)
[email protected]
[expression of the offeree’s assentto the terms ofan offer
sothatabindingcontractisformed – civil law]
es aceptación
fr acceptation
it accettazione
accident (noun)
[unexpected incident causing damages to people or things – civil law]
es dación en pago*
fr dation en paiement*
it dazione in pagamento* (datio in solutum*)
es relación, informe
fr compte rendu
it resoconto
es acusado
fr inculpé, prévenu
it accusato
[email protected]
[implied or tacit consent given to an act / passive consent given to an act;
toleration ofan act or action without consenting to it – civil law]
es aquiescencia / tolerancia
fr acquiescement / tolérance
it acquiescenza / tolleranza
es adquisición
fr acquisition, rachat
it acquisizione
[final judgment stating that the accused or charged is not guilty of the alleged
criminal offence – criminal law]
es absolución*
fr acquittement*
it assoluzione*
act in the law (noun) – v. legal act / juristic act, legal transaction, legal act,
act in the law
es actum principis
fr fait du prince
it factum principis
[email protected]
act of (the) law (noun)
[creation, extinction or transfer of rights by operation of a rule of law, without
agreement between the parties thereto – civil law]
es obligaciones legales*
fr obligation légale*
it obbligazione ex lege*, obbligazione legale*
action (noun)
[act of starting a legal proceeding or a lawsuit –law of procedure]
es acción
fr action
it azione (2)
es cláusula adicional
fr avenant
it clausola aggiuntiva
es apostilla, apostille
fr apostille
it postilla (apostille)
es idóneo, apto
fr apte, de nature à
it idoneo
adjournment (noun)
[action of breaking a meeting or trial with the intention to resume it on a later
[email protected]
date –law of procedure]
es aplazamiento
fr renvoi, ajournement
it rinvio
es Gobierno
fr Gouvernement
it Governo
admissible / relevant(adj.)
[referred to an exhibit: acquired in compliance with the applicable law provisions
/ pertinent to the judgment –law of procedure]
es admisible / relevante
fr recevable / pertinente
it ammissibile / rilevante
es confesión
fr aveu
it confessione
es adoción
fr adoption
it adozione
[email protected]
es aprobación
fr adoption, approbation
it approvazione
advice, consultancy(noun)
[rendering of professional opinions on specific technical issues – civil law]
es asesoramiento, consejo
fr conseil
it consulenza
advisor (noun)
[experienced person appointed in order to render advicesor professional opinions
on a technical matter – general doctrine]
es asesor, consejor
fr conseil
it consulente
affidavit (noun)
[written formal statement upon facts or circumstances pertaining to a lawsuit, to
be used as evidence once confirmed by oath of the giver – law of procedure]
[email protected]
fr declaration sous serment, affidavit
it testimonianza scritta*, affidavit
affirmative / declaratory(adj.)
[referred to a relief or judgment: which constitutes or modifies an existing legal
situation/ which ascertains the existence of ownership or legal status – civil
law/law of procedure]
es constitutivo / declarativo
fr constitutif / déclaratif
it costitutivo / dichiarativo
es mayoría de edad
fr majorité
it maggiore età
es mandato*, comisión*
fr mandat*
it mandato*
es representación
fr représentation
it rappresentanza
agenda (noun)
[list of matters to be resolved upon during a meeting or assembly – civil law]
[email protected]
fr ordre du jour
it ordine del giorno
es representante
fr représentant, mandataire
it rappresentante
agent of the tax authority (noun) – v. withholding agent, agent of the tax
es damnificado, perjudicado
fr victime, lésé
it danneggiato
es contrato
fr contrat
it contratto
[email protected]
aleatory (adj.)
[depending on fate, random fact – general doctrine]
es aleatorio aleatorio
fr aléatoire
it aleatorio
es alegaciones
fr moyens de fait, allegations
it difese in fatto, allegazioni
amendment (noun)
[modification of the provisions set forth under an agreement / modification of the
provisions set forth under an existing law or regulation – civil law/general
es modificación / enmienda
fr modification / amendement
it modificazione / novella
es amistoso
fr amiable
it bonario (amichevole)
amicable settlement(noun)
[way of settling a dispute without the intervention of the judge/court – civil law]
[email protected]
amnesty, general pardon (noun)
[legislative act forgiving determined classes of persons currently undergoing a
criminal trial – criminal law]
es amnistía
fr amnistie
it amnistia
amount (noun)
[overall quantity of something – civil law]
es cuantía, importe
fr montant
it import
analogy (noun)
[interpretative ratio based on the argumentum a simili, i.e. the application of the
same law rule to substantially similar cases – general doctrine]
es analogía
fr analogie
it analogia
ancillary (adj.)
[secondary or subordinate to themain item – general doctrine]
es accesorio, ancilario
fr accessoire
it accessorio
es anexo
fr annexe
it allegato
es renta
fr rente
[email protected]
it rendita
[conflict between two or more laws and/or rules – general doctrine]
es antinomia
fr antinomie
it antinomia
es derecho de la competencia
fr droit de la concurrence
it diritto della concorrenza, diritto antitrust
appeal (noun)
[a complaint filed to a superior court of an injustice or error committed by the
inferior one in order to have the judgment or decision the court corrected or
reversed – law of procedure]
es apelación
fr appel
it appello
appellant (noun)
[the party who takes an appeal from one court to another – law of procedure]
es apelante, recurrente
fr appelant
it appello
es denominación de origen
fr appellation d’origine
it denominazione di origine
[email protected]
appellee (noun)
[the party against whome an appeal is taken – law of procedure]
es apelado
fr intimé
it appellato, resistente
applicant (noun)
[a person filing a request with the government administration – government
es solicitante
fr demandeur, requérant
it richiedente, ricorrente
es aplicación, cumplimento
fr application
it applicazione
appointment (noun)
[act of assign an office or function to a specific person – general doctrine]
es nombramiento
fr nomination, désignation
it nomina
[suitable for certain circumstances – general doctrine]
es oportuno
fr approprié
it opportuno
[email protected]
es desviación de la clientela
fr détournement de la clientele
it sviamento della clientele
appurtenances (noun)
[things attached or serving other goods, especially real estates – civil law]
es laudo (arbitral)
fr sentence
it lodo arbitrale
arbitration (noun)
[alternative settlement of a civil litigation taking place in front of an arbitrator
instead of a court –law of procedure]
es arbitraje
fr arbitrage
it arbitrato
arbitrator (noun)
[individual appointed by the parties to a dispute in order to decide upon the same
–law of procedure]
es árbitro
fr arbitre
it arbitro
[email protected]
fr de gré à gré
it piede di parità (condizioni di mercato)
arrears (noun)
[an outstanding monetary debt – civil law]
es impago
fr arriéré
it insoluto
arrest (noun)
[action of taking a person in custody by order of a legal authority, especially
following a criminal charge – criminal law]
es [Esp.] prisión
fr emprisonnement
it arresto
article (1)(noun) – v. clause, term (2), condition, provision (3), article (1)
es estatuto
fr statuts
it statuto
es consentimiento
fr consentement
it accordo (2), consenso
[email protected]
fr accord, consentement
it consenso, permesso
assignment, transfer(noun)
[an act of the parties or of the law by which the title to property, the right or the
liability is conveyed from one person to another – civil law]
es cesión
fr cession
it cessione, alienazione
[email protected]
es embargo*, embargo ejecutivo*, secuestro* / secuestro judicial
fr saisie-exécution*, saisie*, saisie-arrêt* / séquestre judiciaire
it pignoramento*, confisca*, sequestro* / sequestro giudiziario
es abogado, procurador
fr avocat
it avvocato
auction (noun)
[sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder – civil law]
es subasta
fr enchère
it asta, incanto
auditor (noun)
[person charged of carrying out the accounting procedures and reports of
companies – commercial law]
es argumentos
fr moyens de droit, arguments, argumentations
it difese in diritto, argomenti
es representante orgánico
[email protected]
fr représentant légal
it legale rappresentante
award (noun)
[decision renderedby arbitrators or commissioners or other non-judicial deciders
upon a dispute submitted to them– law of procedure]
es laudo
fr sentence arbitrale
it lodo, decisione arbitrale
awareness (noun)
[well-informed interest in a specific situation – general doctrine]
es conocimiento de causa
fr connaissance de cause
it cognizione di causa
background art (noun) – v. state of the art, prior art, background art
bad faith (noun) – v. good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides /
fraud, unfair dealing, bad faith
es caución
fr caution
it cauzione*
[email protected]
es agente judicial*,oficial de justicia*, ujier*
fr huissier*
it ufficiale giudiziario*
bailment, deposit(noun)
[agreement in which a party (the bailor) delivers his/her goods to the other (the
bailee)for a specific purpose, without any transfer of ownership – civil law]
es depósito*
fr depot*
it deposito*
es prestamista / prestatario
fr prêteur / emprunteur
it comodante / comodatario
bank (noun)
[financial establishment that collects money deposited by customers and grants
loans and investments with interest – civil law]
es banco
fr banque
it banca
es concesión de crédito
fr ouverture de crédit
it apertura di credito
[email protected]
bank holiday (noun) – v. business day, working day / bank holiday
es transferencia bancaria
fr virement bancarie
it bonifico bancario
es cheque bancario
fr chèque de banque
it assegno circolare
[procedure regulating the reorganisation or liquidation of the assets owned by a
(insolvent) debtor in favour of the creditors – bankruptcy law]
es colegio de abogados
fr barreau, ordre des avocats
it ordine degli avvocati
[email protected]
es poder de negociación
fr force contractuelle
it potere negoziale
barrister (noun) – v. attorney (1), counsel, lawyer (2) (EU: barrister, solicitor)
barter (noun)
[agreement in which a good is exchanged with another without operating money –
civil law]
es permuta
fr échange
it permuta
es beneficiario
fr bénéficiarie
it beneficiario
benefit of discussion(noun)
[guarantor’s right to have the creditor requesting the payment of the obligation
prior to the debtor – civil law]
es beneficio de excusión*
fr bénéfice de discussion*
it beneficio di escussione*
benefit of inventory(noun)
[heir’s right to have his/herliability for estate’s debts limited only within the value
of the inherited assets – civil law]
es beneficio de inventario
fr bénéfice d’inventaire
it beneficio di inventario
[email protected]
es obligación de medios, [contrario] obligación de resultado
fr obligation de moyens,[contraire] obligation de résultat
it obbligazione di mezzi, [contrario] obbligazione di risultato
es bilateralidad, sinalagma
fr bilatéralité,synallagme (contrat bilatéral)
it sinallagma (contratto sinallagmatico)
es aval
fr aval
it avallo
es nota de honorarios
fr note d'honoraires
it parcella
es conocimiento de embarque
fr connaissement
[email protected]
it polizza di carico
binding (adj.)
[imposing an obligation by virtue of law, agreement etc. – general doctrine]
es vinculante, obligatorio
fr contraignant(e)
it vincolante
es convenio colectivo
fr convention collective, accord collective
it contratto collettivo
es consejo de administración
fr conseil d’administration, conseil de gestion (directoire)
it consiglio di amministrazione, [nel sistema dualistico] consiglio di gestione
es lesiones
fr violences
it lesioni personali
body (noun)
[group of people performing an action or serving a function in a corporate
organization – general doctrine]
es órgano
fr organe
it organo
es cláusula de estilo*
fr clause de style*
it clausola di stile*
[email protected]
bona fides (noun) – v. good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides /
fraud, unfair dealing, bad faith
es vínculo
fr lien
it vincolo
es obligación
fr obligation
it obbligazione
bonus (noun)
[additional sum of money – labour law]
es sobresueldo, prima
fr prime
it premio
books (noun)
[set of accounts of a company or other commercial entity – commercial law]
es libros contables
fr livres comptables
it libri contabili
boycott (noun)
[refusal to cooperate or to have dealings with a business operator in order to
socially/economically isolate it or obtain other undue achievements – commercial
es boicot
fr boycottage
it boicottaggio
[email protected]
judiciary br.) – public law]
es poder estatal
fr pouvoir étatique
it potere dello Stato (funzione dello Stato)
es sucursal
fr succursale
it succursale
es incumplimiento
fr manquement, inexécution, défaillance
it inadempimento
es ley de presupuestos
fr loi budgétaire
it legge finanziaria
es carga de la prueba
fr charge (ou fardeau) de la preuve
it onere della prova
[email protected]
es empresa
fr entreprise
it impresa
es empresario
fr entrepreneur
it imprenditore
[email protected]
fr de plein droit
it di diritto, ope legis
es catastro
fr cadastre
it catasto
es convocatoria de concurso
fr avis de concours, appel d'offres
it gara d’appalto,bando di concorso
es calidad, cualidad
[email protected]
fr qualité
it qualità, veste
es capital social
fr capital social
it capitale sociale
es mercado de capitales
fr marché financière
it mercato finanziario
es diligencia / negligencia
fr diligence / négligence
it diligenza / negligenza
carrier (noun)
[in a transport agreement, the party which undertakes to bring the goods or
merchandises from the original storage premises to the location of delivery – civil
es acarreador, transportista
fr transporteur
it vettore
es asunto, caso
fr affaire
it caso
[email protected]
[specific case which requires to be investigated and interpreted in view of the
application of the correct legal provision (law, regulation etc.) – general doctrine]
es caso en cuestión
fr cas d’espèce
it fattispecie concreta
es jurisprudencia
fr jurisprudence
it giurisprudenza [in senso oggettivo]
[email protected]
ceiling (noun) – v. limit, maximum, cap, ceiling
certificate (noun)
[document assessing the occurrence of certain conditions, tipically drafted and
signed by a public officer – government regulation]
es certificado
fr attestation
it certificato
certification (noun)
[action of attesting by certificate – government regulation]
es certificación
fr attestation
it certificazione
es presidente
fr président
it presidente
challenge (noun)
[formal istance objected by a party inorder to question an act or action considered
unlawful –law of procedure]
es impugnación
fr attaque
it impugnazione (gravame)
[email protected]
challenged (noun) – v. contested, challenged
charge (1)(noun)
[responsibility or duty which someone is vested with in order to satisfy his/her
personal interests – civil law]
es onus, carga
fr charge
it onere
es gravamen, carga
fr charge, nantissement
it onere (reale), peso
es acusación, cargo
fr accusation
it accusa
[security signed by the maker or drawer, drawn on a bank and payable on
[email protected]
demand of the takerfor the amount therein indicated – commercial law]
es cheque
fr chèque
it assegno
es circular
fr circulaire
it circolare*
circumstance (noun)
[fact or event that causes or helps to cause actions, occurrances, decisions to
happen; an accessory fact, event or condition to the principal event – general
es circunstancia
fr circonstance
it circostanza
es elusión
fr contournement
it elusione
es ciudadano
fr citoyen, ressortissant
it cittadino
es ciudadanía
fr citoyenneté
it cittadinanza
[email protected]
es derecho civil
fr droit civil
it diritto civile
es civil law
fr civil law
it civil law
es procedimento civil
fr procédure civil
it procedura civile
es proceso civil
fr procédure au civil
it procedimento civile
es demanda, reclamación
fr demande, prétention
it domanda, pretesa
[email protected]
of such group which adhered to the action – civil law]
es acción de clase
fr action de groupe, action de classe
it azione collettiva risarcitoria, class action
es despacho de aduanas
fr dédouanement
it sdoganamento
clerkship [for law students], internship [for graduates] (EU: training [for
solicitors], pupillage [for barristers])(noun)
[period of professional apprenticeship attended by law students or graduates in
order to qualify as lawyers/barristers – legal profession regulation]
es pasantía
fr stage juridique
it praticantato legale
code (noun)
[systematic collection of laws and/or regulations – civil law]
es código
fr code
it codice
color, appearance(noun)
[appearance or semblance of a legal claim to a right or authority – general
es apariencia*
fr apparence*
it apparenza*
[email protected]
commission, provision (4), courtage (noun)
[consideration paid by the parties in the event a deal intermediate by the broker
isconcluded following his/her intervention – civil law]
es comisión
fr commission, brokerage
it provvigione
es common law
fr common law
it common law
common law couple (noun) – v. cohabitation, common law couple, civil union
es sentido común
fr bon sens
it buon senso
es sociedad
[email protected]
fr société
it società
es reparación, indemnización
fr réparation du dommage, r. du prejudice, indemnisation
it risarcimento del danno
competition (noun)
[the rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same relevant market
- commercial law]
es competencia
fr concurrence
it concorrenza
es cumplimiento
fr accomplissement
[email protected]
it adempimento (2)
es anatocismo
fr anatocisme
it anatocismo
conciliation (noun)
[action of mediating between two litigating parties – law of procedure]
es conciliación
fr conciliation
it conciliazione
es concurrence of offences
fr concours d’infractions
it concorso di reati
condition (noun) – v. clause, term (2), condition, provision (3), article (1)
[email protected]
condominium (noun)
[system of ownership of a building (or complex of buildings) formed by a number
of individually owned apartments, in which each owner has the full ownership of
his/her apartment and an undivided interest in the shared parts of the building
(such as stares, elevator etc.) – civil law]
es condominio immobiliario
fr copropriété immobilière
it condominio (negli edifici)
conduct (noun)
[manner in which a person behaves – general doctrine]
es comportamiento
fr comportement
it condotta, comportamento
es confidencialidad, discreción
fr confidentialité, discrétion, non-divulgation, secret
it riservatezza
es confidencial
fr confidentiel
it riservato
es conflicto de intereses
fr conflit d’interérêts
it conflitto d’interessi
[email protected]
conformity (noun) – v. performance (1), fulfillment, conformity
es confusión
fr confusion
it confusion
es Parlamento
fr Parlement
it Parlamento
es contrato estimatorio
fr consignation
it contratto estimatorio
es carta de porte
fr lettre de voiture
it lettera di vettura
consistency (noun)
[strict logic interconnection, absence of inner contrast – general doctrine]
[email protected]
es coherencia
fr cohérence
it coerenza
es consolidación
fr consolidation
it compilazione, consolidazione
es asociación ilícita
fr association de malfaiteurs
it associazione per delinquere
Constitution (noun)
[body of fundamental principles and rules governating a State – civil law]
es Constitución
fr Constitution
it Costituzione
[email protected]
construed terms (noun) – v. implied (in law) terms, construed terms
es deliberación
fr délibéré
it deliberazione
consumer (noun)
[person who buys goods and services for personal use – civil law]
es consumidor
fr consommateur
it consumatore
es pacto de cuota-litis
fr pacte de quote-litis
it patto di quota-lite
es formación continua
fr formation continue, formation permanente
it formazione continua
[email protected]
contractor (noun)
[party to the contract charged of providing the service/work – civil law]
es contratista, empresario
fr enterpreneur
it appaltatore
es responsabilidad contractual
fr responsabilité contractuelle
it responsabilità contrattuale
es culpa concurrente
fr faute partagée
it concorso di colpa
controlling, decisive(adj.)
[producing a definite result – general doctrine]
es decisivo, determinante
fr décisif
it decisive
es paquete de control
fr bloc de contrôle
it pacchetto di partecipazioni di controllo
es convenio / tratado
fr convention / traité
it convenzione / trattato
[email protected]
conviction(noun) – v. sentence (1), conviction
copyright (noun)
[economic and moral exclusive rights granted to the author of literary and artistic
creative material – civil law]
es derecho de autor
fr droit d’auteur
it diritto d’autore
es médico forense
fr médecin légiste
it medico legale
es libros de la sociedad
fr régistres sociales
it libri sociali
es cohecho
fr corruption
it corruzione
[email protected]
[claim made by the defendant against the plaintiff – law of procedure]
es reconvención
fr demande reconventionnelle
it domanda riconvenzionale
counterfeiting,infringement(2) (noun)
[fraudulent or misleading imitationof a trademark or patent – intellectual property
es infracción, violación
fr contrefaçon
it contraffazione
counteroffer (noun)
[proposal made in response to another – civil law]
es contraoferta
fr contre-proposition
it controproposta
counterpart (noun)
[copy of a document – civil law]
es copia, duplicado
fr copie, exemplaire
it copia
court (noun)
[body charged with the judicial power / group of judges reunited in a court –
judicial regulation]
es tribunal / corte
fr tribunal / cour
it tribunale / corte
[email protected]
courtage (noun) – v. commission, provision (4), courtage
courtroom (noun)
[place where the court of law is reunited –law of procedure]
es constitución, fundación
fr constitution
it costituzione
es crédito, deuda
fr créance, [rare] crédit, dette
it credito, debito
es tarjeta de crédito
fr carte de crédit, carte de paiement
it carta di credito
es acreedor
fr créancier
it creditore
[email protected]
crime, offence, criminal offence (noun)
[action representing an offence punishable and pursuant to criminal law –
criminal law]
es denuncia
fr dénonciation, plainte
it denuncia
es derecho penal
fr droit pénal, droit criminel
it diritto penale
es preterintencionalidad*
fr preterintention
it preterintenzione*
es procedimiento penal
fr procédure au pénale
it procedimento penale
[email protected]
cross-examination (noun) – v. examination / cross-examination
culpability (noun)
[criminal liability ascertained by the judge or court – civil law]
es culpabilidad
fr culpabilité
it colpevolezza
currency (noun)
[money generally used in a particular Country – finance]
es divisa, moneda
fr devise, monnaie
it divisa, moneta
custody (noun)
[the act of caring and keeping anything; detention – general doctrine]
es custodia
fr garde, détention
it custodia
custom (noun)
[rules or principles adopted through established usage – public law]
es costumbre
fr coutume
it uso normativo (consuetudine)
customs (noun)
[government department which administers and collects taxes on imported goods
– tax law]
es aduana
fr douane
it dogana
[email protected]
es daños y prejuicios
fr dommage-intérêt, indemnité
it risarcimento
danger in delay (noun) – v. likelihood of success (on the merits), prima facie
case / (threat of) irreparable injury, danger in delay
date (1)(noun)
[day of the month or year indicated by a number – general doctrine]
es fecha
fr date
it data
date (2) (noun) – v. time, term (3), date (2), starting date, deadline, time
limit, period
deadline(noun) – v. time, term (3), date (2), starting date, deadline, time
limit, period
deadlock (noun)
[situation involving opposing parties in which a resolution or decision could not
be adopted – civil/private law]
es impasse, bloqueo
fr impasse, blocage
[email protected]
it stallo
es negocio, transacción
fr affaire
it affare
dealer (noun)
[person who purchases goods and sells the same to customers – civil law]
es concesionario, distribuidor
fr concessionnaire
it concessionario
es cobranza de créditos
fr recouvrement de créances
it recupero crediti
es deudor
fr débiteur
[email protected]
it debitore
deceiving (adj.)
[giving a misleading impression – general doctrine/intellectual property law]
es engañoso
fr déceptif
it decettivo
declaration (noun)
[formal announcement or statement – general doctrine]
es declaración
fr déclatartion
it dichiarazione
es decreto
fr décret
it decreto
deed (noun)
[written legaldocument which is signed, sealed and delivered (often referring to
property rights) – civil law]
es escritura pública*
fr acte authentique*
it atto pubblico*
[email protected]
deemed (adj.)
[regarded, considered – general doctrine]
es demandado
fr défendeur
it convenuto, resistente
es imputado
fr accusé
it imputato
defenses (EU: defences) (1) (noun) – v. allegations, defenses (EU: defences) (1),
defenses (EU: defences) (2) (noun) – v. authorities, defenses (EU: defences) (2),
es definición
fr définition
it definizione
definite (adj.)
[determined, peculiar, specific – general doctrine]
[email protected]
es determinado
fr déterminé
it determinate
delivery (noun)
[action of materially deliver a good – civil law]
es entrega
fr délivrance, remise, livraison
it consegna
[a formal statement that someone who has promised to tell the truth makes so
that it can be used in court; esp., a formal statement that is made before a trial
by a witness who will not be present at the trial – law of procedure]
es testimonio
fr déposition
it testimonianza, deposizione
derogation (noun)
[partial repeal or abolishing of a law by enactment of a subsequent legislation –
general doctrine]
es derogación
fr dérogation
it deroga
[email protected]
designation of the contract, nomen juris(noun)
[legal name or destination – general doctrine]
designs(industrial designs)(noun)
[plans or drawings made to illustrate the look and functioning of garments –
intellectual property law law]
desuetude (noun)
[state of disuse causing obsolescence, especially of a rule – general doctrine]
es desuso, desuetudo
fr désuétude
it desuetudine
detention (noun)
[the act of keeping back or withholding a person or thing – general doctrine]
es detención
fr détention
it detenzione
es firma electrónica
fr signature electronique
it firma digitale (firma elettronica)
es directiva (comunitaria)
fr directive (communautaire)
[email protected]
it direttiva (comunitaria)
[member of the board of Directors of an entity, granted with the power of acting in
the name of such entity and to manage it – civil law]
es administrador
fr administrateur
it amministratore
es extinción / liberación,descargo
fr extinction / dégagement, décharge
it estinzione / liberazione
discovery (noun)
[mandatory disclosure by the parties to a lawsuit of the respective testimony or
documents – law of procedure]
es exhibición*
fr exhibition*
it esibizione*
discretionary (adj.)
[referred to an act or decisionthe adoption of whichis a matter of choice and
judgment – general doctrine]
es discrecional
fr discrétionnaire
it discrezionale
dismissal (noun)
[act of the employer terminating the employment relationship with an employee –
[email protected]
labour law]
es despido
fr licenciement
it licenziamento
disparagement (noun)
[act of damagingthe reputation of a person/entity, especially a competitor –
commercial law]
es denigración
fr dénigrement
it denigrazione
es hecho jurídico
fr fait juridique
it fatto giuridico
dissolution (1)(noun)
[cessation of a company or other entity in the cases provided by law – civil law]
es disolución
fr dissolution
it scioglimento
es signos distintivos
[email protected]
fr signes distinctifs
it segni distintivi
distinctiveness (noun)
[quality of a trademark to be distinguished from other ones – commercial law]
distributorship (noun)
[franchise agreement in which a party sells certain goods or merchandises,
usually in a specific area – civil law]
dividend (noun)
[an amount of a company’s profits paid to stockholders as a reward for their
investment – corporate law]
es dividendo
fr dividende
it dividendo
division (noun)
[major section of a court identified by specific function or scope – legal system]
es sala
fr chambre
it sezione
divorce (noun)
[legal dissolution of a marriage – family law]
es divorcio
fr divorce
it divorzio
docket (noun)
[list of legal cases to be tried in a court of law – law of procedure]
es registro
fr rôle, registre
it ruolo, registro
doctrine, principle(noun)
[rule, principle or theory of law – general doctrine]
[email protected]
es principio
fr principe
it principio, teoria
document, instrument(noun)
[representation, in any manner, of legally relevant acts, facts and information –
general doctrine]
es documento, instrumento
fr document, instrument
it documento
domicile (noun)
[personal residence or home; place of registration of a company or other legal
entity – civil law]
es domicilio*
fr domicile*
it domicilio*
donation (noun)
[act of transferring a personal property as a gift made by someone who expects to
die in the immediate future, to become effective on the date of the dead of the
donor – civil law]
es donación*
fr donation*
it donazione*
es borrador de contrato
fr projet de contrat
it bozza di contratto
draft (2) (noun) – v. bill of exchange, draft (2) / promissory note, IOU
[email protected]
es derecho de participación, [Am. Lat.] derecho de seguimiento
fr droit de suite
it diritto di seguito, droit de suite
es exigible
fr exigible
it esigibile
es due diligence
fr due diligence, audit, vérification
it due diligence
es debido proceso
fr procès équitable
it giusto processo
dumping (noun)
[unfair business practice consisting in placing goods or stock on the market in
large quantities and at a low price - commercial law]
es dumping
fr dumping
it dumping
[email protected]
duty (1), undertaking (1), commitment(1) (noun)
[moral or legal obligation or responsibility, undertaken volountary or imposed by
law or agreement – general doctrine]
es deber de diligencia*
fr devoir de diligence*
it dovere di diligenza*
earnest (noun)
[installment paid to confirm the future payment or performance of an agreement –
civil law]
es arras
fr arrhes
it caparra
es derecho canónico
fr droit canonique
it diritto canonico
es ahorro
fr économie, épargne
it risparmio
[email protected]
effective (adj.)
[producing legal effects by an agreement or other act or deed – civil law]
es eficaz
fr efficace
it efficace
effects (noun)
[legal consequences deriving from an agreement or other deed or act – civil law]
es efectos
fr effets
it effetti
es embajada / embajador
fr ambassade / ambassadeur
it ambasciata / ambasciatore
employee (noun)
[person employed for salary, especially on intellectual work – labour law]
employer (noun)
[person or organisation which employs peopleas workers or employees – labour
es empleador
fr employeur
it datore di lavoro
[email protected]
employment [contract] (noun)
[agreement in which an employee or worker is hired by a employer and paid for
his work – labour law]
es juzgado laboral
fr conseil de proud’hommes
it tribunale del lavoro
enactment (noun)
[process carried out by the competent State’s branch required to pass a law or
regulation – public law]
es promulgación
fr promulgation
it promulgazione
es endoso
fr endossement
it girata
es título ejecutivo*
fr titre exécutoire*
it titolo esecutivo*
es ejecución forzosa
[email protected]
fr exécution forcée
it esecuzione forzata
enjoyment (noun)
[right of possession and use of rights and property – civil law]
es disfrute
fr jouissance
it godimento
entitlement (noun)
[holding of a juridical status – civil law]
es titularidad
fr jouissance, titularité
it titolarità
es igualidad de oportunidades
fr égalité de chances
it pari opportunità
equality (noun)
[situation of equal balance of rights and duties – general doctrine]
es igualdad
fr égalité
it uguaglianza
[email protected]
escrow (noun) – v. stake, escrow
estate (1), inheritance, bequest (1) [personal property portion], devise [real
property portion] (noun)
[all the money, property and civil obligations owned by a person at the moment of
his/her death, to be transferred to the heir(s)thereof – civil law]
es herencia
fr héritage
it eredità
es patrimonio
fr patrimoine
it patrimonio
es estimación
fr devis
it preventivo
estoppel (noun)
[legal principle refraining a person from asserting something contrary to what
previouslydone or statement or decided upon by a judgment or other judicial
resolution – general doctrine/civil law]
es exceptio doli*
fr exception de dol*
it exceptio doli
event (noun)
[occurrence, something happening or taking place – general doctrine]
es supuesto, caso
fr cas, hypothèse
it caso
[loss of a (real estate) property lawfully owned or leased following the claim of the
same by a third party – civil law]
es evicción
fr éviction
[email protected]
it evizione
evidence (noun)
[information drawn in a lawsuit in order to represent and ascertain alleged events
which are relevant to the final judgment – law of procedure]
es prueba
fr preuve
it prova
es interrogatorio / contrainterrogatorio
fr interrogation / contre-interrogatoire
it interrogatorio / controinterrogatorio
exchange (noun)
[changing of money into the corresponding amount expressed in a different
currency – finance]
es cambio
fr change
it cambio
excise (noun)
[tax imposed by law on the manufacture, sale, or use of certain goods – tax law]
executor (noun)
[person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms contained in his/her will–
civil law]
es albacea
[email protected]
fr exécuteur testamentaire
it esecutore testamentario
es bienes inembargables
fr biens insaisissables
it beni impignorabili
es exequatur
fr exequatur
it exequatur
es agotamiento
fr épuisement
it esaurimento
exhibit (1)(noun)
[action of providing a document or othe item as evidence in a court – law of
es pièce
fr documento, prueba documental
it produzione documentale
[email protected]
fr rapport d’expertise
it Consulenza Tecnica d’Ufficio, perizia
expired (adj.)
[referred to a term which has come to its end – civil law]
es vencido
fr expiré, échu
it scaduto
expiry (noun)
[end of a period during which something is valid – general doctrine]
es vencimiento, expiración
fr écoulement, expiration
it decorso
express (adj.)
[referred to written documents – general doctrine]
es expreso
fr exprès
it espresso
extension (noun)
[additional period of time given to fulfill an obligation or hold an office – civil law]
es aplazamiento, prórroga
fr dilacion, prorogation
it dilazione, proroga
extortion (noun)
[crime consisting inunlawfully obtaining something (especially money) using force
or threats – criminal law]
es extorsión
fr extorsion
it estorsione
extradition (noun)
[action of surrending a convicted criminal by one State to another entitled to
enforce a sentence –law of procedure]
[email protected]
es extradición
fr extradition
it estradizione
fact (noun)
[actual thing or happening, which must be proved at trial by presentation of
evidence and which is evaluated by the jury or by the judge - general doctrine]
es hecho
fr fait
it fatto
factoring (noun)
[agreement in which accounts receivable referring to a business are sold and
purchased – civil law]
es factoring
fr affacturage
it factoring
failure (1)(noun)
[lack of something – general doctrine]
es defecto, falta
fr défaut
it mancanza
es omisión
fr omission
it omissione
es equitativo / justo
fr équitable/ juste
it equo / giusto
[email protected]
fair trial (noun) – v. due process, fair trial
fairness (1)(noun)
[rule of balancement of opposite interests according to social harmony – civil law]
es equidad
fr équité
it equità
family (noun)
[group of people related by blood or marriage – civil law]
es familia
fr famille
it famiglia
file (noun)
[email protected]
[collection of papers and documents relating to a specific administrative or
judicial procedure – law of procedure]
es autos, expediente
fr dossier
it fascicolo
final(1) / interlocutory(adj.)
[referred to the judgment adopted by a court: decision which finally settles the
rights of the parties / intermediate decision which settles a preliminary point but
not the final case –law of procedure]
es ordinario* / cautelar*
fr au fond* / provisoire*, en référé*
it definitivo* / non definitivo*
es ejercicio
fr exercice
it esercizio contabile
fine (1)(noun)
[monetary criminal punishment or civil penalty – civil/criminal law]
es multa*
fr amende*
it ammenda, multa
first class prepaid post (noun) – v. registered letter with return receipt, first
class prepaid post
[email protected]
[right granted to the potential buyer to be preferred in the purchase of a good /
right granted to the creditor to be preferred to other creditors of the same debtor
with respect to the payment of his debt – civil law]
es tanteo / tanteo
fr préférence / préemption
it prelazione / prelazione
for (prep.)
[by, through – general doctrine]
es mediante
fr moyennant
it mediante
es venta forzosa
fr vente forcée
it vendita forzata
foreseeable (adj.)
[which may be predicted or expected – general doctrine]
[email protected]
es previsible
fr prévisible
it prevedibile
es caducidad, preclusión*
fr décheanche, forclusion*
it decadenza, preclusione
forgery (noun)
[action of making a forbidden copy or imitation of a document, signature,
banknote or artwork – criminal law]
es falsificación
fr faux
it falsificazione, falso
es forma
fr forme
it forma
es formulario
fr formulaire
it modulo, formulario
forum (noun)
[court or tribunal in general – law of procedure]
es foro
fr for
it foro
foundation (noun)
[legal institution set up for non-lucrative purposes – civil law]
[email protected]
es fundación
fr fondation
it fondazione
franchise, electivefranchise(noun)
[right to vote in public elections granted to citizens – public law]
es derecho de voto
fr droit de vote
it diritto di voto
es franquicia
fr franchise, franchisage
it franchising
fraud (noun) – v. good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides / fraud,
unfair dealing, bad faith
es dolo
fr dol
it dolo
es libertad
fr liberté
it libertà
[email protected]
mutual agreement and free willing – civil law]
freeze-out, squeeze-out(noun)
[acquisition of the entire share capital of a company by one (or more than one) of
the shareholders, while the other shareholders are excluded from any corporate
interest – commercial law]
es presuposición
fr presupposition
it presupposizione*
fund (noun)
[sum of money provided for a specific purpose – civil law]
es fondo
[email protected]
fr fonds
it fondo
es expectativa de derecho
fr expectative de droit
it aspettativa di diritto
garnishment (noun)
[judicial proceeding trough which the creditor is allowed to seize money or other
goods belonging to the debtor but currently possessed by third parties (e.g. by
virtue of a bailment agreement) –law of procedure]
es vulgarización
fr vulgarisation
it volgarizzazione
[email protected]
es pacto de caballeros
fr gentlemen’s agreement
it gentlemen’s agreement
gift (noun)
[transfer of rights or property without compensation – civil law]
es liberalidad
fr libéralité
it liberalità
good faith (noun) – v. good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides /
fraud, unfair dealing, bad faith
good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides[state of mind] / fraud,
unfair dealing, bad faith [state of mind] (noun)
[compliance with commercial rules of fair dealing, [state of mind] honest behavior
or purposes / unfair use of power or rights, unlawful dealing, [state of mind]
intention to defraud or to achieve unlawful advantages – civil law]
es buena fe / mala fe
fr bonne foi / mauvaise foi
it buona fede / mala fede
es mercadería, mercancía
fr marchandises
it merci
es administración, gestión
fr gestion, administration
it amministrazione
[email protected]
agreement - civil law]
es ley reguladora
fr loi régolartice au contrat
it legge applicabile (al contratto)
es Estado
fr Etat
it Stato
es período de gracia
fr période de grâce
it periodo di tolleranza
[reckless omission to comply with a legal duty causing damage to others– civil
es grave
fr lourde
it grave
es bruto / neto
[email protected]
fr brut / net
it lordo / netto
es motivos, motivaciónes
fr motivations
it motivazione
group (noun)
[a commercial organisation consisting of several companies controlled directly or
indirectly by the same parent company – commercial law]
es grupo de sociedades
fr groupe de sociétés
it gruppo societario
es garantía
fr [dans un contrat] garantie, [d’une créance] sûreté
it garanzia
guardian (noun)
[person charged witha duty of care in relation to another’s personal property,
usually unable to manage his/her affairs (especially a minor who has lost both
parents, a disabled person or person otherwise incapacitated) – civil law]
es tutor*, curador*
fr tuteur*, curateur*
it tutore*, curatore*, amministratore di sostegno*
es culpable / inocente
fr coupable / innocent
it colpevole / innocente
[email protected]
harassment (noun)
[the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one
party or a group, including threats and demands, esp. of a sexual nature -
criminal law]
es acoso
fr harcèlement
it molestia/e
hardship (noun)
[unforeseen events that may substantially alter the contractual equilibrium,
resulting in an excessive burden being placed on one of the parties - civil law]
es imprevisión
fr imprévision, hardship
it eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta*
es título, epígrafe
fr titre, intitulé
it titolo, rubrica
hearing (noun)
[part of a trial held in front of a judge or court –law of procedure]
es vista,audiencia
fr audience
it udienza
[email protected]
heir, beneficiary, devisee, legatee[by virtue of a will](noun)
[person legally entitled to receive the property of another upon death of the latter
– civil law]
es heredero, legatario
fr héritier, [en raison d’un testament] légataire
it erede
es vicio oculto
fr vice caché
it vizio occulto
es representante legal
fr administrateur légal
it rappresentante legale
holding, ruling(noun)
[crucial part of a court’s determination on a matter of law / in general, decision
adopted by a judge–law of procedure]
[email protected]
es participación
fr participation
it partecipazione, partecipazione al capital
es documento de identidad
fr carte d’identité
it carta d’identità
es imitación servil
fr copie servile
it imitazione servile
es tácito, implícito
fr tacite, implicite
it tacito
[email protected]
[inferred consequences deriving from the agreement – civil law]
es efectos naturales
fr effets naturels
it effetti naturali
es imposibilidad sobrevenida
fr impossibilité d’exécution
it impossibilità sopravvenuta
es en nombre y en intereses de
fr en le nom et pour le compte
it in nome e per conto di
inadmissibility (noun)
[not able to be accepted as valid in court, especially in relation to evidence or
documents –law of procedure]
es inadmisibilidad,improcedencia*
fr irrecevabilité*
it inammissibilità*, improcedibilità*
[email protected]
including but not limited to, including without limitation(loc.)
[a partial list that includes other unspecified items – general doctrine]
inconsistent (adj.)
[when something does not conformto or is not in line with something else –
general doctrine]
indemnity (noun)
[predetermined sum of money paid as compensation against loss or damage –
civil law]
es indemnidad
fr indemnité
it indennità
es inculpado
fr inculpé
it indagato
[email protected]
es persona natural / persona jurídica
fr personne physique / personne morale
it persona fisica / persona giuridica
infringement (1)[of a right], breach (2) [of a contract], violation [of a law]
[failure to comply with a legal obligation or duty – general doctrine]
es violación
fr violation, rupture
it violazione
es intimación
fr sommation
it intimazione
insolvency (noun)
[the situation of a debtor being unable to pay their debts – civil law]
es insolvencia
fr surrendettement*, déconfiture*, insolvence
it insolvenza
inspection (noun)
[examination of something, such as goods (to determine their fitness for
[email protected]
purchase);evaluation of a situation in order to determine its compliance with
applicable law – commercial law, general doctrine]
es verificación
fr vérification
it accertamento
instalments (noun)
[sums of money dividing an overall payment to be paid at fixed separate deadlines
– civil law]
es plazos, etapas
fr échéanches
it rate
institution (noun)
[an established organization - civil law]
es institución, establecimiento
fr établissement
it ente, istituto
insurance (noun)
[agreement in which a party, vis-à-vis the payment of a certain sum
(premium),undertakes to provide monetary compensation for specified loss
ordamage or for a specific life event (illness, death)in favour of the insured party –
civil law]
es seguro
fr assurance
it assicurazione
[email protected]
it privativa industriale (diritto di)
es obra intelectual
fr oeuvre de l’esprit
it opera dell’ingegno
es animus, voluntad
fr animus, volonté
it animus, volontà
es intención, dolo
fr intention, dol
it dolo
es intencional, doloso
fr intentionnel, dolosive
it doloso
es tutela*, curatela*
fr tutelle des majeurs*
it interdizione*, inabilitazione*, amministrazione di sostegno*
[email protected]
[compensation paid for the use of money or for delaying the repayment of a debt
– civil law]
es intereses
fr interêts
it interessi
es mediación
fr courtage
it mediazione
[email protected]
international law (noun)
[body of rules governing relationships between States and international
organisations – general doctrine]
es derecho internacional
fr droit international
it diritto internazionale
es interpretación, exégesis
fr interprétation, exégèse
it interpretazione (esegesi)
es invalidez,nulidad
fr invalidité, nullité
it invalidità, nullità
invention (noun)
[patentable device created or discoveredindependently by technical and creative
effort of the inventor – intellectual property law]
es invención
fr invention
it invenzione
investment (noun)
[action of investing money in business activities, securities or other financial
[email protected]
devices in order to gain a profit – civil law]
es inversión
fr investissement
it investimento
es factura
fr facture
it fattura
es forzoso
fr forcé
it coatto (coattivo)
es expedición, concesión
fr délivrance
[email protected]
it rilascio
joint and several (adj.) – v. (merely) several / joint, joint and several, solidary
es jurisprudencial
fr prétorien, jurisprudentiel
it giurisprudenziale
es juicio de constitucionalidad
fr examen de constitutionnalité
it vaglio di costituzionalità
[email protected]
judiciary (noun)
[collectivity of judges (persons) – judicial regulation]
es orden judiciario
fr ordre judiciaire
it ordine giudiziario
judgment, deliverance(noun)
[decision adopted by a judge or court in order to finally settle a dispute –law of
es jurisdicción / competencia
fr jurisdiction / compétence
it giurisdizione / competenza
jurisprudence (noun)
[theory of law investigating each field of legal studies – general doctrine]
es ciencia jurídica
fr science juridique
it scienza giuridica
es majistrado, juez
fr magistrat, juje
it magistrato, giudice
juristic act (noun) – v. legal act / juristic act, legal transaction, legal act, act
in the law
[email protected]
just cause, good cause (noun)
[legally grounded reason (especially regarding a specific contractual behavior) –
civil law]
es justa causa
fr bon motif, justification
it giusta causa
es justicia
fr justice
it giustizia
know-how (noun)
[body of technical knowledge and skills surrounding the manufacture of goods or
other technical processes – civil law]
es know-how
fr savoir-faire
it know-how
label (noun)
[commercial brand – commercial law]
es etiqueta
fr étiquette
it etichetta
[email protected]
fr droit du travail
it diritto del lavoro
labourer (noun)
[worker employed to perform manual tasks – labour law]
es obrero
fr ouvrier
it operaio
es tardío / puntual
fr tardif / en temps utile
it tardive / tempestivo
law (1)(noun)
[system of rules governing the social relationship amongst a State – general
[email protected]
es derecho
fr droit
it diritto
es derecho procesal
fr droit processuel
it diritto processuale
es facultad de derecho
fr faculté de droit
it facoltà di giurisprudenza
lawsuit (noun)
[dispute brought in front of a court or judge for adjudication – law of procedure]
es jurista, legal
fr juriste, légal
[email protected]
it giurista, legale
lawyer (2) (noun) – v. attorney (1), counsel, lawyer (2) (EU: barrister, solicitor)
legacy, bequest(noun)
[single property or right left to someone in a will – civil law]
es legado*
fr legs à titre particulier*
it legato*
legal (1)(adj.)
[relating to law – general doctrine]
es jurìdico
fr juridique
it giuridico
legal act / juristic act, legal transaction, legal act, act in the law(noun)
[intentional action or undertaking implying legal effects or consequences /
intentional action or deedtaken in order to create, transfer or extinguish a right –
civil law]
[email protected]
legal aid (noun)
[the means-based benefit in the form of financial assistance or gratuitous legal
servicesprovided to persons unable to meet the cost of advice and representation
in legal proceedings - law of procedure]
es justicia gratuita
fr aide juridictionelle
it gratuito patrocinio
es fuerza legal
fr force légale
it valore legale
es estado
fr statut juridique
it condizione giuridica
es costas judiciales
fr dépenses, frais de justice
it spese del giudizio
[email protected]
lawsuit – law of procedure/legal profession regulation]
es costas judiciales
fr dépenses, frais de justice
it spese legali
es ficción juridica
fr fiction juridique
it fiction juris
es esfera juridica
fr situation juridique
it sfera giuridica
es régimen legal
fr régime légal
it regime legale
es ordenamiento jurídico
fr système juridique, ordre juridique
[email protected]
it ordinamento giuridico
legal transaction (noun) – v. legal act / juristic act, legal transaction, legal
act, act in the law
es autentificación / verificación
fr authentification / vérification
it autenticazione / verificazione
es legislador
fr législateur
it legislatore
leniency (noun)
[clemency –law of procedure]
es lenidad, indulgencia
fr indulgence
it indulgenza
[email protected]
letter of (the) law / spirit of (the) law (noun)
[literal meaning of a rule of law as drafted by the legislators / actual purpose of a
rule of law– general doctrine]
es carta de abogado
fr lettre d’usage, mise en demeure
it lettera di intervento (lettera di diffida)
es carta de crédito
fr lettre de crédit, crédit documentaire, accréditif
it lettera di credito
letterhead (noun)
[printed heading on paper or stationery carrying a person or organisation’s details
[email protected]
(name and address) – legal profession regulation/commercial law]
liable (adj.)
[legally responsible for something, both under civil or criminal law - general
es responsable
fr responsable
it responsabile
liability (noun)
[the condition of being actually or potentially accountable for st., both under civil
or criminal law - general doctrine]
es responsabillidad
fr responsabilité
it responsabilità
es usufructo
fr usufruit
[email protected]
it usufrutto
(substantial) likelihood of success (on the merits), prima facie case / (threat
of) irreparable injury, danger in delay (noun)
[facts alleged by a party in order to urge the judge to rule in the party’s favour on
the basis of:having provided sufficient evidence of the right claimed by the same
party/ risk alleged by the claiming party of incurring serious damage if the
remedy to be granted by the judge is delayed–law of procedure]
es techo, tope
fr plafond
it massimale
es penalización*
fr pénale*
it penale*
liquidated-damages clause [if the sum is adequate and the clause is held
valid], penalty clause [if the sum is excessive and the clause is held invalid]
[contractual provision under which the parties agree that a certain amount of
money shall be due by the failing party in case of failure to fulfill the obligations
set forth under the relevant agreement – civil law]
[email protected]
it (clausola) penale
liquidation (noun)
[the act of settling or fixing something that before was uncertain or
unascertained; in particular payment, satisfaction – civil law]
es liquidación
fr liquidation
it liquidazione
liquidator (noun)
[an individual appointed to carry out the winding-up of a company – civil law]
es liquidador*
fr liquidateur*
it liquidatore*
es litispendencia
fr litispendence
it litispendenza
listed (noun)
[referred to companies whose shares are quoted on stock exchange markets or to
quoted shares – civil law]
es cotizado
fr coté
it quotato
litigant (noun) – v. party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent,
opposing party
loan (noun)
[agreement in which a party (the lender) lends money or goods to the other (the
borrower), which undertakes to return the money or goods borrowed and interest,
where agreed – civil law]
loan for use (noun) – v. commodatum, loan for use, gratuitous bailment
[email protected]
Local Administration (noun) – v. municipal corporation, municipality (1) /
Local Council, Local Administration, Town Council, municipality (2)
es laguna, vacío
fr lacune
it lacuna
loyalty (noun)
[quality of being devoted and loyal – general doctrine]
es fidelidad
fr fidélité
it fedeltà
maintenance (noun)
[action of preserving the correct status and functioning of manufactured goods
and plants – commercial law]
es mantenimiento
fr entretien
it manutenzione
[email protected]
case of illness) in exchange of the transfer of real estate or other goods – civil law]
majority (noun)
[in a body, the number of votes required for the approval of a resolution – civil
es mayoría
fr majorité
it maggioranza
[email protected]
es declaración de voluntad
fr manifestation de volonté, déclatartion de volonté
it manifestazione di volontà (dichiarazione di volontà)
marital (adj.)
[referred to husband-and-wife relations – civil law]
es conyugal
fr conjugal
it coniugale
es capitulaciones matrimoniales
fr convention matrimonial, contrat de mariage
it [dopo il matrimonio] convenzione matrimoniale*
es estado civil
fr état civil
it stato civile*
es cuota de mercado
fr part de marché
it quota di mercato
es valor de mercado
fr valeur marchande
it valore di mercato
es matrimonio
fr mariage
[email protected]
it matrimonio
es esencial, importante
fr essentiel
it essenziale
es vencimiento, plazo
fr échéanche
it scadenza
Mayor (noun)
[head of a municipality or local council – public law]
es Alcalde
fr Maire
it Sindaco
mediation (noun)
[intervention in a dispute in order to reach a settlement – law of procedure]
es mediación
fr médiation
it mediazione
[email protected]
medical examiner (noun) – v. coroner, medical examiner
member (noun)
[person who joined an association or group – civil law]
es asociado
fr sociétaire
it associato
es reserva mental
fr réserve mentale
it riserva mentale
merits (noun)
[good features or points – general doctrine]
es mérito, fundo
fr fond
it merito
[email protected]
[division of the Government / the person heading a Ministry – public law]
es Ministerio / Ministro
fr Ministère / Ministre
it Ministero / Ministro
es actas
fr procès-verbal
it verbale
misconduct (noun)
[unlawful vehaviour or violation of ethical or legal rule of action – general
es publicidad engañosa
fr publicité trompeuse
it pubblicità ingannevole
mismanagement (noun)
[bad or inaccurate management of a business – commercial law]
es mala gestión
fr faute de gestion
it mala gestio
es error
fr erreur
it errore
[email protected]
money laundering (noun)
[criminal offence consisting in transferring or replacing the money gained from
criminal activities in order to conceal its fraudulent origins – criminal law]
mortgage (noun)
[agreement in whicha title of property is drawn as security for the payment of a
debt, upon the condition that the conveyance of title occurs upon the repayment–
civil law]
es hipoteca
fr hypothèque
it ipoteca
[email protected]
es error mutuo*
fr erreur mutuelle*
it errore bilaterale*
es mutuo disenso
fr révocation amiable, mutuus dissensus, resiliation - resolution bilaterale
it mutuo dissenso
es derecho de la navegación
fr droit de la navigation
it diritto della navigazione
necessity (noun)
[justification excluding a person’s liability when a damage is caused in order to
protect oneself’s ot others’s life or health – civil law / justification excluding a
person’s criminal liability when a criminal offence is committed under need of
[email protected]
protecting oneself’s ot others’s life or health – criminal law]
es estado de necesidad
fr état de nécessité
it stato di necessità
negligent (adj.)
[said of an action taken without exercising the ordinary degree of care reasonably
expected in that situation – civil law]
es culposo
fr fautif
it colposo
es título valor*
fr titre de crédit*
it titolo di credito*
negotiations (noun)
[bargaining process involving the prospective parties to an agreement – civil law]
es negociaciónes, tratos
fr négociations, pourparlers
it trattative
[email protected]
nominal capital (noun) – v. capital, corporate stock, corporate equity (EU:
capital, share capital, nominal capital, registered capital)
es testa ferro
fr prête-nom
it prestanome
noncompliance (noun)
[failure to act in accordance with the law or contractual provisions – general
es inobservancia
fr non-respect
it inosservanza
es jurisdicción voluntaria*
fr juridiction gracieuse*
it giurisdizione volontaria*
non-disclosure agreement(NDA)(noun)
[agreement in which each party undertakes not to disclose any information
shared by or discovered from a trade-secret holderor from the counterparty – civil
[email protected]
no-profit entity (noun) – v. society, association, no-profit entity
es conforme
fr constant
it pacifico
es indebido
fr indu
it indebito
notice (1)(noun)
[legal notification required by law or agreement causing specific legal effects – civil
es denuncia
fr dénonciation
it denuncia
es notificación
fr notification, [par hussier] signification
it notificazione
es preaviso
fr préavis
it preavviso
[email protected]
it avviso di accertamento
novation (noun)
[extinguishment or cancellation of an obligation upon mutual agreement of the
parties to substitute a new obligation to the existing one – civil law]
es novación
fr novation
it novazione
nuisance (noun)
[unlawful interference with the enjoyment of land or with the rights of the public
in general – civil law]
es molestias vecinales*
fr troubles de voisinage*
it immissioni non tollerabili*, atti emulative*
null and void (adj.) – v. voidable, void / invalid, void, null and void
oath (noun)
[sworn declaration issued by a party in a court upon facts or events pertaining to
the lawsuit – law of procedure]
es juramento
fr serment
it giuramento
[email protected]
unrelated law issues), having no binding but only persuasive effect – general
es excepción*
fr exception*, fin*
it eccezione*
obligation (noun)
[binding commitment, arising from law, agreement or another juridical event,
compelling a person to complete a specific performance – civil law]
es obligación
fr obligation
it obbligazione
es obligado
fr obligé, forcé, contraint
it obbligato
occurrence (noun)
[event occurring subsequent to a certain moment or fact – general doctrine]
es superveniencia, ocurrencia
fr survenance
it sopravvenienza (verificazione)
[email protected]
of procedure (loc.) – v. on the merits, substantive / of procedure
offence (noun)
[breach of a law or contractual provision causing a damage or the risk of a
potential damage – general doctrine]
es ofensa, atentado
fr atteinte
it offesa
office (1)(noun)
[position of service or authority, normally having public natureor implications –
general doctrine]
es oficina
fr bureau
it ufficio
[email protected]
es directivo, [Amer. Lat. ] ejecutivo
fr cadre / dirigent
it dirigente [generico] / dirigente [apicale]
ombudsman (noun)
[public officer appointed to investigate individual claims against public or private
companies or organisations and propose appropriate remedies – government
es de oficio / a instancia de
fr d’office / sur demande
it d’ufficio / a istanza di parte
es de mérito / procesal
fr au fond / de procédure
it di merito / processuale
opinion (noun)
[statement on technical matters given by an expert (especially a lawyer) providing
a professional advice upon possible solutions – general doctrine]
es opinión, asesoramiento
fr avis, conseil
it parere
opponent (noun) – v. party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent,
opposing party
opposing party (noun) – v. party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent,
opposing party
[email protected]
es opción
fr option
it opzione
es acción ordinaria*
fr action ordinaire*
it azione ordinaria*
other party (2) (noun) – v. party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent,
opposing party
other party (1) (noun) – v. party (1) / other party (1), counterparty
outcome (noun)
[consequence, result or effect – general doctrine]
es resultado, desenlace
fr issue
it esito
es atraso
fr impayé
it insoluto
[email protected]
overruling (noun)
[decision of the court setting aside a precedent – general doctrine]
es cambio de jurisprudencia
fr revirement
it cambio di orientamento (mutamento di indirizzo)
owelty, adjustment(noun)
[accountingpractice consisting in calculate and compensate the exceeding or
missing amount of a due sum –tax law]
es ajuste
fr ajustement, solde
it conguaglio
panel (noun)
[small group of people entitled to investigate or decide on a specific matter; group
of jurors –law of civil procedure]
es valor nominal
fr valeur nominale
it valore nominale
parent (noun)
[a father or mother – family law]
[email protected]
es progenitor
fr parent
it genitore
es patria potestad
fr autorité parentale
it potestà genitoriale
partition (noun)
[division of property held jointly by two or more individuals – civil law]
es partición
fr partage
it divisione
party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent, opposing party (noun)
[plaintiff and defendant in a lawsuit; accused party and public accusation in a
criminal proceeding –law of procedure]
[email protected]
es litigante, pleitante, parte en juicio / contraparte, adversario, parte contraria
fr plaideur / adversaire
it parte / controparte
passport (noun)
[official personal card issued by a government granting the holder the right to
travel to and from a foreign country – government regulation]
es pasaporte
fr passeport
it passaporto
patent (noun)
[government license granting the inventor rights including the right to exclude
others from reproducing, using, or selling his or her invention for a certain period
of time – intellectual property law]
es patente (f.)
fr brevet
it brevetto
es reivindicaciones
fr revendications
it rivendicazioni
[email protected]
payment obligation (noun)
[obligation under which the obligor shall pay a specific sum of money – civil law]
es pago
fr paiement
it pagamento
pension (noun)
[fixed sum of money paid on a monthly basis by the social security authorities to
each employee from the time of his/her retirement, whom amount depends on
the relevant number of years of employment, age or disabilities (if any) – labour
es pensión
fr pension
it pensione
es prestación
[email protected]
fr prestation
it prestazione
period (noun) – v. time, term (3), date (2), starting date, deadline, time limit,
es falso testimonio
fr faux témoignage
it falsa testimonianza
es establecimiento permanente
fr établissement stable
it stabile organizzazione
es licencia, permiso
fr licence, permis
it licenza amministrativa
es titular
fr titulaire
it titolare
es datos personales
fr données personnelles
it dati personali
[email protected]
personal guarantee (1) (covenant) (noun)
[covenant imposing a personal obligation onone party in favour of the other – civil
es obligación personal
fr obligation personnelle
it obbligazione personale, obbligazione intuitu personae
[email protected]
plagiarism, copyright infringement (noun)
[actof usurping or forginga work protected by copyright without the original
author’s authorisation– civil law]
es plagio
fr plagiat
it plagio
es actor, demandante
fr demandeur
it attore
es contestación a la demanda
fr conclusions en réponse
it comparsa di risposta*
es escrito
fr conclusions
it memoria (comparsa)
pledge (noun)
[action of bailing a personal propertyof the debtor to a creditor in order to secure
a debt or other civil obligation – civil law]
[email protected]
point (noun) – v. issue (1), point (i. of facts / i. of law / i. or procedure / i. of
the merits)
position (noun)
[interpretative point of view – general doctrine]
es opinión
fr position, opinion, attitude
it orientamento (indirizzo)
es posesión, tenencia*
fr possession, détention*
it possesso, detenzione*
es poder
fr pouvoir
it potere
precedent (noun)
[a decision adjudged by a court, providing an example or authority for future
[email protected]
identical or similar cases arising a similar question of law – general doctrine]
es precedente
fr précédent
it precedente
es acciones preferentes
fr actions privilégiées
it azioni privilegiate
premises (noun)
[ (part of) a house or building – civil law]
es local
fr local
it locale
premium (noun)
[sum paid from time to time by the insured party in the insurance agreement –
civil law]
es prima
fr prime
it premio
presumption (noun)
[logical consequence inferred by the law or the judge from known or proven
events in order to retrieve an unknown or unproven event – civil law]
es presunción
fr présomption
it presunzione
[email protected]
price (noun)
[consideration for the sale of goods or servicesin sale and purchase agreements –
civil law]
es precio
fr prix
it prezzo
prima facie case (noun) – v. likelihood of success (on the merits), prima facie
case / (threat of) irreparable injury, danger in delay
es capital
fr principal, capital
it capitale
principle (noun)
[general and far-reaching rule – general doctrine]
es principio
fr principe
it principio
prior (adj.)
[referred to an act or deed preceeding another – general doctrine]
es previo, preliminar
fr préalable
it previo (precedente)
prior art (noun) – v. state of the art, prior art, background art
[email protected]
[right of a creditor to be paid before other creditors of the same debtor,
established by law or agreement – civil law]
es privilegio*
fr privilège*
it privilegio*
es prisión, cárcel
fr prison, pénitencier
it progione (carcere, istituto penitenziario)
es venture capital
fr capital-risque
it venture capital
es particular
fr particulier
it privato
es secreto profesional
[email protected]
fr secret professionnel
it segreto professionale
procedure (noun)
[a series of steps to be followed in a regular definite order, esp. during a trial –
general doctrine]
es procedimiento
fr procédure
it procedura
proceeding (formality)(noun)
[action or step necessary in order to achieve a wider juridical action– general
professional (noun)
[person engaged or qualified in a profession – civil law]
es profesional liberal
fr professionnel libéral
it libero professionista
[email protected]
es deontología, ética profesional
fr déontologie
it deontologia
prohibition (noun)
[a law or order not allowing something to be used or done – general doctrine]
es prohibición
fr interdiction
it divieto
es orden inhibitoria
fr ordonnance prohibitive
it inibitoria
promise (1)(noun)
[formal commitment to adopt a certain conduct – civil law]
es promesa
fr promesse
it promessa
promissory note (noun) – v. bill of exchange, draft (2) / promissory note, IOU
proper (adj.)
[adequate, appropriate and/or proportionate for a certain use – general doctrine]
es adecuado, apropriado
fr approprié
it appropriato
es propiedad
fr propriété
it proprietà
property (2) (noun) – v. asset, property (2) / personal property, chattel / real
property, real estate
[email protected]
property (3) (noun) – v. estate (2), property (3), patrimony
es cuota, participation
fr quote-part, part
it quota
protest (noun)
[formal declaration that a due payment has not been performed – civil law]
es protesto
fr protêt
it protesto
es disposición
fr disposition
it disposizione
provision (3) (noun) – v. clause, term (2), condition, provision (3), article (1)
es provisional
fr provisoire
it provvisorio
[email protected]
proxy (noun) – v. power of attorney, proxy
proxy for appearing in court (noun) – v. legal power of attorney, proxy for
appearing in court
es dominio público
fr domaine public
it dominio pubblico
es secreto de estado
fr secret défense, secret d’état
it segreto di stato
es fedatario*
fr officier public*
it pubblico ufficiale
public order (noun) – v. public policy / morality (public mor.)/ public order
[email protected]
it ordine pubblico / buon costume / pubblica sicurezza
es mercados públicos
fr marchés publics
it appalti pubblici
es fiscal
fr parquet, ministère public
it pubblico minister
es funcionario público
fr fonctionnaire public
it funzionario pubblico
es servicio público
fr service public
it servizio pubblico
publishing (contract)(noun)
[agreement in which a party grants the other with the right to publish his/her
literary work – civil law]
[email protected]
punishment, sentence (2), penalty (noun)
[sanction imposed on a convicted person as a consequence of his/her breach of
criminal law – criminal law]
es pena
fr peine
it pena
es indemnizaciones punitivas
fr dommages-intérêts punitifs
it danni punitivi
es comprador
fr acheteur, acquéreur
it compratore, acquirente
es objeto social
fr objet sociale
it oggetto sociale
quasi-contract (noun)
[an obligation which arises without the express agreement of the parties - civil
es cuasicontrato
[email protected]
fr quasi-contrat
it quasi contratto
query (noun)
[disputed matter brought before a court in a lawsuit – law of procedure]
es pregunta, questión
fr interrogation
it quesito
rate (noun)
[fixed amount of a charge expressing a percentage (generally as minimum
threshold) of another amount or used in order to calculate the compensation for
services professional fees – civil law]
ratification (noun)
[action of signing or giving formal consentto an act or deed (e.g. a treaty, law or
agreement) in order to make it official – civil/international law]
es ratificación
fr ratification
it ratifica
es ratio decidendi
fr ratio decidendi
it ratio decidendi
[email protected]
real property (noun) – v. asset, property (2) / personal property, chattel / real
property, real estate
es razonable / irrazonable
fr raisonnable / déraisonnable
it ragionevole / irragionevole
reasons, motives(noun)
[causing factors forming the basis of a certain behaviour – general doctrine]
es motivos
fr motifs, [dans les contrats] mobiles
it motivi
receipt (noun)
[declaration by a creditor acknowledging the payment of a receivable in his/her
favour – civil law]
es recibo, finiquito
fr acquit, quittance
it quietanza (ricevuta)
recharacterisation (noun)
[decision of the judge with respect to the legal qualification of an act or event (also
[email protected]
inconsistent with the qualification proposed by the party thereto) – civil law]
es recalificación
fr réqualification
it riqualifica
recitals (noun)
[the preliminary statements appearing in contracts and other legal documents
providing an explanation of the reasons for the transaction – civil law]
es preambulo
fr préambule
it premesse
recovery (1)(noun)
[action to be takenin court in order to recover possession of lost or stolen
property– civil law]
es reintegración
fr réintégration
it reintegrazione
es reivindicación
fr revendication
it rivendica
es reembolso
fr reimboursement
it rimborso, riscatto
[email protected]
register (noun) – v. roll, register
registered letter with return receipt, first class prepaid post (noun)
[mail tracked by the mail service upon prior payment of an extra fee and delivered
to the addresseewith special procedures in order to give evidence of the receipt –
civil law]
es carta certificada
fr lettre recommandé, RAR
it raccomandata a/r
es Registro Mercantil*
fr Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés*
it Registro delle Imprese*
registration (noun)
[filing of documents or deeds with a public registry with respect to: real estate
property / companies – commercial law]
[email protected]
es registro (de la demanda), inscripción
fr inscription au rôle
it iscrizione a ruolo
es Registro de la propiedad
fr Bureau de la conservation des hypothèques
it conservatoria immobiliare
regulation (noun)
[body of laws and legal rules governing a specific field– general doctrine / EU
initiative providing legal rules directly applicable in the jurisdiction of the EU
countries – EU law]
rejection (noun)
[the act of rejecting – general doctrine]
es rechazo
fr refus, rejet
it rigetto, rifiuto
es pariente
fr parent
it parente
es descargo
fr décharge, exoneration
[email protected]
it liberatoria
relevance (noun)
[a requirement for the admissibility of evidence i.e. it must be pertinent to the
facts and issues of law in a case –law of procedure]
es relevancia, pertinencia
fr pertinence
it rilevanza (pertinenza)
es mercado relevante
fr marché pertinent
it mercato rilevante
reliable (adj.)
[refers to an exhibit: trustworthy, which may be taken into account – civil law]
es fiable
fr fiable
it attendibile
[reliance by one party on the acts or representations of another – general
es confianza
fr confiance
it affidamento
es exención, exoneración
fr dispense, exoneration
it dispensa
es reparación
fr redressement, satisfaction
it riparazione
[email protected]
relinquishment (noun) – v. waiver (1), renunciation, relinquishment
remedy (noun)
[the manner in which a right is enforced or satisfied when a wrong or injury had
occurred – civil law]
renewal (noun)
[extension of the validity of an agreement / introduction of a claim or demand
already brought in court – civil law/law of procedure]
es reconducción, renovación
fr [d’un contrat] reconduction, [d’une demande] renouvellement
it rinnovo
rent (1)(noun)
[regular payment made by the tenant to the landlord for the use of property or
land – civil law]
es alquiler
fr loyer
it canone (di locazione)
repeal (abrogation)(noun)
[withdrawal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement – general doctrine]
es abrogación
fr abrogation
it abrogazione
[email protected]
representation (2), statement (noun)
[formal act or declaration made tocommunicateone’s willingness or opinion in
relation to a situation – civil law]
es declaración
fr déclaration
it dichiarazione
es declaraciones y garantías
fr déclarations et garanties
it dichiarazioni e garanzie
request (noun)
[the act of a party to a lawsuit demanding the judge to act or the other party to
perform certain activities, e.g. producing a document - law of procedure]
es solicitud
fr demande
it istanza, richiesta
es requisitos, condiciones
fr exigences, conditions
it requisiti
es cosa juzgada
fr chose jugée
it cosa giudicata
[email protected]
[termination of an agreement upon intention by one of the parties – civil law]
resolution (noun)
[decision adopted by a body – civil law/government regulation]
es punto de venta
fr point de vente
it punto vendita
retailer (noun)
[person/entity which sells goods directly to the public for use or consumption
rather than for resale – civil law]
es minorista
fr détaillant
it dettagliante
retirement (noun)
[where an employee terminates his/her employment or career after a certain
number of years – labour law]
[email protected]
es jubilación
fr retraite
it pensione
es retroactivo
fr rétroactif
it retroattivo
es devolución
fr restitution
it restituzione (ripetizione)
revocation (noun)
[unilateral annulment of a contractual deed – civil law]
es revocación
fr révocation
it revoca
es revolución / golpe
fr revolution / coup d’état
it rivoluzione / colpo di stato
[email protected]
Right, interest (2) (noun)
[moral or legal entitlement to receive or have something – general doctrine]
es derecho
fr droit
it diritto
es derechos reales
fr droits réels
it diritti reali
es derecho a la defensa
fr droit de la défense
it diritto di difesa
right to control and direct (noun) – v. service (2), right to control and direct,
(EU: subordination)
risk (noun)
[uncertain event which could impair a treath or danger to things or persons – civil
es riesgo
fr risque
it rischio
es registro
fr registre, rôle, tableau
it albo (ruolo)
es royalty, regalía
fr redevance
it royalty
[email protected]
rule (noun)
[legal principle – general doctrine]
rule of law(noun)
[constitutional principle according to which the conduct and actions adopted by a
State vis-à-vis its citizen shall be subject to the applicable law rather than to
arbitrary power – public law]
sales agency(noun)
[agreement in which a party is permanently appointed as sale agent for a certain
area– civil law]
es agenzia
fr agence
it agencia
es agente
fr agent
it agente
[email protected]
sales agreement, purchase agreement(SPA)(noun)
[agreement in which a party (the buyer or purchaser) acquires the ownership of
certain goods or other rights vis-à-vis the payment of a price to the other (the
seller) – civil law]
es compraventa, venta
fr vente
it compravendita (vendita)
[small part or quantity of something meant to show the features and quality
thereof – commercial law]
es muestra
fr échantillon
it campione
sanction (noun)
[unfavourable consequenceprovided by the law in case of breach of a legal rule –
general doctrine]
es sanción
fr sanction
it sanzione
satisfaction (noun)
[the discharge of an obligation by paying a party what is due or by paying what is
awarded to a person by the judgment of a court or otherwise - civil law]
es satisfacción, cumplimiento
fr satisfaction
it adempimento, soddisfazione
es bonos de ahorro
fr bons d’epargne
it buoni di risparmio
[email protected]
es doctrina
fr doctrine, littérature
it doctrine
search (noun)
[the examination of someone’s premises (including a vehicle) to look for evidence
of criminal activity - law of procedure]
es inspección
fr inspection
it ispezione
es secretario
fr secrétaire
it segretario
es artículo / apartado
fr article / alinéa
it articolo / comma
[conversion of credits (especially loans) into marketable securities – civil law]
es titrización
fr titrisation
it cartolarizzazione
[email protected]
fr valeur mobilière, titre (negotiable)
it valore mobiliare (titolo)
self-defense (noun)
[reasonable use of force in order to protect oneself or one’s family or property
from a (real or threatened) risk of suffering unlawful damages – civil/criminal law]
es legítima defensa
fr légitime défense
it legittima difesa
es vendedor
fr vendeur
it venditore
es condena
fr condamnation
it condanna
[email protected]
separation (noun)
[situation of spouses living apart without cessation of their marriage – family law]
es separación
fr séparation de corps
it separazione personale
es servidumbre
fr servitude
it servitù
set-off (noun)
[item or amount that is counterbalanced by another in the settlement of accounts
– civil law]
es compensación
fr compensation
it compensazione*
es transacción
fr transaction
[email protected]
it transazione
es agresión sexual*
fr agression sexuelle
it violenza sessuale
es simulado
fr simulé
it simulato
es simulación
fr simulation
it simulazione
[email protected]
es acción
fr action
it azione (1)
es prima de emisión
fr prime d’émission
it sovrapprezzo
[email protected]
shell corporation (noun) – v. shell company, shell corporation
side (noun) – v. party (2), side, litigant / other party (2), opponent, opposing
es firma
fr signature, souscription
it firma
smuggling (noun)
[illegal moving of goods into and out of a country territory – criminal law]
es contrabando
fr contrebande
it contrabbando
es seguridad social
fr prévoyance sociale, sécurité sociale
it previdenza sociale
[email protected]
[portion of salary which is withheld by the employer and devolved to social
security system – labour law]
es cargas sociales
fr charges sociales
it contributi previdenziali
es asociación
fr association
it associazione
es empresa individual
fr entreprise individuelle
it impresa individuale
solicitor (noun) – v. attorney (1), counsel, lawyer (2) (EU: barrister, solicitor)
sovereignty (noun)
[ultimate power or authority – public law]
es soberanía
fr souveraineté
it sovranità
[email protected]
[action of enforcing a contractual obligation by rendering an exact performanceas
stated by the judge or court’s order, recurring when the remedy of damages is
inadequate or damages could not be assessed – civil law]
spin-off, demerger(noun)
[transfer of the capital shares and assets of a company, in whole or in part, to two
or more companies, both existing or newly created – commercial law]
es escisión
fr scission
it scissione
spouse (noun)
[husband or wife, considered in relation to his/her partner – family law]
es cónyuge
fr conjont
it coniuge
stamp (noun)
[symbol identifying a document or deed as issued by a governmental authority –
civil/public law]
es sello
fr cachet
it timbro
es exclusiva, exclusividad
fr exclusivité
[email protected]
it esclusiva
es condiciones generales
fr conditions générales
it condizioni generali di contratto
es legitimación
fr qualité pour agir
it legittimazione ad agire, interesse ad agire*
es stare decisis
fr stare decisis
it stare decisis
starting date (noun) – v. time, term (3), date (2), starting date, deadline, time
limit, period
es estado de la técnica
fr état de la technique
it stato della tecnica
[email protected]
State property, public domain (2)(noun)
[goods and real estate belonging to the State or other administrative entity –
government regulation]
es propiedad pública
fr propriété étatique, propriété publique
it Demanio pubblico
es antecedentes
fr récit, exposé
it narrativa
status (noun)
[juridic position of a person – civil law]
es estado, estatuto
fr statut
it status
es ley
fr loi
it legge
[email protected]
it sindaco
es suspensión
fr suspension
it sospensione
es paquete de participaciónes
fr bouquet de partes
it pacchetto di partecipazioni
[email protected]
es responsabilidad objetiva
fr responsabilité sans faute
it responsabilità oggettiva
strike (noun)
[collective refusal to work organised by workers and employees in order to obtain
more favourable working conditions or for social and political purposes – labour
es huelga, plante
fr grève, débrayage
it sciopero
subrogation (noun)
[substitution of a third person in the rights and duties of a creditor, specially in
order to obtain a due payment from a debtor – civil law]
es subrogación
fr subrogation
it surrogazione
subsidiary (noun)
[company controlled by a parent company – commercial law]
substance (noun)
[subject matter of a document, especially as compared with the form or style of
the same – general doctrine]
es sustancia, contenido
[email protected]
fr fond
it contenuto
es fundado / infundado
fr bien-fondé / mal-fondé
it fondato / infondato
succession (legal s., intestate s./ testamentary s., testate s.) (noun)
[process of inheriting assets and rights from a deceased person (in absence of any
will and as regulated by law / as regulated by his/her will) – civil law]
supplier (noun)
[person, organisation or company providing goods or services to others – civil law]
es proveedor
fr fournisseur
it fornitore
surety (noun)
[an individual who undertakes an obligation to pay a sum of money or to perform
an obligation for another person in the event the latter fails to act - civil law]
[email protected]
es gararante
fr garant
it garante
swindling (noun)
[criminal offence consisting in using deception in order to obtain an undue profit
while depriving the victim from money or other property – criminal law]
es estafa*
fr escroquerie*
it truffa*
es corporal / incorporal
fr corporel / incorporel
it materiale / immateriale
es cargo
fr mission
it incarico
[email protected]
es impuesto / tasa
fr impôt / taxe
it imposta / tassa
es representante fiscal
fr représentant fiscal
it rappresentante fiscale
es fisco, Hacienda
fr fisc, Administration Fiscale
it fisco (Amministrazione Finanziaria)
es base imponible
fr assiette de l’impôt
it imponibile
[email protected]
tax haven (noun)
[State in which revenues are not taxable or taxes may be avoided without
implications – tax law]
es paraíso fiscal
fr paradis fiscal
it paradiso fiscale
es planificación fiscal
fr optimisation fiscale, planification fiscale
it pianificazione fiscale
tax rate(noun)
[percentage used for calculating the due amount of taxation – tax law]
es tipo de impuesto
fr taux de impôt
it aliquota d’imposta
es declaración de impuestos
fr déclatartion d’impot (sur les revenues)
it dichiarazione dei redditi
es fiscalista
fr fiscaliste
it fiscalista
taxable (adj.)
[which could be imposed a tax on – tax law]
[email protected]
es imponible
fr imposable
it imponibile
taxpayer (noun)
[any citizen requested to pay taxes – tax law]
es contribuyente
fr contribuable
it contribuente
es temporal / definitivo
fr temporaire / définitif
it temporaneo / definitivo
term (2) (noun) – v. clause, term, condition, provision (3), article (1)
termination (1)(noun)
[email protected]
[action of terminating something or being terminated – civil law]
es terminación, extinción
fr cessation, fin, términation, expiration
it cessazione
es comprobación, verficación
fr vérification, examen
it vaglio
testimony (noun)
[formal statementgiven by a witness in front of a judge or court upon facts or
circumstances pertaining to a lawsuit – law of procedure]
es testimonio
fr témoignage
it testimonianza
es hurto
fr vol
it furto
time [in a trial], term (3)[in a contract], date (2), starting date[initial],
deadline[final], time limit, period [in questions of limitation] (noun)
[email protected]
[time on which:a certain action shall be performed in a trial – law of procedure /
an agreement becomes effective or ceases its effects – civil law / a right or power
ceases to exist for lack of enforcement – civil law / a criminal offence becomes no
more punishable – criminal law]
time limit (noun) – v. time, term (3), date (2), starting date, deadline, time
limit, period
es uso horario
fr zone horaire
it fuso orario
time-barred (adj.)
[referred to an extinguished right – civil law / referred to a criminal offence whom
perpretator is no longer punishable because of the time elapsed from the event]
es prescripto
fr prescript
it prescritto
timesharing (noun)
[joint ownership and enjoyment of a real estate or good in which each co-owner
holds the good for a limited period of time during the year – civil law]
title (noun)
[circumstance entitling someone to a right or power – general doctrine]
es título
fr titre
it titolo
[email protected]
es al portador / a la orden / nominativo
fr au porteur / à ordre / nominatif
it al portatore / all’ordine / nominativo
es en la medida en que
fr dans la mesure où
it nel caso in cui
tort (noun)
[a wrongful act, whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs to
another - civil law]
es acto ilícito
fr délit*, faute délictuelle* [intentional] / quasi-délit* [negligent]
it (fatto) illecito
tortfeasor (noun)
[person causing a damage – civil law]
es responsabilidad extracontractual
fr responsabilité délictuelle
it responsabilità extracontrattuale (responsabilità civile)
es secreto industrial
fr secret de fabrication
it segreto industriale
[email protected]
trademark (noun)
[symbol or word/combination of words registered or identified as representing a
company or business – commercial law]
es marca (f.)
fr marque (f.)
it marchio
trial, process(noun)
[proceeding instituted in front of a court or judge and aimed at obtaining a
judgment on a disputed matter – law of procedure]
es juicio, proceso
fr instance, procés
it processo
es irrisorio
fr dérisoire
it irrisorio
[agreement in which a party transfer his/her money or property to another (the
trustee), which in turn undertakes to manage it in the best interest of a third
beneficiary or for a specific purpose – civil law]
[email protected]
es trust, fideicomiso*
fr fiducie, trust
it trust
trustee (noun)
[person charged of the administration of the assets inclused in the trust in favour
of the beneficiary – civil law]
es fiduciario, trustee
fr fiduciarie, trustee
it fiduciario, trustee
unconscionability (noun)
[objective supervening unfairness or oppressivity of anagreement, on the basis of
which the court may deny its enforcement – civil law]
unconscionable (adj.)
[referred to an unreasonably excessive agreement – civil law]
es leonino
fr léonine
it leonino
[email protected]
undertaking (1) (noun) – v. duty (1), undertaking (1), commitment (1)
unfair (adj.)
[contrary to justice and/or good faith - civil law]
es injusto, desleal
fr injuste, déloyale
it iniquo, sleale
es cláusula abusiva
fr clause abusive
it clausola abusiva (clausola vessatoria)
unfair dealing (noun) – v. good faith and fair dealing, good faith, bona fides /
fraud, unfair dealing, bad faith
es práctica antisindical
fr pratique antisyndicale
it condotta antisindacale
es sindicato
fr syndicat
it sindacato
[email protected]
unjust enrichment / action de in rem verso, accounting for profits(noun)
[undue monetary advantage gained by an individual while damaging another
party and missing of any legal ground / civil action for unjust enrichment, to be
enforced respectively in absence or presence of a fiduciary relationship between
the parties– civil law]
unless (prep.)
[except if – general doctrine]
es salvo
fr sauf
it salvo (che)
upon motion of the party(loc.) – v. on his motion / upon motion of the party
es explotación
fr exploitation
it uso (sfruttamento)
usury (noun)
[practice of lending money applying unreasonably high interest rates – civil law]
es usura
fr usure
[email protected]
it usura
valid (adj.)
[refers to an act or deed being legally binding by virtue of its compliance with the
applicable legal rules – general doctrine]
es válido
fr valide
it valido
validity (noun)
[condition of an act or deed being legally binding virtue of its compliance with the
applicable legal rules – general doctrine]
es validez
fr validité
it validità
VAT (noun)
[value added tax – tax law]
es IVA
fr TVA
it IVA
es IVA
fr numéro de TVA
it partita IVA
venue (noun)
[the correct court to hear a case because it has authority over events that have
occurred within a certain geographical area - law of procedure]
es foro competente
fr for compétent
it foro competente
[email protected]
venture capital (noun) – v. private equity, venture capital
victim (noun)
[the person killed or injured as a result of a crime perpetrated or attempted
against that person - criminal law]
es victima
fr victime
it vittima di reato
visa (noun)
[endorsement of the competent governmental authority (tipically on a passport) –
governmental regulation]
es visa
fr visa
it visto
[possibility to annul or cancel an act for the reasons set under the law, upon
requested of the concerned party – general doctrine]
es anulabilidad
fr nullité relative, annulabilité / rescindiblité [when voidable for unfair
contractual provision]
it annullabilità / rescindibilità [when voidable for unfair contractual provision]
[email protected]
contractual provision]
es liquidación
fr liquidation
it liquidazione
es voto
fr vote
it voto
voucher (noun)
[piece of paper which entitles the holder to receive goods or services – commercial
es bono
fr bon
it buono
[email protected]
es renuncia, desistimiento
fr renonciation, [d’instance, d’action, d’une demande, de plainte] désistement
it rinuncia
es advertencia
fr avertissement
it avvertimento (avviso)
es desgaste natural
fr usure normale
it deperimento (usura normale)
es Estado social
fr Etat -Providence
it Stato Sociale
[email protected]
whereas (conj.)
[taking into consideration that… – general doctrine]
es considerando que
fr [dans les contrats, les arrêts et les lois] considérant que, [dans les
jujements] attendu que
it considerando che (premesso che)
wholesaler (noun)
[person or company that sells merchandise to retailers – civil law]
will (noun)
[written legal document by which a person arranges the transfer of his/her assets
and property in view of his/her death – civil law]
es testamento
fr testament
it testamento
es retiro
fr rétractation, rétrait
it ritiro
[email protected]
withholding agent, agent of the tax authority (noun)
[person or entity charged of paying taxes on behalf of another taxpayer – tax law]
witness (noun)
[person called to give sworn testimony to a court or judge upon facts or events
which he/she is aware of and pertaining to the lawsuit – law of procedure]
es testigo
fr témoin
it testimone
es formulación
fr formulation
it formulazione
[email protected]
[evidence provided through documents – law of procedure]
es prueba escrita
fr preuve littérale
it prova scritta
[email protected]
es crédito
fr créance
it credito
es contabilidad
fr comptabilité
it contabilità
assets (noun)
[property and receivables evaluated by the financial statement as having a
negative value (opposed to liabilities)]
es activos
fr actifs
it attività
balance (noun)
[accounting difference between assets and liabilities]
es saldo
fr solde
it saldo
es balance
fr bilan
it stato patrimoniale (bilancio in senso stretto)
budget (noun)
[financial plan, regular estimate of business expenses]
[email protected]
es presupuesto
fr budget
it budget
es capital social
fr capital social
it capitale sociale
es plusvalía
fr plus-value
it plusvalenza
es costo,gasto, salida
fr coût, charge, frais
it costo, spesa
es amortización
fr amortissement
it ammortamento
es depreciación
fr dévaluation, dépréciation
it svalutazione
[email protected]
dividend (noun) – v. earnings
es patrimonio neto
fr capital aux propres, situation nette
it capitale netto (patrimonio netto)
es rédito, ganancia
fr revenu, gagne
it reddito, guadagno
es estado de resultados
[email protected]
fr compte de résultat
it conto economico
liabilities (noun)
[property and debts evaluated by the financial statement as having a negative
value (opposed to assets)]
es pasivos - pasividad
fr passifs
it passività
loss (noun)
[exceed of costs over revenues as a result of an economic transaction]
es pérdida
fr perte
it perdita
proceeds (noun)
[money obtained from an activity or event]
es entrada
fr recette
it incasso
revenue (noun)
[money earned from the sale of goods or services, less the direct costs of
production (gross revenue) or all the expenses (net revenue)]
es ingreso
fr produit
it ricavo
turnover (noun)
[email protected]
[volume of income accrued by a business in a given period of time]
[email protected]
to accomplish
[to complete or achieve successfully]
es cumplir
fr accomplir
it compiere
es declarar
fr déclarer
it dichiarare
es actuar
fr agir
it agire
to address
[to submit a question or issue to someone]
es dirigir, apuntar
fr diriger, adresser
it rivolgere
toadjudicate – v. to settle
toadminister – v. to manage
[email protected]
es aprobar
fr adopter
it approvare
toadvocate – v. to argue
to affect
[to have an effect on something, usually prejudicial]
es influenciar,afectar
fr influencer,entacher, frapper, affecter
it influenzare, colpire
to affirm (1)
[to adopt a favourable decision upon request of one of the disputing parties]
es confirmar / infirmar
fr confirmer / infirmer
it confermare / riformare
to afford
[to provide something with appropriate resources]
es equipar, proveer
fr assortir
it dotare (munire)
to agree
[to reach an agreement, to approve something by mutual consent]
es pactar, acuerdar
fr convenir
it pattuire (concordare, convenire)
to aim – v. to attempt
to alienate – v. to convey
[email protected]
es alegar
fr affirmer (raro alleguer)
it allegare (asserire, dedurre)
to allot (2)
[to give or apportion a good or a position]
es asignar
fr assigner
it assegnare
es causar, determinar
fr entraîner, engager, donner lieu
it causare (comportare, implicare)
es replicar, contestar
fr repliquer
it replicare
to appeal – v. to challenge
to appear
[to attend a hearing in court]
es comparecer
fr comparaître
it comparire
es aplicar
fr appliquer, jouer
[email protected]
it applicare, operare
to apply to – v. to petition
to appoint
[to indicate someone for the fulfillment of a task or function]
es nombrar
fr nommer, désigner
it nominare (designare)
to apprise – v. to assess
es sostener
fr appuyer, souvenir
it sostenere
to arise
[to emerge (from a circumstance or difficulty)]
es resultar
fr découler, survenir
it emergere (sorgere)
es resultar, seguir
fr écouler, découler
it discendere (conseguire)
toascertain – v. to valuate
to assert (1)
[to affirm an event or argument opposing those alleged by the counterparty]
es oponer
fr opposer
it opporre
es peritar, evaluar
[email protected]
fr expertiser, apprécier, estimer
it periziare, valutare
to assign – v. to convey
to assure – v. to ensure
to attempt, to aim
[to act in view of a certain purpose]
es intender
fr viser à, aboutisser à
it avere lo scopo (mirare a)
to authenticate, to legalise
[to certify a signature as true]
es autenticar, legalizar
fr authentifier, légaliser
it autenticare
to avail
[to benefit from a certain circumstance or evidence]
toban – v. to forbid
to be borne by
[to be owed by someone (as debt)]
es estar al cargo de
fr être à la charge de
it essere a carico di
to be convenient
[to be required, to be necessary]
es necesitar, caber
fr convenir
it occorrere (bisognare)
[email protected]
es tener fuerza de
fr être tenu pour, valoir
it aver valore di
to be extinguished
[to terminate, to cease, to lose any legal effects (referred to a right or legal
es extinguirse
fr s’etiendre
it estinguersi
es ser responsable de
fr être responsable de
it essere responsabile di
to be sued – v. to sue
to be up to – v. to owe (2)
tobreach – v. to infringe
to bring (1)
[to commence a juridical action in front of a judge or court]
to call, to convene
[to invite the members of a meeting to attend thereto]
es convocar, llamar a
[email protected]
fr convoquer
it convocare (indire)
to certify
[to assess something in writing]
es certificar
fr attester
it certificare (attestare)
to chair
[to act as president or chairman to a body or meeting]
es presidir
fr présider
it presiedere
es impugnar, apelar
fr attaquer
it impugnare
es gravar, cargar
fr peser, mettre à la charge
it gravare, porre a carico
to claim, to seek
[to request a right to be enforced]
es demandar, reclamar
fr réclamer, exiger
it chiedere (richiedere), pretendere
es cobrar
fr collecter
it esigere, riscuotere
[email protected]
tocommit – v. to commit
to compel, to force
[to impose an obligation (by law or decision of an authority)]
es forzar, obligar
fr forcer, obliger
it obbligare
to complain
[to allege the breach of one’s right]
es quejarse
fr se plaindre de, deploraire
it lamentare
es respetar, cumplir
fr respecter
it osservare, rispettare
to concern
[to be relevant to, to be affected or involved by something]
es referirse, afectar
fr concerner, porter (sur)
it vertere (riguardare)
to conduct (a business)
[to carry out a business activity on a regular basis]
es conferir
fr conférer
it attribuire
to conform
[to comply with what stated by law or decided by a judge or court]
es ajustarse
[email protected]
fr se conformer
it conformarsi
to consider
[to deem, to believe]
es considerar
fr considérer, estimer, attendre
it ritenere
to contemplate – v. to purport
to contest – v. to challenge
to convene – v. to call
es ceder, transmitir
fr céder, aliéner, transmettre
it cedere (alienare, trasmettere)
es constituir
fr [un droit] créer, [une personne] constituer
it costituire
to cure
[to eliminate the prejudicial consequence of an action, usually referred to the
party who did not fulfill to its contractual obligations]
es remediar
fr remédier
it rimediare
to deceive
[email protected]
[to cause someone to believe in something that is untrue]
es engañar
fr tromper
it ingannare (frodare)
to deliver
[to issue a document or certificate (by a public authority)]
es otorgar, expedir
fr délivrer
it rilasciare
to deny – v. to disclaim
to depart from
[to deviate from the ordinarily applicable rule]
to derogate
[the act of partial repeal or abolishing of a law by enactment of a subsequent
es derogar
fr déroger
it derogare
todisallow – v. to forbid
to discharge – v. to release
to disclaim, to deny
[to refuse to acknowledge the truthfulness of a deed or act]
es desconocer
fr méconnaître, désavouer
it disconoscere
to disclose
[to make public a confidential or privileged information or document]
es revelar, divulgar
fr révéler, dévoiler, divulguer
it rivelare (divulgare)
[email protected]
es rechazar, denegar, recusar
fr rejeter, écarter, débouter
it respingere (rigettare)
to draft, to draw up
[to prepare an agreement, deed or other written document]
es redactar
fr dresser, rédiger
it redigere
to draw up – v. to draft
to embody – v. to create
to enact
[to formally declare the validity and enforceability of a law or regulation]
es promulgar
fr promulguer
it promulgare
toendorse – v. to argue
to enforce
[to carry out that stated in a judgment or judicial order]
es ejecutar
fr executer
it eseguire
to enjoy
[to use or apply a right that one is entitled to]
es gozar
fr jouir
it godere
to ensure, to assure
[to guarantee the exact performance of an obligation on behalf of the debtor]
es garantizar, asegurar
fr assurer
it garantire
to entail
[to result from, to have a certain consequence]
[email protected]
es resultar
fr déboucher
it sfociare (risolversi)
toenter – v. to issue
es costituirse
fr se constituer
it costituirsi
to entitle
[to grant legal authorisation to carry out a professional activity]
es habilitar
fr habiliter
it abilitare
to envisage – v. to purport
to evaluate – v. to assess
to exact – v. to collect
to exclude (1)
[to remove something/someone from a certain situation or field]
es excluir
fr écarter
it escludere
es eximir
fr exonerer
it esonerare
[email protected]
toexecute (2) – v. to execute
to exercise
[to apply a right or power by acting in compliance with the law]
es ejercer
fr exercer
it esercitare
to exibit
[to provide a document in a trial]
es exhibir
fr exhiber
it esibire
toexploit – v. to use
to fail to
[not to fulfill an obligation or other duty, not to behave as provided by law]
es faltar, omitir
fr manquer à, omettre
it inadempiere, omettere
to file – v. to register
to float, to go to public
[to list the shares or other negotiable instruments issued by a company on the
stock exchange market]
es cotizarse
fr se coter
it quotare, quotarsi
es prohibir
[email protected]
fr interdire, défendre, banner, proscrire
it proibire (vietare)
to force – v. to compel
tofulfil – v. to meet
to gather – v. to collect
to give – v. to confer
to give rise
[to cause, to allow something to occur]
es determinar
fr donner lieu, entraîner
it dare luogo
to go bankrupt
[referred to a company or firm, to be declared insolvent by a judge or court within
a judicial proceeding aimed at dispose the property and assets in favour of the
es quebrar
fr faire faillite
it fallire
to govern, to regulate
[to control a legal matter or issue by means of legal rules and regulation or by
es reglamentar
fr réglementer, améneger, régir
it disciplinare (normare, regolare)
es conceder, otorgar
fr octroyer, accorder
it concedere
[email protected]
to grant (2) – v. to guarantee
es garantizar
fr garantir
it assicurare, garantire
to harm – v. to damage
to hire (1)
[to employ someone for wages]
es asumir
fr engager, embaucher
it assumere
to hold
[to keep possession or detain something]
es retener / poseer*
fr détenir / posséder*
it detenere / possedere*
to implement
[to put into effect]
es cumplir
fr mettre en œuvre
it attuare
to incorporate – v. to create
to increase / to reduce
[to resolve upon the increase / decrease of the corporate capital of a company]
es aumentar / reducir
fr augmenter / réduire
it aumentare / diminuire
to incur
[to be in a situation which implies a sanction or punishment]
es incurrir
fr encourir
[email protected]
it incorrere
to indemnify
[to give someone money or another kind of payment in return for some damage,
loss, or injury]
es indemnizar
fr dégager
it indennizzare, risarcire
to infer
[to deduce something from evidence or factual events and information]
es deducir
fr déduire
it dedurre
es violar
fr violer
it violare
to instruct, to retain
[to entitle with a task or responsibility]
es encargar
fr charger
it incaricare
to insure
[to undertake the obligation to indemnify a person from any prejudicial effects
arised by a future and uncertain event, in front of the payment of a regular price,
assumed by an insurance company]
es asegurar
fr assurer
it assicurare
to introduce, to table
[to bring an issue on the table during a meeting or board]
[email protected]
es presentar
fr présenter devant, soumettre à
it proporre (avanzare)
to issue, to enter
[to adopt a judicial decision]
es dictar
fr rendre
it emettere
es proceder
fr émaner
it provenire
to jeopardise
[to put in danger, to threaten]
es comprometer
fr compromettre, mettre en danger
it compromettere
to keep in custody
[to guard a property from potential threats]
es guardar
fr garder
it custodire
to lapse – v. to run
to last
[to continue for a certain period of time]
es durar
fr se prolonger
it perdurare
es alquilar, arrendar
fr louer, donner ou prendre à bail
it locare
[email protected]
to legalise– v. to authenticate
es imponer, infligir
fr infliger
it infliggere (irrogare)
es demostrar, probar
fr démontrer, prouver
it dimostrare, provare
to manage, to administer
[to supervise the activity and business of an entity]
es administrar
fr gérer, administrer
it amministrare (gestire)
to mandate – v. to prescribe
to manufacture
[to produce goods on a large scale]
es fabricar
fr fabriquer
it fabbricare
es satisfacer
fr satisfaire à
it soddisfare
es proponer, ofrecer
[email protected]
fr proposer, offrir
it proporre
tooutlaw – v. to forbid
es deber / deber
fr devoir / devoir
it dovere / dovere
es corresponder, pertenecer
fr appartenir, revenir
it spettare
topass – v. to adopt
es resarcir
fr réparer, indemniser
it risarcire
es ejecutar
fr effectuer
it eseguire
es dirigirse a, acudir a
fr saisir
it adire
to plead (1)
[to present and argue for in a trial]
[email protected]
es abogar
fr plaider
it discutere, trattare
es invocar
fr invoquer, plaider
it invocare (eccepire)
to predicate on – v. to rely on
es imponer
fr imposer
it imporre
to presume
[to logically suppose a fact or event on the basis of an uknown one]
es presumir
fr présumer
it presumere
to prevail, to prime
[to win in a lawsuit or other dispute]
es prevalecer
fr l’emporter
it prevalere
to prevent
[to encumber, to impede an event to occur]
es impedir
fr empêcher
it impedire
to prime – v. to prevail
to promote
[to encourage, initiate, support actively]
es promover
fr favoriser
[email protected]
it promuovere
to protect
[to preserve a legal situation, referred to a rule of law or regulation)]
es tutelar, proteger
fr protéger
it tutelare
to provide (1)
[to set forth, to regulate (by a rule of law or an Authority)]
to punish
[to inflict a sanction as a consequence of breaching of a legal provision]
es sancionar
fr sanctionner
it sanzionare
es mirar, buscar
fr viser
it contemplare (mirare)
toqualify – v. to meet
to quantify
[to appraise something as for quantity or number]
es cuantificar
fr chiffrer
it quantificare
[email protected]
to raise (2) – v. to plead (2)
to ratify
[to adopt an international act or regulation in order to make it effective within a
domestic jurisdiction]
es ratificar
fr ratifier
it ratificare
to realise
[to sell something for cash]
es liquidar
fr liquider
it liquidare
to rebut– v. to answer
to recognize – v. to admit
to recover
[to regain possession of something stolen or lost]
es recuperar
fr recouvrer
it recuperare
toreduce– v. to increase
to refer to
[to make reference to something]
es mencionar
fr mentionner
it menzionare
es abstenerse
fr s’abstenir
it astenersi
to refuse
[to reject or deny a proposal or offer]
es rechazar
fr refuser
[email protected]
it rifiutare
to register, to file
[to deposit a data or document with a registry or book of records]
es registrar, inscribir
fr enregistrer, inscrire, immatriculer
it registrar (iscrivere)
toregulate – v. to govern
to reject – v. to dismiss
es pertenecer
fr relever de, ressortir à
it competere a
es liberar
fr libérer, dégager
it liberare (affrancare)
to relieve – v. to release
es fundarse
fr s’appuyer
it fondarsi (basarsi, sostenersi)
torent– v. to lease
to repeal
[to cancel a rule of law by the adoption of another law in substitution of the first]
es abrogar, derogar
fr abroger
it abrogare
toreplicate – v. to answer
[email protected]
to request – v. to prescribe
to require
[to need something for a specific purpose]
es necesitar
fr exiger
it richiedere
to resign
[to terminate an employment or consulence agreement upon decision of the
employer or counselor]
es dimisionarse
fr démissionner, se démettre
it dimettersi
toresolve – v. to adopt
toretain – v. to instruct
to rise
[in a lawsuit, to defend oneself]
es invocar, levantar
fr présenter, soulever, invoquer (moyen)
it formulare
to rule (1)
[to judge or decide upon a matter (by a judge, court or other Authority)]
to run, to lapse
[referred to a term: to run from a fixed time]
[email protected]
tosanction – v. to adopt
to seek– v. to claim
to seize – v. to petition
to sentence
[(by a judge) to declare the punishment of a convicted criminal (criminal lawsuit)
or impose a monetary recovery or obligation to the losing party (civil lawsuit)]
es condenar
fr condamner
it condannare
to serve, to notify
[to formally deliver a legal document]
es notificar
fr signifier, notifier
it notificare
es descuidar, desatender
fr faire abstraction de
it prescindere
es fijiar
fr fixer, décider
it stabilire
es establecer, prever
fr prévoir, disposer
it stabilire (prevedere, disporre)
to set-up– v. to create
[email protected]
es juzgar
fr régler, trancher
it dirimere (giudicare)
to share
[to allot to each co-owner the respective portion]
es partir, dividir
fr partager
it dividere
es firmar, suscribir
fr signer
it firmare
es declarar
fr déclarer
it dichiarare
to subpoena – v. to summon
[email protected]
date of issuance of the same]
es suscribir
fr souscrire et libérer
it sottoscrivere e versare
to summon, to subpoena
[to call the counterparty to attend a hearing]
es citar, emplazar
fr citer, assigner
it citare
to supplement
[to complete an agreement with additional provisions]
es complementar
fr compléter
it integrare
to support
[to provide the necessary monetary resources]
es mantener
fr entretenir
it mantenere
totable – v. to introduce
es comerciar
fr commercer
it commerciare
to transfer (1)
[to physically transport something from a place to another]
[email protected]
es trasladar
fr transférer
it trasferire
to undermine
[to lessen the validity or effectiveness of an agreement, assessment or other legal
es viciar
fr miner
it inficiare (viziare)
to undertake, to commit
[to be voluntarily charged with a duty or obligation]
es comprometerse
fr s’engager, s’obliger (cont. se dégager)
it impegnarsi (obbligarsi)
es explotar
fr exploiter
it utilizzare (sfruttare)
to valuate, to ascertain
[to provide an economic estimation]
es evaluar, valorar
fr valoriser
it valutare, determinare
to vest – v. to confer
toviolate – v. to infringe
es anular
fr annuler
it annullare
[email protected]
to waive
[to formally refrain from enforcing a right, having it extinguished]
es renunciar
fr renoncer
it rinunciare
to work – v. to use
[email protected]
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