SWIFT MT202: General Financial Institution Transfer: Format Description
SWIFT MT202: General Financial Institution Transfer: Format Description
SWIFT MT202: General Financial Institution Transfer: Format Description
General Financial Institution Transfer
Rabobank, 2015
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1. Introduction 2
2. General information 2
3. Format Specification 2
4. Text Block 3
SWIFT MT202: General Financial Institution Transfer
1. Introduction
This document indicates the Rabobank specific requirements for fields within the MT202 standard
format structure.
2. General information
This message is sent by or on behalf of the ordering institution directly, or through
correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary institution.
It is used to order the movement of funds to the beneficiary institution.
This message may also be sent to a financial institution servicing multiple accounts for the Sender
to transfer funds between these accounts.
3. Format Specification
The MT202 should be formatted according to the standards indicated in the user handbook on
www.swift.com. However, for a number of fields Rabobank applies specific rules which are indicated
in the “Text Block”. If there are no comments filled for a specific field, the standard SWIFT
description applies.
Application Header
The Application Header (Block 2) appears on all input messages (Service Identifier 01). The input
Application Header describes the type of message, its addressee, and which optional sending
parameters can be used.
If the payment must be handled with urgent priority, the Message Priority in the Application Header
must then be filled with the value “U”. If not, use value “N”. Extra costs may be charged.
4. Text Block
Value date
The value date may be future dated at a maximum of 30
calendar days ahead or has a maximum of 2 days in the
past. When the provided date exceeds the maximum, the
message will be rejected.
Value Date/Currency/
32 A M 6!n3!a15d When the value date lies one or two days in the past, the
value date is converted to the current date.
Decimal separator is a comma. The comma is mandatory
and is included in the max. length.
Format, Content, Option
Format, Content, Option
Option B
Receiver’s Party Identifier [/1!a][/34x]
54a A, B or D O
Correspondent Location [35x]
Option D
Party Identifier [/1!a][/34x]
Name and Address 4*35x
Format, Content, Option
Option B
If there is no BIC available, use option D. It’s mandatory
57a A, B or D M Account with Institution Party Identifier [/1!a][/34x]
to provide at least 3 lines filled with name and address.
Location [35x]
At the end of the last line (line 3 or 4), the country ISO
code must be provided, preceded by a single space.
Option D
Party Identifier [/1!a][/34x]
Name and Address 4*35x
Format, Content, Option
Appendix 1: Change log
01-06-2015 1.2 Field 32, a value date of maximum 2 days in the Change
past is accepted.
01-06-2015 1.2 Field 52a is ignored. Clarification
01-06-2015 1.2 If there is no BIC, use 57D and it’s mandatory to Clarification.
provide at least 3 lines of name and address
including ISO country code.
01-06-2015 1.2 58A is recommended. If there is no BIC, use 58D Clarification.
and it’s mandatory to provide at least 3 lines of
name and address including ISO country code.
01-06-2015 1.2 Although field 72 is discouraged, the message Correction.
will not be rejected in case of payments within