Product Range: Solutions For Your Construction Project Requirements From H-Bau, Jordahl and Pfeifer
Product Range: Solutions For Your Construction Project Requirements From H-Bau, Jordahl and Pfeifer
Product Range: Solutions For Your Construction Project Requirements From H-Bau, Jordahl and Pfeifer
Solutions for your construction project requirements from
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
For over 35 years H-BAU Technik For more than 100 years JORDAHL
GmbH has been setting the stand- has developed and produced high-
ards in construction technology in quality and innovative products in
accordance with the company motto Germany in the fastening, reinforc-
“for better solutions”. Whether it ing, connecting and mounting tech-
is sealing, reinforcement, sound nologies sectors as well as façade
insulation, formwork or thermal connection systems. With its compe-
insulation, the company provides tent service and products “made in
innovative solutions for the highest Germany”, the company is in demand
quality demands. The many years everywhere as a reliable partner for
of experience, practically-oriented the execution of small, large and
developments and a versatile prod- prestigious construction projects.
uct range together provide the basis Designers and users throughout the
for H-BAU’s continuing success. world trust the products that are
“anchored in quality”. Perhaps you
As a construction specialist with already knew that.
extensive know-how H-BAU is your
professional and reliable partner for But did you also know that you can
the sealing of construction joints, obtain individual solutions for your
prevention of thermal bridges, rein- very specific construction project from
forcement and connection of rein- JORDAHL regardless of whether you
forced concrete elements and impact want to realise puristic glass façades,
noise reduction in buildings as well stylish faced brickwork or other
as the manufacturing of formworks architectural visions? JORDAHL also
for reinforced concrete supports. provides an extensive product range
With an innovative, quick-connection for the connection of prefabricated
system, H-BAU also provides the concrete elements such as concrete
optimum solution for connecting slabs, supports and beams for the most
prefabricated concrete elements diverse requirements and applications.
and utilities such as electrical power, JORDAHL® punching shear reinforce-
water and wastewater. ment is also suitable for ultra-modern
flat ceilings and foundations.
The simultaneous high quality and
user-friendliness of the products JORDAHL has the appropriate solution
provide assurance across the range. for every construction-related prob-
lem. And when we say for every
Eastgate, Berlin problem we mean it.
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
As a partner, therefore, J&P is at your We sell products from the building
side and offers you a personal contact brands H-BAU, JORDAHL and PFEIFER. PFEIFER
in your area as well as a comprehen- Brands that have something impor-
sive product portfolio of high-quality, tant in common: they all represent Has your die already been cast in
proven and innovative branded articles outstanding German-made quality favour of a product solution from
– both nationally and internationally. and outstanding service. H-BAU, JORDAHL or PFEIFER?
Then take a look inside our brochure
right away.
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Product Overview
Here you can find all relevant areas of application and the pertinent J&P product solutions at a glance.
21 JORDAHL® T-Bolts
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Products of H-BAU
Products of JORDAHL
Products of PFEIFER
54 PFEIFER WK System
55 PFEIFER BS Anchor System
6 Sandtorkai, Hamburg, Germany, reliable sealing using H-BAU PENTAFLEX® Sealing System
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Sealing System
PENTAFLEX® is a joint sealing system for producing watertight concrete
structures (white tank). The PENTAFLEX® elements are completely provided
with a special coating and have been designed for structures with premium
utilisation. They seal joints in the wall/foot or wall/ceiling area, joints
in the wall/wall or floor/floor area and joints in cast-in-situ concrete and
component wall constructions reliably.
Examples of applications:
PENTAFLEX KB® joint sheet, DFA PENTAFLEX® ABS shuttering element Sealing with PENTAFLEX® sealing
expansion joint connection and floor with toothed profile system
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Joint Tapes
Construction and expansion joints in concrete are sealed securely by using
KUNEX® joint tapes from H-BAU. KUNEX® joint tapes guarantee a very good
mechanical connection with the concrete and therefore form a reliable
sealing. The joint tapes are manufactured of thermoplastic PVC-P in
the highest quality. Sealing tubes are used to seal dummy joints. Object-
specific joint tape constructions are used to form watertight connections
to existing buildings.
Examples of applications:
Sealing of a construction joint with Sealing of an expansion joint with Sealing of a construction joint with
KUNEX® construction joint tape KUNEX® expansions joint tape KUNEX® waterstop-corner joint
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Injection Hoses
PLURAFLEX® injection hoses are a jointing system that supplements the
PENTAFLEX® sealing system from H-BAU. The injection hoses are used
in civil engineering and engineering construction when special require-
ments for methodical sealing of construction joints appear. Particularly
in the construction of tunnels, it is the optimum solution for the first
sinking under pressure.
Can be repeatedly compressed PLURAFLEX® P11: double-wall
Proven in civil engineering, engi- injection hose for injection pastes
neering and tunnel construction and cement as well as low-
Proven in use viscosity injection material can
be repeatedly compressed
Product range: PLURAFLEX® P19: double-wall
PLURAFLEX® C11: single-wall injection hose for Portland cement,
injection hose for low-viscosity injection pastes and cement as well
injection material can be as low-viscosity injection material
uniquely compressed can be repeatedly compressed
Examples of applications:
Tunnel sealing with PLURAFLEX® Tunnel sealing with PLURAFLEX® Joint sealing with PLURAFLEX®
injection hose injection hose injection hose
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Waterstop Tapes
SWELLFLEX® waterstop tapes are a reliable supplement to conventional
joint sealing systems. They seal joints in concrete constructions that are
continuously or partially exposed to pressurised water. During concreting
of the component, the expansion tapes are completely encompassed by
the fresh concrete. They expand with water contact and build up a pressure
that seals the construction joint.
Examples of applications:
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Examples of applications:
Tunnel exterior sealing with Surface sealing with Surface sealing with
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
14 Canary Wharf, London, UK, efficient fastening of facade elements with JORDAHL® anchor channels
Anchor Channels JTA W
The hot-rolled anchor channels JTA W together with the appropriate
JORDAHL® T-bolts and JORDAHL® accessories create a versatile and proven
connection system. They are cast into concrete and transfer high loads
reliably in reinforced and non-reinforced concrete structural components
and absorb tensile and transverse pull loads at right angles to the axis of
the channel.
Quick, efficient and versatile Resistant to fatigue, seismic
fastening of high loads activities, explosions
Simple compensation of building Optimised geometry with
tolerances strengthened channel lips for high
No damage to the components tightening torques
by drilling Approved for installation in compo-
Reduced construction time through nents with fire safety requirements
the use of simple hand tools
Small edge spacings possible Customised solutions:
Simple, individual options for the Curved anchor channels, anchor
application and reusability of the channel pairs, anchor channel corner
fastening pieces. Production of special profiles
on request.
Examples of applications:
Fastening of lift guide channels Fastening of façade elements Fastening of pipe and media ducts
(curtain wall) below bridges
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Toothed JORDAHL®
Anchor Channels JXA W
Together with JORDAHL® toothed T-bolts and JORDAHL® accessories, the
hot-rolled toothed JORDAHL® anchor channels provide a secure, form-fitting
connection along the longitudinal axis of the channel. They can absorb static
and dynamic tensile loads, shear loads and longitudinal tension.
Quick, efficient and versatile Optimised geometry with
fastening of high loads strengthened channel lips for high
Simple compensation of building tightening torques
tolerances Approved for installation in compo-
No damage to the components nents with fire safety requirements
by drilling Flexible planning due to universal
Reduced construction time using load capacity in all directions
simple hand tools
Small edge spacings possible
Simple, individual options for the
application and reusability of the
Resistant to fatigue, seismic
activities, explosions
Examples of applications:
Fastening of loads in longitudinal Fastening of façade elements For safety-relevant buildings such as
direction power plants
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Anchor Channels JTA K
Together with the appropriate JORDAHL® hammer-head and hook-head
T-bolts and JORDAHL® accessories, the cold-formed JORDAHL® anchor
channels form a versatile and proven fastening system. They absorb static
tensile and shear loads vertical to the channel axis.
Quick, efficient and versatile Approved for installation in compo-
fastening of static loads nents with fire safety requirements
Simple compensation of building
tolerances Customised solutions:
No damage to the components Curved anchor channels, anchor
by drilling channel pairs, anchor channel
Reduced construction time through corner-pieces. Production of special
the use of simple hand tools profiles on request.
Small edge spacings possible
Simple, individual options for Approval:
application and reusability of the European Technical Approval
fastening ETA-09/0338
Examples of applications:
For the secure fastening of brickwork Fastening of cable-support systems In e.g. sports arenas for fastening
support brackets stadium seating
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Toothed JORDAHL®
Anchor Channels JZA K
Cold-formed toothed anchor channels JZA K together with the appropriate
toothed T-bolts create a safe, form-fitting and slip-resistent connection. They
can absorb loads in all directions.
Quick, efficient and versatile Flexible planning due to universal
fastening of static loads load-capacity in all directions
Simple compensation of construc-
tion tolerances Customised solutions:
No damage to the components by Curved anchor channels, anchor
drilling channel pairs, anchor channel
Reduced construction time through corner-pieces. Production of special
the use of simple hand tools profiles on request.
Small edge spacings possible
Simple, individual options for Approval:
application and reusability of the General Technical Approval Z-21.4-741
Examples of applications:
Fastening attachment parts to Fastening lighting and signalling Fastening pipes and media carriers
concrete supports systems e.g. in road tunnels
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Railing Fastening Channels JGB
JORDAHL® railing fastening channels ensure safe and quick fastening of
railing posts on the front face of concrete slabs. The system consists of short
pieces of anchor channel directly set into the concrete balcony slab and the
associated JORDAHL® T-bolts.
Hot-rolled or cold-formed short Simple, individual options for
piece of anchor channels with application and reusability of the
extra-long anchors fastening elements
Simple installation and perfect Good integration in heavily
adjustment of the railing connec- reinforced components
For concrete slabs up to 10 cm Approval:
thick General Technical Approval
Versatile solution for railing con- Z-21.4-1913
nections with one or two bolts
No damage to the components
by drilling
Examples of applications:
For use in balcony slabs with straight For corner formation as relevant For use in narrow parapets or upstands
steel reinforcement anchor channel corner piece (not with angled reinforcement steel
illustrated) welded on
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
JORDAHL® T-bolts
The special, perfectly matching T-bolts for the JORDAHL range of channels
ensure safe fastening of attachment parts. JORDAHL® T-bolts guarantee a
form-fitting connection for each type of channel, including nuts.
Strong connection through the JORDAHL® Toothed T-bolts:
use of high bolt-tightening torques together with the toothed JORDAHL®
Shaft marked with notch to indicate anchor channels JXA provide
correct alignment of T-bolts absorption of loads in all directions
JORDAHL® Hook-head T-bolts: JORDAHL® Double-notch toothed
together with the JORDAHL® T-bolts: for load transmission with
anchor channels JTA W ensure safe hot-rolled channels and static
transmission of tensile and shear loading in all directions
JORDAHL® Hammer-head T-bolts:
guarantee form-fitting connections,
e.g. with the JORDAHL® anchor
channels JTA K
Examples of applications:
JORDAHL® Hammer-head T-bolts, e.g. JORDAHL® Toothed T-bolts, e.g. for JORDAHL® Double-notch toothed
for anchor channels JTA K toothed anchor channels JXA and JZA T-bolts, e.g. for anchor channels JTA W
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Slimline anchors that easily adapt Type JTB-uni: for quick installation,
to the reinforcement also for heavily reinforced com-
Quick installation in one step ponents. Lowest storage space
Flush with the surface and directly requirement, they can be stacked
concreted into the load-bearing on top of each other.
Suitable for installation in all usual
building situations
Guaranteed load-bearing capacity
through approval
Type JTB-AR: for easy installation
and an easier fit in existing
reinforcement cages
Examples of applications:
Minimal space requirement since Fastening of profiled metal sheets to Installation of multi-layered, insulated
stackable (type JTB-uni) wall and roof profiled metal sheet wall
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
for Permanent Fixing
PFEIFER DB-Anchors are fixed at the formwork prior to concreting and then
set in the concrete when it is poured. Once the concrete is hardened, any
kind of fixing can be implemented by simply screwing in. The scope of supply
includes waved anchors or base anchors plus PFEIFER Sign Clips.
Advantages: Approval:
Base anchor suitable for the European Technical Approval
thinnest elements ETA-11/0288, the anchors can
High carrying capacities be used without restriction in
No complex drilling all European member states.
Wide range of applications
Safe, economical, fast
CE marking
Examples of applications:
Railing fastening with base anchors – Railing fastening with waved anchor – Schwarzer Steg, Plauen, Germany
on the underside in a balcony slab at the front in a balcony slab
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Wide range of products and Nailing Plate: for simple fastening
applications: of socket dowels to wooden and
Socket Dowel with cross hole: plastic formwork
for front-sided installation in Polyamide Sockets: for fastening
precast units with central pull – to precast units with high corrosion
also available with nailing plate protection requirements
for wooden formwork Nail Plug: for fixing polyamide
Socket Dowels with crimped end sockets to wooden formwork
for high load capacity – also Fixing Screws: for the fast, simple
available with nailing plate for fixing of Polyamide Sockets
wooden formwork
Examples of applications:
Reverse Bending Connectors
FERBOX® rebar connections are prefabricated reverse bending connectors
for easy and positive locking connection of reinforced concrete components
at various phases of construction. In this way walls, ceiling, trusses, stairs
are subsequently and reliably connected together. For more than 30 years,
H-BAU has produced and distributed single and double-row reverse bend-
ing connectors in numerous standard and special types with retaining boxes
in different designs.
Examples of applications:
FERBOX® rebending connection type D FERBOX® rebending connection type E FERBOX® rebending connection type B
with reversed reinforcing beams mounted on formwork set in concrete on wall; for connection
to a ceiling
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Examples of applications:
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Examples of applications:
RIPINOX® stainless steel reinforcement STAIFIX® anchor stress steel STAIFIX® accessories
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Masonry Reinforcement
GRIPRIP® is used as butt joint anchoring or as constructional masonry
reinforcement and serves to prevent cracks. The combination of high-
quality aramide fibre and the form of mesh ensures an optimum division
of force in the wall joints.
Examples of applications:
GRIPRIP® masonry reinforcement GRIPRIP® type S with masonry to be Masonry with GRIPRIP® type S
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Advantages: Material/designs:
Reinforced concrete spacers tested Steel accessories: spacers and
in accordance with the DBV tying wire made from steel wire,
(German Concrete and Construc- annealed wire or stainless steel.
tion Technology Association) Concrete spacers: spacers made
leaflet for compressive resistance, from fibre or cast concrete.
water penetration depth and frost/ Plastic spacers: spacers made
thaw change from extruded PVC and injected
Special spacers for vertical or polyolefins.
horizontal installation
Spacers are available for different
requirements on the concrete
Product range:
Steel accessories Concrete spacers Plastic spacers
- Wire snake spacers: spacers - Single and surface spacers: to - Single and surface spacers: to
between the upper and lower maintain the concrete ceiling maintain the concrete ceiling
reinforcement layer required in the reinforced concrete required in the reinforced concrete
- Spring clip fixing ties: for quick, components for horizontal and components for horizontal and
easy binding of reinforced vertical reinforcement layers vertical reinforcement layers
- Tying and double tie wires: for
binding reinforced concrete
Examples of applications:
Steel snake spacers between two Fibre concrete spacers with vertical Sample configuration of various
reinforcement layers and horizontal reinforcement reinforcement accessories
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
In comparison to floor slabs Lower construction height of the
without punching shear reinforce- ceiling due to higher load-carrying
ment, punching shear resistance capacity than conventional rein-
and load-carrying capacity can be forcement technology
increased by 90% Level ceiling underface
Reduced requirements for form- Can be used for all support
work positions and support forms
Installation possible from the top
and bottom Customised solutions:
Can be used for flat ceilings from Versatile fabrication possible depen-
a thickness of 18 cm ding on static requirements.
Quick and simple installation
Approval: Software:
General Technical Approval Z-15.1-214 Intuitive software that for example
European Technical Approval takes into consideration supports,
ETA-13/0136 reinforcements and recesses and
provides an automatic verifi able
Material/designs: calculation.
Double-headed anchor: made of Free download from
BSt 500 S; strip: made of structural
Examples of applications:
JDA-Q mounting aid can be used for Star-shaped configuration around a Installation in ceiling and foundation
improved stability support slabs
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Advantages: Approval:
Easy click-on mounting General Technical Approval
No collision of the flexural rein- Z-15.1-214
forcement with the JDA elements
during installation
Clear allocation due to colour
Ceiling elements can be trans-
ported after concreting – no
reworking required
Accessories: universally adaptable
distance pieces AH-FT made from
synthetic material or FBA made
from fibre-reinforced concrete
Shear Reinforcement JDA-S
JORDAHL® shear reinforcement JDA-S ensure optimum load transmission
with low deformation in the area of the highly loaded, linearly mounted
support. They consist of double-headed anchors connected by a strip.
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
PFEIFER PH Reinforcement
Continuity System
The system encompasses female and male bars for the most diverse
reinforcement layout requirements and offers a customer-orientated
solution for permanent connections. Reinforcement joints can be
realised by simply screwing together the female and male bars.
Flexible planning, fast construction Reduction connections for reduc-
Overlap joint can be ordered ing the diameter in a joint or in
without specification of sizes end anchorages are additionally
Load-bearing connection of the available
male and female bars with
continuity reinforcement through Approval:
overlapping joints German Institute of Construction
Transmission of the full bar force Technology general technical
without reduction approval no. Z-1.5-226
Joints are possible without
longitudinal offset in one section
Simple implementation of time-
staggered concreting phases
Material/versions: Accessories:
Reinforcing steel bar B500B PFEIFER Torque Wrenches
Examples of applications:
Connection of a beam to a precast Use of the PH Reinforcement Continuity Connection of a precast concrete
concrete column System at a concreting joint column to a cast-in-situ joist
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Ensure maximum load capacities Symmetrical arrangement of the
even with thin walls loops in the VS® ISI System3D
Optimum profile for optimum offers undreamt-of increases in
connection efficiency and implementation
Symmetrical box and rail profiles – safety
non-directional installation
Practice-orientated grouting Approval:
system German Institute of Construction
Minimum consumption of mortar Technology general technical
Examples of applications:
Butt joints with the Wall/column splice with the Supertrees, Singapore
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
36 Mainbow, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, versatile façade design with JORDAHL® Brickwork Support Brackets JVA+
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Brickwork Support System JVA+
Facades can be durably and economically fastened with the JORDAHL®
brickwork support brackets JVA+. They absorb loads of the facade
brickwork and transfer them into the bearing structure using correctly
installed anchor channels or dowels. Together with the load-bearing
inner wall, a two-shell construction is formed that exhibits excellent
structural characteristics.
For creative facade design, also JVA+ P/ PAR: for normal wall areas/
for high buildings edges
Easy compensation of building JVA+ F/ FAR: for bracing visible/
tolerances due to height-adjustable invisible building openings/ exterior
bracket head corners
Comprehensive JORDAHL® service JVA+ E/ EA: for ends, e.g. interior
and advice corners
Economical installation to con- JVA+ NFT/ NAFT: for openings that
creted JORDAHL® anchor channels are braced with prefabricated lintels
JVA+ N/ NA/ NU: for bracing closed Comprehensive accessories
wall surfaces (can be used with
intermediate angle bracket)
Examples of applications:
JVA+P brickwork support bracket with Efficient thermal insulation thanks to Creative and sophisticated façade
vertical web plate for level bracing twin-shell construction design from façade facing
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Grout-in Brackets JMK+
JORDAHL® grout-in brackets are available in different designs for the
sustainable attachment of facade brickwork on existing buildings. The
brackets are installed using expanding concrete – into sufficiently deep
supporting pockets previously drilled into the bearing brickwork.
Efficient system for energetic, JMK+ N/ NA/ NU: for bracing
appropriate renovation of old closed wall surfaces
facades JMK+ P/ PAR: for normal wall
Quick, economical installation areas/edges
Safe support to a bricklaying JMK+ F/ FAR: for bracing visible/
height of several metres (up to invisible building openings/
two storeys) exterior corners
Facilitates high loads even if JMK+ E/ EA: for ends, e.g. interior
the substructure offers little corners
load-bearing capacity JMK+ NFT/ NAFT: for openings that
Available as corner design and are braced with prefabricated lintels
with intermediate angle bracket Comprehensive accessories
Examples of applications:
JMK+P grout-in brackets with vertical Efficient thermal insulation thanks to Refurbishment of existing buildings
web plate twin-shell construction in accordance with the latest energy-
saving regulations
Photo by: Meyer Werft GmbH
40 Meyer Werft, Papenburg, Germany, secure fastening of components using JORDAHL® mounting channels
Mounting Channels JM W
JORDAHL® mounting channels JM W, together with the appropriate
hook-head T-bolts and JORDAHL® accessories, create a versatile channel-
bolt connection that can be adapted to new support and fastening require-
ments. They can absorb tensile and shear loads vertical to the channel axis.
Can be directly welded on and Free from internal stress, high
bolted to framework constructions ductility, dynamically loadable
Quick replacement, retrofitting, Optimised geometry with strength-
moving of construction components ened channel lips and large contact
Free positioning and variable areas for high tightening torques
adjustment of attachment parts
Compensation of constructional
tolerances; standard grid sizes can
be changed
For variable bolt distances in the
longitudinal direction of the channel
Right-angled profile edges for good
Examples of applications:
Double profiles e.g. for framework Welded-on mounting channel with Economic fastening of components,
constructions customised colour coating e.g. in railway vehicle construction
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Toothed JORDAHL®
Mounting Channels JXM W
The toothed JORDAHL® mounting channels JXM W, together with the
appropriate toothed T-bolts and JORDAHL® accessories, create a versatile
channel-bolt connection that can be adapted to new support and fastening
requirements. They can absorb loads in all directions.
Can be directly welded on and Free from internal stress, high
bolted to framework constructions ductility, dynamically loadable
Quick replacement, retrofitting, Optimised geometry with strength-
moving of construction components ened channel lips and large contact
Free positioning and variable areas for high tightening torques
adjustment of attachment parts Versatile planning due to universal
Compensation of constructional load-capacity in all directions
tolerances; standard grid sizes can
be changed
For variable bolt distances in the
longitudinal direction of the channel
Right-angled profile edges for good
Examples of applications:
Double profiles e.g. for framework Universal load capacity in all directions Toothed mounting channels for a
constructions variety of uses, e.g. in shipbuilding
44 Stair in residential building, acoustically decoupled using H-BAU impact sound insulation elements
TSB and HQW: sound box made from Z and ZB: body made from polypro-
CFC and halogen-free, polyurethane pylene foam with integrated SD rib
integral foam with EPDM elastomer bearings.
bearing, bearing element made from TSP: roll goods made from poly-
galvanised steel (HQW). ethylene.
HTV: damping element with frame-
work made from B500B NR and inte-
grated EPDM elastomer bearings.
Examples of applications:
Shuttering Tubes
With RAPIDOBAT® shuttering tubes, H-BAU provides a system of column
formwork for easy and economic manufacturing of round and rectangular
columns. The shuttering tubes consist of multi-layered, very stable webs
of paper and cardboard. In addition, the shuttering tubes could be specially
refined depending on the demands placed on the exposed concrete and
requirements of the architect. Various versions are available.
Examples of applications:
RAPIDOBAT® shuttering tubes on the RAPIDOBAT® lined; on the left already RAPIDOBAT® special design
building site removed
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Examples of applications:
A-V shuttering element according to AX-R shuttering element for rough Schalbord slab-edge shuttering
EC2 joints
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Proven in use Formwork spacers
High-quality materials - Fibre concrete formwork
Varied proofed spacers, WU-approved
- Tie points and distance tubes
Product range: - Various accessories
Formwork anchors Prefabrication plant
- Anchor bars in various designs - Spacers for the production
- Nuts and load distribution plates of double walls
- Water stops and cones - Assembly dowel for attaching
- Assembly and attachment prefabricated walls
Anchors: made from steel and Tie points and distance tubes: made
galvanised steel, with unilateral or from plastic.
rolled thread. Various accessories: made from fibre
Anchor accessories: made from concrete or plastic.
galvanised steel, cast iron or plastic. Spacers: made from steel, GRP or
Formwork spacers: made from fibre plastic.
Examples of applications:
Accessory: formwork anchors Accessory: spacers and tie points Use of anchors and formwork
accessories on building site
Examples of applications:
Moving an element wall using KE Installed KE transport anchor Element walls with KE transport
transport anchor anchors
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
High degree of safety and economy Extensive range of products that
Already safely used more than perfectly meet the highest require-
45 million times ments for the transport of thin-
Robust PFEIFER round threads walled precast elements
for safe application CE marking
Original PFEIFER colour coding
for handling without mix-ups
Understandable instructions for
installation and use
Examples of applications:
Lifting anchors installed at the front Precast wall panel on a tilting table Transport of parts of the Meggle Food
side for transport with suitably installed thread system Tower in Wasserburg
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
The PFEIFER WK System consists of PFEIFER WK or DR Anchors, WK
moulding inserts and WK Quicklift as lifting devices. The consistent
systems are particularly suitable for lifting operations in which fast
attachment is decisive.
Wide range of applications WK Anchor: secure load application
Fast, safe attachment with the possible despite the shortness of
PFEIFER Quicklift the anchor
Continuous product monitoring DR Anchor: suitable for the trans-
Shorter anchor lengths of the WK port of pipes and slabs
Anchors, since existing reinforce-
ments can also be used
WK Anchor: short design, hence
suitable for use in columns and
beams (bar-shaped components
with longitudinal and stirrup
Examples of applications:
Top-side installation of DR Anchors Front-side installation of DR Anchors PFEIFER Quicklift hooked into a
in floor elements in wall elements cast-in DR Anchor
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Standard heavy-duty anchor BS Bent Loops: for lifting and
Direct attachment to the suspen- transporting concrete floors
sion hook without expensive
lifting devices Special solutions:
Inexpensive alternative for the Possible for up to 180 tonnes on
transport of precast elements request.
Original PFEIFER colour coding
for handling without mix-ups
Wide range of applications
BS Anchor: for projecting or, with
some anchor types, recessed
Material/versions: Accessories:
Flexible, high-strength round strand BS Hook
rope, galvanised with swaged alumin- BS Moulding Insert for recessed
ium connection. installation
Examples of applications:
BS Anchor installed in a heavy wall Deepened installation of a BS Anchor Raker beams with PFEIFER BS Anchors
panel ready for transport
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Efficient and flexible transport of
Attachment bolt cannot be lost
Optimum range of products for all
practically relevant applications
Original PFEIFER colour coding for
handling without mix-ups
Examples of applications:
Transport of a manhole with the Installed anchor with SAS loop Stored manhole elements prior to
PFEIFER SAS Manhole Lifting System transport
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Reduced sleeve diameter facilitates Only 3 sizes – simplified materials
installation of the anchors in the management and lower stock-
thinnest components and threading keeping costs
into narrow reinforcing cages Use of a particularly insensitive
Optimal anchorage with low gap special thread rules out mistakes
effect through the use of the and ensures a long and secure
millionfold-proven waves service life of the PFEIFER Super
Significantly increased carrying Lifters
capacity through the use of high-
strength, ductile steel
Up to 45% lower wall thicknesses
with comparable load stages
Examples of applications:
Detail of Super Anchor with lifting Fixing of a Super Anchor to formwork Transport of a thin-walled room
device including special auxiliary module element with the PFEIFER
reinforcement Super Anchor System
58 National Stadium, Warsaw, Poland: secure connections with JORDAHL® double shear connectors
Examples of applications:
Slab dowelling with HED shear dowels Installed sliding sleeve for HED shear Shear force transmission with high-
dowel performance dowels JSD+
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Fast Connection System
UNICON® is an innovative fast connection system from H-BAU. It allows
a positive locking connection of building elements as well as plugging of
media in precast constructions just by putting the components together.
With this modular system, prefabrication of the elements can be effected up
to 100% at the prefabrication plant. It ensures a higher quality level of the
construction parts and saves money at the same time. Various connecting
elements are available.
POWERCON® and POWERCON® Multi: SANICON: made from GRP plastic.
made from galvanised cast steel. ENERCON®: 7-pole connector, VDE
AQUACON®: water plug made from approved in accordance with EIF.
dezincification-free brass with 3-fold BASECON: made from GRP plastic.
o-ring seal and 1/2“ internal thread
Examples of applications:
Connection of fully prefabricated parts Connection of fully prefabricated parts Prefabricated wooden wall with
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Flexurally stiff construction ensures High-precision production enables
high load-bearing capacity maximum freedom of movement
No explosive effect in the concrete for uniform transmission of forces
Optimised pressure distribution at both dowels
due to integrated transverse dowels No twisting due to the two con-
Easy and quick installation with nected dowels
optimum anti-twist protection – Double shear connectors JDSD:
also with strong mechanical for longitudinal movement
influences during concreting Double shear connectors JDSDQ:
Uniform transmission of forces for longitudinal and transverse
Effective corrosion protection
Examples of applications:
JDSD Q for transmitting high forces in JDSD double shear connectors allow Double shear connectors enable
longitudinal and transverse directions the transmission of transverse forces reinforcement to be laid easily
with fire protection sleeve when connecting large concrete slabs
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Secure bearing on simple Saving of construction costs and
rectangular joists time through delegation of the
Direct bearing with low load detailed planning in advance to
eccentricity PFEIFER
Bearing ledges and dowels for Prefabrication of the precast ele-
securing the position are no longer ments under controlled conditions
required The sticking-on of neoprene
Stairs under load are height- bearings can be avoided
adjustable – usable without crane
and braces Approval:
Reduction of crane and assembly Type-tested and German Institute of
times Construction Technology (DIBT)
Outstanding footstep sound general technical approval
Examples of applications:
Sealing Technology Fastening/Fixing Systems Reinforcement Systems Facade Connection Systems Mounting Technology
Secure, quick and simple connec- PSF type-approved Column Shoe
tion of concrete elements through for the load-bearing, rigid connec-
bolting together tion of prefabricated columns to
Fast delivery through the use of the foundations – no diagonal
standardised components bracings during the assembly period
Maximum flexibility through manu- Wall Shoes as connecting elements
facturable male bars – specification within reinforced wall structures
of the lengths before delivery is transmit straight pull and transverse
possible shear pull
Increased installation tolerances
Examples of applications:
Column/foundation joint with the Wall/foundation joint with the Installation of PFEIFER Column Shoes
PFEIFER Column Shoe System PFEIFER Wall Shoe System into the inclined columns of the new
AUDI goods traffic centre in Ingolstadt
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Insulating layers up to about 20 cm Reliable delivery by certified
can be realised company
Fast and simple installation of the Type approval
anchors and the insulation
Dimensioning alone via the dead
weight of the facing layer; loads
due to wind pressure, wind suction
and temperature are already
accounted for in the type static
Extensive and rounded-off product
Material/versions: Software:
All system components made of The original PFEIFER software suite is
high-quality corrosion-resistant available for download free of charge
stainless steel. from in German,
English, Polish, Czech, Danish, French
Delivery lengths/load groups: and Spanish.
Available in two material qualities for
insulating layer thicknesses of up to
200 mm.
Examples of applications:
PFEIFER Cylinder Anchor as load-bear- PFEIFER Delta Anchor as load-bearing New building: eLab – ZSW laboratory
ing anchor between facing and load- anchor between facing and load-bear- for battery technology
bearing layer of a sandwich element ing layer of a sandwich element
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
The adequately dimensioned Less risk of theft thanks to earthing
cross-sections enable an immediate connector with rope
potential equalisation through the Modular system with variable end
lowest possible resistance fixings and connecting elements
Special implementation in easily
weldable reinforcing steel Approval:
No corrosion thanks to discs made Approved by the Federal Railways
of non-rusting material Office and the DB Netz AG
Easily attached to the formwork
using stainless steel nails
Inexpensive solution
Examples of applications:
Installation of PFEIFER BEB1 Earthing Installation of PFEIFER BEB2 and BEB3 Simple welding of the individual BEB
Bridge Earthing Bridge components
Thermal Insulation Elements
The thermal insulation elements ISOPRO® from H-BAU reliably establish
positive locking connections of external components made from concrete
with internal components. With an insulation thickness of 80 mm, ISOPRO®
solves thermal insulation and structural weak points in the shell of the
Examples of applications:
ISOPRO® elements fully mounted in ISOPRO® elements during reinforce- Prefabricated balcony connected
the ceiling ment work using ISOPRO® elements
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Thermal Insulation Elements
ISOMAXX® is the further development of the well-known ISOPRO® balcony
insulation elements from H-BAU. The thermal insulation elements ISOMAXX®
reliably establish positive locking connections of external components made
from concrete with internal components. With an insulation thickness of
120 mm and the excellent insulation characteristic, the elements are well
suited for application in buildings with especially high demands on the
thermal insulation.
Approval: Material/designs:
Building-authority approved 120 mm insulation body: made from
Z-15.7-243 and Z-15.7-244, type-tested NEOPOR® with λ = 0.031 W/mK.
according to EC2 and sound insulation Reinforcement beams: made from
tested. B500B and B500B NR.
Thrust bearing: made from special,
high-strenght concrete.
Examples of applications:
ISOMAXX® elements being fitted on ISOMAXX® special elements Prefabricated concrete parts con-
the building site nected using ISOMAXX® elements
Sound Insulation Shuttering Lifting Anchor Systems Connection Systems Thermal Insulation Elements
Wall Base Elements
Thermal bridges frequently present a typical weak point in the area of the
wall foot above the basement ceiling. The wall foot elements ISOMUR® solve
the problem of the thermal bridge at the base of the wall. They close the
gaps in the interrupted thermal insulation between the insulation above the
basement ceiling and the external wall and minimize heat loss through the
base of the building.
Advantages: Approval:
Healthy and comfortable climate Building-authority approved
Minimised heat loss and, thereby, Z-17.1-811.
a saving in heating costs
Prevents mildew and condensation
Various applications
Made from non-absorbent material
High pressure resistance
Examples of applications:
ISOMUR® wall base elements in Positioning of ISOMUR® elements on ISOMUR® wall base elements in
combination with facing brickwork the building site combination with KS masonry
Vertriebs GmbH
Nobelstr. 51
D-12057 Berlin
[email protected]
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