Probability and Statistics For Engineers and Scientisst

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Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology,Guna

Probability Theory and Random Process (14B11MA411)

1. The pdf of the time to failure in years of the gizmos (for use on widgets) manufactured by a
certain company is given by
f(t) = ,t  0
(t  10) 3
(a) Derive the reliability function and determine the reliability for the first year of
(b) Compute the MTTF.
(c) What is the design life for a reliability of 0.95 ?
(d) Will a one-year burn-in period improve the reliability in part (a) ? If so, what is the
new reliability ?

2. The time to failure in operating hours of a critical solid-state power unit has the hazard rate
 t 
function  t   0,003  , for t  0.
 500 
(a) What is the reliability function if the power unit must operate continuously for 50 hours ?
(b) Compute the MTTF.
(c) What is the design life for a reliability of 0.90 ?
(d) Given that the unit has operated for 50 hours, what is the probability that it will survive a
second 50 hours of operation ?

3. The reliability of a turbine blade is given by

 t 
R(t )  1   , 0  t  t 0 , where t 0 is the maximum life of the blade.
 t0 
(a) Show that the blades are experiencing wear out.
(b) Compute the MTTF as a function of the maximum life.
(c) If the maximum life is 2000 operating hours, what is the design life for a reliability of
0.90 ?

4. For
R (t )  e  0.001 t
, t  0,
(a) Compute the reliability for a 50-hr mission
(b) Show that the hazard rate is decreasing.
(c) Given a 10-hr burn-in period, compute the reliability for 50-hr mission.
(d) What is the design life for a reliability of 0.95 given a 10-hr burn in ?

5. For a system having a Weibull failure distribution with a shape parameter of 1.4 and a scale
parameter of 550 days, find

(a) R(100 days) (b) the B1 life (c) MTTF (d) the standard deviation (e) the design life
for a reliability of 0.90.

6. A device has a decreasing failure rate characterized by a two-parameter Weibull

distribution with   180 years and   0.5 . The device is required to have a design life
reliability of 0.90.

(a) What is the design life, if there is no wear-in period ?

(b) What is the design life, if there is a wear- in- period of 1 month in the beginning ?

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