IMS Audit OER Worksheet
IMS Audit OER Worksheet
IMS Audit OER Worksheet
Master Form
Internal Auditor
Lead Auditor Audit Date:
Auditee(s) Department:
Top Is measuring equipment calibrated or verified,
Mgt or both, at specified intervals or prior to use
against traceable international or national
measurement standards? (If international or
Obsv national measurement standards are not
available, the basis for calibration or
verification shall be defined)
Identified in order to determine its calibration
Safeguarded from adjustments that would
invalidate the measurement result?
Protected from damage and deterioration
during handling, maintenance and storage?
Top How will it be demonstrated that:
Mgt The validity of previous measuring results are
assessed by the organization when
QHSE equipment is found not to conform to
Appropriate action is taken on the
equipment and any affected product?
7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge
Top What evidence is available to ensure that the
Mgt organization has determined the knowledge
All necessary for effective operation of its processes?
7.2 Competence
Top Has the necessary competence for personnel
Mgt performing work affecting conformity to
Job product requirements been determined?
Desc Appropriate documented information for
HR education, training, skills and experience are
Top Where applicable, is the Training provided or
Mgt other actions taken evaluated for effectiveness in
meeting the necessary competence?
Top Are Personnel aware of the relevance and
Mgt importance of their activities and how they
contribute to the achievement of the quality
All objectives?
Top Are documented information retained to
Mgt demonstrate competency achievements thru
HR education, training, skills and experience?
7.3 Awareness
Top Are methods in place to ensure understanding of
Mgt the following by all affected personnel:
The Q&E Policy?
QHSE Relevant Q&E Objectives?
Contributions to the effectiveness of the
intergrated management system (IMS)?
Benefits of improved Q&E performance?
Implications of not conforming with the
management system requirements?
7.4 Communication
Top Have the following been addressed for all
Mgt internal and external communication
QHSE Subject of Communication?
All When to communicate?
With whom?
8.5.4 Preservation
All How will it be demonstrated that product, and
Ops constituent parts of the product, are preserved
during internal processing and delivery to the
intended destination in order to maintain
conformity to requirements
All As applicable, are product preservation
Ops methods established, as appropriate, for:
9 Performance Evaluation
Top Has the organization identified
Mgt What has to be monitored
The methods for monitoring, measurement,
analysis, evaluation
When the monitoring is to be performed
When the results are to be analyzed?
Top Is documented information maintained to ensure
Mgt that the monitoring and measurement activities
are implemented in accordance with the above
Top Does this evaluation include review of the quality
Mgt performance data to ensure effectiveness of the
quality management system?
10.1 Improvement
Top Is the organization selecting opportunities for
Mgt improvement and implementing necessary
actions to meet customer requirements?