Philippine Politics and Governance
Philippine Politics and Governance
Philippine Politics and Governance
1st semester, S.Y. 2018-2019
a. Definition
b. Functions
c. Structure and Organization
d. Composition
e. Qualifications
f. Tenure of Office
g. Process of Lawmaking
September 4, THE JUDICIARY Interactive Discussion
2018 a. Judiciary Defined
b. Nature of Judicial Department
c. Classification of Courts
d. Judicial Independence
September 11, DECENTRALIZATION AND LOCAL Interactive Discussion
2018 GOVERNANCE Written Work: Are you
a. Concept and Types of Decentralization in favor of the
b. Regionalization transition of the
c. Definition of Local Government Philippine government
d. Characteristics of Local Government Units into a federal one?
September 13, e. State of Local Governments Vis-à-vis Central Interactive Discussion
2018 Government Written Work:
f. Organization of Local Government Worksheet on
g. Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. 7160) Expressed and Implied
h. Systems of Local Government in Some Powers of Federalism
Selected Countries
September 18, RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCE MAKING Interactive Discussion
2018 Consultation Time:
Proposed ordinances
September 20, PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Interactive Discussion
2018 Election of Members of
the Parliament
September 25, STATE SOCIETY INTERACTIONS Interactive Discussion
2018 a. Suffrage Defined Activity:
b. Theories of Suffrage Resolution/Ordinance
September 27, c. Qualifications for Suffrage Interactive Discussion
2018 d. Equality and Freedom of Suffrage Activity: Preparation
e. Election Defined for Lights, camera and
f. Functions of Electoral System action!
g. Types of Electoral System
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Academic Dean
June 14, 2018
At the end of the session, the students and teachers are able to:
a. Articulate definitions of politics;
b. Differentiate the various views on politics; and
c. Recognize the value of politics.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Introduction of oneself
3. Discussion of the following:
a. Overview of the course;
b. Course requirements;
c. Basis for evaluation; and
d. Rules and policies
B. Development of Lesson
1. The teacher will write the word ‘politics’ on the board. Next, selected
students will be asked to give their own definition of such word.
2. Discuss the etymology and the simple definition of politics.
From a historical viewpoint, the term “politics” came from the Greek word, polis
or city-state. Aristotle in his famous book: The Politics made the observation that
every polis, or city-state is a kind of association and that “man by nature is a
political animal”.
a. Aristotle, the founder of the discipline, called politics “the master science”. He
meant that almost everything happens in a political context, that the
decisions of the polis governed most other things.
C. Generalization:
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV. Evaluation:
Written Work: Why is politics essential?
Write a composition about your idea as to why politics is essential.
Rubric for scoring:
Content/Relevance – 12
Structure/ Form – 8
Syntax – 5
Clarity of ideas – 5
Total: 30
V. Assignment:
Written Work : Is Political Science an art?
Write an essay about your pronouncement on whether Political Science is an art
or not.
Rubric for scoring:
Content/Relevance – 12
Structure/ Form – 8
Syntax – 5
Clarity of ideas – 5
Total: 30
- commonly defined as the process that determines the distribution of power and resources
- theory and practice of how people influence others in making decisions and carrying out
projects and programs
- came from the word Greek word ‘polis’ which means city-state. Aristotle, the father ancient
Political science, in his famous book: The Politics made the observation that every polis or city –
state is a kind of association and that “man by nature is a political animal”.
- could be characterized by ‘rule’, ‘authority’, or ‘power’. The first page of Aristotle’s book: The
Politics made references to certain kinds of authority. In the imposition of this authority, or rule,
or power over others, there arise conflicts and ways by which human beings cope with conflicts.
- Dahl says: Politics arises then, whenever there are people living together in associations,
whenever they are involved in conflicts, and whenever they are subjects to some kind of power,
rulership, or authority.
- Political scientists say that the meaning of politics extends to “any activity involving human
beings associated together in relationships of power and authority where conflicts occur”. In this
regard, politics exists everywhere and anywhere where groups of individuals assemble. From this
perspective, politics is not limited to the states and institutions, or with such organizations as
political parties and interest or pressure groups, but extends to other organizations in an
enormous range of human activity involving conflicts.
- Froman defined politics as “distribution of advantages and disadvantages among people
through interaction with each other to satisfy their different wants and needs.
- Niccolo Machiaveli, an Italian intellectual and politician mentioned about the ‘ruthless egoism’
in politics. In the practice of politics, many politicians are more inclined towards bad politics in
gaining power and self-aggrandizement rather than towards good politics in synchronizing
government activities with those of private of private groups for the attainment of development
goals for the general welfare.
- branch of social sciences that deals with the study of politics. It deals with systems of
government and the analysis of political activity, political behavior and political theories and
- Classical definition: It is a study of state in all its elements, aspects and relationships.
- Modern definition: It is an attempt by systematic analysis to discover in the confusing detail
whatever principles may exist of wider and more general significance.
The student or researcher of politics, otherwise known as a political scientist may serve
as an adviser to a political practitioner. The political practitioner is a politician. But of
course, the same person may be a political scientist and a politician at the same time.
However, a political scientist is deeply involved in the study of politics. He endeavors
continuously to observe political phenomenon and does researches on political activities.
Consequently, he strives to become a scholar on political studies.
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
What is Politics?
The journalist had lunch with no less than the President of the Philippines in Malacañang
and yet he calls the lunch “nonpolitical.” Why does he describe the lunch nonpolitical? When is
a lunch in Malacañang with the Philippine President and his special assistant a political one and
when is it not? In other words, what is politics?
Politics may be defined in different gradients of inclusiveness. Some scholars are too
inclusive that they define almost everything as political, while others exclude a number of items,
but they differ in what they exclude and include. There are scholars who consider any activity
that involves power—who gets what, when, and how—as political (Lasswell 1936).
Some scholars locate politics in a collectivity. They believe that politics “is at the heart of
all collective social activity, formal and informal, public and private, in all human groups,
institutions and societies, not just some of them, and that it always has been and always will be”
(Leftwich 1984, 63). They believe that politics is the root of many problems that may not look
political. These scholars consider a medical problem, such as the outbreak of epidemics,
economic problems like unemployment, famine, and poverty, social problems manifested in
crimes, as results of politics (64). They believe that they have political explanations, but a
thorough understanding of them may need an interdisciplinary approach; that is, an application
of knowledge about society, about psychology, about the state, about science and technology,
about economics.
Politics may be defined in a narrow sense in terms of arena of activity in the modern
world. It has a narrow meaning when defined in relation to the state. Thus, Aristotle’s dictum
that man is a political animal, in a way, connotes a narrow definition of politics because he said
this in connection with the state, the polis in Greek, res publica in Latin, which means ‘affairs of
the state’. Taken in the context of Aristotle’s time, however, relating politics to the state is to
give it a broad meaning because the polis during this time was the encompassing political unit
and everything revolved around it. It would only be when we directly translate polis to mean the
modern state that Aristotle’s concept of what is political becomes narrow.
To some thinkers of modern times, like Michael Oakeshott, having ‘affairs of the state’
implies that there are affairs which do not belong to the state, and are not political. There are
personal affairs, like relationships between lovers, among siblings, among friends. There are
social affairs, like birthday parties, weddings and meetings of a Rotary Club or a Lions Club.
The state does not get involved in them and ordinary people do not want to be and are not
involved in politics. Politics is reserved to the statesmen and stateswomen (note the
emphasis)(Oakeshott 1962).
“Politics in the modern world obviously happen for the most part in nation-states—that is
to say, in communities with a certain past, with a certain social makeup and with a certain set of
arrangements for making political decisions.
David Easton (1959) further refines the meaning of politics as state affairs by defining
politics as the authoritative allocation of values in a society. To Easton, an allocation of values
that is not authoritative is not political and in society, it is the state that has the authority to
allocate values.
On the other hand, Robert Dahl (1984) defines politics as any activity involving human
beings associated together in relationship of power and authority where conflict occurs. This is a
less inclusive definition than that of Easton, in the sense, that the use of power and authority is
political only when there is conflict. But in another sense, it is more inclusive because the use of
power and authority is not limited to the state. Still a narrower definition of politics is one that
relates it to government: “Government is the arena of politics, the prize of politics, and,
historically speaking, the residue of past politics” (Miller 1962, 19). This definition is narrower
than the definition that relates politics to the state because government is only a component of
the state. The definition excludes many things, such as the electorate’s behavior, civil society,
political education, interest groups, and many other aspects we now consider as political.
On the other hand, the definition includes activities, which, ideally, should not be
political. Government normally includes making decisions and politics and implementing them.
Usually, decisions and policies are made through discussion, negotiation, compromise, and
promulgation of laws, rules, regulations, administrative orders, and other forms of expressing the
outcome of discussion, negotiation, and compromise. The laws, rules, regulations, and
administrative orders should be implemented. The implementation aspect should no longer be
political. It should just be a routine. It is, however, still very much function of government. It
usually belongs to the bureaucracy, which, ideally, should not be political. If, even this aspect of
government is still political, there will be a lot of instability and unpredictability. In fact, this is
one of the occasions when citizens complain about “too much politics.” There is too much
politics when there is still haggling, compromise; unpredictability is a situation when there
should not be, when there should no longer be politics.
Bernard Crick relates politics to the state, but he does not believe that there is politics in
all states. To him, politics does not exist in a tyranny, or in a totalitarian state. Neither does he
believe that it exists in a democracy where only the majority is heard.
Crick (1982, 141) says “politics is a way of ruling in divided societies without violence.”
By “divided societies,” he means societies where there are a variety of different interests and
opinions. Differences in interests have to be resolved not by force, but through conciliation.
Crick asserts: “Why do certain interests have to be conciliated? And the answer is, of course, that
they do not have to be. Other paths are always open, including violent means. Politics is simply
when they are conciliated” (30). Crick does not believe that force or violence should be used to
settle differences.
To Crick, politics and totalitarianism cannot coexist. There can be politics only when
there is diversity. There can be no diversity when everything is political. There is diversity only
when there are political and nonpolitical activities. In a totalitarian state, everything is political
and because of this, politics is annihilated (151).
Democracy is compatible with politics, “indeed politics can now scarcely hope to exist
without it” (73). But it should not be that kind of democracy that Aristotle describes as mob rule,
or that kind of democracy against which Alexis de Tocqueville (1969, 246–76) warned us:
tyranny of the majority. It should be that kind of democracy where there is equality and liberty,
respect for differences, and a commitment to resolve them through compromises.
Politics means compromises, but these compromises “must in some sense be creative of
future benefits—that each exists for a further purpose.” Or at least, some purpose, like “enabling
orderly government to be carried on at all” (Crick 1982, 21–22).
Intellectual debate will not progress if there is no agreement about which meaning of a
concept the discussants will adopt, at least tentatively, or for the limited purpose of examining a
clearly defined problem. To proceed with our examination of Philippine politics and democracy,
we have to agree on what to focus on and which meaning of politics to adopt. For the purpose of
this chapter and the succeeding ones, we will limit our use of the concept politics to that activity
that refers to the state, bearing in mind that this is not the only meaning of politics.
Politics is a relational, purposive activity that may occur in any arena—between two
persons, a family, an office, the government, or the state—but among these, the study of politics
on the level of the state is the most important not only because common people like our
journalist above, tell us that the state is the ‘pinnacle of political power’, but also because great
philosophers have said so.
Aristotle and the French political thinker of the Romantic period, Jean Jacques Rousseau
(1712-1778) consider the state as the highest of all social organizations (Aristotle, Politics, in
Ebenstein, 75; Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, in Ebenstein, 447). This is true even
in our modern times. The state is the highest organization we can be born to, live in, and die
in/for. It is the highest not only because it is higher and larger than family, village, province, and
so on, but also because it is the organization that molds us and gives us character. Man and
woman, being human, need some kind of order or authority that will help them tame their
instincts. The state does that. Human beings need to express their rationality and creativity, some
have to channel the urge to rule; others are inclined to cooperate; still others need to feed their
soul. All these, according to Aristotle and Rousseau, are made possible only in the state. A life
that is truly human is possible only in the state.
St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-430), a medical Christian scholar, believed that the
state was a necessary evil. The human being had original sin and he needed the state to help him
lead a normal life. If only man had remained an angel, he would not have needed the state.
According to St. Thomas, man is by nature a social being, and he needs the state to guide him
towards perfection. To St. Augustine, the state is like medicine; it is needed because man is sick.
To St. Thomas, the state is like food: it is needed for a man’s nourishment.
In modern times, G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831), a German philosopher, explains the nature
of the state in this way: From one point of view, the state is a necessity that is higher and outside
personal life, family life, and social affairs. Persons, families, civil society are subordinate to it
and dependent on it. From another point of view, the state is within them; state interest of
In other words, studying politics, studying the affairs of the state, is studying about us. If
we study politics, we may understand why some are poor, others are rich. We may find solutions
to problems like unemployment, crime, (and) pollution. And, if we successfully act on our
findings, we may be able to improve our lives. Other modern thinkers agree that the state is the
apex of power, but they do not agree that it has positive impact on our lives.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), another German philosopher and his collaborator Friedrich
Engels (1820-1895), for example, called the state the instrument of the exploitation of the
proletariat and predicted that it would wither away. Anarchists, however, believe that individuals
and communities can exist without any authority ruling over them (Curtis 1981, 34–38).
But even Marx, Engels, and the Anarchists did try to study and understand the state
before they concluded that society did not need it. If, to Marx and the Anarchists, the state was
the cause of suffering of humankind, it must, indeed, be a worthy thing to study, if only to find
out how to get rid of suffering and how human beings can lead a good life.
Therefore, we will be safely within the ambit of common sense if, out of so many
meanings of politics, we decide to focus on a definition that relates politics to affairs of the state.
Of all the possible arenas of relational and purposive activities, it is the arena of the state that is
most pervasive and has impact on most of the citizens most of the time.
Retrieved from Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics Reader, First Edition, 2016
June 19, 2018
At the end of the session, the students are able to:
a. Explore the connection between the phenomenon (politics) and the method of
inquiry (Political Science/ Political Inquiry);and
b. Identify whether political science is a science or an art.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. How can Politics be studied?
Politics is usually studied by employing the steps of a scientific method. The
employment of steps used in such method, in order to seek information
regarding a political phenomenon, is called political inquiry.
The general process of scientific inquiry, consistent with the three principles
above, include the following steps:
1.Articulating a clear and focused research question (RQ);
2.Researching the background of the RQ through an extensive literature
3.Conceptualizing a theory that explains a plausible answer to our research
question – and constructing appropriate hypotheses to test the theory;
4.Test the hypotheses through empirical observation of the relationship
between variables contained within the hypotheses;
5.Analyze the results of these tests and draw an appropriate conclusion; and
6.Report results.
Secondly, art being referred to as the practical application of knowledge for the
achievement of a particular end; thus, political science it is considered an art,
because it is a body of systematized knowledge which can be applied in drafting a
constitution, in day to day administration, in legislation, in foreign policy and
above all in bringing about all around development of the state.
It will suffice in conclusion that political science is mainly an art. Its knowledge is
utilized for the good of all. However, due to the significant use of political
inquiry, that manifests similar steps/approach from a mere scientific method,
political science is becoming a science.
A. History – Political science depends on history in knowing its origin, its growth
and development. An analysis of the causes and factors that influence the
state’s growth and development makes it necessary for political writers to rely
on historical facts. Thus, knowledge of historical foundations of the state will
help political thinkers to analyze and describe present political phenomena,
and consequently to enable them to provide, through the lessons of the past,
direction and meaning for the future.
B. Economics-Political science receives energy from this economics, because the
latter provides an insight into the economic conditions of the state. A
researcher learns how the government shapes and determines economic
policies on the use of resources in order to achieve the best of national goals-
the economic welfare of the people.
C. Sociology- It enriches political science by its contribution to the study of
social problems, which are also problems of the government.
D. Psychology-It delves into the mind of a politician, trying to understand what
factors affected the formulation of propagandas, establishments of pressure
E. Anthropology-It gives leeway to understand how a state evolved from the
family, and from the clan into bigger or more extensive groupings; and finally
the nation.
F. Geography- This talks about the external problems, frontiers or boundaries,
national power, and trade relations, which affect certain political phenomenon
and regional arrangements or associations.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
c. According to structure
Unitary-governmental powers in one organ, the central or national
government to which the constituent or local government units owe their
existence and by which they derive their powers and functions
Federal-government processes are divided between the central government
and its local government units as specified in the constitution of the state
Presidential-headed by a president and is constituted by executive,
legislative and judiciary. The president is elected by popular vote and can
only be removed through impeachment.
Parliamentary-headed by prime minister. The prime minister is appointed
and selected from the majority party; and can be removed anytime by the
cabinet, when they lose trust and confidence.
d. According to legitimacy
De jure-established in accordance with its Constitution and enjoys the
support of the people. It is a government established by authority of the
legitimate sovereign.
De facto-not established in accordance with the Constitution of the state
and is maintained against the rightful and legitimate government. It is
established in defiance of the legitimate sovereign.
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV. Evaluation
Quiz No. 1: Political Science and Government
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully before answering briefly. Do not add
your own facts; provide only what is being asked. A mere yes or no answer without
explanation will not be credited.
2. What is political science, both in its traditional and modern definitions? Discuss
3. Marion Gumawid served as secretary of the Republic of Squishy Toys for many years,
and in diplomatic missions to popes, emperors and kings. After that period, she ended her
career in the government and wrote two masterpieces: The Politics of the Republic of
Squishy Toys and Rheginaex the Magnificent: Behind the Mask of the Dictator which
made her popular up to this day. Analyzing this situation, was Gumawid a politician or a
political scientist or both? Substantiate your answer. (5 pts.)
5. Enumerate the branches of political science. Which of these fields refers to political
ideas, beliefs or thoughts of experts and thinkers on political phenomena which are
brought together to indicate the influence that one man has upon another? (5 pts.)
6. After 50 years of authoritarian rule from 1972 to 2022, the Filipino people’s patience
snapped to the point of waging what is acknowledged world-wide as the “mob power” or
Resngit Revolution. The success of this peaceful revolution that culminated on February
14,2022 led to the downfall of the Joker administration which forced Joker and hiswife,
Trisha to flee to Zimbabwe. On the other hand, the new democracy that was restored after
the revolution, although battered by communist insurgency and coup attempts from
rebels, survived these destructive forces. It continued to go on its way despite many woes
that threaten its steady growth and development. Despite being an instrumentality for the
state to effectively carry out its wills, a democratic government is still criticized. Point
out why it is considered as the weakest form of “good” government under Plato’s
enumeration. (5 pts.)
8. Mr. Steven Ong writes books on political science: government, comparative politics
and political parties and interest groups. He teaches subjects in these areas in college. He
makes researches to gain as much as possible reliable knowledge about facts and politics.
Is Mr. Ong a political scientist or politician? Give your reasons. (5 pts.)
9. What are some of the social sciences that could be related or integrated with political
science? What is the relation between political science and economics? Explain. (5 pts.)
10. The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides for the formation of regional autonomous
regions in the Philippines. This led to the establishment of the Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The operation of its government may be the subject of
aresearch study, for if it succeeds, this regional government may be the beginning for the
formation of more autonomous regions in the Philippines, and which may gradually
change our unitary into a federal system.Kristienne, a student of political science wanted
to have the opportunity to be part of the said study. What kind of research study should
she adopt in this situation? (5 pts.)
Rubric for Scoring of Essay
Highest Possible Score for each item: Description
5 Has complete explanation, clarity of ideas and good organization of thoughts.
4 Has clarity of ideas, good organizations of thoughts but lack important details.
3 Answers that are not so much related to the question.
0 No answer.
V. Other Suggested Activities/Quizzes:
1. Quiz: Introduction to Concepts of Politics and Governance:Meaning of Politics &
Political Science
ESSAY. Answer the following question in NOT more than ten (10) sentences.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Introduction of Politics and Governance (Formation of Government and Good
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV. Evaluation:
Written Work: Proposal Making
Instructions: Compose an essay, explaining your proposed program or policy that can
address a particular issue in your barangay. Integrate the eight tenets of good governance
in your program or policy.
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Identify the basic tenets of major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.) e session, the students are able to:
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Introduction of Politics and Governance (Formation of Government and Good
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
The class will be divided into five groups. Each one will be assigned with a political
ideology to discuss/present for 3-5 minutes next meeting.
July 5, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Examine the relationship between political ideologies and configurations of
political communities;
b.Critique ideas that have a direct impact on how we try to manage ourselves as a
political community; and
c.Analyze how political ideologies impact on the social and political life of
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Relationship between Ideologies and Configurations of Political Communities
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV. Evaluation:
Activity: Political Ideology Discussion/Presentation
Class will be divided into 5 groups and each one will be assigned an ideology to
discuss on.
Scoring Rubric:
Content/Relevance- 25
Quality of Voice/Presentation - 10
Organization/Clarity of ideas-5
Total: 40
July 10, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Define power;
b.Recognize the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power; and
c.Analyze the nature, dimensions, types, deployments, and consequences of
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Power, Its Nature, Dimension and Types
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
July 12, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Assess how power is exercised in different situations.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Power in Different Situations
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
1. This seeks to establish a society that provides opportunities for economic growth to all
a. Neoliberalism b. Social Democracy c. Anarchism d. Liberalism
2. How a government formed?
I. Through military coup’detat or revolution
II. By the process of election
III. colonization
IV. through protest and rallies
a. I and II b. I, II and III c. I, II, III and IV d. II only
3. What kind of authority does Queen Elizabeth of England holds?
a. Charismatic b. Traditional c. Legal-rational d. Legitimate
4. What is the difference between government and governance?
a. Government is the process of doing politics while governance is the instrument
through which the will of the people is known
b. Governance is the ability or the process of doing politics while government is the
instrument through which the will of the people is known
c. Government and governance are two separate concepts without any relations
d. They are the same with goals and method
5. Your mother always offers a reward whenever she asks you to do something for her. This
type of power refers to:
a. Coercive b. Referent c. Reward d. Expert
6. This refers to the ability to exercise control over individuals and compel people to do
certain tasks.
a. Influence b. Authority c. Legitimacy d. Power
7. Set of beliefs, attitudes and behavior that define political processes and governance.
a. Ideologies c. Political Ideologies
b. Political Culture d. Political Compass
8. The ideas and principles espoused by political ideologies become the bases of state
policies and principles that define the laws and political traditions.
a. False b. Sometimes c. True d. Maybe
9. Branch of the social sciences that deals with the systems of government and the analysis
of political activity, political behavior and political theories and practices.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Archaeology d.Political Science
10. Which among the following authority has the highest degree of stability?
a. Charismatic b. Progressive c. Traditional d. Legal-rational
11. Yassi Pressman is a celebrity and endorser. One of her advertisement is the use of Silka
for whitening. A teenager wants to get white and so after watching this in the television
she buys the item. What power was wielded in this situation?
a. Referent b. Legitimate c. Reward d. Expert
12. Sec. 9, Art. 3 of 1987 Constitution states that: Private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation. This justifies the national power called_______.
a. Power of Taxation c. Eminent Domain
b. Accountability d. Police Power
13. Identify what ideology is described in this statement: Communities are the best political
institutions since they manage their affairs through the cooperative efforts of its
a. Anarchism c. Conservatism
b. Liberalism d. Fascism
14. All except for one is the function of political ideology:
a. It explains how society and politics are organized and how various aspects of
politics work
b. Provides program or plan of action that will bring about political change
c. Provides ideas on how to counterattack the other countries in order to prevail in
d. Evaluates if a certain action is good or bad
15. Which of the following BEST describe the rightist?
a. Government control over the essential services and economic activities
b. Emphasis is on the welfare of the state or the common good
c. There should be balance between extreme views and ideas
d. Envisions an egalitarian society
16. This refers to the acknowledgment of responsibility for an action and consequences.
a. Accountability c. Transparency
b. Equitable and Inclusiveness d. Participatory
17. What is the difference of authority and power?
a. Power is the ability to entice or convince through persuasion and authority is the
right to exercise power
b. Power is the exercise of authority while authority is the acceptance or
recognition of the right to exercise
c. Authority is the right to exercise power while power is the ability to exercise
control over individuals
d. They are the same
18. This refers to the ability of the state to use police force to ensure law and order in the
a. Power of Taxation c. Eminent Domain
b. Accountability d. Police Power
19. Private property must be abolished, and the government should take control of all
economic resources and activities.
a. Socialism c. Liberalism
b. Anarchism d. Capitalism
20. Power that allows the government to impose and collect taxes from its citizens.
a. Power of Taxation c. Eminent Domain
b. Accountability d. Police Power
1. What is the relationship of Political Science and Politics? Cite example(s). (5 pts)
2. What makes a government a good governance? (5 pts)
3. Which ideas from the various ideologies do you believe are applicable in the Philippine
Politics? (10 pts)
4. Cite examples or situations where you evidently observe the implementation of various
national powers in our country. (10 pts)
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
2. Territory-consists of the land within the boundaries of the state (terrestrial), the air
space above the land (aerial), the inland waters (fluvial), like the rivers, the
springs, lakes bays, mineral and natural resources, and the twelve miles of the sea
beyond the sea’s coastlines.
4. Sovereignty-supreme and final legal authority of the state to enforce its will on its
members by coercive sanctions, if necessary, which must not be subject to any
like power.
4.Nation- large group of people who share common characteristics such as language,
traditions and ethnicity
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
July 19, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a. Identify the purposes of state.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: State and Its Purposes
Joven, A. (2018). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Quiz No. 2: Political Ideologies and States
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully before answering briefly. Do not add your own
facts; provide only what is being asked. A mere yes or no answer without explanation will not be
1. The Committees on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Laws of the Senate and the
House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress have been conducting public hearings with
the different sectors of society to find out their views on (a) whether they would shift from the
presidential to the parliamentary form of government, and (b) whether they would want to
propose amendments to the 1987 Constitution. What are the powers of the legislature that can be
exercised in this situation? Explain each power briefly. (5 pts.)
3. Differentiate the social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques
Rousseau. (5 pts.)
4. Section 9, Article 3 of the 1987 Constitution states that: Private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation. This justifies the inherent power of the state called
eminent domain. Explain the concept of eminent domain. (5 pts.)
5. From the biblical point of view, under the divine right theory of state origin, what made the
rule of kingship legitimate? Explain. (5 pts.)
6. The despicable world was seen and observed as always in a state of war during the ancient and
medieval periods. Men living in it were afraid of each other because men were brutally mean and
aggressive. These conditions were the reasons for the state’s beings. This is still true today in
modern contemporary world since nations war against nations using nuclear arms. People kill
each other in war with the most sophisticated weapons. Man’s inhumanity to man is a daily
occurrence in many countries. Hence, only the strongest and mightiest power can hold in check
men’s violent impulses. Thus, in developing countries, there are sovereign rulers who emerge as
exercising absolute powers which people cannot restrain or limit. They cannot wage a revolution.
Instead, they surrender their natural rights to the Leviathan. But to keep the peace and security of
the people by the sovereign ruler in a civil society whether he be a king, emperor or dictator,
whose authority is inalienable, indivisible and undefeatable, is absolutely necessary for the
protection and promotion of the welfare of his subjects. Whose version of the social contract
theory of the state’s origin is described above? What is the reason why people surrender their
rights and submit to the rule of a government? (5 pts.)
7. What is checks and balances? Explain how important it is to the government. (5 pts.)
8. Jethria Cayanan is a celebrity and endorser. One of her advertisement is the use of ‘Chakah’
for whitening. Nillicent Bautista is a teenager who wants to get whiter and so after watching the
said advertisement in the television, she buys the item. What power was wielded in this
situation? Support your answer. (5 pts.)
9. Explain briefly the conceptof dura lex sed lexin relation to the principle ofsalus populi est
suprema lex. (5 pts.)
10. The Palestinian people are fighting for a homeland to settle in permanently. At present, they
are living in small groups in Arab countries sympathetic to their cause and in Israeli territory.
Recently, those living in Jerusalem and Gaza Strip were ejected by the Israelis. Can a group of
people who do not have a homeland of their own claim to be a state? Give your reasons.(5 pts.)
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Sovereignty and Separation of Powers
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Jovellanos, J. et. al.(2011). Notes in Philippine History and Government. Chrizam
Printing Press. Dagupan City.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. Sovereignty-supreme and final legal authority of the state to enforce its will on
its members by coercive sanctions, if necessary, which must not be subject to any
like power.
a. Types:
- Internal sovereignty- supreme or absolute power of state to enforce its will
on the people within its territory
-External sovereignty-independence of a state from control by any other state.
b. Characteristics:
-Absolute-The exercise of the state of its sovereign powers is absolute in the
sense that the state is not subject to restrictions by any other power.
Comprehensive-The sovereignty of the state is comprehensive for its legal
authority extends to all-citizens, aliens, associations or organizations within its
-Permanent-It is perpetual in the sense that as long as the state exists,
sovereignty also exists.
-Indivisible-Sovereignty is indivisible as it is required to be respected in terms
of agreements and political obligations.
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Consultation Time:
The teacher will be telling the students his or her suggestions or comments regarding the
feasibility of their proposals, telling them in the process that they will be making their own
ordinances from such proposals.
August 7, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Explain meanings of globalization; and
b.Evaluate how globalization influences nation-states.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Globalization as a Context of Relations Among Nation-States
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Suggested Activities/Quizzes:
Quiz:States, Nations and Globalization
I. True or False
1. The state gains legitimacy when it is recognized and respected by the people. TRUE
2. The sense of nationhood is a feeling/idea among like-minded individuals who share the same
background and identity. TRUE
3. Sovereignty is a source of political integrity and is used as a means to call on citizens to
support government actions. FALSE, nationhood
4. In international organizations, sovereign states are not limited in exercising powers and
interests when entering into agreements or alliances. FALSE, limited
5. A government cannot exist without a state. FALSE, state cannot exist w/o a government
II. Identification
1. A large group of people who share common characteristics such as language, traditions, and
ethnicity. – NATION
2. This is a state that has no legitimacy but exercise sovereignty. – DE FACTO
3. Gradual process of political, economic, and cultural integration brought about by increased
trade and communication. – GLOBALIZATION
4. Refers to freedom from outside influences or foreign intervention. – EXTERNAL
5. This theory asserts that the state developed out of man’s economic wants. – ECONOMIC
6. A community of persons more or less numerous occupying a definite territory completely free
of external control and possessing an organized government to which the great body pf
inhabitants render habitual obedience. – STATE
7. According to this theory, that state arose through the process of evolution from family to clan,
clan to tribe, tribe to nation, nation to state. – PATRIARCHAL THEORY
8. In the constitution, what article tells us about our territory? – ARTICLE 1
9. According to this theory, “the state is man writ large” – NATURAL THEORY
10. This is a dimension of globalization that is evident in international cooperation and dialogue.
August 9, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Identify the causes of globalization.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Causes of Globalization
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A.Preliminary Activities
1.Attendance checking
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Activity:Sing me a Song of Globalization
Instruction: Compose a song or rap about the impact of Globalization and perform it
Scoring rubric:
Content/Relevance -40
Quality of Voice/Presentation -25
Organization/Clarity of ideas-15
Creativity/Originality -20
Total 100
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Political Background of the Philippines
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong CityInstructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1.Attendance checking
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Evolution of Philippine Politics
Pre-Colonial Era
Spanish Period
First Republic
American Period & Commonwealth Period
Japanese Period (Puppet Government)
Third Republic to 5th Republic
2. What is the effects of the colonial experience on Philippine politics and governance
3. For you, which stage has a great impact on the present Philippine Politics?
4. How can you show your appreciation to the contributions of the past stages to the
current Philippine political setting?
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Quiz No. 3: Globalization and Evolution of Philippine Politics and Governance
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully before answering briefly. A mere yes or no
answer without explanation will not be credited.
Current Philippine political setting
Students will write an essay expressing what they have observed in our country’s current
political setting.
Scoring rubric:
Content- 40
Structure- 20
Syntax- 10
Clarity of Ideas – 30
Total: 100
VI.Suggested Activities/Quizzzes:
1.Timeline: Evolution of Philippine Politics
Create a timeline showing the development of our political structure, affairs and other
events related to the evolution of our democratic politics. Highlight also the development of
the constitution.
Scoring rubric:
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Executive and Legislative
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Jovellanos, J. et. al.(2011). Notes in Philippine History and Government. Chrizam
Printing Press. Dagupan City.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. Executive-single leader or group of officials in the executive department who
are authorized by the Constitution to enforce laws of the state-to see to it that
these laws are efficiently and effectively carried out and faithfully observed for
the common good.
2.Types of Executive
a. Titular Executives-monarchy that declined in power and influence, forcing
them to play minor roles of the functions of the state.
b. Real Executive-The modern day executive and the actual head of the
government. Real executives perform governmental functions like the
maintenance of peace and order, promotion of health and sanitation,
safeguarding of national security and creation of public and essential
services for their people.
c. Collegial Executives-exists in parliamentary states. In the collegial system,
there is no single person that serves as the executive. Executive power is
in a group of leaders who are collectively responsible in the operation of
the government. The collegial executive may consist of a Cabinet, a
Council, or a Commission.
5.Powers of Executive
a.Power of appointment-Power to designate or delegate power to an
individual who is to exercise the functions of a given office.
b.Power of removal-Power to remove an executive official from his post.
c.Power of control-Power of an officer to alter of nullify or set aside what
a subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to
substitute the judgment of the former for that of the latter.
d.Military power-The President, as the commander-in-/chief, has the
power to call out the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion.
e.Pardoning power-This power is also known as the executive clemency
and its is granted by the President for the purpose of relieving the
harshness of the law or correcting mistakes in the administration of justice.
f.Borrowing power-Power of the President to contract or guarantee foreign
loans on behalf of the country with the prior concurrence of the Monetary
Board and subject to limitations provided by law.\
g.Diplomatic power-Power of the president to be the spokesman of the
nation on external affairs.
h.Residual power-Power that includes th Congress to special session, to
approve or veto bills, etc.
7.Functions of Legislative
a.Lawmaking-power to propose, enact, amend or repel laws.’
b. Election function-Most legislatures elect certain national officials. As
per our Constitution, the legislature can call for a special election that will
elect a President in case the previous one is incapacitated due to sickness,
insanity or imbecility or if she dies or resigns.
c.Power of appropriation (Power of coin purse)- The Legislature may
propose the annual budget plan of the country. In line with this, the
legislature may also abolish useless or corrupt administrative offices by
eliminating their appropriations.
d. Executive power-The legislature may reject the appointments made by
the executive officer.
e.Investigative power-The legislature may, through its investigating
committees, brings into light the abuses, anomalies and graft and
corruption committed by administrative officials.
f.Judicial power-The legislature may impeach constitutional officials like
the President, members of the Supreme court and other high officials for
certain designated offenses.
Constitution- widely understood as fundamental law of the land. The Philippine Constitution is
defined by Malcolm (cited in Nachura, 2006:2) as that written instrument enacted by direct
action of the people by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited
and defined, and by which those powers are distributed among the several departments for their
safe and useful exercise for the benefit of the body politic.
Preamble serves as the preface of the Constitution. The preamble is not really an integral portion
of the Constitution. However, according to Father Joaquin Bernas (2002: 1), a member of the
1986 Constitutional Commission, it identifies the origin, scope, and purpose of the constitution
and it serves as a source of light in ascertaining the meaning of ambiguous constitutional
b.Classifications of Constitution
A.According to Form
C.According to Origin
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
August 30, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president;
b.Analyze how contemporary Philippine presidents exercised their powers critique the
Philippine presidents’ exercise of power;
c.Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of
d.Assess the performance of the Philippine Congress;
e.Appraise the impact of Congress’s performance on Philippine development; and
f.Discuss the constitution as the fundamental law of the land.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Executive and Legislative
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Jovellanos, J. et. al.(2011). Notes in Philippine History and Government. Chrizam
Printing Press. Dagupan City.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. Executive-single leader or group of officials in the executive department who
are authorized by the Constitution to enforce laws of the state-to see to it that
these laws are efficiently and effectively carried out and faithfully observed for
the common good.
2.Types of Executive
a. Titular Executives-monarchy that declined in power and influence, forcing
them to play minor roles of the functions of the state.
b. Real Executive-The modern day executive and the actual head of the
government. Real executives perform governmental functions like the
maintenance of peace and order, promotion of health and sanitation,
safeguarding of national security and creation of public and essential
services for their people.
c. Collegial Executives-exists in parliamentary states. In the collegial system,
there is no single person that serves as the executive. Executive power is
in a group of leaders who are collectively responsible in the operation of
the government. The collegial executive may consist of a Cabinet, a
Council, or a Commission.
5.Powers of Executive
a.Power of appointment-Power to designate or delegate power to an
individual who is to exercise the functions of a given office.
b.Power of removal-Power to remove an executive official from his post.
c.Power of control-Power of an officer to alter of nullify or set aside what
a subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to
substitute the judgment of the former for that of the latter.
d.Military power-The President, as the commander-in-/chief, has the
power to call out the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion.
e.Pardoning power-This power is also known as the executive clemency
and its is granted by the President for the purpose of relieving the
harshness of the law or correcting mistakes in the administration of justice.
f.Borrowing power-Power of the President to contract or guarantee foreign
loans on behalf of the country with the prior concurrence of the Monetary
Board and subject to limitations provided by law.\
g.Diplomatic power-Power of the president to be the spokesman of the
nation on external affairs.
h.Residual power-Power that includes th Congress to special session, to
approve or veto bills, etc.
7.Functions of Legislative
a.Lawmaking-power to propose, enact, amend or repel laws.’
b. Election function-Most legislatures elect certain national officials. As
per our Constitution, the legislature can call for a special election that will
elect a President in case the previous one is incapacitated due to sickness,
insanity or imbecility or if she dies or resigns.
c.Power of appropriation (Power of coin purse)- The Legislature may
propose the annual budget plan of the country. In line with this, the
legislature may also abolish useless or corrupt administrative offices by
eliminating their appropriations.
d. Executive power-The legislature may reject the appointments made by
the executive officer.
e.Investigative power-The legislature may, through its investigating
committees, brings into light the abuses, anomalies and graft and
corruption committed by administrative officials.
f.Judicial power-The legislature may impeach constitutional officials like
the President, members of the Supreme court and other high officials for
certain designated offenses.
Constitution- widely understood as fundamental law of the land. The Philippine Constitution is
defined by Malcolm (cited in Nachura, 2006:2) as that written instrument enacted by direct
action of the people by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited
and defined, and by which those powers are distributed among the several departments for their
safe and useful exercise for the benefit of the body politic.
Preamble serves as the preface of the Constitution. The preamble is not really an integral portion
of the Constitution. However, according to Father Joaquin Bernas (2002: 1), a member of the
1986 Constitutional Commission, it identifies the origin, scope, and purpose of the constitution
and it serves as a source of light in ascertaining the meaning of ambiguous constitutional
b.Classifications of Constitution
A.According to Form
C.According to Origin
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Art. VII,Sec.2 provides for the qualifications of the President which are also
the qualifications of the Vice President (Art. VII, Sec. 3) to wit:
A natural born citizen of the Philippines
A registered voter
Is able to read and write
At least 40 years old on the day of the election
A resident of the Philippines for at least ten (10) years immediately
preceding the election
The Cabinet
Collectively, the heads of the executive departments appointed by the
President, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments (Art. VII, Sec. 16)
are known as the Cabinet. This group is an advisory body to the President.
1.Executive Power
2.Military Power
2.Judicial Power
3.Foreign Affairs
4.Legislative Power
5.Political Power
The Senate
1. Qualifications – A candidate for Senator must have the five (5) qualifications
provided in Art. VI, Sec. 3 namely:
a. A natural born citizen of the Philippines
b. At least 35 years of age on the day of the election
c. Able to read and write
d. A registered voter
e. A resident of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately
preceding the day of the election
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Judiciary
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Roskin, M. et. al.(2010). Political Science: An Introduction. Pearson
Education.Glenview. IL.
Jovellanos, J. et. al.(2011). Notes in Philippine History and Government. Chrizam
Printing Press. Dagupan City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. Judiciary-branch of the government which interprets the laws of the state and
upon which devolves the application of the law for the settlement of conflicts
arising from the relations between persons and between government and persons.
2. Nature of Judicial Department
It protects the poor and the weak against violations by the government of by an
individual or group of individuals. It is in-charge with the interpretation of the
laws of the state resulting from conflicts of men within the bounds of law.
Judicial Power – Is the power of the courts to apply the laws to contests or
disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties between private persons;
between private citizens and the government or between agencies of the
Adjudicatory power – the power to settle actual controversies involving rights
which are legally demandable and enforceable.
Power of judicial review – or the power of the courts to declare any legislative
and executive act invalid for lack or excess of jurisdiction because of grave abuse
of discretion.
Court of Appeals. This court reviews cases decided by the trial courts brought to it for
an appeal. It determines whether a miscarriage of justice is committed in the judgment of
the trial court. It may affirm court’s decision. It may also return to lower courts for retrial.
The Court of Appeals (CA) is composed of a Presiding Justice and 68 Associate Justices.
Regional Trial Courts. These courts are charged with the adjudication of criminal and
civil cases which do not fall under the jurisdiction of quasi-judicial bodies and agencies.
There are 720 Regional Trial Judges in the thirteen regions of the country.
Municipal Trial Courts. These courts adjudicate legal controversies which include
criminal and civil cases not cognizable by the RTCs. MTCs could be a Metropolitan Trial
Court, a Municipal Trial Court, or a Municipal Circuit Trial Court.
4. Judicial Independence
This means that judges are free to decide cases impartially based only on facts and
law. It also means that judges are protected from political pressure, media pressure or
even public pressure.
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: The Concept of Decentralization and Local Government
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1.Decentralization- pertains to the transfer of power and authority from central
institution to lower or local levels of a government system.
Autonomous Region
Provinces Cities
from a Province Provinces Cities
Component Municipalities
Cities from a Province
Component Municipalities
Barangay Cities
Barangay Barangay
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Introduction: Students will write a position paper on this issues: discuss their views regarding
Grammar, The learners The learners made The learners made The learners made
Spelling made more no more than five more than two no more than two
(Syntax) than five spelling and spelling and spelling and
spelling and grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
V.Suggested Activities/Quizzes:
1.Written Work: Federalism
Read the article entitled “Federalism: What Filipinos need to Know”by Levi A. So of Write a critique paper about this.
a. 8.5 x 13
b. TNR or Arial
c. Single spacing
d. 1 inch margin
EVALUATION (For the Critique Paper)
(80) (85) (90) (95)
Depth of Learners Learners Learners Learners provided
Reflection demonstrate a demonstrate a demonstrate a new and creative
(Content) lack of minimal level of sufficient level of insights resulting
critique and critique and critique and from a profound
internalization internalization of internalization of critique and
of the given the given material. the given material. internalization of
material. the given material.
Grammar, The learners The learners made The learners made The learners made
Spelling made more no more than five more than two no more than two
(Syntax) than five spelling and spelling and spelling and
spelling and grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
September 13, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Examine how decentralization affects governance; and
b.Examine how decentralization affects governance.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: The Philippine Local Government
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1.Local government unit vis-à-vis central government
a.The Central government is the official face of a country or state while local
government is the lowest tire in the administration system.
b.The Central government is the name of complete government while local
government is, in fact, the name of public administration system.
c.Central government makes the policies for all departments, institutes or
provinces of the country and local government is bound to follow the
legislations and decisions made by the higher level of government or central
d.Local government works as a helping tool for the central government and
make it possible for the central government to worked efficiently at lower or
local level.
e.Matters relating to national security, international affairs and diplomacy
and economic decisions are decided by the central government while local
government is assigned to look after its specific town, district or division.
f.The Central government is the policy maker while local government carry
on the policy and ensure its implementation.
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Worksheet in Expressed and Implied Powers of Federalism (45 pts.)
Objective: To be able to further their understanding of the expressed and implied powers of a
federal government.
Before you proceed, read these notes first:
FEDERALISM. The central government deals with issues that affect the entire country. Each
state also has its own local government that only handles the affairs of that state. This division of
power between a central government and state governments is called federalism.
The central government gets all of its power from the Constitution. In order to keep the central
government from becoming too powerful, the Constitution says that any power not given to the
central government is a power the states or the people keep for themselves. These powers are
said to be reserved to the local governments. There also a few powers that both the local
government and the central government share. These are called concurrent powers because
concurrent means happening at the same time.
EXPRESSED POWERS. These are powers that are vested by the Constitution to a certain
governmental branch or unit. For example, Congress has the power to coin money, declare war,
and establish immigration laws. Some of the president’s expressed powers include negotiating
treaties with other countries, nominating justices to the Supreme Court, and pardoning people
who have committed a federal crime.
IMPLIED POWERS. These are not expressly stated in the Constitution. The basis for these is
the Necessary and Proper Clause, which states that the Congress may make any law that is
“necessary and proper” for carrying out its expressed powers.
The central government also enjoys its inherent powers-powers which the government should
possess to maintain its integrity and survival as a political unit. These powers include—police
power, eminent domain and taxation.
Furthermore, the central government is prohibited from undertaking certain actions, such as
imposing taxes on exports, and from passing laws restraining certain liberties, such as the
freedom of speech or religion. Additionally, it is also implicitly prohibited from exercising
powers, including the power to create a national public school system, that are not included
among its expressed and implied powers.
THE POWERS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS. Powers that are not delegated to
the national government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the local governments are
reserved to the central government respectively, or to the people. Numerous powers are vested to
local governments, including the power to regulate commerce within their borders and the power
to maintain a state militia. In principle, each local government has the ability to regulate its
internal affairs and to enact whatever laws are necessary to protect the health, morals, safety, and
welfare of its people. These powers of the states are called police powers. The establishment of
public schools and the regulation of marriage and divorce have traditionally been considered to
be entirely within the purview of state and local governments.
I. Instructions: Identify whether each statement is true or false. Write TRUE if it is correct. If
there is an error, write FALSE.
II. Instructions: Classify the following powers in the chart. Take the time to consider which
category would be the most appropriate fit based on the description.
III.Instructions: Read and choose the best answer to the following questions. Encircle the letter
that corresponds to your answer.
1. The many small children who live on your neighborhood street love to play outdoors.
Unfortunately, the traffic on your street moves too fast, creating a safety hazard. You would like
to have a sign installed warning drivers to slow down and watch for children at play. Which level
of government would you contact that will solve this matter? Defend your answer. (5 pts.)
2. You served in the Philippine Navy for eight years and are planning to attend college on the
Shonga Bill (a college scholarship provided by the government to military veterans). Which
level of government would you contact to make sure you receive your Shonga Bill benefits?
Reason. (5 pts.)
3. You have just moved from Lingayen, Pangasinan to Bulakan, Bulacan and you need a driver’s
license. Which level of government would you contact? Substantiate your answer. (5 pts.)
V.Suggested Activities/Quizzes:
1.Written Work : Local Government units
Direction: In one sheet of intermediate paper, answer the following: (30 points)
1. What are the different levels of the Philippine Local Government? (Draw a diagram
that shows the different levels)
2. Discuss the basis for the creation of local government units.
3. What are the powers and functions of LGU?
4. What created the CAR and ARMM?
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Resolution and Ordinance Making
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
B. Development of Lesson
1. Recall the role of the barangay officials in making resolutions and ordinances.
2. Definition of resolution and ordinance
3.Difference between resolution and ordinance
4. Parts of resolution and ordinance
5.Rules in writing a resolution and ordinance
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Consultation Time:
Students can ask questions to the teachers regarding their proposed projects that
will be the basis for the ordinance, that they are about to prepare.
Students shall start preparing the resolution of their ordinance, that is to be passed
next meeting.
September 20, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Identify the difference between a resolution and ordinance;
b.Recognize the parts of a resolution and ordinance; and
c.Create a resolution and ordinance.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Parliamentary Procedure
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Submission of resolutions
B. Development of Lesson
1. Tell the students that usually, the barangay officials follow the parliamentary
procedure during their meetings.
2. Parliamentary procedure defined
3. Parliamentary procedure rules established
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
Students shall start electing the members of the parliament. These officers shall
lead the defense of the ordinances.
September 25, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Identify the theories regarding the exercise of suffrage
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: The Origin of Suffrage
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B. Development of Lesson
1. Suffrage defined
2. Theories of suffrage
a. Suffrage as an attribute of citizenship-Suffrage can only be exercised by the
citizens of a polis.
b.Suffrage as a vested privilege-Only the elites coming from noble families
and possessing high positions in the government can exercise suffrage.
c.Suffrage as an abstract or natural right-Suffrage is an inherent right
endowed upon man by God.
d.Ethical theory-Suffrage can be exercised by man, regardless of his stand in
the society, making him an asset to his community.
e.Suffrage as a government function-Government is the one responsible to
conduct the elections and to prescribe qualifications for voters.
f.Individualistic theory-Suffrage is conferred upon an individual for his own
h.Collectivist theory-Suffrage is not a right but a function that has to be
exercised by the voter for the interest of the whole community.
i.Dualistic theory-Combination of individualistic and collectivist theories.
3. Scope of Suffrage:
o Election
o Plebiscite
o Referendum
o Initiative
o Recall
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Consultation Time:
The teacher shall give his/her comments or opinions on the resolutions and
proposed projects by the students.
September 27, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a. Identify the qualifications of suffrage as per Constitution; and
b. Identify the types of electoral systems.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Qualifications of Suffrage
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B.Development of Lesson
1. Qualifications of Voters:
a. At least 18 years old by the day of the elections (SK voters must be 15-30
years old)
b. A resident of the country for at least a year
c. A resident of the place where he or she will be voting for at least six months
d. Not disqualified by the law
Types of Election:
1. Regular – refers to an election participated by those who possess the right
suffrage not disqualified by law and who are registered voters.
2. Special – one held to fill in the vacancy in office before the expiration of the
term for which incumbent was elected.
IV.Activity: The remaining time will be allotted for the preparation for this activity:
Direction: Create a short documentary about the electoral process in the Philippines. Be able to
include in your document the following: 1) comparison of the past and present process of
election, 2) qualifications for candidates and voters, 3) Scope of suffrage, 4) Political parties, 5)
issues regarding election. Be the hosts for this documentary, use pictures or videos that shows
electoral process in the PH.
Criteria Points
Content 40
Creativity 30
Cinematography 20
Teamwork 10
Total: 100
October 2, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Identify the qualifications of suffrage as per Constitution.
b.Describe the nature of elections the Philippines;and
c.Assess the implications of the type of electoral systems on politics and
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: The Philippine Electoral System
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
3. Submission of output
B. Development of Lesson
1.Nature of Philippine electoral system
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
October 4, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Identify and analyze the nature of Philippine political parties.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: The Philippine Political System
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
B.Development of Lesson
a. Concept of civil society and social movements
A civil society is comprised of groups or organizations working in the interest of
the citizens but operating outside of the governmental and for-profit sectors.
Organizations and institutions that make up civil society include labor unions,
non-profit organizations, churches, and other service agencies that provide an
important service to society but generally ask for very little in return.
Civil society is sometimes referred to as the civil sector, a term that is used to
differentiate it from other sectors that comprise a functioning society. For
example, the United States is made up of three sectors: the public sector, which is
the government and its branches; the private sector, which includes businesses
and corporations; and the civil sector, which includes the organizations that act in
the public's interest but are not motivated by profit or government.
Three Components:
1. Party System
2. Party functions
3. Party Types
Party System – concerns the system of government of a political party in a
democratic country. This party system is described by Sartori (1976) as the
“system of interactions resulting from inter-party competition.”
a. Conservative parties are those that want to retain or restore the pre-
existing order. These parties are skeptical of change and innovations.
b. Liberal parties advocate the right to freedom of individuals and stress the
democratic disposition of society.
c. Social Democratic parties surfaced with the rise of the labor movement
and promote social equality.
d. Extreme rightist parties advocate ideologies that are nationalistic in nature,
which may or may not be laced with unclear ethnic ideology and possibly
racist notions.
e. Communist parties propagate proletariat dictatorship.
According to Social Classes:
a. Popular parties regard the welfare and needs of social groups and attempts
to involve citizens of differing social origins within their ranks.
b. Parties of Special Intent feels that it is their duty to guard the interests of
various groups – may be social, confessional or regional.
Federal Party was the first established party in the Philippines in 1900. It
was then followed by the Nacionalista party and Democratic Party but not
accepted as an effective two-party system because the Nacionalistas were in a
loyal opposition. An effective two-party system emerged and develop when the
Liberal party was established. The Nacionalistas and Liberals have alternated
power with each other in early 1990s. Both parties did their best to be flexible in
image and appeal to all social classes whether rich or poor.
After having a two-party system, many parties were organized like New
Society Movement, People Power’s Movement, and many more. In 1982, a
coalition known as United Nationalist Democratic Organization was formed.
Many parties today are formed because of different interests and advocacies
within the people.
1. Absence of strong and credible political parties is still a major issue that
needs attention in the Philippines government system.
2. Election anomalies:
a. patronage system
- allocation of favors or repayment to a person like public office,
contracts, jobs, or other benefits generously doled out by a
patron, most commonly a public official to his client, who may
be a sponsor or contributor in return for the aforementioned
services such as financial help for the electoral campaign.
b. politically motivated incident
- is a blanket term for occurrences planned by a person or groups
of people to influence or alter election results.
c. electoral fraud
- illegal intervention with the election process via the
manipulation of results, whether by increasing the votes of one
party or dropping the vote count of the opposite side.
d. vote buying
- a form of illegal interference in the electoral process. This is
the distribution of any reward – material or financial – in
exchange of support for a candidate by a voter.
e. black propaganda
- employed during the electoral campaigns to damage the
reputation of a candidate by defamation.
3. Over budgeting in campaign
Reference: Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, Politics and Governance 2016. Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Consultation Time:
The remaining time will be allotted for the consultation time on the ordinances
being prepared by the students.
October 9, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are ableto:
a.Identify and analyze the nature of pressure groups and pressure politics.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Pressure Groups and Political Parties
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
3. Evaluation
Philippine Political Parties and Groups
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully before answering briefly. A mere yes or no
answer without explanation will not be credited.
1. At the advent of postwar period in 1946, a political party sprang into the political scene which
challenged the Partido Nacionalista, which was overly dominant over other parties during the
whole period of the American regime. This party was the Liberal Party which was formerly a
faction of the Partido Nacionalista. Its ideology and platform in its early years was for
progressive reforms and changes in the existing social order. Its birth brought about emergence
of a party system in which two major parties were alternately in control of government- a very
important development in the postwar period. What is this party system called? Explain briefly
this party system by describing its characteristic features. (5 pts.)
2. What are the characteristics of a local government? Explain each characteristic. (5 pts.)
3. The twin problems confronting the process of devolution in the Philippines are financial and
the ability of local units to handle government units, particularly the 4th, 5th and 6th class
municipalities, refuse to accept the devolved functions and personnel because of lack of funds.
Other local units seem reluctant to accept personnel of national agencies for the reason that these
personnel allegedly enjoy salaries higher than the Mayor. If you are the national official in-
charge of devolution under the Local Government Code of 1991, how would you solve these
twin problems? (5 pts.)
4. During the May 11, 1992 Philippine elections, several parties-traditional as well, as new ones
put up their candidates for President, Vice President, Senator and Congressmen. They put up also
candidates for local positions. Some of these parties formed alliances with respect to national
candidates. The same arrangement took place in the 1987 senatorial and May 11, 1998 general
elections. What type of party system were these alliances of parties made possible? Reasons. (5
6. The party system whether it be the multi-party system, the two-party scheme, or the single-
party state model, produced great leaders of the government: presidents, premiers and prime
ministers. Others, after having accumulated tremendous powers became authoritarian leaders.
Which of the functions of political parties fits this case situation? Explain your answer. (5 pts.)
9. What is a party system? What is the party system that now prevails in the Philippines?
Substantiate your answer. (5 pts.)
10. What is the composition of the local government units in the Philippines? Explain each. (5
B.Development of Lesson
1. Pressure groups-private organizations in the democratic society that aim to
express themselves politically
2. Pressure politics-political action which relies heavily on the use of mass media
and mass communications to persuade politicians that the public wants or
demands a particular action. However, it commonly includes intimidation, threats,
and other covert techniques as well.
C. Generalization
The selected students will give a summary of what they have learned.
IV.Suggested Activities/Quizzes:
Summative Test on Decentralization, Election and Political Parties
I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the underlined word or phrase makes the statement
correct, if False, write only the word or phrase to make it right. (10 points)
_____1. A voter must have resided in the Philippines for at least one year, and in the location where
he proposes to vote for at least 3 months.
_____2. Suffrage is a right and a privilege.
_____3. According to the Constitution, the local governments “shall enjoy local autonomy” and in
which the Philippine president exercises “direct supervision.”
_____4. Independent cities are not governed by the province.
_____5. Elections empower the people and enable them to exercise control over the democratic
_____6. A voter may still be qualified even if he was charged with a sentence imprisonment of at
least a year or more.
_____7. Elections are held every six years.
_____8. In a plurality electoral system, a clear winner is only declared once he or she wins over the
majority, or over 50% of the voters.
_____9. In an autonomous region, only those provinces or area which voted in favour of the
creation are the only ones included in the region.
_____10. Vote buying is a form of illegal interference in the electoral process.
III. ESSAY. Answer the following question in not more than five (5) sentences.(10 points)
1. Why was the minimum age requirement lowered down from 21 to 18 years old? (5 points)
2. What is the rationale for decentralization? (5 points)
IV. Multiple Choices. Read carefully the items given and choose the best answer. Write only
the letter that corresponds to your answer. (10 points)
_____1. A system wherein only one dominant political party has the right to form the
a. One-party system c. Multiparty system
b. Two-party system d. dominant-party system
_____2. Advocates the right to freedom of individuals and stress the democratic disposition
of society.
a. Conservative parties c. Liberal parties
b. Extreme Rightist parties d. Popular parties
_____3. Refers to an illegal intervention with the election process via the manipulation of
a. Electoral Fraud c. Patronage system
b. Vote buying d. Black Propaganda
_____4. What was the first established party in the Philippines?
a. Nacionalista party c. Democratic party
b. Liberal party d. Federal party
_____5. This is a system wherein a particular political group dominates a series of elections
which makes elections look like it is just for formality.
a. One-party system c. Multiparty system
b. Two-party system d. dominant-party system
_____6. Which of the following is/are the functions of political party?
a. It represents various social groups, whether in specific interest.
b. Candidates in each party are assigned to run for the office.
c. They sponsor and support the candidates throughout the campaign.
d. All of the above
_____7. What type of party system is followed by the Philippine government?
a. One-party system c. Dominant-party system
b. Multiparty system d. Two-party system
_____8. Which of the following is the political party of Pres. Rodrigo Duterte?
a. United Nationalist Alliance
b. Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino
c. Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino
d. Partido Demokratiko Pilipino – Lakas ng Bayan
_____9. Is a special voting participated in by registered voters residing outside the
Philippines, government employees, military personnel, and media workers.
a. Special election c. Primary election
b. Absentee voting d. General election
_____10. Refers to a system wherein a particular political party dominates a series of
elections which makes elections look like it is just for formality.
a. One-party system c. Multiparty system
b. Two-party system d. dominant-party system
October 11, 2018
At the end of the end of the session, the students are able to:
a.Explain citizenship;
b.Assess the various avenues for citizen participation; and
c.Illustrate the value of citizenship.
II.Subject Matter:
Topic: Citizenship
Joven, Arnel E.,Ph.D.(2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Ayson, F. et. al. (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science. National Book Store.
Valenzuela City.
Cruz-Calilung, Froilan, (2016). Politics and Governance. Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp, Mandaluyong City
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Attendance checking
2. Recall
b.Development of Lesson
Before you proceed, read these notes first:
CITIZENSHIP. The idea of citizenship came from the Greeks during the golden age of Plato
and Aristotle. As understood by the Greeks, citizenship was membership in the political
community – the city-state – of a body of individuals who were entitled to participate in public
affairs. Membership in the city-state was a privilege attained by birth, for a Greek remained a
citizen of the city to which his parents belonged. Moreover, Greeks did not consider their
citizenship as a material possession; rather they viewed it as similar to membership in a family.
In Aristotle’s view, citizenship was a membership of an individual in the assembly and was
eligible for jury duty, a definition based on Athenian principle. Citizenship, therefore in
Aristotle’s thinking, was a privilege to participate in the government and hold public office.
MODES OF ACQUISITION. There are several ways by which an individual acquires his
citizenship. The most common of which are: by birth and naturalization.
Citizenship by birth. An individual acquires citizenship at the time of birth under two general
principles: jus sanguinis literally means “law of blood” and jus soli, “law of the soil”.
According to the principle of jus sanguinis, a child possesses from the time of his birth a
citizenship which is the same as that of his parents, or one of them, regardless of the place in
which he was born. Thus, a child born in the United States of Filipino parents is a Filipino citizen
under jus sanguinis.
Meanwhile, under the jus soli principle, the citizenship of the child is determined by the
country in which he was born regardless of the citizenship of his parents. This may bring about
dual citizenship, which could lead to conflicting jurisdiction in matters of military service, tax
obligations, political activities and protection in foreign countries.
Distinction between natural-born and naturalized citizens. A natural-born citizen is one who
is already a citizen of the state at the time of birth. He does not need to perform an act to acquire
or perfect his citizenship. On the other hand, a naturalized citizen is one who is a citizen of one
country and who through an intervening act which in naturalization, becomes a citizen of another
LOSS OF CITIZENSHIP. When a citizen gives up or loses his citizenship, the act is called
expatriation. There are several ways by which a citizenship: (1) naturalization in a foreign
country; (2) by expressed renunciation of citizenship; (3) service in the armed forces of another
country; (4) declaration by a competent authority of being a deserter from the armed forced of
his country; (5) cancellation of the certificate of naturalization for cause; and (6) by subscribing
to an oath of allegiance to support the constitution and laws of a foreign country upon attaining
21 years of age.
Promotion of individual welfare. Democratic government recognizes the dignity and worth of
the individual. Thus, it seeks to provide him with the most favorable environment in which the
individual can attain those intrinsic good that will make him improve himself. The following are
some of the rights that should be protected in process:
1. Right to life, liberty and property – To enjoy life means that the citizen has the right to be
protected and safe from bodily harm. While, to enjoy liberty means that an individual is free to
govern his own actions free from external restraints imposed by other individuals, groups,
society and government. Moreover, a citizen also enjoys the right to own property and protect it
from anyone who attempts to encroach upon his right of ownership.
2. Freedom of speech and the press – It is the right of an individual to express his opinion on any
subject matter without fear of punishment.
3. Freedom of association – This gives a citizen the right to form, support or join any
organization for purposes not contrary to law.
4. Freedom of assembly – This is the right of the citizen to attend a meeting or gathering
peaceably either for social, economic, cultural or political purposes.
5. Freedom of religion – It means that a man has the right to worship his own God and practice
his own religion without undue interference from anybody, groups, or even from the
6. Freedom to petition for redress of grievances – Every citizen in a democratic state has the right
to petition for redress of grievances. Complaints may be filed with the courts or any
administrative body as a means of righting a wrong to relieve grief suffered by the aggrieved
1. Loyalty to country – Every citizen must owe unswerving loyalty or allegiance to the state of
which he is a part. Loyalty to one’s country implies that the citizen must have faith and
confidence in his government.
2. Defense of the state – in the fulfillment of this duty, citizens must render military and even
civil or personal service.
3. Participation in the development and welfare of the state – A citizen should possess discipline
and willingness to develop his potentialities to the fullest so that the contribution that makes to
the development and welfare of his country will be real, and not illusory.
4. Upholding the Constitution and obedience to the law – To uphold the constitution and obey
the law, all citizens must conform to the supremacy of the Constitution and other laws.
5. Exercise of suffrage and participation in elections – Responsible citizens consider their right to
vote for responsible as essential in a democracy. This duty must be performed with utmost
independence to guarantee the exercise of freedom of suffrage. Good participate in the electoral
process by seeing to it that the elections are conducted in a clean, orderly and peaceful manner.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Sixto Gonzales went to the United States on a working visa. After a year of stay,
their child Fey was born. Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales are natural-born Filipinos. What is the
citizenship of the child, Fey at the time of birth. Is it American or Filipino citizenship, or both?
Qualify your answer by citing the supporting principle or principles. (10 pts.)
2. Cris was born in the United States of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother. His parents never
applied for American citizenship. Applying the principles of jus sanguinis and jus soli, how
many citizenships did Cris have at the time of birth? Explain. (10 pts.)
3. Mr. Jim Chua, a Chinese resident in the Philippines for eight years. At the age of 21, he
married a Filipina and this was before the 1987 Philippines Constitution was ratified on February
2, 1987. Also before the adoption of this Constitution, the Filipino woman renounced her
citizenship to follow the citizenship of her Chinese husband. A year after the ratification of the
1987 Constitution, a child was born of the couple. What is the citizenship of the child at birth?
Under what principle did he acquire said citizenship? Substantiate your answer. (10 pts.)
4. The Philippine Supreme Court ruled that members of a religious sect called “ Jehova’s
Witnesses” are exempt from saluting the flag, singing the National Anthem and reciting the
pledge of allegiance to the country during school and other similar ceremonies. The Court
affirmed the claim of the sect’s leaders that the mentioned activities constitute an act of worship
which their religion prohibits them from giving to anyone except to God.
The ruling reversed the Supreme Court’s decision in 1959 not to give credence to the very same
arguments raised by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, thus, they were required to render the above
mentioned activities because they do not involve any religious ceremony.
a. On what aspects of religious freedom was the recent Supreme Court ruling based?
b. Constitutionalist and lawyers say that there are certain risks or problems created by this ruling
which favors the Jehova’s witnesses. What are these risks or problems?
Category Score
Content and Content is 35 points (highest
development comprehensive, possible score)
accurate and credible.
Major points are
stated clearly and are
well supported.
Content and purpose
of writing are clear
and interesting.
Supporting facts/ Major points are 20 points (highest
basis thoroughly addressed possible score)
and well supported by
Depth of solution 2 or fewer major 15 points (highest
questions; covers all possible score)
necessary information
needed to understand
implementation and
Constitutionality Clearly constitutional; 15 points (highest
does not violate any possible score)
provisions of the
Format Contains only 1 or 10 points (highest
less structural errors; possible score)
follows format
Grammar, punctuation 2 or fewer major 5 points (highest
and spelling grammatical and possible score)
spelling errors.
Let us begin with this --Never ever in the history of the Philippines will people forget the after
effects of the Martial Law during the Marcos era. Many were protesting against the
government’s so-called totalitarian rule. Riots and protest are happening every single day after
the proclamation of the military rule. The protests quickly took on a deeper significance,
transforming apathetic civilians into nationalist. By February 25, 1986, the Filipinos were freed
after several demonstrations were conducted by the Filipinos. This event served as a catalyst that
led to the creation of a new Constitution—that we know now as the 1987 Philippine
As such, many lawmakers decided to consider the political events that transpired from back then,
in formulating the new supreme law of the land. This is where studying and understanding the
world of politics comes handy. They will decide if election should be the central importance, or
they will either focus on shaping a new democratic. Which is more important—the nature and
quality of democracy, or the rules that will affect the electoral system? Many factors are needed
to be considered, or tried; lots of dizzying array of choices in how they should design the
political features of the government. However, no political pedestal is too high, as long as people
are knowledgeable of politics. The first reason, as to why politics should be studied, is for
everyone to avoid the past disastrous events; and to make better laws and to establish an even
more improved government for everyone.
Next, in studying politics, everyone should know that everything matters. If one does not take
interest and participate, others will, and their chances of understandings things much better, will
never reveal themselves again, and they will influence the decisions that govern their life. Will
they take us to war in a foreign land? Will they alter the tax code to favor specific citizens? Who
will have to pay in taxes what others avoid paying? You. Will they set up government programs
whose costs escalate far beyond what anyone had foreseen? Who will then pay these costs? You.
Another reason for someone to study politics is that for one to know how the law works; and so
that they can look for themselves, and prevent others from using the. Always remember this, that
the ignorant are manipulated.
Therefore, considering all the reasons just mentioned above, it is a must for everyone to study
politics, even for the youngsters. To be specific, for this subject, the Senior High School students
of the HUMSS strand. In order for them to know politics better, they have to take up Philippine
Politics and Governance.
In Philippine Politics and Governance, students study and understand the realm of politics
through a naturalistic method, like a scientist. They do not despise the effects that are brought
out, rather, they try to understand how and why something happens—power, political theories or
anything that could significantly affect a society.
To reiterate, many find politics disgusting. All they do is post their opinions and commentaries
on social media sites, without having the proper knowledge about a certain event. While others
are apathetic, no care at all about the events surrounding them. This is one of the challenges that
the instructors have to face while teaching this subject. Thus, before teaching the subject, the
instructor must establish the necessity of studying the subject. Never presume that the students
are taking the course to become professional political scientists. You are teaching this subject,
not just because it is a requirement for this strand, but you are teaching and imparting knowledge
them, so that they can better citizens of the country. Let them develop their interest in the subject
on their own. You can start by asking them, “ What kind of country do you want? You’d better
start developing your own logical and rational perspectives now, because sooner or later, you
have to make political choices.”
It is also undeniable that this subject will require lots and lots of memorization and reading, as
this includes learning several complicated concepts. Give students quizzes and activities, that are
objective in nature from time to time. They do not need to memorize every single word of a
definition or provision of a law. What important is that they have a full understanding of the
Also, try, if it can be done, to correct the exaggerated belief in “you can change everything you
believe in”. In the world of politics, no one is ever right or wrong. No one has the correct choice.
No one can be considered a sinner. It all dwells on what kind of circumstances are present,
depending on what events are happening. No one can easily change a society that has been built
since time immemorial, without the equipping the proper machineries. This is why, people who
lack knowledge should not try to give comment, if they are not in the correct position. As such,
being the instructor, relay to the students that, in this world, nothing can be changed overnight, as
it needs to be changed gradually using the correct machineries and techniques. This is not to
discourage them not to believe in their principles, but to show them that the real world after they
graduate is harsher than what they know, read and hear about. You can do this by giving true-to-
life examples in every lessons, subtly removing the exaggerated belief. Do not only stick to the
Furthermore, in relation to not sticking with the book examples, what I am trying to imply is that,
there are many sources of knowledge. Do not box your teachings to what the portfolio only
contains. Teach more. Supplement your lessons, but remember to comply with the course
Lastly, is the instance when students are always bored out by the lengthy discussions. However,
it cannot be denied that discussions are very important in deepening or reinforcing the base
knowledge of the students. I recommend that lectures be done in an exciting manner by
conducting debates and film-showing as ways of introducing or supplementing lessons.