G J E S R: A Review On License Plate Recognition Based Anti Signal Detection System

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[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034


Sheetal Mithun Kawade*1, M.M.Mukhedkar2
Electronics and Telecommunication Department*1,2
Dr.D.Y.Patil COE, Ambi, Talegoan, Dist: Pune*1,2
hotkar_sheetal@yahoo.co.in, moresh.mukhedkar@gmail.com
Automatic vehicle identification is an essential stage in intelligent traffic systems. Nowadays vehicles play a very
big role in transportation. Also the use of vehicles has been increasing because of population growth and
human needs in recent years. Therefore, control of vehicles is becoming a big problem and much more difficult to
solve. The aim of this paper is automatic number plate recognition based anti signal detection system using Matlab
for effective traffic control. License plate recognition (LPR) is a form of automatic vehicle identification. It is an
image processing technology used to identify vehicles by only their license plates. Real time LPR plays a major role
in automatic monitoring of traffic rules and maintaining law enforcement on public roads. The extraction of
vehicle license plate information from an image or a sequence of images. The extracted information can be used
with or without a database in many applications, such as electronic payment systems (toll payment, parking fee
payment), and freeway and arterial monitoring systems for traffic surveillance. The ALPR uses either a color, black
and white, or infrared camera to take images. ALPR as a real life application has to quickly and successfully process
license plates under different environmental conditions, such as indoors, outdoors, day or night time.

Keywords —Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system, Literature review, Network formation, System
design, Future Scope.

License plate recognition systems have received a lot of attention from the research community. With the rapid
growth in the number of vehicles, there is a need to improve the existing systems for identification of vehicles. A
fully automated system is in demand in order to reduce the dependency on labour. License Plate Recognition is a
combination of image processing, character segmentation and recognition technologies used to identify vehicles by
their license plates. Since only the license plate information is used for identification, this technology requires no
additional hardware to be installed on vehicles. LPR technology is constantly gaining popularity, especially in
security and traffic control systems. License Plate Recognition Systems are utilized frequently for access control in
buildings and parking areas, law enforcement, stolen car detection, traffic control, automatic toll collection and
marketing research [1].
In this paper, the proposed algorithm is based on extraction
of plate region, segmentation of plate characters and recognition of characters. Extraction of plate is a difficult task.
The difficulty can be due to the following reasons:
1) License plates normally, occupy a small portion of the whole image.
2) The difference of license plates in formats, styles and colours from country to others.
3) In most cases, the detecting is performed without prior knowledge of the license plates location in the image.
4) Probability of facing some common drawbacks which could influence the efficiency of the extraction, such as,
blurry image, uneven or low illumination, vehicle motion, low resolution of the image, distorted characters,
dirty plate, shadows or reflection…etc[2].

The ALPR system that extracts a license plate number from a given image can be composed of four stages. The First
stage is to acquire the car image using a camera. The parameters of the camera, such as the type of camera, camera
resolution, shutter speed, orientation, and light, have to be considered. The second stage is to extract the license plate
from the image based on some features, such as the boundary, the color, or the existence of the characters. The third
stage is to segment the license plate and extract the characters by projecting their color information, labelling them,
or matching their positions with templates. The final stage is to recognize the extracted characters by template

(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034

matching or using classifiers, such as neural networks and fuzzy classifiers. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the ALPR
This paper is organized in VII section. Section II explains
Literature review Section III explains ANPR System Section IV explain Network formation Section V explain
System design Section VI explain Future Scope, Section VII Conclusion.

Fig.1 ALPR systems [3].


In the literature, many license plate detection algorithms have been proposed. Although license plate detection has
been studied for many years, it is still a challenging task to detect license plates from different angles, partial
occlusion, or multiple instances. License plate detection investigates an input image to identify some local patches
containing license plates. Since a plate can exist anywhere in an image with various sizes, it is infeasible to check
every pixel to locate it. Generally, it is preferable to extract some features from images and focus only on those
pixels characterized by the license plate. Based on the involved features, traditional license plate detection methods
can be classified into three categories: colour-based, edge-based, and texture-based. In what follows, we will review
the related work in each category Colour-based approaches are based on the observation that some countries have
specific colours in their license plates. It is intuitive to extract license plates by locating their colours in the images
the collocation of license plate colour and character colour is used to generate an edge image. Then, it checks
neighbours of pixels with a value within the license plate colour range to find candidate license plate regions Edge-
based approaches are the most popular, with reliable performance in license plate detection. Generally, as a prior,
license plate is characterized by a rectangular shape with a specific aspect ratio, and can be extracted by checking all
possible rectangles in the image kinds of traditional locating methods, some other approaches based on local features
have been proposed recently.


The ANPR system that extracts a license plate number from a given image can be composed of four stages. The first
stage is to acquire the car image using a camera. The parameters of the camera, such as the type of camera, camera
Resolution, shutter speed, orientation, and light, have to be considered. The second stage is to extract the license
plate from the image based on some features, such as the boundary, the color, or the existence of the characters. The
third stage is to Segment the license plate and extract the characters by projecting their color information, labelling
them, or matching.

(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034

A. Image Acquisition
Image Acquisition is the first step in an LPR system and there are a number of ways to acquire images, developed a
sensing system, which uses two CCDs (Charge Coupled Devices) and a prism to split an incident ray into two lights
with different intensities. The main feature of this sensing system is that it covers wide illumination conditions from
twilight to noon under sunshine, and this system is capable of capturing images of fast moving vehicles without

B. License Plate Extraction

The technique is based on scale shape analysis, which in turn is based on the assumption that, characters have line-
type shapes locally and blob-type shapes globally. In the scale shape analysis, Gaussian filters at various scales blur
the given image and larger size shapes appear at larger scales .To detect these scales the idea of principal curvature
plane is introduced. By means of normalized principal curvatures, characteristic points are extracted from the scale
space x-y-t. The position (x, y) indicates the position of the figure and the scale t indicates the inherent characteristic
size of corresponding figures these entire characteristic points enable the extraction of the figure from the given
image that has line-type shapes locally and blob-type shapes globally. The two Neural Networks used are vertical
and horizontal filters, which examine small windows of vertical and horizontal cross sections of an image and
decide whether each window contains a license plate.

C. License Plate Segmentation Features

This section discusses previous work done for the segmentation of characters. Many different approaches have been
proposed in the literature. The basic idea behind region growing is to identify one or more criteria that are
characteristic for the desired region. After establishing the criteria, the image is searched for any pixels that fulfil the
requirements. Whenever such a pixel is encountered, its neighbours are checked, and if any of the neighbours also
match the criteria, both the pixels are considered as belonging to the same region. Used partial differential equations
(PDE) based technique; neural network and fuzzy logic were adopted in for segmentation into individual characters.

D Character Recognition
This section presents the methods that were used to classify and then recognize the individual characters. The
classification is based on the extracted features. These features are then classified using either the statistical,
syntactic or neural approaches their approach identifies the characters based on the number of black pixel rows and
columns of the character and comparison of those values to a set of templates or signatures in the database.
Template matching involves the use of a database of characters or templates. There is a separate template for each
possible input character. Recognition is achieved by comparing the current input character to each of template in
order to find the one which matches the best. This approach is based on the detection of holes and concavities in the
four directions.
(Up, down, left and right), which permits the classification of characters into different classes. These moments are
invariant to scaling, rotation and translation. The obtained moments acts as the features, which are passed to the
neural network for the classification or recognition of characters


The MLP (Multiple license plates) Network implemented for the purpose of this project is composed of 4 layers, one
input, two hidden and one output. The input layer constitutes of 150 neurons which receive pixel binary data from a
10x15 symbol pixel matrix. The size of this matrix was decided taking into consideration the average height and
width of character image that can be mapped without introducing any significant pixel noise.
The two hidden layers constitute of 250 neurons each whose number is decided on the basis of optimal results on a
trial and error basis. The output layer is composed of 16 neurons corresponding to the 16-bits of Unicode encoding.
To initialize the weights a random function was used to assign an initial random number which lies between two
preset integers named weight bias.

(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034

Fig.2 Typical feed forward network with single hidden layer. [4]

Fig.3Typical feed forward network with multiple hidden. [4]


1) Circuit Diagram Explanation

Here we are placing the IR sensor on the zebra crossing. as soon as any vehicle crosses the stop line, the IR sensor
reads the vehicle presence and transmits it to Microcontroller .the Microcontroller then sends the indication to
onboard PC which has MATLAB software for automatic Number Plate recognition (ANPR).The MATLAB will
then take a snap of the Number plate and using Digital image processing it will extract the vehicle number. Then the
PC will send an SMS to RTO unit using “AT” Commands. In RTO we have visual basic based software which will
display all the details of the vehicles on PC. After the details are fetched from the database the RTO will send the
signal breaking fine indication to the user’s mobile.

(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034

Fig 4.Circuit Diagram

1.1 Infrared Sensor

Proximity detection sensors detect and measure reflected infrared (IR) energy to detect the presence of an object or
person. The devices include an integrated LED driver and as in the TMD2671 devices, an integrated LED. The
proximity detection devices offer a wide range of performance, with four programmable LED drive currents and IR
pulse repetitions. The proximity detection circuitry compensates for ambient light, allowing it to operate in
environments ranging from bright sunlight to dark rooms. The wide dynamic range allows operation in short-
distance detection applications behind dark glass, such as cell phones. Proximity detection sensors can be used for a
mechanical switch replacement or to sense human gesturing.

1.2Liquid Crystal Display

LCD is used in a project to visualize the output of the application. We have used 16x2 LCD which indicates 16
columns and 2 rows. So, we can write 16 characters in each line. So, total 32 characters we can display on 16x2
LCD. LCD can also used in a project to check the output of different modules interfaced with the microcontroller.
Thus LCD plays a vital role in a project to see the output and to debug the system module wise in case of system
failure in order to rectify the problem.

1.3 RS 232
RS 232 is a serial communication cable used in the system. Here, the RS 232 provides the serial communication
between the microcontroller and the outside world such as display, PC or Mobile etc. So it is a media used to
communicate between microcontroller and the PC. In our project the RS232 serves the function to transfer the edited
notice (or data) from PC (MATLAB software) to the microcontroller, for the further operation of the system.

1.4 Web Cam

The image captured by the camera may not be much clear as needed.The number plate can sometimes be muddy due
to which the recognition may not be fully possible. Due to extreme climatic conditions such as dense fog, capturing
of the number plate would require a very high resolution camera which would increase cost.

1.5 Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB)

(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

[Kawade, 1(6): Aug, 2014] ISSN 2348 – 8034

MATLAB, which stands for MATrix LABoratory, is a state-of-the-art mathematical software package, which is
used extensively in both academia and industry. It is an interactive program for numerical computation and data
visualization, which along with its programming capabilities provides a very useful tool for almost all areas of
science and engineering. It is a Image Processing Toolbox software that provides a comprehensive set of reference-
standard algorithms and graphical tools for image processing, analysis, visualization, and algorithm development.
You can restore noisy or degraded images, enhance images for improved intelligibility, extract features, analyze
shapes and textures, and register images. Most toolbox functions are written in the MATLAB, giving you the ability
to inspect the algorithms, modify the source code, and create your own custom functions.


1. The future research of ALPR should concentrate on multistyle plate recognition, video-based ALPR using
temporal information, multi plates processing, high definition plate image processing, and ambiguous-
character recognition.
2. System that will help in recognizing the number plates automatically and store them into a database. Thus
we can say it provides a highly secure environment with lower cost by making the system automatic.
3. For end users it means easy transit through the toll gates and avoiding repeated and hectic security checks at
mall parking entrance and society gates.

This paper is about building a system that will help in recognizing the number plates automatically and store them
into a database. Thus we can say it provides a highly secure environment with lower cost by making the system
automatic. Automatic vehicle identification is an essential stage in intelligent traffic systems.

In general, an ALPR system consists of four processing stages. In the image acquisition stage, some points have to
be considered when choosing the ALPR system camera, such as the camera resolution and the shutter speed. In the
license plate extraction stage, the license plate is extracted based on some features such as the colour, the boundary,
or the existence of the characters. In the license plate segmentation stage, the characters are extracted by projecting
their colour information, by labelling them, or by matching their positions with template. Finally, the characters are
recognized in the character recognition stage by template matching, or by classifiers such as neural networks and
fuzzy classifiers. Automatic license plate recognition is quite challenging due to the different license plate formats
and the varying environmental conditions. There are numerous ALPR techniques have been proposed in recent years.
For end users it means easy transit through the toll gates and avoiding repeated and hectic security checks at mall
parking entrance and society gates. In this project we have presented the review of image processing techniques for
license plate recognition with various approaches. The experiment has been done in MATLAB to show the basic
process of the Image processing especially for license plate.

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(C) Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches


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