Digestion Rate On Fish

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By :
Name : Mellya Rizki Pitriani
Student ID : B1B017031
Group : VI
Subgroup :2
Assistant : Ita Purwati



A. Background

Digestion is reforming food from complex molecules into simple molecules,

such as glucose, fatty acids, and glycerol and other nutrients and is beneficial to the
body of the fish. The speed of breaking down food from the fish body from large
molecules to small molecules that will be absorbed by the fish's body is called the
digestion rate. While the substances needed and which will be absorbed by fish through
blood will also be circulated throughout the body for metabolic purposes (Murtidjo,
The rate of digestion is the rate of breaking down food in the body of a fish from
a complex molecule to a simpler molecule and then absorbed by the body of the fish.
Simple molecules that can be absorbed by the body of fish such as glucose, fatty acids,
glycerol and other nutrients. The process of digestion that occurs in the stomach and can
be measured by knowing the rate of gastric emptying (Yuwono, 2001).
The digestive system in catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is the process of digestion of
food accelerated by the secretion of digestive glands. The digestive glands of catfish are
composed of the liver and gallbladder. The stomach and intestines can also function as
digestive glands. This digestive gland produces digestive enzymes that are useful in
helping the food destruction process. The digestive gland in carnivorous fish (catfish)
produces protein-breaking enzymes (Mahyuddin, 2011).

B. Purpose

The purpose of this laboratory activity is to see the digestion rate or gastric
emptying rate on fish.

A. Material

The materials that used in this practice are pellets and catfish (Clarias
The tools that used in this practice are specimen tray, analytical scale, dissection
kit and aquarium.

B. Methods

The methods that used in this activity are:

1. Aquarium was prepared, filled with water as high as 25 cm, and was given the
2. The fish was dispersed in the aquarium.
3. The pellet was given to the fish as much as 2.5% of the total weight of the body, and
the fish was left to consume the food for 15 minutes.
4. The total body weight of fish was measured.
5. The fish was dissected, and the gastric was taken and weighed as 0 minutes after
feeding (Bx).
6. Step 4 and 5 was repeated for 30 minutes (By) and 60 minutes (Bz).
7. The graph was made.

A. Result

Tabel 3.1 The Result of Observation of Gastric Emptying

Rate Entourage VI
X (0') Y (30') Z (60')
Bx (gr) Bx (%) By (gr) By (%) Bz (gr) Bz (%)
1 1,12 1,23 0,78 0,82 0,99 0,84
2 1,27 1,3 1,25 1,14 0,97 1,01
3 1,19 1,15 1,12 1,19 1,03 0,91
4 0,92 1,02 1,29 1,17 0,95 0,76

Calculation of digestion rate on group 2 :

1. 0 minutes
Bx % = 1,27/97 x 100 % = 1,3%
2. 30 minutes
Bx % = 1,25/110 x 100% = 1,14 %
3. 60 minutes
Bx % = 0,97/96 x 100% = 1,01%


Gastric Emptying of Fish (%)






0' 30' 60'
Observation Time (minutes)

Group I Group II Group III Group IV

Figure 3.1 Graphic of Gastric Emptying Rate Entourage VI

B. Discussion

Based on the results of group two observation data, the fish gastric weight
percentage in 0 minutes was 1.3%, in 30 minutes which was 1.14%, and 1.01% for
gastric weight in 60 minutes after feeding 2.5% of biomass. It can be seen that the
longer the time after feeding continues to decrease fish stomach weight, from 1.3% to
1.14%, and finally to 1.01%. This is in accordance with the reference that the longer the
measurement time after being fed, the smaller the weight of the stomach. This is
because large molecules have been digested into smaller molecules and have been
absorbed by the intestine (Yuwono, 2001).
The rate of digestion is the rate at which the food from the fish body breaks from
complex molecules to simpler molecules and then it will be absorbed by the fish's
body. The process of digestion that occurs in the stomach can be measured by knowing
the rate of gastric emptying. The digestive tract in fish starts from the oral cavity
(cavum oris). The mouthhas small cone-shaped teeth on the lower molars and tongue on
the floor of the mouth which cannot be moved and produces a lot of mucus, but does not
produce saliva (enzymes). Food goes into the mouth of the food then enter the
esophagus through the pharynx found in the area around the gills. The esophagus is
cone-shaped, short, is behind the gills and if the food is not passed the lumen
narrows. Food in the esophagus is pushed into the stomach, the stomach in general is
enlarged, the boundaries are not clear with the intestine ( Sunde et al ., 2004) . Certain
types of fish have dead ends to expand the field of food absorption (Kusrini, 2008). The
process of digestion in fish also has to do with inhibition by the availability of legal
restrictions, meaning that the source for digestion must always be properly guarded so
that the fish conditions both internally and externally (Gumisiriza et al., 2009).
Efficiency of feed utilization will be optimal if the environmental conditions are
in normal conditions, so that the digestive process in the digestive tract of fish will be
more efficient. This causes the body cells to stand in ideal conditions, so that the
physiological processes in the body of the fish will run normally. The amount of feed
that can be consumed by fish per day is one of the factors that influence the potential of
fish to grow optimally and the level of daily feed consumption is closely related to
gastric capacity and emptying (Purnamawati et al., 2017).
Factors that influence the rate of digestion in fish include internal and external
factors. Internal factors include age, body size, activity, stress, and gender. External
factors include turbidity (on visibility and O2 content), food, and chemical factors in the
waters (O2, CO2, H2S, Ph, and alkalinity). Usually the more fish activity, the more
energy will be needed so that the metabolic process is high and requires foods that are of
a much better and more abundant quality (Kay, 1998). Optimal feeding rate enhance the
intestinal digestive and absorptive function in fish. Protease and lipase are important
digestive enzymes in the digestion lipid and protein (Xu et al., 2015). The use of feed is
related to the very close osmoregulation process of fish, where the level of feed
consumption will decrease in conditions of hypoosmotic and hyperosmotic media
(Kursistiyanto, 2013).
Digestion rates are also influenced by digestive enzymes. This enzyme serves as
a biological catalyst for chemical reactions in the digestion of fish, enzymes - these
enzymes are secreted in the digestive cavity from gastric mucous cells, their piloric,
pancreas and intestinal mucosa (Halver and Hardy 2002). The presence of enzymes in
feed can help and accelerate the process of digestion, nutrition becomes can be
sufficiently available for cultural growth and survival. Enzymes are proteins have
catalysis activities to reduce the activation energy of a finished substrate the product can
go faster (Khodijah et al., 2015). Some examples of digestive enzymes that function as
hydrolysis of macro nutrients are made possible by the presence of digestive enzymes
such as proteases, carboxylase, lipases and cellulase (Zonneveld et al., 1991). The
longer the time after feeding, the protease enzyme activity in the intestine
decreases. This shows that protease enzymes are produced depending on the conditions
of the feed (Yamin et al., 2008).
Based on the results it can be concluded that the gastric emptying rate of group 2
is 1,3% after 0 minute, 1.14% after 30 minutes, and 1,01% after 60 minutes being fed by
2.5% of biomass because longer the measurement time after being fed, the smaller the
weight of the stomach. This is because large molecules have been digested into smaller
molecules and have been absorbed by the intestine

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