Research Paper
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
Thermal performance of heat pipe Heat pipe flat-plate solar collector provides a method to solve the problems of the fouling, frost-heave
flat-pipe solar collector is studied by deformation and low thermal efficiency of flat-plate solar collector. Temperature field of the absorber
CFD method. plate, flow condition and temperature counter of the air gap are described. The effects of heat pipe diam-
Physical model of heat pipe is eter, evaporator length, absorber plate thickness and inclination angle on the thermal performance of col-
established by thermal resistance lector are studied, the results of which provide guidance for the design and optimization of the heat pipe
networks. flat-plate solar collector.
Structural parameter analysis are
helpful to design and optimize the
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Based on finite volume method, the thermal performance of three-dimensional heat pipe flat-plate solar
Received 24 April 2016 collector is studied under steady-state. A physical model of two-phase closed thermosyphon is estab-
Revised 8 February 2017 lished by taking account of the thermal resistance networks. The temperature field of absorber plate
Accepted 19 February 2017
and flow condition as well as temperature counter of the air gap between the absorber plate and glass
Available online 24 February 2017
cover of a simulation case are described. Structure parameters such as the heat pipe diameter, the evap-
orator length, the absorber plate thickness and the inclination angle on the thermal performance of the
collector are deeply discussed and analyzed. The results show that: The heat pipe diameter of 12 mm is
Numerical simulation
Heat pipe
helpful for increasing the useful heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency. Increasing the evapora-
Flat-plate solar collector tor length can increase the average useful heat gain of water but decrease the instantaneous efficiency of
Thermal resistance network the collector. Increasing the absorber plate thickness can both improve the average useful heat gain of
Useful heat gain water and instantaneous efficiency of the collector. The inclination angle between 30° and 45° is appro-
Instantaneous efficiency priate when the collector placed towards south in Nanjing of China. The research results are helpful to
design and optimize the heat pipe flat-plate solar collector.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Tao).
1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
114 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
1. Introduction solve these two problems above, combining the heat pipe and con-
ventional flat-plate collector is coming. As we all know that the
Solar thermal utilization is an effective way to reduce the tradi- heat pipe is a high efficient heat transfer component through the
tional fossil energy consumption and it has a broad development phase-changing of the working fluid, including the evaporation
prospect. Compared with other types of solar thermal utilization, and condensation. The heat transfer efficiency of the heat pipe is
solar water heating system has been the most developed renew- much higher than that of any other metal materials have been
able energy technologies and widely used all over the world. As studied [11]. Heat pipe technology has been utilized in many kinds
is known to all, the most important factor affecting the thermal of industries until now, such as the aerospace [12,13], the electron-
performance of the solar water heating system is the efficiency ics cooling [14–16] and the waste heat recovery [17–19]. However,
of the solar energy collector. Various collectors have been well the two-phase closed thermosyphon wickless heat pipe is widely
studied and developed in the past several years, including all glass used in solar energy thermal application and the theoretical and
vacuum tubes collectors [1,2], glass vacuum collector with U-type experimental research on the heat pipe in solar thermal utilization
tubes [3–5] and conventional flat-plate collectors [6–10], etc. Many can be found in recent open literature.
factors such as the relative high efficiency, simple structure, low Many researchers have made a lot of theoretical analysis [20,21]
manufacture and maintenance cost have made the collectors very and experimental studies [22,23] on the heat pipe flat-plate solar
competitive especially for the low-temperature thermal systems collector in the past few decades. For example: Ayompe et al.
fields. However, the tubes are full of water when the collector is [20] studied the heat pipe evacuated tube collectors in water heat-
working, which would result in two main problems. The first is ing systems through the TRNSYS model. Xiao et al. [21] proposed a
the fouling phenomenon on the inner surface of the tube after long theoretical method to analyze and discussed the influence of rele-
time operation and the second is the frost-heave deformation hap- vant parameters on the thermal performance of heat pipe flat-plate
pened in the cold high latitudes areas, both of which are the root of solar collector. Jalilian et al. [22] experimentally investigated the
low heat exchange efficiency of the flat-plate collector. In order to behavior of a Pulsating Heat Pipe Flat-Plate Solar Collector, the
D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126 115
behavior of which was trained, predicted and optimized by the pipe, absorber plate, insulation layer, glass cover, cross flow heat
multilayer perceptron neural network. Azad [23] both theoretically exchanger and shell, etc. The construction and geometric parame-
and experimentally investigated the heat pipe solar collector on ters of the model are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1 respectively. The
the thermal efficiency of the collector and studied the inlet and heat pipe was welded on the outer wall of absorber plate and the
outlet water temperatures as well as the heat pipe temperature material of the heat pipe wall and the absorber plate is cooper.
fields in a water heating system. So the contact thermal resistance between the absorber plate and
With the development of computer technology and CFD technol- heat pipe wall can be ignored. The condenser section of the heat
ogy, numerical simulation investigation has been playing more and pipes is placed at the cross flow of heat exchanger at the top of
more important role in heat and mass transfer fields. But it is diffi- the collector, the adiabatic section between the evaporator and
cult to achieve the direct simulation of heat pipe because of the condenser of the heat pipe is insulated by the rock wool. Water
complexity of the phase-changing and flowing of the working fluid is used as the working fluid of the cross flow heat exchanger and
in the heat pipe. For example: Faghri [24] put forward the concept of the physical parameters of materials used in this study are listed
the thermal resistance networks of the heat pipe, which provided in Table 2. The operation process of the collector is described as fol-
convenience for the numerical simulation of the heat pipe and lowing: The absorber plate is heated by the solar radiation, which
neglected the complex phase change process inside the heat pipe. is radiated through the glass cover. The thermal energy is con-
There are also researchers [25–32] who have attempted to ducted to the outer surface of the evaporator wall through the
study the heat pipe through the thermal resistance networks. For absorber plate and then transferred to the inner surface of the
example: Hussein [25] studied the performance of wickless heat evaporator. The working fluid of the heat pipe is heated to vaporize
pipe for solar water heating using transient heat transfer models through the convection heat transfer and the water vapor rapidly
and optimized different system parameters. Mathioulakis and flows from the evaporator to the condenser of the heat pipe
Belessiotis [26] investigated new ethanol heat pipe solar collector through the adiabatic section driven by the pressure difference.
for water heating by assuming a steady state condition in the heat From this, the thermal energy is transferred to the inner surface
pipe both theoretically and experimentally, in which the working of the condenser with the method of phase changing from vapor
fluid operates at a saturated pressure and temperature with no to liquid water. And then the energy is transferred to the water
thermal capacitance in the heat pipe sections. The evaporation heat of the cross flow heat exchanger by the thermal conduction from
transfer resistance of this study has been considered with no infor- inner to outer surface of the condenser and convection transfer
mation given on the condensation and vapor heat transfer resis- from the outer surface to the water [11]. Thus, the thermal energy
tances. Chen et al. [27] studied a two-phase thermosyphon solar is transferred from the absorber plate to the water and the heat
collector with the alcohol as working fluid. Thermal resistance- transfer process is realized.
capacitance model was developed and the working fluid capaci- In order to simplify the collector model, several assumptions
tance was negligible and it was found that the thermal resistance are necessary and listed as follows:
of the working fluid vapor resistance was far smaller than that of
evaporation and condensation. Wei et al. [28] studied the flat- (1) The thermal resistance of vapor flow is assumed to be
plate collector by using one large integrated wickless heat pipe negligible.
instead of side-by-side separate heat pipe. But the risk of invalida- (2) The heat loss in the adiabatic section of the heat pipe is
tion of the whole collector would be higher than that of the side- ignored.
by-side separate heat pipe collectors. Experimental and theoretical (3) The heat transfer between the solar collector and heat pipe is
analysis of the effect of Lc/Le ratio of the elliptical heat pipe with steady.
stainless steel wick under different cooling water mass flow rates (4) The whole sides and edges of the collector are well insulated,
and inlet cooling water temperature have been analyzed by so the heat loss in these section can be neglected.
Sivakumar [29]. Moreover, the effect of radiation, ambient temper- (5) No temperature gradient exists along with the axial direc-
ature, and the tilt angle on the solar collectors were numerically tion in each section of the heat pipe.
and experimentally investigated in Ref. [30]. Tardy et al. [31] and (6) Ignoring the contact thermal resistance between the absor-
Ismail [32] have also studied the heat pipe for thermal storage ber plate and heat pipe wall.
and solar collector respectively. Saturated temperature and pres- (7) The physical properties of the solid material and water used
sure were assumed of the working fluid inside the heat pipe and in the simulation of this paper are constant.
only the evaporation and condensation thermal resistances have
been considered in their models. The model of two-phase closed thermosyphon heat pipe in the
The physical model of two-phase closed thermosyphon heat solar collector is constructed by thermal resistance networks [24]
pipe is established through the thermal resistance networks in this (see in Fig. 3) and the total thermal resistance of the heat pipe
paper. The collector is numerically simulated based on the finite can be calculated by the following equation:
volume method. The operation and geometric parameters, includ-
ing the solar radiation intensity, the diameter of the heat pipe, the
Rtot ¼ Re þ Rw;e þ Ri;e þ Rv oap þ Ri;c þ Rw;c þ Rc ð1Þ
length of evaporation, the thickness of absorber plate and the incli-
nation angle are investigated on the useful heat gain of water and The Re and Rc are the evaporator and condenser convection heat
the instantaneous efficiency of the collector, which can be helpful transfer thermal resistance on the outer surface respectively,
to optimize the design parameters of the heat pipe flat-plate solar which are calculated by Eq. (2).
Q 1 Q 1
Re ¼ ¼ and Rc ¼ ¼ ð2Þ
T p T w;o;e he Ae T w;o;c T w hc Ac
2. Description of the simulation
2.1. Geometrical and physical model where Ae , Ac are the evaporator and condenser area of the outer sur-
face, T p , T w are the average temperature of the absorber plate and
The model of the heat pipe flat-plate solar collector is shown in water, T w;o;e , T w;o;c are the evaporator and condenser temperature
Fig. 1, which is consist of two-phase closed thermosyphon heat of the outer surface.
116 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
Fig. 1. Heat pipe flat-plate solar collector. (a) Heat pipe flat-plate solar collector. (b) Unit structure diagram of heat pipe flat-plate solar collector (enlarged).
0:7 0:2 0:4 0:3
Table 1 q0:65
l k0:3
l c pl g qe psat
Dimensions of the collector (unit: mm). hi;e ¼ 0:32 0:4 0:1
v hfg l
q0:25 pa
Name of parameter Symbol Value
Heat pipe length L 650–900 and the average heat transfer coefficient of the condensation is cal-
Collector tube spacing W 135 culated by:
Collector tube diameter D 8–16
( )0:25
Heat pipe wall thickness s 1
ql gk3l ðql qv Þ½hfg þ 0:68cpl ðT sat T w Þ
Absorber plate thickness d 0.1–2.2 hi;c ¼ 0:943 ð6Þ
Insulation thickness e 30 ll Lc ðT sat T w Þ
Glass cover thickness b 4
Air gap thickness c 45 Finally, due to that the vapor is saturated and the vapor temper-
ature difference in the evaporator and the condenser is neglected.
Zuo and Faghri [33] suggested that the vapor flow thermal resis-
tance Rv can be neglected without causing significant errors.
Table 2
Physical parameters of materials. 2.2. Mathematical model
Copper Rockwool Glass cover
For three-dimensional steady flow and heat transfer of the heat
Density, kg/m3 8920 140 2220
Specific heat capacity, J/(kgK) 385 1220 830 pipe flat-plate solar collector, the governing equations are listed as
Thermal conductivity, J/(mK) 398 0.039 0.76 followings:
Transmissivity 0 0 0.9
Emissivity 0.1 – 0.9
(1) Mass conservation equation:
Absorptivity 0.9 – 0.1
1 @p
div ðv UÞ
~ ¼ div ðv gradv Þ ð8bÞ
q @y
1 @p
div ðwUÞ
~ ¼ div ðv gradwÞ ð8cÞ
q @z
(3) Energy conservation equation of fluid and solid are
div ðUTÞ
~ ¼ div gradT ð9Þ
@T 2 @T 2 @T 2
þ þ ¼0 ð10Þ
Fig. 3. Heat pipe thermal resistance networks. @x2 @y2 @z2
The numerical computation of fluid flow is presented using
The Rw;e and Rw;c are the wall conduction thermal resistance of standard k e model and the k, e equations [34] are listed as
the evaporator and condenser respectively, which are calculated follows:
by Eq. (3).
@ @ lt @k
ðqkui Þ ¼ lþ þ Gk qe ð11Þ
@xi @xj rk @xj
Q ln Di Q ln Di
Rw;e ¼ ¼ and Rw;c ¼ ¼
T w;o;e T w;i;e 2pkw Le T w;i;c T w;o;c 2pkw Lc @ @ lt @ e e e2
ðqkui Þ ¼ lþ þ c 1 Gk c 2 q ð12Þ
ð3Þ @xi @xj re @xj k k
where T w;i;e , T w;i;c are the inner surface temperature of the evapora- where Gk represents the average velocity gradient generated by the
tor and condenser. turbulent kinetic energy caused by k, which is calculated by Eq.
The Ri;e is the thermal resistance of evaporation section in heat (13).
pipe and Ri;c is the heat transfer thermal resistance of inner wall of ( " 2 2 #
2 2
the condenser section, which are calculated by Eq. (4). k @u @w
Gk ¼ qcl 2 þ þ
e @x @y @z
Ri;e ¼
and Ri;c ¼
ð4Þ 2 2 2 )
T w;i;e T v ;e hi;e Ai;e T v ;c T w;i;c hi;c Ai;c @u @ v @u @w @ v @w
þ þ þ þ þ þ ð13Þ
@y @x @z @x @z @y
where T v ;e , T v ;c are the vapor temperature in the evaporator and
condenser respectively, hi;e , hi;c are the heat transfer coefficients of the coefficients of Eqs. (11–13) are given by: c1 ¼ 1:44,
evaporation and condensation section, both of which are suggested c2 ¼ 1:92, cl ¼ 0:99, rk ¼ 1:0 and re ¼ 1:3.
by Zhuang et al. [11] to be replaced by the average heat transfer The governing equations are discretized by the finite volume
coefficient calculated in Eqs. (5) and (6) respectively. method and the discrete equations are selected by the second-
The average heat transfer coefficient of the evaporation is calcu- order upwind difference scheme. The SIMPLE (Simi-Implicit Pres-
lated by: sure Linked Equation) algorithm of Patankar [35] is used to deal
118 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
" #
1:6 þ
with the pressure-velocity coupling. In the solving process, when hpg c 1708ðsin 1:8bÞ 1708
the variables residual of continuity equation, momentum equation, Nu ¼ ¼ 1 þ 1:44 1 1
kair Ra cos b Ra cos b
k equation and e equation are less than 107 and the residual error " 1=3 #þ
of energy equations is less than 1010 that it is considered conver- Ra cos b
þ 1 ð23Þ
gence of the calculation. 5830
Boussinesq assumption equation [36] on air is defined as:
ðqa;T qTa Þg qTa ba ðT T a Þg ð14Þ where V w is the wind velocity, b is the tilt angle between the collec-
tor and the horizontal plane. The notation [ ]+ designates that the
where qa;T is the density of air temperature, qTa is the density of air quantity in the square bracket is setting to zero if it is negative.
at ambient temperature and ba is the thermal expansion coefficient The energy balance equation of the water in the cross flow heat
of air. exchanger is:
The boundary conditions for the solar collector are as follows:
Velocity inlet boundary condition is adopted at the inlet of the qm;w cp;w ðT w;o T w;i Þ ¼ Ac hc ðT c T w Þ ð24Þ
cross flow heat exchanger:
u ¼ ui ; v ¼ 0; v ¼ 0 ð15Þ where T W is qualitative temperature of water, which is defined as:
3. Theoretical analysis It is divided of using the hexahedral structured grid for the heat
pipe flat-plate solar collector. The grid near the heat pipe was
The theoretical analysis on the heat transfer process of the heat encrypted in order to improve the calculation accuracy of heat
pipe flat-plate solar collector is focusing on three main parts, transfer around the heat pipe. Both the grid distribution of the
including the glass cover, the heat pipe absorber plate and the numerical model and an enlarged view of the boundary layers
water in the cross flow heat exchanger. around the heat pipe (shown in yellow1 area) are shown in Fig. 4,
where the minimum and maximum size of the mesh elements is
(1) The energy balance equation on the glass cover is: 0.2 mm and 7 mm respectively and the growth rate of boundary lay-
ers is 1.2. The geometric parameters used in the verification model
T 4p T 4g are listed in Table 3 and the grid independence test results are
ag IAg þ Ag hpg ðT p T g Þ þ rAp 1 shown in Fig. 5, where the instantaneous efficiency deviation with
ep þ e1g 1
the number of mesh nodes is defined as:
¼ Ag hga ðT g T a Þ þ Ag eg rðT 4g T 4a Þ ð20Þ
gnþ1 gn
where ag , eg are the absorption and emissivity rate of glass and I is h¼ 100% ð29Þ
the total solar radiation intensity.
(2) The energy balance equation on the absorber plate is: Computing results of the instantaneous efficiency under differ-
ent numbers of grids are shown in Table 4, from which it can be
T 4p T 4g
Ag sg ap I ¼ Ag hpg ðT p T g Þ þ Ap r þ nAh;e K nh;e ðT p T w;i Þ seen that the efficiency changes quite slowly when the number
ep þ eg 1
of mesh nodes exceeds to 1.77 million. The instantaneous effi-
ð21Þ ciency of error between the calculation results of grid number of
1.77 million and 2.29 million is only 0.24%. Therefore, it was found
The heat transfer coefficients (hga and hpg ) in Eq. (21) were that when the number of grid is 1.77 million, it can satisfy the
calculated according to the empirical correlations proposed by Hol- requirement of calculation accuracy. In other words, the solution
lands et al. [39], both of which are calculated by Eqs. (22) and (23) of grid independence has been acquired.
For interpretation of color in Fig. 4, the reader is referred to the web version of
hga ¼ 2:8 þ 3:0V w ð22Þ
this article.
D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126 119
Table 3
Model parameters (unit: mm).
Le Lc D W t c b e
750 100 12.7 135 0.9 50 4 50
5. Reliability tests of the numerical simulation aspects. The first is the model structure. Namely: the experiments
mentioned in Ref. [25] refers to a wickless heat pipes flat-plate
Several verification approaches are carried out to validate the solar collector with a cross heat exchanger, which has the same
accuracy of the physical and mathematical models of the numeri- structure with the numerical simulation models shown in
cal simulations. In order to verify the accuracy of the calculation Figs. 1 and 2. The second is the geometric model. Namely: the
results, the instantaneous efficiency of numerical simulation were dimension of the experiment including the absorber plate, the
compared with the experimental results in the Ref. [25], which is wickless heat pipe and heat exchanger etc. has the same values
shown in Fig. 6. with that in Tables 1 and 3. The third is the physical parameter.
The verification process between numerical simulation and Namely: the physical properties of the material used in the exper-
experiment results can be explained from the following four imental system is the same with that in Table 2. The fourth is data
120 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
top of the absorber plate far away from the heat pipe is higher than
0.51 that at the bottom of the absorber plate close to the heat pipe. This
is due to that the evaporator of the heat pipe and the air gap are
0.50 both heated by the absorber plate. Under the action of buoyancy
force, the temperature difference between the air and the plate
0.49 at the bottom of the gap is higher than that in the upper of the
gap. Therefore, the heat transfer at the bottom of the air gap is
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
more intensive than that at the upper of the gap. The temperature
Number of mesh nodes / million of the absorber plate near the bottom of the evaporator is lower
Fig. 5. Instantaneous efficiency vs. number of mesh nodes.
than that near the middle and top of the evaporation section. The
literature [9] also described the temperature field of the absorber
plate of the conventional flat-plate collector and got the similar
Table 4 conclusions as above.
The coefficient gradient change ratio with the number of mesh nodes.
No. Number of mesh nodes/million g h, % 6.2. The temperature and velocity field of the symmetry face of the air
1 0.83 0.4915 – gap
2 1.07 0.5073 3.21
3 1.30 0.5254 3.57
The temperature and velocity contours of the symmetry plane
4 1.49 0.53567 1.95
5 1.77 0.54258 1.29 in the air gap space are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 separately. As can
6 2.04 0.54368 0.20 be seen from Fig. 8, the range of air temperature distribution
7 2.29 0.5439 0.04 between the absorber plate and glass cover is increasing from
294 K to 338 K, the minimum and the maximum temperature are
located at the bottom close to the glass cover and at the top near
the absorber plate respectively. Under the comprehensive action
of natural convection and radiation heat transfer, the air at the bot-
0.54 tom of the gap close to the higher temperature absorber plate is
heated and then floats upwards. As can been from Fig. 9(c), the
air velocity reaches the maximum of 1.9 m/s near the middle of
0.50 the gap space. When the air reaches to the top of the gap, it is
forced to flow to the direction that close to the glass cover. Due
to the lower temperature of the glass cover and the effect of grav-
0.46 ity, the air is cooled by convection heat transfer through the cover
and sinks downward to the bottom of the gap space. So the tem-
0.44 ηnum.
perature of the air is decreased from 316 K to 294 K gradually
0.42 ηexp.[*] and the air at the bottom of the gap space is reheated by the absor-
0.40 ber plate and refloated upwards, where the air natural flow cycle is
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time / hr.
6.3. Effect of the heat pipe diameter on the efficiency of collector
Fig. 6. Comparisons of numerical results of instantaneous efficiency with the data
in Ref. [25]. The tendency curves of the useful heat gain of water and instan-
taneous efficiency of the collector change with the heat pipe diam-
eter are shown in Figs. 10and 11 respectively. Both the useful heat
analysis, which is calculated by Eq. (30). Namely: Making some
gain of water and the instantaneous efficiency of the collector
comparisons and analysis of the instantaneous efficiency obtained
increase at first and then decrease subsequently. When the heat
by numerical simulation and experiment. It can be seen from Fig. 6
pipe diameter increases from 8 mm to 12 mm, the average increase
that the maximum deviation of the instantaneous efficiency
rates of the useful heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency
between simulation results and the data from Ref. [25] is 2.56%
of the collector at three different solar radiation intensities are
while the minimum deviation of which is only 0.76%, the results
7.28% and 10.77% respectively. When the heat pipe diameter
of which proved the validity of the physical and mathematical
increases from 12 mm to 16 mm, the average decrease rates of
models. Thus the physical model, the mathematical model, the
the useful heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency of the
mesh structure and the order of magnitude of mesh nodes are also
collector at three different solar radiation intensities are 4.27%
applied to the other simulation models in this paper. Hence, the
and 1.05% respectively. The useful heat gain of water reaches the
present model is correct and it can be used for numerical simula-
maximum value of 49.8 W and the instantaneous efficiency of
tion on the heat pipe flat-plate solar collector.
!, the collector reaches the maximum value of 58.1% when the heat
gnum gexp pipe diameter is 12 mm and the radiant heat flux is 1000 W/m2.
w¼ 100% n ð30Þ In the heat pipe, the heat conduction thermal resistance of the heat
gexp i pipe wall decreases with the increase of the diameter, which can
D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126 121
Fig. 8. Temperature counters of the air gap on the symmetry face. (I = 1000 W/m2, D = 12 mm, Le = 700 mm, Lc = 100 mm, Tin = Ta = 20 °C, d = 1 mm).
enhance the heat transfer. At the same time, in the cross flow heat keeps constant, the increase of the heat pipe diameter also leads to
exchanger, the increase of the heat pipe diameter leads to the the reducing of the absorber plate area, which results in the reduc-
expanding heat transfer area and reducing of the flow cross section tion of the heat absorption amount of the absorber plate. The
area of water, which results in the enhancement of the heat trans- enhancement on heat transfer plays a dominant role when the heat
fer in the cross flow heat exchanger. However, when the tube pitch pipe diameter is less than 12 mm and the reduction of absorber
122 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
Fig. 9. Velocity counters of the air gap on the symmetry face. (I = 1000 W/m2, D = 12 mm, Le = 700 mm, Lc = 100 mm, Tin = Ta = 20 °C, d = 1 mm).
40 0.56
25 I=700W/m2 I=400W/m2
I=1000W/m2 I=700W/m2
20 0.50
15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
D / mm
D / mm
Fig. 11. Instantaneous efficiency vs. heat pipe diameter.
Fig. 10. Useful heat gain of water vs. heat pipe diameter.
tor length respectively. As can be seen from Fig. 12, the useful heat
plate heat absorption plays a dominant role when the diameter is gain of water increases almost linearly proportional to the evapo-
larger than 12 mm. So the optimal value of the heat pipe diameter rator length. When the evaporator length increases from 500 mm
is 12 mm. to 1000 mm, the average useful heat gain of water at three differ-
When the heat pipe diameter increases from 8 mm to 16 mm ent solar radiation intensities (I equals to 400 W/m2, 700 W/m2
and the solar radiation intensities increases from 400 W/m2 to and 1000 W/m2 respectively) is increased from 14.64 W/m to
1000 W/m2, the maximum value of the useful heat gain of water 24.69 W/m, from 25.70 W/m to 44.39 W/m and from 36.69 W/m
is 49.8 W and the maximum value of the instantaneous efficiency to 64.46 W/m respectively. Moreover, the increase gradients
of the collector is 58.1% under the heat pipe diameter of 12 mm between the average useful heat gain of water and the evaporator
and the radiant heat flux of 1000 W/m2. length are all decreased at three different solar radiation intensi-
ties. This is due to that the phase changing thermal resistance in
6.4. Effect of the evaporator length on the efficiency of collector evaporator section decreases with the increase of the evaporator
length (see in Eq. (4)). When the solar radiation intensity and the
Figs. 12 and 13 show how the useful heat gain of water and heat pipe diameter keep constant, both of the total thermal energy
instantaneous efficiency of the collector change with the evapora- absorbed by the absorber plate and the useful heat gain of water
D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126 123
70 55
I=400W/m 2
60 I=700W/m2
45 I=400W/m2
50 I=700W/m2
40 35
20 20
500 600 700 800 900 1000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Length of evaporater (Le) / mm δ / mm
Fig. 12. Useful heat gain of water vs. evaporator length. (Lc = 100 mm, Tin = - Fig. 14. Useful heat gain of water vs. absorber plate thickness.
Ta = 20 °C, d = 1 mm).
0.58 0.54
0.56 0.52
0.48 I=400W/m2
0.52 I=400W/m 2
I=700W/m2 I=1000W/m2
0.50 I=1000W/m2 0.44
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
500 600 700 800 900 1000 δ / mm
Length of evaporater (Le) / mm
Fig. 15. Instantaneous efficiency vs. absorber plate thickness.
Fig. 13. Instantaneous efficiency vs. evaporator length. (Lc = 100 mm, Tin = Ta = 20 °-
C, d = 1 mm).
6.5. Effect of the absorber plate thickness on the efficiency of collector
Figs. 14 and 15 show how the useful heat gain of water and
increases with the increase of the evaporator length, which leads to instantaneous efficiency of the collector change with the absorber
the expansion of the air gap space between the absorber plate and plate thickness. As is shown in these two figures, when the absor-
the glass cover. Therefore, the natural convection heat transfer in ber plate thickness increases from 0.1 mm to 2.2 mm, the average
the air gap is enhanced and as a result the heat loss through the useful heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency of the collec-
glass cover is increased as well. In addition, the increase of the tor at three different solar radiation intensities (I equals to 400 W/
solar radiation intensity results in the increase of the upper surface m2, 700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) is increased from
of the absorber plate, which improved the natural convection and 15.66 W/m to 19.51 W/m, from 30.52 W/m to 34.62 W/m and from
radiation heat transfer of the air gap space and increased the heat 45.65 W/m to 49.93 W/m and increased from 45.47% to 56.64%,
loss of the collector at the same time. The results discussed above from 50.64% to 57.44% and from 53.02% to 57.99% respectively.
are shown in Fig. 13, when the evaporator length increases from This is due to that the increase of the absorber plate thickness
500 mm to 1000 mm, the instantaneous efficiency of the collector results in the expanding of the contact area between the absorber
at three different solar radiation intensities (I equals to 400 W/m2, plate and heat pipe wall, which leads to the decrease of the con-
700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) is decreased from 59.49% duction thermal resistance. So the heat is more easily transferred
to 50.18%, from 59.69% to 51.56% and from 59.66% to 52.41% from the absorber plate to the bottom of the heat pipe and the
respectively. cooling effect of the heat pipe on the absorber plate is enhanced,
When the evaporator length increases from 500 mm to which leads to the weakening of the natural convection and radia-
1000 mm, the average useful heat gain of water and instantaneous tion heat transfer in the air gap space. However, when the absorber
efficiency of the collector at three different solar radiation intensi- plate thickness exceeds to 0.4 mm, the enhancement of the con-
ties (I equals to 400 W/m2, 700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) duction thermal resistance on the heat pipe heat transfer is no
is increased from 14.64 W/m to 24.69 W/m, from 25.70 W/m to longer obvious and the instantaneous efficiency of the collector
44.39 W/m and from 36.69 W/m to 64.46 W/m and decreased from tends to be stable, which is shown in Figs. 14 and 15 respectively.
59.49% to 50.18%, from 59.69% to 51.56% and from 59.66% to When the absorber plate thickness increases from 0.1 mm to
52.41% respectively. 2.2 mm, the average useful heat gain of water and instantaneous
124 D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126
70 0.75
60 0.70
40 0.55
20 15° 30° 45° 15° 30° 45°
60° 75° 90° 60° 75° 90°
10 0.35
08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30
time / h time / h
(a 1) (a2)
40 0.60
η 0.50
10 15° 30° 45° 0.40 15° 30° 45°
60° 75° 90° 60° 75° 90°
0 0.35
08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30
time / h
time / h
(b1) (b2)
50 0.65
40 0.60
15 °
30 °
45° 0.50
20 60° 75° 90° 0.45
10 15 ° 30 ° 45 °
60 ° 75 ° 90 °
0 0.35
08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30
time / h time / h
(c1) (c 2)
50 0.65
40 0.60
30 0.55
15° 30° 45° 0.50
60° 75° 90°
10 0.45 15° 30° 45°
60° 75° 90°
0 0.40
08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30
time / h time / h
(d1) (d1)
Fig. 16. Useful heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency of collector vs. time on four typical dates under different inclination angles.
D. Zhang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 113–126 125
efficiency of the collector at three different solar radiation intensi- (1) The results from the numerical simulation of heat pipe flat-
ties (I equals to 400 W/m2, 700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) plate solar collector are in good agreement with the openly
is increased from 15.66 W/m to 19.51 W/m, from 30.52 W/m to published literature.
34.62 W/m and from 45.65 W/m to 49.93 W/m and increased from (2) Both the heat pipe diameter of 12 mm and increasing the
45.47% to 56.64%, from 50.64% to 57.44% and from 53.02% to solar radiation intensity are helpful for the increase of useful
57.99% respectively. heat gain of water and instantaneous efficiency. When the
heat pipe diameter increases from 8 mm to 16 mm and the
solar radiation intensities increases from 400 W/m2 to
6.6. Effect of the inclination angle on the efficiency of collector
1000 W/m2, the maximum value of the useful heat gain of
water is 49.8 W and the instantaneous efficiency of the heat
Fig. 16 shows the useful heat gain of water and instantaneous
pipe flat-pipe collector is 58.1% under the heat pipe diameter
efficiency of heat pipe flat-plate solar collector under different
of 12 mm and the radiant heat flux of 1000 W/m2.
inclination angles placed towards south in Nanjing of China.
(3) Increasing the evaporator length can increase the average
Numerical simulation for the operation status is based on the four
useful heat gain of water but decrease the instantaneous
typical dates of a year such as the spring equinox, summer solstice,
efficiency of the collector. When the evaporator length
autumnal equinox and winter solstice, the inclination angle and
increases from 500 mm to 1000 mm, the average useful heat
time slot of which is from 15° to 90° and 09:00 to 15:00 respec-
gain of water and instantaneous efficiency of the collector at
tively. As can be seen from Fig. 16, both the useful heat gain of
three different solar radiation intensities (I equals to 400 W/
water and instantaneous efficiency of the collector under different
m2, 700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) is increased
inclination angles increase from 09:00 to 12:00 but decrease from
from 14.64 W/m to 24.69 W/m, from 25.70 W/m to
12:00 to 15:00 and the thermal performance curve of the collector
44.39 W/m and from 36.69 W/m to 64.46 W/m and
is basically symmetrical with the axis of 12:00 at noon. On the one
decreased from 59.49% to 50.18%, from 59.69% to 51.56%
hand, on the spring equinox, the useful heat gain of water at incli-
and from 59.66% to 52.41% respectively.
nation angle of 45° is higher than others, the value of which
(4) Increasing the absorber plate thickness can both improve
reaches up to the maximum (65.18 W) at 12:00 noon. However,
the average useful heat gain of water and instantaneous effi-
on the summer solstice, the autumnal equinox and the winter sol-
ciency of the collector. When the absorber plate thickness
stice, the useful heat gain of water at inclination angle of 30° is
increases from 0.1 mm to 2.2 mm, the average useful heat
higher than other inclination angles and also reaches up to the
gain of water and instantaneous efficiency of the collector
maximum values (58.48 W, 62.27 W and 66.29 W respectively) at
at three different solar radiation intensities (I equals to
12:00 noon. This is due to that when the heat pipe flat-plate solar
400 W/m2, 700 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) is
collector placed towards south, the incidence angle between the
increased from 15.66 W/m to 19.51 W/m, from 30.52 W/m
sun and the absorber plate is smaller closer to 12:00 noon. At
to 34.62 W/m and from 45.65 W/m to 49.93 W/m and
12:00 noon, the incidence angle reaches the minimum and the
increased from 45.47% to 56.64%, from 50.64% to 57.44%
solar radiation reaches the highest, so the useful heat gain of water
and from 53.02% to 57.99% respectively.
reaches the highest. On the other hand, The instantaneous effi-
(5) Considering the change rules of useful heat gain of water and
ciency of the collector is higher than others when the inclination
instantaneous efficiency changing with different time slots
angle is 75°. The instantaneous efficiency of collector on the four
and inclination angles, the inclination angle between 30°
typical dates (spring equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox
and 45° is appropriate when the collector placed towards
and the winter solstice) are 71.56%, 70.31%, 70.94% and 70.62%
south in Nanjing of China.
respectively at 12:00 noon. In addition, the instantaneous effi-
ciency of collector increases from 15° to 75° and decreases 75° to
90°. The root of this phenomenon is associated with the heat trans-
fer characteristics of the gravity heat pipe. According to the work- Acknowledgement
ing principle of the gravity heat pipe, the upper inner wall of the
heat pipe evaporator can achieve a better infiltration effect when This research was supported by Jiangsu Provincial Key Labora-
there is a certain inclination angle of the heat pipe. It accelerates tory of Solar Energy Science and Technology through Project with
the phase change of heat transfer in evaporation section and also Ref. JPKLSST201505.
enhances the heat transfer in condensation section, both of which
can reduce the overall thermal resistance of the heat pipe. References
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