The Effect of Early Ambulation On Patient Outcomes For Total Joint Replacement
The Effect of Early Ambulation On Patient Outcomes For Total Joint Replacement
The Effect of Early Ambulation On Patient Outcomes For Total Joint Replacement
The National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses published Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). Lewin's change theory
clinical practice guidelines in 2010 to improve outcomes was used for the planning and implementation of the
with day of surgery mobilization in the total joint re- project. The theory of constructivism was used in the
placement patient (B. Morris, M. Benetti, H. Marro, & C. development and teaching of educational content.
Rosenthal, 2010). With the cost of healthcare skyrocketing
and reimbursement marginally covering costs, healthcare EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE THEORY
professionals must look for ways to reduce length of stay Evidence-based practice is used by nurses to provide
for elective procedures. The purpose of this change project quality care based on current evidence rather than prac-
was to provide and measure the effectiveness of an educa- tice based on tradition (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt,
tional intervention on the benefits of day of surgery mobility
2005). Melnyk et al. (2010) describe evidence-based
practice in seven steps. The initial step is that of inquiry;
for nurses and physical therapy staff. Acquisition of caregiv-
a nurse must start by asking a clinical question. Once a
ers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practice was measured along question is developed, it should be put into a PICO
with three patient outcomes (length of stay, discharge (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) for-
destination, and day of ambulation). The findings from this mat. By using this format, the nurse is able to use the
change project resulted in improvements in structure (new question as a framework for searching the literature.
practice protocol), processes (nursing and physical therapy For this change project, the PICO question was as fol-
care processes), and patient and organization outcomes. lows:
In the total joint replacement population will day of
“ just had surgery! You want me to get up now?” In
surgery ambulation versus first post-operative day
2010, the National Association of Orthopaedic ambulation result in improved clinical outcomes.
Nurses published clinical practice guidelines for
the total joint patient population. The guidelines
After a search of the evidence, the nurse must criti-
indicate improved patient outcomes with day of surgery
cally appraise each study for validity, reliability, and ap-
mobilization in the total joint replacement patient.
plicability. The evidence is then integrated with expert
Although most programs, including the program at this
opinion and patient preferences. Finally, the evidence is
hospital, provide ambulation on the first postoperative
evaluated to provide the highest quality nursing prac-
day, very few programs have day of surgery mobility as
tice (Melnyk et al., 2010).
a standard of care. Day of surgery mobility has been
shown to decrease length of stay in this patient popula-
tion significantly (Morris, Benetti, Marro, Rosenthal, CHANGE THEORY
2010). With the cost of healthcare skyrocketing and re- Kurt Lewin began publishing on change theory in 1947,
imbursement marginally covering costs, healthcare investigating the factors influencing people to change
professionals must look for innovative ways to reduce (Connelly, 2011). Lewin developed a three-stage theory,
the length of stay for elective procedures. The purpose
of this change project was to report the effectiveness of
education of nursing and physical therapy staff regard- Melissa Yager, MS, RN, CNS, ONC, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Acute Care,
ing day of surgery ambulation and its effect on patient Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego, CA.
outcomes. Jaynelle Stichler, DNS, NEA-BC, FACHE, FAAN, Professor Emerita,
School of Nursing, San Diego State University, Professional Development
& Research Consultant, Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego, CA.
Theoretical Framework Melissa Yager is employed by Sharp Memorial Hospital and had received
Three theories guided the implementation of this honorarium from NAON for past works.
change project. Evidence-based practice was used to The authors and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of inter-
frame a clinical question, search the evidence, and de- est, financial or otherwise.
sign the process changes (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000158
© 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthopaedic Nursing • July/August 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 4 197
Copyright © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
198 Orthopaedic Nursing • July/August 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 4 © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
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© 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthopaedic Nursing • July/August 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 4 199
Copyright © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
200 Orthopaedic Nursing • July/August 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 4 © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
Copyright © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.