Obligations and Contracts Prelim Reviewer
Obligations and Contracts Prelim Reviewer
Obligations and Contracts Prelim Reviewer
o As to their dependence upon one
1. Meaning and importance of juridical necessity
(Art. 1156)
1. Principal
o An obligation is a juridical necessity to
2. Accessory
give, to do or not to do. Juridical
o As to the existence of a burden or
necessity connotes that in case of
noncompliance, there will be legal
1. Pure
2. Conditional
o The duty of a person (called debtor or
3. Obligation with a term
obligor) to satisfy a specific or
o As to the nature of performance
demandable claim of another person
1. Positive
(called creditor or obligee) which if
2. Negative
breached is enforceable in court.
o As to the nature of creation of the
2. Essential elements of an obligation (APPJ):
1. Legal
o Active Subject (creditor/obligee) – the
2. Conventional
one who is demanding the performance
o As to the character of responsibility or
of the obligation
o Passive Subject (debtor/obligor) – the
1. Joint
one bound to perform the prestation to
2. Solidary
give, to do or not to do
o As to the grant of right to choose one
o Prestation or Object – the subject matter
prestation out of several, or to
of the obligation with economic value or
substitute the first one
susceptible to pecuniary substitution in
1. Alternative
case of noncompliance
2. Facultative
o Juridical Tie – binds the debtor to
o As to the imposition of penalty
perform the obligation. Makes the
1. Simple
obligation demandable and enforceable
2. Obligation with penalty