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Cell Biology

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Cell biology
 Increasing hierarchy order:


 Study of cell: Cytology

 Cell is structural and functional unit of life

 Scientists:

a) 1st discovered cell (a dead cell): Robert Hooke

b) Father of cytology: Robert Hooke

c) 1st discovered living cell: Leeuwenhoek

d) Plant cell theory given by: Schleiden

e) Animal cell theory given by: Schwann

f) Law of cell lineage: Rudolf Virchow

g) Father of modern cytology: Swanson

 Smallest cell: Mycoplasma (but lacks cell wall)

[Mycoplasma is also called

I. PPLO: Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organism

II. Joker of plant kingdom because it is pleiomorphic]

 Smallest cell with cell wall: Bacteria

 Types of cell

1. Prokaryotic 2. Eukaryotic

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

1. True nucleus is absent 1. True nucleus is present

2. Genetic material(DNA) is naked i.e. DNA 2. Genetic material is covered by histone

not covered by histone protein protein

3. Membrane bounded cell organelles is absent 3. Membrane bound cell organelles is present

4. Ribosome: 70s type(50s+30s) 4. Ribosome: 80s type(60s+40s)

5. DNA: circular, double stranded 5. DNA: Linear, double stranded

6. e.g. Bacteria(Kingdom Monera) 6. Protists, Fungi, Plant, Animal

 Cell Wall

 Present in bacteria, fungi and plants

 Is permeable, non-living and present outside cell membrane

 Composition:

I. Bacteria: peptidoglyacan/murienmucopeptide

II. Fungi: chitin

III. Plant: cellulose

 Cell membrane/ Plasma membrane/ Plasmalemma

 Present in all cells and covers the protoplasm

 Is selective, permeable and living

 Composition: phospholipid and protein

 Regulates entry and exit of material to and from the cell

 Protoplasm


 Cytoplasm is fluid part with other organelles, dissolved and undissolved particles

 Nucleus is storage of genetic material

 Facts on cell organelles and Nucleus

Nucleus is not regarded as cell organelle

I. No. of membrane layer present

a) No membrane(membraneless)

e.g. Ribosome, centriole, nucleolus, choromosome, microtubule,


b) Single membrane

e.g. Golgi body, Lysosome, Vacuole, Cilia, Peroxisome, Sphaerosome,


c) Double membrane

e.g. Plastid, Mitochondria, nucleus

d) Triple membrane

e.g. Transosome

II. Alternate names and functions

a) Ribosome (Protein factory of the cell): Site of Protein synthesis

b) Mitochondria (Power house of cell): Generates energy rich compound ATP

via cellular respiration

c) Nucleus (Brain of cell): controls activities of other parts of cell

d) Lysosome (Suicidal bag): contains hydrolytic enzymes which can digest other
parts of cell

e) Golgi body (Traffic police of cell or Dictyosome or Dalton complex):

Glycosylation and Glycosidation

f) Endoplasmic reticulum (Microsomes): holds ribosome

g) Cilia/ Flagella: Locomotion

h) Centriole: Astral rays formation

i) Vacuole: osmoregulation

j) Chloroplast (Kitchen of the cell): prepares food material

k) Chromoplast: Provides colour to flowers and fruits

l) Leucoplasts: Stores food material in underground parts

m) Nucleolus: rRNA synthesis

III. No. per cell

a) Nucleus: usually single

b) Other structures: no. vary according to the cell

IV. Semiautonomous cell organelles

 Chloroplast and mitochondria(because they can partially synthesize their own


V. Fluid inside organelles/ Nucleus

a) Nucleus: Nucleoplasm

b) Vacuole: Cell sap or Tonoplasm

c) Mitochondria: Matrix

VI. Smallest: Ribosome

Largest: Mitochondrial (cell organelle)

Nucleus (cell structure)

Note: Nucleus size>Mitochondrial size

VII. Discoveries

a) Nucleus: R. Brown

b) Mitochondria: Kolliker

c) Golgi body: Camillo Golgi

d) Ribosome: Palade

1. Unit of tissue is
a. cell b. organ
c. Body d. System

2. Which is often called ‘structural and functional unit of life’?

a. Human body b. Tissue

c. cell d. Community

3. Who 1st discovered cell?

a. Robert Hooke b. Leewenhoek
c. Schleiden d. Schwann

4. _________ 1st discovered living cell

a. Robert Hooke b. Leeuwenhoek
c. Schleiden d. Schwann

5. Founder of Cell theory:

a. Schleiden b. Schwann
c. both (a) and (b) d. R. Hooke

6. Which organism is called Joker of plant kingdom?

a. Virus b. Mycoplasma
c. Fungi d. Bacteria

7. Smallest cell is of ________

a. Euglena b. Plasmodium
c. Mycoplasma d. Amoeba

8. Distinguishing character of plant cell is presence of:

a. true nucleus b. linear DNA
c. 80s ribosome d. cell wall

9. Genetic material (DNA) of prokaryotic cell is called naked, because it lacks:

a. Nuclear membrane b. Nucleolus
c. Histone protein d. Mitochondria

10. Ribosome of prokaryote is ______ type

a. 60s b. 70s
c. 80s d. 90s

11. Prokaryote exclusively consists organisms of ________ kingdom

a. Protista b. Mycota
c. both (a) and (b) d. Monera

12. ________ is not a eukaryote

a. Plasmodium b. Amoeba
c. Bacteria d. Yeast

13. Genetic material of prokaryote/bacteria is:

a. dsRNA b. ssRNA
c. dsDNA d. ssDNA

14. Which is non-living?

a. Cell wall b. Cell membrane
c. Protoplasm d. Cytoplasm

15. Cell wall of plant cell is made of

a. Cellulose b. Phospholipid
c. Lipoprotein d. Lipid

16. Chitin is the composition of cell wall of

a. Bacteria b. Fungi
c. Plantae d. Virus

17. Nucleus is
a. cytoplasm plus protoplasm b. Cytoplasm minus protoplasm
c. protoplasm minus cytoplasm d. protoplasm minus plasmalemma

18. Genetic material or chromosome that controls heredity is present in

a. Nucleus b. Cytosol
c. Mitochondria d. Plastid

19. Often referred as kitchen house of cell

a. chloroplast b. chromoplast
c. mitochondria d. leucoplast

20. Smallest cell organelle is

a. Lysosome b. Mitochondria
c. Vacuole d. Ribosome

21. Which of the following is membraneless?

a. Plastid b. Nucleus
c. Ribosome d. Mitochondria

22. Not true regarding number of membranes present?

a. Mitochondria: 2 b. Ribosome: 0
c. Lysosome: 1 d. Chloroplast: 1

23. _______ is power house of the cell

a. Nucleus b. Plastid
c. Mitochondria d. Ribosome

24. A cell organelle of the body is called suicidal bag or atom bomb of the cell. Name it.
a. Lysosome b. Centriole
c. Golgi bodies d. Ribosome

25. Main site of protein synthesis is

a. Mitochondria b. ER
c. Lysosome d. Ribosome

26. Who discovered Golgi body?

a. Camillo Golgi b. Palade
c. Benda d. Kolliker

27. Also called as Palade’s particle:

a. Golgi apparatus b. ER
c. Ribosome d. Nucleus

28. Semiautonomous structures of cell is/ are

a. Lysosome b. Mitochondria
c. Chloroplast d. both b and c

29. Tonoplast is covering of

a. Lysosome b. Vacuole
c. Nucleus d. Mitochondria

30. Cell sap is fluid inside

a. Lysosome b. Vacuole
c. Nucleus d. Mitochondria

31. Energy currency (or ATP) factory of the cell is

a. Nucleus b. Golgi body
c. Mitochondria d. Ribosome

32. Which organelle is involved in food storage in underground parts?

a. Leucoplast b. Leucocyte
c. Choromoplast d. Chromocyte

33. Which of the following is present in bacteria?

a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus
c. Ribosome d. Golgi body

34. Protein factory of the cell is

a. Ribosome b. Lysosome
c. Golgi body d. Vacuole

1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. c

10. b 11. d 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. a 16. b 17. c 18. a

19. a 20. d 21. c 22. d 23. c 24. a 25. d 26. a 27. c

28. d 29. b 30. b 31. c 32. a 33. c 34. a

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