Addressing Medicine's Bias Against Patients Who Are Overweight
Addressing Medicine's Bias Against Patients Who Are Overweight
Addressing Medicine's Bias Against Patients Who Are Overweight
ccording to her obituary, Ellen Maud
Bennett had felt unwell for a few
years before her death in May 2018.
But the physicians Bennett consulted
couldn’t see past the extra pounds she car-
ried. If she’d only lose weight, she’d feel bet-
ter, they told her.
Finally, a physician must have sus-
pected another reason for her malaise,
because Bennett was diagnosed with ad-
vanced-stage cancer just days before her
death at age 64 years.
Bennett, a costume designer for stage
and screen who lived in Victoria, British
Columbia, expressed a final plea in her
obituary: “Ellen’s dying wish was that
women of size make her death matter by
advocating strongly for their health and
not accepting that fat is the only relevant
health issue.”
Whether Bennett’s prognosis would
have been less dire if she’d been diagnosed
earlier isn’t known. But, given the tales told
by scores of strangers from around the world
who posted their condolences, Bennett’s
health care encounters epitomized that of
many overweight and obese individuals.
“There is not a single patient with sig- rector of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and patients with obesity. Phelan was a coau-
nificant obesity who has not experienced Obesity at the University of Connecticut. thor of the 2015 review article.
weight bias, whether it’s comments from But, Puhl said, that “really oversimplifies the “There is some evidence showing that
doctors or nurses, the way waiting rooms complex causes of obesity and of weight loss physicians tend to spend less time in ap-
are set up, or privacy issues,” said Yoni and of weight regain.” pointments with patients at a higher body
Freedhoff, MD, an obesity specialist at the “Many healthcare providers hold weight,” Puhl said. “Primary care providers
University of Ottawa. “Weight bias is ubiq- strong negative attitudes and stereotypes have also reported less respect for patients
uitous in society as a whole. Doctors are about people with obesity,” concluded the with obesity than those without.”
part of society.” authors of a 2015 review of the empirical lit-
Weight appears to be the last accept- erature on weight bias in health care. Weighty Matters
able bias, because, unlike most other char- “There is considerable evidence that such Might weight bias be even more prevalent
acteristics or conditions, it is one over which attitudes influence person-perceptions, among health care professionals than among
individuals are perceived as having control. judgment, interpersonal behavior, and other segments of society? After all, obe-
Losing weight and keeping it off should be decision-making.” sity increases the risk of many health prob-
(not eating) a piece of cake, this line of think- While a number of studies have sug- lems. Plus, research suggests that health care
ing goes. And yet, nearly three-quarters of gested that many health care professionals professionals are less likely to be obese than
US adults ages 20 years or older are over- are biased against patients with obesity, evi- the general population. Phelan said physi-
weight or obese, according to the US Cen- dence about how that bias plays out in terms cians occasionally rationalize their weight
ters for Disease Control and Prevention. of patient care and outcomes “is pretty pre- bias by telling him, “I’m also really biased
“Our country has placed a huge empha- liminary,” said Mayo Clinic researcher Sean against cancer because I don’t want my pa-
sis on personal responsibility for body Phelan, PhD, who focuses on the effects of tients to have it because it’s bad for them.”
weight,” said Rebecca Puhl, PhD, deputy di- health care professionals’ attitudes toward The difference is that physicians generally
aren’t biased against patients with cancer as their peers who’ve not had that experi- The University of Pennsylvania is “test-
well as cancer itself, Phelan suggested. ence, suggests a 2017 article based on a sur- ing out incorporating more nutrition infor-
Because obesity is a health risk factor, vey of medical residents and internal medi- mation into medical training, …which could
physicians feel justified to address pa- cine residents. have implications for helping students
tients’ excess weight every chance they get, Two-thirds of the trainees reported hav- understand in a more nuanced way the
no matter the reason for their visit, Phelan ing successfully lost weight, and 8 out of 10 complexities of weight and eating,” said
said. For example, when patients with obe- who had shed pounds said they had main- Rebecca Pearl, PhD, a psychologist at
sity seek treatment for an earache, some tained their weight loss. Trainees who re- Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, who
physicians feel the need to remind them that ported having lost weight and kept it off ex- conducts weight sensitivity training with
they need to lose weight. hibited more critical attitudes toward medical and nutrition students.
“I don’t disagree that it’s important, patients struggling to manage their weight, At Johns Hopkins University School of
but the overwhelming evidence is that by the study found. Medicine, researchers embedded an ethics
recommending weight loss to your patient session in a required course, “Obesity,
in a primary care appointment, when Educating Trainees Nutrition, and Behavior Change,” to help im-
that’s not what they’re there for, does not Medical schools devote relatively little at- prove students’ attitudes toward patients
help them,” he said. “It’s potentially doing tention to the subject of obesity, let alone with obesity.
harm. Patients who are obese are avoiding weight bias, Puhl said. Before the ethics session, 6 cohorts of
that follow-up appointment because they “If we look at medical school curricula, first-year students had consistently nega-
didn’t lose weight, and they said they were obesity does not get very much airtime, tive attitudes toward patients with obe-
going to.” and that is a problem,” she said. “We need sity, according to a study in the AMA Jour-
more content…on obesity and nutrition so nal of Ethics.
Starting Early health care providers understand just how During the ethics session, students dis-
Weight bias among health care profession- complex body weight is. It’s not just an cussed their personal weight struggles and
als dates back to their undergraduate issue of calories in and calories out. Not their beliefs about the causes of obesity.
years, 2 recently published studies suggest. only is obesity and nutrition not getting They also watched and discussed video
The authors used virtual human technology enough attention, but weight stigma is clips from the television show “House” that
to see whether the weight of pediatric completely off the radar.” depicted negative attitudes toward over-
patients or their mothers influenced assess- Medical students need to learn how to weight patients. In a survey of the 2017
ments made by students with health care talk to patients about weight-related health cohort 4 months after the ethics session,
majors, such as premed. issues, starting with asking their permis- 30% of respondents reported that it had
In one study, undergraduate partici- sion to bring it up and not using stigmatiz- helped improve their attitudes toward
pants rated children and mothers with obe- ing language, Puhl said. In a study pub- patients with obesity.
sity as being less likely to adhere to physi- lished in 2012 Puhl and her coauthors The Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medi-
cian recommendations compared with surveyed a national sample of US adults— cine devotes 2 afternoons each year to the
healthy weight children and mothers. about 60% of whom were overweight or topic of nutrition, covering obesity as well
“We’ve certainly heard from par- obese—about their weight-related lan- as malnutrition, said endocrinologist
ents…who report interactions with physi- guage preferences. “Weight” and “un- Manpreet Mundi, MD, who is on the fac-
cians who put a lot of blame on the parent healthy weight” were rated most desirable, ulty in Rochester, Minnesota. “We really
[of obese children],” said University of while “morbidly obese,” “fat,” and “obese” fought hard for this.”
Florida pediatric psychologist David were rated as the most undesirable. Students learn that it’s much easier to
Janicke, PhD, a coauthor of both virtual A 2015 study reporting survey re- gain weight than it is to lose it, that genet-
human studies. sponses from students at 49 randomly se- ics, the environment, and psychological fac-
In the other study, participants rated lected US medical schools found that dis- tors—not simply laziness and a lack of will-
the pain of pediatric patients with obesity criminatory behavior by faculty and less power—contribute to obesity, and that being
as more likely to be influenced by psycho- positive contact with patients with obesity— obese doesn’t necessarily affect adherence
logical and behavioral issues compared often described as “problem” patients— to treatment. “As that curriculum started to
with the pain of healthy weight pedi- were associated with increased biases evolve, I started to add components of obe-
atric patients. against patients who were overweight. sity bias to it,” Mundi said. “We’re trying to
“These results suggest that interven- These findings suggest that medical schools have medical students and residents shadow
tions targeting weight bias among students could reduce students’ weight biases if they and even work in our obesity clinic.”
and health care trainees may be war- made sure that faculty and residents set a
ranted,” Janicke and his authors concluded. better example and they provided opportu- Creating a “Safe Space”
“Future research should begin by examin- nities for positive encounters with patients Although changing health care students’ and
ing whether or not participants are actually with obesity. professionals’ negative attitudes toward pa-
aware of their own bias.” At least a few medical schools have rec- tients with obesity takes time, relatively
Trainees who’ve successfully shed ognized the need to start working proac- simple tweaks, such as moving the scale
pounds might be more likely to harbor a bias tively toward changing students’ biases from the hallway and into a private room, can
against patients who are overweight than against overweight patients. foster a more welcoming environment.
Mundi said Mayo had remodeled his tively simple thing, it wasn’t something he room? Do they have appropriately sized
floor and placed the scale in a hallway. had ever thought about, he explained. medical equipment?”
Patients who were overweight began “One of the things we are starting to As Mundi said, “if we don’t create a
refusing to get weighed. One told him see now is a kind of recognition that it’s safe space for them…they’re not going to
she’d never told her husband how much not only patient-provider interactions come. We can’t help someone who’s not
she weighed, so she wasn’t about to step that we need to think about, but even even coming in.”
on a scale in such a public setting. While the office environment,” Puhl said. “Are Note: Source references are available through
the location of the scale seems like a rela- there sturdy armless chairs in the waiting embedded hyperlinks in the article text online.