07 BBTT1103 Topic 3

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Topic  Input and

3 Output
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Identify the various input methods and devices;
2. Describe the circumstances that favour use of the different input
methods and devices;
3. Identify the various output methods and devices; and
4. Explain the circumstances that favour use of the different output
methods and devices.

In the previous topic, you have been introduced to the two most important
components of computer hardware, i.e. processor and memory. Data needs to
be entered into the computer to enable the processor to process the data and the
memory to store the data. Once the data is processed, the resultant information
needs to be retrieved from the computer. The input-output devices of a
computer system have made these two jobs of data entry and information
retrieval possible.

In this topic, we will discuss various input and output methods. The keyboard is
the most popular input device used. Besides the keyboard, there are many other
latest input and output devices that are available in the market, which we will
discuss in this topic.

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Input is like a bridge between data and processing. Input enables data to be
entered from the users to the computer. Input may be required to answer
questions and input requires processing.

Meanwhile output is like a link between computer processing and the users.
UsersÊ needs determine the output to be produced. Input and output devices are
also referred to as peripherals. We will discuss how input and output devices
work later. Figure 3.1 depicts the various input devices.

Figure 3.1: Input devices

In your own words, describe:
1. How do you normally interact with the computer?
2. How do you get the computer to perform the processes that you
want it to do?
3. What are the specific methods and devices that you use and how
do you use them?

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The variety of source documents require different input methods and devices.
Direct data entry consists of data that can be read by the machine (computer) and
transferred as input directly into the computer. Indirect data entry requires
various media and processing of the data source prior to actual computer
processing. In general, there are three approaches to data entry. Table 3.1
summarises the three data entry approaches.

Table 3.1: Data Entry Approaches

Types of Input Definition

Offline data entry After data has been entered, it will be changed into a suitable
form and will be verified. Data will be corrected for errors.
All data that has been confirmed as correct will be processed.
This method is less often used now and this is also referred
to as the batch method.

Online data entry Similar to off line data entry. The difference is that the data
entered is directly examined and corrected. After all data has
been entered, the data will be processed.

Interactive data entry Similar to on line data entry, except that data is verified
every time it is entered and data processing is performed
immediately. There is little need to wait for completion of
data entry.

Input devices convert data and programs that are understandable to humans into
a form that the computer can process. This new data entry approach consists of
electronic signals of 0 and 1, which machines can read, which we will discuss in
the subtopic on data representation.

There are two types of input devices, as follows:

(a) Keyboard
Data is transferred as input into the computer via a keyboard that
resembles the keyboard of a typewriter, but contains a few additional keys.
To use the keyboard, users need to read the original document, called the
source document. Users will then enter the contents of the original
document using the keyboard manually.

(b) Direct Entry

Data is already in a machine-readable form, where data can be
simultaneously entered into the computer, without the keyboard.
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An example of an input device that uses both types of entries, entry via the
keyboard and direct entry, is the point-of-sale (POS) terminal. It is a kind of
electronic cash register that is used widely in business, especially at checkout
counters in supermarkets.


What do you understand by offline data entry? Is offline data entry

different from interactive data entry? What are the differences?

3.2.1 Keyboard
Devices that are often used for data entry are the keyboard and the terminal for
displaying the resultant information that has been entered. Keyboards come in a
variety of forms, styles, sizes, arrangements, touch or feel and number of keys.

(a) Number of Keys

Normally a keyboard contains 101 keys, but the number of keys is also
dependent on the types of computers. Microcomputers such as the
conventional desktops typically have a keyboard with 101 keys. Hand-held
computers contain fewer numbers of keys because of their smaller size.

(b) Major Types of Keys

There are three major types of keys. Table 3.2 provides a summary
description of each type of key.

Table 3.2: Major Types of Key

Types of Key Description

Alphanumeric Consists of numbers and alphabets, similar to the typewriter.

Cursor movement Controls the cursor, the symbol on the display screen, which
aka arrow keys shows the location for data to be entered.

Numeric Also called the numeric keypad. These are separate keys for
numbers 0-9, which have been arranged like a calculator. The
number keypad can also enable cursor movement, by pressing
the Num Lock key, i.e. cursor or numeric.

(a) Function Keys

Function keys are labelled F, i.e. F1 to F12. The computer software
determines what each function key represents.

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(b) Special Objective Keys

Special objective keys are additional keys that perform specific tasks such
as Backspace, Delete, Insert, Escape, Home, Pause, Print Screen, etc.

(c) Arrangement of Keys

Arrangement of alphanumeric keys normally follows the QWERTY order,
where the first five keys at the top line for alphanumeric letters are Q, W, E,
R, T and Y. An alternative arrangement is the DVORAK order. The
alternative arrangement of keys is made following the use of keys, i.e. the
keys that are always used will be placed at easily accessible locations. As
such, vowel letters A, E, I, O and U are normally placed on the left, while D,
H, N, S, T are on the right. The next five keys that are most often used are
placed on the top most line and so forth.

(d) Touch/Feel
The feeling of softness when pressing the keys and the sound emitted are
adjustable with the use of software.

(e) Style, Size and Shape

Inventors design keyboards in a variety of styles, sizes and shapes with the
aim of making keyboards as user-friendly and ergonomic as possible. Being
ergonomic makes the keyboards user-friendly, less danger-prone, and
uncomfortable to the users. Figure 3.2 shows a conventional example of a

Figure 3.2: Keyboard

The keyboard contains control and buffer keys. Data typed or entered will be
stored in a buffer. The buffer can store more than one symbol. The data typed or
entered will later be scanned by the computer processor once signals from the
control key are received.

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Data is normally entered into the computer via a keyboard. Do you
know of other data entry methods? What are the other methods that
you know?

3.2.2 Terminal
The terminal is an input (as well as output) device that connects you to a
mainframe or other types of computers, called a host computer or server. There
are three types of terminals ă dumb terminals, intelligent terminals and network
terminals. Table 3.3 provides a summary description of each type of terminal.

Table 3.3: Types of Terminals

Types of Terminal Description

Dumb terminals Dumb terminals are primarily used for data entry. Data
processing is not feasible via dumb terminals. Dumb terminals
can also be used for information retrieval and often found useful
at airline companies, post offices and other service counters.

Intelligent terminals Intelligent terminals contain a processing unit, memory, and

secondary storage like a magnetic disk. Intelligent terminals are
like a microcomputer with the communication software and
modem or other communication connectivity, which connects
the terminals to a more powerful computer, and/or the Internet.

Network terminals Network terminals are also known as network computers.

Network terminals are cheaper than intelligent terminals. Most
network terminals do not have a hard disk drive, and must rely
on the host computer or the server for system and application

3.2.3 Pointing Device

Pointing is a natural human activity. There are several devices that enable
pointing. Figure 3.3 depicts the pointing devices, which we will discuss in the
remainder of this subtopic.

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Figure 3.3: Pointing devices

These pointing devices are further explained as follows:

(a) Mouse
A mouse moves (or rolls) to direct a pointer/cursor/icon on the screen.
When the ball at the bottom of the mouse rolls, the vertical and horizontal
coordinates (position) of the mouse cursor changes. By checking the
coordinate, a computer can determine the cursor's position and displays the
cursor on the screen. It is considered to be the most user-friendly pointing

There are various types of mouse. Table 3.4 provides a summary

description of each type of mouse.

Table 3.4: Types of Mouse

Types of Mouse Description

Ball mouse Ball mouse uses balls to move the pointer/cursor/icon, it is also
known as a mechanical mouse.

Optical mouse Optical mouse uses light and requires a mouse pad that can
reflect light. An optical mouse contains a section called a photo-
detector. It functions like the ball mouse and is normally used on
more powerful computers like the server.

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Touch sensitive Touch sensitive mouse is a pad that is sensitive to the touch of a
mouse human finger, for moving the pointer/cursor/icon.

Wireless mouse Wireless mouse communicates with the computer by emitting

infrared signals or low-intensity radio signals. Figure 3.4 depicts
a wireless mouse.

Figure 3.4: Wireless mouse

(b) Touch Screen

Touch screen is a monitor screen that is overlaid with a plastic layer. At the
back of the plastic layer is an invisible, criss-crossing infrared light. This
arrangement enables users to choose either an action or instruction on the
screen using human fingers. Touch screen is easier to use, especially when
you require information immediately. You can find touch screens at
automatic teller machines and information kiosks at shopping malls and
tourist information centres.

(c) Light Pen

Light pen is a pen or a device like a pen, that is light sensitive and is
connected via a cable to the computer. The location (or choice) is identified
by pressing the light pen against a specific position on the screen. A light
pen is normally used for drawing images and selection of the menu.

(d) Digital Board

Digital board is a device that can be used to plot or copy drawings and
pictures. The drawing to be copied is placed on a digital tablet. Then, a
specific stylus connected to the computer is used to plot the material. As the
stylus moves from one location to another, the computer records the
locations from the digital tablet. Once the material has been plotted, the
image can be displayed on screen, printed on paper or stored in a computer

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system for future use. Digitisers are normally used by designers, architects
and engineers.

(e) Pen-Based System

Pen-based system uses a pen to enter handwritings or marks into the
computer containing software to identify and digitise handwritings and
also hand drawings. There are various types of hand-based systems like
those described in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5: Types of Pen-Based Systems

Types of Pen-Based System Description

Recognition of signal movement or A system that can recognise various reading

electronic checking. marks, letters and printed numbers.

Handwriting saved as a Handwriting is saved as a brief and not as a

sketch/brief. type-written text.

Handwriting changed to type A system that can be trained to recognise clear

written text with training. and good handwriting.

Handwriting changed to type This system is the most difficult and complex.
written text without training.


1. How do computers receive data from the mouse?

2. Describe two types of pointing devices that are often used.

3.2.4 Scanning Device

Scanning devices translate images, texts, drawings, pictures and similar items
into a digital form for direct entry to the computer. Images that have been
processed can be displayed on screens, saved in storage devices and sent to other
computers. There are two types of scanning devices, i.e. optical recogniser and
magnetic recogniser. Figure 3.5 illustrates the two types of scanning devices.

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Figure 3.5: Recognition technology

Source: http://bcdata.com/omni.htm

(a) Optical Recognition

Optical recognition, which is also known as the optical reader, uses light to
scan images. There are several types of optical recognition devices. Figure
3.6 shows several types of optical recognition devices:

Figure 3.6: Optical recognition devices

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These types of optical recognition devices are:

(i) Barcode Reader

Barcode reader is used for reading input in bar format, i.e. marks that
resemble vertically shaped zebra stripes.

(ii) Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

OMR is a device that reads pencil marks in school examination
answer scripts for objective questions. For example, your answer
scripts for Section A of Open University MalaysiaÊs final examinations
will be marked with the assistance of OMR.

(iii) Optical Character Reader (OCR)

OCR reads specific pre-printed characters (in specific font), for
example the OCR-A font (the one perfected by ANSI).

(iv) Optical Handwriting Reader

Optical Handwriting Reader is used for reading handwriting.
However, its capability is still limited.

(v) Fax Machine

Fax machine (Figure 3.7) is used for scanning images and sending the
images electronically via telephone line to a destination (fax machine).
There are two types of fax machines:

Ć Dedicated fax machine or simply known as the fax machine; and

Ć Fax modem which is installed in a computer to enable electronic

documents to be sent directly to the receiver (either fax machine or
computer). A fax modem is faster but cannot scan non-electronic

Figure 3.7: Fax machine

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(vi) Imaging system is an image scanning device that converts all texts,
drawings, pictures, etc. into a digital form. Imaging system
technology has created imaging industries by combining the use of
scanners, cameras and so on.

(b) Magnetic Recognition

Magnetic recognition scans magnetic writing. An example of a magnetic
recognition device is the magnetic ink character reader (MICR). The MICR
reads numbers (in formats not readable and understandable to humans)
printed using magnetic ink. The MICR is often used in cheques to facilitate
sorting, as done by the Bank Negara (the central bank of Malaysia) and
other banks.

(c) Voice Recognition Device

Voice recognition device converts human voice/speech into digital codes.
Human voice is transferred through a microphone that is connected to a
computer. When this input device is combined with sound cards and
appropriate software, a sound recognition system is formed. This system
enables a user to operate a microcomputer to develop documents by giving
orders using the human voice. Voice recognition device has potential when
used as a security and control method.

(d) Smart and Optical Card

Smart card refers to the multi-purpose card, such as the MyKad issued by
the National Registration Department, as well as credit and debit cards
issued by various commercial banks like Maybank and CIMB. Use of
optical cards is still restricted despite its ability to store information of up to
2,000 pages as compared to smart cards (which is able to store information
up to 30 pages only, depending on the capability of the microprocessor)
and magnetic cards (which is able to store information of up to half a page).

3.2.5 Other Input Devices

There are other input devices that can be used to enter data in the form of audio,
video, electronic pictures, senses and human biology. Most of these devices
enable the use of multimedia. Some of these devices are useful to achieve security
objectives, such as biometric controls. Figure 3.8 shows other input devices,
which we will discuss in the remainder of this subtopic.

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Figure 3.8: Other input devices

These devices are further explained as follows:

(a) Audio Input Device

An audio input device is used to record or play analogue music in a digital
form. Audio input devices can receive various forms of audio input
whereas sound recognition devices can receive only one type of audio
input, i.e. sound input. There are two methods in digitising audio input:

(i) Audio Board: An audio board changes analogue sound to digital

sound and saves it for future use; and

(ii) MIDI Board: Which stands for musical instrument digital interface,
such a board emits digital music that is played using the MIDI

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(b) Video Input Device

A video input device enables video and still images to be converted into a
digital form through a video card. There are two types of video capture
methods as follows.
(i) Frame Capture: Digitises one frame at a time only; and
(ii) Full Movement: Captures at a rate of 30 frames per second.

Storage has been a common problem associated with video input.

Nowadays, digital video cameras are available in the market, where
output is in a digital form. Digital video recorders will facilitate
multimedia presentation or a form of new broadcasting on the Internet,
i.e. web television.

(c) Electronic/Digital Camera

An electronic/digital camera (Figure 3.9) is similar to the traditional camera
except that images are recorded digitally in the camera or inside the camera
memory, and not on films. You can snap a picture, look at it and place it on
the website within a few minutes.

Figure 3.9: Digital camera

(d) Sensor
A sensor collects data in specific forms directly from the environment and
sends them to the computer. Sensors can be used to track data such as
speed, weight, temperature, image, shape, light, air pollution, etc. Have you
ever weighed yourself using an audio-enabled weighing scale at a
supermarket? The weighing scale is an example of a sensing device, which
measures your weight and also your height.

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1. What is the most common type of input device? Why are there
various other types of input devices?
2. Identify two examples of optical recognition and magnetic
recognition devices.


Input control safeguards the integrity of data entered and to prevent data entered
from becoming garbage in, garbage out (GIGO). Input control is a collection of
manual and computer control methods that have been designed to ensure all
input data are accurate and precise when entered into the computer.

Every time that you enter data into the computer, do you know
whether the data you enter is correct? How do you know whether the
data you have entered into the computer is correct?


Output can take various forms, such as on screen output, printed-on-paper,
cathode ray, signals, voice, microfilm, etc. In general, there are two types of
output, which are summarised in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.10: Types of output

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These two types of output are further explained as follows:

(a) Soft Copy

Soft copy refers to a non-permanent copy of data shown on the display
screen, in audio or voice form or in a stored electronic form in secondary
storage. This type of output is most suitable for data or information that
changes constantly, e.g. requires constant revisions.

(b) Hard Copy

Hard copy refers to a permanent copy of data in a printed form. Anything
that comes in printed form (whether text, graphic or microfilm) are
considered hard copies. This type of output is most suitable for data or
information that does not change constantly.

Besides soft and hard copies, decisions on output largely depend on a number of
factors such as:
(a) Frequency of output required, whether at specific intervals on a regular
basis, upon request or in an unpredictable manner.
(b) Costs involved.
(c) Quantity of output to be produced.
(d) How fast output is required.
(e) Needs of the users.


How do you view the results of a computer process? Try to figure out
how the results are displayed and discuss it with your classmates.


The computer processes data in a machine readable form. Output devices
convert data processed into a form that is readable and understandable to
humans. Output devices that are often used in conjunction with microcomputers
are monitors, printers, plotters and voice output devices. Figure 3.11 shows
examples of output devices.

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Figure 3.11: Output devices

3.5.1 Printer
The image displayed on the monitor is often referred to as a soft copy.
Information that is produced on paper, whether from a printer or plotter, is
known as a hard copy (see Figure 3.12 for a printer that produces a hard copy
of output).

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Figure 3.12: Printer

The three types of printers that are often used in conjunction with
microcomputers are ink jet, laser and thermal printers.

(a) Ink Jet Printer

An ink jet printer sends out droplets of ink at high speed onto the surfaces
of paper. This process produces not only images of high quality, but also
allows printing to be made in various colours. An ink jet printer is reliable,
quiet and affordable.

(b) Laser Printer

A laser printer emits a laser beam onto the drum, which is transferred onto
paper using the toner (often used as in photocopy machine). There is a type
of laser printer that is classified as a PostScript printer. PostScript is a
printer language, often called page description language (PDL), which has
been accepted as a standard for laser printers.

(c) Thermal Printer

A thermal printer uses heat to produce images on heat-sensitive papers. it
was originally used in scientific laboratories to record data. This printer is
used specifically for producing output that is almost the same as

The measure of printer speed depends on the types of printers or the methods of
printing, i.e. whether on the basis of characters, lines or pages. The speed is
characters per second, lines per minute or pages per minute. Most printer models
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are desktop printers which are difficult to move around (depending on size). The
use of laptop computers leads to portable printers.

Among the criteria in choosing printers are image quality, speed, level of noise
and costs of operation such as ink cost, spare parts, etc.


1. What are the factors that influence the speed of a printer?

2. Identify two types of printers that are most popular now.

3.5.2 Monitor
Monitors are used as output as well as input devices. There are two types of
monitors, i.e. cathode ray tube and flat panel display.

(a) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

CRT is an older generation of monitors. It is a vacuum tube that is used as a
display screen for the computer or video display terminal. CRT technology
is used in the previous generation of television. CRT is an output device
commonly used together with the computer. The smallest unit on the
screen is called a pixel (picture element). Figure 3.13 shows a CRT monitor.

Figure 3.13: Cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor

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(b) Flat Panel Display

Flat panel display is lighter, thinner and uses less power as compared to the
CRT. Flat panel display is made of two pieces of glass/plastic that have
activated materials between them.

The clarity of a monitor is determined by resolution which is measured in pixels.

A pixel is a dot or „picture element‰ that forms an image on the monitor. For a
certain monitor size, higher resolution (more pixels) leads to clearer images. For a
certain degree of clarity, a bigger monitor requires a higher resolution.

Resolution Standards
A number of standards have been developed for determining the degree of
computer resolutions. Four standards that are commonly used are SVGA, XGA,
SXGA and UXGA. Table 3.6 provides a summary description for each standard.

Table 3.6: Computer Resolution Standards

Standard Description
SVGA A short form for super video graphics array, SVGA has a minimum
resolution of 800  600 pixels.
XGA A short form for extended graphics array, XGA has a resolution of up
to 1,024  768 pixels. XGA is a popular standard now.
SXGA Representing super extended graphics array, SXGA has a resolution of
1,280  1,024 pixels.
UXGA A short form for ultra-extended graphics array, UXGA is the latest and
highest standard. Use of UXGA is continuously growing, especially for
engineering designs at high level and for graphical fine arts.

3.5.3 Plotter
Plotters are used specifically for producing bar charts, maps, architectural
drawings and three-dimensional illustrations. A plotter can produce multi-
coloured documents of high quality and also documents larger than printers
produce. There are four types of plotters, i.e. pen, ink jet, electrostatic and direct

(a) Pen Plotter

Pen plotters moves pens or pencils on paper drafts. A pen plotter is very
affordable and easy to maintain, but it is slow and less capable of producing
voluminous images and shaded images.

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(b) Electrostatic Plotter

An electrostatic plotter uses electrostatic charge that is faster than a pen
plotter or ink jet plotter. It is used for applications that require voluminous
output of high quality, such as in advertising and design of graphic arts.

(c) Ink Jet Plotter

An ink jet plotter produces art lines and multi-coloured output by emitting
droplets of ink onto the paper surface. The plotterÊs most advantageous
characteristics are its high speed, high quality of output and it operates
quietly. The plotterÊs main weakness is the possibility of its jet getting
blocked, which complicates maintenance.

(d) Direct Imaging Plotter or Thermal Plotter

A direct imaging or thermal plotter produces an image using heat-sensitive
paper and a pin heated by electricity. This plotterÊs cost is almost the same
as the electrostatic plotter. This plotter is reliable and suitable for
voluminous amount of work. Its main weakness is the need for expensive
paper and it normally produces an output of two colours only. It is suitable
for map-making applications.


1. What is the use of a plotter? Elaborate your answer.

2. Identify the differences between a CRT monitor and a flat panel
display monitor.

3.5.4 Voice Output Device

There are two types of technology for voice output, i.e. voice-output technology
(which consists of speech coding & synthesising) and sound-output technology
(which consists of FM synthesising & virtual acoustic).

(a) Voice Output

A voice output device converts digital data into sound, such as speech.
There are two voice-output technologies, as illustrated in Figure 3.14.

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Figure 3.14: Voice output

These two voice output are further explained as follows:

(i) Speech Coding: Speech coding uses the human voice that speaks
certain words and is stored in a digital form. After accessing the voice,
speed coding will re-produce the words of the spoken voice like a
parrot, such as in tele-saham services, tele-fardhu, tele-saman, etc.

(ii) Speech Synthesising: Speech synthesising uses a total of 40 phonemes

(suitable for English) as the basis for speech in electronic form to
create any word. This method does not use the human voice.
Computers convert texts into voice, for example Wiyl biy ray5t bae5k
will produce a voice ă We'll be right back.

(b) Sound Output

A sound output device produces digital sounds, such as beeping and
music. It requires software and a voice card or digital audio board (like the
Sound Blaster). There are two technologies ă i.e. FM synthesis and virtual
acoustic, as illustrated in Figure 3.15. In both cases, sound output will be
sent to a mixer before being sent to a speaker.

Figure 3.15: Sound output

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These two sound output are further explained as follows:

(i) FM Synthesis: FM synthesis is a synthesiser that mimics various

musical instruments using stored sound, i.e. output is unlike the
original musical instrument.

(ii) Virtual Acoustic: Virtual acoustic does not use stored sound, but
stores software that models certain real musical instruments. Virtual
acoustic is useful for multimedia applications.

 Input is like a bridge between data and computer process, to enable data to
be entered from the users into the computer.

 Some input devices are keyboard, mouse, touch screen and many more.

 Output is like a link between computer process and users.

 Direct data entry requires machine-readable data that can be transferred as

input directly into the computer.

 Indirect data entry requires various media and processing of the data source
prior to actual computer processing.

 Input control safeguards data integrity and prevent data from becoming GIGO.

 Output can take various forms, mainly on screen output, printed-paper,

cathode ray, signals, voice, microfilm, etc.

 Output devices used in conjunction with microcomputers are monitors,

printers, plotters and voice output devices.

Acoustic Magnetic recognition

Data entry Optical recognition
Hardcopy Output devices
Input devices Softcopy

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