8608 TPC Sample - Docx Version 1
8608 TPC Sample - Docx Version 1
8608 TPC Sample - Docx Version 1
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 1st Day Date: 19-02-2018______________
Today I have observed science lab. Science lab was not well equipped. It School’s science lab can be improved
When I entered in the lab, I saw that was not fulfilling the students’ by taking interest in development of
floor of the lab was dirty. Two requirements. It was due to the lack science lab. New instruments cab be
practical tables were present in the interest of school’s management. purchased by SMC fund. Cleaning can
middle of the lab. Three cupboards School management was not be done on daily basis. By hanging
were present in the lab. One for interested in improvement of science some pictures of lab’s instruments on
physics instruments, second for lab. If science lab of a school is not the wall, the environment of lab can
chemistry instruments and third for good then students cannot get proper be made better for students’ learning.
biology instruments. I observed that education.
practical instruments were so old and
insufficient for school’s students. I was
surprised to see the lab because the
lab was not well equipped.
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 2nd Day Date: 20-02-2018______________
Today I have observed assembly hall. There is no greenery in assembly hall. Assembly hall can be made better and
Assembly hall of the school is very big. Because there is no gardener in the beautiful by appointing a gardener.
A platform is present in the assembly school. Without greenery the
hall. Students recite the holy Quran assembly hall does not look beautiful.
and naat sharif on this platform. I was
glad to see such a big assembly hall
but there is no greenery in assembly
hall. Assembly is held in the morning
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 3rd Day Date: 21-02-2018______________
There is no library in the school. The school library provides A little library is stablished in the
Students are Deprived from such a information and ideas that are school by school SMC fund. SMC fund
basic need. I felt very sad knowing fundamental to functioning come regularly on annual basis.
this. When I asked about it, successfully in todays’ information and Important and informative required
management said it is government knowledge-based society. The school books can be purchased by SMC fund
duty not our duty. library equips students with life-long every year.
learning skills and develops the
imagination, enabling them to live as
responsible citizens. Therefore, school
library is very important for students.
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 4th Day Date: 22-02-2018______________
Today I have been known that there is Technology plays a major role in A letter can be written to the
no computer lab in the school. I felt twenty-first century education. The concerned education authorities to
very sad knowing this. Because todays new model of integrating technology provide computer lab in the school. A
computer lab is essential part of any into the curriculum means that little computer lab is stablished in the
school. Students are facing lot of computers are on demand throughout school by school SMC fund. SMC fund
problems due to the absence of the school day. Therefore, computer come regularly on annual basis. Some
computer lab. Government is lab is very necessary for any school. Computers can be purchased by SMC
responsible for this negligence. Students cannot take admission in fund every year.
computer science due to the absence
of computer lab in the school.
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 5th Day Date: 23-02-2018______________
Today I have observed furniture in To provide furniture in Govt. schools is A letter can be written to the
class-rooms. There is insufficient the responsibility of Sindh education concerned education authorities to
Furniture in the school. Some student department. Therefore, Government provide more furniture in the school.
chairs are broken. Due to insufficient is responsible for this negligence. damaged furniture can be repaired
furniture, some students are Management should take action to through SMC fund.
compelled to sit on the broken chairs. repair the damaged furniture. Due to
I felt sad to see it. insufficient furniture, admissions are
Chapter: Physical Resource Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 6th Day Date: 24-02-2018______________
Today I have observed playground of school playground and school Playground can be made better for
the school. Playground of the school is playtime are vitally important to students by doing required changes in
very big. There is no pitch in the children for their fun and relaxation as the playground. Pitch can be made
playground. Ground is also Deprived well as for their good health and well- through SMC fund. Grass can also be
from grass. Condition of playground is being. Without a playground, students grow in the playground.
not good for playing cricket or cannot get their fun and relaxation.
football. I felt pity to see it. Improper playground is not better for
students to play.
Chapter: School Record Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 7th Day Date: 26-02-2018______________
Today I have observed muster-roll. I Some teachers don’t come regularly Teachers attendance can be improved
have been known that two casual and enjoy holidays. therefore, by taking action against habitual
leaves are allowed in a month but students study is not better in the teachers. School In-charge must
some employees avail more than two school. Students are affected by behave equally to each employee.
casual leaves in a month and their C/L teachers’ holidays.
is not marked on muster-roll.
Therefore, some employees get
benefits and enjoy holidays. School In-
charge don’t behave equally to
Chapter: School Record Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 8th Day Date: 27-02-2018______________
Today I have observed General Since General register is mandatory General register can be maintained by
register(GR). General register is record for any school and this record is a careful and responsible person. HM
mandatory record for any school. This kept from entry of student into must watch GR regularly.
record is kept from entry of student institute to leaving of student from
into institute to leaving of student institute and after it also. Therefore,
from institute and after it also. I have this record must enter carefully.
seen some mistakes in GR. Date of Mistakes were made by careless
birth of some students were not person.
present in GR and some spelling
mistakes were present in GR.
Chapter: School Record Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 9th Day Date: 28-02-2018______________
Today I have observed students record Due to insufficient record of a student, Students record can be maintained
in the school. This record contains school administration does not properly by giving this duty to
students personal and family provide quality education to the responsible and competent persons.
characteristics, previous educational students and don’t fulfill its Students record must maintain
experience, current grade, responsibility appropriately. Students regularly. Students performance can
attendance, academic performance, performance is being affected due to be made better through maintaining
behavior, achievements/faults, improper and incomplete record of students record properly.
outcomes (e.g. promotion to next students.
grade, repeating grade, drop-out,
transfer, or graduation). But I have
seen that there is no proper record of
students in the school.
Chapter: School Record Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 10th Day Date: 01-03-2018______________
Today I have observed school ledger. School ledger should have maintained School ledger can be updated by
Data about daily financial transactions and updated regularly. Financial making proper monitoring system.
are recorded in detailed school summaries and ledgers should be kept school ledger must be updated on a
ledgers. Such school ledgers may in the school management office regular daily basis, the school
however be too detailed to be use together with all supporting accountant or the officer who is in
directly in monitoring and decision- documents such as receipts, invoices, charge of finance should prepare
making. Monthly, term and yearly bills and payment records. Accountant financial summaries on a monthly,
financial summaries of school income is responsible for outdated and term and/ or yearly basis, using the
and expenditure can be produced and incomplete ledger. detailed data recorded in the school
used by the school management. I ledger.
have observed that ledger is not
updated. I was surprised to see this.
Chapter: School Record Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 11th Day Date: 02-03-2018______________
Today I have observed the pupil diary. Since students are not regular in their Modern methods of teaching can be
Pupil diary is that diary in which classes therefore, their school work is used to improve students’ attendance.
number of students, present in all not completed. Teachers are also not Teachers must use modern technology
classes, are registered. I have interested in improving the students’ in their classes. Multimedia and other
observed that only 60% students come attendance. Teachers should use technological instruments can be used
daily and 40% students are not regular modern methods of teaching to by teachers. Students attendance
in their classes. I was surprised to improve students’ attendance. should be recorded daily.
know this. Most students enjoy
holiday without any reason. I think,
Students don’t come school regularly
due to old and traditional methods of
Chapter: Financial Management of Schools School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 12th Day Date: 03-03-2018______________
Today I have discussed with a teacher. Due to wrong policy of government Government can make an easy
He told me that teachers’ salaries about pensions, everyone has to stand method for retired persons to get
come regularly in their bank accounts in the queue. Old peoples are facing their pensions. Pension can be transfer
in the beginning of each month. They lot of problems. directly to pensioners’ bank account.
don’t face any trouble about their
salaries. But those teachers become
retired they face lot of problems to get
their pensions. They stand in a que to
get their pensions through banks. No
one likes to stand in a que.
Chapter: Financial Management of Schools School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 13th Day Date: 05-03-2018______________
Financial management is fundamental Due to absence of proper monitoring A monitoring committee can be made
to the improvement of the efficient committee some HMs don’t utilize to check and monitor the proper
and effective use of finances in SMC fund in school improvement. utilization of SMC fund.
schools. SMC fund Is very essential to Therefore, school don’t improve
any public school. Government properly and school development is
provide SMC fund to each public affected. Those goods and matter
school. SMC fund is used in need SMC fund, they deprived from it.
improvement of school. but there is
no proper committee to monitor and
check the SMC fund utilization. Some
HMs get personal benefit through
SMC fund. They don’t utilize SMC fund
in school improvement. They use SMC
fund in their personal matters.
Chapter: Financial Management of Schools School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 14th Day Date: 06-03-2018______________
Today I have observed school ledger. School ledger should have maintained School ledger can be updated by
Data about daily financial transactions and updated regularly. Financial making proper monitoring system.
are recorded in detailed school summaries and ledgers should be kept school ledger must be updated on a
ledgers. Such school ledgers may in the school management office regular daily basis, the school
however be too detailed to be use together with all supporting accountant or the officer who is in
directly in monitoring and decision- documents such as receipts, invoices, charge of finance should prepare
making. Monthly, term and yearly bills and payment records. Accountant financial summaries on a monthly,
financial summaries of school income is responsible for outdated and term and/ or yearly basis, using the
and expenditure can be produced and incomplete ledger. detailed data recorded in the school
used by the school management. I ledger.
have observed that ledger is not
updated. I was surprised to see this.
Chapter: Financial Management of Schools School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 15th Day Date: 07-03-2018______________
School management use SMC fund for Management is responsible to waste List of required goods and material
purchasing unnecessary goods and SMC fund. Due to waste of SMC fund can be prepared before purchasing.
sometime school management in purchasing unnecessary and extra Only required quantity of goods
purchase excessive goods or materials. goods, necessary goods are not should be purchased and make it sure
Today I have observed that five fans present in the school. therefore, SMC that no extra goods should be
are purchased instead of one fan. Only fund should be used properly and no purchased.
one fan was required but extra and unnecessary goods should
management purchased five fans. be purchased.
SMC fund is wasted by purchasing
extra goods. It was astonishing for me.
Chapter: Personnel Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 16th Day Date: 09-03-2018______________
Today I have meet with a teacher. He It is observed that some HMs distress Suitable action can be taken by
said that our all matters are solved by their employees. They don’t help their Government officer (T.E.O or D.E.O)
HM because our HM is our DDO also. employees to solve their problems. against such guilty HMs. Complain cell
Without our HM’s sign we cannot avail They don’t sign their employees’ can be stablish to deal employees
benefits which are provided by documents and don’t give proper problems.
Government. Time scale, teaching guidance. If an employee is distress
allowances and any bill etc. cannot be then he cannot work effectively and
availed without HM’s sign. Sometimes heartily.
our HM refuse to sign without any
reason. I have been also known that
some HMs or DDOs take bribe for
doing signature.
Chapter: Personnel Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 17th Day Date: 10-03-2018______________
Most of teachers in government Since most teachers are not well Professional training can be given
schools are not well trained and trained and updated therefore, they annually to the teachers to make them
updated. They follow old methods of cannot teach effectively to the aware with modern teaching methods
teaching. They don’t avail benefits of students. Students don’t take interest and modern technology. They can be
modern technology. I was surprised to in learning process. So, their classes updated by giving them departmental
know that most teachers don’t know become passive. training.
the method of using internet.
Chapter: Personnel Management School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 18th Day Date: 12-03-2018______________
Some teachers are deprived from their Due to slow promotion process, A monitoring committee can be made
basic right of promotion. Employee teachers feel anxiety. They don’t take to check and monitor the promotion
promotion system is not better in interest in teaching. They don’t teach process. Monitoring committee must
Government schools. Promotion effectively to their students. Slow finish the bribe system. Promotion
process is very slow. Employees are promotion process makes them process can be made faster by making
very affected by this slow process. unhappy. Government is responsible an active promotion committee.
They feel anxiety. Some officers ask for this.
for bribe to promote them.
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 19th Day Date: 13-03-2018______________
I have been known that there is no Management should not give To improve school standard an
admission committee in the school. No admission to new students in any class admission committee can be made.
test is taken by new students for without taking any test. Some Admission committee must take a
giving them admission in the school. students don’t meet the class suitable test by new students to
Management give new admission standard. Therefore, school standard examine the students’ ability. If a
without any test. I think it is not better is decreasing day by day. So, to know student does not meet the school
for students and school. school student ability, a test should be taken standard, he should not be given
management is responsible for this. by the new students. admission in the school.
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 20th Day Date: 14-03-2018______________
Most of teachers don’t take test from Without assess a student the teacher To improve school standard, proper
their students during academic session cannot know this that what problems system of students’ assessment can be
to check their learning outcomes. are faced by student in learning introduced in the school. test must be
Since they don’t assess students process. Those teachers who assess taken on weekly bases. A teacher must
learning outcomes therefore they their students know their students assess their students after completing
don’t give quality education to their understanding problems. They can a chapter. Students can be assessed by
students. Teachers don’t know their change their teaching method a teacher during his class.
students understanding problems. It is according to their students need. A
not better for students. school cannot improve its standard
Without proper assessment of its
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 21st Day Date: 15-03-2018______________
I was surprised to know that no staff School improvement is being affected Staff meetings can be held regularly
meeting is held in the school. HM badly due to absence of staff for school improvement. Suggestions
doesn’t call staff meeting. No advice is meetings. There is no single direction can be taken from staff members for
given by HM to their employees. There for staff members. They do what they school improvement. Senior and
is no action plan in school for school like or understand better. experienced teachers can play an
improvement. There is no single active and vital roll in school
direction for staff members to do for improvement.
school improvement.
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 22nd Day Date: 17-03-2018______________
I felt very pity to know that there is no Monitoring committee is very Monitoring committee can be made to
monitoring committee in the school. necessary for school improvement. improve teaching and learning
teaching and learning process is not Without a monitoring committee, a process. teacher performance impacts
checked by any person or committee school cannot improve and play a vital on school improvement. Proper
in the school. students learning is not roll in society. Through monitoring Monitoring system can improve
going well in the absence of and evaluation in schools, good teachers’ performance.
monitoring committee. Some teachers leadership is put into practice and
don’t go in their classes. Some accountability which leads to school
teachers go in their classes but they improvement. The monitor should
don’t teach according to syllabus. correctly recognize the performance
Most teachers don’t complete the of each teacher.
syllabus within time.
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 23rd Day Date: 19-03-2018______________
I felt pity to know that there is no Since parents are not interested in A better coordination can be produced
coordination between parents and knowing their children’s progress between parents and teachers to
teachers in the school. students’ therefore, students don’t learn with improve students learning and
progress doesn’t share with their heart. They don’t play an active role in school’s standard. Parents-teachers
parents. Parents are unaware with the class. Parents can play an meeting can be held monthly to
their children’s progress. Parents don’t important role in school’s improve students learning.
come to school to know their improvement. They can make better
children’s progress. Parents are their children’s progress by taking
responsible for this. But teachers are interest. They can meet regularly to
also responsible. the teacher to know about their
children’s progress.
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 24th Day Date: 20-03-2018______________
Today I have observed the pupil diary. Since students are not regular in their Modern methods of teaching can be
Pupil diary is that diary in which classes therefore, their school work is used to improve students’ attendance.
number of students, present in all not completed. Teachers are also not Teachers must use modern technology
classes, are registered. I have interested in improving the students’ in their classes. Multimedia and other
observed that only 60% students come attendance. Teachers should use technological instruments can be used
daily and 40% students are not regular modern methods of teaching to by teachers.
in their classes. I was surprised to improve students’ attendance.
know this. Most students enjoy
holiday without any reason. I think,
Students don’t come school regularly
due to old and traditional methods of
Chapter: School Development/Improvement School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 25th Day Date: 21-03-2018______________
Today I have observed muster-roll. I Some teachers don’t come regularly Teachers attendance can be improved
have been known that two casual and enjoy holidays. therefore, by taking action against habitual
leaves are allowed in a month but students study is not better in the teachers. School In-charge must
some employees avail more than two school. Students are affected by behave equally to each employee.
casual leaves in a month and their C/L teachers’ holidays.
is not marked on muster-roll.
Therefore, some employees get
benefits and enjoy holidays. School In-
charge don’t behave equally to
Chapter: Instructional Supervision School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 26th Day Date: 22-03-2018______________
Today I have checked the class 8th It is duty of the head of the institute A monitoring committee can be
students’ copies. I was surprised to to check either a teacher is teaching formed to monitor and assess the
see that copies are not checked by the according to syllabus or not? and is teacher progress.
teacher. there is no proper monitoring the teacher is checking students
system in the school to check either a copies or not? If he does not fulfil his
teacher is teaching according to duty of instructional supervision, then
syllabus or not? and is the teacher is institute cannot run in a good manner
checking students copies or not?
Chapter: Instructional Supervision School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 27th Day Date: 24-03-2018______________
I was surprised to know that no staff School improvement is being affected Staff meetings can be held regularly
meeting is held in the school. HM badly due to absence of staff for school improvement. Suggestions
doesn’t call staff meeting. No advice is meetings. There is no single direction can be taken from staff members for
given by HM to their employees. There for staff members. They do what they school improvement. Senior and
is no action plan in school for school like or understand better. experienced teachers can play an
improvement. There is no single active and vital role in school
direction for staff members to do for improvement.
school improvement.
Chapter: School Community School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 28th Day Date: 26-03-2018______________
I felt pity to know that there is no Since parents are not interested in A better coordination can be produced
coordination between parents and knowing their children’s progress between parents and teachers to
teachers in the school. students’ therefore, students don’t learn with improve students learning and
progress doesn’t share with their heart. They don’t play an active role in school’s standard. Parents-teachers
parents. Parents are unaware with the class. Parents can play an meeting can be held monthly to
their children’s progress. Parents don’t important role in school’s improve students learning.
come to school to know their improvement. They can make better
children’s progress. Parents are their children’s progress by taking
responsible for this. But teachers are interest. They can meet regularly to
also responsible. the teacher to know about their
children’s progress.
Chapter: School Community School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 29th Day Date: 27-03-2018______________
School community play an important Due to lack of coordination between Better relations can be developed with
part in school’s improvement. the school and local residents and each stake holder. A committee can be
term school community encompasses organizations, there is no better formed to develop better relations
the school administrators, teachers, improvement in school’s outcomes. It with each stake holder. HM can play a
and staff members who work in a is management’s duty to develop vital role in developing relations with
school; the students who attend the better relations with school all stake holders.
school and their parents and families; community.
and local residents and organizations
that have a stake in the school’s
success. But there is no coordination
between school and local residents
and organizations.
Chapter: School Community School’s Name: _____________________________
Day: 30th Day Date: 28-03-2018______________
Teachers, students, parents, Since some teachers don’t behave Moral trainings can be given to
Caregivers, staff members, local politely with the students and they are teachers regularly to make them a
residents and organizations are the not sincere with their students good teacher. Relation between
members of school community. therefore, teaching and learning teachers and students can be
students are the most important process don’t run smoothly in the developed by organizing good and
components of any school community. school. those teachers who behave healthy activities in the school.
Without students there would be no badly with their students, are not liked
school! Students transform the school by the students. Students don’t take
community into a group of engaged interest in their classes. Students don’t
learners. Some teachers don’t behave follow their orders heartily.
politely with students in the school.
They are not sincere with their
students. Students feel distress in
their classes.
Action Plan-1
There is no computer lab in the school. students are facing lot of problems due to absence of a computer lab. Some rooms
are existent on top floor but these rooms cannot be used as a computer lab because rooms are door less and there is no electricity
on top floor. I have made an action plan to solve all these problems and to make a functional computer lab.
objectives strategies Person(s) Responsible Resources Needed Timeline
A letter will be written to
D.E.O and concerned
To make a functional H.M School Letter-head 2 April
educational authorities
computer lab
to provide required fund
After releasing the fund
by concerned
department, door and carpenter Door and windows 15 May – 16 May
windows will be fixed in
the room
Room will be colored Laborer Paint 17 May
Electricity arrangement
electrician Electrical goods 18 May – 19 May
will be done
Room will be washed
sweeper Cleaning goods 20 May
and cleaned
Simple wooden • Maintenance in-
computer tables and charge
required furniture will be 21 May
purchased and will be • peons
set in the room
Action Plan-2
Action Plan for the Improvement of Attendance and the reduction of Persistent Absence