Effects of Plastic Hinge Properties in Nonlinear A PDF
Effects of Plastic Hinge Properties in Nonlinear A PDF
Effects of Plastic Hinge Properties in Nonlinear A PDF
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Received 22 June 2005; received in revised form 20 January 2006; accepted 23 January 2006
Available online 30 March 2006
Due to its simplicity, the structural engineering profession has been using the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis. Modeling
for such analysis requires the determination of the nonlinear properties of each component in the structure, quantified by strength and deformation
capacities, which depend on the modeling assumptions. Pushover analysis is carried out for either user-defined nonlinear hinge properties or
default-hinge properties, available in some programs based on the FEMA-356 and ATC-40 guidelines. While such documents provide the hinge
properties for several ranges of detailing, programs may implement averaged values. The user needs to be careful; the misuse of default-hinge
properties may lead to unreasonable displacement capacities for existing structures. This paper studies the possible differences in the results of
pushover analysis due to default and user-defined nonlinear component properties. Four- and seven-story buildings are considered to represent
low- and medium- rise buildings for this study. Plastic hinge length and transverse reinforcement spacing are assumed to be effective parameters
in the user-defined hinge properties. Observations show that plastic hinge length and transverse reinforcement spacing have no influence on the
base shear capacity, while these parameters have considerable effects on the displacement capacity of the frames. Comparisons point out that an
increase in the amount of transverse reinforcement improves the displacement capacity. Although the capacity curve for the default-hinge model
is reasonable for modern code compliant buildings, it may not be suitable for others. Considering that most existing buildings in Turkey and in
some other countries do not conform to requirements of modern code detailing, the use of default hinges needs special care. The observations
clearly show that the user-defined hinge model is better than the default-hinge model in reflecting nonlinear behavior compatible with the element
properties. However, if the default-hinge model is preferred due to simplicity, the user should be aware of what is provided in the program and
should avoid the misuse of default-hinge properties.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nonlinear hinge properties; Nonlinear static procedure; Plastic hinge length; Pushover analysis; Transverse steel amount; Nonlinear time history
of the plastic hinge to the point of contraflexure, and f ye and dbl Table 3
are the expected yield strength and the diameter of longitudinal Pushover analysis cases
reinforcement, respectively. Default hinge (Case A)
Following the calculation of the ultimate rotation capacity of
User-defined hinges s = 100 (mm) s = 150 (mm) s = 200 (mm)
an element, acceptance criteria are defined, labeled IO, LS, and
CP in Fig. 6. IO, LS, and CP stand for Immediate Occupancy, L p w/Eq. (2) Case B2 – –
Life Safety, and Collapse Prevention, respectively. This study L p w/Eq. (3) Case B3 Case C3 Case D3
defines these three points corresponding to 10%, 60%, and 90%
use of plastic hinge deformation capacity. Gravity loads were in place during lateral loading. In all cases,
In existing reinforced concrete buildings, especially with lateral forces were applied monotonically in a step-by-step
low concrete strength and an insufficient amount of transverse nonlinear static analysis. The applied lateral forces were
steel, the shear failure of members should be taken into proportional to the product of mass and the first mode shape
consideration. For this purpose, shear hinges are introduced for amplitude at each story level under consideration. P–Delta
beams and columns. Because of the brittle failure of concrete effects were taken into account. Although the first mode shape
in shear, no ductility is considered for this type of hinge. Shear is used in this study, a non-modal shape vector, such as an
hinge properties are defined such that, when the shear force in inverted triangular or a rectangular shape, may be used for the
the member reaches its strength, the member fails immediately. lateral load pattern.
The shear strength of each member (Vr ) is calculated according In pushover analysis, the behavior of the structure
to TS-500 [13], which is similar to UBC [14], as follows: is characterized by a capacity curve that represents the
relationship between the base shear force and the displacement
Vr = Vc + Vs (4)
of the roof. This is a very convenient representation in practice,
where Vc and Vs are shear strengths provided by concrete and can be visualized easily by the engineer. It is recognized
and shear reinforcement in accordance with Eqs. (5) and (6), that roof displacement was used for the capacity curve because
respectively: it is widely accepted in practice. Pushover analysis results
(capacity curve, plastic hinge mechanisms) are discussed in the
Vc = 0.182bd f c 1 + 0.07 (5) following.
Ash f yh d 4.1. Capacity curve
Vs = (6)
where b is the section width, d is the effective depth, f c is No shear failures were observed in any cases of pushover
the unconfined concrete compressive strength, N is the axial analyses. This is primarily due to the assumed concrete
load on the section, Ac is the concrete area, and Ash , f yh , compressive strength, which happens to be sufficient to prevent
and s are the area, yield strength, and spacing of transverse shear failures. Even in the case of a 200 mm transverse steel
reinforcement, respectively. spacing, the shear strength of members was sufficient to carry
the shear forces that developed. Thus, the behavior is dominated
4. Pushover analysis by flexure. Shear failures generally occur in buildings with
lower concrete compressive strength and larger spacings of
Five cases are considered in the pushover analyses of transverse reinforcement, based on the authors’ observations on
each frame, as shown in Table 3: the default-hinge properties damaged buildings.
of SAP2000 termed “Case A”, and four user-defined hinge The capacity curves of the 4- and 7-story frames are shown
properties, including the variation of plastic hinge length and in Figs. 7 and 8 for different plastic hinge length and transverse
transverse reinforcement spacing. These four cases are: (i) Case reinforcement spacing. The trend in the capacity curves of both
B2: L p with Eq. (2) and transverse reinforcement spacing, s = frames is similar. The base shear capacity does not depend on
100 mm; (ii) Case B3: L p with Eq. (3) and s = 100 mm; (iii) the definition of hinge properties. The variation in the base
Case C3: s = 150 mm and L p with Eq. (3); and (iv) Case shear capacity is less than 5%. This variation is due to the
D3: s = 200 mm and L p with Eq. (3). Since modeling of location of the plastic hinge. However, plastic hinge length
a code-compliant [10] building is intended by the cases with and transverse reinforcement spacing have considerable effects
100 mm transverse steel spacings (Case B2, Case B3), a hook on the displacement capacity of the frames. Displacement
is included in the transverse steel configurations in the middle capacities, defined as the point corresponding to 20% or more
of the columns in the longer dimension, as the code implies. No loss in lateral load resistance, are circled on the capacity
hooks are included for the other cases. In the rest of paper, the curves.
transverse reinforcement cases are termed “well-confined” and A comparison of displacement capacities points out their
“poorly-confined” for the s = 100 mm and s = 200 mm cases, dependence on transverse reinforcement spacing and the
respectively. assumed plastic hinge length (L p ). Fig. 7 plots the capacity
The pushover analysis consists of the application of gravity curves of 4- and 7-story frames for the effect of the assumed
loads and a representative lateral load pattern. The frames were L p . The figure illustrates that there is a difference of about
subjected to gravity analyses and simultaneous lateral loading. 30% in the displacement capacities of the frames if Eq. (2)
M. Inel, H.B. Ozmen / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 1494–1502 1499
(a) User-defined hinge model at (b) Default-hinge model at (c) User-defined hinge model at (d) Default-hinge model at
yielding. yielding. ultimate. ultimate.
Fig. 9. Plastic hinge patterns for 4-story frame at global yielding and ultimate states.
(a) User-defined hinge model at (b) Default-hinge model at yielding. (c) User-defined hinge model at (d) Default-hinge model at ultimate.
yielding. ultimate.
Fig. 10. Plastic hinge patterns for 7-story frame at global yielding and ultimate states.
Table 4
Summary of plastic hinging for pushover analysis at different damage levels
Hinge damage states A-B B-IO IO-LS LS-CP CP-C C-D D-E >E Total
4 story Yield User-defined 45 17 10 0 0 0 0 0 72
Default 46 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 72
Ultimate User-defined 29 6 30 4 2 0 0 1 72
Default 29 9 5 22 0 1 6 0 72
However, this mechanism is not explicitly guaranteed for the because of the larger axial force level. Even though the user-
structures designed according to the 1975 Turkish Earthquake defined models have good agreement with this expectation, the
Code or for structures designed according to pre-modern codes default models are not compatible (Figs. 9 and 10). From left to
in other countries. right, the second- and fourth-row base columns of the frames
The default-hinge model assumes the same deformation resist the lateral loading by their weak axis. Therefore, they
capacity for all columns regardless of their axial load level and have lower strength and larger deformation capacities compared
their weak or strong axis orientation. The outermost and middle with their neighbors. This behaviour can also be seen in the
base columns of the frames have the same cross-sectional user-defined hinge models, but not on the default-hinge models.
properties. In such a case, the middle columns are expected The 4- and 7-story frames have a significant amount of
to have a greater damage level than the outermost columns, column yielding at the upper stories (Figs. 9 and 10). Careful
M. Inel, H.B. Ozmen / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 1494–1502 1501
(a) User-defined hinge model (b) Default-hinge model subjected (c) User-defined hinge model at (d) Default-hinge model at 65 mm
subjected to 1940 El Centro ground to 1940 El Centro ground motion, 87 mm (pushover). (pushover).
motion, Δdemand = 87 mm. Δdemand = 65 mm.
Fig. 11. Comparison of plastic hinging mechanism of 4-story frame for nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic (subjected to 1940 El Centro ground motion)
columns for time-history analyses. While the base columns are beams and columns. The frames were modeled with default and
at the yielding state for the pushover case, they have significant user-defined hinge properties to study possible differences in
damage in time-history analyses. the results of pushover analyses. The following findings were
The hinging patterns of the 4- and 7-story frames with observed:
the user-defined hinges are shown in Fig. 12 for time-history
analyses at the ultimate displacement levels. The displacement 1. The base shear capacity of models with the default hinges
demand of a 4-story frame was 170 mm with a scale factor and with the user-defined hinges for different plastic hinge
of 1.88, while that of a 7-story frame was 234 mm with length and transverse reinforcement spacing are similar; the
a scale factor of 1.90. Comparison of Figs. 11 and 12 and variation in the base shear capacity is less than 5%. Thus, the
Figs. 9 and 10 indicates that pushover analyses are reasonably base shear capacity does not depend on whether the default
successful in capturing the hinge locations and damage state or user-defined hinge properties are used.
of hinges, except that time-history analyses give more hinges 2. Plastic hinge length (L p ) has considerable effects on the
at the columns. Moreover, the time-history analyses result in displacement capacity of the frames. Comparisons show that
more plastic hinge formation in the upper levels, which is not there is a variation of about 30% in displacement capacities
estimated adequately by the pushover analyses, as observed by due to L p .
other researchers (i.e. Lew and Kunnath [16]). 3. Displacement capacity depends on the amount of transverse
reinforcement at the potential hinge regions. Comparisons
5. Discussion of results clearly point out that an increase in the amount of transverse
reinforcement improves the displacement capacity. The im-
The interior frames of 4- and 7-story buildings were provement is more effective for smaller spacing. For exam-
considered in pushover analyses to represent low- and medium- ple, reducing the spacing from 200 mm to 100 mm provides
rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings for study. Beam and an increase of up to 40% in the displacement capacity, while
column elements are modeled as nonlinear frame elements with reducing the spacing from 200 mm to 150 mm provides an
lumped plasticity by defining plastic hinges at both ends of the increase of only 12% for the 4-story frame.
1502 M. Inel, H.B. Ozmen / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 1494–1502
4. Comparison of hinging patterns indicates that both models the user-defined hinge model is better than the default-hinge
with default hinges (Case A) and the user-defined hinges model in reflecting nonlinear behavior compatible with element
(Case B3) estimate plastic hinge formation at the yielding properties. However, if the default-hinge model is preferred due
state quite well. However, there are significant differences to simplicity, the user should be aware of what is provided in the
in the hinging patterns at the ultimate state. Although the program and should definitely avoid the misuse of default-hinge
hinge locations seem to be consistent, the model with de- properties.
fault hinges emphasizes a ductile beam mechanism in which
the columns are stronger than the beams; damage or failure
occurs at the beams. However, this mechanism is not explic-
itly guaranteed for the structures designed according to the The authors acknowledge support provided by Scientific
1975 Turkish Earthquake Code or pre-modern codes in other and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under
countries. Project No: 105M024.
5. Time-history results point out that pushover analysis is
reasonably successful in capturing hinging patterns for low-
and medium-rise buildings, except that the plastic hinge References
formation in the upper levels is not estimated adequately by
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