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Installation and Deployment Guide Template

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Installation and Deployment Guide

Software Version: #

May 13, 2019


Installation and Deployment Guide template information

This section is provided to give information on this version of the document template. After
inspection, delete this template information section from your final document.
The purpose of this document is to provide the System Administrator or any other technical
stakeholder with a complete and easy to customize template designed specifically for the
Technical Domain. It is intended to provide installation instructions to any stakeholder that has
an interest or a role in the project.
How to use this template
This template is composed of a main structure that contains a brief description of each section
plus a sample from an existing project.
This document contains comments to the author with guidelines on using or revising the
document. These are included throughout in blue and italic. These instructions should be
deleted from the finalized document.
This template contains example text to illustrate the type of information that goes in each
section. Be careful to remove the samples that do not apply to your project.
Templates are prepared with line numbers turned on and the (DRAFT) designation in the
footers. In the final copy to be signed, line numbers should be turned off and the (DRAFT)
Document Responsibilities
The Installation and Deployment Guide is first created in the Deployment process step.
Responsibilities for document creation and content are shown in the RACI 1 chart below:
Project Manager

Business Analyst
Group Manager

Testing Analyst
Technical Lead



This template can be customized to meet the project’s needs and size; therefore sections
can be added, removed or modified.
Combining or splitting documents
Documentation required by the process may be physically combined into fewer documents or
split up into more documents in any way which makes sense to the project provided that all
topics required by all the standard templates are present.
If information is split across several documents, all related documents shall be included in the
reviews and sign off. For example, when installation and deployment instructions are in
separate documents, the documents shall undergo the same preparation, review, and approval

RACI stands for: R – Responsible - "the doer - primary author"; A – Accountable - "the buck stops here" - reviews for
completeness and correctness; C – Consulted - "stakeholder - invited to provide input"; I – Informed - "gets the
activities as well as review to ensure consistency of technical information among the component
The Installation and Deployment Guide is to be reviewed by the Technical Lead, and the Test
Lead. At a minimum the review should ensure that the Installation and Deployment Guide is
technically correct and can be used to install and deploy the software or system in the target
environment, resulting in a working and usable system.
The Installation and Deployment Guide is usually a deliverable component of the software
solution. It is reviewed and bugs may be logged against it. But it is not approved or signed off
unless required by the client scope/contract.



Installation Guide guidelines

Retain the following information in the final document, usually on the back of the cover page. The comment is
for guidance and may be deleted or hidden.
This document may refer to documents in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).
(Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.)
This document may refer to use of products in the Microsoft  Office suite, the Microsoft Team
Foundation Server and Visual Studio. (Microsoft, Team Foundation Server and Visual
Guidelines for revising this document
This document is prepared using Microsoft Word. The Arial 11 point font is used.
Features of Word can be used to automatically maintain section numbers, table and figure
numbers, and fields for information that appears frequently throughout the document.
This document is set up with margins of 0.75 inches on all sides. This setting will allow the
document to be printed on both US Letter and European A4 paper sizes without reformatting.
This document contains comments to the author with guidelines on using or revising the
document. To view this information, turn on the Review features of Word to show the Final
Showing Markup view.
In this paragraph, fields are set for the organization name, ORGNAME (for example, FDOT), the
organization acronym, the group name, GRPNAME (in this case, Applied Technologies Group),
the group acronym, GRPINIT, and the project or product name, PROJ (for example, Automated
Debris Management System), project initials, PROJINIT and product release, REL (for example
1.0.00). All occurrences of these strings in this document should be inserted as fields. These Commented [MAM1]: To initialize this information for your
are currently set to FDOT, Applied Technologies Group, (ATG), ProjectName, projacronym and document, or when this information changes, use the MSWord
function to show fields (ALT F9), and type over the field
rel. contents definition between the quotes, as appropriate for
your use of this document. Press ALT F9 again to hide the
Ownership and revision fields and save the document.

This Installation and Deployment Guide is owned and controlled by the project’s System Then from Home-Editing, Select All. Position the cursor in the
Administrator. After a baseline of this document is published, the Technical Lead shall ensure selected area, press the right mouse button, and select
Update Field to update all occurrences in the document.
that it is placed under change control.
To add one of the strings to a new location in the document,
Each change or revision made to this Installation Guide Document shall be summarized in highlight the string you want from this annotated paragraph
“Revision history” section of this document. and copy it to the desired locations.

All section, table and figure cross references use cross

reference fields. To add new tables and figures, copy a
caption from a previous table or figure which is not the first
one in a section (those are forced to be #1). Highlight the
caption. Press the right mouse button and select Update Field
from the resulting menu. The table number will automatically
update to the next one for the section. To insert a new
reference to the table or figure into the text, use the
References-Cross Reference function.
Commented [MAM2]: Ownership and revision: The plan
must be updated periodically to reflect the evolving situation.
When updates are made, the past information should be
retained and the new information tagged so the final version of
the plan shows the evolution of project plans. After signoff,
baseline versions of the plan shall be placed in the CM library
under formal change control.
In this Ownership and revision section, document any
additional information about the process by which your project
intends to revise this plan.



Installation Guide information ii

Installation Guide guidelines iv

Contents v

1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 Purpose 1-1
1.2 Revision history 1-1
1.3 Signoffs Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 Intended audience and reading suggestions 1-1
1.5 Technical project stakeholders 1-1
1.6 References 1-1
1.7 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 1-2

2 Server Configurations 2-1

2.1 Server 1 (Database) 2-1
2.1.1 Roles, Features, and Packages 2-1
2.1.2 Configuration 2-1
2.1.3 Configured Values 2-2
2.2 Server 2 (Web Application) 2-3
2.2.1 Roles, Features, and Packages 2-3
2.2.2 Configured Values 2-3

3 Software Installation 3-1

3.1 Server 1 (Database) 3-1
3.1.1 Prerequisites 3-1
3.1.2 Installation Steps 3-1
3.1.3 Configured Values 3-3
3.2 Server 2 (Web Application) 3-4
3.2.1 Prerequisites 3-4
3.2.2 Installation Steps 3-4
3.2.3 Configured Values 3-6

4 Testing the Installation 4-1

5 Troubleshooting 5-1


1 1 Introduction

2 1.1 Purpose
3 The purpose of this Installation and Deployment Guide is to describe in technical terms the steps
4 necessary to install the software and make it operational.

5 1.2 Revision history

6 The Revision history table shows the date, changes, and authors who have worked on this
7 document.
Version date Description of changes Author
request number
12/23/2011 First Draft

8 1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestions

9 This Installation and Deployment Guide is intended to be used by technical stakeholders of the
10 project who will be responsible for planning, performing, or maintaining the installation or
11 deployment, such as the Systems Administrator, Chief Information Officer (CIO), Analysts, or
12 Developers.
13 It is intended that stakeholders and software support personnel can read this document and
14 coordinate their efforts in the installation/deployment of the application.

15 1.4 Technical project stakeholders

16 This section provides a list of all known stakeholders with an interest in the project.
Name E-mail address Phone Role

Lead Developer
Systems Administrator

18 1.5 References
19 Replace the samples below with relevant references for the installation environment.

Reference No. Document Author(s)

Download WCF RIA Services Toolkit May
REF-1 Microsoft
REF-2 How to: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (Setup) Microsoft
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Standalone
REF-3 Microsoft



21 1.6 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations

Term Definition
This is anyone from the client that has been given administrative
rights in the ProjectName.
IIS 7 Microsoft Internet Information Server 7

24 2 Server Configurations

25 Replace the examples in this section with similar information about the server configurations required to
26 provide the application environment.

27 2.1 Server 1 (Database)

28 Installation of this product is supported on the following operation systems and versions:

29  Windows Server 2008 x64 R2

30  Windows Server 2008 x64
31  Windows Server 2008 x86 R2
32  Windows Server 2008 x86
33  Windows Server 2003 x64
34  Windows Server 2003 x86

35 2.1.1 Roles, Features, and Packages

36 Packages

37 The following software packages must be installed on the operating system prior to installation of the
38 software:

39  Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (see REF-2)

40 o Database Engine
41 o Connectivity Components
42 o Management Tools

43 2.1.2 Configuration

44 SQL Server Configuration:

45 Authentication
46 Mixed mode authentication should be enabled
47 SQL Server Network Configuration
48 TCP/IP should be enabled
49 Named Pipes should be enabled




52 2.1.3 Configured Values

53 Use the table below to make note of the values for your installation environment for future
54 reference. (Note: recording of information throughout should be in keeping with your local policies
55 for system documentation and password security).
Information Value
Server name
SQL instance name
SQL Server Administrator account
SQL Server Administrator account


58 2.2 Server 2 (Web Application)

59 Replace the examples in this section with similar information about the server configurations required to
60 provide the application environment.
61 Installation of this product is supported on the following operation systems and versions:

62  Windows Server 2008 x64 R2

63  Windows Server 2008 x64
64  Windows Server 2008 x86 R2
65  Windows Server 2008 x86
66  Windows Server 2003 x64
67  Windows Server 2003 x86

68 2.2.1 Roles, Features, and Packages

69 Roles

70 The following server roles must be enabled on the operating system prior to installation of the software:

71  Web Server (IIS)

72 Packages

73 The following software packages must be installed on the operating system prior to installation of the
74 software:

75  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Standalone Installer (see REF-3)

76  Microsoft WCF RIA Services Toolkit May 2010 (see REF-1)

77 2.2.2 Configured Values

78 Use the table below to make note of the values for your installation environment for future
79 reference.
Information Value
Server Name



82 3 Software Installation

83 Replace the examples in this section with step by step instructions about the software installation or
84 deployment.

85 3.1 Server 1 (Database)

86 3.1.1 Prerequisites

87 1. All steps in section 2 “Server Configurations” have been performed.

88 3.1.2 Installation Steps

89 1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and log into the server and instance using the account
90 name and password you noted in section 2.1.3.
91 2. Create a new database catalog named “database”
92 3. Create a new user configured for SQL Authentication named “authentication_owner” and note
93 the password in section 3.1.3.
94 4. Update the user mapping for the user created in step 3 to add the database role membership
95 “db_owner” for the catalog created in step 2.
96 5. Restore the backup for the “database” catalog with the following options:
97  Overwrite the existing database
98  Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions. Additional
99 transaction logs cannot be restored (RESTORE WITH RECOVERY)
100 6. Run the following script against the catalog configured in step 2:
101  sp_change_users_login ‘update_one’, ‘authentication_owner’,
102 ‘authentication2_owner’
103 7. Create a new database catalog named “applicationProviders”
104 8. Create a new user configured for SQL Authentication named “applicationproviders_owner” and
105 note the password in section 3.1.3.
106 9. Update the user mapping for the user created in step 8 to add the following database role
107 memberships for the catalog created in step 7:
108  aspnet_Membership_BasicAccess
109  aspnet_Membership_FullAccess
110  aspnet_Membership_ReportingAccess
111  aspnet_Personalization_BasicAccess
112  aspnet_Personalization_FullAccess
113  aspnet_Personalization_ReportingAccess
114  aspnet_Profile_BasicAccess
115  aspnet_Profile_FullAccess
116  aspnet_Profile_ReportingAccess


117  aspnet_Roles_BasicAccess
118  aspnet_Roles_FullAccess
119  aspnet_Roles_ReportingAccess
120  aspnet_WebEvent_FullAccess
121  db_owner
122 10. Restore the backup for the “applicationProviders” catalog with the following options:
123  Overwrite the existing database
124  Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions. Additional
125 transaction logs cannot be restored (RESTORE WITH RECOVERY)
126 11. Run the following script against the catalog configured in step 7:
127  sp_change_users_login ‘update_one’, ‘applicationproviders_owner’,
128 ‘applicationproviders_owner’
129 12. If you have not already doen so, determine who will be the initial Administrator of the
130 application with the ability to add and remove users and note the domain and account using all
131 lowercase characters in section 3.1.3.
132 13. If the user from step 12 has not already been added, make the following edits to the catalog you
133 created in step 12 to configure the initial Administrator:
134  Add a new record to the dbo.aspnet_Users table:
135 i. ApplicationId: anaanann-naaa-naaa-nana-nnabannnanna
136 ii. User ID: [null]
137 iii. UserName: [Initial Application Administrator Domain Account Name
138 (domain\account) from section 3.1.3]
139 iv. LoweredUserName [Initial Application Administrator Domain Account Name
140 (domain\account) from section 3.1.3]
141 v. MobileAlias: [null]
142 vi. IsAnonymous: False
143 vii. LastActivityDate: [Today]
144  Note the GUID that is created for the UserId field when the record is applied to the
145 dbo.aspnet_Users table in section 3.1.3
146  Add a new record to the dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles table:
147 i. UserId: [dbo.aspnet_Users UserId from section 3.1.3]
148 ii. RoleId: anaanann-naaa-naaa-nana-nnabannnanna
149  Add a new record to the dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles table:
150 i. UserId: [dbo.aspnet_Users UserId from section 3.1.3]
151 ii. RoleId: anaanann-naaa-naaa-nana-nnabannnanna
152  Add a new record to the dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles table:
153 i. UserId: [dbo.aspnet_Users UserId from section 3.1.3]
154 ii. RoleId: anaanann-naaa-naaa-nana-nnabannnanna

155  Add a new record to the dbo.aspnet_Membership table:
156 i. ApplicationId: anaanann-naaa-naaa-nana-nnabannnanna
157 ii. UserId: [dbo.aspnet_Users UserId from section 3.1.3]
158 iii. Password: 1234
159 iv. PasswordFormat: 0
160 v. PasswordSalt: 1234
161 vi. MobilePIN: [null]
162 vii. Email: [null]
163 viii. LoweredEmail: [null]
164 ix. PasswordQuestion: [null]
165 x. PasswordAnswer: [null]
166 xi. IsApproved: True
167 xii. IsLockedOut: False
168 xiii. CreateDate: [Today]
169 xiv. LastLoginDate: [Today]
170 xv. LastPasswordChangedDate: [Today]
171 xvi. LastLockoutDate: [Today]
172 xvii. FailedPasswordAttemptCount: 0
173 xviii. FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart: [Today]
174 xix. FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount: 0
175 xx. FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart: [Today]
176 xxi. Comment: [null]

178 3.1.3 Configured Values

179 Use the table below to make note of the values for your installation environment for future
180 reference.
Information Value
Initial application administrator
domain account name
dbo.aspnet_Users UserId
application_owner account
account password



182 3.2 Server 2 (Web Application)

183 Replace the examples in this section with step by step instructions about the web application installation or
184 deployment.

185 3.2.1 Prerequisites

186 1. All steps in section 2 “Server Configurations” have been performed.

187 2. All steps in section 3.1 “Software Installation, Server 1 (Database)” have been performed.

188 3.2.2 Installation Steps

189 1. Contact your SharePoint administrator and note the following in section 3.2.3:
190 a. SharePoint URL
191 b. SharePoint dashboard access domain
192 c. SharePoint dashboard access user name
193 d. SharePoint dashboard access password
194 2. Contact your ArcGIS administrator and note the following in section 3.2.3:
195 a. XYZ map layer service URL
196 b. ABC map layer service URL
197 3. Log in as a server administrator.
198 4. Create a folder to house the web application files and note the location in the Physical path field
199 in section 3.2.3.
200 5. Copy deployment files to the folder you created in step 2.
201 6. Open the IIS Manager console Snap-In.
202 7. The application should be assigned an application pool separate from other web applications
203 running on the server. The steps to create the application pool are:
204 a. Right-click “Application Pools” in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Snap-In
205 and choose “Add Application Pool”
206 b. Configure the following values in the Add Application Pool dialog:
207 i. Name: “SYSTEM AppPool”
208 ii. .NET Framework Version: 4.0.30319
209 iii. Managed pipeline mode: Integrated
210 iv. Start application pool immediately: Checked
211 8. The application should be assigned to the root of a new web application in IIS. The steps to
212 create the web application are:
213 a. Right-click “Sites” and select “Add Web Site” from the context menu.
214 b. Configure the following values in the Add Application Pool dialog:
215 i. Site name: SYSTEM Dashboard
216 ii. Application pool: SYSTEM Dashboard AppPool
217 iii. Physical path: [Physical path noted in section 3.2.3]

218 iv. Pass-through authentication: Application user (pass-through authentication)
219 v. Binding
220 1. Type: http
221 2. IP Address: [note IP in section 3.2.3 if static]
222 3. Port: 80
223 4. Host name: [enter host name and configure DNS for your environment,
224 note host name in section 3.2.3]
225 5. Start Web site immediately: checked
226 c. Select Authentication for the web application you created in step 6 and enable Windows
227 Authentication.
228 9. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Physical path noted in section 3.2.3.
229 10. Open the web.config file using a text editor (such as NotePad) and make the following edits:
230 a. AppSettings section:
231 i. SharePointUrl value: [SharePoint URL value from section 3.2.3]
232 ii. XyzDynamicLayerUrl value: [AET map layer service URL value from section
233 3.2.3]
234 iii. AbcDynamicLayerUrl value: [RTCS map layer service URL value from section
235 3.2.3]
236 iv. SharePointAccessDomain value: [SharePoint dashboard access domain value
237 from section 3.2.3]
238 v. SharePointAccessUserName value: [SharePoint dashboard access user name
239 value from section 3.2.3]
240 vi. SharePointAccessPassword value: [SharePoint dashboard access password
241 value from section 3.2.3]
242 b. ConnectionStrings section:
243 i. Modify “connectionString” value for name “applicationBdmsEntities”
244 1. DataSource: [ [Server name]\[SQL instance name] from section 2.1.3]
245 2. Password: [application_owner account password from section 3.1.3]
246 ii. Modify “connectionString” value for name “Provider”
247 1. DataSource: [ [Server name]\[SQL instance name] from section 2.1.3]
248 2. Password: [applicationproviders_owner account password from section
249 3.1.3]
250 11. Open a command prompt and perform the following command:
251 a. iisreset
252 12. Ensure you can access the web application using the host name you noted in section 3.2.3.
253 13. Contact your SharePoint administrator to configure the Web Part Page Viewer to access the
254 application via the SharePoint user interface.


257 3.2.3 Configured Values

258 Use the table below to make note of the values for your installation environment for future
259 reference.
Information Value
Physical path
IP Address (if static)
Host name
SharePoint URL
SharePoint dashboard access
SharePoint dashboard access user
SharePoint dashboard access
XYZ map layer service URL
ABC map layer service URL

262 4 Testing the Installation

263 1. Navigate your web browser to the Host Name you noted in section 3.2.3.
264 2. Ensure that the login prompt appears.


266 5 Troubleshooting

267 This section is optional. Here you can describe troubleshooting steps including log locations and other
268 information that may assist an administrator and the development team in determining the root cause and
269 resolution to any issues that arise.


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