Case Study On Appendicitis
Case Study On Appendicitis
Case Study On Appendicitis
Four days prior to admission because of cough and fever
A. Medical Order and Rationale
B. Drug study
1. General Name of ordered drug: Acetylcysteine
Brand Name: Mucomyst
Date Order: January 4, 2010
Classification: Mucolytic
Dose/Frequency/Route: 600mg > Tab >70cc
Mechanism of Action: Decrease viscosity of secretions in respiratory
tract by breaking disulfide links of mucoproteins.
Specific Indication: Drug is given because patient had diagnosed of
pneumonia and relief of the symptoms of pneumonia.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Side Effect/Toxic Effect: This medication can cause drowsiness,
headache, tooth damage, and constipation.
Nursing Precaution: Dilute oral doses with cola, fruit juice, or water
before administering.
2. Generic Name of Ordered Drug: Omeprazole
Brand Name: Omeprazole
Date Ordered: January 3, 2010
Classification: Therapeutic – Antiulcer agent
Pharmacologic – Proton – Pump Inhibitors
Dose/Frequency/Route: 40mg ┬ cap BID
Mechanism of Action: Inhibits the activity of the acid (proton). This
blocks the formation gastric acid.
Specific Indication: Treatment of anemia secondary to upper gastric
intestinal bleeding.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Side Effect/Toxic Effect: Dizziness, fatigue, and headache.
Nursing Precaution: Asses the patient routinely for epigastric or
abdominal pain and occult blood in the stool.
3. Generic Name of Ordered Drug: Dig
INSTRUCTIONS: Place an [X] in the area of abnormality. Comment at the space provided. Indicate the
location of the problem in the figure using [X].
[x] impaired vision [ ] blind [ ] pain
[ ] reddened [ ] drainage [ ] gums
[x] hard of hearing [x] deaf [ ] burning IMPAIRED VISION
[ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth HARD OF HEARIHG
Assess eyes, ears, nose throat for abnormalities.
[ ] No problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] apnea
[ ] rales [x] cough [ ] barrel chest
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi Pain scale (6-10)
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea abnormal
[ ] orthopnea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing abdominal pain prior to
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic surgery ongoing
Assess resp. rate, rhythm, pulse blood breath sounds, comfort nf of DSLR11
• [ ] No problem 8 40ts/min
[ ] obese [ ] distention [ ] mass
[ ] dysphagia [ ] rigidity [x] pain
Assess abdomen, bowel habits, swallowing bowel sounds, comfort.
[x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady
[ ] seizures [ ] lethargic [ ] comatose
[ ] vertigo [ ] tremors [ ] confused
[ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor, function, sensation, LOC, strength
Grip, gait, coordination, speech
[x] No problem
[x] Hearing loss Comments: “Galisud na jud [ ] glasses [ ] languages
kog dungog kung naa koy [ ] contact lens [ ] hearing aide
[ ] Visual changes kaistorya.” As verbalized by [ ] Speech difficulties
the pt. R L
[ ] Denied Pupil size: 3mm
Reaction: PERRLA
[ ] Dyspnea Comments: “ Wala man koy Respiration: [x] regular [ ] irregular
[ ] Smoking history problema sa akong pag- Describe: Pt. has normal cycle per min. of 26 cpm
[ ] Cough ginhawa.” As verbalized by the R: symmetric breathing sound to L - lung
[ ] Sputum pt. L: symmetric breathing sound to R - lung
[x] Denied
[ ] Chest pain Comments: “Wala man koy Heart rhythm [x] regular [ ] irregular
gibati na sakit sa akong Ankle edema: none
[ ] Leg pain dughan ug sa akong tiil,
malihok man nako.” As Pulse Carotid Radial Dorsal Pedis Femoral
[ ] Numbness of verbalized by the patient. R + 66bpm + no opportunity
Extremities L + 66bpm + no opportunity
[x] Denied Comments: Pulse has low beat per min. of 66bpm
*If applicable
Diet: Lugaw Comments: “Lugaw ra [ ] dentures [x] none
[]N []V man akong gakaonon,
mao may sugo sa Full Partial With patient
Character doctor.” As verbalized
[ ] recent changes in by the pt. Comments:
Upper There is no [ ] [] []
Weight, appetite abdominal distension
[ ] swallowing during
Lower palpitation. For [ ] [] []
difficulty bowel sounds it has a
[x] Denied gurgling noise. The pt.
doesn’t have any
complaint regarding on
difficulty on maturation
symmetric contour also at
the abdomen.
ELIMINATION: Bowel sounds: Audio bowel
Usual bowel pattern Urinary frequency sounds.
Two times a day 3-5 per day_____ Abdominal distention present [ ]
[ ] constipation [] urgency yes [x] no
Remedy [] dysuria Urine* (color consistency, odor)
Increase fluid intake [] hematuria Yellowish in color and odorless,
Date of Last BM [] incontinence aromatic odor.
January 4, 2009 [] polyuria *if Foley is in place?
Diarrhea Character [] Foley in place
Brown stool [x] denied
[ ] Dry [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
Comments: “Wala man koy
[ ] flushed [ ] warm
[ ] Itching mga bunga singot.” As [ ] moist [ ] cyanotic
verbalized by the patient
[ ] Others *rashes, ulcers, decubitus (describe size, location, drainage,
color, and odor) There is no rashes ucer and decubitus…
[x] Denied
[ ] Convulsion
Comments: “kong naa ko [ ] LOC and orientation: The pt. was oriented in the place.
[ ] Dizziness gusto kwaon ipasugojud nako
Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane [ ] other
[x] Limited motion kay gapanakit na akong
of joints bukogtungod sa tigulang na [ ] steady [ ] unsteady
Limitation in pud ko ug kong maligo, [ ] sensory and motor losses in face or extremities:
ability to kilangan jud naa uban” As The pt. is conscious, has good sensory
[ ] ambulate verbalized by the patient [ ] ROM limitations: The pt. has limitation in activity, when
[ ] bathe self he wants to out in the bed; he needs to have an assistant.
[ ] other
[ ] denied
Occupation: Farmer(before) Observed non- verbal behavior: When he does not want to do that
Members of household: (7)seven members things, he just frown as his facial grimace, and also if there is
Most supported person: his child; arltufo jayme and relatives; signs of pain.
bobbie jones segualatan.
The person and his phone number that can be
reached any time: 0929269741
This care study has given me a lot of overview on the isolation setting. I
was also given the chance to care for a patient in two days. For those days
various nursing functions was rendered and it gave me the opportunity to
develop and enhance my nursing skills.
A. Documentation of Evidence of Care for 1 week rotation
B. Organization/Grammar/Bibliography
Wilson, Shannon, Stang, NURSES DRUG GUIDE 2004, Philippine edition published by
PEARSON EDUCATION SOUTH ASIA PTE LTD. Copyright @ 2004, volume 1 & 2,
pp.86- 89, 270- 271
Joyce Young Jonhson, R, PhD, Handbook for Brunner & Suddarth’s: TEXTBOOK OF
MEDICAL- SURGICAL NURSING, 19th edition copyright @ 2004 by Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins
Marilynn E. Doenges, RN, BSN, MA, CS, Mary Frances Moorhouse, RN, BSN, CRRN,
CLNC, NURSING CARE PLANS: Guidelines for Individualizing Patient Care, 6
edition, copyright @2002 by F.A. Davis Company, pp.304- 328