07 Pegasus Ibms v5.2
07 Pegasus Ibms v5.2
07 Pegasus Ibms v5.2
Pegasus IBMS
Intelligent Building Management System
Human Machine Interface (HMI)
What is Pegasus IBMS Configuration and Setup
A larm Handling
Pegasus IBMS is a powerful internet-capable (web-based) Scheduling
building management system that offers superb control and Version 6.0 Process Control
monitoring capabilities. Harnessing the power of the internet,
Pegasus IBMS empowers you with the ability to control and
monitor buildings anywhere in the world. Specification Compliance
Pegasus IBMS is the only building control solution that fuses BACnet Device Profile
the features and benefits of supervisory control and data
BA Cnet A dvanced Workstation (B-A WS)
acquisition (SC ADA) systems, building management systems
BA Cnet O perator Workstation (B-O WS)
(BMS) and energy management systems (EMS) into a unified
Software Prerequisites
Operating Systems
Windows XP, Windows7, Windows 8,
Why Pegasus IBMS Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,
32-bit and 64-bit versions supported
▽ 1024 × 768 (32-bit true colour)
▽ 100 Mbit/s Fast Ethernet
WYSIWYG and drag-and-drop approach for layout
and design helps reduce time and effort taken to
create appealing pages, floor plans or views.
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) provides a more
organised and customisable user interface that is less
cluttered making work more pleasing and
Frequently or repeatedly used styles, layouts or
themes can be made into templates and reused
innumerable times, eliminating repetitive and
redundant work.
Designing the HMI, begining with an empty page
Control and Monitoring
Prompt realtime display of status and values
Setting of point values with direct toggling clicks,
visual/graphical widgets, literal numerical or textual
Smart scaling of graphics that redraws according to
the screen resolution.
Remote control and monitoring over HTTP in web
browsers running under iOS, Android or Windows
The user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy- Pegasus Utility listing the controllers in the system
to-use, reducing the learning curve taken to become being configured hierarchically
farmiliar with the system as well as lightening the
workload typical of data entry task.
Alarm Handling
Process Control
All information deemed correct at the time of release. Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, we
cannot accept responsibility for any damages, expenses, injury, loss or consequential loss resulting from any errors or ommissions. Our company has a
policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right on changes to design, features, specifications and enhancements.