TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………... i
MANUAL DISTRIBUTION……………..…………………………….………………….v
RECORD OF REVISIONS………………………………………………………...……vi
HIGHLIGHT OF REVISIONS…………………………………………………………..ix
3. FUEL STANDARD.............................................................................................1
The Fueling Procedures Manual shall be distributed to all of the stations where Avianca
operates (national and international), for the use of the maintenance provider`s personnel
working on the Aircraft operated by Avianca, as well as to all of the fuel suppliers contracted
by Avianca at those stations.
The “Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil”, shall have a copy of this manual
as a digital document. The Technical Publications area has the responsibility for distributing
the manual to the areas involved with the maintenance activities of the aircraft operated by
Avianca, these areas are described in this section as follows
Avianca - Operator
➢ Quality Division
➢ Line Maintenance Division
➢ Planning and Production Control Division
➢ Fuel Management Division
Maintenance Provider
These areas will have access to this manual through Avianca´s intranet -SIGA-.
Fuel Provider
➢ Avianca´s fuel management area dictates the designated liaisons from the fuel
provider who receive the Fuel procedures Manual as a digital file
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Retain this record in the manual. Each revision will be inserted incorporating the insertion
date and initials of the person doing this.
The fuel procedures manual is complementary to Avianca´s MGM, it provides the standards and
procedures to be followed when performing fuelling operations and ensure that the fuel provided
to Avianca´s aircraft are free of contaminants, and it is in compliance with fuel and aircraft
specifications and regulatory requirements.
Every fuel supplier has to comply with the contents of this manual, and it does not relief the
supplier from its responsibilities to comply with their own internal procedures.
The accomplishment of some procedures of this Manual requires close coordination with ground
handling and flight operations personnel. Their functions and procedures may be found in Airport
Services and Ground Handling Handbook - Manual de servicios aeroportuarios y operaciones en
tierra, and Flight Operations Manual Bulletins - Boletines del Manual de Operaciones de Vuelo.
The overall compliance and adhesion to the processes expressed in this manual is monitored
by Avianca´s Quality Assurance through periodical audits. The maintenance provider
personnel assigned to do task related to this manual (i.e. aviation mechanics) must follow the
procedures and references hereby established. In addition, the maintenance provider´s
mechanics must remain vigilant during maintenance activities related to fuel handling, making
sure that the fuel provider´s personnel operates fulfilling the task and policies set in this fuel
procedures manual by Avianca as an aircraft operator.
Fuel serviced to Avianca´s aircraft should be the one recommended by the applicable aircraft
specifications (Type Certificate Data Sheets, Aircraft Maintenance Manual or Flight Manuals).
The aircraft are fueled with JET A or JET A1 types which comply with the standard ASTM D-
1655, current revision.
All times the fuel suppliers must ensure and show to Avianca´s satisfaction that the fuel
complies with constituent concentrations and the specifications set by the fuel standard.
To ensure fuel quality standard, the supplier shall comply with all applicable requirements of
this manual in addition to their own internal procedures.
Local (colombian) fuel suppliers shall comply with colombian standards, Handling of Turbofuel
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for Aviation: NTC 4642 for storage, NTC 4517 for transport and NTC 4643 for refuelling into
aircraft. All supplemental standards shall be API, ASTM or other equivalent industry
recognized standards.
International suppliers shall comply with API, ASTM or other equivalent industry recognized
Turbine fuel can be irritating to the eyes and skin and poisonous when ingested. Every effort
should be made to avoid contact with the skin or eyes and excessive breathing of vapors.
Whenever testing equipment and materials are used for the performance of tasks required by
this manual, all personnel shall obey the manufacturer´s guidelines and safety procedures.
1. Wash immediately with soap and flush water to any part of the body that comes in contact
with fuel.
2. The eyes should be thoroughly flushed with clean water.
3. If fuel is ingested, seek medical attention immediately DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING.
4. Notify supervisor immediately.
Except as noted herein the safety requirements for fire protection of NFPA 407, equivalent
recognized standard or own developed requirements that meet such criteria shall apply in
their entirety.
c. In case there is a need to refuel aircraft for maintenance tasks, there should be
designated specific areas for this operation. The location of the dry chemical fire
extinguishers should be marked clearly on the apron and inspect the units daily.
d. There should be painted lines indicating locations of the extinguishers on the ramp.
Access to extinguishers must be kept clear so that they will be readily available.
e. Do not move fire extinguishers away from the aircraft during routine fuelling/defuelling.
Note: This manual refers to Specification ATA 103 Standards for Jet Fuel Quality Control at
Airports, developed by the Air Transport Association of America which provides quality control
guidelines for fuel operations within airports and control of the supplied fuel into aircrafts.
They also recommend equipment for airport fuelling facilities, facility system checks and quick
field tests to detect various forms of contamination.
Static electricity represents a continuous danger for fuelling operations. This buildup may
appear due to friction of fuel flowing in lines or even due to freefall when samples are taken
from aircraft tanks. Bonding is required during all fuelling and defuelling operations.
Always the first action when servicing an aircraft is to connect the bonding wire and
the last to be disconnected.
The use of electrical bonding wires between the airplane and truck reduces the risks
associated with static electricity. This protection should be used when refuelling the airplane
and each time a fuel sample is being taken.
The bonding grounding wire must never be attached to any parts of an aircraft except to the
bonding points provided.
When a hydrant servicer or cart is used for fuelling, the hydrant coupler shall be connected to
the hydrant system prior to bonding the fuelling equipment to the aircraft.
Bonding and fuelling equipment shall be disconnected in the reverse order of connection.
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When more than one truck is used in fuelling an aircraft, each operator shall be responsible
for his own bonding procedure.
Should local authority requires grounding, the local procedure should be followed.
Since fuel spills may cause fire because of vapors and environmental degradation, it is
required that spills be avoided. Use only equipment, containers, hoses in proper condition and
perform strictly the applicable preventive maintenance on them.
The following procedures apply to spills of fuel on airport ramp and spills when servicing the
Since the procedures, requirements and communication may change from station to station, it
is required that all personnel have knowledge and be aware of local procedures and rules to
handle fuel spills or fire. If local procedures are more stringent than those listed by Avianca,
use them.
The person in charge shall inform the Avianca Base Manager, supervisor or representative
when a fuel spill occurs.
a. Call the fire department if there arises any condition that may cause fire.
b. Inform the crew when any spill occurs.
c. At all times maintain communication with Avianca maintenance personnel and fuel
d. If passengers are on board the airplane, they must be deplaned, if:
• The fuel flow cannot be stopped.
• The size and location of spill and surrounding conditions are judged to be hazardous.
• There is a possibility that it may ignite and fire.
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e. If there has been any spillage call the fire task group.
f. The fire department should be called for if:
• Any spillage area is above 4 sq. mts/43 sq ft, or 3 mts/9 ft length in any direction.
• The fuel flow is not stopped, e.g. if the emergency shutdown valve does not close.
• The spill area, location and surrounding conditions are dangerous.
g. All motorized equipment in the vicinity should not be operated and their engines must be
turned OFF.
h. All motorized equipment outside the vicinity should be moved away or their engines turned
i. If possible remove the fuel truck, be sure there are not any fire or ignition source.
a. Ramp cleaning: Use absorbent materials. Do not use dry brooms as they may produce
sparks due to static electricity.
b. Aircraft cleaning: Inspect all the zones and clean using an approved material or water.
This job should be done by or under the supervision of a technician.
c. Baggage cleaning: Check and clean all baggage. Do not aboard them unless it is sure all
fuel has been removed.
d. Do not turn ON the engines unless all the area has been cleaned and fuel removed. Local
airport regulations may require that permission be obtained prior to starting engines.
e. Fuel softens rubber, therefore, be certain that tires are not left standing on fuel saturated
pavement longer than absolutely necessary.
If any spill, leakage from openings or aircraft cells is noticed during fuelling, stop fuelling and
inform the maintenance personnel. Coordinate corrective actions since it may be caused by
a malfunction of tank valves or overpressure from truck fuelling system.
Initiate a complete check of fuel truck pressure control systems, aircraft fuel tanks and
accomplish an aircraft inspection if necessary.
Any incidents, reports should be addressed to local airport authorities and Avianca manager
and/or maintenance representative.
Copy of reports are to be addressed to Avianca´s Quality Division, Maintenance and
Engineering Vicepresidency.
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Avianca´s personnel and fuel supplier personnel must comply all qualification, certification
and training requirements established in this manual and in supplier´s internal procedures
manual to ensure that only proficient personnel carry out these operations.
If other local requirements exist all personnel must comply with them, as example, state
drivers licenses, use and operation of equipment, local airport authorizations, authorizations
to operate safety equipment, etc.
All Avianca´s, contracted maintenance suppliers and fuel suppliers personnel shall be trained,
every 24 months, on fuelling procedures of this manual as follows:
a. The fuel supplier personnel must be trained in the procedures, safety related items (spills
control procedure, safe driving on airport ramp, use of fire extinguishing equipment, etc.)
and applicable specifics to be followed for refuelling Avianca aircraft.
b. Avianca personnel must be trained regarding the fuelling procedures and instructions not
contained in aircraft maintenance manuals, e.g. use of fire extinguishers, except initial
training no recurrent training is required.
c. Fuel supplier personnel must be specifically trained in the operation and behavior for
emergency procedures, whenever fuelling spills may occur or fire hazards may be
d. Fuel supplier personnel must be qualified in the operation of each type of vehicle that they
will operate, at each station.
e. Fuel supplier personnel must be trained on fuelling procedures for each type of aircraft to
which is serviced at the station.
f. The technical academy hired by Avianca to train the personnel working for it´s
maintenance and fuel services providers, must keep available the training records related
to fuel handling subjects delivered to those individuals.
g. The supplier must provide training to its own personnel in the use and handling of safety
h. The supplier is responsible for assuring that all personnel involved in fuel handling is
properly trained. Training records shall be maintained available for consultation on their
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Avianca may provide training on this manual usage to the supplier’s supervisory personnel
and may authorize them to act as instructor for the remaining supplier personnel.
Training for fuel supplier personnel can also be taken virtually (CBT/ CD/ Virtual Platforms);
the control of these training records and certificates will be held in the maintenance software´s
Aviation fuel must meet the quality required as per standards established on page 1
paragraph 3 of this manual and should be clean and free of water, liquid and solid
contaminants. This means that any contaminant must be eliminated prior to servicing an
b FREE WATER: It can be seen in the fuel as a cloud, emulsion, droplets or in large
amounts at the bottom of a tank or sample container.
c ENTRAINED/DISSOLVED WATER: Dissolved water is water that has been absorbed by
the fuel. It cannot be seen and cannot be separated out of the fuel by filtration or
mechanical means. It is detected using special equipment such as Shell Water Detector,
Hydrokit, etc. (Humidity test in Avianca’s Fuel Supplier Checklist).
a) Clear and bright : This expression is applied to the test of a sample of fuel when viewed
in a clean, transparent, dry glass bottle and the bottle is swirled to create a vortex in the
sample. The sample is inspected visually against a light background to determine whether its
condition is “clear and bright.” The fuel is checked for solid visible particles and water
(including particles in reservoir walls and at bottom). The sample must have an innate
brightness and shimmer in light presence. Cloudy or opaque fuel is usually caused by free
and dissolved water, as well as by very little particles. Shake the container so that a vortex is
created. The solid contaminants, if present, tend to collect at the bottom beneath the vortex.
The test is performed by drawing a minimum of 1 quart/liter of fuel. Fuel must be “clear and
bright” in all phases of handling. More information, if required, may be found in standard
ASTM D 4176.
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b) Hydrokit: It is a "go-no go" water detector. The test consist in dissolving a reactive
powder in a volume of fuel. This reactive is sensitive to free water concentrations of about 30
PPM or more. Powder changes its color from white to pink if fuel has 30 PPM or more of
free water.
c) Aqua-glo kit: It is a compact and portable equipment used to detect water presence, it
senses the amount of free water in fuel in a wide range. It is useful to detect low
concentrations of water ranging from 0 to 30 PPM. This equipment is normally used by the
industry as a tool to evaluate water elimination, equipment performance and procedures
performed between refinery storage and aircraft refuelling adapter.
d) Metrocator kit: Is a test which may be used in detecting free water concentrations from 60
ppm down to 5 ppm. The test consists of adding pre-measured amount of water sensitive
powder to a sample of fuel. A chemically treated test disc is placed in the sample. The test
wafer or disc will have blue spots if water is present in the fuel.
e) Shell Water Detector: This test consists of a small yellow capsule, which is exposed to a
5ml fuel sample. The color of the capsule changes according to water content, and changes
to green when there is a positive indication of water contamination around 30ppm. This test
is recommended by Avianca.
Other equivalent kits commercially available may be used.
Solid or liquid contaminants may appear as result of corrosion from fuel tanks, pipelines, or
salt and dirt presence on the surrounding atmosphere. These contaminants must be removed
or filtered from the fuel but if afterwards are still present such fuel should not be used on any
Avianca´s aircraft.
Dirt usually is found in rust form due to corrosion of internal tank walls, pipelines or transport
tankers. Another form of dirt presence could be caused by particles left by pieces of cleaning
rags inside tanks, worn packing, internal hose worn rubber coatings, etc, as dust collected
during ground transportation if vents ports are not properly screened.
a. Clear and bright test: Same procedure as for water presence detection.
b. Millipore Weight test: This test measures solid contaminants weight that are gathered
in Millipore membrane. The capsule with the membrane is sent to lab to determine the
total quantity of solids contained in fuel. If needed refer to standard ASTM D 5452.
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c. Millipore Color test: It's an "in site" procedure test using Millipore membrane test
equipment. A certain quantity of fuel is passed through a Millipore membrane. The quality
of fuel is defined comparing the Millipore membrane color against the ASTM color
standard. If needed refer to standard ASTM D 2276.
Under no circumstances or reason can be used dirty or contaminated fuel in aircraft/engines.
This test measures the gravity of fuel, a significant change in gravity may indicate
contamination by another product. Fuel is transferred to a cylindrical container and a
hydrometer is carefully lowered into the cylinder and allowed to settle. After the temperature
of the sample has equilibrated, the value on the hydrometer scale positioned at the surface of
the sample and the sample temperature are recorded. The hydrometer value can be
converted to density at 15ºC using standard tables.
Prior to each aircraft refuelling operation a clear and bright test must be performed over ¼
liter sample of cistern fuel, see instructions for this test in paragraph 10.2 a). The results may
be recorded in the fuelling receipt.
The humidity test explained in paragraph 10.2 b), c), d) or e) (It is recommended the item e)
Fuel Water Detector) of this manual will be performed only if required by an Avianca
representative, technician or pilot if there are or not concerns about fuel quality. The test
results also may be recorded in the fuelling receipt.
NOTE: Millipore color tests are to performed only in filters installed in fuelling trucks, fuel
farm installations and results must be recorded and kept on file.
To prevent water accumulation a sample of fuel (follow the procedures established in the
Maintenance Manual indicated in paragraph 13.2 as applicable) from each aircraft tank must
be drained.
Draining must be accomplished before refuelling and the aircraft must have been parked at
least for 2 hours or following the AMM recommendations. Moving the airplane is not allowed.
Fuel samples must be taken using a clean, transparent, dry glass bottle recipient. Drain fuel
from each tank until the fuel that goes into the container does not contain water.
The sample must settle for one minute. Do not confuse air bubbles with foreign particles.
Shake the vessel to make a vortex, water and particles have a tendency to group in the
lower part of the vortex.
Follow these recommendations when taking the sample:
1. If during fuel drainage, dirt/particle contaminants are discovered, repeat the procedure two
times maximum over the same drainage and verify fuel condition. If dirt is discovered
again, the aircraft cannot be released and must be performed an exhaustive test of fuel
2. Between one drainage and next, discard the fuel and clean the vessel if necessary. This
allows to identify which tank is contaminated.
3. After taking a sample, verify that fuel spigots are totally closed and without fuel leaks.
Fuel removed from aircraft fuel tanks should be stored away properly identified to avoid
confusion with other fuels. This fuel can be used for other purposes as electrical generators
and tractors but it cannot be used in aircraft operations.
a. Inspect the vessel which will contain the sample and assure that is clean and dry.
b. Fill the vessel with fuel until it reaches the middle of its capacity. Take the sample
directly from supplier unit fuel line before filter/separator or in the supply nozzle. Be sure
that neither rain water or condensation go into the bottle.
c. Process the sample following manufacturer instructions.
• According to company or local rules properly dispose fuel sample.
In stations served by pits/hydrants, the contracted maintenance personnel shall check pit
cleanliness. It should be clean and free of standing water or liquids and must be cleaned prior
to refuelling if required.
The procedures from paragraphs 13.3 thru 13.5 do not supersede procedures of applicable
Aircraft Maintenance Manuals. When required refer to these instructions, note that only
qualified and licensed personnel may carry out fuel maintenance instructions.
ATR 72 :
AMM JIC 12-11-00 Pressure refuelling and defuelling
AMM JIC 12-24-28 Draining
AMM DMC-B787-A-12-11-01-02A-211A-A Pressure refuelling - Fuelling
AMM DMC-B787-A-12-11-02-01A-228A-A Fuel Tank water Removal and sampling – Drain
Avianca´s/supplier personnel shall coordinate and follow the rules described below:
h. Before initiating the fuel flow to the aircraft, Maintenance Personnel must receive
confirmation from the Ground Operations Leader or his representative that all
passengers have disembarked the airplane.
i. After fuelling has been completed, Fuel Supplier Personnel must notify Ramp Leader in
order to initiate passenger boarding.
j. Items from g) to h) are valid for Colombian airports.
k. There should be available and operative a quick release valve or deadman.
l. During the fuelling, monitor the truck quantity indicator and flowmeter. Check that the
differential pressure does not change briskly or suddenly. If it does happen stop fuelling.
m. During fuelling the differential pressure in tank truck/hydrant cart filter must not exceed 15
PSI. If it exceeds this value stop fuelling immediately. The fuelling pressure on fuelling
hose nozzle should not exceed 50 PSI. If pressure exceeds this value stop fuelling
n. When fuelling has finished, ensure that the instrument reading is the quantity required by
o. Disconnect the hose and stow it.
p. If fuelling from pits close them tightly.
q. Disconnect the bonding wire from the airplane and truck, stow it.
r. Give the receipt indicating the quantity of fuel, it should be checked for correct quantity
and signed by an Avianca employee and then delivered to flight crew.
s. Ensure that all accessories, equipment if any, are properly secured and drive away the
Avianca may require defuelling if any adjustment for maintenance or cargo is necessary. The
defuelling company and maintenance personnel should follow these rules:
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Defueled product may be reused if it is reprocessed using equipment, procedures and quality
tests approved by Avianca. Fuel may be reprocessed using fuelling or dedicated defuelling
tanker or airport fuel facility filtering system and quality control.
NOTE: If by maintenance activities are required the change of components or units in the
aircraft that may cause a significant fuel spill, the technician should:
1. Perform the aircraft defuelling in order to prevent a fuel spill, or
2. Perform a fuel transfer to the opposite tank where the maintenance activities will be
NOTE: When using this Paragraph 14, take note that there are different requirements in
different airports, e.g. safety zones, operation of equipment and electrical articles. Personnel
shall consult and must be knowledgeable on those procedures. In any case use and follow
the strongest requirements, if any, e.g. local airport authority, aircraft AMM procedures, etc.
Fuelling or defuelling is allowed with passengers or crew on board if these operations are
permitted by local airport regulations or authority. Only pressurized underwing fuelling is
permitted. These procedures are the minimum requirements and should be used only in
airports having fire and rescue departments, otherwise fuelling with passengers on board is
not allowed.
Crew personnel should be trained in directing, supervising, protecting and evacuating
passengers during fuelling operations.
The following procedures shall be used, coordinated between Avianca and supplier
a. Before starting aircraft fuelling, the fire department shall be informed of the fuelling with
passengers on board informing ramp airplane position, without being necessary their
presence unless so required by Avianca or supplier personnel.
b. The airplane passenger loading stand/stairs should be installed and free of obstacles
which may obstruct a prompt evacuation if necessary. A flight attendant must be ready at
each available exit while the fuelling operation is being done to ensure a rapid evacuation.
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c. Smoking on board the airplane is prohibited. It must be ensured that no sparking devices,
or switches producing electrical sparks are used when fuelling is being done. Notify
immediately the persons in charge of fuelling if it is observed any vapor buildup inside the
airplane or any dangerous condition.
d. Fuelling shall stop if there are electrical storms within 10 miles/16 Km from the airport or
use and follow the strongest requirements, if any, e.g. local airport, aircraft AMM
procedures etc.
e. Aircraft engines shall be turned OFF unless the aircraft maintenance manual or operations
manuals allow their operation.
f. The APU may be operating. However for specific conditions and limitations refer to aircraft
maintenance manual and coordinate actions with ramp leader and flight crew.
g. It should be kept a fuelling safety zone within a radius of 6 mts/18 ft from aircraft fuel vents
and fuel receptacle. In this zone it shouldn´t be used portable electronic devices,
cellphones, radios, etc. or devices that may be source of ignition of fire.
And within a radius of 3 mts/9 ft from the fuel vents openings it should not be positioned
aircraft servicing and maintenance equipment.
One member of flight crew should be in communication with a Maintenance technician via
a. All “no smoking” lights should be turned ON, all “fasten seat belts” lights should be OFF.
Cabin light should be enough to identify emergency exits. All emergency exit lights must
be ON until fuelling is accomplished.
b. Passenger address system should be operating, a flight attendant should make a briefing
informing passengers that a refuelling operation will start and brief on safety instructions to
be followed in case of emergency, as follows:
1.- It is not permitted to fasten seat belts and smoking is strictly prohibited.
2.- It is not allowed use of mobile telephones, electronic equipment during the
3.- Emergency exits should be identified. They should be the ones opposite to the
side where fuelling is carried out. Emergency exits and doors should be armed and
the flight attendants should be monitoring that they not become obstructed.
c. At each emergency exit to be used there should be an flight attendant trained and
qualified in these operations.
d. Disabled people should be accommodated as required to facilitate a prompt evacuation .
e. All aircraft electrical systems not necessary for fuelling operations should be OFF before
starting of fuelling.
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SECCIÓN 1 May 31, 2018
El manual de procedimientos de combustible es complementario al MGM, este define los
estándares y procedimientos a ser seguidos cuando se realicen procesos de
reabastecimiento de combustible de aeronaves para asegurar que el combustible entregado
a la flota de Avianca está libre de contaminantes, cumpla con los estándares de combustible,
especificaciones del avión y cumpla con los requerimientos regulatorios.
Los proveedores de combustible deberán cumplir con el contenido de este manual pero ello
no los releva de cumplir con sus propios procedimientos internos.
El cumplimiento de ciertos procedimientos de este manual requiere estrecha coordinación
con el personal de apoyo en tierra y de operaciones de vuelo. Las funciones y
procedimientos de estas áreas se encuentran en los documentos Airport Services and
Ground Handling Handbook - Manual de servicios aeroportuarios y operaciones en tierra, y
Flight Operations Manual Bulletins - Boletines del Manual de Operaciones de Vuelo.
El combustible entregado a las aeronaves de Avianca debe ser el recomendado por las
especificaciones aplicables de la aeronave (Hoja de Datos del Certificado Tipo, Manual de
Mantenimiento o Manual de Vuelo del avión). Las aeronaves son tanqueados con
combustible JET A ó JET A1 que cumplen con el estándar ASTM D-1655, revisión vigente.
Para cumplir el estándar de calidad de combustible el proveedor deberá cumplir con los
requisitos de este manual en adición a sus procedimientos internos.
Los proveedores locales colombianos cumplirán con las normas técnicas colombianas, NTC
de Manejo de turbocombustibles de aviación, NTC 4642-Almacenamiento, NTC 4517-
Transporte y NTC 4643-Reabastecimiento de combustible en aeronaves. Adicionalmente, los
estándares y especificaciones de la API, ASTM u otros estándares equivalentes reconocidos
de la industria pueden ser usados.
Los proveedores internacionales deben cumplir con los estándares API, ASTM u otros
estándares equivalentes reconocidos por la industria.
El turbocombustible puede ser irritante para los ojos y piel y tóxico si es ingerido. Se debe
evitar al máximo el contacto con la piel y ojos y evitar respirar los vapores.
La manipulación y uso de equipos y materiales para realizar las pruebas requeridas por este
manual debe ceñirse a las guías y recomendaciones de seguridad de los respectivos
1. Lave inmediatamente con jabón y abundante agua la piel afectada por el contacto con
2. Los ojos deben ser lavados con abundante agua limpia.
3. Si se ingiere combustible busque inmediatamente asistencia médica y NO INDUZCA A
4. Informe inmediatamente al supervisor.
a. En cada puerto de embarque para aeronaves de fuselaje angosto debe estar disponible al
menos un (1) extintor de polvo químico seco modelo 150BC con clasificación no menor a
80B y con capacidad mínima de 125lbs de agente o equivalente.
b. En cada puerto de embarque para aeronaves de fuselaje ancho deben estar disponibles al
menos dos (2) extintores modelo 350BC de polvo químico seco con clasificación no menor
a 160 B y con presión mínima de 300 lbs de agente o equivalente. Cuando dos o más
puertos para aeronaves de fuselaje ancho sean contiguos los extintores pueden estar
ubicados en la mitad entre ambas posiciones y a una distancia no mayor a 300 pies/91
mts entre ellos.
c. Si por necesidades de mantenimiento es necesario abastecer la aeronave, esta operación
debería efectuarse en un área designada. La ubicación de los extintores de polvo químico
debe marcarse en la zona y los extintores deben ser revisados diariamente.
d. La ubicación de los extintores debería estar demarcado en la rampa. El acceso a los
extintores debe estar libre de obstáculos para permitir fácil acceso a ellos.
e. No retire los extintores de los aviones cuando se realice abastecimiento o
Nota: Este manual hace referencia a la especificación Specification ATA 103 Standards for
Jet Fuel Quality Control at Airports, desarrollado por la Asociación de Transportadores
Aéreos americanos, Air Transport Association of America, el cual provee guías para el control
de calidad de operaciones con combustible en aeropuertos y control de calidad del
combustible entregado a los aviones. Además se dan recomendaciones para equipos en
plantas de combustible de los aeropuertos, inspecciones de instalaciones y pruebas de
campo para detectar distintas formas de contaminación.
Los cables de antiestática deben ser conectados solo a los puntos dispuestos para ello en
cada modelo de aeronave.
Cuando se use un carro hidrante para el abastecimiento de combustible, el acople del carro
hidrante debe conectarse al sistema hidrante antes de conectar el cable de estática del carro
hidrante al avión. El cable de antiestática y las mangueras deben ser desconectados en el
orden inverso a la conexión.
Los derrames de combustible pueden ser origen de incendios debido a los vapores y también
provocan daños ambientales, por ello los derrames deben ser evitados. Use solo equipos,
contenedores, mangueras en buen estado y que sean mantenidos de acuerdo al programa
de mantenimiento preventivo.
a. Realiza las acciones requeridas para detener el derrame, corta las válvulas del avión.
b. Revisa el sistema de combustible del avión y corrige las discrepancias que se presenten.
c. Si el técnico está en comunicación por interfono debe notificar inmediatamente a la
tripulación o personal calificado que está a bordo del avión.
g. Ningún equipo motorizado debe ser operado en las inmediaciones y los motores deben
ser apagados.
h. Todos los equipos motorizados por fuera del área afectada deben ser alejados o sus
motores apagados.
i. Si es posible retire el carrotanque pero asegúrese que no haya o se originen fuentes de
Si se observa alguna fuga, derrame de los tanques del avión o de los equipos durante el
abastecimento, detenga el tanqueo e informe inmediatamente al personal de mantenimiento.
Coordine las acciones correctivas ya que estas fallas pueden ser causadas por defectos de
las válvulas de los tanques o sobrepresión del sistema del carrotanque.
Haga un chequeo completo del sistema de control de presión de carrotanque, de los tanques
de combustible y efectúe inspecciones a la aeronave en caso necesario.
Los reportes de cualquier incidente deben ser enviados a las autoridades aeroportuarias
locales y al supervisor/gerente o al representante de mantenimiento de Avianca.
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El personal de Avianca y del proveedor de combustible deben cumplir con todos las
requisitos de entrenamiento, calificación y certificación establecidos en este manual y en los
procedimientos internos del proveedor para asegurar que únicamente personal capacitado
realice estas operaciones.
Si existen otras regulaciones locales, todo el personal deberá cumplirlas, por ejemplo tener
licencias de conductor de carrotanques, autorización de uso y operación de equipos,
autorizaciones locales del aeropuerto, autorizaciones para uso de equipos de emergencia,
a. AGUA LIBRE: Este tipo de contaminación puede verse como nubosidad, emulsión, gotas
o en grandes cantidades en el fondo del recipiente de la muestra.
b. AGUA EN SOLUCIÓN: Esta es agua disuelta que ha sido absorbida por el combustible.
Esta condición no puede ser detectada visualmente y el agua no puede ser separada del
combustible por filtración o medios mecánicos. Esta contaminación se detecta usando
detectores como el Shell Water Detector, Hydrokit, etc. (esta prueba se denomina
Humidity test en la lista de chequeo de proveedores de combustible de Avianca).
paredes y el fondo del recipiente). La muestra debe ser brillante y transparente a la luz. Si el
combustible es opaco o nuboso, esto comúnmente es causado por el agua libre y disuelta
como también debido a partículas muy pequeñas. Agite el recipiente para formar un remolino
y si hay contaminantes sólidos estos tienden a depositarse en el fondo del remolino.
Esta prueba se realiza en 1 litro o ¼ de litro de combustible. El combustible debe ser claro y
brillante en todas las etapas de su uso. Mayor información sobre este test se puede
encontrar en el estándar ASTM D 4176.
b) Hydrokit: Esta es una prueba “pasa o no pasa”. El test consiste en disolver un polvo
reactivo en un volumen de combustible. El reactivo es sensible a concentraciones de agua
de 30 PPM ó más. El polvo cambia su color de blanco a rosado si el combustible tiene 30
PPM o más de agua.
c) Aqua-glo kit: Este kit compacto y portátil es usado para detectar presencia de agua en
un rango muy amplio. Permite detectar bajas concentraciones de agua desde 0 a 30 PPM.
Este kit es usado por la industria para evaluar la eliminación de agua, la performance de los
equipos y de los procedimientos de manejo y control de combustible usados entre la refinería
hasta su entrega al avión a la salida del carrotanque.
d) Metrocator kit: Este kit se puede usar para detectar concentraciones de agua desde 60
PPM hasta 5 PPM. El test consiste en agregar una cantidad determinada de un polvo
reactivo al agua a una muestra de combustible. Un disco circular tratado químicamente se
coloca en la muestra. El disco tendrá manchas azules si hay presencia de agua en el
e) Shell water detector: Este test consiste en pasar por 5 ml de combustible una pastilla de
color amarillo, de acuerdo a la cantidad de agua la muestra cambia de color a color verde si
hay contaminación por agua hasta 30 ppm. Esta prueba es recomendada por Avianca.
Los contaminantes sólidos o líquidos pueden surgir por corrosión en los tanques de
combustible, tuberías, ductos, sal o suciedad en el medio circundante. Estos contaminantes
deben ser removidos o filtrados del combustible pero si aún así quedan residuos este
combustible no debe ser usado en las aeronaves de Avianca.
trapos, residuos de sellantes, así como polvo recogido durante el transporte si las tapas de
acceso no son debidamente cerrados.
a. Prueba claro y brillante: Es el mismo procedimiento como en la detección de agua.
b. Prueba Millipore de peso: En esta prueba se pesan los residuos sólidos que se
acumulan en la membrana de Millipore. La cápsula con la membrana es enviada al
laboratorio para determinar la cantidad total de sólidos en el combustible. Para mayor
información refiérase al estándar ASTM D 5452.
c. Prueba Millipore de color: Esta es una prueba de campo usando el kit de membrana
Millipore. Esta prueba consiste en pasar una cantidad determinada de combustible a
través de la membrana de Millipore. La calidad del combustible se define comparando el
color de la membrana contra un estándar de colores de la ASTM. Si es necesario
refiérase al estándar ASTM D 2276.
En ningún caso se debe usar combustible contaminado o con suciedad en los
Esta prueba mide la gravedad del combustible ya que un cambio significativo de esta puede
ser indicio de contaminación con otro producto. En esta prueba se llena con combustible un
recipiente cilíndrico y cuidadosamente se introduce un hidrómetro, la muestra debe estar en
calma. Cuando la temperatura de la muestra se haya equilibrado se registran los valores de
la escala del hidrómetro en la superficie de la muestra y la temperatura de la muestra. Este
valor se puede convertir a densidad a 15ºC usando tablas estándares.
Antes de cada reabastecimiento del avión se debe realizar una prueba de claro y brillante a
una muestra de ¼ de litro de combustible del carrotanque. Vea las instrucciones para esta
prueba en el parágrafo 10.2 a). El resultado puede ser registrado en la factura.
La prueba de humedad de los parágrafos 10.2 b),c),d) o e) (Se recomienda e) Shell Water
Detector) de este manual debe ser realizado si es solicitado por un representante de
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Avianca, técnico o piloto haya o no haya duda sobre la calidad del combustible. El resultado
se puede registrar en la factura.
NOTA: Las pruebas de Millipore color se efectúan únicamente para los filtros instalados en
los carrotanques e instalaciones de combustible y los resultados deben registrarse y
Para prevenir la acumulación de agua se debe drenar una muestra de combustible de cada
tanque del avión. Como guía se mencionan referencias del Manual de Mantenimiento del
avión en el parágrafo 13.2 de este manual.
El drenaje debe ser efectuado antes del reabastecimiento y la aeronave debe haber estado
parqueado por lo menos dos horas o siga las recomendaciones del AMM. No se permite
mover la aeronave.
Las muestras se deben tomar en un recipiente limpio, transparente, de vidrio. Drene
combustible de cada tanque hasta que salga combustible sin agua si lo hay.
La muestra debe asentarse por un minuto. No confunda burbujas con partículas sólidas
externas. Agite el recipiente para formar un remolino, el agua y partículas tienden a
agruparse en la parte inferior del remolino.
2. Entre cada drenaje, arroje el combustible y limpie el recipiente como sea necesario. Esto
permite identificar el tanque contaminado.
3. Luego de tomar las muestras verifique que las válvulas están cerradas completamente sin
fugas de combustible.
Esta prueba se realiza usando los kits indicados en el parágrafo 10.2 b), c), d), e) etc.
a. Inspeccione el recipiente para tomar la muestra y asegúrese que está limpio y seco. Llene
el recipiente con combustible hasta la mitad de su capacidad. Tome la muestra desde la
línea del equipo de suministro antes del filtro separador o en la boquilla de salida.
Asegúrese que no ingrese agua condensada o agua lluvia a la muestra.
b. Procese la muestra de acuerdo a las instrucciones del fabricante.
• Siguiendo las regulaciones locales o de la compañía disponga correctamente de la
• Nunca abandone en la rampa los kits usados.
b. Los vehículos que suministren combustible (e.g. carros hidrantes, carrotanques) deben
aproximarse al avión desde atrás, sin embargo, pueden hacerlo desde el frente si hay
mucha congestión en rampa.
c. Al acercar el vehículo de suministro de combustible, asegure que se hace un
acercamiento lateral oblicuo. Parquee el vehículo en posición oblicua y ponga los frenos.
En caso de falla de los frenos el vehículo debe configurarse de forma que no vaya a
ocasionar daños al avión. El vehículo de suministro de combustible debe estar parqueado
de tal forma que en caso de emergencia este pueda ser retirado rápidamente. Las
posibles vías de retiro deben estar despejadas de equipos de tierra y vehículos.
d. Asegúrese que hay extintores y que están fácilmente disponibles para uso inmediato.
Cada carrotanque debe tener al menos dos extintores tipo 20B.
e. Conecte el cable de antiestática entre el avión y el vehículo de suministro de combustible
f. El proveedor de mantenimiento contratado por Avianca debe asignar a un mecánico para
que confirme que la lectura del medidor esté en 0000 (ceros) y que se efectúe el
procedimiento de aceptación de la calidad del producto.
Nota: Bajo ninguna circunstancia el abastecimiento o desabastecimiento de combustible
puede realizarse dentro de un hangar según lo dispuesto en el RAC 13.520 (c). Quien
incumpla esta regla afrontará las sanciones consignadas en la parte del RAC previamente
En estaciones atendidas por pits/hidrantes, el del proveedor de mantenimiento contratado
deberá comprobar la limpieza de los pits/hidrantes. Los pits/hidrantes deben estar limpios y
libres de agua empozada u otros líquidos y si es necesario debe ser limpiado antes del
A318/A319/A320 y A330:
AMM 12-11-28 Abastecimiento a presión
AMM 12-32-28 Drenaje de agua
AMM DMC-B787-A-12-11-01-02A-211A-A Abastecimiento a presión
AMM DMC-B787-A-12-11-02-01A-228A-A Drenaje de agua de los tanques de combustible
– Drenaje de líquidos
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NOTA: Cuando se cumpla este Parágrafo 14, se debe tener en cuenta que distintos
aeropuertos pueden tener diferentes requerimientos. Por ejemplo pueden tener diferentes
límites de zonas de seguridad, de operación de equipamiento y equipos eléctricos, entre
otros. El personal debe conocer y consultar los procedimientos locales aplicables y en todo
caso se deben seguir y cumplir los procedimientos y requerimientos más exigentes, si los
hay, entre los distintos procedimientos existentes, ya sea de las autoridades aeroportuarias
locales, procedimientos del AMM, etc.
Los siguientes procedimientos deben ser cumplidos, coordinados entre Avianca y el personal
del proveedor: