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Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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1 A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS

2 Q1 Amandeep Singh a , Surinder Singh b,∗
3 Department of ECE, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Jalandhar, India
4 Department of ECE, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab, India

16 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
8 Article history: This paper presents a novel printed monopole antenna with defective ground structure for world-
9 Received 9 April 2014 wide interoperability for wireless communication. The basic design comprises of a monopole patch
10 Accepted 25 September 2014 with co-planar ground plane which exhibits the impedance bandwidth (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of 3.18 GHz
11 (from 3.32–6.50 GHz) and the peak gain throughout the frequency band is 4.5 dB. The initial design
12 Keywords: is further modified to enhance the impedance bandwidth and gain by employing a defective ground
13 CPW
structure in the co-planar ground plane of the monopole patch. The measured bandwidth for return
14 Impedance bandwidth
loss S11 ≤ −10 dB is 2.44–2.58 GHz and 3.5–8.85 GHz which cover all the WLAN (2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz) bands,
15 DGS
WiMAX (2.5/3.5/5.5 GHz) bands and point to point (5.925–8.5 GHz) high speed wireless applications as
per ECC and FCC frequency standards. The experimental and simulated results of a novel CPW-fed (co-
planar waveguide) printed monopole antenna with DGS (defective ground structure) are reported here.

© 2014 Published by Elsevier GmbH.

17 1. Introduction is attached beneath the radiating patch which comes through the 37

ground plane and substrate material. 38

18 The latest advancement in the field of wireless communica- This construction disrupts the conformability of antenna with 39

19 tion technology, particularly in the area of data communication a device which results into manufacturing complexity. In this con- 40

20 and voice communication have moved towards the performance text, CPW-fed planar monopole antennas are a good choice because 41

21 enhancement of the wireless gadgets. The wireless research com- of their low profile, light weight, simple structure, good radiation 42

22 munity has observed this as a vast opportunity to develop wireless characteristics, easy integration with active devices and edge fed 43

23 devices to communicate in the unlicensed band, just after an connector assembly. 44

24 announcement of ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) unlicensed fre- Evolution research has been done in the respective field of 45

25 quency band by the regulatory body FCC (Federal communications broadband antennas. Numerous researchers investigated several 46

26 commission). The development of the futuristic wireless commu- antenna designs: Nui et al. [1] demonstrated a broadband copla- 47

27 nication devices focuses on reduction in size, wider bandwidth for nar waveguide (CPW) fed bow-tie slot antenna to achieve an 48

28 increase in data rate. In this context, antenna design plays a major impedance bandwidth of 37%. Lin et al. [2] presented a wideband 49

29 role and it should be of simple structure, miniaturized and multi- CPW fed patch antenna and achieved a resonance bandwidth in 50

30 band/wide bandwidth. Lots of techniques to design the broadband the frequency range of 1.6–1.84 GHz. Wu [3] reported a wide- 51

31 antennas have been recommended like planar inverted-F anten- band dual-frequency CPW-fed triangular monopole antenna for 52

32 nas (PIFAs), slotted patch antennas, aperture coupled stacked patch DCS and WLAN applications. Shanmuganantham et al. [4] proposed 53

33 antennas and planar monopole antennas. However, in the utiliza- a CPW-Fed slot antenna with a measured impedance bandwidth 54

34 tion of such kind of antennas, a severe problem occurs due to large of 52% (4.27–7.58 GHz) by improving the impedance characteris- 55

35 ground plane on the other side of substrate exactly opposite to the tics. Cui et al. [5] developed a new triple-band CPW-fed monopole 56

36 radiating patch which increases the cost. Secondly, a coaxial probe antenna for WLAN and WiMAX applications with a trapeziform 57

ground plane. Gunavathi et al. [6] presented a broadband CPW- 58

fed flower shaped exciting stub band-notched monopole aperture 59

antenna. Sujith et al. [7] proposed the architecture of a compact 60

∗ Corresponding author at: Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technol-
CPW-fed uniplanar antenna which can be utilized for multi- 61
ogy, Longowal, District Sangrur, Punjab, India. Tel.: +91 9417589632;
fax: +91 1672253117. band wireless applications. Pourahmadazar et al. [8] reported a 62

E-mail address: surinder [email protected] (S. Singh). broadband CPW-fed circularly polarized square slot antenna with 63
1434-8411/© 2014 Published by Elsevier GmbH.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
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2 A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Geometry of a proposed CPW-fed monopole patch antenna.

Fig. 1. Initial geometry of a CPW-fed monopole patch antenna.

dielectric material separated by two narrow slits from the ground 105

planes laid down parallel to the strip on both sides. 106

Fig. 1 represents the initial antenna geometry to analyse 107

64 inverted-L strips. Nouri et al. [9] demonstrated a simple and the novel design of the CPW fed monopole patch antenna. The 108
65 compact UWB printed monopole antenna with filtering charac- enhanced antenna geometry comprises of ‘+’ shape defects in the 109
66 teristic by employing shovel-shaped defected ground structure. ground plane as shown in Fig. 2. The basic design of Fig. 1 is trans- 110
67 Ray et al. [10] proposed a wideband L-shaped printed monopole ferred to antenna design of Fig. 2 to obtain the specified band of 111
68 antenna with wide impedance bandwidth over 4.7 GHz. Wang frequencies with a justified return loss, VSWR and gain character- 112
69 et al. [11] proposed a CPW-fed open-slot antenna for multiple istics. Initially, the CPW fed patch of Fig. 1 is designed and analysed 113
70 wireless communication systems. Krishna et al. [12] designed for the required range of frequencies. 114
71 the ultra wideband trapezoidal shape slot antenna with circular Further, this basic design is modified to enhance the bandwidth 115
72 polarization. Ramin et al. [13] presented a novel single-layer dual and the return loss at resonant frequencies by employing defective 116
73 band-notched printed circle-like slot antenna. Chitra et al. [14] ground structures to the CPW ground plane. The dimensions of the 117
74 presented a double L-slot broadband microstrip patch antenna basic as well as proposed antenna design are mentioned in Table 1. 118
75 for WiMAX and WLAN applications by introduction of pair As shown in Fig. 3, the proposed antenna is fabricated and ana- 119
76 of L-slots on the coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed microstrip lysed with FR4 epoxy substrate with dielectric strength (εr ) of 4.4, 120
77 patch antenna. Koohestani et al. [15] presented a new compact loss tangent of 0.02 and 1.58 mm thickness. The final proposed 121
78 coplanar-fed antenna suitable for polarization diversity in ultra design comprises of Dh1 , Dh2 , Dh3 , Dw1 , Dw2 and Dw3 structures in 122
79 wideband applications. The demand of the wireless multimedia the ground plane. The effect of this structure is elaborated in detail 123
80 devices with higher throughput shall be increased in near future in Section 3. 124
81 [16,17]. The frequency standards being followed at present are
82 IEEE802.11.a (5.150–5.350 GHz, 5.725–5.825 GHz), IEEE802.11.b
83 (2.400–2.484 GHz), WLAN (2.4–2.484 GHz, 5.15–5.35 GHz and Table 1
84 5.725–5.825 GHz) bands, WiMAX (2.5–2.69 GHz, 3.4–3.69 GHz and Design parameters of proposed antenna.
85 5.25–5.85 GHz) bands. In this paper, a simple and novel monopole
Antenna design Initial CPW fed antenna Proposed CPW fed
86 patch antenna design fed by CPW feed surrounded by the coplanar
parameters antenna
87 ground plane is proposed. Some of the antenna characteristics are
h 18 mm 18 mm
88 improved by employing the defects in the ground plane. The cost
h1 12 mm 12 mm
89 of manufacturing can be diminished by using CPW feed scheme. h2 8 mm 8 mm
90 Further analysis through the simulations and experimentations of h3 1 mm 1 mm
91 the proposed antenna design for WLAN (2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz) bands, h4 1 mm 1 mm
92 WiMAX (2.5/3.5/5.5 GHz) bands and point to point (5.925–8.5 GHz) h5 2 mm 2 mm
h6 2.3 mm 2.3 mm
93 high speed wireless applications are discussed in Section 2.
W1 10.77 mm 10.77 mm
W2 10.77 mm 10.77 mm
W3 2.3 mm 2.3 mm
94 2. Antenna design W4 3.5 mm 3.5 mm
W5 2 mm 2 mm
fL 13 mm 13 mm
95 The schematic configuration of the initial unipole antenna
FW 3 mm 3 mm
96 design is represented in Fig. 1. Co-planar waveguide feed is utilized S 1 mm 1 mm
97 for the proper impedance matching and other important features. g 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
98 A coplanar waveguide is planar transmission architecture and also GW 13 mm 13 mm
99 treated as a type of strip transmission line. Earlier, it was devel- GL 12 mm 12 mm
Dh1 NA 5 mm
100 oped to use only for transmitting microwave signals but now it Dh2 NA 2 mm
101 has become popular for planar microstrip antennas. The conduc- Dh3 NA 2 mm
102 tive ground planes and one planar conductive strip are contributed Dw1 NA 2 mm
103 to the formation of CPW feed. Simply, it can be stated that a CPW Dw2 NA 2 mm
Dw3 NA 3 mm
104 formation comprises of a metallic strip placed on the surface of a

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
G Model
A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 3. Fabricated prototype of a proposed CPW-fed monopole patch antenna.

Fig. 5. Return loss versus operating frequency plot of initial CPW-fed monopole
125 3. Results and discussion antenna with ‘g’ variations.

126 This section analyses each and every aspect of the proposed return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) values of −7.5 dB, −17.7 dB, −29 dB and 153
127 antenna design for wideband. The sweep frequency to analyse −19 dB respectively. It is observed that with S = 0.7 mm an addi- 154
128 the several considerable parameters with reference to the antenna tional resonant frequency results at 2.44 GHz as shown by the blue 155
129 design ranging between 1 GHz and 10 GHz. Initially, the CPW fed triangled line in Fig. 4 and the return loss value of the main band 156
130 monopole patch antenna as shown in Fig. 1 is analysed. Separation enhanced upto −29 dB at 5.43 GHz which is maximum as compared 157
131 ‘S’ between the coplanar ground plane and the monopole patch to previous values. The bandwidth contributed by the main band is 158
132 and the gap ‘g’ between the feedline and coplanar ground plane are 3.16 GHz (3.32–6.48 GHz) which is further increased as compared 159
133 very essential component in deciding the performance of antenna. to S = 1 mm and S = 1.3 mm separation. All the results of ‘S’ parame- 160
134 The optimum value of ‘S’ and ‘g’ is obtained by iterative trials within ter variation are tabulated in Table 2 for more lucidity. 161
135 some range as reported in Figs. 4 and 5 so that antenna can perform Fig. 5 represents the variation in return loss characteristics and 162
136 well within the specified range of frequencies. resonant frequencies by varying the gap ‘g’ between the CPW feed- 163
137 Fig. 4 represents the variation in return loss and resonant fre- line and coplanar ground plane as shown in Fig. 1. Basic antenna 164
138 quencies by varying the separation ‘S’ between the CPW ground geometry of Fig. 1 is analysed by varying the values of ‘g’ in ran- 165
139 plane and the monopole patch. The antenna design is analysed by ging from 0.2 mm to 0.8 mm. When the gap value ‘g’ is chosen to be 166
140 varying the separation ‘S’ parameter value between 0.7 mm and 0.2 mm, it exhibits the resonant frequencies of 3.53 GHz, 5.43 GHz 167
141 1.3 mm. When the ‘S’ value is chosen to be 1.3 mm the antenna and 8.38 GHz at return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) values of −18.7 dB, 168
142 resonates at frequencies 3.89 GHz, 5.43 GHz and 8.39 GHz with −15.9 dB and −19.18 dB respectively. 169
143 return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of −20 dB, −25 dB and −13.41 dB respec- At the ‘g’ value of 0.2 mm, the antenna offers a bandwidth of 170
144 tively. The bandwidth of main frequency band Exhibits 2.66 GHz 2.79 GHz (3.16–5.95 GHz) as represented by the black squared line 171
145 (3.40–6.06 GHz) as shown by the black squared line of Fig. 4. If the in Fig. 5. With the variation in ‘g’ value from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm, 172
146 ‘S’ value is chosen to be 1 mm, the antenna resonates at frequencies the antenna is resonate at frequencies 2.44 GHz, 3.89 GHz, 5.43 GHz 173
147 3.89 GHz, 5.64 GHz and 8.39 GHz with the corresponding return loss and 8.38 GHz for the return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) values of −7.5 dB, 174
148 (S11 ≤ −10 dB) values of −15.8 dB, −21 dB and −20 dB. The main fre- −17.7 dB, −29 dB and −19 dB respectively. The corresponding 175
149 quency band exhibits the bandwidth of 2.98 GHz (3.50–6.48 GHz) bandwidth with main band obtained is 3.18 GHz (3.32–6.50 GHz) 176
150 as shown by the red circled line in Fig. 4. Further, when the ‘S’ as represented by the red circled plot of Fig. 5. Moreover, if the ‘g’ 177
151 value is selected to be 0.7 mm, the antenna design resonates at value is further increased to 0.8 mm then the antenna of Fig. 1 res- 178
152 frequencies 2.44 GHz, 3.89 GHz, 5.43 GHz and 8.38 GHz with the onates at frequencies of 3.89 GHz, 5.85 GHz and 8.38 GHz with the 179

return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of −11 dB, −17 dB and −16 dB respec- 180

tively. The bandwidth represented by the main band is 2.6 GHz 181

(3.70–6.30 GHz) as shown by the blue triangled plot of Fig. 5. 182

Table 2
Effect of variation of ‘S’ parameter value on antenna performance.

Variation of ‘S’ Resonant Return loss Bandwidth of

(mm) frequencies (dB) main band

1.3 2.44 NA
3.89 −20 (3.40–6.06)
5.43 −25 2.60 GHz
8.39 −13.41

0.1 2.44 NA
3.89 −15.8 (3.50–6.48)
5.64 −21 2.98 GHz
8.39 −20

0.7 2.44 −7.5

3.89 −17.7 (3.32–6.48)
Q4 Fig. 4. Return loss versus operating frequency plot of initial CPW-fed monopole
5.43 −29 3.16 GHz
antenna with ‘S’ variations. (For interpretation of the references to color in text, the
8.38 −19
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
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4 A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Table 3 Table 4
Effect of variation of ‘g’ parameter value on antenna performance. Comparison of analytical and simulated frequencies.

Variation of ‘g’ Resonant Return loss Bandwidth of hi (mm) εref f Analytical Simulated
(mm) frequencies (dB) main band frequency (GHz) frequency (GHz)
18 2.7 2.53 2.44
0.2 2.44 NA 12 2.7 3.80 3.89
3.53 −18.7 (3.16–5.95) 8 2.7 5.70 5.48
5.43 −15.9 2.79 GHz
8.38 −19.18

0.35 2.44 −4.93 4. Analytical validation 203

3.74 −19 (3.32–6.20)
5.43 −21 2.88 GHz
8.38 −19
Fig. 6 represents the S11 characteristics of initial monopole 204

antenna design in which the resonances occurred at 2.44 GHz, 205

0.25 2.44 −7.5
3.89 GHz, 5.48 GHz and 8.38 GHz. In these resonant frequencies first 206
3.89 −17.7 3.32–6.50
5.43 −29 3.18 GHz three resonances are the fundamental frequencies, values of which 207

8.38 −19 can be decided by the different heights of the monopole antenna 208

i.e. h, h1 , and h2 as shown in Fig. 1. The fourth resonant frequency is 209

0.65 2.44 NA
3.92 −14.16 (3.53–6.48) the shortest wavelengths present in the structure due to tapering. 210

5.85 −20 2.95 GHz The theoretical analysis of fundamental resonant frequencies is 211
8.38 −17
0.8 2.44 NA fr =  (1) 212

3.89 −11 (3.70–6.30)

4 × hl εreff
5.85 −17 2.60 GHz
8.38 −16 where v = velocity of light; fr = resonant frequency; hl = height of the 213

monopole antenna = h, h1 , h2 ; εreff = effective dielectric constant of 214

substrate. 215

In this approximate theoretical analysis of the proposed 216

antenna, the effective dielectric constant is approximated to 217

183 It is observed from the analysis of ‘S’ and ‘g’ parameter that these
(εr + 1)/2 for a CPW monopole antenna where the substrate has a 218
184 parameters should be restricted to S = 0.7 mm and g = 0.5 mm. At
lesser internment of the electric field. The validity of the theoretical 219
185 these values of ‘S’ and ‘g’, the CPW fed monopole antenna design
and simulated values of frequencies is tabulated in Table 4. 220
186 of Fig. 1 represents four main resonant frequencies with the band-
187 width of 3.18 GHz and maximum return loss of −29 dB. Therefore,
188 S = 0.7 mm and g = 0.5 mm are the optimum values for this partic- 5. Implantation of DGS 221

189 ular antenna. For more lucidity, the results of S11 with variation of
190 ‘g’ parameter are tabulated in Table 3. Defective ground structure (DGS) cells have resonant property 222

191 Antenna design of Fig. 1 is finally analysed after setting the by nature. This property of DGS is mostly useful to develop the fil- 223

192 design parameters and the corresponding return loss character- ter circuits. The DGS also plays a very important role in designing 224

193 istics are presented in Fig. 6. It is obvious from Fig. 6 that this of microstrip patch antenna. The bandwidth of antenna is usu- 225

194 antenna resonates at 2.44 GHz, 3.89 GHz, 5.48 GHz and 8.38 GHz ally measured through all the frequencies at S11 ≤ −10 dB. In some 226

195 with the return loss (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of −7.8 dB, −17.7 dB, −29 dB and antenna design, all the S11 plot is not below −10 dB threshold level 227

196 −19 dB respectively. Further, it represents a narrow band width at between the minimum and maximum resonating frequencies of 228

197 2.44 GHz (few MHz), a moderate bandwidth at 8.38 GHz (1.25 GHz) the proposed antenna as shown in Fig. 6. It represents a moder- 229

198 and a wide bandwidth at resonant frequency 5.48 GHz which is ate bandwidth of 1.25 GHz at 8.38 GHz and a wide bandwidth of 230

199 approximately 3.18 GHz ranging from 3.32 GHz to 6.50 GHz. The approximately 3.18 GHz ranging from 3.32 GHz to 6.50 GHz. The 231

200 return loss achieved at 2.44 GHz is −7.8 dB and the maximum region where antenna reflects most of the input signal in the region 232

201 return loss achieved is −29 dB in the wideband at 5.48 GHz resonant between 6.50 and 7.57 GHz is and hence reduced in bandwidth. 233

202 frequency. Now, we need to develop a resonator to make this frequency range 234

useful. 235

The defect implanted in the ground plane disturbs the current 236

distribution in the ground plane. The line capacitance and induct- 237

ance of the transmission line are changed due to this disturbance 238

and hence the change in characteristics. This resonator can be 239

developed by implanting DGS in the ground plane. 240

Various shapes could be etched in the microstrip to form a unit 241

DGS. The equivalent circuit of the unit DGS is represented by a par- 242

allel combination of L (inductance) and C (capacitance) as shown in 243

Fig. 7. 244

Fig. 6. Return loss versus operating frequency plot of initial monopole antenna. Fig. 7. Equivalent parallel resonant circuit of a unit DGS.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
G Model
A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 9. Simulated and experimental return loss versus operating frequency plot of
modified CPW-fed monopole antenna. (For interpretation of the references to color
Fig. 8. Simulation result of S-parameters of simple rectangular and ‘+’ shape DGS in text, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

3.89 GHz, 5.57 GHz and 8.38 GHz is shifted downwards the thresh- 283
245 The physical dimensions of the DGS affect the equivalent circuit old value of −10 dB. Due to this shift of overlap area, the bandwidth 284
246 parameters. The equivalent circuit parameters of the DGS section enhances from 3.18 GHz to 5.5 GHz (3.50–9 GHz) and the return 285
247 should be extracted as: loss of main frequency band at resonant frequency increased upto 286
248 Equivalent reactance of the DGS is −32 dB. The return loss at frequency 2.6 GHz is also increased upto 287

jωL × (1/jωC) jωL −22 dB as shown by the triangled black plot in Fig. 9. 288
249 jXLC = = (2) The proposed antenna geometry is fabricated after simulation
jωL + (1/jωC) 1 − ω2 LC 289

fitment of all necessary parameters. The fabricated antenna design 290

1 as shown in Fig. 3 is tested with the help of vector network ana-
250 ωo2 = (3) 291
LC lyzer ranging between 10 MHz and 20 GHz, ZVM 3.52, Sr – 100200 292

251 XLC = (4)
ωo C((ωo /ω) − (ω/ωo ))
252 C= (5)
2Zo (ωo2 − ωc2 )
253 L= (6)
ωo2 C
254 where XLC = equivalent reactance of DGS; ωo = pole frequency of
255 filter; ωc = cut-off frequency of filter.
256 With reference to Fig. 6, it has been observed that we need to
257 develop a filter whose cut-off frequency should lie in the range
258 of 7–8 GHz. Initially, a CPW-fed simple rectangular slot DGS of
259 length = 12.5 mm, width = 2.16 mm is used to investigate the fre-
260 quency characteristics of the DGS section. The DGS unit section has
261 been simulated for S11 and S12 of which the results are shown in
262 Fig. 8.
263 It is observed from Fig. 8 that the cut-off frequency obtained by Fig. 10. Simulated and experimental VSWR versus operating frequency plot of mod-
264 rectangular slot DGS is 8.2 GHz and pole frequency is 11.7 GHz. This ified CPW-fed monopole antenna.
265 frequency response is as per our requirement but the length of this
266 rectangular slot defect is 12.5 mm where the ground plane length
267 of the proposed antenna is 12 mm. Therefore, it is very difficult to
268 accommodate this structure in the proposed antenna design. Fur-
269 thermore, it has already been observed by Ref. [18] that any shape
270 of slot can be used as DGS for the equal area of slot. Hence, the struc-
271 ture of plus shape having almost same area is opted of which the
272 return loss results are shown in Fig. 8. It is observed that the cut-off
273 frequency is slight reduced for plus shape DGS and pole frequency is
274 enhanced due to increase in inductance value. The following results
275 are evaluated as in Table 5.
276 The final effects of this ‘+’ shape DGS are observed in Fig. 9. It is
277 observed that the return loss value is shifted below −10 dB thresh-
278 old in the frequency range of 6.50–7.57 GHz as per requirement.
279 By introducing defective ground structures in the proposed
280 antenna geometry, the input impedance of antenna is matched with
281 the feed point impedance. With this proper impedance matching, Fig. 11. Simulated and experimental gain versus operating frequency plot of mod-
282 the overlap area of the frequency bands of resonant frequencies ified CPW-fed monopole antenna.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
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6 A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Table 5
Represents the rectangular and ‘+’ shape DGS slots.

DGS Dimension fc (GHz) fo (GHz) Cp (pf) Lp (nH)

Rectangular slot Area = 27 mm2 (length = 12.5 mm, width = 2.16 mm) 8.2 11.7 0.187 0.989
‘+’ Shape slot Area = 28 mm2 7.49 12 0.135 1.303

293 of which the experimental results are represented in Fig. 9. It is Fig. 10 represents another important input parameter which 306

294 very much obvious from the return loss plot of simulated and mea- tells us about the input impedance matching of the antenna 307

295 sured antenna design that the measured values almost follow the design and feed point. If the antenna is not properly matched 308

296 simulated curve and exhibits a slightly less bandwidth of 5.35 GHz with the feed point then a major portion of the incident signal 309

297 (3.5–8.85 GHz) as compared to simulated results. The return loss is reflected back which causes the existence of voltage stand- 310

298 of the main frequency band is increased to −39 dB and return loss ing waves in the feed wire. Due to this, very few radiations are 311

299 at 2.6 GHz is decreased to −11 dB as denoted by red triangled plot emitted by the antenna because only small portion of incident 312

300 in Fig. 9. It is also noticed that a small shift in resonant frequen- signal is accepted. Ideally, the value of VSWR should be equal 313

301 cies is occurred. This slight shift occurred due to fabrication error to 1 means 100% power is accepted with zero reflection. Practi- 314

302 of proposed antenna because it has a miniaturized geometry and it cally, the VSWR value can be tolerable to ‘2’, but few researchers 315

303 is not easy to maintain the odd values of parameters. Soldering pro- recommend even a VSWR value of ‘2.5’. Whereas our proposed 316

304 cess and soldering temperature also plays an important role while antenna exhibits VSWR value 1–2 throughout the required band 317

305 soldering the SMA connector to the antenna. (3.5–9 GHz). The experimental value of VSWR is also represented 318

Fig. 12. 2D radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at different frequencies in the E() plane.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
G Model
A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

Table 6
Overall performance of the proposed antenna for different wireless standards.

Antenna performance CPW-fed monopole patch antenna

WLAN WiMAX Point-to-point high speed

wireless applications

2.4 GHz 5.2 GHz 5.8 GHz 2.5 GHz 3.5 GHz 5.5 GHz 6.2 GHz 6.85 GHz 8.2 GHz

Return loss (dB) −7 −15.18 −39 −12.50 −9.95 −19 −17.62 −13.08 −10.55
Gain (dB) 7.5 8.8 10.2 7.8 8.4 9.6 10.8 10.4 5.7

Table 7
Comparisons of results with other published work.

References Dimensions (mm3 ) fr (GHz) 10 dB BW (GHz) Gain (dB)

[3] 2169 1.71/5.62 2.19 5.6

[4] 2667 5.9/6.2/6.26/6.41 3.31 4
[5] 480 2.4/2.5/3.5/5.2/5.5/5.8 1.93 2.73
[10] 6717.75 2.5/4.0 4.7 5.5
[14] 1653.6 3.5/5.2/5.5 3.20 5
[19] 2400 2.6/3.5/4.44 1.67 5
[20] 2704 2.45 1.04 2.3
Our work 1516.8 2.5/3.5/5.2/5.5/5.8/6.2/6.85/8.2 5.5 10.2

Fig. 13. 2D radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at different frequencies in the H(ϕ) plane.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),
G Model
8 A. Singh, S. Singh / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

319 in Fig. 10 which justify that measured value follows the simulated demonstrates the novelty of the proposed antenna. The compar- 373

320 value. ison of different parameters as dimensions of proposed antenna, 374

321 Fig. 11 represents the simulated and measured gain versus oper- resonant frequencies, absolute bandwidth and gain with other pub- 375

322 ating frequency plot of the proposed antenna. This is very important lished work is presented in Table 7. Q2 376

323 to consider the gain values at the resonating frequencies because It is obvious from Table 7 that the proposed antenna is exhibiting 377

324 sometimes the antenna shows a good value of return loss and VSWR a good agreement of antenna parameters i.e. it resonates at more 378

325 but it does not confirm that the antenna is a good radiator unless number of frequencies with an absolute bandwidth of 5.5 GHz and a 379

326 and until we check the gain values at those resonant frequencies. maximum gain value of 10.2 dB (at WLAN frequency). The proposed 380

327 The difference in the simulated and measured gain increases more antenna is reduced in size as compared to other works except ref- 381

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Please cite this article in press as: Singh A, Singh S. A novel CPW-fed wideband printed monopole antenna with DGS. Int J Electron
Commun (AEÜ) (2014),

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