Re 4
Re 4
Re 4
Date of Submission: Monday 13th May 2019 Student Name: Bonnie Riley
Year Level Unit Title Salvation Topic Aspect of Human Development
4 4.2: Lent/ Easter Lent/ Easter People show love and forgiveness
Overview – explanation of the content of the unit and how it explores the Salvation Topic and development of the Human Person
The content of the unit is split into key understandings and learning points of three topics taught sequentially and in order: Human Person, Jesus and Church.
The Human Person Topic enables students to identify and relate to the key understanding and learning points from their own context as a Human Person. As
relating is fundamental in students engaging and connecting with the Topic, learning activities that involve sharing with others, personal contexts and
exploring our experiences in relation to the topic are used in the unit. The terminology required to achieve a sound understanding of the salvation topic
(Lent/ Easter) such as ‘forgiveness’ and ‘mercy’ are explored in depth by enabling the students to reflect on their own experiences to consolidate their
understanding and use the terms in new and different contexts. Students discover, through interactive, relevant and meaningful activities that reflect
theories such as Gardiner’s Multiple Intelligences and cooperative learning, that people can show love and forgiveness.
The Jesus topic explores three key understandings that together position students to recognise that because God always forgives and Christ Jesus forgave, so
too can we. This topic is taught with lots of interactive learning opportunities for students to familiarise themselves with the content with the intention of
applying the lessons learnt into their daily life such as: role playing forgiveness and creating posters that explain how to forgive and ask for forgiveness from
others. Students explore the significance of Ash Wednesday in order to carry out Lenten promises and practice forgiveness, mercy and love during the Lent
The Church topic incorporates the Spiritual and Corporal acts of Mercy and how, during Lent, these acts are focussed on as they help make the world
become a better place. Lent follows the lead up to Easter. An important element of this understanding the significance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Students participate in activities such as a mini stations of the cross QR code hunt alongside creating and reflecting on artwork to foster a deeper
understanding of the true meaning of Lent/Easter.
The religious, spiritual and general capabilities have been embedded into the learning activities. In each lesson, the key understanding and the targeted
learning point is highlighted. The assessment for each lesson directly correlates to the learning point. As each lesson provides an opportunity to informally
assess students level understanding/ achievement of a learning point, an assessment spreadsheet is referred to and cited as a means of the teacher ensuring
their assessments are on track and each child and their journey through religious education is being noted and fostered.
Key Understandings and Learning Points
4. Followers of Jesus focus on love, mercy and 6. The Church focuses on the Crucifixion of Jesus
forgiveness during Lent on Good Friday
a) Lent is a time for people to reflect on how a) The main focus for the Church on Good
they have been merciful and how they can Friday is the Crucifixion of Jesus
show mercy to others b) The Veneration of the Cross on Good
b) Jesus taught his followers how to show Friday
love and mercy to people c) We can ‘take up our own crosses’ in a way
that focuses on God’s love, mercy and
Links to General Capabilities
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical behaviour Personal Intercultural
Creative Thinking Competency Understanding
As a part of my teaching philosophy, I firmly believe that students connect with the content when they have the opportunity to practice and apply it. Through
learning by doing, I feel as though my students are positioned to understand and connect with the learning points in a way that can be applied outside of the
classroom. In the hopes that students will participate and engage in key discussions and share experiences, so too will I when talking about my own Lenten
promises and how I plan to carry it out as a model for the students. In doing this, the students are positioned to feel as though nothing is being asked of them
that their teacher isn’t willing to do also. This encouragement of sharing is further fostered through small group and whole class displays of activities relating
to Lent/ Easter.
The Catholic Church believes that by loving one another, the disciples imitate the love of Jesus which they themselves receive (Catechism of the Catholic
Church, 1993, 1823). Through the progression of the learning and teaching sequence, students are scaffolded with identifying love, mercy and forgiveness,
what they look, sound and feel like, why they should act in accordance and how they can demonstrate love, mercy and forgiveness.
The Catholic Church believes that Justice involves respecting the rights of each person and to establish harmony that promotes equity and leads one to
common good (CCC, 1807). This notion of justice is explored in regards to showing mercy and love for others even if they have been hurt or offended in
some way as when people show mercy and forgive others, they make their own and others’ lives more peaceful.
Fortitude, in regards to perseverance in difficulties in the pursuit of goodness (CCC, 1808), is embedded in the lessons as students make and follow through
with their Lenten promises. In a similar way, temperance is exercised by students being positioned to find balance and the goodness in situations and people
(CCC, 1809).
Faith is fundamental for salvation (CCC, 1816). As the unit of work explores forgiveness, love and mercy, the religious capability of faith is nurtured through
students understanding the need for genuity and sincerity in asking for forgiveness. Similarly, the religious capability of Charity is exercised and fostered
through exploring the Spiritual and corporal acts of Mercy is which through participating in acts of mercy or describing them, students understanding of
charity is nourished.
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
People show love and People show love and People show love and People show love and People show love and
1 forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
Introduction (5 mins) Introduction (5 mins) Introduction (10 mins) Introduction (5 mins) Introduction (5 mins)
Think pair share- Ask the Explore using a power point • KWL chart- complete the ‘K’ • Kagan ‘Pair- share’ activity Using a two column comparison
students to think about what (appendix 1.2) of images that and ‘W’ sections of what on the terms ‘forgiveness’ chart, record students ideas of
love is to them, How do people people show love for others ‘forgiveness’ and mercy’ mean. and ‘mercy’. Students “What happens when people
show love for others? (1.a). whenever they do something that • Read the story ‘I am extremely explain what they think, show mercy and forgiveness to
Students share with their is good for them (1.a). Encourage absolutely boiling’ by Lauren their partners paraphrase it others” and what happens
partners. The teacher asks one students to make connections to Child. (appendix 1.4) then swap roles. when you don’t.
partner what their partner each point from their own life. Ask • Discuss that even though it can • Explain what it means to
shared and brainstorms it on the students Why do people be hard, we need to forgive forgive and show mercy to Body (20 mins)
the board. sometimes have to say ‘No’ to others even when they aren’t a person using posters Put students into groups of 4-5.
people that they care for?. Think- sorry to stop anger and create (appendix 1.5). Each group is given a situation
Body(20 mins) Pair-Share answers. peace in ourselves. (1.d,e). card (appendix 1.6). Students
Split the class into small Body (15 mins) create a role play that shows
groups. Give each group a Y Body (20 mins) Body (10 mins) • Explore how we ask for how the situation can play out
chart, and each student a Explain that sometimes people who In small groups, students forgiveness and how to without forgiveness and mercy
different colour (appendix 1.1). love others say no (1.b) and make brainstorm what happens when accept it (body language, and with it (1.d,e and f).
Students write their names on us do things that are unpleasant people show mercy and forgiveness words, tone, sincerity etc.) Students perform and peer
the back in that colour and but for our own good as it comes to others on A3 pieces of paper. (1.d,e and f). assess verbally.
contribute to the Y chart of from a place of love and care (1.c). What this looks like, sounds like and • Students make posters in
what love looks, feels and Put up a ‘love’ sign on one side of feels like for the person asking for Conclusion (5 mins)
small groups demonstrating
sounds like to them. (1.a). the room and ‘not love’ sign on the the forgiveness and the person who how to ask for forgiveness Community circle discussion on
other. Call out situations and ask forgives. (1.f). Put these up as a and how to accept it. how our lives become more
Conclusion (5 mins) the kids to go to the part of the classroom display. peaceful when we show mercy
Invite students to share some classroom they think represents Conclusion (10 mins) and forgiveness.
of the things they wrote down. the situation, students justify their Conclusion (10 mins) • Students present their
Give student a sticky note and reasons (appendix 1.3) Students complete a journal entry Evaluation and Assessment
posters to the class. Hang
ask them to write down one in their RE books about • Formative feedback
the posters up outside
way they can show love to their Conclusion (5 mins) a) how they can show forgiveness throughout the lesson and
classroom/ around the
family and to their friends. Inside-outside circle activity where and mercy to others (1.d,e). role plays
the students share times in their b) why it’s important to show • Peer assessment, after
Evaluation and Assessment life how ‘no’ and doing unpleasant mercy and forgiveness (1.f). Evaluation and Assessment each performance,
Informal anecdotal notes, work things have been acts of love. (1.b, • Informal anecdotal notes students give a glow and a
sample (Y-chart) and exit slip- c). Evaluation and Assessment from discussions with the grow.
sticky note used to determine Informal discussions, observations children about their • Observations, anecdotal
student’s achievement of Evaluation and Assessment and work samples will contribute to reasoning and decisions notes and discussions with
learning points (1.a). Add notes Informal anecdotal notes and learning points 1. d, e and f. Notes when creating the poster students will contribute to
to 4. 2 Assessment observations of the childrens’ (work sample). Notes will learning points 1. d, e and
responses during mat session and will be transferred to 4. 2 be transferred to 4. 2 f. Notes will be transferred
wall activity on learning points 1. a, Assessment Spreadsheet. Assessment Spreadsheet. to 4. 2 Assessment
b and c. Add notes to 4. 2 Spreadsheet.
Assessment Spreadsheet.
Please note: The assessment can be found by using this link
PLANNED RITUAL - 1 planned ritual that supports the learning that has occurred in the unit of work.
Please note: The planned ritual can be found by using this link
PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT- 5 slides from presentation, notes for each slide, prayer, discussion topic, information handout, potential
Please note: The information can be found by using this link
APPENDIX – copies of resources used in lesson plans: Bible passages, worksheets, resource sheets, learning activities.
Please note: The information can be found by using this link
Allison Low. (2016). Corporal and spiritual works of mercy. [video file]. Retrieved from
Borg, Fr. B., Kelly, Dr. G., Lucas, Fr. B. (2012). Celebrating with children: Volume l resources. Australia: St Pauls Publications Australia
Catechism of the Catholic Church. (1992). Part two: The celebration of the Christian Mystery. Retrieved from
Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns. (2019). Parent engagement. Retrieved from
Catholic Education Western Australia. (2019). 4.2 Lent/Easter. Retrieved from
Child, L. (2009). I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling (Charlie and Lola). New York, USA: Grosset & Dunlap
Darton, Longman and Todd. (1985). New Jerusalem Bible. India: Gopsons Papers Ltd.
DLTK's Bible Stories for Children. (1998). Jesus Cures the Paralysed Man. Retrieved from
Foley, J. B. (2010). One bread one body. [video file]. Retrieved from
Lauren Daigle. (2016). Lauren Daigle - Power To Redeem (Deluxe Sessions). [video file]. Retrieved from
OBD Films. (2014). How do I confess?. [video file]. Retrieved from
Managan, M. (2012). Michael Managan- create a new heart in me. [video file]. Retrieved from
Managan, M. (2016). This is the time. [video file]. Retrieved from