Fluid Mech PDF
Fluid Mech PDF
Fluid Mech PDF
(iv) ldealandrealfluid
2. (a) Explainthephenomenaofbuoyancy. 5
(b) Discuss the limitations ofBern.oulli's equation. 5 7. (a) Explain the terms •Mach angle', •Mach line' and
'Mach cone'. 3x2
(c) A horizontal bend in p~_peline conveying water gradu-
ally reduces from 0.6 m to 0.3 m diameter and (b) Explain briefly the theory of oblique shocks. 4
deflects the flow through an angle of 600. At the larger
end, the gauge pressure is 171.675 k:N/m2• Deter- (c) How is shock wave produced in a compressible
mine the magnitude and direction offorce exerted on fluid ? What do you mean by the term 'shock
the bend when the flow is 0.875 m 3/s. 10 strength'? 10
3. (a) DeriveNavier-Strokesequationofmotionforasteady, 8. (a) Describe, with a neat sketch, the working of a pitot -
incompressible, constant viscosity fluid. 10 static tube. 10
(b) Derive; by the first principle, an expression for the (b) The pressurized tank shown in Fig. I has a circular
average velocity in Couette flow with a pressure cross-section 2 m in diameter. Oil is drained through
~ent. 10 a nozzle 0.08 min diameter in the side of the tank.
Assuming that the air pressure is maintained con-
4. (a) What is a boundary layer? Explain, with a neat stant, how long does it ~e to lower the oil surface in
sketch, the development of boundary layer over a the tank by 2 m ? The specific weight of the oil in the
smooth flat plate. 10 tank is 0.75 t/m3 and thatofmercury is 13.6 t/m3• 10
6. (a) Define mixing length and explain its importance in the Mercury_} Oil
analysis ofturbulent flow through pipes. 10
S'13: 5 FN: MC 404 (1497)
Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A~
ANYTWOfron1 Group Band ALL from Group C.
Group A
3. (a) Estab Iish a relation for the average and maximum (b) A plate of0.3 m lonf is placed at zero angle ofinci-
velocity for one-dimensional viscous flow of fluid dence in a stream o 15 oc water moving at 1 m/s.
Find the st:teamwise velocity.component at the mid-
between two fixed parallel plates. 8 point ofthe boundary layer, the maximum boundary
(b) What do you mean by momentum correction factor layer thickness and the maximum value of the
normal component of velocity at the trailing
and kinetic energy correction factor? 4 edge of the ~late. Given : For water at 15 oc,
p= 1000kglm and J.1 = 4.16 kg/hr. 10
(c) A straiQ:ht stretch of horizontal nine of 5 em dia-
meter ~as used in the laboratoryt~ {neasure the vis-
cosity of a crude oil of specific weight 9000 N/m 3 •
6. (a) Find an expression for mass rate of flow of com-
pressible fluid through an orifice or nozzle fitted to a
During the test run, a pressure differential of 18000
large tank. What is the condition for maximum rate
N/m2 was recorded from two pressure gauges 6
of flow?
located 6 m apart on the pipe. The oil was allowed
to discharge into a weighing tank and 5000 N of oil (b) Write basic equations (continuity, momentum and
was collected in 3 min daration. Work out dyna.rnic energy) for a control volume having normal shock
viscosity ofthe oil.
J.-.' 8 wave. 6
~- (a) Show, for viscous flow through a circular pipe. the (c) A large tank contains air at 28.449 N/cm2 gauge
velocity distribution across the section is parabolic. pressure and 24 oc temperature. The air flows from
Also, show that the mean velocity is equal to the the tank to the atmosphere throufm an orifice. If the
one-halfthe maximum velocity. 8 diameter of the orifice is 2 em, md the maximum
rate of flow of air. TakeR= 287 J/k§-K, k = 1.4,
(b) Explain the concept ofboundary layer and define atmospheric pressure= 10.104 N/cm . 8
thickness of boundary layer. 4
7. (a) Analyse the flow past a source-sink pair in a uni-
(c) In a stream of oil of specific gravity 0.95 and kine- form flow. Externd the analysis to study the limiting
matic viscosity 0.92 stoke moving at 5. 75 m/s, a case of a doublet in uniform flow. What is the cngi'"
plate of500 mm length and 250 mm width is placed neering significance ofthe whole analysis? 10
W'12: 5 FN: MC 404 (1497)
Group A
3. (a) Derive an expression for shear stress and velocity (b) A smooth pipe ofdiameter 80 mm and 800 mm long
distribution for a flow of viscous fluid through a carries water at the rate of 0.480 m3/min. Cal-
circular pipe. 8 culate the loss ofhead, wall shearing stress, centre
line velocity, velocity and shear stress at 30 mm from
(b) An oil of viscosity 0.1 N s/m2 and relative density pipe wall. Take kinematic viscosity ofwateras0.015
0.9 is flowing through a circular pipe of diameter stokes. Take the value of coefficient of friction 'f
50 mm and of length 300 m. The rate of flow of fromtherelationgivenas f == 0.0791/(ReY' 4 , where
fluid through the pipe is 3.5litre/s. Find the pressure Re is the Reynold number. 10
drop in a length of300 m and also the shear stress
at the pipe wall. 6 6. (a) Derive an expression for area velocity relationship
for a compressible fluid flo~ing through the nozzle in
(c) Determine the (l) pressure gradient, (iz) shear stress
at the two horizontal parnllel plates, and (ili) discharge
the form dA/ A= dV IV[M 2 -1], whereA =area, v=
velocity) and M =Mach number. Using the above
per meter width for the laminar flow of oil with a equation, sketch the shape of nozzle and diffuser. 12
maximum velocity of2 m/s between two horizontal
parallel fixed plates which are 100 mm apart. Given (b) Determine the exit velocity and mass flow rate for
J' t'- "') A<:'l.C l\.T~Jn-.2
,,,."TJ~.J J.,~.a.a..a.,.
6 isentropic flow of air truough a nozzle from inlet
stagnation condition of7 bar and 320 octo an exit
4. (a) Define (z) boundary layer, (ii) boundary layer thick- pressure of 1.05 bar. The exit area is 6.25 cm2 • Also,
ness, (iil) displacement thickness, and (iv) momen- determine the throat area. Assume y =1.4.
tum thickness. 4x 2 8
S'l2: 5 FN :MC 404 (1497) ( 2) ( Conti~ued ) S'l2: 5 FN :MC 404 (1497) (3 ) (Turn Over)
7. (a) Explain, with examples, (i) vortex flow, (ii) forced (c) velocity at a point.
vortex flow, and (iii) free vortex flow. 3x 2
(d) discharge.
(b) Define velocity potential :fimction and stream func-
tion. 2+2 (iiz) The point about which a floating body starts oscilla-
(c) A point P (0.5,1) is situated in the flow field of a
ting, when the body is tilted, is called ·
doublet ofstrength 5 m2/s. Calculate the velocity at
this point and also the value of the stream func- (a) centre of pressure.
tion. 10
(b) centreofbuoyancy.
8. (a) What is a venturimeter ? Derive an expression
for the rate of flow offluid through it. 10 (c) centre ofgravity.
(b) An orifice meter, with orifice diameter 10 em, is (d) metacentre.
inserted in a pipe of20 em diameter. The pres-
sure gauges fitted upstream and downstream of (iv) The local acceleration in the direction ofx is given
the orifice meter gave readings of 19.62 N/cm2 by
and 9.81 N/cm2 , respectively. Coefficient of
discharge for the meter is given as 0.6. Find the au au
discharge ofwater through pipe. 10 (a) u-+-
ox at
.Groupe (b) -ou
9. Writethecorrectanswerforthefollowing: 20 X 1 u-
(z) Poise is the unit of
(d) None of the three above.
(a) massdensity.
S'l2: 5 FN :MC 404 (1497) (4 l (Continued) S' 12: 5 FN :MC 404 (1497)) ( 5 ) (Turn Over)
(vi) The ratio ofinertiaforcetoviscous force is lmown (x) Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water
as column is
(a) Reynoldnwnber. (a) 7.5m
(b) Froudenwnber. (b) 8.5m
(c) Mach number. (c) 9.81 m
(d) Eulernumber.
(d) 10.30m
(vii) For supersonic flow, ifthe area of flow increa-
ses then (xi) The pressure difference between inside and out-
side of a droplet of water is given by
(a) velocitydecreases.
(a) 2 cr/d
(b) velocity increases.
(b) 4cr/d
(c) velocity is constant.
(viii) The boundary layer takes place (d) None of the three above.
(a) for ideal fluids. (xii) Stream lines and path lines always coincide in