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The Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian National Movement: Iftikhar Arshad

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Volume III, Issue I, January 2014 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540

The Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian National

Iftikhar Arshad
Assistant Professor, Department of Arts (History),
Prabhu dhan Degree College, Bhorugram

Abstract: Gandhiji's Role in the National Movement or Gandhi went there to lead the struggle of the peasants and
Methods adopted by Mahatma Gandhi to make the Indian was successful to get them relief.
National Movement a mass movement. Gandhiji's role in the
National Movement of India was undoubtedly the most In Kheda district of Gujarat, most of the crops were
remarkable. Front 1919 to 1947 A.D. The father of the
damaged due to excessive rain. The peasants of Kheda
Nation. Mahatma Gandhi was one of these great men who
dedicated their whole life to the service of the mankind. In demanded from the government that they should be
this review paper we studied about Role of Mahatma Gandhi allowed not to pay the revenue for that particular year.
in Indian National Movement and major movement for The government, however, refused. Gandhi started a
Independence by Mahatma Gandhi. Satyagraha movement on 22 March, 1918 and advised the
peasants not to pay revenue. Many peasants participated
I. INTRODUCTION in the movement. But the government refused to budge.

It was a test for the new method of agitation which

M ahatma Gandhi was born on October 2.1869 A.D.
in a trading family of porbander, a small town in
Kathiawara. His full name was Mohan Das Karam Chand
Gandhi was trying in India. The agitation continued for
some time. But Gandhi realised that it was not possible
Gandhi and his father was the Diwan of Rajkot. for the peasants to continue for long. Meanwhile, the
He went off to South Africa after marriage and worked as government granted some concession to the poorer
barrister there for twenty years. In South Africa, he had peasants.
his first brush with apartheid. Once while he was traveling
in a train, he was thrown out of the first class The movement was then withdrawn. In Ahmedabad,
compartment despite having a ticket. This made him Gandhi led the struggle of the workers for an increase in
swear that he would do his best to erase apartheid from the wages due to rising prices during the War. After a
the face of his world. He went back to India only to find protracted struggle, the workers were able to get 35%
that his own country was being ruled by the British and raise in their wages.
his fellow citizens were being treated harshly by the
British. The struggles demonstrated to the Indian people Gandhi‟s
Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle Like other method of political struggle and his principles of non-
great men in history, Gandhi took his time to grow and violent non-cooperation. They, on the other hand, helped
develop his techniques to ensure that his actions made an Gandhi to familiarise himself with the Indian situation and
impact. His faith in different religions was commendable. understand the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian
His listened to the teachings of Christianity with the same people. They also attracted many political workers who
belief and faith he read the Hindu scriptures with. were to prove valuable in the future struggles.
Gandhi arrived in India on 9 January, 1915. Initially, he
spent a year visiting various places in India to have an Gandhi's vision of a free India based on religious
understanding of the situation. His political engagement pluralism, however, was challenged in the early 1940s by
started in the 1917-18 period when he took up the issues a new Muslim nationalism which was demanding a
of Champaran indigo farmers, the Ahmedabad textile separate Muslim homeland carved out of India.
workers and the Kheda peasants. Eventually, in August 1947, Britain granted
independence, but the British Indian Empire was
These struggles witnessed his specific method of partitioned into two dominions, a Hindu-majority India
agitation, known as Satyagraha, which had earlier and Muslim Pakistan. As many displaced Hindus,
developed in the South African context and through which Muslims, and Sikhs made their way to their new lands,
he was partially successful in achieving his goals. religious violence broke out, especially in the Punjab and
Bengal. Eschewing the official celebration of
In Champaran, which was in North Bihar, the indigo independence in Delhi, Gandhi visited the affected areas,
planters were forcing the peasants to grow indigo even attempting to provide solace. In the months following, he
when it was not profitable for the peasants to do so. In undertook several fasts unto death to promote religious
fact, the peasants were suffering losses by cultivating harmony. The last of these, undertaken on 12 January
indigo in their most fertile lands. Gandhi was invited by 1948 at age 78 also had the indirect goal of pressuring
the peasants to lead their struggle against the indigo India to pay out some cash assets owed to Pakistan. Some
planters who enjoyed the support of the colonial state. Indians thought Gandhi was too accommodating.

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Volume III, Issue I, January 2014 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, assassinated of all bad habits. Salt march mainly known as Salt
Gandhi on 30 January 1948 by firing three bullets into his Satyagraha which began with Dandi march in the year
chest at point-blank range. 1930. This movement was an essential part of Indian
Independence movement and non-violent resistance
against tax. Gandhiji led this Dandi march with lot of
On the 24th day, he vowed to produce more salt without
His services rendered to the cause of India's freedom are paying any tax and soon he broke the law for salt, which
unforgettable, which can be enumerated below. sparked outrage among Britishers. After this, Gandhiji
A. The Satyagrah Movement was arrested and this news gained a lot of attention in the
One of his major achievements in 1918 were the
Champaran and Kheda agitations – a movement against Gandhi‟s each and every act was based on his principles
British landlords. The farmers and peasantry were forced and his path of non-violence.
to grow and cultivate Indigo, and were even to forced to
sell them at fixed prices. Finally, these farmers pledged to E. Quit India Movement:
Mahatma Gandhi and non-violent protest took place.
Wherein Gandhiji won the battle. In August 1942, Gandhiji launched the Quit India
Movement (“Bharat Chhodo Andolan”). A resolution was
Kheda, in the year 1918 was hit by floods and farmers passed on 8 August 1942 in Bombay by the All India
wanted relief from tax. Using non-cooperation as his main Congress Committee, declaring its demand for an
weapon Gandhiji used it in pledging the farmers for non- immediate end of British rule. The Congress decided to
payment of taxes. Gandhiji got much public support and organize a mass struggle on non-violent lines on the
finally in May 1918, Government gave the provisions widest possible scale. Gandhiji‟s slogan of „Do or Die‟
related to tax payment. („Karo ya Maro‟) inspired the nation. Every man, women
and child began dreaming of a free India.
B. Khilafat Movement:
The government‟s response to the movement was quick.
Gandhiji in the year 1919 approached Muslims, as he The Congress was banned and most of its leaders were
found the position of Congress was quite weak and arrested before they could start mobilizing the people. The
unstable. Khilafat Movement is all about the worldwide people, however, were unstoppable. There were hartals
protest against the status of Caliph by Muslims. Finally and demonstrations all over the country. The people
Mahatma Gandhi had an All India Muslim Conference, attacked all symbols of the British government such as
and became the main person for the event. This movement railway stations, law courts and police stations. Railway
supported Muslims to a great extent and the success of lines were damaged and telegraph lines were cut. In some
this movement made him the national leader and places, people even set up their independent government.
facilitated his strong position in Congress party. Khilafat The movement was most widespread in Uttar Pradesh,
movement collapsed badly in 1922 and throughout their Bihar, Bengal, Bombay, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.
journey Gandhiji fought against communalism, but the Places such as Ballia, Tamluk, Satara, Dharwar, Balasore
gap between Hindus and Muslims widened. and Talcher were freed from British rule and the people
there formed their own governments.
C. Non-cooperation Movement
The British responded with terrible brutality. The army
One of the first series of non violent protests nationwide was called out to assist the police. There were lathi-
was the non cooperation movement started by Mahatma charges and firing at the unarmed demonstrators. Even old
Gandhi. This movement officially started the Gandhian men and children were shot dead while taking part in
era in India. In this freedom struggle, the non cooperation processions. Protestors were arrested and tortured and
movement was basically aimed at making the Indians their homes raided and destroyed. By December 1942,
aware of the fact that the British government can be over sixty thousand people had been jailed.
opposed and if done actively, it will keep a check on
them. Thus, educational institutions were boycotted, The few leaders who had escaped arrest went into hiding
foreign goods were boycotted, and people let go off their and tried to guide the mass movement. Among them were
nominated seats in government institutions. Though the Jai Prakash Narayan, S M Joshi, Aruna Asaf Ali, Ram
movement failed, Indians awakened to the concept of Manohar Lohis, Achyut Patwardhan and Smt Sucheta
going against the British. Kripalani.

D. Salt Satyagraha Movement - Dandi march The Indians suffered greatly throughout the Second World
War. There was a terrible famine in Bengal in AD 1943 in
Salt March was an active movement carried out in the which over thirty lakh people died. The government did
year 1930. Gandhiji started focussing on expanding little to save the starving people.
initiatives against untouchability, alcoholism and removal

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Volume III, Issue I, January 2014 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
F. India Independence [5] Brown (1991), p. 380: "Despite and indeed because of his
sense of helplessness Delhi was to be the scene of what he
called his greatest fast. ... His decision was made suddenly,
After the Quit India Movement the freedom struggle got though after considerable thought – he gave no hint of it even
even more intense and passionate. Entire India was united to Nehru and Patel who were with him shortly before he
together in the movement for freedom. Everyone announced his intention at a prayer-meeting on 12 January
1948. He said he would fast until communal peace was
contributed what they could in the freedom struggle. The
restored, real peace rather than the calm of a dead city
cry of Purna Swaraj or complete independence was raised. imposed by police and troops. Patel and the government took
After much sacrifices and efforts, India gained its the fast partly as condemnation of their decision to withhold a
independence on the 15th August, 1947. considerable cash sum still outstanding to Pakistan as a result
of the allocation of undivided India's assets, because the
hostilities that had broken out in Kashmir; ... But even when
III. CONCLUSION the government agreed to pay out the cash, Gandhi would not
break his fast: that he would only do after a large number of
Above we studied about role of Mahatma Gandhi in important politicians and leaders of communal bodies agreed
to a joint plan for restoration of normal life in the city.
Indian National Movement.
Although this six-day fast was a considerable physical strain,
Gandhiji made social report a part of the programme of during it Gandhi experienced a great feeling of strength and
the nationalist movement. His greatest achievement in the peace."
field of social reform was the campaign against inhuman [6] Cush, Denise; Robinson, Catherine; York, Michael (2008).
Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Taylor & Francis. p. 544. ISBN
institution of untouchability which had degraded millions
978-0-7007-1267-0. Retrieved 31 August 2013. Quote: "The
of Indians. His other achievement was in the field of apotheosis of this contrast is the assassination of Gandhi in
cottage industries. He saw in the charkha, the spinning 1948 by a militant Hindu nationalist, Nathuram Godse, on the
wheel, the salvation of the village people and its basis of his 'weak' accommodationist approach towards the
new state of Pakistan." (p. 544)
promotion became part of the congress programme.In
[7] www.india.com/top-n/gandhi-jayanti-top-5-movements-for-
addition to infusing people with the spirit of nationalism it independence-by-mahatma-gandhi-162192/
provided employment to millions and created a large [8] www.iloveindia.com/history/modern-history/role-of-
group of people who were ready to throw themselves into gandhi.html
[9] www.preservearticles.com/201012271756/quit-india-
the struggle and court imprisonment. The charkha became
so important that it eventually became a part of the flag of [10] www.historytuition.com/swaraj_to_complete_independence/
the Indian National Congress. gandhiji_contribution.html

Gandhiji devoted himself to the cause of Hindu-Muslim

unity .He regarded communalism as anti-national and
inhuman. Under his leadership the unity of the nationalist
movement was secured and the people worked hard for


[1] Analyse the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom

movement of India by JYOTI
[2] Role of Gandhi in the Indian National Movement by Kanu D
[3] Khan, Yasmin (2007). The Great Partition: The Making of
India and Pakistan. Yale University Press. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-
300-12078-3. Retrieved 1 September 2013. Quote: "the
Muslim League had only caught on among South Asian
Muslims during the Second World War. ... By the late 1940s,
the League and the Congress had impressed in the British
their own visions of a free future for Indian people. ... one,
articulated by the Congress, rested on the idea of a united,
plural India as a home for all Indians and the other, spelt out
by the League, rested on the foundation of Muslim
nationalism and the carving out of a separate Muslim
homeland." (p. 18)
[4] Khan, Yasmin (2007). The Great Partition: The Making of
India and Pakistan. Yale University Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-
300-12078-3. Retrieved 1 September 2013. Quote: "South
Asians learned that the British Indian empire would be
partitioned on 3 June 1947. They heard about it on the radio,
from relations and friends, by reading newspapers and, later,
through government pamphlets. Among a population of
almost four hundred million, where the vast majority lived in
the countryside, ..., it is hardly surprising that many ... did not
hear the news for many weeks afterwards. For some, the
butchery and forced relocation of the summer months of 1947
may have been the first they know about the creation of the
two new states rising from the fragmentary and terminally
weakened British empire in India." (p. 1)

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