Biomechanic's Practice - Velocity in Sprinting

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Record your times in the spaces below.
10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
2.50 seg 4.16 seg 5.96 seg 7.66 seg

10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
2.69 seg 4.21 5.63 7.49

10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
2.23 seg 3.47 seg 4.96 seg 6.07 seg
10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
2.25 seg 2.56 seg 5.11 seg 6.79 seg


Atleta Hombres Mujeres Grupal
10 m 5.4054 m/seg 4.3068 m/seg 3.5860 m/seg 3.9943 m/seg
20 m 9.7087 m/seg 7.5500 m/seg 5.5910 m/seg 6.7007 m/seg
30 m 10.8696 m/seg 6.6170 m/seg 5.3290 m/seg 6.0588 m/seg
40 m 11.3636 m/seg 7.1360 m/seg 5.3060 m/seg 6.3428 m/seg

1. Calculate the average horizontal velocity in each of the 10-m intervals of your 40-m sprint (V
=_d/_t). Report your answers in m/s and mph (m/s • 2.237 = mph).


Pamela Daina Rafael
Velocity mph Velocity mph Velocity mph
(m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
10 m 4 m/seg 8.948 mph 3.7174 7.3158 mph 4.4444 9.9421 mph
m/seg m/seg
20 m 6.0240 13.4756 6.5789 14.7171 8.0645 18.0403
m/seg mph m/seg mph m/seg mph
30 m 5.5555 12.4276 7.0422 15.7535 6.7114 15.0134
m/seg mph m/seg mph m/seg mph
40 m 5.8823 13.1588 5.3763 12.0268 9.0090 20.1531
m/seg mph m/seg mph m/seg mph
2. Calculate the average velocities for the intervals of Maurice Greene's 100-m sprint. Note that the
times in the table represent the change in time (time to run the interval: _t), not the cumulative time,
as in your 40-m sprint data. Average velocities are usually assigned to the midpoints of the interval
used for the calculation.

Velocity (m/s) at the

5____ 15____ 25____ 35____ 45____ 55____ 65____ 75____ 85____ 95____
meter points.

Meter points Velocity (m/s)

5m 5.3763 m/seg
15 m 9.7087 m/seg
25 m 10.8695 m/seg
35 m 11.3636 m/seg
45 m 11.6279 m/seg
55 m 11.9047 m/seg
65 m 11.7647 m/seg
75 m 11.7647 m/seg
85 m 11.7647 m/seg
95 m 11.6279 m/seg

3. Plot Greene's and your velocities on the following velocity-displacement graph:

4. Give a qualitative description of the general slopes of the Greene velocity graph in question 3 (the
general pattern would be same if this were a true velocity–time graph) that determine the acceleration
phases of maximal sprinting. Where is acceleration the largest and why?

In an athlete in the first 10 meters starts with a speed of between 5 to 9.5 m/s, when it passes 10 and
reaches 20 meters increases speed however not as considerably with time as in the start thus reaching
the 10.9 m/s and finally reaching 40 meters a speed of 11.2 m/s was reached. The maximum
acceleration occurs in the first 10 seconds if we talk in the firsts 40 m and the maximum occurs in the
60 meters because the average velocity was 11.9 m/s.

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