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2. Statement of the Problem
3. Review of Literature
3. Objectives
4. Scope
5. Research Methodology
6. limitation of the Study
7. Conclusion
8. References
1. Introduction
The world is undergoing a transition from paper to digital economy. It is essential for libraries
in developing countries throughout the world to take part in this changing scenario. Developing
countries are being encouraged to invest in their national information infrastructure, so that
they can enhance along with knowledge based development. Information and communication
technology (ICT) has provided libraries with new opportunities to improve their resources and
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has transformed library services globally.
Most current information are recorded in electronic format, ICT has also contributed
immensely to the performance of librarians in the discharge of their duties such as in
cataloguing, reference services, circulation,,management,,serials,,control,,etc.
2.. Statement of the Problem
With the introduction of Information Communication Technology, there is a global trend to
promote dissemination of knowledge and skills using ICT to ensure enhanced access to
education. In this context online learning is an effective tool for educationally empowering the
different section of society who had missed the formal face to face traditional education.
3. Review of Literature
Adeleke, AA. and Olorunsola, R. (453): The paper reveals a high level of awareness
among librarians in Nigeria about the benefits that could be derived in the use of online tools
for cataloguing and classification processes. The study further reveals the need for continuing
education programs for cataloguers for effective use of the tools. The study shows that the use
of online tools has advantages over manual methods. Librarians perceived the method to be
useful and easy to use. The paper reveals ICT infrastructural facilities as major constraints
facing libraries in the use of online tools. One of the expectations at the onset of the follow-up
study was that most of the problems identified with the use of the online tools in the Redeemer’s
University library study would not be different from the challenges facing other libraries. The
results of this study have proved this to be true. The conclusion rests on the need for an
intensive continuing education Program to teach the skills required for online operations and
the provision of web-driven facilities in Nigerian libraries. The paper provides information on
libraries’ awareness on the use of online methods for processing library resources, their
efficiency and attitude of librarians to such tools. The paper shows that libraries in developing
countries like Nigeria should intensify efforts to close the gap between them and those in the
developed countries in terms of ICT literacy.

Antherjanam, Santha Devi (35): Information is knowledge, facts or data. For the
purpose of enabling the users to assimilate information, it should be repacked. Knowledge
becomes information when it is externalized i.e. put in to the process of communication. The
effectiveness of communication technology depends how well it provides its clients with
information rapidly, economically and authentically. A large number of ICT enabled services
including OPAC; eresources etc. are available in the university library. Studies have been done
to find the impact of ICT on different sections of CUSAT library by observing the activities of
different sections; discussions with colleagues and visitors; and analyzing the entries in the
library records.

Bembem and Vaiphei (2009) conducted a survey on the access to digital information
resources by social science research scholars of Manipur University by using a questionnaire
distributed to 100 scholars in 7 Departments of the University. The paper analysed about the
skills and knowledge of the digital information resources of the research scholars and how they
access to such resources. The ICT infrastructure available in the libraries, as the survey shows,
has a great impact on the access to such resources.

Buabeng-Andoh, Charles (300): ICT usage, perceived access to ICT, perceived ICT
training and perceived ICT competence were low. Furthermore, the analysis showed that male
teachers’ perceived confidence in the use of ICT was higher than female teachers. On the other
hand, the perceived administrative support for female teachers was more than that for male
teachers. Finally, this study discovered that there was no significant difference in public and
private school teachers’ access to ICT, administrative support, self-efficacy, competencies and
training. This contributes to the literature on the perceptions and use of teachers’ ICT in
secondary schools. The results provide insights into factors that teachers perceived as obstacles
to integration of ICT into their teaching, particularly in developing nations. The study shows
that teachers’ perceived ICT competencies and ICT training do not depend on the type of school
the teacher is employed to teacher.

Gulati, Anjali (335): This paper discusses the status of information and
communication technologies usage in Indian libraries with special reference to special libraries
and the efforts made by various institutions to propagate e-information products and services.
This paper highlights the consortia efforts in India like JCCC Consortium, INDEST
Consortium, CSIR E - Jounal Consortia, and UGC Info net. It further discusses digitization
efforts in India at NISCAIR, New Delhi, IIITM, Kerala, C-DAC Pune, and the Digital Library
of India. In addition it incorporates details on major information systems in India (such as
NISSAT) and major library networks in India (such as INFLIBNET, DELNET, CALIBNET
etc). The paper concludes with Challenges for library and information science professionals
and an overview of initiatives taken by Government of India.
Hussain, Akhtar (2): The study investigated the ICT based library and Information
services: a case study of B-schools in Delhi and NCR region. The present study demonstrates
and elaborates the primary way to learn about ICTs, the purpose of using ICT enabled library
services, to assess to what extent users are utilized ICT based library services and facilities,
various aspects of Internet usage, favorite search engines, and problems faced by the users in
using the ICT in libraries. The papers also determine the satisfaction level of users regarding
research work, online database services and infrastructure facilities. Suggestions have been
given to make the service more beneficial in the library users of B-schools in Delhi and NCR
Islam and Islam (308): Effectiveness of a Library service is now largely depends upon
the information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study attempts to explore the
gradual advancement of modern technologies in libraries distinguishing old and new
technologies. The study endeavors to identify various components of ICT which are used or
being used in libraries and information systems. The study identifies exact reasons too use
computer and related technologies in libraries. It also delineates the functions, impacts and
challenges of ICT based library system.
Jayaprakash and Balasubramani (2011) in their study have emphasized that
automation of library operations and services are essential for efficient functioning of the
library and saving the library users time. In this purview, the study has investigated the
Automation in University libraries in Tamil Nadu. It discussed automation, its need and
application in university Libraries. The study explained the various problems faced by
authorities and the staff during the process of automation. The tool adopted to conduct the study
was a well structured questionnaire.

Kasirao and Santhakumar (2009) in their study stressed to develop and maintain the
ICT based information products and services, access facilities in information/documentation
centers towards organizational development, role of information scientists on information
products and services in knowledge management in ICT Era, and planning strategies towards
the effective use of information products and services.

In a study, Murugan and Lawrence (2009) discussed ICT as the modern science of
gathering, storing, manipulating, processing and communicating the desired types of
information in a specific environment. The same also considered 46 ICT for automation leading
to a tremendous revolution that has taken place in the last decade taking into account its
advantages and disadvantages.

4. Objectives of the Study

This study primarily aims to find out how librarians are positioning themselves in an integrated
and holistic manner to support online learning through a range of online resource and services.
Therefore, the study has been planned to:
a) To study of the role of libraries in providing the services through ICT,
b) To know the appropriateness and relevance of Library resources and services
for academic courses,
c) To…know the services of the. institution,
d) To know the role of ICT in satisfying the readers,
e) To identify the problems facing by lib staff and library users.
4. Scope of the Study
The study has attended to look into the role of ICT application to provide the Library Services
to the user group.

5. Research Methodology
The present study aims to evaluate the extent to which ICT resources and information are
available in the Central Reference Library. The strength and validity of a research depends on
the systematic method of collecting data and analyzing the same in a sequential order. In this
study, an extensive use of both primary and secondary data was used.
A total of 70 questionnaires have been distributed to the library users. A total of 50 filled in
questionnaires have been received back. From these, 40 questionnaires have been found to be
useable. 10 questionnaires have been rejected, as they were incomplete and not properly filled.

1. Data Collection: An attempt has been made to identify the factors that influence the
ICT in the Central Reference Library. Totally, 20 questionnaires has been collected primary
data from the user of the data thus collected has been arranged into simple tabular form. The
services like general facilities, ICT infrastructure facilities, electronic information facilities,
and application of ICT are taken as a dependent variable. The independent variables selected
for the study are major research area wise, duration of establishment,
standard wise, software usage, and period of using the software.

2. Construction of the Questionnaire: The questionnaire is defined as a systematic

compilation of large number of questions in order to elucidate the responses regarding a
particular cause. The final questionnaire distributed to the respondents has been given in the
Appendix-I. the questionnaire is consisted in two parts whereas the first part is for the Librarian
that decode the availability of the current ICT products and the Second questionnaire belongs
to the user group of the library to find how much they are aware of the ICT applications and
how effectively and efficiently they can access the E - Resources through ICT applications.

3. Data Processing:After the completion of the data collection, the filled in

questionnaires have been scrutinized for cOmpletion and coding has been carried out After
coding,the data has been fed Into Computer, the required tables have been prepared and further
analyses have been carried out with the help of MS Excel Data Analysis
4. Statisacal Tools: The data were analyzed by using simple statistical tools like
Percentage, Average, Range, Standard Deviation, Two-way tables. In addition to that,
Multiple Regression has been used appropriately. The results and discussions are also

6. Limitations
7. Conclusion
The review shows that library automation is an important area of research in
Library and Information Science. The advent of IT or ICT has given impetus to digitalize and
automate existing library systems around the world. The technology has successfully been used
in modernizing the housekeeping operations, ICT has also enabled to provide services in
automated environment. In the field of library automation, researchers are found to carry out
studies on various perspectives of the issue. Studies carried out by a number of scholars around
the world on various aspects of library automation have thrown us many clues on the issue.
The review has also indicated that in the study of library automation, there are a number of
parameters to be dealt with. While proper planning has necessitated the automation for the
libraries, interests and commitments of the authorities concerned, the skills of the library
professionals to adopt the new system and their attitude towards the powers are also very much
required. Infrastructure development, human resource development, selection of hardware and
software 54 requirements, areas of the library operations and functions to be automated,
financial provisions, etc. are some of the key issues to be taken care of, for automating the
libraries, as the review shows. Various problems in automating library systems and prospects
for the same have also been explored by the researchers. Use of different methods and
techniques are also observed by different researchers in their studies, which has enabled the
investigator to adopt most appropriate and feasible ones for the present study. In fact, the one
hundred articles collected from various sources for the present review have given us ample
opportunity to understand various issues associated with automation of library and information
system. This helps the investigator to understand clearly on various aspects covered in the
present study.

In this current information technology age, use of computers for library house-keeping
operations is not simply feasible, but inevitable. It has become a necessity than anything else.
Many networks are now emerging in India. For participation and also the effective utilization
of network resources, it is necessary for the participating members to automate their libraries.
Although required hardware for library automation is now available at a reasonable cost;
software packages are however not easily available. Before introducing automation a
comprehensive evaluation of the library requirements, software features needed, and
capabilities of the hardware for implementing the software has to be made. Digital technology
has raised the hopes and expectations of people to face the challenges of not only bridging the
gap between the information rich and the information poor in the country, but also uplifting the
level of development in all its different facets. Major responsibility now rests on the decision
makers, technological experts, librarians, educationists, social workers, experts, publishing
industry as well as the local institutions to play their respective roles in bringing digital
information in need based comprehensible form and language to the diverse clientele of the
country. No agency can really work in isolation to reach the expected goal in the right manner.


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