Commander's Log May 2019
Commander's Log May 2019
Commander's Log May 2019
Look for the flyer for the upcoming Night at The Races
on May 25 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Center.
Faithful Navigator Tom Fawcett is trying to conduct
The slate of officers recommended by the nominations fundraisers at an affordable cost to ensure Commander
committee was officially announced at the April Shea Assembly can continue the good work we do.
Meeting. Elections, according to Fourth Degree Bylaws
will take place at the May Meeting, this month. No REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES
nominations were taken from the floor at the April
meeting but nominations can be taken from the floor at “We find the books in order.”
the May Meeting. The following names have been One of the most important positions of the assembly is
submitted by the committee. the position of the Faithful Comptroller. In addition to
Navigator Thomas F. Fawcett handling all membership and billing, as a part of the
double-entry bookkeeping system, records all monies
Captain Robert W. Elliott received by the assembly.
Pilot Peter F. Bizzoso Wikipedia states: “Double-entry bookkeeping was
Comptroller Vincent E. Rutherford Sr pioneered in the Jewish community of the early-
medieval Middle East. Jewish bankers in Old Cairo, for
Purser Antony R. Rotoli Jr example, used a double-entry bookkeeping system
Scribe Odel Panton which predated the known usage of such a form in Italy,
and whose records remain from the 11th century AD. It
I Sentinel Tony Martelli
has been hypothesized that Italian merchants likely
O Sentinel Robert Bienemann learned the method from their interaction with ancient
Indian merchants from the sea trade, the double-entry
Admiral Mike Tully
system was founded on a ‘Jama – Nama’ system which
Trustee 3 Yr
Stanley Blaske Jr had debits and credits in a reverse order.”
. All members at the May meeting must have proper The success of any assembly depends on the precision of
council and assembly cards with them. Life and the purser and comptroller. They “keep” we only “find.”
Honorary Life members must still have the proper Faithful Trustee, Sir Knight Christopher Beattie
membership card issued by the council.
Friar Emeritus
Special Assistant to the Faithful Navigator
The Father William J. Crowley Council (5817) will have a bus to this event. The Bus will depart at 5:30 AM from the
parking lot of St. John the Baptist Church in Wading River departing at 3:30 PM and returning around 8:00 PM. The cost
is $58 per person, payable in cash or check which includes a gratuity for the bus drivers. Bus is available on a first come
first serve basis. Please contact the Grand Knight, Joseph Turecamo, [email protected]
2850 Pond Rd, Ronkonkoma
Take the L.I.E. to exit 60; go north on Hawkins Ave
to Church St. Left turn on Church St. to Pond Rd.
Council is on corner of Church St. and Pond Rd.
Many hands (attached to
FIRST SATURDAY EVENTS legs and knees willing to
10:00 AM LI Veterans Home Stony Brook. Assist council bend appropriately)
members from their room to their Meeting and back. For make light work of the
information contact Robert W. Elliott 588-2919 placing and retrieval of
the flags in our assigned
1:45 PM Building 92 at the Northport VA center to run a bingo location at Calverton National Cemetery. The
game for the residents. Contact Thomas F. Fawcett 790-4474 placing of the flags is on May 25th and the retrieval
HONOR GUARD REQUESTS of the flags is on June 1st, both times are 9 AM.
Requests for the Honor Guard and Color Corps must be made in For more information, contact our Commander. You
writing and sent to the Faithful Navigator at least one (1) month don’t have to be a member of the fourth degree to
prior to the date requested. Requests for Masses must include both help out. Bring your family, your council members,
the Grand Knight’s signature and the signature of the Pastor of the or your friendly neighbors. Participants will get a
Parish where the Mass will take place. patch from the cemetery.